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2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

Seabed morphology characterization for Indonesian cable-

based tsunameter route in Cilacap Segment, Indonesia

S Ardhyastuti1*, S Husein2, D Muljawan3, Y Haryadi1*, T Wiguna4,

H K Febriawan5, A P Putra1, A Tohari1, A R R I Marcino2, A B Nugroho1,
A Sudaryanto6

Research Center for Geological Disaster, National Research and Innovation Agency
(BRIN), Jl. Cisitu, Sangkuriang Bandung, West Java - 40135,Indonesia
Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Sleman,
Yogyakarta - 55284, Indonesia
Research Center for Geospatial, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor, Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia
Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere, National Research and Innovation
Agency (BRIN), Jl. Cisitu, Sangkuriang Bandung, West Java - 40135, Indonesia
Directorate of Research Vessel Management, National Research and Innovation
Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia
Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and
Innovation Agency (BRIN), Puspiptek Serpong, West Java - 15314, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author Email:;

Abstract. The Indonesian government has initiated a program for Ina Tsunami Early Warning
System by the development of sea level monitoring systems including a Cable-Based
Tsunameter. Seabed feature characterization is a critical part of the engineering design process
as well as for the understanding of environmental impacts. This study aims to characterize the
seabed morphology along the cable route plan at the Cilacap segment by analyzing the seafloor
mapping and identifying of any existing hazards. A series of marine surveys for the data
acquisition hydro-acoustic and geophysics was conducted by RV Baruna Jaya IV, in December
2020. The analysis and interpretation of seabed geomorphology were conducted using
qualitative methods on four Blocks. Results indicate anthropogenic objects (debris, wreck, and
scars), while the features of ripples, and pockmarks. Furthermore, sediment layers which are
interpreted into four units from the top to bottom shows fine grained sediment towards the top.
Finally, the hazard assessment denotes that there are three hazard categories (low, medium, and
high), of which the highest category is located in the pockmark cluster (Block 4). The existing
CBT cable route place is faced with geomorphological obstacles and environmental threats, so
it’s recommended to change the route as far as 50meters.

Keywords: Cable route, hazard assessment, seafloor mapping, seabed morphology, Cilacap

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

1. Introduction
Indonesia is a country prone to tsunami disasters. As part of the tsunami disaster mitigation efforts, the
Government of Indonesia has initiated the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS)
program, which is an early warning system for tsunami disasters caused by earthquakes or other
causes [1], [2]. One of the system includes sea level monitoring systems such as the Cable Based
Tsunameter (CBT) which uses an underwater optical cable network to communicate sea level
information from ocean bottom units to stations on the coast [2].
Based on the grand design of InaTEWS 2019-2024 by the Agency for the Assessment and
Application of Technology (BPPT) [2], one of the CBTs to be developed is an Advance CBT which is
located in the Indian Ocean south of Java as a corridor from Krui (Lampung) to Cilacap (Central Java)
[2]. In 2020, an integrated seabed mapping survey has been carried out by BPPT at a depth of 50-200
meters as part of determining the cable route for the advanced CBT segment of Cilacap. It has been
known that the geomorphology of the seabed is very important information because it can support
infrastructure development, exploration and natural hazard assessment [3]. For instance,
geomorphology of the seabed could describe the hazards that may occur in underwater optical cables,
and its important factors in maximizing burial and cable protection [4]. Thus, it is necessary to carry
out a mitigation process before functioning of the submarine cable, including identification and
characterization of geomorphology and seabed sediments, as well as burial surveys [5]. Several studies
have been conducting on seabed mapping as part of process development of submarine cable
infrastructures in Indonesia such as for telecommunication [5] as well as for disaster mitigation
purposes [6]. Therefore, characterization of seabed features is an important part of the engineering
design process as well as for understanding the environmental impact to submarine optical cables.
Until now, literature related to the seabed geomorphology and its characteristics in the Cilacap
waters is rarely found. Therefore, by utilizing of those seabed mapping survey data on 2020, this study
aims to characterize the morphology of the seabed along the planned CBT cable route in the Cilacap
segment and identifying existing hazards. To our knowledge, this is a first study to report seabed
geomorphology on submarine cable route plan in Cilacap waters.

2. Geological Setting
The Indonesian cable-based tsunameter (Ina-CBT) route is expected to lay offshore, south of the
Central Java region. The Central Java offshore region is part of Java Island and lies in the transition
zone between the active volcanic arc of Java, and the outer arc basin. The tectonics of this area is
strongly influenced by the Sunda subduction zone. The subduction of the Sunda Arc system is the
movement of the Indo-Australia plate beneath the Eurasia plate, which forms the Sunda trench in the
south of Java Island. This trench is believed in its position in the Middle Eocene [7]. In the part of the
shore area, Central Java has a unique geological history. The uniqueness of Central Java has been
resumed by Satyana and Purwaningsih [8] and Satyana [9] These publications show that the
uniqueness of Central Java includes: (a) its position on the transition of basement rocks from
continental to accreted crusts, (b) its position on the transition of structural trends from Sumatran to
Meratus Trends, (c) the place where the exposure of the oldest basement rock complex of Java Island
take place in Luk Ulo area, (d) the place where the Java’s Southern Mountains dis-appear in southern
Central Java compared with those existing in southern West Java and southern East Java, (e) the place
where the Quaternary volcanic arc lineament shifts northward compared with those in the western and
eastern Java which are located more to the south, and (f) the place where the coastlines of Java Island
indent inward compared with those of West Java and East Java. They favor a couple of major strike-
slip faults of the Muria-Kebumen and Pamanukan-Cilacap Faults as responsible for making the
structure of this region.
The tectonic activity controls Neogene sedimentary basin offshore of Central Java. It was occurred
from the late Oligocene to the early Pliocene. This activity consists of folding, faulting and volcanisms
in the late Oligocene which formed the horst and graben in the western area [10]. The horst area was
covered, and unconformity was in contact with shallow carbonate deposit dan reef deposit.

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

Meanwhile, the depocenter of the basin was deposited by deep sea facies. Bolliger and Ruiter [10]
characterized four of the main tectonic in the Central Java offshore area which are the late Oligocene
Volcanism, subsidence in the early Miocene, the middle Miocene volcanisms, and uplifted
mechanisms in Java in the late Pliocene.

3. Methodology
3.1. Study area
The study area is located in Cilacap waters and called Cilacap segment as part of route plan for
advance CBT corridor Krui (Lampung) to Cilacap (Central Java) [2]. At this segment, the cable route
is divided into 4 Blocks to support the analysis. Figure 1 shows the study area and its segmentation
along the cable route plan at Cilacap waters.

Figure 1. Map showing study area at Cilacap waters obtained from a survey
conducted with the RV Baruna Jaya in 2020

3.2. Methods
A Multibeam echo sounder (MBES), Side scan sonar (SSS), Sub-bottom profiler (SBP), and gravity
core sampler were used to collect the data to have sea bed and a subsurface image along the proposed
Advanced CBT route including at Cilacap segment (Figure 1). The research vessel of RV. Baruna
Jaya IV belongs to formerly the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
which currently merged into National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) was utilized for field
survey which was conducted during 20th November 2020 to 20 December 2020 in Cilacap Waters,
Central Java. The data is divided into three lines (center, left, and right) from blocks 1 to 4 with a
distance between survey lines of 125 m wide and water depths of 50 – 200 m (Figure 1).

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

The mounted Elac Seabeam 3050 with the resolution of 1.5 deg x 2 deg was employed to acquire
the bathymetric data. The 50 kHz frequency band was operated in water depths ranging from 3 m
below the transducers to approx. 3,000 m and the survey vessel speed was between 4 to 6 knots. The
line acquisitions are inline and parallel.
An EdgeTech 4200 FS was employed to collect the sonar data to depict the sea bed along the
proposed route of Advanced CBT. The EdgeTech was towed behind of RV Baruna Jaya IV during the
survey. The length of the towing system varied depending on the depth of the surveyed area, normally
the Side sonar fish in set of 10 to15 meter hovering over the sea bed. The sonar data was processed
including Geometric Corrections, Automatic Gain Control (AGC), and Mosaicking.
The sub-surface data were collected using SBP OreTech 3010 S which was mounted on the bottom
of RV. Baruna Jaya IV. Processing of SBP data applied of 1600 km/s sound speed in unconsolidated
sediment to obtain the depth of the sediment layer. Geometric corrections, radiometric correction i.e
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and User Gain Control (UGC), bottom tracking, and sediment layer
tracing were conducted before the improvement of the sound speed to get a deep overview of sediment
layers. Digitization of acoustic reflectors is carried out by drawing a line at the boundary (acoustic
impedance contrast) between the subsurface layers of the seafloor that is read on the vertical profile of
the SBP. The boundary between the layers can be seen based on the acoustic reflection pattern present
in the sampling window of the general reflection model.
Seven core samples are collected by employed Kullenberg gravity core sampler along the proposed
route of the Advanced CBT and was carried out at seven sites spread from block 1 to block 4.
However, in this study, two core samples were used. The penetrations varied between 80 cm to 200
cm of barrel core depending on the type of the sediment in the sampling area. After handling the core
samples the macroscopic description of the core samples including color, grain size, hardness,
thickness, and naming of the sediments was conducted. The core samples were correlated to the
sediment layers and obtained to interpret SBP data. The grain size parameters used in the sample
description use the Wentworth classification which divides the grain size of clastic sediments ranging
from loam, silt, fine-coarse sand, gravel, to boulder.
Processing of sub bottom profiler data and side scan sonar were conducted using the SonarWiz
version 5 software application, where the value of the acoustic wave velocity in the survey area is used
to correct the sonar signal from the row data in the form of xtf. The processing stages include
geometric correction of the slant range, radiometric nadir correction of the filter, identification and
plotting, export. Export the results of plotting the morphology of the seabed from the sonar recording
data into a mosaic image. The interpretation stage of sonar data produces features and objects of the
Sub bottom profiling data, sgy data row with acoustic wave velocity values in sedimentary layers,
conversion of time domain to depth domain is carried out based on the assumption of acoustic wave
velocity in unconsolidated sedimentary material, which is 1600 m/s. Geometric, radiometric
corrections and digitization of the subsurface acoustic reflector were carried out. The data for
interpretation purposes of determining the lithology type of the survey area is based on reflector
patterns and correlations with sediment core data at each point.

4. Result and discussion

4.1. Interpretation on seabed morphological characterization
Side scan sonar data, sub-bottom profilers that have passed the data correction stage, and lithological
columns of gravity core sediment samples are then integrated as the basis for making
geomorphological maps of the seabed. The vertical cross-section of the sub-bottom profiler is used to
see the subsurface conditions where the geomorphology plotted on the side scan sonar imagery is
located. The lithology column is used to determine the dominance of the sediments constituting the
seabed as well as the speed of deposition flows that precipitate sediments along the research trajectory.
The phenomenon of the sand ripples is characterized by longitudinal geomorphological rows that have
a light hue at the apex and stoss side as well as a dark hue on the lee side. Ripples of sand began to be

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

found in block 3rd of the research track with a depth of about 130 m. Indeed, seabed geomorphological
of Cilacap waters as well as general in Indian Ocean waters is dominated by sand characteristic [11,
12]. This different with those geomorphological characteristic in northern Java Island with typical by
muddy [13]. The presence of sand ripples in our study indicates an increase in the strength of seabed
currents so that the seabed surface in the area can be interpreted to consist of coarse-grained sediments
such as sand. In fact, Cilacap waters considered to have high velocity current on average 0.6 m/s and
maximum of 0.8 m/s during spring tide which could result of sediment erosion as much as 0.004 –
0.01 meter [12]. In present study, the sand ripples identified on the research trajectory (Figure 2) have
a relatively straight pattern in the Northeast – Southwest direction. Based on the location of the
sloping and steep sides of the sand ripples, it can be interpreted that the geomorphological forming
flow has a relatively perpendicular direction from the straightness of the sand ripples and one
direction, namely from the Northwest to the Southeast.

Figure 2. The examples of the orientation of the straightness and the direction of the
flow of the sand ripple shaper. (a) sonar contact sand ripples at a depth of 130 m. (b)
sonar contact sand ripple on Block 3th at a depth of 152.9 m.

4.2. Seabed condition

Seabed condition is described by the presence of an eruptive crater in Block 4 which was identified as
having a relatively circular shape with dimensions of an average length of 5.5 m and a width of 5 m.
The vertical profile display of the sub-bottom profiler in block 4th shows that there is an acoustic
reflector anomaly with a chaotic pattern (black line) that is seen pushing or even penetrating the

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

sediment layer above it (the red line), interpreted to be associated with the presence of an eruptive
crater (Figure 3).
Based on its average dimensions and associations, the eruptive crater is classified as an eruptive
crater complex or pockmark cluster [14-16]. Pockmarks are reported to be present worldwide as they
are seafloor depressions formed in soft sediments by fluid flow processes [14-16]. Pockmarks are most
commonly found in areas of thick Holocene sediment accumulation along the continental shelf, in
tropical to glacial areas. Several individual or cluster pockmark have been identified present in
Indonesian and surrounding waters such as Madura waters [17], South China Sea [18]. Therefore, the
presence of sand wave and pockmarks could be an obstacle to underwater infrastructures including
CBT cable routes. This has also been previously stated including affecting to the route of pipeline
safety [14-16], placement of offshore oil platforms [17] and submarine optical cable [19].

Figure 3. (a) The eruption crater in block 4 at a depth of 161 m. In the side scan
sonar image, it was identified that there was an eruption crater that was present in
groups (pockmark clusters). (b) The vertical profile of the sub-bottom profiler
indicates that there is a chaotic acoustic reflector pattern (black line) present
under the sediment layer (red line)

The crater cluster of block 4th eruptions at a depth of 168 m to be precise in the southern part of the
study area has a relatively circular shape with a diameter of about 20 m (Figure 4). In the sonar side
scan imagery, it can be seen that the eruption crater is within a larger morphological scope. The
geomorphology has a bright hue with a rough texture, indicating that the morphology is composed of
dense material. This morphology is interpreted as an outcrop of rock (outcrop). The appearance of the

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

vertical profile of the sub-bottom profiler in this area shows that there is an acoustic reflector anomaly
with a chaotic pattern (black line) that is seen penetrating the sediment layer above it (red line). The
acoustic reflector anomaly is interpreted to be associated with the presence of eruptive craters and
identified rock outcrops.

Figure 4. (A)The eruption crater on block 4th at a depth of 168 m. In the side
scan sonar imagery, there are indications of an eruptive crater that is within the
scope of the rock outcrop with clearly visible relief. (B) The sub-bottom
profiler's vertical profile indicates an acoustic reflector anomaly (black line) that
is seen penetrating a layer (red line).

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

King and MacLean in Josenhans et al. [20] suspect that the presence of an eruptive crater
(pockmark) is associated with hydrocarbons while Hovland et al. [16] argues that the eruptive
crater is an indicator of subsurface hydraulic activity. Based on acoustic reflector anomalies with
chaotic patterns identified in the vertical profile of the sub-bottom profiler, the eruptive crater
genesis is interpreted to have associations with gas seepage or hydraulic activity that causes fluid
release events in the form of discharges [21]. However, the genesis of the eruption crater on the
study trajectory could not be confirmed in detail due to the absence of recorded data or sampling
at each point of indication of an eruption crater.
Diffraction is one of the wave noises detected in the results of processing sub-bottom profiler
recording data along the research trajectory. Wave diffraction on the research trajectory is present
as a pseudo-reflector that is hyperbolic like paying. Such wave diffraction may indicate the
presence of field discontinuities such as faults, fracturing, salt diapirs, or large rock blocks in the
geometry of subsurface reflectors [22].

4.3. Seabed sediments

Based on the macroscopic description of two core sediment samples dominated by sand-sized
sediment (figure 5). It has a fine sand - coarse sand, gray in color, and medium sorting.

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Lithological columns and logs of deposition flow rates of

samples GC-01 (a) and GC-07 (b) based on the Hjulstrom diagram

The grain size parameters used in the sample description use the Wentworth classification which
divides the grain size of clastic sediments. Sample GC 01 shows changes in sediment grain size,
different from sample GC 07. Based on the Hjulstrom diagram (1935), the resulting lithology

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

column and depositional flow rate log of samples GC-01 (left) and GC-07 (right). Changes in the
domination of sediment grain size from sand to clay in the GC-01 sample showed that the
depositional flow velocity decreased from 3 – 5.5 cm/s to 0.1 cm/s, there was fining upward. GC-
07 is sand sediment, It has a relatively stable depositional flow velocity at 1.75 – 3 cm/s.
These changes indicate that the research trajectory has transgressed or sea level rise [23-24].
Grain-sized sand sediments that are increasingly found heading towards the open sea as depth
increases are interpreted as being carried and deposited by ocean floor currents on the continental
shelf, as evidenced by the presence of bedforms in the form of sand ripples which are tidal
products [25], and high deposition energy.

4.4. Geomorphological map of the seabed

The processing of side scan sonar data which includes the process of data correction and
identification of sonar contacts is then further processed using a software application. The
processing process includes digitizing the distribution of geomorphology based on existing sonar
contacts and making map layouts with a scale of 1: 15000. Geomorphological digitization of the
seafloor was carried out on sonar contacts located in block 4 at a depth of 147 – 171 m. The
results of seafloor geomorphological digitization showed that there were three main types of
geomorphologies identified (Figure 6), namely sandy plains, sand ripples (ripples), and eruptive
craters (pockmarks).
Geomorphology of sand ripples is divided into two units based on the dimensions of the sand
ripples and the level of brightness (hue) in the side scan sonar display (Figure 7), namely the unit
of sand ripple type 1 and the unit of sand ripple type 2. Type 1 sand ripple units are characterized
by a range of sand ripples with relatively large dimensions and lee side shadows that are relatively
darker than type 2 sand ripple units. The eruption crater unit consists of seabed geomorphology
shaped like a crater seen as a group or complex of eruptive craters (pockmark clusters) with an
average diameter of 5 m. The circular eruptive crater with a diameter of 20 m, located within the
scope of an object or larger geomorphology, is interpreted as a rock outcrop.

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Geomorphological map of the research trajectory of block 4 which

includes the geomorphological units of the seabed of the Cilacap segment (a),
Mosaic results of sonar data (b).

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

(a) (b)

Figure 7. Map of changes in the plan for fiber optic cable installation lines that cross
the geomorphology of the seabed category 3, namely the eruption crater. The new
cable line is recommended to turn westward away from the eruption crater at a safe
distance of about 50m (a). Mosaic results of sonar data (b)..

4.5. Identification of potential hazards of research trajectories

Identification of potential hazards to the installation of submarine fiber optic cables on the research
trajectory was carried out based on an assessment of the sediments that make up the first layer of the
seabed (top layer) and the geomorphology of the existing seabed (Table 1).
The division of hazard categories of sediment types is sorted based on the size of sedimentary
grains obtained from sedimentary gravity core samples. The first category is a type of sediment that is
relatively easy to excavate, consisting of sediments the size of fine sand grains – coarse, composed of
clay grain-sized sediments – silt. Category 2, has a moderate potential for danger to submarine cable
installations, consisting of chunks of rock (measuring 0.2 m – 4,096 m) and sand ripples. Category 3
consists of geomorphology and seabed objects that have the potential to significantly disrupt the
installation or damage submarine cables so that cable installation paths need to avoid the
geomorphology of the category, consisting of eruptive craters, rock outcrops, and anthropogenic
objects (debris, drag marks, and shipwreck objects).
Seabed geomorphology which is classified as category 3 such as eruptive craters (pockmarks) has
the potential to provide significant damage to undersea fiber optic cable installations. The eruptive
crater itself can be used as an indicator of the hydraulic activity of the subsurface fluid that forms the
morphology of the crater. This may indicate that fluid eruptions may recur at some time [14].
For this reason, the plan for the fiber optic cable installation line that passes through the
geomorphology of hazard category 3, especially the eruption crater, needs to be shifted away from the
geomorphology with a bending angle of ≤ 20⁰ the corridor at a safe distance of about 50 m from the
object. Recommended cable path changes (marked by a green colored line) to avoid the potential
danger of an eruption crater of about 55 meters and deflect the path back to the main line (marked by a
line in green) (Figure 7).

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

Table 1. Description of seabed geomorphology on sonar data and high-resolution reflection seismic
data and potential hazards to seafloor fiber optic cables.
Geomorphology Seabed Condition Sub-Bottom Genesis Potential Hazard
and Obstacles on Stratigraphic Intepretation
the Seafloor Characteristics
- The movement of
Boulders Sediment transport seabed currents can
Circular in shape
mechanism – bed make chunks of
with a light hue
load rock hit fiber optic
Indication of the
rows are elongated
The result of high tidal current
with a light hue at
erosion of a plane movement in the
the apex and stoss
Ripples of sand and deposition due surrounding area,
side (sloping side)
to the movement of potentially shaking
and a dark hue on
tidal currents and weakening the
the lee side (steep
Visible acoustic Formed due to the Indication of
Semi-circular in
reflector anomalies release of repeated fluid
shape with a light
penetrate the subsurface fluid in release activity,
hue at the edges and Eruption crater
sedimentary layer areas with active potentially
dark at the center
above them seabed hydraulic damaging fiber
activity. optic cables
Irregular in shape Visible acoustic Resistant rock
Rocks exposed due
with a very light reflector anomalies surfaces have the
Underwater rock to erosion of the
hue and rough penetrate the potential to
outcrops movement of
texture sedimentary layer significantly
seabed currents
above them damage fiber optic
- Artificial objects The sharp surface of
Irregular in shape
Anthropogenic formed or the object has the
with a light hue
objects abandoned by potential to tear
human activity fiber optic cables

5 Conclusion
This research has successful to characterize the geomorphology of the seabed for the Indonesian Cable
Based Tsunameter (CBT) route and the potential seabed hazards that could pose a risk to the propose
CBT route in the Cilacap Segment, Central Java, Indonesia. The geomorphological data indicates that
there are several seabed objects observed from this study such as sand ripples, rock outcrops,
pockmarks and anthropogenic objects. Moreover, the seabed sediments were dominated by sand-sized
sediment. Furthermore, the recording of seafloor currents in the sand ripples shows a relatively
northeast-southwest pattern. Overall, the existing CBT cable route site faces geomorphological
constraints and environmental threats, so it is recommended to move it around 50 m to the west of the
pockmark cluster to avoid possible seabed hazards.

This study utilized the result of a survey on the activities of the Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning
System (Ina-TEWS) conducted by formerly Agency for the Assessment and Application of
Technology (BPPT). Thanks to the RV. Baruna Jaya IV crew and scientific staff for their support and
help during preparation and in conducting the survey. We also thank the formerly Director of the
Center for Disaster Risk Reduction Technology, and formerly the Head of the Center for Marine
Survey Technology, BPPT for their support and encouragement. This study also possible due to

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012009 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012009

“Rumah Program Kebencanaan” (the Disaster Program House) FY2022 of BRIN (B-
205/PR.03/2/2022) who have funded this activity from data collection and processing to article
writing. The input of two anonymous reviewers for his input significantly improving this paper.

Author contributions
All authors contributed as the main contributors of this paper. S Ardhyastuti: Conceptualization,
methodology, validation, investigation, writing - original draft. S Husein: Conceptualization,
methodology, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing. D Muljawan: Methodology, writing
- review & editing. Y Haryadi: Conceptualization, methodology, writing - review & editing,
resources. T Wiguna: Conceptualization, writing - review & editing. H K Febriawan: Data
processing and analysis, writing - review & editing. A P Putra: Visualization, writing - review &
editing, resources, funding acquisition. A Tohari: Writing - review & editing, Resources. A R R I
Marcino: Data acquisition, processing and analysis, visualization, writing - review & editing. A B
Nugroho: Investigation and data acquisition. A Sudaryanto: Conceptualization, writing - review &
editing, resources, supervision. All authors are main contributor, read and approved the final

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