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VOCAB ULA RY ' ~ 1'-'~ ~ '

Travel and holidays
1~Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from
the box.

buffet coach station departure lounge harbour quay

cabin deek- destination platform runway

1 Most of the youn g peop1e on the boat slept on th "" i,,M ............. in their
sleeping bags. e!'

2 As the train drew into the st ation,

. Jane could see her sister waiting on the
3 IBy
I ot about
to th flying that I left my passport in the .............................. •
4 g e .............................. , the bus to Scotland had left
5 As soon ~s the boat left the .............................. , the storm began. .
6 Wthe ha~ t had anything to eat, but luckily there was a .............................. on
e tram.
7 I'~ afraid there is only one first-class .............................. free on the boat.
8 T1m reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn't reach its .............................. .
9 There was a queue of cars on the .............................. , wrutmg· · 1or
e the car-ferry to

the island.
1O Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine on the .............................. .

2 Underline the best word or words to complete each sentence.

1 David's plane was cancelled / delayed by thick fog.
2 The ship's owner agreed to give the crew / passengers a pay-rise.
3 The plane from Geneva has just grounded / landed.
4 We hope that you will enjoy your flight I flying.
5 Because of heavy snow, their plan e was diverted / deviated to Luton.
6 I won't be long. I'm just packing my last luggage / suitcase.
7 You have to check in / check up an hour before the plane leaves.
8 All duty-free goods must be declared / surrendered at customs.
9 The plane took off/ took up and was soon high over the city.
10 I bought a simple ¡ single ticket, as I was going to return by car.
11 A sign above the seats in the plane says 'Fasten your life belt / seat belt'.
12 On the plane the flight attendant / waitress brought me a newspaper.


3 Use a word or words from exercises 1 or 2 to complete each sentence· Th ew0

may be in a different form. rd
1 I had to ...c;,~~.eL. ............. my tickets, because I was ill and couldn't travel.
2 The train for London is now arriving at .............................. three.
3 The plane .............................. on time but arrived half an hour late.
4 We finally reached our .............................. after travelling all day.
5 It was hard to find a seat on the train as there were so many ...................... .
6 While we were waiting at the station we had a bite to eat in the ..................:::::·· ·
7 I felt seasick so I went to my .............................. and tried to sleep. .......
8 Do you want a return ticket, or a .............................. ?
9 The customs officer asked Bill if he had anything to .............................. .
l O There is a small .............................. here for fishing boats and yachts.
11 How much .............................. can I take with me on the plane?
12 The 8.55 from Hull will be 30 minutes late. We apologize for the ........................ .

4 Match each word in the box with a definition (1-1 O).

a crossing an expedition an itinerary a tour a trip

a crttist a flight a package tour travel a voyage

l A jowney by ship for pleasure . ...~ ..c.m~s, .............................................................. ..

2 A journey by plane................... .................... ... ..
3 The plan of a journey.................. .................... :.. ··················· ············ .. ·····"·······"·""".
4 ~ informal word for journey. Sometimes me~.~~·~·~h~;~j~~·;~~;· . . . . ... . . ..
5 A J0urney for a scientific or special purpose. ..........................................................
6 A boliday which includes organized travel and accommod ation ....................... ..
7 Taking journeys, as a general idea. ................... ...
8 A journey by sea. ... ... .. ......... ....... . ··.... ·... ·.. ··.. ····.................................
9 An organized journey to see the ~;.. h·~~··~f·~· . ¡~. ........ .............................................
1O A journey from one side of the seagto the o¡e ce ............................................ •::::::
r. ······························ .................

5 beus~ a wdo.rffd or wofrds from exercise 4 to complete each sentence The word may
in a I erent orm. ·
l The travel agent will send you the Ltk"'~ e .
· hb · · •....,X8X1:9 .. i or your tnp
2 MY ne1g ours went on a guided ·
3 Last time I went from England to ·i~. . ....... . ...
of Rome.
rough ...................... ·
• . . . anee we had a very
The fi1rst pnze m the compet1·tion is a luxur M d.
5 When you go on a ¡ an Y e 1terranean .................... .. •
6 The college organized ª.. ¡•~........... . .'
you pay one price for everything.
7 Olympic announces the ~ ... l.................. to search for the ancient ruins.
arnva of
8 The Titanic sank on its first ............:.. ······ OA 269 from Athens.
· ..................... I n 1912.
9 ................. :... is one of my rnain interests.
10 Mr Dean 1s away on a business 1
................... .. at the rnoment. Can I help you.

6 Replace the words in italics in e h
ac sentence wlth a word or phrase from the box.
accommodation camp-site a fo1might hitch-hike porter
book double room guest-house hostel vacancy

1 I stayed in France for two weeks last year. .R.:fcn:tY.\-k@ht.....

2 It's difficult to find anywhere to stay here in the summer. ......................... ..
3 We had no money so we had to get lifts in other people's cars. ......................... ..
4 Icl like a room for the night please. A room f or two people. ...........................
5 The place where we stayed wasn't a hotel but a private house where you pay to stay
and have meals. ...........................
6 Icl like to reserve three single rooms for next week, please............................
7 It was raining, and we couldn't find a place to put our tent. .......................... .
8 l'd like a room for the night, please. Do you have a free one? .......................... .
9 The school has its own place f or students to stay. ......................... ..
Jo We gave a tip to the person who carried our bags in the hotel. ...........................

7 Choose the best word or phrase (A, B, e or O) to complete each sentence.

1 They ..... !;.............. ali day swimming and sunbathing at the beac~.d
A did B used e spent D occup1e
2 The hotel room ..................... over a beautiful garden. 1 kd t
A viewed out B faced up C opened up D º.º e ou
3 We didtít ..................... to the station in t":1e to catch th~tr~e
B reach C arnve
A get . h th t I left one of my bags ...................... .
4 I was m such a urry ª D behind
B ·d Con
A out asi e dn't his hotel bill.
5 Mr Hill had his money stolen and coul c.......... D pay out
Cpay 1or
A pay up B P~Y ve a / an ..................... with her name on.
6 Jane lost her case. It did not ha C label D identification
A ticket B po er t Oxford Circus.
7 Take the bus, and ..................... a C et clown D get away
B get off g
A get out my suitcase. .
8 I was too tired to .... .... ............. C ut out D disorder
A unpack B emp~ e ·ust ~................... by the hotel pool.
9 On the first day of our hohday w J C comforted D relaxed
A enJoye d B calmed h th t we co uldn't ......... ............ our tent.
1O The wind was blowing so mue a C make up D build
B put up
A raise

d words beginning sea-. Complete each
8 Use a dictionary to find compoun
.h of these words. ,
sentence w1t one t . s We went to the ..s,~SHÜ...... instead.
1 go to the moun am . l
1 Last year we b that serves wonderfu ..................... .
Th ' restaurant near the har our
2 eres a . .1 f smelly green ..................... ·
3 The beach was covered m p1, es oh nd metres above ..................... .
. high up Its a t ousa
4 This town 1s very · b t we couldn't find anywhere to park.
s We drove along the ...... ............... u flying behind the ship.
6 Tourists were throwing bread to the ................ ·;· .. .
7 Luckily I had taken sorne travel pi·ns so I d1dn t feel ..................... ·
b •id· sand castles on the ..................... ·
8 Children were m mg ------=------~-,

9 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the fir 5t
sentence, using an expression with have.
1 I sunbathed for a while, and then went swimming.
I sunbathed for a while, and then ...J..h&Hil.~.SlNÍ.l11............................ .. ........... .
2 I really enjoyed my holiday last year.
I ..................................................................................................................................... .
3 David crashed his car while he was driving to Spain.
David ............................................................................................................................ .
4 When we left, Maria wished us a safe journey.
'Goodbye,' sa1.d M ana, . 'an d .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .... .... .. ...... .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .. .. ....... .. ... ............
5 Most of the people on the beach were wearing very little.
Most of the people on the beach .......................................................... .. ............. ..
6 We couldn't decide about our holiday but then Sue thought of something.
We couldn't decide about our holiday until Sue .................................................... ..
7 There was a party at Martin's house last night.
Martin ........................................................................................................................... .
8 Karen couldn't go away for the weekend because she was busy.
Karen couldn't go away for the weekend beca use she ...........................................
9 Ian didn't know how to water-ski, but he gave it a try.
Ian didn't know how to water-ski but he . .. ..........................
10 Laura suspected that the hotel food was going to be bad. ······································
Laura................................... ..... .......... .
11 Can I see your holiday ph~~~·~i ..................................................................

12 r: ~~:~·s~~~·i·~h··~~i'i·.··················· ••. . .................................... ................. ..
C I ········

Tom ....... .
1o Decide which answer (A, B e or D) best fit h
' 1 s eac gap.

Ho lic ia. ys
Is it better to go on a package (1) ......~............ ,orto (2) ..................... on your
own? I suppose the answer depends on wh t ki d f (3)
a n o ..................... you are.
A complicated tour organized by a travel (4) ..................... has sorne advantages.
You have a/ an (5) ..................... , which gives you definite (6) ..................... and
arrival dates, anda list of all your (7) ....................... The (8) ..................... may
be cheaper, as it has been (9) ..................... in advance, so you spend less time
worrying about where you are going to (10) ....................... If you book your own
hotel, you might have trouble finding a / an (11) ..................... , unless you are
going to stay for a (12) ..................... , for example. On the other hand, organizing
your own (13) ..................... can be fun. Many people buy (14) ..................... plane
tickets, and (15) ..................... the night in cheap hotels or guest-houses.

l A travel B tour Cjourney D cruise

2 A travel B trip Cvoyage D tourist
3 A voyager B passenger e tourist Dmover
4 Aoffice B agent Ctour D operation
5 A tirnetable B scheme e notice D itinerary
6 A departure B parting Cleave D quitting
7 A cancellations B expeditions e organisations D destinations
8 A bedrooms B staying e flat D accommodation
9 A preserved Bbooked e reservation D hotels
10 A stay B pass Clive D cross
11 Aempty B free Cvacancy D available
12 A fortnight B daytime C ftfteen days Dpassage
13 A voyage B expedition e trip D package
14 A free B cheapest e cut-price Dlow
B at Cfor Dspend
15 Ahave


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