Art of Leadership Case Study 2

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Subject: Art of Leadership

Q.2 Case study


Q 1. How do you manage a conflict situation?

Answer :

Conflicts are inevitable in a person’s day-to-day life. And when they happen, the idea
is not to try to prevent them but rather to resolve and manage them in an effective
manner. When people use the appropriate tools of resolution to address issues, they
will be able to keep their differences from rising to major problems. Establishing
conflict management processes in a company is fundamental as it helps reduce
conflict instances among employees. Conflict resolution is integral in the corporate
world as it helps to distinguish a good business from a bad one.

Listen actively and let everyone have their say :

After getting both parties to meet in a secure and private place, let each of them have
the opportunity to air out their views and perceptions regarding the issue at hand.
Give each party equal time to express their thoughts and concerns without favoring
the other. Embrace a positive and assertive approach while in the meeting. If
necessary, set ground rules. Taking this approach will encourage both these parties to
articulate their thoughts in an open and honest manner as well as comprehend the
causes of the conflict and identify solutions.

Determine ways to meet the common goal :

When managing conflict processes, you need to have a common objective, which is

resolving the issue and ensuring it does not resurface. And to solve any problem, you
need to be aware of the different stages of conflict. This will enable you to look for the
ideal ways to meet the common goal. After clarifying the source of conflict, talking to
both parties, and investigating the situation, you need to sit down with both parties
and discuss the common ways you can execute to meet the common goal, which is
managing and resolving the matter at hand. Listen, communicate and brainstorm
together until you exhaust all options.
Agree on the best solution and determine the responsibilities each party has
in the resolution

Managing and resolving conflict leaps model of communication. Employees will

find it easy to interact with another as they understand that they have one goal,
which is meeting the company’s objectives. So, after investigating the situation and
determine ways through which you can resolve the issue, both parties need to
develop a conclusion on the best solution for the problem. And to agree on the best,
you need to identify the solutions which each party can live with. Find common
ground. Afterward, determine the responsibilities each party has in resolving the
conflict. Also, it is crucial to use this chance to identify the root cause and ensure
this issue will not come about again.

Evaluate how things are going and decide preventative strategies for the

Never presume that the issue is resolute. Effective communication ought to

dominate in the business. So, ask yourself, “What is the second step of effective
communication?” Knowing this will help you ensure that the employees are
working together to meet the organizational goals. So, continue keeping an eye on
the issue and assess if the solution is effective.  If the issue resurfaces, take
necessary action. 

Also, decide on preventative strategies for the future. Many people often ask, “What
is the basic conflict in everyday use?” Some people may not agree on everything,
and this may be an issue. So, look for lessons you can learn from the conflict and
how you handle it. This will help you know what you can do when the issue
resurfaces as well as enable you to develop and nurture your conflict management
skills by training. 

In conclusion, conflict is part of our day-to-day lives. You can disagree with your
family, friends, or coworkers. But, there are various conflict resolution steps you
can embrace to ensure this issue is not manageable. Managing and resolving
conflict at work is integral in meeting organizational goals. So, if you have any
problems or there are disagreements between your employers, look for ideal ways
you can manage this situation. Above are some tips and techniques you can use to
learn how to solve conflicts in the workplace.
Q 2. Which supporting skills do you think are more important for a

Answer :

A company's success significantly depends upon the leadership abilities of its

managers. Those in the top position who want to competently lead employees need
leadership qualities. Some of these leadership qualities can be learned, while others
are character traits. A requirement for leadership skills is having a natural sense of
authority and feeling comfortable in a position of leadership, as only then will your
employees trust you and allow you to lead. The following describes the ten leadership
qualities deemed most important by recruitment consultants and psychologists:

1. Communication
The ability to communicate is deemed an important leadership quality by many. That
is no surprise, as a large part of a manager's job involves communicating content and
strategies internally and externally. However, this flow of information may not be
one-sided, since good bosses always have an open ear for their employees' concerns.
Successful communication requires a diplomatic touch-this too is an important
leadership quality.

2. Set a good example

Leaders also function as role models, as bosses are always being observed.
Supervisors who need something from their employees that they themselves won't do
quickly lose their credibility.

3. Readiness to take on and give up responsibility

Someone has to be the one to make decisions and assume responsibility, and that
person is generally the boss. However, leadership skills can also be seen as an ability
to surrender responsibility and to delegate tasks. Those who pass responsibility on to
their employees motivate them and ensure their loyalty.

4. Motivation
Motivating employees, inspiring them, and fostering enthusiasm for projects is one of
the most important leadership qualities and a key to success because only motivated
employees are good employees.

5. Recognize and foster potential

Managers with leadership qualities have a keen sense of how people tick: they
recognize special abilities and know how to use them for the company. Instead of
being scared of potential competitors, such managers encourage talented and
motivated employees to transform them into new leaders.

6. Tolerate mistakes
Mistakes happen, and no one is immune. But one learns from mistakes. Thus, as the
boss, you should show a certain degree of tolerance for mistakes. Instead of getting
angry and criticising, you should work together to analyse mistakes so that they are
not repeated. Employees who are afraid of mistakes and of their supervisors cannot
work effectively or freely.

7. Flexibility
Supervisors must be able to adjust their leadership style to suit the situation. This
requires flexibility and intuition.
8. Set goals and expectations
Employees can only work in a goal-oriented manner when you clearly explain what
you expect of them. Those who give their team challenging tasks with clear, realistic
deadlines can expect good results.

9. Self-reflexion
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, even supervisors. The more aware you are of
your own abilities and the more open you are about them, the more successful you
will be as a leader.

10. Authenticity
Even when you are the boss you should be yourself and find your own individual style
of leadership. Those who pretend to be something they are not or hide behind their
role of supervisor come across as unauthentic and over time will not be successful

The Importance of leadership skills cannot be emphasized enough! It forms a strong

foundation for your career success as well as the success of any organization. You first
need to identify the essential leadership skills which are:

Effective communication
Problem solving
Relationship building
Striving for feedback
Empathy for team
Relationship building
Agility and adaptability
Innovation and creativity
Employee motivation
Conflict management
Critical Thinking.

I personally feel these supporting skills are more important for a


3. Tell me/us about the time you demonstrated leadership skills at


Answer :

The following leadership qualities that I had demonstrated at my work place,

Good values. To be an effective leader, one should be honest and committed to

their leadership role and always remember that their team reflects the values they
uphold. A good leader shows respect for everyone and their opinions.
Vision. One can't be an effective leader without having a strong vision for current and
future growth because a big part of a leader's job is to connect a group of people
through a shared vision. A successful leader isn't hesitant about bringing change and
pushing the boundaries of what is achievable through their intellect.
Creativity. Thinking outside the box is imperative for successful leaders because it
enables them to turn challenges into opportunities. Leadership and creativity work
together to produce a dynamic workspace that's rife with innovative ideas and
problem-solving techniques. This can provide any organization with an edge over the

Confidence with humility. Great vision alone can't achieve results if the leader
doesn't have the confidence to act. Gaining leadership confidence is a gradual
process. For instance, people looking to become effective leaders can start by listing
five points they admire about themselves every day to increase their level of self-
appreciation and self-awareness. Along with confidence, an effective leader should
identify good traits in others and focus on the end goal rather than on themselves as
the conduit of success.

Interpersonal skills. Active listening and soft skills go a long way in a leader's

journey toward success. Along with being a good listener, a leader should foster a
workspace that promotes open communication, delegation of tasks and prompt
conflict resolution. Through a leader's interpersonal skills, entire teams and projects
can work collectively and share the same vision toward the achievement of goals.

Prioritizes continuing education. To stay on top of current industry

innovations, successful leaders should keep learning new skills. A great leader not
only takes part in continuing education to improve their career path but also
evaluates their leadership qualities for areas of improvement. For example, a leader
looking to improve their communication skills can pursue a leadership degree that
focuses on communication.

Developing followers. A successful leader is followed by others. By empowering

team members with information, tools, skills and professional development
opportunities, a leader can successfully help employees reach their career goals.
Empathy and concern can also earn leaders their team members' trust.

4. What is your leadership style?

Answer :

My leadership style is transformational, and I believe in inspiring and motivating my

team to achieve our common goals. An example is when I led a sales team and
increased their performance by 20% by setting clear targets and empowering them to
take ownership of their sales processes. By creating a positive and supportive work
environment, I was able to drive the team to reach new heights.

I believe an excellent manager is someone who provides adequate guidance, training

and support to the team to ensure they perform optimally. Still, a good manager
trusts the team to deliver and provides some form of independence to them in the
performance of their duties.

Early in my employment as a member of a tour organization, I received a call from some

passengers who had waited for a bus for over an hour. At the time, the manager was taking a
break, and I couldn't interfere. Having witnessed the manager resolve similar issues, I used a
map and shift schedule to reroute one of our buses to pick the passengers up immediately.
The bus got there in under 10 minutes and picked up the passengers. They were grateful for
our quick response and left a positive review for the company.

I prioritize ensuring everyone has fun in the workplace as my managerial style. I believe when
people are comfortable, they can be more productive. For instance, when I led the organizing
committee for teacher's training, I wanted it to be interactive without feeling like a burden. In
turn, I incorporated games and prizes to spur interest in the training. As a result, everyone
enjoyed themselves, and I was subsequently elected to manage all training sessions
throughout the year.

My managerial style prioritizes providing an enabling environment to ensure everyone can

produce their best work. In one of my roles as an administrative officer for an engineering
firm, there are times when I've had to assume leadership responsibilities. Every morning, I
ensure I review every employee's schedule and resolve existing conflicts. I also monitor the
supply for the whole office and attend to special requests from other employees. In addition, I
regularly take messages and forward calls as the need arises.

My administrative help ensures every member of the firm can function optimally. Later, the
company opened two branches to extend its activities further. As a result of my performance, I
became the group administrative officer tasked with training other administrative assistants
in all branches to ensure they can perform optimally.

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