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This thesis has been examined on …………………. and is sufficient in fulfilling the scope
and quality for the purpose of awarding Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in physics.

____________________ ________________
Dr. Mansur Said Date
(Project Supervisor)

____________________ _______________
Dr. Zakiyyu I.Takai Date
(Chairman monitoring committee)

____________________ _______________
Dr. Ridwan Garba Date

_____________________ _______________
Prof. T. H. Darma Date
(External examiner)

I dedicated my entire work to Almighty Allah (S.W.T) for granting me the support and
ability to carry out my Program successfully and to complete this project. As well as to my
late father and mother. May Allah (S.W.T) grant them Jannatul Firdausi, Amin.


All praises and adoration is due to Almighty Allah in the highest level of the whole
universe for making me to witness this moment of my life and for making this project
work a successful one. If not for His favor and mercy, this Programmed cannot be
completed. I am sincerely grateful to my God fearing and intelligent supervisor in person
of. Dr. Mansur Sa’id for his assistance and perseverance in reading through my report and
make necessary corrections may God Almighty continue to guide and protect you. I
thankfully recognize the effort of my guardian in the name of DR. Gali Musa for always
being there to advice and support me financially. I also extend my acknowledgment to
LAMIDO`s FAMILY, friends and well-wishers. Thank you all and may ALLAH (SWT)
bless you all. Amin.

This designed project entitled "design, simulation and construction of an automatic
lighting system as a means of limiting electricity wastage” with a simple design. The main
motto of this project is utilization of electricity nowadays. As a result of enhanced
civilization and modernization, the human nature demands more comfort to his life.
The man seeks ways to do things easily and which saves time. So thus, the automatic
lightning system are one of the examples that human nature invent to bring comfort and
ease in its daily life. To this end, we model and design a Smart sliding door with a
room light control system to provide the mentioned needs. This was achieved by
considering some factors such as economy, availability of components and research
materials, efficiency, compatibility and portability and also durability in the design
process. The performance of the system after test met design specifications. This system
works on the principle of breaking an infrared beam of light, sensed by a photodiode. It
consists of two transmitting infrared diodes and two receiving photo-diodes. The overall
work was implemented with a constructed work, tested working and perfectly

Approval Page.........................................................................................................................i



Table Of Contents...............................................................................................................v

List Of Figures................................................................................................................viii

Chapter One...........................................................................................................................1
1.0 Background Of Study...................................................................................................1

1.1 Problem Statement........................................................................................................2

1.2 Aim And Objectives.....................................................................................................2

1.3 Limitations Of The Study.............................................................................................3

Chapter Two...........................................................................................................................4
2.0 Literature Review.........................................................................................................4

2.1 Theoretical Background...............................................................................................6

2.2 Principle Working Condition Of An Automatic Sensor...............................................7

2.3 Industrial Application Of An Automatic Lighting System..........................................7

Chapter Three.........................................................................................................................8
3.0 Introduction..................................................................................................................8

3.1 Ni Multisim-8...............................................................................................................8

3.2 List Of Components And Materials Used....................................................................8

3.3 Methodology.................................................................................................................9

3.4 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................9

Figure 3.0: Block Diagram.................................................................................................9

3.5 Design Circuit.............................................................................................................10

3.5.1 Power Supply Unit..................................................................................................10

3.5.2 Voltage Regulator....................................................................................................11

3.5.3 Sensor Block............................................................................................................12

3.5.4 The Micro-Processor Block.....................................................................................12 Comparator...........................................................................................................13 The Decade Counter.............................................................................................13

3.6 Relay Block:...............................................................................................................14

Chapter Four.........................................................................................................................15
4.0 Introduction................................................................................................................15

4.1 The Power Supply......................................................................................................15

4.2 Mathematical Evaluation............................................................................................16

4.3 Simulation Result Of The Rectifier Circuit................................................................16

4.4 The Voltage Regulation Block...................................................................................18

4.4.1 Simulation Result....................................................................................................18

4.4.2 Simulation Result....................................................................................................19

4.4.3: Testing Of Construction.........................................................................................19

4.4.4 Result And Conclusion............................................................................................21

Chapter Five.........................................................................................................................23
5.1 Summary.....................................................................................................................23

5.2 Conclusions................................................................................................................23

5.3 Recommendation........................................................................................................23


3.0 Block Diagram-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

3.1 Power Supply Circuit---------------------------------------------------------------------------11

3.2 Regulated Voltage-------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

3.3Comparator (IC LM358) -----------------------------------------------------------------------13

3.4 IC CD4017 (Decade Counter) -----------------------------------------------------------------14

4.1 Bridge Rectifier----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

4.2 Rectifier Circuit----------------------------------------------------------------------------------17

4.3 Input and Output Signal-------------------------------------------------------------------------17

4.4 Voltage Regulator Circuit----------------------------------------------------------------------18

4.5 Reflected Ray------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

4.6 Constructed and Tested Circuit----------------------------------------------------------------20



The electrical energy consumed by lighting can be very considerable in places
where there is huge buildings and multi-occupants, especially in large administrative
building. In Today’s world, a lot of companies provide methods in order to minimize
energy consumption, because energy consumption becomes a significant problem in the
developing world. Many pieces of research show that lighting system accounts for
approximately 30% of energy consumption. Especially, departmental stores and big offices
located in city territories consume a lot of energy consumption. In offices, lighting systems
consume approximately twice more than printers and computers (Rocha, B.M.R. (2015).

One of the main causes of this problem is that people leave lights “on” in empty
rooms. In almost 23% of the daytime this event occurs. Researches indicate that lights are
put off for just one percent during the daytime while the rooms are unoccupied at many
intervals. And in order to overcome these problems, the implementation of an intelligent
lighting system can be a great solution. The direct advantage of an automated lighting
system is to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs. Energy consumption is
reduced, because an automatic lighting system in addition to considering the occupancy
status of the room, and hence the maintenance cost is minimized, since lifetime of the light
bulbs is better utilized and this factor extends the span time of light bulbs series (Lombard,
L.P., Ortiz, J. and Pout, C. 2008).

In addition to this, indirect advantages of proposed solution are that it allows the
country to export more oil and gas since the consumption of fuel that is needed to generate
electricity will be reduced due to the energy savings caused by the automatic lighting
system. Also, a reduction in pollution can be considered as another positive advantage for
using the smart control for the indoor lighting system, because when less energy is
consumed, the amount of carbon dioxide emission released by power generation plants is
reduced(Mahmoud, M.M.A.S. (2018).

The ways which are used today in order to light houses, offices, and most of the
indoor areas are inefficient as a lot of energy is consumed unnecessarily during the day
time. Mainly this problem is because the interior lighting designs consider the worst case
when the light service is at night, which is not always valid. Also in most cases the lighting
system design relies on people to control the lights switching on and off. In this paper, a
solution to this problem and a method for people’s comfort which use the indoor facilities
in industrial buildings is presented. In the proposed automatic lighting system, this light
switch on automatically when there is somebody in the room or in the occupied space and
switch off when there is no occupancy. By the means of this method, it is possible to
provide better user comfort, avoid human forcedness to switch the light on and off, and
hence effective energy saving. Economic analysis can be done to calculate the percentage
of the energy saving that can be obtained by implementing the proposed automatic lighting
controller (VonNeida, B., Maniccia, D., Tweed, A. and Street, M. 2013).

1.1 problem statement

In today’s world, many institutions are composed of plenty of commercial
buildings in which room light are not automatically controlled at all. In other words,
manual systems are employed in many buildings where one has to switch the room lights
on and off. A person can also forget to put off the lights when leaving the room or
whenever they are not required. In operation to control these, this project herein, explores
an automated room light controlling system to overcome the challenge to numerous
institutions, companies, and government agencies. The ability to automatically control
light would allow the users to feel comfortable without physically controlling them. The
use of automated control here would further aid in the use of such systems by those who
are sick, handicapped or elderly.

1.2 Aim and objectives

The main aim of this study is to design and construct an automatic lightning switch as
a means of limiting electricity wastage in Nigeria.

Some objectives of this project are to;

i. Designation of the automatic lighting switch

ii. Simulation of the automatic lighting switch
iii. Construction of the automatic lighting switch
iv. Testing and evaluating the performance of the automatic lighting circuit.

1.3 Limitations of the study

This project is narrowed to design, simulation, construction and testing of an automatic
lightning switch.



This chapter will review the related literature relevant to the current system which will
help me to enhance the accuracy of this work by establishing what has been done and what
needs to be accomplished as it relates to the topic. There were several research works on
intelligent automatic door system which were group into protocols depending on the
number of their features. Together with an automatic room light switch as a means of
limiting wastage of electricity. In this section, some of the authors along with the Concept
and theory of their works are been highlighted.

The idea of using infrared signals to establish routes in communication networks

between receivers and transmitters for the purpose of convenience, safety and guarantee of
service is not new, but the application, cost, design method and reliability of the system

Barney L. Capehart, Wayne C. Turner, William J. Kennedy (2003). Present the

energy management program is a systematic on-going strategy for controlling a building's
energy consumption pattern. It is meant to reduce waste of energy and money to the
minimum permitted by the climate where the building is located, its functions, occupancy
schedules, and other factors. It establishes and maintains an efficient balance between a
building's annual functional energy requirements and its annual actual energy

Ambient Light Control System Automatically Using PC-Based Microcontroller

Arduino Uno, in this research, the system of a room light controller was carried out
automatically; the design of the tool used the Arduino Uno as a microcontroller using the
Arduino IDE program based on the C language. (R. Norhayanie).

The similarity of this study with the one that the author is careful about is
programming g using Arduino IDE but for the microcontroller the author uses the Wemos
D1 ESP2688. "Bathroom Light Control Model Using Passive Infrared Receiver Sensor

Based on Arduino Uno". In this study, the design of a tool to control bathroom lights was
carried out using the Arduino Uno as a microcontroller and a Passive Infrared Receiver
(PIR) sensor as a motion detection sensor. The sensor is installed in the bathroom and
points downward with a maximum distance of approximately 6 meters. It was explained
that if someone enters the bathroom, the light will turn on with time (1 minute), and the
light will turn off after the set time has elapsed without having to turn off the switch
(Marufov, 2020).

According to Y.W Bai and Y.T. Ku (2018), in their project named as automatic
room light intensity detection and control using a microprocessor and light sensors, they
developed the home light control module (HLCM) using the pyro electric infrared sensor
circuit. This system detects human presence in a location to turn “ON” or “OFF” the
controlled light.

According to Sumardi (2017) he designed a "Bathroom Light Control Model Using

Passive Infrared Receiver Sensor Based on Arduino Uno". In this study, the design of a
tool to control bathroom lights was carried out using the Arduino Uno as a microcontroller
and a Passive Infrared Receiver (PIR) sensor as a motion detection sensor. The sensor is
installed in the bathroom and points downward with a maximum distance of approximately
6 meters. It was explained that if someone enters the bathroom, the light will turn on with
time (1 minute), and the light will turn off after the set time has elapsed without having to
turn off the switch.

Adamu Murtala and Paul Obafemi (2018). They designed “A digital automatic
sliding door with a Room light control system” by. They introduced, the system in which,
the model and design an automatic sliding door with a room light control system to provide
the mentioned needs. This was achieved by considering some factors such as economy,
availability of components and research materials, efficiency, compatibility and portability
and also durability in the design process. This system works on the principle of breaking
an infrared beam light, sensed by a photodiode. It consists of two transmitting infrared

diodes and two receiving photodiodes. The first one is for someone coming in and the
second one is for someone going out of the room.

2.1 Theoretical background

The first light switch employing “quick-break technology” was first invented by
John Henry Holmes in 1884 in the shield-field district of Newcastle (hompson, J, 2013).

The automatic light switches are the great way of saving the cost of money on our
electric bill, this automatic lights are enabled through a system of headlight sensors
(passive infrared sensor) which detect motion of a body within the range of its scope, a
high signal is sent to the non-inverting pin of the comparator, which make the comparator
to output a high voltage, the high output signal of the comparator is connected to the
microcontroller which is a decade counter (IC CD4017) and the pin two output of that
micro controller is connected to the relay via an amplifying transistor, that information to
the relay control unit turn the light “ON” and “OFF” as needed (Marufov, 2020).

Automatic light control system was aims to make it easier for humans to control
and monitor lights, this tool system also functions as a substitute for conventional
household switches. As for making this tool system using data collection methods in order
to find data and information in order to achieve the goal of making this tool system. It also
explains the stages of designing the tool and making the application. Before designing the
automatic light control system, data was collected from the library and looked for
references from various journals.

To achieve the desired objectives, data collection activities include literature

studies, namely searching and collecting literature and studies related to the problems that
exist in this final project, both in the form of articles, reference books, data from the
internet, and other sources related to the problem of the final project. In addition, the
authors also use the observational project method, which is a method that is carried out
directly observing how the existing management process is used as material for the
researcher in making the final made (Rocha, B.M.R, 2015)

2.2 Principle working condition of an automatic sensor

An automatic sensor is an electronic device, modules that detects events or changes

in its environment and relays the information to other electronics components, most
commonly a computer processor. The sensor converts physical phenomena into a
measurable digital signal, which can then be displayed, read, or processed further. The
figure below illustrates the working of a sensor. Various specialists and researchers
classify sensors in a variety of ways. In the first classification, the sensors are divided into
Active and Passive categories. To work, active sensors need an external excitation signal
or a power signal. On the other hand, passive sensors do not require any external power
and produce an output response. GPS and radar are examples of active sensors that require
an external power source to operate. Active remote sensing techniques such as RADAR
and LiDAR measure the time delay between emission and return to determine an object's
location, speed, and direction. Passive sensors, also known as self-generated sensors,
produce their own electric signal and do not require external power. Thermal sensors,
electric field sensing, and metal detection are examples of these. The sensor's detecting
method is used in the other categorization method. Detection methods include electric,
biological, chemical, radioactive, and other methods. Another classification is based on
conversion phenomena, such as input and output. Thermoelectric, Photoelectric,
Electrochemical, Electromagnetic, Thermo-optic, and other common conversion processes
are only a few examples (Rocha, B.M.R, 2015)

2.3 Industrial application of an automatic lighting system

a. Improving energy efficiency and reducing energy usage, thereby reducing costs.
b. Cultivating good communications on energy matters.
c. Developing and maintaining effective monitoring, reporting, and management
strategies for wise energy usage.
d. Finding new and better ways to increase returns from energy investments through
research and development.


3.0 Introduction
This project “Automatic light controlling system as a means of limiting electricity
wastage” works on the basis to reduce the energy consumption, thus reducing the cost
since majority leave the lights “ON” when leaving the room, halls offices or whenever the
lightning bulb are not required. It will also ease the lives of individuals since automated
systems are deployed to work over manual systems.

3.1 NI Multisim-8
NI Multisim-8 is an electronic capture and simulation program which is a part of
the suite for the circuit design program, a suite of EDA (Electronic Design Automation)
tools that assists you to carry out the major steps in the circuit design flow, Multisim-8 was
originally created by a company named “Electronics Workbench”, and now it is a division
of National Instruments which includes microcontroller simulation as well as integrated
import and export features to the PCB layout software in the suits. The Multisim-8 is
widely used in the academics and industry for circuit’s education, electronic schematic
design and SPICE simulation. In this project the simulation of the circuit is done with the
aid of multism-8.

3.2 List of components and materials used

 Step down Transformer 12V 500Ma.
 Diodes (1N4007) 6-pieces
 Capacitors (1000μF, 100μF, 10nF, 0.1μF, 0.1nF )
 Resistors (4 sets of 220Ω, 10KΩ,4set of 1k Ω)
 Variable resistor (trimmer) 10KΩ
 Light emitting diode ( 1 red and 1 green led)
 Voltage Regulator (7805) dc.
 Transistor BC547
 A pair of infrared Receiver and emitter diode (IR LED)

 Relay SPDT (single pole single through contact)
 IC LM358 (comparator)
 IC CD4107 (decade counter)
 Jumper Wires and Soldering Wire
 Vero Board
 A.C Bulb and lamp Holder.

3.3 Methodology
The idea of this project is to design, simulate and implement an automatic lighting
switch as a means of limiting electricity wastage, the design uses a rectified (dc) power
supply of 5V, which is being obtained by connecting a fixed voltage regulator of the given
series (LM7805) to the output of the rectified (ac) signal, then a pair of an infrared receiver
and transmitter LED are connected in parallel to each other, when a signal from the
transmitting infrared LED reaches the receiving infrared LED. The light signal is being
converted into an electric signal, then electric signal pass through the comparator, and
once the output of the comparator get high, the signal from the comparator turn “ON” the
microprocessor (counter) that is the IC CD4107 , the output the of IC is now connected to
a transistor that will help in amplifying the signal, the amplified signal is now connect to a
diode in parallel with the relay, in other to block the current flow from the source, the relay
help us to switch an A.C appliances with a small controlled D.C signal, and lastly the A.C
bulb that is connected to the relay powers “ON” the load (bulb).

3.4 Block Diagram

Power supply

Senor unit Microprocessor Switching unit Relay and load

Figure 3.0: Block Diagram

3.5 Design circuit
The circuit diagram is grouped into six main blocks, which are as follows.

 The power supply block

 Voltage regulation block
 Sensor block
 The micro-processor block
 The relay block.

3.5.1 Power supply unit

Power supply is the fundamental building block of all electronic equipment. In
most cases, the power supply provides the necessary direct current (d.c) operating voltages
and current to drives the various components. Dry cells and batteries are form of direct
current (d.c) source and have the advantage of being portable and ripple free (Golio, 2018).

Since the most convenient and economical source of power is the utility mains alternating
current (a.c) supply. It is advantageous to convert this alternating voltage to direct voltage.
This involves voltage transformation, filtration and regulation, all of which are
accomplished by the use of transformer, bridge rectifier and voltage regulator circuit,
respectively (Golio, 2018).

Figure 3.1 power supply design circuit using multism-8

3.5.2 Voltage regulator

Voltage regulator provides smooth and safe direct current (dc) output voltage and
also maintain a constant voltage level whenever there is a change in the voltage supply or
load. In this project an IC 7805 voltage is used due to its high precision and improved
performance of giving a fixed direct current (dc) and voltage (Golio, 2018).

Figure 3.2: regulated voltage (NI multism – 8)

3.5.3 Sensor block

The sensor in thus very project is an Infrared (IR) light Emitter and Transmitter
diode.An infrared emitter transmitter LED is just like the normal light emitting diode
(LED). It’s generally a junction diode made from semi-conductor material mostly from
gallium, arsenide, phosphide etc. Infrared transmitter and receiver are commonly used in
engineering projects for remote control of objects (Golio, 2018).

3.5.4 The Micro-processor block

This block consists of two main integrated chips (IC) which are listed below.
i. The comparator IC LM358
ii. The decade counters IC CD 4017.

12 Comparator
A comparator is a circuit that compares two input voltages and produces an output
in either of two states, indicating the greater than or less than relationship of the inputs. A
comparator switches to one state when the input reaches the upper trigger point. It switches
back to the other state when the input falls below the lower trigger point. A voltage
comparator may be implemented with any op-amp, with consideration for operating
frequencies and slew rate, or with specialized ICs such as the LM358. The comparator
compares a reference voltage, fixed or variable, with an input waveform. If the input is
applied to the non-inverting input and the reference to the inverting input (lower circuit),
the comparator will be operating in the non-inverting mode (K. M. Yanev, 2013)

Figure 3.4: comparator (IC LM358) WWW. The decade counter

The CD4017 is a CMOS Decade counter IC. CD4017 is used for low range counting
applications. It can count from 0 to 10 (the decade count). It has 16 input and output pin.
The circuit designed by using this IC will save board space and also time required to
design the circuit. CD4017 is as ‘Johnson 10 stage decade counter’.

The decade counters IC CD 4017 - This is the timing diagram of the CD4017 with,
shows us the comparison and also explains the counting sequence of the outputs, shifting
from one pin to its next. If we observe that, before applying the clock signal, the RESET is
set to High, so the reset pin input sets all the output to their initial state. Then the output of
the first output pin 3 will be high. Next this output is shifted to its next output pin and this
sequence continues till the next clock cycle (K. M. Yanev, 2013)

Figure 3.5: IC CD4017 (WWW. Engineering. Com)

3.6 Relay block:

In relay driver circuit there are transistors, diodes and the relays. Relay driver
circuit is used to control the light. This block can drive the various controlled devices. We
are using +12V dc relay. As µC cannot drive relay directly so output signal from
microcontroller is passed to the base of the transistor, which activates the particular relay
so that it can select particular device to operate. Relays can control the charge flowing to
the load. Load may be and AC device such as light, fan, Bulb etc (K. M. Yanev, 2013).


4.0 Introduction
The analysis, simulation and discussion of the result obtain as outline in the
previous chapter is carried out in this chapter. As previously highlighted, the controller
circuit is broadly categorized into five main blocks, each of these blocks will be analyzed
and the simulation and construction result will be discussed here.

4.1 The power supply

The source of power here is the grid,since the most convenient and economical
source of power is the utility mains that is alternating current (a.c) supply. It is
advantageous to convert this alternating voltage to direct voltage. This involves voltage
transformation, filtration and regulation, all of which are accomplished by the use of
transformer, bridge rectifier and voltage regulator circuit, respectively. Since we can’t be
replacing a d.c battery all the time when it gets exhausted (Golio, 2018).

Figure 4.1 bridge rectifier

4.2 Mathematical Evaluation
Rl=1000 Ω
V rmsp =230 V
V rmss =230 ×

V rmss =230 × =30 V

V max =V rmss × √2

V max =30 × √ 2=42.43 V

V dc = I dc × Rl =27 V

2V max
I dc= =0.02 A
π Rl

V rmsp =R . M . S primary voltage
V rmss =R . M . S secondry voltage
Rl=Load resistance
V max =Maximum voltage across secondry
I dc =Average current
V dc =d . c output voltage

4.3 Simulation result of the rectifier circuit

The rectifying circuit is design using NI Multisim and the result obtain is as shown
in the figure below. As shown in the figure below, a 230 Vrms voltage from the grid is
supplied to the primary coil of a step-down transformer which steps down the voltage to
30V. An oscilloscope is connected to both the output of the transformer and that of the
rectifier in order to analyze the input and output signal. The input signal is sinusoidal

(alternating) and denoted by the red line while the output signal after filtration is linear
(direct) and denoted by the green line.

Figure 4.2 the rectifier circuit

Figure 4.3 the input and output signal

4.4 The Voltage regulation block

A voltage regulator provides smooth and safe direct current (dc) output voltage and
also maintain a constant voltage level whenever there is a change in the voltage supply or
load. In this project an IC 7805 voltage is used due to its high precision and improved
performance of giving a fixed direct current (dc) and voltage.

4.4.1 Simulation result

In order to show the effectiveness of the regulator IC, simulation is performed on
National Instruments Multisim Software. As shown in figure 4.4, a voltage of 27V-28V
supplied to the LM7805 gives a regulated d.c of 5V as shown on the multi-meter. This
voltage can be used safely to activate our IC’s (LM358 and IC CD4017).

Figure 4.4: the voltage regulator circuit

4.4.2 Simulation result

The simulation result of the voltage regulator block shows that the output voltage
of the transformer which is about 28V - 30V is now regulated to 5V in other to power
“ON” the component without burning the out due to high voltage.

4.4.3: Testing of construction

The circuit is first designed and simulated using Multisim-8, after which the system
was constructed. The functionality of the automatic lighting system depend on the presence
of an obstacle passing in front of the infrared sensor , the comparator send out a high signal
voltage to the output pin of the comparator (pin 1). The output signal triggered the decade
counter, which leads to the activation of the relay via the amplifying transistor.

How to place these sensors on the door below is the diagrammatic representation of
how the two sensors should be placed on the door frame.

Figure 4.5: The diagrammatic representation of how the two sensors.

(a) (b)

a) Figure 4.6: Constructed and tested circuit in the absent of any obstacle

b) Figure 4.6: Constructed and tested circuit in the present of an obstacle

4.4.4 Result and Conclusion

If we installed our constructed circuit in a small house which contain lathing bulb of at
least 10, were for a fluorescent light bulb has a power of 40watt.

Let assume that a single room consist of four fluorescent bulb, we can see clearly that the
total power dissipated by those four fluorescent bulbs is given as.

Then the total power used in that very room is calculated as.

Power dissipated by 4 fluorescent bulbs is given as.

P = 40W * 4 = 160W

Nowadays electricity tariff in Nigeria nowadays for a household is about = #59.64 /KWh

For instance during the night, where by a lot of electrical appliances are left
unattended. Let just made a random selection of some hours during the night. Let take
from 9pm – 6am we have at least 9hours difference.

For small houses with at least 10 fluorescent bulbs which are left “ON” for 9 hours the
amount of power used at that very night can be calculated as.

Power 40W * 10 = 400W


The amount of power being used for all this hours will be given as

400W * 9 = 3600W

And the cost is equivalent to

3600 watt / 59.64 naira= 60.36 Naira


Daily charges * 30 days

60.36 Naira * 30 day = 1810.7 Naira.


60. 36 Naira * 365 Day = 22,031.4 Naira

As we see the amount of money spent without any usage, one can install more than 10
copies of this constructed circuit with the money being calculated from the annual cost.


5.1 Summary
This project is mainly intended to limit the wastage of electricity due to lighting system in
our homes, theater, lectures hall, stores and offices, thus providing a cheap and reliable
method for saving the cost in electric bills (Kedco bills).

5.2 Conclusions
At the end, the primary aim and objectives of the project was achieved. This is a portable,
inexpensive automatic lighting system. Also the device is capable of limiting electricity
wastage in almost of 70% to 80% of our A.C home appliances. This can be done by
changing the sensor in the project.

5.3 Recommendation
Having seen all the stages I passed through to realize the workability and accuracy of this
project title “automatic lighting system” which detect the presence of an obstacle near the
infrared sensor within the range of 2cm to 10 cm; I highly recommend that the physics
student should think more than I do by designing and constructing a devices that can detect
not only the presence of an obstacle in front of the sensor but it should be able to detect the
infrared ray emitted from the human body as stated by planks. They should include a
sensor that will deactivate the appliances in the presence of intense background room light.
And again I recommend that it should be made more portable than mine.

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