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Assalammualaikum and a very good morning my name Mohd Syafik bin Sharipuddin
from class NBH6A and today I will sharing with you the importance of investing with gold.

Investing in gold refers to buying physical gold or financial products that are derived from
gold, such as exchange-traded funds, gold mining stocks, or gold futures contracts. The goal of
investing in gold is to profit from the metal's movements in the market, which can be influenced by a
variety of factors such as economic and political conditions, currency fluctuations, and supply and

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today to talk about the importance of investing in
gold. As we all know, the economy can be unpredictable and volatile. One way to protect your hard-
earned money is by diversifying your portfolio and including an allocation of gold.

First and foremost, gold is a hedge against inflation. As the cost of goods and services
increase over time, the value of gold tends to rise as well. This means that if you invest in gold, your
money will hold its purchasing power even as the cost of living goes up.

Secondly, gold is a safe haven asset. It has been used as a store of value for thousands of
years and has proven to be a reliable investment during times of economic uncertainty. During times
of crisis, such as recessions or market crashes, the value of gold tends to increase as investors flock
to the safety and stability of the precious metal.

Thirdly, gold is a liquid asset. It is easy to buy and sell, and its value is recognized globally.
This makes it a convenient option for those looking to diversify their portfolio or make a quick

In conclusion, investing in gold is an important step in securing your financial future. It

provides protection against inflation, serves as a safe haven asset, and is a liquid and convenient
investment option. So, I urge you to consider allocating a portion of your portfolio to gold, and
protect your wealth for the long-term.

Thank you.

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