Assessment Midterm

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Name: Althea May T.

Pampilo BSPH-2A

Learning / Assessment Activities

i. Using your common-sense knowledge, which of the following are sound
arguments, which are merely logical and which are not logical at all? Explain
your answer. 
(Brief Explanation) 

ii. Submit your answer in Google Classroom

1. If you win the lotto jackpot, you will be a millionaire. Lucio Tan is a
millionaire. Therefore, he has won a lotto jackpot.
 Argument. It is because Lucio Tan can become a millionaire even, he
is not winning the lotto. There are factors or possibilities why Lucio
Tan became a millionaire like he has a business or already a rich man.
Therefore, Lucio Tan becomes a millionaire because of those factors.
2. All birds fly. Eagles are birds. Therefore, eagles fly.
 All birds can fly is the first statement and the conclusion is that the
eagles can fly. It is because eagles are belonging to the family of the
birds and they are one of the species of birds, according to the
second statement hence the deduction that all birds can fly and
eagles are birds. Therefore, it is logical.
3. No one under the age of eighteen is eligible to vote in national elections.
My teacher is not under the age of eighteen. Therefore, he is eligible to
vote in national elections.
 It is not logical. The teacher can vote already to national elections
because he is not the under age of eighteen which is he has right to
vote on the elections. The conclusion is correct, because according to
the statement he is eligible to vote and that is also one of our policies
that only 18 years above who can only or has the right to vote on
national elections.
4. Fish are vertebrates. A jellyfish is not vertebrate. Therefore, a jellyfish is not
a fish. 
 According to science, jellyfish is not a fish despite their name, jellyfish
aren't actually fish they're invertebrates, or animals with no
backbones, because vertebrates mean it has backbones. It not logical
cause in the statement it is already emphasized that the jellyfish is
not a fish and also not classified as vertebrates, which is it is already
5. Miriam College is located in Katipunan Avenue. Katipunan Avenue is in
Marikina. Therefore, Miriam College is located in Marikina.
 It is correct also that Miriam College is located in Marikina because
the location is in Katipunan Avenue that is also found and located in
Marikina. Which is Marikina being a city and Katipunan Avenue is
street that covered of part of that city. I think it is merely logic.
6. Some Filipinos are good billiard player. Some Taiwanese are good billiard
players. Therefore, some Asians are good billiard players.
 It is also a logic because Taiwanese and Filipinos are part of Asian
people so the conclusion is correct that both Asians are good in
playing billiards which that the logic of the statement is that Asians
are good in playing billiards.
7. Dinosaurs are gigantic. Mosquitoes are not dinosaurs. Therefore,
mosquitoes are not gigantic.
 It is not logical at all, because in this case the statement is already
give the conclusion that the mosquitoes are not gigantic and not as
big like dinosaurs. With this type of reasoning, if the premises are
true, then the conclusion must be true.
8. Basketball is Philippines’ national sport. A country’s national sport is likely
to be very popular in that country. Therefore, basketball is likely to be very
popular in the Philippines.
I think, it is an argument, because base on the statement it can be an
argument if a set of two or more proposition related to each other in such a
way that all but one of them (premises) are supposed to provide support
for the remaining one (conclusion).
9. If that animal is a reptile, it has a backbone. It has a backbone. It has a
backbone. Therefore, it is a reptile.
 It starts out with a general statement, or hypothesis, and examines
the possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion. Therefore, it is
a logic because the conclusion answers the statement by validating it.
10.If her father is a judge, then he is lawyer. Her father is not lawyer.
Therefore, he is not a judge.  

 Arguments are valid, so it goes without saying that the conclusion is

true, provided that the premises are. It’s not really obvious that the
argument is invalid. It does have one thing going for it all the claims it
makes are true. But we know that doesn’t make any difference, since
validity is determined by the argument’s form, not its content. 

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