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Backups, Resets, Restores, and Faults

 Create a MOVIDRIVE® B backup file.
 Factory reset the MOVIDRIVE® B.
 Restore a backup file into the MOVIDRIVE® B.
 Examining faults and resetting the MOVIDRIVE® B.

Unless you are starting with a brand-new MOVIDRIVE® B, the very first thing you should do is
create a backup file. Many units have highly customized parameter sets that are the result of
hours of tuning. Specialized programs or application modules may also be loaded into the unit.
Once you start working, you could very easily change something that could cripple the entire
system. For this reason, making a backup and putting it in a safe place should be a priority.

Step 1
Launch MOVITOOLS® Motion Studio.
Create a new project or open an existing one.
Establish communications with the MOVIDRIVE® B.

Step 2
Right-click on the MOVIDRIVE® B’s name under Network.
Select Startup and then Data management (Online).

Step 3
Click the Upload (unit  PC) button.

Step 4
Navigate to the location where you want the backup file to be stored.
Supply a meaningful file name.

Step 5
The backup will take about fifteen seconds to complete.
The result will be a file with the extension .vd0.
If you double-click on this file, it will open in a viewer that allows you to examine it.

Always store your backup files in a safe location where they won’t accidentally be overwritten or
deleted. Choose meaningful names that make it easy to identify the MOVIDRIVE® B that the file
is associated with.

Sometimes, a MOVIDRIVE® B will just start misbehaving, or its parameter set will be so altered
from the default that reconfiguring it could take a lot of time. In these cases, it makes sense to
perform a factory reset that wipes the unit’s memory and returns it to the “out of the box”
condition. Just remember, however, that when you do this, you lose everything!

Step 1
Open a Parameter tree window.
Locate parameter 802 Factory setting.

Step 2
Using the dropdown box, select the Delivery state option.

There will be no warning or chance to confirm this action!

Backups, Resets, Restores, and Faults

Step 3
After about fifteen seconds, the unit will be ready to re-configure.

For a less-aggressive type of factory reset, choose Standard instead of Delivery state. This
choice resets the majority of the parameters to the default condition but leaves certain crucial
ones alone. It also doesn’t touch an IPOS program if there happens to be one in memory.

Restoring a backup file to a MOVIDRIVE® B is a quick and easy way to get a replacement unit
up and running. It’s also a good way of going back to an earlier state if you get yourself into a
bind by changing too many things at once.

Step 1
Launch MOVITOOLS® Motion Studio.
Create a new project or open an existing one.
Establish communications with the MOVIDRIVE® B.

Step 2
Right-click on the MOVIDRIVE® B’s name under Network.
Select Startup and then Data management (Online).

Step 3
Click Select file. Navigate to the location where the backup file is stored.
Select the backup file.

Step 4
Click the Download (PC  unit) button.

Step 5
The restore will take about fifteen seconds to complete.

The restore operation overwrites whatever is in the MOVIDRIVE® B, including IPOS programs
and application modules. Be sure you really want to do this action!

If you load a backup into a MOVIDRIVE® B with different options installed (an encoder card, for
example), the unit may not work correctly until you make appropriate parameter adjustments!

Faults can bring the MOVIDRIVE® B to a halt, so knowing what went wrong is very important.
While the code displayed on the unit itself is helpful, a more detailed fault description gives
greater insights into what’s going on.

Step 1
Open a Parameter tree window.

Step 2
Locate parameters 080 Fault memory 0 through 084 Fault memory 4.
Fault memory 0 is the most-recent fault. The other locations show the last four faults.

Step 3
Double-click on the fault memory that you wish to view.
A complete snapshot of the MOVIDRIVE® B at the time of the fault will appear.

Backups, Resets, Restores, and Faults

To get a stopped MOVIDRIVE® B back in action after a fault, you need to clear the fault
condition. The following method is simple and convenient.

Step 1
Right-click on the MOVIDRIVE® B’s name under Network.
Select Show online unit status.

Step 2
A window will appear at the bottom of the screen. It shows the current fault’s description.

Step 3
To clear the fault condition, click the Reset button on the right side of the status window.

Warning: after you clear a fault, the drive will try to resume what it was doing prior to the fault!
Always be aware that the motor could begin running, causing undesirable and perhaps
dangerous motion.

Note: Clicking the Reset button is NOT the same as performing a factory reset. All parameters
and programs are left intact. Only the fault condition is cleared so the MOVIDRIVE® B is ready
to resume normal operation.

The status window automatically hides itself when you perform other tasks. To keep it
permanently on the screen, click the pin symbol in window’s the upper-right corner.

Now, let’s get the MOVIDRIVE® B ready for the different exercises we’re going to perform.

Step 1
Perform a Delivery state factory reset to clear the unit completely.

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