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Natural History of
Asymptomatic Unruptured
Cerebral Aneurysms Evaluated
at CT Angiography: Growth and
Rupture Incidence and Correlation with
Epidemiologic Risk Factors1
J. Pablo Villablanca, MD
Purpose: To characterize the relationship between aneurysm size and
Gary R. Duckwiler, MD
epidemiologic risk factors with growth and rupture by using
Reza Jahan, MD computed tomographic (CT) angiography.
Satoshi Tateshima, MD, PhD
Neil A. Martin, MD Materials and In this HIPAA-compliant, institutional review board approved
John Frazee, MD Methods: study, patients with known asymptomatic unruptured intra-
Nestor R. Gonzalez, MD cerebral aneurysms were followed up longitudinally with CT
James Sayre, PhD angiographic examinations. Growth was defined as an in-
Fernando V. Vinuela, MD crease in one or more dimensions above the measurement
error, and at least 5% volume by using the ABC/2 method.
Associations of epidemiologic factors with aneurysm growth
and rupture were analyzed by using logistic regression
analysis. Intra- and interobserver agreement coefficients for
dimension, volume, and growth were evaluated by using the
Pearson correlation coefficient and difference of means with
95% confidence intervals, the agreement statistic, and the
McNemar x2.

Results: Patients (n = 165) with aneurysms (n = 258) had a mean fol-

low-up time of 2.24 years from time of diagnosis. Forty-six
of 258 (18%) aneurysms in 38 patients grew larger. Spon-
taneous rupture occurred in four of 228 (1.8%) intradu-
ral aneurysms of average size (6.2 mm). Risk of aneurysm
rupture per patient-year was 2.4% (95% CI: 0.5%, 7.12%)
with growth and 0.2% (95% CI: 0.006%, 1.22%) without
growth (P = .034). There was a 12-fold higher risk of rup-
ture for growing aneurysms (P , .002), with high intra- and
interobserver correlation coefficients for size, volume, and
growth. Tobacco smoking (3.806, one degree of freedom; P
, .015,) and initial size (5.895, two degrees of freedom; P
, .051) were independent covariates, predicting 78.4% of
growing aneurysms.

 From the Departments of Radiological Sciences (J.P.V., Conclusion: These results support imaging follow-up of all patients with
G.R.D., R.J., S.T., N.G., J.S., F.V.) and Neurosurgery (N.M.,
aneurysms, including those whose aneurysms are smaller
J.F., N.G., F.V.), University of California, Ronald Reagan
than the current 7-mm treatment threshold. Aneurysm
UCLA Medical Center, 757 Westwood Plaza, Suite 1621A,
Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1721. Received June 11, 2012; growth, size, and smoking were associated with increased
revision requested August 7; revision received February 22, rupture risk.
2013; accepted March 1; final version accepted March 7.
Address correspondence to J.P.V. (e-mail: pvillablanca@ q
 RSNA, 2013

 RSNA, 2013

258  n  Radiology: Volume 269: Number 1—October 2013

NEURORADIOLOGY: Asymptomatic Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Villablanca et al

he prevalence of intracranial cere- history of subarachnoid hemorrhage has at least one previously identified unrup-
bral aneurysms is approximately not been clearly established. tured aneurysm, with no referable clin-
2% of the population in the United Many investigators believe that all ical symptoms or signs. Discovery was
States (1). Each year approximately patients with aneurysms should receive through prior angiography, magnetic res-
30 000 North Americans experience follow-up to monitor for the possibility of onance (MR) imaging, MR angiography,
a rupture (2), and 15 000 die of com- growth or other signs of impending rup- or CT angiography performed for reasons
plications of ruptured aneurysms. The ture, such as a bleb (9). The traditional other than suspicion of an index aneu-
estimated 30-day mortality rate after method for follow-up of patients with ce- rysm. Common patient concerns leading
hemorrhage is approximately 45%, with rebral aneurysms has been conventional to discovery of the index lesion included
substantial residual neurologic deficits in angiography (digital subtraction angiog- nonspecific headaches or visual distur-
nearly half of survivors (3). Limited in- raphy). However, digitally based noninva- bance, dizziness, and suspicion of brain
formation is available about the natural sive imaging tools facilitate quantitation metastases. Patients with history of my-
history of unruptured intracranial aneu- and longitudinal study, and thus may be cotic, traumatic, vasculitic, or previously
rysms, in part because of the invasive preferable. Although several studies have treated aneurysms were excluded. Quan-
nature of angiography (4). Identification shown that computed tomographic (CT) titative aneurysm analysis was performed
of risk factors for rupture is critical to angiography provides accurate lesion prospectively; longitudinal compari-
therapeutic decision making regarding quantitation when compared with cathe- sons, intra- and interoperator reliability
unruptured aneurysms. The processes ter angiography (10), the role of CT angi- analyses, and epidemiologic correlations
leading to aneurysm development and ography in a longitudinal study design has were performed retrospectively.
rupture are not well understood, but not been formally explored. Patients underwent follow-up CT
larger aneurysm size is believed to be an Our purpose was to evaluate the use angiographic examinations (16–64 de-
independent risk factor for rupture (5). of CT angiography to characterize the tectors) at intervals of approximately 6
In addition, an increase in lesion size may relationship between aneurysm size and or 12 months. The scan protocol was
warrant treatment of an unruptured an- possible epidemiologic risk factors asso- standardized with the following param-
eurysm (5,6). The likelihood of rupture of ciated with growth and rupture. eters: kVp, 120; mA, 250–300; section
an intracranial aneurysm less than 10 mm thickness, 0.6–1.0 mm; reconstruction
in maximal diameter without a history of interval, 0.5 mm; matrix size, 512 3
aneurysm rupture has been estimated to Materials and Methods 512; field of view, 180 mm; soft-tissue
be as low as 0.05% per year (6). More kernel; injection rate, 3 mL per second
Patients and Data Analysis
recently, investigators of the International of iohexol (Omnipaque 350; GE Health-
Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneu- This retrospective study was Health In- care, Milwaukee, Wis) and bolus trig-
rysms reported a threshold of 7 mm as surance Portability and Affordability Act– gering software with a carotid artery
a value above which intervention may be compliant and had institutional review threshold of 150 HU. Axial oblique
indicated (6,7). However, there are re- approval. From May 1999 to December two-dimensional multiplanar reformat-
ports that up to 37% of patients with sub- 2009, 178 patients with known asymp- ted grayscale images (window width =
arachnoid hemorrhages have aneurysms tomatic intracranial aneurysms were con- 450 HU, window level = 150 HU) were
smaller than 5 mm in maximal diameter sidered for inclusion. Of these, 165 pa- analyzed to obtain the length 3 width
(8). The relationship between aneurysm tients with 258 intracerebral aneurysms 3 height of the aneurysm sac relative
growth and rupture in patients without a were included. Inclusion criteria included

Published online before print

Advances in Knowledge Implications for Patient Care 10.1148/radiol.13121188  Content code:
nn Multidetector CT angiography is nn Our data support the need to Radiology 2013; 269:258–265
capable of showing changes in perform longitudinal follow-up
aneurysm shape and size over imaging to monitor for possible Abbreviation:
CI = confidence interval
time, including the development growth of all incidental unrup-
of aneurysm blebs. tured aneurysms, including small Author contributions:
nn Asymptomatic aneurysm growth lesions. Guarantors of integrity of entire study, J.P.V., R.J., F.V.V.;
study concepts/study design or data acquisition or data
is fairly common, and there is a nn The positive association of ciga-
analysis/interpretation, all authors; manuscript drafting or
12-fold higher risk of rupture for rette smoking and the size and manuscript revision for important intellectual content, all
growing aneurysms of 2.4% growth of aneurysms suggests authors; approval of final version of submitted manuscript,
(95% confidence interval [CI]: that the combination of these all authors; literature research, J.P.V., S.T.; clinical studies,
0.5, 7.12) per patient-year, factors is associated with an J.P.V., G.R.D., S.T., F.V.V.; experimental studies, J.P.V.; sta-
versus 0.2% (95% CI: 0.006, increased risk of rupture, which tistical analysis, J.P.V., J.S.; and manuscript editing, J.P.V.,
G.R.D., R.J., S.T., N.A.M., J.F., J.S., F.V.V.
1.22), for aneurysms without may influence consideration for
growth (P = .034). therapeutic intervention. Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

Radiology: Volume 269: Number 1—October 2013  n 259

NEURORADIOLOGY: Asymptomatic Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Villablanca et al

to the long and short axes of the le- diameter on the section, with the largest agreement coefficients for growth were
sion, with bidimensional neck mea- visually estimated lesion cross-sectional determined by using the agreement sta-
surements. This double axial oblique area; B is the lesion diameter perpendic- tistic (13) and the McNemar x2 test with
technique allowed the precise long and ular to A at the same level; and C is the a no/yes dichotomization.
perpendicular short axis of each aneu- craniocaudal dimension (11). Percentage
rysm to be measured and recorded. of change in volume from baseline was
All measurements were made prospec- calculated by using the following formula:
tively by a single trained technologist [(a2 ⋅ b2 ⋅ c2)/2 2 (a1 ⋅ b1 ⋅ c1)/2]/(a1 ⋅ In 165 patients (132 women, 33 men;
with Vitrea software (Vital Images, b1 ⋅ c1)/2, where a, b, and c are the sac age range, 25–90), 258 aneurysms
Minneapolis, Minn) and a previously dimensions, and subscripts 1 and 2 are were followed longitudinally. In 115 of
described protocol (9). Aneurysm mea- aneurysm dimensions at baseline and at 165 (70%) patients, 191 of 258 (75%)
surements were made by four board- subsequent scan times (12). aneurysms were previously known. In
certified neuroradiologists with an av- Epidemiologic data were gathered 50 of 165 (30%) patients, an additional
erage of 14 years of academic practice retrospectively from medical records. 67 aneurysms were found incidentally
experience, one of whom was a study Examined risk factors for growth at baseline CT angiography. In two of
author (J.P.V.) and by a clinical technol- and rupture included age, sex, ciga- 165 (1.2%) patients, an aneurysm with
ogist. Remeasurements were made by rette smoking status, aneurysm size, a measurable neck and sac arose from
J.P.V. and the technologist. diabetes, family history of aneurysms, an aneurysmal contour deformity of
Digital caliper measurements were hypercholesterolemia, history of prior the parent artery at a location where
made by using a visual estimation of rupture, hypertension, mural aneurysm the baseline CT angiography showed no
the full width at half maximum of the calcification, aneurysm location and measurable lesion in two of 258 (0.8%)
section sensitivity profile of aneurysm multiplicity, and presence of vascular patients (Fig 1).
borders on the grayscale multiplanar malformation. Aneurysm location frequencies gen-
reformatted images (10). For follow-up erally matched naturally occurring an-
scans and measurements and for var- Statistical Analysis eurysm location frequencies. Per the
iability analyses, the technologist and Contingency tables were generated for convention used by investigators of the
neuroradiologist were allowed to re- categoric variables, and associations International Study of Unruptured Intra-
view the orientation of the axial oblique were analyzed by using x2 statistics. cranial Aneurysms, data from posterior
planes of the prior study, but were Distributions of continuous variables and communicating arterial aneurysms were
blinded to prior lesion dimensions. descriptive statistics (ie, means, stan- pooled with those of posterior circula-
During the study period, approx- dard deviations, and 95% confidence in- tion aneurysms (6). A total of 217 of 258
imately 70 patients per year were tervals [CIs]) were generated. Student t (84%) aneurysms occurred in women
treated by means of coiling, clipping, or tests were used to compare differences. (ratio of 5.3:1), (P , .001). The mean
combined approaches based wholly or Multiple logistic regression analysis was and median follow-up intervals were 2.24
partially on CT angiographic data. The used to assess independent predictors and 1.99 years, respectively (range, 0.1–
proportion of patients with asymptom- for growth. The population-based prev- 8.5 years). The average age 6 standard
atic unruptured versus symptomatic or alence for growth before data analysis deviation at study entry of patients with
ruptured aneurysms undergoing CT an- was assumed to be between 25% and rupture was 77.2 years 6 7.91, versus
giography at our institution during the 30% of all aneurysms, giving rise to a 60.7 years 6 12.7 for the patients with-
study period was approximately 6:1. cut-off value of 0.29. All analyses were out rupture (P = .01), and 60.9 years for
Aneurysm growth was defined as performed by using statistics software all study patients.
change in size to the nearest tenth of a (SPSS 14.0, SPSS, Chicago, Ill), and a More than two-thirds of grow-
millimeter greater than the measurement P value of less than .05 was considered ing aneurysms (n = 46) demonstrated
error per manufacturer software speci- to indicate a significant difference. Intra- growth by year 3 of follow-up. Six of
fications (,2 mm 6 10%; 2–10 mm 6 and interoperator variability analysis 39 (15%) growing saccular aneurysms
5%; .10 mm 6 2%) for one or more was performed by remeasuring 100 showed only unidimensional (bleb)
aneurysm dimension and change in an- randomly selected study aneurysms, growth (Fig 2), whereas 33 of 39 (85%)
eurysm volume of greater than or equal including growing and nongrowing le- saccular anerurysms grew in two or
to 5%. For instance, for a 1.9-mm an- sions. Pearson correlation coefficients three dimensions. The average per-
eurysm dimension at baseline, measure- were used for analysis of lesion mea- centage of growth was 61.7% (95% CI:
ments between 1.7 mm and 2.1 mm at surements and differences of volumes, 44.9%, 78.4%). Maximum increase in
follow-up imaging were considered within and the difference of the means includ- lesion volume was 201%, and minimum
measurement error for that dimension ing 95% CIs was determined by using a growth was 6%. No lesions decreased in
and not a change in size. Aneurysm vol- 2-tailed t test, with a P value less than size. Aneurysm multiplicity (P = .258),
ume was determined by using the ABC/2 .01 as a threshold indicating a signifi- intraluminal thrombus (P = .035), and
method, where A is the longest lesion cant difference. Intra- and interoperator mural calcification (P = .182) were not

260  n Radiology: Volume 269: Number 1—October 2013

NEURORADIOLOGY: Asymptomatic Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Villablanca et al

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 2:  Craniocaudad projection image

shows 60 year-old woman with saccular
anterior communicating aneurysm exhibiting
unidimensional growth at dome. Anteroposterior
3 transverse 3 craniocaudad aneurysm size
(4.4 mm 3 2.9 mm 3 3.2 mm) was stable
(within measurement error) from (a) November
15, 2001; through (b) February 21, 2002, and
August 16, 2002 (not shown). During third year
of observation, lesion underwent measurable
Figure 1:  Frontal projection three-dimensional and visible growth at dome region (7 mm 3 2.8
volume-rendered images with anteroposterior mm 3 3.2 mm) shown on (c) image from Sep-
projection in a 48-year-old woman with small tember 4, 2003. Patient underwent successful
saccular basilar tip aneurysm that arose from small coil embolization on November 5, 2003.
contour deformity located at basilar tip. (a) Image
shows minor contour deformity at basilar tip. (b)
Image shows interval development of wide-necked
3.2-mm maximal-diameter aneurysm projecting
superiorly from basilar tip. Scan interval was 9
months and 3 weeks. 46 (85%) growing aneurysms were sac- 3 and 4. Table 5 reflects a 12-fold higher
cular, while seven of 46 (15%) were fu- risk of rupture when aneurysm growth
siform (P , .001). occurred (P = .002). Five of 23 (22%)
associated with growth. Bleb formation Observation was the treatment of fusiform aneurysms grew, with volume
was the only growth pattern in several choice for 215 of 258 (83%) of all study increases ranging from 10% to 112%.
lesions (Fig 3). aneurysms. On discovery of growth at None of these lesions ruptured during
There was no relationship between CT angiographic imaging, the plan was the study period. Although all saccular
aneurysm location and aneurysm growth changed from observation to active treat- aneurysms that ruptured grew, a single
(P = .98). Thirteen of 23 (57%) anterior ment in 23 of 46 (50%) patients, while giant fusiform aneurysm without growth
and nine of 13 (69%) posterior circu- the remaining 23 patients continued to be ruptured after more than five years of
lation saccular noncavernous aneurysms observed. Of the 23 growing aneurysms, follow-up. Small sample size did not
with growth were less than or equal nine (39%) were treated by means of en- permit statistically valid subanalysis for
to 7 mm in maximal diameter. Four of dovascular coiling; 12 (52%), with neu- relationship between growth and rup-
36 (11%) growing saccular intradural rosurgical clipping; and two (9%), with ture for fusiform aneurysms.
aneurysms were 2 mm or less in size. neurosurgical reinforcement. Two grow- Three of 39 (8%) saccular intradu-
Table 1 shows the relationship between ing lesions continued to be observed, ral aneurysms with growth ruptured,
aneurysm growth, size, and shape. On although treatment was recommended. and none of the 209 (0%) aneurysms
average, growing saccular aneurysms In comparison, 194 of 212 (92%) aneu- without growth ruptured (P , .001).
were nearly 24% larger than nongrow- rysms without growth were observed. The average time to rupture was 1.2
ing ones. Table 2 is an analysis of the Growth incidence and rupture rates years. During the study period, these
relationship between aneurysm growth, and the characteristics of patients expe- ruptured lesions had a median growth
shape, size, and location. Thirty nine of riencing rupture are provided in Tables rate of 50% (range, 30%–66%).

Radiology: Volume 269: Number 1—October 2013  n 261

NEURORADIOLOGY: Asymptomatic Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Villablanca et al

Table 1
Aneurysm Growth versus Shape and Size
Average Aneurysm Size at Study Entry and End by Shape
All Saccular Fusiform
Aneurysms No. of Aneurysms Entry End No. of Aneurysms Entry End No. of Aneurysms Entry End

Aneurysms with growth 46 7.3 (5.6, 8.9) 8.5 ( 5.6, 9.4) 39 5.4 6.3 7 17.9 20.8
Aneurysms without growth 212 5.4 (4.8, 6.1) 5.5 (4.8, 6.0) 196 4.8 4.8 16 14.0 14.0
  Total aneurysms 258 235 23

Note.—Unless otherwise indicated, data are millimeters, with 95% CIs in parentheses.

Table 2 Figure 3
Average Size of Growing Aneurysms:
Anterior versus Posterior Circulation
Aneurysm Shape
Saccular Fusiform
Circulation Size (mm) No. Size (mm) No.
Anterior 6.8 23 19.5 1
Posterior 6.1 13 18.9 4
 Total 6.5 36 19.0 5

Note.—These data are for aneurysms after the

exclusion of cavernous aneurysms with growth.

Figure 3:  Targeted volume-rendered three-

dimensional images from above left cavernous
All patients with saccular ruptures carotid bifurcation region in 72-year-old woman with
underwent subsequent endovascular saccular aneurysm of left supraclinoid internal carotid
coiling. All patients with growing aneu- artery show bleb development with comparatively
rysms remained asymptomatic during stable sac size. (a) October 17, 2000: Image shows
saccular aneurysm (anteroposterior 3 transverse
the study period, except for those who
3 craniocaudad, 5.9 mm 3 7.1 mm 3 7.9 mm)
presented with rupture and subarach-
with barely perceptible medial deformity of sac wall.
noid hemorrhage (Table 4 and Figure 4).
(b) November 29, 2001: Image shows clearly visible
CT angiography showed growth in small aneurysm bleb. (c) October 29, 2002: Image
nearly 18% of intracranial aneurysms shows prominent growth of medial bleb and com-
of all sizes that was associated with a paratively stable sac size (8.3 mm 3 7.2 mm 3 8.5
12-fold higher rupture risk (P , .002), mm). Patient underwent successful neurosurgical clip
thus supporting imaging follow-up of all placement before rupture on December 30, 2002.
aneurysms, including those currently
smaller than the recommended 7-mm An analysis of epidemiologic risk
treatment threshold. factors and their relationship to aneu-
For the study population as a whole, rysm growth revealed that both tobacco 2.725). When both were used together,
the risk of aneurysm rupture in the no- smoking (3.806, one degree of freedom; these risk factors were associated with
growth group was one in 451 (0.2%) P , .015) and initial aneurysm size 78.4% of all aneurysm growth events.
per patient-year of follow-up versus (5.895, two degrees of freedom; P , Interoperator reliability analysis
three of 123 (2.4%) per patient-year .051) were independent covariates as- for aneurysm dimensions yielded Pear-
in the group with aneurysm growth (P sociated with aneurysm growth. Other son correlation coefficients for the
= .034). Table 5 shows the relationship epidemiologic risk factors were not sig- x, y, and z axes of 0.994, 0.997, and
between aneurysm size, growth, and nificant (P = .186–.655). The odds ratio 0.996, respectively, with a difference
rupture based on the criteria of the In- estimate for aneurysm size was 1.065 of means and 95% CIs of 20.41 (95%
ternational Study of Unruptured Intra- (95% CI: 1.006, 1.127) and for tobacco CI: 20.086, 20.004), 0.003 (95%
cranial Aneurysms. smoking was 1.805 (95% CI: 1.193, CI: 20.003, 20.038), and 20.027

262  n Radiology: Volume 269: Number 1—October 2013

NEURORADIOLOGY: Asymptomatic Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Villablanca et al

Table 3
Characteristics of Patients and Ruptured Aneurysms
Patient Characteristic Aneurysm Characteristic
Patient Age (y)* Sex No. of Scans Result Location Shape Size at Entry (mm) Size at Rupture (mm) Time to Rupture (y) Growth

1 90 F 4 Died ACOM Saccular 6.0 6.2 1.06 Yes

2 79 F 4 Survived PCOM Saccular 6.7 11.0 2.22 Yes
3 78 F 3 Survived BT Saccular 5.8 6.6 0.36 Yes
4 73 M 3 Survived VA Giant fusiform 22.0 21.0 5.22 No

Note.—ACOM = anterior communicating artery, PCOM = posterior communicating artery, BT = basilar tip, VA = vertebral artery.
* Patient age at time of rupture.

(95% CI: 20.066, 20.012), respec- Table 4

tively. Intraoperator reliability anal-
ysis for aneurysm dimensions yielded Growth and Rupture Rates versus Shape Including and Excluding Cavernous
Pearson correlation coefficients for Aneurysms
the x, y, and z axes of 0.984, 0.987, All Aneurysms Cavernous Aneurysms Excluded
and 0.985, with a difference of means Saccular Fusiform Sacular and Saccular Fusiform Saccular and
and 95% CIs of 20.009 (95% CI: Variable (n = 235) (n = 23) Fusiform (n = 258) (n = 209) (n = 19) Fusiform (n = 228)
20.087, 20.069), 20.039 (95% CI:
20.108, 20.030), and 0.043 (95% Growth incidence 39 (16) 7 (30) 46 (18) 36 (17) 5 (26) 41 (18)
CI: 0.029, 20.115), respectively. In- Rupture rate 3 (1) 1 (4) 4 (2) 3 (1) 1 (5) 4 (2)
tra- and interoperator Pearson cor- Note.—Data are numbers, with percentage in parentheses.
relation values for aneurysm volumes
were 0.996 and 0.99, respectively (P
, .001). The agreement statistic for
aneurysm growth yielded intra- and Table 5
interater statistics 6 standard error of Relationship among Aneurysm Size, Growth, and Rupture
0.5174 6 0.2093, and 0.8144 6 0.1315,
Aneurysm Size No. of Rupture with No. of Rupture without
respectively. The McNemar x2 test
Category (mm) Aneurysms Growth Growth Ruptures Growth
for growth versus no growth between
readers and in multiple readings by the ,7 193 (75) 27/193 (14) 3/27 (11) 3 0/166 (0)
same reader was not statistically signif- 8–12 46 (18) 12/46 (26) 0/12 (0) 0 0/34 (0)
icant (P = .99). 13–24 16 (6) 6/16 (38) 1/6 (17) 1 1/10 (10)
25 3 (1) 1/3 (33) 0/1 (0) 0 0/2 (0)
Discussion  Total 258 (100) 46/258 (18) 3/46 (7) 4 1/212 (0.05)

We found that growth of asymptomatic Note.—Data are numbers or proportion of aneurysms, with percentage in parentheses.
unruptured intracranial aneurysms of
all sizes was not uncommon and was
associated with a higher rupture risk,
thus supporting follow-up imaging of 2 mm in the Burns et al study, a size To our knowledge, there are no
all aneurysms, including those small- category in which we identified growing previously published outcome studies
er than the current 7-mm treatment aneurysms and performed statistical comparing observation of asymptom-
threshold (7). analysis on the averaged sac measure- atic growing aneurysms until rupture
Burns et al (14) also reported that ments obtained by two readers. The with treatment of asymptomatic an-
unruptured intracranial aneurysm average size of saccular aneurysms with eurysms before rupture. Without this
growth is not uncommon, noting a growth and with growth ending in rup- comparison, it is not possible to define
6.9% frequency of enlargement for an- ture both at study entry and at study the true risk-to-benefit ratio of treating
eurysms smaller than 8 mm in diame- terminus was below the threshold value asymptomatic aneurysms. A long-term
ter, a frequency lower than our value for lesions with a higher risk of rupture outcome study of 156 patients showed
of 14% for lesions smaller than 7 mm. based only on size identified by the in- that the annual rupture rate of cere-
This difference may have been due to vestigators of the International Study of bral aneurysms was 1.3 per 100 per-
the exclusion of aneurysms smaller than Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms. son-years, with a higher survival rate

Radiology: Volume 269: Number 1—October 2013  n 263

NEURORADIOLOGY: Asymptomatic Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Villablanca et al

to the present article: none to disclose. Finan-

Figure 4 cial activities not related to the present arti-
cle: Consultancy for and IT patents with KSEA
Figure 4:  Volume-rendered three-dimensional America, stock/stock options with Vision Tree
CT angiographic image with superior to inferior Software. Other relationships: none to disclose.
projection and posterolateral perspective in a J.F. No relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.
77-year-old woman with asymptomatic 5.8-mm N.R.G. No relevant conflicts of interest to dis-
close. J.S. No relevant conflicts of interest to
saccular basilar tip aneurysm shows rapid and
disclose. F.V.V. No relevant conflicts of interest
eccentric growth at dome before rupture. (a) Patient to disclose.
was scheduled for 6-month follow-up scan, but pre-
sented at 4 months with subarachnoid hemorrhage
due to rupture of lesion. (b) At time of rupture, lesion References
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for treated patients (15). Emphasizing Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms. 6. Unruptured intracranial aneurysms—risk of
the importance of imaging follow-up Our analysis represents experience at a rupture and risks of surgical intervention.
for small aneurysms, other authors single institution, possibly introducing a International Study of Unruptured Intracra-
have also documented rupture of small demographic bias. In addition, it is pos- nial Aneurysms Investigators. N Engl J Med
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other researchers of a higher rupture though we defined growth as 5% or ural history, clinical outcome, and risks of
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cluding bleb formation (Fig 2). Bleb for- Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest: J.P.V. No
mation has also been associated with a relevant conflicts of interest to disclose. G.R.D.
higher risk of rupture in other studies Financial activities related to the present ar- 10. Villablanca JP, Jahan R, Hooshi P, et al. De-
ticle: none to disclose. Financial activities not
(19,20). Recently, bleb formation was tection and characterization of very small
related to the present article: Consultancy for
also included in the definition of growth Concentric Medical, Sequent Medical, and Ev3 cerebral aneurysms by using 2D and 3D
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in a study evaluating annual rupture
from Stryker Medical. Other relationships: none radiol 2002;23(7):1187–1198.
risk (21).
to disclose. R.J. No relevant conflicts of interest
One of the limitations of our study to disclose. S.T. No relevant conflicts of interest 11. Baxter BS, Sorenson JA. Factors affecting
was that we could not determine true to disclose. N.A.M. Financial activities related the measurement of size and CT number

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