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Department of Education

EDM656 Teacher Education

Summer 2020 Semester

From the contents of this week…

I already knew… Reflective thoughts The bubbling questions…

Question: Identify whether the teacher seems well-trained for teaching.

How and why did you form this opinion? What attributes of an effective
teacher is she displaying throughout her day? How do you feel about
the effectiveness of this teacher and about the video itself?
 Reached school early to prepare everything before, update
their lesson plans because not two days are same, organize
everything before students arrive school, give time to
students in group and in individual as well, make interactive
learning environment, maintain and set all presentable things
for students accordingly on every day, write all the objectives
or learning outcomes beforehand so that student don’t stuck,
to check the work of all students for at least one time, use
multiple screens/ boards to make a collaborative session,
building confident in students by allow them to come an
interact with a class, to check their mails on time and check all
the booklets as she get time, uses different ways of students
learning, use proactive strategy to their own learning,
emphasizing creativity and the use of technology in teaching
and play videos to energize the students which may helpful
for their mediation.
Question: 2Use the Checklist of attributes of an effective teacher and

Student’s Name: M.Mohsin Altaf Student ID: 14505

mark how many of them were you able to identify in the video.
 Communicate clearly.
 Think about and reflect on practice.
 Structured, flexible and spontaneous.
 Enjoys teaching and expects students to enjoy learning.
 Invests time with single students or small group of students.
 Speaks in appropriate tone and volume.
 Works actively with students.
 Covers wall with students work.
 Manage students’ behavior with clear expectations.
 Lesson plans are written for every school day.
 Lesson plan have clearly stated objectives.
 Develop elements of an effective lessons.
 Adjust the delivery and pacing of the lessons in response to
 Effectively uses the entire classroom.
 Students centered classroom rather teacher centered.
 Take oral and written feedback.
 Do things check actively like emails and booklets of students.

Faculty: Amna Shahid

Week 1 – 16th January 2021

The topic of online class:

Student’s Name: M.Mohsin Altaf Student ID: 14505

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