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Name: Year 3: Joy/ Love

Sleep Challenge
How many hours of sleep can you get?
What time did you go to sleep? What time did you How many hours of
Day wake up? sleep did you get?

1 __________ p.m. __________ a.m. _______ hours

What time did you go to sleep? What time did you How many hours of
Day wake up? sleep did you get?

__________ p.m. __________ a.m. _______ hours

What time did you go to sleep? What time did you How many hours of
Day wake up? sleep did you get?

3 __________ p.m. __________ a.m. _______ hours

What time did you go to sleep? What time did you How many hours of
Day wake up? sleep did you get?

4 __________ a.m. _______ hours

__________ p.m.

What time did you go to sleep? What time did you How many hours of
Day wake up? sleep did you get?

5 __________ p.m. __________ a.m. _______ hours

Ms Menaka
Name: Year 3: Joy/ Love

Sleep Challenge Journal Reflection

In order to stay big, healthy, and strong, we need to get a good amount of sleep. Look
back at your results from the 5 day sleep challenge. Do you think you got enough
sleep? How do you know?


What are some ways that you can improve your sleeping habits?


Ms Menaka

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