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First Printing 2021

Unless or otherwise indicated, all quotations are from the

New King James version of the Bible.

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Three Laws of Change ISBN-978-1-77-92-1-220-7

EAN- 9781779212207

Copyright © 2021 NHANDARA PUBLICATIONS, Inc. All rights

reserved. Electronic Edition Published 2021


Table of Contents
FOREWORD............................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................2
GOD IS NOT IN CONTROL ............................................3
LAW OF THE SPOKEN WORD .................................................. 4
LAW OF MOTIVE.............................................................5
LAW OF THE SEED .......................................................6

WHO SHOULD CHANGE……………………..………………………………35

PRAYER OF SALVATION……………………………………….….……….38


Change or growth is inevitable in life. Let it be of any

field of life; personal, academic, economic, technical,
and medical and so on. Change is part of any living
organism. Without change life becomes stagnant or
dead. We are created by God for fullness of life. (Cf.
John 10;10). In fact change is the theory of life.
Changes have to be in the positive direction to get best
results. This needs proper thinking, planning,
execution and evaluation. Any change needs a
courageous heart. It also requires determination and
good will.
Often we speak of external changes only. Very few are
concerned about the internal change or spiritual growth
of a person. Change of heart is the key to life. Lawrence
Nhandara in this book, “Three Laws of Change”
challenges us to focus on spiritual changes. He gives
biblical foundations to establish the same. I believe the
same. Spiritual life of a person is very important to
make the right decisions in life at the right moment. A
sound spiritual life gives us motive and inspiration to do
the right things.
This book can open our hearts and mind to think
positively and make the right kind of changes in our
daily life. May your life be changed for good through the
message of this book.

I have compiled in this little book the three laws of change
which I believe will help to bring that change which seems so hard
to fathom. These laws are namely, the law of the
spoken word, the law of motive and the law of the seed. It’s
a practical book that will make hypocrites angry and change
seekers happy. Cambridge English dictionary defines a law as,
‘a rule, usually made by an authority that is used to order the
way in which an entity behaves.’
For example, if you throw any object upwards it has to come
down, that happens because of the Law of gravity. It was
only in the 20th century that the Wright brothers invented the
first flying machine by making use of the Law of Lift which
opposes the Law of Gravity. Man can now spend hours in the
air because he has found a law of overcoming gravity. This is
the same Law which birds use to fly. Helicopters use the same
Law of Lift to oppose the law of gravity. Those laws are natural
laws but there are spiritual laws which also keep people from
going up in life and they don’t even know it. Paul the great
apostle wrote in the book of Romans 8: 2,
‘For the Law of the Spirit of
life in Christ Jesus hath made me free
from the Law
of sin and death.
These are spiritual laws. The three laws of change which I
have laid in this book will
astound you, they will work for you whether you’re a little girl or
an old man. They will produce results even within 24 hours.
This book reveals how powerful and spiritual spoken words are

and how they can alter the course of someone’s life. It goes on
to expose how a motive can bring changes in ones’ life. Lastly
the book divulges on the subject of the law of the seed and
how it can be used to bring a harvest in one’s life.
Positive change is a painstaking process which you are I must
face in life every now and again because the oppressive forces
of stagnation are also real. It’s harder to climb up a ladder to
the top than it is to climb down, right? You can easily turn your
life into a disaster within 24 hours because there is no force
resisting you to head in that direction. It can take five months
for a building to be completed and others take years to finish
constructing but destroying it can take seconds. Similarly, for
your life to go forward, it will not happen overnight but it’s a
process called change. The speed at which that change can
happen is entirely dependent on you. Positive change requires
three pictures of yourself or what we nowadays call selfies.
You need a picture of your past, a picture of your present and
a picture of your desired future. It would be tragedy not to see
the need to change at all.
Moses was a man of God who was tasked with bringing the
children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan the Promised Land.
This was a positive change from being slaves to being free, but
it came with real challenges along the way. When the journey
got tough, the Israelites cried out to Moses and said, ‘We
remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the
cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions,
and the garlic’(Numbers 11:5). They had a picture of the past
which they knew very well and they had a picture of the
present which they were faced with but they had no picture of
the Promised Land. This is why in Numbers 13 Moses sent out
12 spies to go and take a picture in the Promised Land and
share it with the children of Israel. Our lives follow the same

pattern like that of the Israelites leaving Egypt. In the middle of
the Red Sea of your life, those elements which had you in
bondage will come again looking for you so that you come
back into bondage. In order for your life to experience positive
change you need to have a picture of a desired future, not an
undesired future. Ten of the twelve spies saw an undesired
future, they saw giants in the land, they saw themselves as
grasshoppers and they claimed Canaan was a land that ate up
its inhabitants. If you cannot see that desired picture of your
future, you will start to adapt and adjust to the demands of your
environment. If your past is greater than your future you will
always try to go back. The children of Israel had a hindsight but
no foresight and the Bible say, ‘To whom our fathers would not
obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back
again into Egypt (Acts 7:39).
Humans can adapt to environments. The children of Israel
were people who were born slaves and never knew what it
meant to be free. That is why they kept on remembering Egypt.
Imagine an eagle that is hatched in a chicken run, it will never
attempt to fly because it has never seen the chickens fly. It will
live its life thinking it is also a chicken. God help us, we have
allowed the Pharaohs of lives to tell us what we can have and
what we cannot have. We have allowed them to show us what
we can be and what we cannot be until we are comfortable
with it. Mark Twain said that a comfort zone is a beautiful
garden where nothing grows. Maybe you have been too
comfortable for too long in your comfort zone and it’s time for
change. A comfort zone is like a refugee camp, you don’t get
there on your own but situation forces you to get there and you
start liking it. Things there are for free and a lot of sympathy is
thrown at you. The longest running refugee camp is in
Cooper's Camp in West Bengal India. It has been running

since 1947 and that is seventy four years. It is now home to
70000 people and don’t tell me those people are willing to
move out anytime soon. Comfort zone is a trap, don’t be too
content with it.
Forces which oppose change come in different forms. It could
be cravings, fears or lack of knowledge. Putting it bluntly, the
state of affairs in your life will remain the way it is until
something changes. If you’re experiencing pain emotionally,
socially or financially, you will continue experiencing it until you
say enough is enough. Planning to change is not even enough,
you must actually change in order to see a change in your life.
There must come a point where you as an individual draw the
line and say the pain I have gone through is enough. It is true
that you might have been born in a family with hardship but
staying in hardship is not your divine destiny. Don’t blame the
past for what happened to you. Don’t even blame politicians.
Don’t remove yourself from being the answer to your change.
You have today to decide to change your tomorrow. Today is
the sum total of the decisions made yesterday. It’s a choice
that you freely make to either remain the same year in year out
or choose to change. I will approach this subject of change
from a Biblical view point because it will be useless to address
spiritual problems with natural remedies. The spiritual world
rules the natural world.
Since the days of creation, God wants to see the man He
created dominate and make some changes in a fallen world.
The Bible says,
‘And God blessed them, and God said
unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and
have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and

over every living thing that moves upon
the earth (Genesis1:28).
The word ‘blessed’ means empowered to prosper. From the
beginning of time man was made to conquer nature but looking
around it’s almost the opposite. Man has been conquered by
nature, man has been subdued by the earth. He has been
overcome by poverty and unholy addictions and he cannot live
without them. Just a little cigarette can drive a man crazy to
unimaginable potential. The present earth has become so bad
that some people are getting rich by keeping other people
bound by drugs, alcohol or debt. The banks want to keep you
in debt. After paying off a loan they want to ‘give’ you another
bigger one. You must accept it that there are people who are
happy to see you the way you are. They are happy that you’re
a low income earner and making no progress. They rejoice
when you knock on their doors to ask for a loan. When that
changes, they are worried what’s happening to you. Change
exposes your adversaries. It shows who is genuinely for you or
not. Change will force the hidden enemy to say something.
You’re going to lose a lot of friends with positive change
coming to your life but if you lose ten friends because your life
is now better it’s probably worth it. The company that you keep
is the company that’s comfortable with the person you are.
May this little book help you experience change for the glory of
God. Amen

God spoke to Joshua and said,
“This book of the law shall not depart out of
Thy mouth; but Thou shalt meditate therein
day and night, that Thou mayest observe to
do according to all that is written therein: for
then Thou shalt make Thy way prosperous,
and then Thou shalt have good success.
God commanded Joshua that if he was ever to see change
and any success in his life he was to stick to the word of God.
We can apply this scripture to our lives because the Bible says
that the things written in the Old Testament are for our learning
(Romans 15:4). While there are differences between you in the
New Testament and Joshua in the Old Testament, what’s
similar is that we all have Jordan to cross, we all have
challenges at Ai, we all have walls of Jericho to bring down,
and we all have a Canaan to possess. Therefore as the old
saying goes, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Moses had just died and God was now giving Joshua some
tips on how his life and journey was going to
be prosperous. Moses the great man of God had failed to get
to the Promised Land but God was determined that Joshua
was not going to fail so he armed him with that powerful
instruction. Let’s read it again. Notice how many times the
word ‘thou or thy’ appears in that single verse. Who is it talking
about? You! Thou simply means you and thy, ‘your’. So we can
count that the word ‘you’ features about 6 times in different
forms. It means the whole responsibility is on your shoulder not
God. I was invited to teach young kids on change at a certain
high school in

Bulawayo and when I mentioned that God is not in control of
things in our lives I almost got booed off the stage. The kids
became visibly angered because they have been taught all
their life that God controls everything. I’m sure
you’ve heard people comfort each other saying, ‘Don’t cry God
is in control! I explained to these kids that God gave us a mind
to make decisions which will affect us. ‘If God is in control why
do you get to school late on some days and why is some of
your tuition fees unpaid’, I asked.
Surely God cannot be in control and we all agreed. You see,
these kids thought I was taking away something from God’s
power and sovereignty. No one can do that. The theory that
God is in control comes from those folks who have failed in
life and don’t know how to come out of that zone of failure
hence they transfer the blame to God saying that He is in
control. If it is true that God was in control of the affairs of the
world then He surely has put things in a mess. But He is not, it
is you and I who have the chance today to make some choice
which will control our tomorrow. If God were to mention
you six times in one sentence like He did to Joshua that must
get you thinking. God has given you and me the power to
decide what our tomorrow will be. God has given us the means
of sculpturing our world to what we want it to be. It
doesn’t matter the circumstances that you find yourself in when
you come into this world, what matters is what you do next. We
are going to get aggressive and deeper with these three laws
of change and see how we can start making some changes in
our lives.

This is my number one law, the law of the spoken word. The
Bible says that,
‘Through faith we understand that the
worlds were framed by the word of God,
so that things which are seen were not
made of things which do appear
(Hebrews 11:3).
John 1: 1-3 says, ‘In the beginning was
the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. The same was in
the beginning with God. All things were
made by him; and without him was not
anything made that was made.
There you go. Putting those two together we can come with a
conclusion that the spiritual factory or catalyst that brings
unseen things into the seen realm is the Word. Whatever
change you want to make, you have just read the secret to it.
In the beginning, God had a choice of sitting in heaven and say
the earth is without form and dark but He didn’t say that.
Instead, He started to move over the water and spoke light into
being. He spoke what He wanted to see not what He was
seeing. He’s a God of change. If you want to lose weight, you
don’t stand in front of a mirror and say, ‘I’m a porky pig, fatty
boom boom, too fat for fun’. You cannot see change come to
you that way. Instead you could stand there look into that
chubby body
and say, ‘I’m a super model, I have a great body, obesity has
no room in me’. We are not being hypocrites to deny the
existence of an undesired situation. We are merely taking after
our Father because we are made in the image and likeness of

God. We are in God’s image because He made us look like
Him and we are made in His likeness because He made us to
function like Him. Declare war against every undesirable
situation in your life because approaching this change
business with sleazy attitudes won’t yield any result. Joel 3:10
‘…Beat your plowshares into swords, and
pruning hooks into spears: let the weak
say, I am strong.
This is war. It doesn’t say let the weak say, I am weak I won’t
live past 2022, it doesn’t say let the poor say I am finished I will
drop out of school. Prophet Joel paints a picture of war
because your change is not going to come easy like ripe
cherries falling from a tree. Be the architect of your change.
Energize your life by laying words full of hope in the spirit.
Don’t finish yourself off by the careless words of your mouth,
careless words stop here. Another favorite of mine is Mark
11:23, 24,
‘For verily I say unto you, That
whosoever shall SAY unto this
mountain, Be thou removed, and be
thou cast into the sea; and shall not
doubt in his heart, but shall believe that
those things which he SAYS shall come
to pass; he shall have whatsoever he
SAYS. Therefore I say unto you, What
things soever ye desire, when ye pray,
believe that ye receive them, and ye
shall have them.
Notice where the action is taking place, it is in your heart and in

your mouth. Your heart and mouth are the custodians of your
destiny, salvation or change. We are not only called to be
believers but also to be sayers. Jesus mentioned in verse 23
that we are to say three times as much as we believe. With the
same breath He went on to say that whatever change you
desire is received when you pray. Paul the great apostle also
wrote, ‘For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;
and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation’
(Romans 10:10).
God commanded Moses to speak to the rock but Moses beat
the rock out of anger. This was the point when God told Moses
that he’s not the kind of person who can enter into the
Promised Land with this kind of behavior. Whatever change
that you seek, whatever promise that you are pursuing, you are
not going to get it by getting physical. Getting physical will
make things worse, it may look like its working yet in fact you
have just disqualified yourself from reaching your
Promised Land. God was teaching Moses something spiritual
yet Moses wanted to solve a spiritual problem the physical
way. God said,
‘Take the rod, and gather thou the
assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy
brother, and SPEAK ye unto the rock
before their eyes; and it shall give
forth his water, and thou shalt bring
forth to them water out of the rock: so
thou shalt give the congregation and
their beasts drink (Number 20:8).
The Bible goes on to say,
‘And Moses lifted up his hand, and with
his rod he BEAT the rock twice: and the
water came out abundantly, and the
congregation drank, and their
beasts also.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and
Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to
sanctify me in the eyes of the children of
Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this
congregation into the land which I have
given them (Number 20:11,12).
Moses wanted to hustle, when God was calling him to speak to
the Rock. It is amazing that the man who had taken hundreds
of instructions from God in setting up the Tabernacle would fail
to follow a simple instruction like that. Maybe Moses and Aaron
were under so much pressure from the children of Israel and
their beasts which were now thirsty. But being under pressure
does not mean that we should lose our destiny. God said
speak to the Rock but Moses beat the Rock not only once but
twice. If this was school, Moses would have been thrown
to the last class. God wanted Moses to speak to the Rock
because words are spiritual. Remember that Paul gives more
light that the Rock which Moses beat was Jesus Christ. It was
not just a physical rock but it was something spiritual.
‘And did all drink the same spiritual
drink: for they drank of that spiritual
Rock that followed them: and that Rock
was Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4).
Moses missed it because the Israelites who were watching this
miracle being performed did not learn what God wanted them
to learn. They thought Moses beat the rock so hard that it
yielded water. God would have received the glory had Moses
spoken to the rock and the children of Israel were going to
learn something. Words are the means which we can exercise
influence in the spiritual realm. Words make you felt in the
spiritual realm.
The words of your mouth are the first weapons to begin to
make a statement in the spiritual realm. As long as you have
not made use of the law of the spoken word, the ball is still in
your court. The words of our mouth are like a forklift that lifts
deep seated issues of our lives. Your tongue, your mouth, your
lips and your words are a dangerous arsenal that will make you
or break you. Words are spiritual living things which are
created through our mouths and die when they have
accomplished what they must accomplish. If people knew the
power that words carry and that their words are living things
they would not love talking too much. Proverbs 18:20,21 says, ‘
A man's belly shall be satisfied with the
fruit of his mouth; and with the increase
of his lips shall he be filled. Death and
life are in the power of the tongue: and
they that love it shall eat the fruit
Remember John says,
‘And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among
us,..(John 1:14).
Words are not things to play with. The people of old such as
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew these things. Isaac blessed
Jacob accidentally because Jacob was a trickster and when
Esau came from where he was coming from and learning that
the blessing had already been given to Jacob wept like a
widower. He wept because he understood the power of words
spoken. Esau just knew it that no matter how hard he hustled,
he was always going to serve Jacob because the
word had already gone out in the spirit realm to effect a
change. The word which Isaac spoke on his life was bankable
and could be trusted to the dot. Isaac said,
‘Therefore God give thee [Jacob]of the
dew of heaven, and the fatness of the
earth, and plenty of corn and wine:
Let people serve thee, and nations bow
down to thee: be lord over thy brethren,
and let thy mother's sons bow down to
thee: cursed be every one that curseth
thee, and blessed be he that blesseth
thee (Genesis 27:28,29).
Let us look at the reaction of Esau when he came in,
‘And when Esau heard the words of his
father, he cried with a great and
exceeding bitter cry, and said
unto his father, Bless me, even me also,
O my father.
We use words to bless, curse, make vows, preach, give
testimony, and express emotions. The law of words is very
important and no one can teach on change without touching on
this important law. The woman with the issue of
blood, she kept on saying in her heart that if I may
but touch the hem of His garment I shall be healed. So words
come from deep within your being and they can be heard both
in the spiritual world and in the natural world. Even if you
spoke quietly in your heart, in the spirit you're like a person
carrying a loud speaker. Paul says in Romans 10:6,7,
‘But the righteousness which is of faith
speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine
heart, Who shall ascend into heaven?
(that is, to bring Christ down from
above:) Or, Who shall descend into the

deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again
from the dead.)
Your words touch Christ, you words touch heaven. If you’re a
careless talker better start to take stock of your words because
through your words you’re programming your life for victory or
defeat. Spiritual power is released through words spoken.
Words are like vessels which carry cargo. Never under
estimate the power of your words. There are no empty words
in the spirit realm, all words uttered have significance because
they carry death or life. You might utter a loose word and think
it's nothing but in the realm of the spirit you're taken seriously.
That is why Jesus said,
But I say unto you, That every idle word
that men shall speak, they shall give
account thereof in the day of judgment
(Matthew 12:36).
Words spoken are like building blocks in a game of Tetris.
Some blocks come to complicate your life whereas some
blocks rightly put come and simplify your life.
Isaiah says,
‘No weapon that is formed against thee
shall prosper; and every tongue that
shall rise against thee in judgment thou
shalt condemn..(Isaiah 54:17)
Whose responsibility is it to condemn the curses so that no
weapon fashioned against you can prosper? It’s yours and
mine. If you don’t nullify them it means those words will come
into your physical realm and start affecting you. You can now
see the potential source of your trouble. Make it a habit to
bless yourself randomly every day, nullify the
curses that have been spoken about you by people from your

village, school or work. Daily nullify negative speech. Declare
that every spell assigned to you is meaningless. Proclaim that
you're blessed and not cursed. Even if no one is
cursing you, declare that you're blessed and not cursed so that
whenever someone tries to curse you, it won’t work because it
will find words of blessing over your life. Remember the
prophet for hire who was asked to curse the children of Israel
by Balak and instead he blessed them because Israel was
already blessed by Isaac and that blessing still protected him
from curses hundreds of years later. Get acquainted with the
word of God and know who you are and know what you are so
that you can apply this law of spoken word to your advantage.

The second law that we have here is the law of motive. The
Bible says that,
‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they
shall see God
(Matthew 5:8).
It’s my favorite Beatitude. With pure motives you shall see God
make a change in your life. God will come and help you
because you have pure motives. Prophet Hanani in the Old
Testament said to King Asa,
‘For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro
throughout the whole earth, to show
himself strong in the behalf of them
whose heart is perfect toward him (2
Chronicles 16:9).
You want to see God help you with the change that you desire,
check your heart. A right motive is what will cause God to skip
a million people with wrong motives and come to your
doorstep. Motive is the answer to the why question. A car
moves when the wheels thereof start rotating, but a man’s life
is driven by motive. When God is about to bring change in your
life, He goes through a checklist and motive is part of that
checklist. If your motive leaves a lot to be desired, you will not
receive what you're requesting. Paul says,
‘Though I speak with the tongues of
men and of angels, and have not charity
[right motive], I am become as
sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy,
and understand all mysteries, and all

knowledge; and though I have all faith,
so that I could remove mountains, and
have not charity [right motive], I
am nothing. And though I bestow all my
goods to feed the poor, and though I
give my body to be burned, and have
not charity [right motive], it profiteth
me nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
God is not only watching if you have prayed, He’s not watching
if you have paid your tithes, He’s not only watching if you have
fed the poor and clothed the fatherless, He’s not only watching
if you have read your Bible. He is also watching your motive.
Why are you doing the things that you are doing. We know
how Jabez prayed to the God of Israel for a change and God
granted His request. His motives were just
right. The book of James tells us one of the hindrance of
change, it says,
‘Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask
amiss, that ye may consume it upon
your lusts (James 4:3).
There are people whose lives could have changed ten years
ago but they are still in one place because of evil motives.
There are people who could have been married long ago
but because of wrong motives they are still single. A little
adjustment of motive in your life can make a difference of night
and day. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12,
‘For the word of God is quick, and
powerful, and sharper than any two-
edged sword, piercing even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and
of the joints and marrow, and is a

discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart.
Your motive or your attitude will determine how far you will go
in your change. Determine that your attitude, drive and your
motive is going to be aligned to the word of God. There’s no
limit to what you can be when your motive is aligned to the
construct of God. You have not come this far to be
hindered by your motive. Your attitude will determine your
altitude. A man of right motives will keep going when those
with bad motives have long been forgotten. God
always rewards the motive your heart and all our outward
hustling is null and void if it is not coupled with the right
motives. The law of motives is seen in Genesis 4: 3-5 it says,
‘And in process of time it came to pass,
that Cain brought of the fruit of the
ground an offering unto the LORD.
And Abel, he also brought of the
firstlings of his flock and of the fat
thereof. And the LORD had respect unto
Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain
and to his offering he had not respect.
And Cain was very wroth, and his
countenance fell.
Cain’s giving was more of a contest that an offering. He was
offering to God but with his eyes fixed on his competitor and
rival who was not even aware that he was being contested.
Cain missed the point by a wide margin. God does not
need anything from us because He is the one who first gave us
what we are giving back to him. The only thing that God does
not have is our hearts which we have to bring to Him. Proper
giving starts in the heart. God who sees the hearts
of men rejected the offering of Cain and Cain became very
very angry. Evil motives will join with other evil motives to give
birth to evil actions. Cain later talked to Abel and the Bible says
in verse 8,
‘And Cain talked with Abel his brother:
and it came to pass, when they were in
the field, that Cain rose up against Abel
his brother, and slew him.
Cain’s life continued to go down because of entertaining bad
motives till they became bad actions. God sees our hearts. He
resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Here is one of
the biggest secret to your change, humility. Abel was a humble
loving guy who minded his business. On the other hand Cain
was a mischievous devil inspired felon who could not mind
his own business. Instead of minding his tomatoes and
cabbages, he kept checking the progress of Abel. He was so
devil inspired that he invented murder, he invented lying, he
became the first vagabond and he became the first fugitive.
We see where a wrong motive can lead a person into. Why do
you want a flashy car? Why do you want to get married? Why
do you want a latest smartphone? Why do you want your
church to get bigger? Why do you want to be rich? Your motive
is what will answer those questions. God resists wrong motives
but accepts right motives. It is easy to attract change in your
life when the motives are set right. You can only start
generating right motives after you have known and accepted
your purpose in life. The kind of motives of a person is what
will impress God or annoy Him.
Jesus likened the Pharisees to good looking tombs which are
full of worms inside. He put particular importance on the
motives of a person rather than his or her actions. We see in
the book of Matthew where Jesus was belting out truth
after truth to these Pharisees. He said,

‘Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye make clean the
outside of the cup and of the platter, but
within they are full of extortion and
Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that
which is within the cup and platter, that
the outside of them may be clean also.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
for ye are like unto whited sepulchers,
which indeed appear beautiful outward,
but are within full of dead men's bones,
and of all uncleanness (Matthew 23:25-
Notice that Jesus did not say that the blind Pharisee should
cleanse the cup within first then secondly the outside of the
cup. He said that the blind Pharisee should clean the cup
inside then the outside would be clean automatically. He was
referring to motives, that when your motives are right,
your actions would also be right automatically. The outside of a
cup is what people see. The inside is yours to correct and set
right. A classic story that proves that God is seriously
concerned about our motives is that of the widow who offered
two mites while other rich people were giving large sums. We
are not told what happened after the widow gave her offering
but one thing that we know is that Jesus was pleased with her
giving. The other folks did it for a show but she did it for God
(Luke 21:3).

The third law that we are going to look at is the law of the seed.
This is a law that is here to stay. The bible says in Genesis
‘While the earth remaineth, seedtime
and harvest, and cold and heat, and
summer and winter, and day and night
shall not cease.
Paul says a similar thing in Galatians 6:7,
‘Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap.
We seed for a desired outcome coupled with right motives and
when words fail you seed will not fail. The seed gives you
opportunity to come face to face with your desired change. It is
a direct contact or warfare with the forces of stagnation in your
life. A seed will give you leverage and a foothold for your
change. People like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob used this law
of the seed and that gave them great leverage in life. They
became so rich that Abraham had a private army. Isaac
was also a man of great substance and he actually lived next
to the President in the best of places (Genesis 26:8) Lets read
a bit about Isaac and learn from him.
And there was a famine in the land,
beside the first famine that was in the
days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto
Abimelech king of the Philistines unto
Gerar). Sojourn in this land, and I will
be with thee, and will bless thee; for
unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will

give all these countries, and I will
perform the oath which I sware unto
Abraham thy father; And I will make thy
seed to multiply as the stars of heaven,
and will give unto thy seed all these
countries; and in thy seed shall all the
nations of the earth be blessed;
Then Isaac sowed in that land, and
received in the same year an
hundredfold: and the LORD blessed
And the man waxed great, and went
forward, and grew until he became very
For he had possession of flocks, and
possession of herds, and great store of
servants: and the Philistines envied
him(Genesis 26:1,3,4,12,13,14).
You see my dear reader, God had just told him that his seed is
blessed but there was drought in the land. He forced the
ground to produce a harvest because of what God had told
him. Isaac was now manipulating the law of the seed. He had
just found himself a formula to get whatever he needs in life
and that formula is what is called the law of the seed.
Isaac manipulated the law of the seed for his own good to a
point the king considered him to be ungovernable. He was
asked to leave their land because they could no longer cope
with his harvest. It is called the law of the seed, it will raise
even the poor out of the dust and cause then to sit among the
princes. The Philistines lost count of the wealth of Isaac and he
was now becoming a political threat to king Abimelech. He

became a magnet for the blessings of God because he
understood the importance of sowing even in drought.
God blessed the seed of Isaac that if you gave him a shop
downtown where people seldom visit, his downtown will be the
new uptown. It belongs to you as well today.
One illustration that tells us what a seed can do is the story of
Joseph. A seed is buried alive and it dies only to rise again and
begin to multiply. That’s exactly what happened to Joseph. He
was cast into the pit but when he rose again to power he
started to multiply. The bible says,
‘And they took him, and cast him into a
pit: and the pit was empty, there was no
water in it (Genesis 37:24).
He thrived in a foreign land because he had been sown into
the land of Egypt, the children of Israel continued to increase
and expand till they became a political threat to Pharaoh.
Joseph was a seed; Jacob confirmed it when he lay dying.
Genesis 49:22 …..whose branches run
over the wall. You see no limitation can hinder a seed,
not even a wall. The affluence of your seed will get you noticed
by great men. Understand that your seed is blessed and that
you’re empowered to prosper. Approaching the change that
you desire with this kind of knowledge will force your ground to
produce results every time. Your seed has no time to be nice
and polite, your seed understands that it is at war and will
produce a harvest no matter what. I’ve seen plants growing on
roof tops and on some of the unbelievable places. Your seed
knows no boundaries; it will produce a harvest after its kind.
God is ready to shock public opinion and disappoint experts
when you start applying this law of the seed. It don’t matter
what they have said you cannot have, with your
seed rise up and proclaim that you're coming for everything

they said you cannot have. Your task is to identify the relevant
seed and ground that will bring your harvest. Don’t say but I
have no seed. You're a warehouse of seeds as you're reading
this book. Your time is a seed, your smile is a seed, your
phone call is your seed, your money is a seed, giving me a lift
is a seed, paying for an orphan’s school fees is a seed, giving
a cup of cold water on a hot day is a seed, encouraging
someone is a seed, stopping slander and gossip is a seed,
recommending someone is a seed, liking someone’s tweet is a
seed. The little that you do for other people, God will do it for
you. Jesus put it this way,
‘Give, and it shall be given unto you;
good measure, pressed down, and
shaken together, and running over, shall
men give into your bosom. For with the
same measure that ye mete withal it
shall be measured to you again (Luke
The widow of Zarephath had faith in her heart that caused God
to skip all other widows who did not believe in Zarephath and
come to her door step. The seed which she sowed into the life
of Elijah was her last meal on earth. She did not sow into the
person of Elijah because Elijah on his own was just a Tishbite
from Gilead who had a bad taste of fashion. She sowed into
the anointing and vision of Elijah and she reaped a harvest.
Elijah was already at higher level of knowing God and at that
high level; God sustained him and fed him. The seed that the
widow sowed opened for her a new dimension of provision and
sustenance which she never knew before. Her life was
changed because her level of managing things had been
changed by the prophet of God. Giving to the man of
God ceased to be a mere association with the man of God, it

became spiritual action that was the required protocol to open
her closed doors. The seed of the widow became the gateway
into the dimension of provision and sustenance.
There are doors that are closed in your life that will only open
when you seed into the life of the person already in that
dimension. The seed of this widow gave her the legal right as
far as God is concerned to tap into that blessing of the man of
God. There are people who will never be rich because they are
always criticizing rich people. Jesus said,
‘He that receiveth a prophet in the name
of a prophet shall receive a prophet's
reward; and he that receiveth a
righteous man in the name of a
righteous man shall receive a righteous
man's reward (Matthew 10:41).
Elijah understood something about the law of seed, he had not
come impoverish this widow, he wanted to help her to partake
of his blessing. We also see the law of motive coming into play
here. The change that you desire is a dimension that you
have to be ushered into by those who are already there. The
kind of change that you long for has already been experienced
by others. These people are your fertile ground that you have
to sow into. You can call it mentorship or investing
but I called it the law of the seed. If you want to be a rich
businessman, start learning from them, buy their books, attend
their conferences and you will reap a harvest. If you have
suffered for decades you come to a place where you say
enough is enough. The widow of Zarephath did not care what
people were going
to say. Probably neighbors thought that the widow has lost her
morals and now moving in with a man of God since she had
just lost her husband. She had exhausted all her collateral and

had nothing to sell to continue surviving. The law of the seed
does not care where you have been, we are not told of
historic background of this woman because it is not necessary.
What the law of the seed is concerned about is that if you have
sowed, you shall reap. The Psalmist says,
‘He that goeth forth and weepeth,
bearing precious seed, shall doubtless
come again with rejoicing, bringing his
sheaves with him (Psalms 126:6).
The widow looked into the face of Elijah and determined within
herself that she’s going to sow her seed into his life; she did
not see a crook, but fertile ground for her seed. She needed
food so she planted food and the man of God finished all the
food which was in his plate as the widow watched. Elijah asked
for a little cake not a big cake, he knew that he was not at a
feeding trough but some seeding was going on here.
‘And she said, As the LORD thy God
liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful
of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a
cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two
sticks, that I may go in and dress it for
me and my son, that we may eat it,
and die And Elijah said unto her, Fear
not; go and do as thou hast said: but
make me thereof a little cake first, and
bring it unto me, and after make for
thee and for thy son (1 Kings 17:12,13).
That is how the widow and her son survived the famine. At first
it was just her and her son preparing to die, but after working
the law of the seed she was now preparing to live again. We
read that even her relatives who had deserted her came to

hide under her wings as well.
And she went and did according to the
saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and
her house, did eat many days (1Kings
The law of the seed cancelled her appointment with death. The
law of the seed will cancel your appointment with debt
collectors; it will be your voice in the spiritual realm when you
cannot speak. Your seed will engage in face to face combat
with spirits of stagnation and dryness in your life. It won’t
matter who cursed you, it won’t matter who said you cannot
prosper; your seed will bulldoze your bareness and force your
ground to bring a harvest.
The law of seed is the only language your dryness and
stagnation will understand.

I’m reminded at this juncture of a man called Jabez. We read a
bit about him in the book of 1 Chronicles 4: 9, 10 but that bit is
just too powerful to reinforce what we are discussing here. This
Jabez guy caused his mother so much pain at birth that his
mother saw it fit to name him Jabez, meaning the ‘one who
causes pain’. His mother must have been too influential than
his father because he could not even have a decent middle
name. Out of the entire nice boy names which were
available at her disposal she saw it fit to name him Jabez, no
more no less but Jabez. This was a mega tragedy because it
programmed the life of baby Jabez up to the time he grew up
and started seeing that something is wrong with his life
and needs change. Maybe Jabez was handsome and was a
hard worker but that’s not what will change things and get the
job done. There are many people out there working very hard
but they have nothing to show for it. There are people whose
opportunities are still locked up in the spiritual realm and if they
don’t hear about change or these three laws that would be sad.
There are pretty ladies who are approaching sixty and still can’t
get a relationship that leads to a marriage. That was the story
of the life of Jabez until he said enough is enough. Think of it,
his real mother not step mother had given him such a horrible
name. If it were his step mother we would have probably
understood because we know that step mothers and stepsons
are not the best of combinations except if God has intervened.
Jabez’s mother had no idea probably that she was
Ccomplicating the life of her son. To her it was just a name but
she had used the law of the spoken word in reverse. Each time
a name is called it unleashes its meaning in a practical way.
There are people that I meet and when I hear their names, I

just leave fast. Jabez understood this fact and applied the
spiritual laws of change because he saw that he was going to
die the same if he didn’t act. The Bible is awash with people
who changed names, Abram became Abraham, Sarai
became Sarah, Saul became Paul and the list goes on. You
can’t keep on answering to a bad name and expect your life to
change. Answering to a bad name refreshes the bad
experiences each time that you answer to it. Jabez activated
the laws of change and addressed the problem which he was
facing from a spiritual view point. He prayed to God and that
was it. We are not told if Jabez changed his name or not but
one thing that we know is that pain stopped coming his way,
honor started to tag his life instead. Change was here. His
name became a blessing instead of a curse because he called
on the God of Israel and prayed,
‘And Jabez was more honorable than his
brethren: and his mother called his
name Jabez, saying,
Because I bare him with sorrow.
And Jabez called on the God of Israel,
saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me
indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that
thine hand might be with me, and
that thou wouldest keep me from evil,
that it may not grieve me! And God
granted him that which he requested (1
Chronicles 4:9,10).
After this, Jabez became more honorable than his brothers. He
did not waste time trying to improve his outward appearance to
impress people or improve his social status. He was
determined to cause change in the spiritual realm to his
advantage. He engaged the Monarch of the spiritual realm and
we are told that God granted him his request. There was a 24
hour change in the life of Jabez because what was facing west
now faced east, what was crooked was now made straight.
Maybe you’re feeling like some Jabez, I want to encourage you
that life will change for your own good, look up at the things
that are above and not on the things that are
below. Below there is struggle, there is pain but thank God
above there is promotion and peace. The change that comes
from above is permanent but what comes from the earthly
realm is temporary.
There’s another man who said enough is enough called
Bartimeaus. Blind Bartimeaus when he heard that Jesus of
Nazareth is passing by he went on steroids (Mark 10:46). He
sought for a change, he told himself that he’s not going
to be blind forever, and when he got wind that Jesus is passing
he threw away his begging garment and lost his cool. He had a
feeling that, ‘my time is now. My brother my sister, it’s pointless
to keep your cool when you’ve struggled for decades, it is
self-torture to endure the pain of what Jesus freely paid for.
You have a choice to either keep your cool or lose your change
or lose your cool and get your change. We know you’re a
grown up man, Bartimeaus was too, lose your self-respect and
reach out to Jesus for the truth is in Jesus (Ephesians 4:21).
Coolness will not bring your change. Throw your garment of
respect, your garment of coolness and say enough is enough.

You have probably heard that a person cannot change another
person but only God can. People come up with some excuses
and escape statements when they have failed to bring a
change into someone. I’ve believed that lie also for a long time
but that is far from the truth because as believers are called to
be influential. You can change others through your influence.
Jesus says,
‘Ye are the salt of the earth…… He goes
on to say,
‘Ye are the light of the world……
(Matthew 5:13).
What these statements mean is that as believers of the Gospel
of Christ we are called to be an influence to the fallen world.
We are the agents of change and God is counting on you and I
to bring about that change. Jesus also said to Peter,
‘….. And when thou art changed,
strengthen thy brethren’ (Luke 22:32).
We see that even God Himself is looking up to believers to
bring change into the lives of people. You might be the answer
to your family. If God could just change people by Himself then
Hitler and Mussolini would have been changed and people
would start paying tithes. The truth of the matter is that when
you’re waiting for God to change people, God is waiting for you
to take the initiatives. We are usually
ignorant of our position, influence and power that God has
placed in our hands.
Let’s turn our Bible to Acts 12: 1 -17. Here we read of how the
church was being persecuted and James the brother of John
got killed by Herod and after Herod saw that the Jews were
pleased by the slaying of John went on to capture Peter and

put him in maximum prison but we hear that prayer was made
for him by the church. We all know from scriptures that Peter
received miraculous deliverance and escaped being killed.
James was captured and we are not told if there was any
prayers being made for him, and he got killed. The disciples
exercised the law of spoken words. Each time you pray you
are activating the law of the spoken word because words are
powerful. Jesus told his followers,
‘….he words that I speak unto you, they
are spirit, and they are life (John 6:63).
Let us look into this story of Peter so that we can extract some
real principles of bringing change to our lives and the lives of
our loved ones. Notice that Peter was first freed in the spiritual
realm before his freedom manifested physically in the natural
realm. The church had been praying for a change, from
bondage of Peter to the freedom of Peter. Read the story and
see how Peter made a prison break without breaking anything.
The prayers of the church could no longer be ignored in the
spiritual realm. The spiritual parliament granted Peter freedom
and nothing on earth could resist that change and keep Peter
in prison. His imprisonment had reached an expiry date
because the spiritual realm was done with his freedom. There
are prayers that are made, declarations that are decreed and
words that are proclaimed that will force your impregnable
situation to succumb and change. When the spiritual realm is
done with your freedom, with your promotion, with your
marriage, no devil in hell or ancestral spirit can stop it from
coming to pass.
You might be passing through time of barrenness, you could
be facing divorce, you might have been diagnosed with cancer;
I want to proclaim to you that after going through these laws of
change prayerfully, that situation shall too pass. When the

change has been granted in the spirit, no tight security can
continue denying you freedom. The chains fell from Peter’s
body on their own accord, the prison door with its tight security
swung open on its own accord. Even the padlocks and
chains could no longer contain someone whose freedom had
been granted in the spirit. The natural world had no choice but
to line up with what had been passed in the spiritual
parliament. Remember we said that the spiritual realm rules
the natural realm. The church had engaged these three laws of
change which made it impossible for them to be ignored. The
things which have been taking their sweet time to change will
come rushing. When change is here, those that did not look for
you will look for you. The laws of change will bring acceleration
in your life. Your life will have no choice but to catch up with
what has transpired in the spiritual realm. It is unheard of that
gates open on their own accord and that padlocks fall on their
own accord. The early church as they prayed tapped into these
laws that made protocol and norms of practice unnecessary.
The church knew that the change had to take place in the
spiritual realm and then natural would have no option but to
line up. Peter was easy to capture but difficult to keep because
some people were busy exercising the law of word continuusly.
Do not worry that your blessing was easily stolen, don’t bother
that your promotion was easily blocked, it was easy to stifle
your rising but I want to proclaim that as you delve into these
three laws of change you’re coming out with a bang. Our God
is a great God, He will see to it that you come out on top.
There’s no power in this world or in the world to come that can
hinder a person who knows how to pray. There is no
government in this world that can stand in the way of a man or
woman who knows how to pray. Be blessed.

‘For I know the thoughts that I think
toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of
peace, and not of evil, to give you an
expected end (Jeremiah 29:11).
God has a better plan for your life not to harm you but to give
you happiness. Life is not rich by reason of its length, life is rich
by the reason of how much of God’s plan you accomplished
while you were on the earth. Jesus never got to be forty
years old during His earthly ministry, but when He died He
said, it is finished because He had accomplished what He was
sent to do (John 19;30; John 4:34). You could want to live a
hundred years, but that hundred years will come to an
end. You might want to live two hundred years, but still that two
hundred years will come to an end. There are people in the
Bible who lived more than that some lived nine hundred years.
But those nine hundred years came to an end. Do not
be deceived by this world, it too shall come to pass. Let us live
in this world with eternity in mind. The Bible says,
‘For what shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world, and lose his own
soul? (Mark 9:36)
You cannot claim to love you relatives if you have not told them
about this message, you cannot claim to love your husband,
wife and children if they have never heard about Jesus.
You cannot claim to love your workmates or classmates or
students if they have never heard about the realities of heaven.
Yesterday was in the womb tomorrow is in the tomb, all you
have is today. Rich or poor, black or white, president or a
prisoner, the grave will equalize everyone who dies and then it
won’t matter how much money you had, it won’t matter how
popular you were. Jesus Christ is still in the business of calling

and saving people.
Today, IF you hear his voice, do not harden your heart. Today
is your day of salvation. While it is said, Today if
ye will hear his voice, harden not your
hearts, as in the provocation (Hebrews
3:15).Don’t go that place where the rich man was or is.
Men and women, young men and young women, boys and
girls, there’s a heaven to gain. It doesn’t matter where you
have been or what you have done, there’s forgiveness for you,
no questions asked. Remember the thief on the cross, no
questions asked and he went to join Lazarus in the bosom of
Abraham. Jesus came to die
for you so that you may live, He became poor so that you
through His poverty might be made rich, He became sin who
knew no sin so that you might become the righteousness of
God (2 Corinthians 5:21). He became your perfect substitute
and there’s no escape if we deny so great salvation.
How shall we escape, if we neglect so
great salvation; which at the first began
to be spoken by the Lord, and was
confirmed unto us by them that
heard him; (Hebrews 2:3)
Man is a spirit, who has a soul and lives in a body. What
receives Jesus is the spirit, the soul must be renewed and the
body must be kept under. If you have not received Jesus in
your spirit you're not yet saved and still need a savior.
David cries for this change and asks God to put a new spirit in
him (Psalms 51:10). God will do exactly that but you have to
ask Him to do it in your life. It is you who is struggling to break
free from bad habits, unholy addictions or attitudes therefore
you’re going to meet God at His terms not your terms. He says
in His word

‘That if thou shalt confess with thy
mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God
hath raised him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved’
(Romans 10:9).
That simple prayer of Romans 10:9 is the beginning of your
walk with God. It is the decision that will not only change the
stony heart for a heart tender, it is a decision that will help you
face heaven and turn your back on hell. We know this
from John 3:16 that
‘For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life (John
Receiving Jesus Christ is not going to church every week, it’s
not wearing a church uniform, it’s not giving to the poor, it is
not fasting, receiving Jesus Christ is not carrying a Bible every
week, is not being baptized in water. Receiving Jesus Christ is
opening the door of your heart to the Spirit of Jesus Christ and
He will come in and dine with you. He will perform a spiritual
surgery and change your heart of stone and give you a soft
heart. Baptism without repentance and confession of the
Lordship of Jesus is not different from splashing your horse
with a bucket of water and let it stand in the sun. After it dries
out, it’s still the same horse nothing changed. Wherever you
might be, in your office, car or bed, I invite you to make this
prayer and let God bring a change in your life that you’ll never
regret. This is not some mind game, it’s the most important
decision you will ever make. If you don’t know Jesus and would
like Him to be your Lord and Savior I’ll ask you to pray.

Precious Jesus, I believe that You died for me and rose that I
might be saved. I accept and believe in my heart that You’re
the Son of God and I now confess You with my mouth that
You’re my Lord and Personal Savior. I forsake works of
darkness and I thank You for the Blood that washes my sin
continually. Thank you for making me accepted in the Beloved.
I am saved. Hallelujah!
If you have made that prayer congratulations for there’s joy in
heaven when one person comes to God. I would leave you
with some important things that will assist you in your new life.
i) Buy a bible and start studying it, get Christian material from
other successful authors and Collect personal notes. Pray and
ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to best study the bible on
your own.
ii) Begin to pray daily to the Father in the name of Jesus. Join a
bible believing church near your area where they teach things
which are there in the bible and believe in Jesus. There’s no
perfect church because churches are made of people like you
and I.


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