3IM3 García Rivas Paola Lecture

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Cecyt No.

9 “Juan de Dios Bátiz”

Turn: Matutino
Name: García Rivas Paola
Group: 3im3
Subject: English 3
Teacher: Lilian Vergara
3IM3 García Rivas Paola

Books have always fascinated me, and I was unaware of the ways in which I can read. You can read
on a cell phone, tablet, computer and even on TV.

In the video they mention the first model, launched in 1997 was E-ink, developed, device that
revolutionized the world of reading. The device has a screen that presents the pages as if it were a

Jeff Bezos was responsible for the diffusion of this new stage of reading, Sony and Amazon
designed new models of devices to read electronically. The models that can be mentioned are:
"Sony Librie", "Sony reader" (2004-2006), in 2007 Amazon released "Amazon Kindle", which had a
capacity of 250 MB, a model that improved over the years.

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