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Moderna - It is an mRNA vaccine composed of nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA)

encoding a spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles. It is
authorized for use at some level in many countries.
Possible Side Effects
 In the arm where you got the shot:
 Through the rest of your body:
Muscle pain
Age limit : 12 yrs old and older.

CoronaVac - It is a 2-dose β-propiolactone-inactivated, aluminum hydroxide-adjuvanted

vaccine administered on a 0/14-28-day schedule to prevent COVID-19. A real-world study of
millions of people who received CoronaVac found published by the WHO found the vaccine
67% effective against symptoms, reduced hospitalizations by 85%, intensive care visits by 89%,
and deaths by 80%.
Side Effects : The most common side-effects reported by people who received the Sinovac
vaccine were injection site pain and soreness. Other reported side-effects included fatigue,
diarrhoea and muscle weakness. Most of these side effects were mild and lasted for only 2 days.
Furthermore, clinical trial data for the vaccine has shown that trial participants who received the
Sinovac vaccine reported a lower occurrence of fever in comparison to mRNA vaccines like the
Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna vaccine.
Age limit : WHO recommends the vaccine for use in adults 18 years and older, in a two-dose
schedule with a spacing of two to four weeks. Few older adults (over 60 years) were enrolled in
clinical trials, so efficacy could not be estimated in this age group.
AstraZeneca - The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, now called Vaxzevria, is a viral vector
vaccine, just like the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. It uses a chimpanzee adenovirus to carry spike
proteins from the coronavirus into your body to create an immune response. It can also be kept in
a regular refrigerator, unlike the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Side Effects : According to the vaccine’s safety profile within the product information, the most
common side effects include mild-to-moderate symptoms of one or more of the following:
headache (52.6%)
fatigue (53.1%)
muscle or joint pain (44% or 26.4%)
fever (33.6%)
chills (31.9%)
nausea (21.9%)
The percentages are based on reports from four clinical trials with a total of 23,745 participants.
Age limit : The vaccine is not recommended for persons younger than 18 years of age pending
the results of further studies.
Covaxin - COVAXIN®, India's indigenous COVID-19 vaccine by Bharat Biotech is developed
in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - National Institute of
Virology (NIV).
The indigenous, inactivated vaccine is developed and manufactured in Bharat Biotech's BSL-3
(Bio-Safety Level 3) high containment facility.
The vaccine is developed using Whole-Virion Inactivated Vero Cell derived platform
technology. Inactivated vaccines do not replicate and are therefore unlikely to revert and cause
pathological effects. They contain dead virus, incapable of infecting people but still able to
instruct the immune system to mount a defensive reaction against an infection.

Side Effects : Bharat Biotech has also defined the possible side-effects (mostly mild), that you
may experience post-vaccination. Have a look:
Nausea and vomiting
The other adverse effects may include:
Severe allergic reaction.
Difficulty in breathing.
Swelling on the face.
Swelling in the throat.
Increased heartbeat.
Rashes all over the body.
Dizziness & weakness.
Age limit : SAGE has thoroughly assessed the data on safety and efficacy of the vaccine and has
recommended its use for people aged 18 and above.
Sinovac - The Sinovac vaccine is a vaccine that uses an inactivated form of the COVID-19 virus,
instead of the mRNA technology that Pfizer and Moderna use. Developed by Chinese
biopharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech, this vaccine has been approved for use and widely
used in countries like China, Indonesia and other South American countries.
Side Effects - The most common side-effects reported by people who received the Sinovac
vaccine were injection site pain and soreness. Other reported side-effects included fatigue,
diarrhoea and muscle weakness. Most of these side effects were mild and lasted for only 2 days.
Age limit : Sinovac can be given to clinically healthy individuals 18 to 59 years old.
Pfizer : The Pfizer vaccine is one of the more familiar COVID-19 vaccines to the public since it
was the first vaccine to be approved by the WHO in the COVID-19 fight. Currently deployed as
part of Singapore’s national vaccination drive, the Pfizer vaccine is one of two mRNA vaccines
that are used in vaccination centres in Singapore.
Side Effects : In the arm where you got the shot:
Throughout the rest of your body:
Muscle pain
Age limit : 12-17 yrs old, 18 yrs old and older
Johnson & Johnson : The J&J vaccine (also called the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19
vaccine) uses an inactivated cold virus to carry genetic material, which prompts your cells to
create a harmless piece of the “spike protein” found on the surface of COVID-19. This helps the
body build an immune response against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. These types of
vaccines have been around for years and are generally safe for large populations of people.
Side Effects : In the arm where you got the shot:
Throughout the rest of your body:
Muscle pain
Age limit : The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is recommended only for individuals who are age 18
years or older.

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