Festive Mars Bar Slice

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festive mars bar slice


• 4 x 53g Mars Bars

• 2 Tbsp bu�er
• 100g rice bubbles
• 200g milk chocolate melts
• 16 red coated chocolates
• 16 mint leaf confectionary



���Line a 20cm x 20cm square cake pan with baking paper.

���Place Mars Bars and bu�er into bowl. 5 minutes / 80C / Speed 1.

���Pour mixture into a large mixing bowl.

���Add rice bubbles and stir until the rice bubbles are well coated. You may need to add a li�le more if too wet.
���Pour mixture into cake pan and smooth out the top.

���Place chocolate into a clean and dry bowl. 5 minutes / 60C / Speed 1. Alternatively, place the chocolate and oil/bu�er into a
microwave safe jug. Cook on Medium for 90 seconds. Stir until completely melted.

���Pour melted chocolate over the slice.

���Place 16 red coated chocolates and mint leaves onto the top of the slice, leaving room to cut into 16 slices once set.

���Allow to set and cut into 16 slices.


���Line a 20cm x 20cm square cake pan with baking paper.

���Place Mars Bars and bu�er into a microwave safe bowl. Cook on Medium for 90 seconds. Stir well to completely melt.

���Add rice bubbles and stir until the rice bubbles are well coated. You may need to add a li�le more if too wet.

���Pour mixture into cake pan and smooth out the top.

���Place chocolate into a clean and dry bowl. 5 minutes / 60C / Speed 1. Alternatively, place the chocolate and oil/bu�er into a
microwave safe jug. Cook on Medium for 90 seconds. Stir until completely melted.

���Pour melted chocolate over the slice.

���Place 16 red coated chocolates and mint leaves onto the top of the slice, leaving room to cut into 16 slices once set.

���Allow to set and cut into 16 slices.

FFiinndd iitt oonnlliinnee: h�ps://t�lmt.com.au/festive-mars-bar-slice/

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