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Name: _____________________ GGD on ​I Am Malala

“We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to 
make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.” -- Caring, IB Learner 

BEFORE​ we discuss, think about your answers to these questions (jot down any notes below): 
● Where did Malala find her inspiration and courage?
● Describe the relationship between Malala and her father.
● How does Malala react to the challenges she faces? How do her classmates react? What do you think
gives them strength?
● This text is not considered a “classic” text. Do you think this makes it less valid to teach, read, and
analyze? Explain.
o What makes a literary text better than others?

DURING​ the discussion, listen to your classmates and respond appropriately to the discussion 
(don’t change topics unless the question has been exhausted and refer back to other students’ 
thoughts when verbalizing your own). You do not need to take any notes during the discussion; your 
teacher will take notes for you. Instead participate verbally and listen. Use textual evidence and 
specific examples when you voice an opinion. 

AFTER​ the discussion, reflect by answering the following questions: 

1. What is one thing you learned during the discussion today? __________________________________


2. What did you contribute to the discussion? ________________________________________________


3. In what ways were you able to show attributes of being caring? Explain. _______________________


Criterion  2 POINTS  1 POINT  0 POINTS 
Knowledge,  Student has ​obviously​ read  The student has read the text,  It is not clear the student has 
Understanding &  the text carefully and closely,  but the student is unable to  read the text. 
Interpretation  and can draw conclusions.  draw conclusions about the 
Analysis &  Student discusses how their  Student discusses ideas, but  Student speaks in 
Evaluation  idea may shape the meaning  struggles to discuss how it may  generalizations. 
of a theme, character, etc.  shape the meaning in the text. 
Learner Profile:  Student shows empathy,  Student usually showed  Student struggled to show 
Caring  compassion and respect  empathy, compassion and  empathy, compassion and/or 
throughout the discussion.  respect throughout the  respect throughout the 
discussion.  discussion. 
Group Grade  100% of the class participates  60% of the class participates  Less than 60% of the class 
verbally in the discussion  verbally in the discussion  participates verbally in the 

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