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Response.Write - It is used to directly print something on the page.

Server.Transfer - It is use to navigate to another page, it provides nagvigation facilty within your
application only.

Response.Redirect - It is also use to navigate to another page, we can also navigate to some
external site also

Button - Response.Redirect("");

HyperLink - NavigateUrl property through which we can navigate to some other page.

IIS - It stands for Internet Information Services

Packets are of two types

1. Request Packet - Which cntaisn data requested by a client from the server

2. Response Packet - which contains response data send by the server to the client.

Two important methods of HTTP

Get - Fast but unsecure

Post - Slow but secure

** Bydefault if you dont specify anything then HTTP uses Get method.

Http status code 404 - page not found

Http 500 - Internal server error

Two types of Programming Models in Asp.Net

1. Single File Model or Inline Model

2. Code-behind Model - It is the default model used by Asp.Net

There is a clean sepration between the designer and the coding part bcoz for coding there is a
seprate .cs file gets generated.
** In case of single file model , a seprate <script> block gets generated

<script runat="server"> codes


In which case does this single file model is being used?

It is very rarely used now a days almost all developers uses only Code-behind model.

Single file model is used in those situations where you are making a very small web application
or where there is a need to write very less amount of code.

Drag a Label, Textbox and a Button control, and in the button_click event

Response.Write( "Hello" + TextBox1.Text);

<@page Langauge=C# AutoEventWireup = "true" Code-behindfile= "" >

what is Crosspageposting?

Crosspage posting is a technique through which we can not only transfer from one page to
another page but we also transfer the value from one page to another page.

What is web.config?

Web.config is a configuration file in the form of xml and every web application will have atleast 1
web.config file.

In this web.config, developers write configuration related information.

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