Assignment 1 Instructions

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ECO 1164

Research Methods and Statistics

Spring 2020 – 2021

SEC(3) SEC(4)
Starts: 21.04.2021, Wednesday 10.30 Starts: 21.04.2021, Wednesday 13.30
Ends: 21.04.2021, Wednesday 13.30 Ends: 21.04.2021, Wednesday 16.30


 The examination will be a mix of problems and R applications.

 You will be given 3 hours to complete your examination and to upload the required files to
the itslearning system.
 You will submit 2 documents:
1) An R script file containing your R codes
2) A file containing your report (word processor formats are accepted).
 BEWARE!!! You must submit the file containing your report as a single file. Multiple files will neither
be accepted nor evaluated.
 The report file will include:
 The R codes you ran and outputs obtained after running those codes
 Scatter plots, graphs, tables, diagrams, charts, figures, etc
 Explanations, interpretatiosn etc. if necessary.

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