Tugas Inggris Kelompok 6

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Topic: Health

Kelompok 6:
1. M erza (11220860000124)
2. M fikri (11220860000125)
3. Kasyifa anaimah (11220860000121)
4. Melani putri ardita (11220860000122)

the dangers of consuming junk food

fast food or better known as junk food is a food favored by some people.
Both the old and the young.in addition to good teste, fast food is also practical,
and easy to get.especially in big cities.usually,people in big cities prefer fast
food because it is served quickly,and does not take much time.so that the time
wasted to cook food and eat it is not much.
However,according to halodoc.com,fast food is not recommended to be
consumed often because it can have a negative impact on health.some of the
reasons are because fast food does not contain many nutrients but contains a lot
of calories,fat and sugar which is quite high,so it can increase the risk of the
body experiencing heartburn.obesity,diabetes,heart attack,and hypertension and
various other dise ases.
One that we must be aware of in consuming junk food according to the
halodoc.com page,it can reduce the brain’s ability to consume junk food for five
consecutive days can reduce the brain’s ability too think.this is because fat is
believed to cause memory disorders and junkfood is food that contains
highlevels of fat.And can also disrupt the respiratory system quoting from
healthline.com,excessive calories can increase weight and increase the risk of
obsesity is respiratory disorders such as asthma and difficulty
breathing.consuming junk food can also make us addicted.
Although fast food can be obtained easily and quickly,it is quite risky for
health and it is advisable not to eat it too often,it is better to eat lots of green
vegetables and fruits

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