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Original Sentence: The search for sources of energy began when humans first started to
burn wood or other forms of biomass to generate heat for cooking and smelting.
SOURCE: Adapted from Murray, L. R. (2009) Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, System and
Application of the Nuclear Process. Oxford: Butterworth. Retrieved from

 At first, in order to provide heat for cooking and smelting people burnt wood or other
types of biomass; that’s how looking for sources of energy commenced (Murray, 2009).
Original Sentence: Wind energy and solar power are frequently presented as alternative
energy sources to fossil fuels.
SOURCE: Adapted from Murray, L. R. (2009) Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, System and
Application of the Nuclear Process. Oxford: Butterworth. Retrieved from

 As Murray (2019) states solar and wind power are usually given/ introduced as sources
of energy that can be used in place of fossil fuels.
Original Sentence: Nuclear energy is also linked to diseases in humans, and there is the
additional fear that it may be abused by terrorists in the future.
SOURCE: Adapted from Murray, L. R. (2009) Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, System and
Application of the Nuclear Process. Oxford: Butterworth. Retrieved from

 Illnesses in humans are connected to nuclear energy, and also the possibility of its being
used by terrorists is an extra fear (Murray, 2009).
Original Sentence: An important reason for using nuclear energy is to reduce the emissions
of C02, which are produced by burning fossil fuels.
SOURCE: Adapted from Murray, L. R. (2009) Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, System and
Application of the Nuclear Process. Oxford: Butterworth. Retrieved from

 In order to lessen the emissions of CO2, which are generated by burning fossil fuels,
nuclear energy usage is an essential reason (Murray, 2009).
“Introverts tend to have fewer friends and associates , but form strong relationships with
those friends they do have.”
 Although introverts have a smaller network of friends and acquaintances, they build
strong bonds with them (Smith, 2017).
“Children who formed a secure attachment with a parent exhibited higher levels of
extraversion than those who formed other types of attachment.”
 According to Smith (2017), when children build a safe relationship with a parent, they are
more likely to become extraverts compared to children who lack such a relation.
“An introvert may act extraverted - push herself to be more sociable, for instance - and
feel more positive as a result.”
 Introverts can display extraverted behaviour which causes them not only to become
more interactive but also more affirmative (Smith, 2017).
Original sentence: Students using direct quotations must put them in double quotation
marks and state the page numbers to avoid accusations of copying and plagiarism.
 In order to avoid being accused of copying and plagiarism, students are required to
enclose direct quotations in double quotation marks, with the page numbers indicated in
parentheses (Atkinson et al., 1996).
“In the US, all foreign nationals from China, Iran and certain EU countries are banned from
entering the country (Ellis, 2020).”
 The United States government does not allow Chinese, Iranian and certain EU country
citizens into the country (Ellis, 2020).
“Abbot (2007) defines Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as “a wide
range of technologies, which store and transmit information in digital form on hardware
and software basis.”
 Abbot (2007) defines Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as extensively
varied technological tools for people to help them save and distribute information in
digital format using hardware and software.
“Echenique (2014) states that “the use of the Internet changes the ways that people
communicate and allows them to extend their social networks by staying in touch with
family and friends.”
 According to Echenique (2014), the integration of Internet based tools in people’s lives
alters how people communicate by extending their possibility in social and family
“Tolan (2001) claims that “young people’s psychological development is endangered by
neighborhoods with high crime rates and increased display of youth violence.”
 As claimed by Tolan (2001), criminal behaviors and youth violence that are observed in
neighborhoods have been threatening the youngsters’ psychological development.
“Moreno and Kolb (2012) claim that “parents and other adults are slowly catching up in
terms of technological knowledge; however, it seems there is still a large gap between the
ease with which adolescents are able to manipulate technology and the ease with which
their parents can.”
 Even though a considerable difference in the ability to navigate and use technology is
likely to exist between young people and their parents, adults are gradually improving
their skills and knowledge to use it better (Moreno & Kolb, 2012).
“Moreno and Kolb (2012) claim that “because social networking sites, such as Facebook,
give adolescents the opportunity to post information about their personal lives, such as
likes, dislikes, and activities, they also present an opportunity for adolescents to display
information about risky behaviors, both in text and picture format.”
 According to Moreno and Kolb (2012), social networks like Facebook provide an
opportunity for young adults to post text or pictures about their personal lives; however,
this opportunity does not limit itself to likes, dislikes and activities, but can also include
risky behaviors in which they are involved.
“Moreno and Kolb (2012) assert that “social networking sites give adolescents
opportunities to explore and shape their identity by choosing what information about
themselves to display to the public and how the information they display changes in
response to new experiences as well as how it relates to feedback from peers.”
 Moreno and Kolb (2012) claim that young peoples’ social network identities are
responsive to peer-feedback and new experiences because adolescents are able to
manipulate what and how personal information is viewed by other site members.

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