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Even though MeeGo doesn't appear to be a big part of Nokia's future now that the company is looking

toWindows Phone 7 as its primary operating system, its partner ntel remains committed to the platform.
n a statement released today, ntel said that it is "not blinking on MeeGo, the Linux-based mobile
operating system that it was building together with Nokia. "MeeGo is not just a phone OS, it supports
multiple devices. And we're seeing momentum across multiple segments automotive systems,
netbooks, tablets, set-top boxes, and our ntel silicon will be in a phone that ships this year, the company
Nokia, which previously positioned MeeGo as its next-generation mobile platform, now says that it will
release a single MeeGo device later this year as an experiment. After that, its MeeGo engineers will
pursue other new and innovative possibilities. ts former head of MeeGo, Alberto Torres, is quitting the
ntel and Nokia announced MeeGo early last year, but it never made its way to smartphones. Nokia
reportedlycanceled its first MeeGo handset, most likely in preparation for its partnership with Microsoft.
ntel spokeswoman Suzy Ramirez tells the Wall Street Journal that MeeGo is already being used in cars
in China, and it's also available for netbooks, a tablet, and other devices. The company expects to
announce further MeeGo news next week at the Mobile World Congress conference in Barcelona.
t's unclear how much ntel has invested in MeeGo at this point, but Ramirez said that the company has
heavily invested in Linux, which MeeGo is based on.
Still, MeeGo isn't crucial to ntel the company continues to support Windows Phone and Android. f
MeeGo proves not to be worth the effort now that Nokia is effectively out of the project, wouldn't be
surprised to see ntel give up on it entirely.

The announcement was made by a top Nokia executive at the Mobey Forum's
10th anniversary meeting in HeIsinki this morning.

'NJOKI: All new Nokia smartphones will feature NFC from next year
AnssI VunjokI, NokIu's execuLIve vIce presIdenL Ior murkeLs, Ius unnounced LIuL uII new smurLpIones
InLroduced by LIe compuny Irom zo11 wIII come wILI NC. VunjokI, wIo Is responsIbIe Ior consumer
InsIgILs, suIes, murkeLIng, munuIucLurIng und IogIsLIcs ucross uII NokIu producLs und servIces, mude
LIe unnouncemenL durIng u keynoLe presenLuLIon uL LIe Mobey orum's 1oLI unnIversury worksIop
In HeIsInkI LIIs mornIng.
VunjokI wusn'L ubIe Lo gIve specIIIc deLuIIs ubouL LIe new smurLpIone modeIs, IIsu KunnIuInen,
execuLIve dIrecLor oI LIe Mobey orum, Ius LoId NC WorId. BuL deIeguLes were InIormed LIuL more
InIormuLIon wIII be mude uvuIIubIe "In due course".
VunjokI wus uIso usked wIeLIer LIe new smurLpIones wouId supporL LIe SIngIe WIre ProLocoI
(SWP), suys KunnIuInen. n repIy, Ie expIuIned LIuL LIe pIones wouId supporL uII open busIness
modeIs, suggesLIng LIuL LIey wIII IncIude supporL Ior boLI SWP und oLIer secure eIemenL IormuLs
sucI us MIcroSD curds und, perIups, un embedded secure eIemenL Loo. A seL oI LooIs Is uIso Lo be
mude uvuIIubIe Lo LIIrd purLy uppIIcuLIon deveIopers.
%Ie unnouncemenL IoIIows concerns In LIe NC murkeL LIuL NokIu wus puIIIng buck Irom ILs Iong-
Lerm supporL Ior neur IIeId communIcuLIon LecInoIogy, IoIIowIng LIe news eurIIer LIIs yeur
LIuL NokIu Iud cunceIIed pIuns Lo puL ILs Iong-uwuILed 6z16 CIussIc NC pIone InLo producLIon.

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