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Expt. No. Page No.


Umdextand Tntedefeadenee And Lrhexachen

Betiesm tenent Ensikananerntod Lompenert
The stexm Ensixeruknt ip deied en ttench LsEnd
sEmsinen' wthich litorly mean 'pusiundima' tnathuma
Beimg ex bietie cempenents (micxebep,Elandpand
amimal_) and nem-liim, s ohictie cempment(aiss
uatee, unligft etr) Balaemt in tha matius«e ,fEm the
emienmmant. The Emisenment Pstectien Actb 936,
clefima Emsasennant o"emaxemmLnt imdluda_uatox.
aisand lamd., and hauman KeingÙ s honamay
Betinoam the fustic andabitie cenpeTani te
fumtional ecsayptemy and juataimaile ia mdtha flondt
ele fncun fost tot the anikepsqgrie actiatia_ and
haummam hae bignifcontly, damagso the emaEnnent
amd methax eaxtt ota fotoce Thhut, éoháxenmertoe
educotiem ut indifenozle. ti cHeat envaxGnm ertol
ultimaty leasing ete enarENTeTta

Teacher ' Signature

Expt. No.. Page No. Date

The falart Eaxth iþ catgsipd uimte diffremt $ßfaxes
which seßxasent elid (ecksl), liid (uote) amd
Sutn eles:
dithosbaexe i(Greikitithss meamp HOof #i_ the Auteknst
aajex tfe Lhugt uhih sepzazent_ tfu. Iand
tha soxth ftconspt, f aok aeil,jedimantp amd
mimexola:Vasisus qeslenieod ustne and xUes take
placeim lthasta.

ati maspes en dhe. ffanetfxepert in elid (glocien_),.

liquid.(uates hedia_)and gae_(uatix sass)Aus
Lsale. inamaintainin, ilmical anl fhyical fusktien, êns
3kliashßhane:(boekAmst meam_ aheu)tt tte.
lonzeup lagax. En the eoxth uthich sneludas EXugRn 209S),
itgen(o81), sthex gnez (o.08) in oddf¿n de
mtine, dugt poxticle amd uotix vapsse

e atmspfore, ithaßfxe amd taygiesshone in the eniscnuÃn

bhene lit exists by healtfay ntexastien blnucan bustic b
oittie remfenent
Teacher 's Signature
Expt. No. Page No. Date

Enuivenmertal fee covex: NeOeS telated te the
irtexacten the uatix, jl,aiu-atmsphane enÊn
-ment uith the hamans and the Sisphare
enênmutal fiea Axreye,haydxedynamics and
yanas itta.t thyaical, eheneol and fhieieQyeal
sirespncudin hellitant sKces amd akugin,tntÇ

Ptnthesia Mat e tn eaxth defend en fhstesyrthui

The fuen i caxsied aut hy ait,dga

envan giucseuna phtasynthai ®ant tae in

el. thin the plant cell, tha uatt Exidiad,
Tianina it lses cledtens hile the caâên diaxide
i sudud,mianna it qaun eeclins. Th Tantn
the uatK unta Eugin ad the caen diudento
giuesje Tha piant then neleaseE the BXAm aacn inte
the aix and naHqu uiithin tthe hucsË m£kecuie
Suni tt
CO.+ tHta.0
Expt. No.. Page No. Date

am the igaxs osueduced duung

fhatesythasi ,plp oxygento freduee emexgy, f
Blani gut n many, uay, tepiatien " the.
eofsiti hatosynthais Sh tta malkal eninnmaat,
larit_, ponts duce thaie sun usuie.
pazfuratian doke, slaee in dhe. matothendia e th
cell in the hxaence at ygon,shich is calldi
Qanehie Apiratan" tnlahts the are tue

tilathe ecend frun


dti,nnly thsuah temoa AuoNes mata

tenings are ntaasy t 0dit toxbn ieide to leaf
uitesiet amd te alew oxugam to eeape dug
Conidrd do fe meraly an anayeidoDle Bhamenenen
thot occtnapani dtha Steal faunctiny the tEmata t
ha baan pxeteed that tranfinatian Ddes the
do iamBt ut cin the plant nd. moy
im ot disspain im ttha aid
thuaxip hae hen cholenged duiad qunligit thugh"tu
Expt. No. Page No. Date

-atfaung dipintegxalien
athaung, dipintegxalicn A altexnatien
Lestien Lat ox neON tha ax tti ouxtane tthssuan
Bhayicals chamical , Amd hislgical cosoe uncleid
en'medtiecd coy inds uotamd climate -Dsun
tha weattuannprinu the tsamitrahin di_intefatatad
BX alteQd. aticol un uithin tha inninediata e
sainity, sf the stk oßue,knt the RÉ ma Gemaun
in pitd
ita cstingefexae
, deatharinq imvehes khapiosls amical, omd
bislogical osptca actingerae
togatharto achieve tthe iiniagatan amd
Hk materiol

Thtugh th Bractienl, get to kmss a~et osis
ithesphux e dnd Bueshe uin an elokakote menmWe
qet do lean ahat Noiu HÊr.ONEE Lstich take place
am enaisrrunt uch as thteythasi, apixotiny
dranpiatin aand uenthaxina

Teacher 's Signature

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