G1 Listening Test

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G1 Listening Test 1

Name: _____________ Class: ___________


Listen and write.

W: Who's that ,Tom?

M: boy, Jessie?

W: fat boy.

M: He's a boy. His is Billy.


Listen and write.


M: ,Miss Fang.

W: our and give me that .

M: I'm , Miss Fang. I'm hungry.

W: My bag's heavy.

M: What's in _________, Mary?

W: Open it and __________ !

M: One ___________ , two apples, ___________ oranges and a __________ !


Listen and write.

M:Look at my ,Alice.

W: That's , Danny. What's that?

M: It's a

W: ________________ that?

M: It's Tom. He's _________ his bicycle.


Listen and write.

W:Tom, are you?

M: Here I am.

___________ Mum.

I'm a ______________.

I can .
I the sea.

G1 Listening Test 2

Name:_________ Class: ________


Listen and write.

You see with your

You can see your and and your friends.

You can see things.

I can not see. I am blind.


Listen and write.

The boy draws six little fish.
One,two,three,four,five,six little fish.

The boy draws six big fish.

One fish.two fish. and three fish.

The big fish the little fish.

Look at the snow.

The snow is on the

The snow is on the

The snow is on

The snow is on

I can in the snow.

I can play in the snow.


Listen and write.

Jenny can't find

He isn't in the

He isn't in the
He isn't in the sitting room.

is he?


Look at the elephants.

They're big and

Their are big.
Their trunks are

Look at the giraffes.

They've got necks.

G1 Listening Test 3
Name: ___________ Class: ___________

bad /bæd/ adj .坏的;有害的 neck /nek/ n. 脖子

show /ʃəu/ v.给 ……看 square /skweə/ n.广场

thorn /eɔ:n/ n. 荆棘 watch out 小心

bump /bʌmp/v.碰,撞 clear /kliə/ adj.清楚的,清晰的

collect /kə'lekt/ v. 收集 even /i:vn/ adv. 甚至

land /lænd/ n.陆地


( ) 1. Kitty collects

A.stamps B. leaves

C. stones D. seeds

( ) 2. Kitty collects them

A. in the zoo B. in the forest

C. in the garden D. in the park

( ) 3 .How many leaves does Kitty have?

A. Ten. B. Fifteen.

C.Twenty. D.Thirty-two.

( )4. Kitty's longest leaf is

A.red B. green

C. yellow D. orange


( )1.Ben and Father go to the __________.

A.shop B.zoo

C. park D.garden

( )2.Ben and Father like the _________ best.

A. toy elephants B.kites

C. balloons D.bump cars

( )3.Ben and Father __________ each other.

A. help B.bump

C. love D.fight

( )4. Ben and Father

A. have a bad day B. are tired

C. are happy D. are hungry

( )1.Giraffes are the _________ animals on land.

A. longest B. shortest

C. tallest D. fattest

( )2.Giraffes like eating _________.

A.hamburgers B.leaves

C.noodles D. grass

( )3.Giraffes have a ________ tongue.

A.yellow B. white

C.long D. short

( )4. How long do giraffes sleep?

A. They sleep for 8 hours.

B. They sleep for 2 hours.

C. They sleep all day.

D. They sleep all night.


( )1.Bob must ___________

A. go to school B.get glasses

C. get a coat D. go to sleep

( )2.Bob goes to a
A. shop B. park

B. forest D. square

( )3. ________shows Bob the glasses.

A. A woman B. A man

C. A boy D. A girl

( )4. Which of the following is true?

A.Bob puts on the hat.

B.Bob doesn't like the glasses.

C. Bob likes to play a game.

D. Bob likes the clear world.


( )1.Mrs. Jones can not ___________

A. work B. walk

C. talk D. sleep

( )2. Mrs. Jones teaches children ________

A. how to skip rope B. how to fly a kite

C. how to play cards D. how to play the piano

( )3. Mrs. Jones and the children __________

A. sing and sing B.play and play

C. dance and dance D. work and work

( )4. The children come to __________when Mrs. Jones can not work.

A. help Mrs.Jones B. play games

C. watch TV D. play the piano

G1 Listening Test 4
Name: ____________ Class: ____________

boat /bəut/ v.乘船游玩,划船 bull /bul/ n. 公牛

can /kæn/ n. 桶,罐 hug /hʌg/ v. 拥抱

nearly /'niəli/ adv.几乎 right /rart/ adj. 合适的

disappointed/idisə'pɔintid/ adj.失望的 someday /'sʌmder/ adv. 有朝一日

as long as 只要,如果


Listen to the passage and choose the best answer. ( 听短文,选择正确答案。)

( )1.The girl wants to be as tall as a _______

A. building B.mountain C.tree D.lion

( )2.The girl wants to be as fast as a ________

A. giraffe B.lion C. bull D. tree

( )3.Mother _______ Kitty.

A.kisses B.hugs C. touches D. hears

( )4. Mother feels _______

A. happy B.angry C. sad D.exciting


( ) 1.Sam wears his _______ to school.

A. new hat B. old shorts

C. new shoes D. old trousers

( ) 2.Sam and Billy ___________.

A. play football B. play basketball

C. play ping-pong D. play cards

( )3.Mother is __________ with Sam.

A.angry B.pleased

C.disappointed D. happy

( )4. Sam wears the shoes for ___________.

A.a few days B. a few months

C. a few years D. a few hours


( )1. Mary and Mother buy _________

A. a car B. a boat C. a truck D.a dog

( )2.The boat is just right for ____________

A. a boy and a girl B.four men

C. Mary and Mother D. three women

( )3.It begins to get _________

A. cold B. warm C. cool D. dark

( )4.It looks like it is going to __________

A.snow B. rain C. be windy D. be sunny


( )1.Doris doesn't have any _______

A. boxes B. money C. toys D. sisters

( )2.Doris gives Mother a _________

A.truck B. dress C. hat D. picture

( )3. Doris puts the surprise

A.into water B. into a box

C. under the bed D. by a tree

( )4. Mother _________

A.is tired B. has three children

C. likes the surprise D. buys a new train


( )1.At the park, Mr. Green takes care of the _________

A. road B. grass C. animals D.games

( )2.Ruth likes to _____________

A. watch Mr. Green B. run and play

C. help her mother D. watch TV

( )3.Ruth wants to __________ when she grows up.

A. sing songs B. paint pictures

C. grow plants D.cook meals

( )4.Mr. Green is glad when

A.Ruth plays at the park B.Ruth picks the flowers

C.Ruth plants trees D. Ruth is there

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