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In-app survey prompt:

Attention Reality Fans!

Will you share your opinion about a potential competition reality series?
Yes / No

Questionnaire for those who Opt-in to take survey:

Below is a short video clip of a British reality competition series. We would love your thoughts
about how interested you would be in a version made for your country. Please watch the short
clip below and then continue to answer a few brief questions.

[embed video clip]

1. On a scale from 1-5, how interested would you be in watching this show if it was remade
in your country?
[scale; 1 = not at all interested, 5 = very interested]

2. What do you like about it, if anything?

[multiple select, randomize]
a. The premise
b. The challenges
c. The drama between competitors
d. The pacing/editing
e. Other, please specify [anchor, open response]
f. None of the above [anchor]

3. What don't you like about it, if anything?

[multiple select, randomize]
a. The premise
b. The challenges
c. The drama between competitors
d. The pacing/editing
e. Other, please specify [anchor, open response]
f. None of the above [anchor]

4. What do you think would need to change, if anything, to make it work in your country?
[free response]

5. What network or streaming service do you think it would work on best in your country?
[single select; randomize]
a. CBS
b. NBC
c. Hulu
d. etc
e. Other, please specify: [anchor]
f. No opinion [anchor]

6. Which of the following shows, if any, have you watched? Select all that apply.
[multiple select; randomized]
a. Hunted
b. The Amazing Race
c. Race Across the World
d. Tempting Fortune
e. Fort Boyard
f. Survivor
g. The Circle
h. The Mole
i. Traitors
j. Outlast
k. None of these [anchor]

7. How often do you watch reality TV?

a. All the time
b. Frequently
c. Occasionally
d. Rarely
e. Never

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