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Submitted by:
Manolong, Renalyn B.
Mayola, Mericris
Salva, Cheralyn
Ybias, Maria Elaiza Lee S.

Submitted to:
Ms. Mary Regine V. Omatang
Mandatory national service (also called compulsory service) is a requirement that people

serve in the military or complete other works of service. Military education and training is a

process which intends to establish and improve the capabilities of military personnel in their

respective roles. Military training may be voluntary or compulsory duty. It begins with recruit

training, proceeds to education and training specific to military roles, and sometimes includes

additional training during a military career. Directing staff are the military personnel who

comprise the instructional staff at a military training institution. In some countries, military

education and training are parts of the compulsory education. The organizers believe that

military education can bring some benefits and experiences that cannot be obtained from normal

class like setback education. Moreover, participants are able to learn more survival skills during

the military education, like co-operations and resilience, which will help participants improve the

capabilities of military personnel in their respective roles.

Mandatory military service (sometimes also referred to as conscription or draft) can be

defined as the compulsory enlistment of people in national and military service. Conscription is

quite popular across the world and still plays an important role in many countries. There are

certain countries where once you reach a certain age you are obligated to participate in at least

two years of military service. I believe that joining the military should not be mandatory, but

instead people should join the military on their own terms. The only time that people be forced to

join the military is if they are drafted during a war. That is when people are vital and if more

people did not join, then it would be catastrophic. It is wrong for people to be forced to join the

military; instead they should join on their own. When it comes down to military service some

people just aren’t fit for duty. There are many circumstances where not everyone is able to deal
with the intensity of military service. Many people would not be able to deal with what they put

you through when you are in the military. Not everyone can take the stress and all the raucous

that being in the military can bring.

There are some definitive disadvantages of compulsory military service, here are some

of the examples; Military service can be quite hard, Mental problems, Physical health issues,

Some people may not like to conform, May not be necessary in times of freedom and global

cooperation, Other kinds of national service might be more reasonable, Military may suffer from

a bad image, Some people take patriotism too far, Accidents during mandatory military service,

Some people may not be suitable for military service, Loss of time, Confined freedom, Forcing

people into things they don’t want is often not a good idea, May conflict with religious and

ethical concerns, and Bureaucracy related to conscription.

Military service is undoubtedly among the most profound forms of service to the nation.

It may be beneficial to our country but the answer is not forcing more people to make the great

sacrifice that military service entails. The rights associated with citizenship should not be

contingent on mandatory military service. Requiring more people to serve in the military cannot

solve the problem of frequent or unnecessary use of military force. Such a shift in the definition

of citizenship would only create a further wedge in an already divided society — between those

who would inevitably be declared exempt and those who are not, as well as between those who

support such a transformational new policy and those who do not. There are other, less divisive

— and less risky — ways to address the problems created by over-reliance on a limited military


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