Introduction To CIPAA 2012

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Introduction to Construction Adjudication in

Malaysia (in Mandarin)
由CHRISTINE TOH 2020 年4月22日

Introduction to Construction Adjudication in
Malaysia (in Mandarin)
由CHRISTINE TOH 2020 年4月22日

关于我们| About Us

● 受到中小型企业(SME),家族企业及个人的信任
Trusted by small medium enterprises (SMEs), family businesses and

● 由拿督马永贵于1985年创立,现在是本事务所的顾问
Established in 1985 by Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai, now a consultant with the

● 具有22名律师和24名员工的中型律师事务所
Medium-sized law firm with 22 lawyers and 24 staff.

我们的服务| Our Services

● 设有四个部门的全方位服务律师事务所:
Full-service law firm with 4 Departments:

○ 企业

○ 争议解决
Dispute Resolution
我们的服务| Our Services

● 设有四个部门的全方位服务律师事务所(续):
Full-service law firm with 4 Departments (cont’d):

○ 劳工法

○ 个人家庭法律服务
Individuals & Families
我们的业务团队| Our Practice Groups

● 5 个业务团队:
5 Practice Groups:

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○ 建筑

○ 外商直接投资
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我们的业务团队| Our Practice Groups

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For clients, potential clients, in-house counsel

Christine Toh

● MahWengKwai&Associates 争
Partner in Dispute Resolution
department in MahWengKwai &

● 商科学士/商业系统学士(莫纳
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of
Business System (Monash University)
Christine Toh

● 法律学士(伦敦大学)(高级二
Bachelor of Law (University of London)
(Honours Second Class Upper Division)

● 在2014年成为马来西亚律师公
● Admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor
of the High Court of Malaya in 2014
Christine Toh

● 特许公认会计师公会会员,也

A member of Association of Chartered

Certified Accountants, certified
Adjudicator and empanelled with the
Asian International Arbitration Centre

● 建筑审裁,仲裁和诉讼,税收,
Construction adjudication, arbitration
and litigation, taxation, family law, and
contractual disputes.
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讲座内容| Talk Points

● 什么是 CIPAA 2012?

What is CIPAA 2012?

● CIPAA 2012 的程序

The adjudication process

● 给承包商的效益
Benefits to contractors
讲座内容| Talk Points

● CIPAA 2012 的费用

Costs of adjudication

● 成功索赔/抗辩的秘诀
Tips for making a successful claim/defence

什么是 CIPAA 2012?
What is CIPAA 2012?

背景: CIPAA 2012| Background: CIPAA 2012

● 传统争议解决方式-诉讼
Traditional Dispute Resolution - Litigation

● 替代性争议解决方式
Alternative Dispute Resolution

○ 谈判

○ 调解
背景: CIPAA 2012| Background: CIPAA 2012

● 替代性争议解决方式 (续)
Alternative Dispute Resolution (cont’d)

○ 仲裁

○ 审裁
Adjudication-e.g. PAM/CIPAA 2012
背景: CIPAA 2012| Background: CIPAA 2012

● 建筑行业付款与审裁法令2012
Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012

● 生效于2014年4月15日
Came into effect on 15.4.2014

● 目的- 提供快速争议解决的方案以促进定期和适时的付款
Purpose - To facilitate regular and timely payment by providing a
mechanism for speedy dispute resolution
背景: CIPAA 2012| Background: CIPAA 2012

● 和诉讼或其他替代性争议解决方式例如仲裁相比,受害者
Compared with litigation/ other Alternative Dispute Resolution process such
as Arbitration - may take up to years before the aggrieved party may be

● 适时-从提交第一份文件到审裁判决的交付-不超过105个工
Timely - From the service of the 1st Cause Paper up to the delivery of the
Adjudication Decision - Not more than 105 working days (approximately
5.25 months)
CIPAA 的基本特征| Essential characteristics of

程序是简易和非正式 没涉及谈判
Procedureis issummary
Procedure summary No negotiations
A statutory procedure
informal involved

可以是询问性或对抗性 快
Can be both inquisitorial and adversarial Short time frame

Provides an interim/temporary solution
The adjudication process

文件| Documents

● 付款申请书
Payment Claim

● 付款答辩书(10个工作日)
Payment Response (10 Working Days)

● 审裁通知书(10个工作日)
Notice of Adjudication (10 Working Days)

● 向AIAC注册
Registration with AIAC
文件| Documents

● 委任审裁员(5个工作日)
Appointment of Adjudicator (5 Working Days)

● 接受通知书(10个工作日)
Notice of Acceptance (10 Working Days)

● 审裁申请书(10个工作日)
Adjudication Claim (10 Working Days)

● 审裁答辩书(10个工作日)
Adjudication Response (10 Working Days)
文件| Documents

● 审裁答复书(5个工作日)
Adjudication Reply (5 Working Days)

● 陈词/听证会
Submissions / Hearings

● 审裁判决书(45个工作日)
Adjudication Decision (45 Working Days)
时间总览| Time overview

Source: AIAC
应用| Application

● CIPAA 2012可用于:
CIPAA 2012 applies to:

○ 每份书面建筑合同
Every construction contract made in writing

○ 建筑工程必须全部或一部分在马来西亚领土内执行
Carried out wholly or partly within Malaysia

○ 包括与政府所签署的建筑合同
including construction contracts with Government
不可用于:| Non-application:

● CIPAA 2012 不可用于:

CIPAA 2012 does not apply to:

○ 与自然人签署,并用于建造少于4 层楼高的私用建筑物
Construction contract by natural person for any construction works for
building which is less than 4 storeys high and which is wholly intended
for his occupation
建筑合同| Construction contract

● 建筑顾问合同
Construction consultancy contract

● 建筑工程的合同
Construction work contract
建筑顾问合同| Construction Consultancy Contract

● 是指从事与建筑工程有关的咨询服务的合同,包括划及可
means a contract to carry out consultancy services in relation to
construction work and includes planning and feasibility study, architectural
work, engineering, surveying, exterior and interior decoration, landscaping
and project management services
建筑工程合同| Construction Work
● “‘建筑工程’合同”是指建造,扩展,装置,维修,更新,脱除
“‘Construction work’ contract” means the construction, extension,
installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration,
dismantling, or demolition of-

(a) 任何建筑物或构造, 围墙或烟囱,无论全部或一部分建

any building, erection, edifice,structure, wall, fence or chimney,
whether constructed wholly or partly above or below ground level;

(b) 任何道路,铁路,港口,电缆,运河或飞机场;
any road, harbour works, railway, cableway, canal or aerodome;
建筑工程合同| Construction Work
(c) 任何排水,灌溉,水利或河道治理工作;
any drainage, irrigation or river control work;

(d) 任何电力,机械,水,气体,石油,石油化学产品或电信
any electrical, mechanical, water, gas, oil, petrochemical or
telecommunication work; or

(e) 何桥梁,高架桥,水坝,蓄水库,土木工程,管道,下水
道,引水道,涵闸, 通道,通风管,隧道或填海工程
any bridge, viaduct, dam, reservoir, earthworks, pipeline, sewer,
aqueduct, culvert, drive, shaft, tunnel or reclamation work
建筑合同| Construction contract

and includes—

挖,基础铺设, 场地修复和环境美化;和
(a) Any work which forms an integral part of, or are preparatory to or temporary
for the works described in paragraphs (a) to (e), including site clearance, soil
investigation and improvement, earth-moving, excavation, laying of foundation,
site restoration and landscaping; and
建筑合同| Construction contract


b) Procurement of construction materials, equipment or workers, as necessarily
required for any works described in paragraphs (a) to (e);
审裁判决书的效力| Effect of adjudication decision

● 临时定案-决定具有约束力,除非当事人之间以书面形式达
Temporary finality - Decision binding unless settled in writing between
parties or finally decided by arbitration / court
审裁判决书的效力| Effect of adjudication decision

● 对于获胜者-如果败诉方拒绝付款怎么办?
For the Winner - What if the losing party refuse to pay?

○ 胜诉方可申请要求审裁的判决被执行
Application to enforce adjudication decision by the winning party

○ 此后,这可被执行如同是高庭的判决
Thereafter, it may be executed as if a judgment of High Court
审裁判决书的效力| Effect of adjudication decision

● 对于败诉方-如果他对该判决不满意怎么办?
For the Losing Party - What if he is not satisfied with the Decision?

○ 有待仲裁/法院的诉讼, 申请中止审裁的判决
Apply for Stay of adjudication pending arbitration / court proceedings

○ 申请搁置该判决
Apply to Set Aside the Decision
付款申请书| Payment claim

● 完成工作和提供服务的欠款
Payment for work done and services rendered

● 书面形式应包括:
In writing and shall include:

○ 欠款金额
Amount claimed

○ 欠款应付日期
Due date
付款申请书| Payment claim

● 书面形式应包括 (续):
In writing and shall include (cont’d):

○ 诉讼因由/建筑合同的条文
Cause of action / provision in construction contract

○ 工作/服务描述
Description of work / service
付款申请书可以列入的内容| Payment claim
● 为已完成的工作/提供的服务作出申请
Claims for work done / services rendered

● Preliminaries, VO, Retention Sum,只要在建筑合同中明确

Preliminaries / variations / retention sum etc. as long as it is expressly
provided under the construction contract

● 有或无证书
With or without certification
付款申请书提交时间| Payment claim issuance time

● 工作期间
During work

● 工程完成/终止后
After completion / termination
付款答辩书| Payment response

● 在10个工作日内答复付款申请书
Within 10 working days of Payment Claim

● 承认付款为债务
Admission with payment
付款答辩书| Payment response

● 争议付款申请书
Dispute payment claim

○ 争议金额
amount disputed

○ 争议原因
reason for dispute
付款答辩书| Payment response

● 未能回应
Failure to respond

● 非致命,仍可以在审裁答辩书中抗辩。不过,我们建议您答
Not fatal, can still defend the claim in Adjudication Response. However, we
advise that you reply to a Payment Claim as a matter of good practice
可以在CIPAA里提出反诉?| Counterclaim under
● 不可以反诉但是
No counterclaim but

○ 非付款方可以提出抗辩以抵销未付款方的索赔
The non-paying party may raise defence to set-off the unpaid party’s

● 常见的抵销 - LAD
Common set-off - Liquidated and Ascertained Damages (“LAD”) claim
审裁员的权力 | Powers of the Adjudicator

● 建立程序,截止日期,延期,限制文件提交
Establish procedure, deadlines, extensions, limiting documents

● 会议,听证会,视察
Meetings, hearings, inspections

● 查看任何证书
Review any certificate
搁置判决的理由| Grounds to set aside a decision

● 不正当获取的审裁判决
Improperly procured adjudication decision:

○ 通过欺诈或贿赂获得
Procured through fraud or bribery

○ 违反自然公正原则
Denial of natural justice
搁置判决的理由| Grounds to set aside a decision

● 不正当获取的审裁判决 (续)
Improperly procured adjudication decision (cont’d):

○ 审裁员不是独立或公正的
Adjudicator not independent or impartial

○ 审裁员的行为超出管辖范围
Adjudicator acted in excess of jurisdiction
其他补救措施| Other remedies

● 暂停/减缓工作进度
Suspension/ slowdown of work

○ 14 天通知
14 days notice

○ 没有违反合同
No breach of contract

○ 有权得到公平及合理的延期
Entitled to fair and reasonable extension of time (“EOT”)
其他补救措施| Other remedies

● 暂停/减缓工作进度 (续)
Suspension/ slowdown of work (cont’d)

○ 有权追回损失和开支的费用
Entitled to recover loss and expenses

○ 在付款后的10个工作日内恢复工作
Resume work within 10 working days of payment
其他补救措施| Other remedies

● 雇主直接付款
Direct payment from Principal

● Getting Direct Payment from the Principal under Section 30 of the

Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA 2012)
禁止有条件付款| Prohibition of conditional
● 有条件付款的条文被规定为无效
Conditional payment clauses are void

● “Pay when Paid Clause”

Benefits to contractors

优点| Advantages

● 快速

● 合同和工程可以继续
Contract and works can continue

● 比诉讼和仲裁较便宜
Cheaper than litigation and arbitration
缺点| Disadvantages

● 审裁员能力标准的不确定性
Adjudicator’s competency uncertain

● 向法院申请执行审裁判决书
Application to court to enforce adjudication decision

● 在法庭或仲裁中重新诉讼
“Re-litigation” in court or arbitration
Costs of adjudication

费用| Costs

● AIAC注册费(RM265) 和委任费 (RM424)

AIAC registration fees (RM265) and appointment fees (RM424)

● 审裁员费用
Adjudicator’s fees

○ 标准费用或AIAC建议的费用表
Standard Fees or AIAC Recommended Fee Schedule

● 律师费
Lawyer’s fees
Tips for making a successful claim/ defence

成功索赔/抗辩的秘诀| Tips for a successful claim /
● 文件应被签署,注明日期和盖章
Documents should be signed, dated and stamped

● 会议纪录应被签署并妥善保存
Minutes of meetings to be signed, properly stored

● 口头交流记录应过后以书面确认
Oral communication recorded / confirmed in writing
成功索赔/抗辩的秘诀| Tips for a successful claim /
● 测量和照片妥善保存
Measurements and photographs properly stored

● 及时否认/回应指控
Deny / respond to allegations promptly
即将举行的讲座| Upcoming Talks

日期(天) 标题 演讲者
Date (Day) Topic Title Speaker(s)
2020年4月24日 Faraid简介 Sarah Kambali &
(五) (Introduction to Faraid) Anis Mohd
24 April 2020 Sohaimi
2020年4月27日 Covid-19期间对商业合同的影响 Cassandra Nicole
(一) (Impact on Commercial Contracts Thomazios &
27 April 2020 during Covid-19) Tommy Wong
立即报名|Sign Up Now


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Thank you!

Notice: This presentation does not constitute legal advice and its contents should not be relied upon as such.
The facts and circumstances of each and every case will differ and therefore will require specific legal advice.
Feel free to contact us for legal consultation.
Introduction to Construction Adjudication in
Malaysia (in Mandarin)
由CHRISTINE TOH 2020 年4月22日


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