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Nama : Ismi

NIM : E2A021191
Kelas : A4 Manajemen


1. Tho whom it may concern : This is the phrase that you should use, if u writing an
formal email to somebody you don't know, you don't know who supposed to get
back to you. (1.01-1.09)
2. Please find an attached : You can use a phrase, if u sent a file in an email (1.12-
3. FYI (For Your Information) : When you haven't been email somebody for a pretty
longtime maybe a month or two. If u want add something any like “ fyi, I'll be in
london in the next week. Maybe, we should meet for a coffee." (1.40-1.45)
4. ASAP (As Soon As Possible) : If there's something urgent, I would encourage every
single employee. I'll always put on a top of subject email. So they're first checking
email would see this is an urgent email. Then, requires a very urgent answer.
5. CV : CV is longer it's three to four pages, it's goes in depth(?) about ur success, abt ur
achievement, abt ur work experience. (2.10-2.20)
6. Resume : Is normally a one or document, actually when you apply first time in MBA.
They tell that for every 10 years a work experience, you should have only one page
onyour resume. That's very important to concentrate on your best achievement.
Because, you don't have a lot of space. (2.23-2.38)
7. Moving you to BCC : The phrase is to save your inbox, this means he would no
longer bepart of the conversation. Because, you wanna save his time. Everybody's,
busy. (3.20-3.26)
8. CC'ing somebody in an email : Im copying somebody, so he can join and discuss
thesubjects. For example"Im CC'ing Demitri here, because he does all of are (...?).
and, he's gonna be able to help you abt this question." (3.32-3.41)
9. Team Building : Is activity or gave that's u put everybody in the company
together,tobuild closer relationship. (3.46-3.50)
10. Collaboration : When you want to work with somebody, it's called collaboration.
11. Cooperation : Do not mix it up with cooperation because when you cooperate,
w/somebody (.....?)
12. Start from scratch : When somebody ask with u, for example to create a deck.
and,deck it's power point presentation about your company.and, you've never done
itbefore.You can use start from scratch from very beginning. (4.22-4.31)
13. 9 to 5 : It's mean you working in the office, you go there everyday. It can be 10-7 or
10-8. (4.33-4.39)
14. Set deadlines/Meet deadlines : When you set the deadlines, u have to finish
theproject. When you meet the deadline that's mean you'reon the schedule.
15. To give the green light: Means to give the approval,to approve the project.
Example "1was givin a green light to carry out this project. I was loud, to do that."
16. Behind a schedule/Ahead of schedule : To be behind a schedule is remember
about the deadlines at mentioned before, to be behind this schedule is actually not
been able to meet the deadlines. and, be ahead of the schedule is actually to be faster
in than your originally planned. (5.13-5.24)
17. Elevator pitch : Really important thing you have to learn to do that. (5.24-5.27)
18. Tough thing : This is a pitch of your company that's lasts for like 15 to 20 seconds.
19. Playing catch up/Cathing up : Imagine you've been away from work, and now
you're back. And you have to go through all of the task, and make sure you on your
way to middle on the deadlines. (5.53-6.00)
20. Stay on budget/Go over budget : Means just spend as much money as average
plan, goover budget means just spend a lot of money and you haven't plan to spend
that much. (6.03-6.10)
21. Sign-off on (Something) : Example “I need my boss to sign off in this project", it's
mean "I need my boss approvals" , "I need signature", or a verbal "yes" to continue
doing something. (6.15-6.21)
22. Ahead of the curve : Mean to plan far in advance, far ahead, and too foresee
theproblem that might arise on a long term. "to be ahead of the curve.",
"Everyenterpreneur should be a head of the curve." (6.25-6.38)
23. A ballpark figure : Is a rough estimate. For example; you have a meeting w/ an
investorabt investing in your company, and you have to come up with the valuation.
Bcs this is the first meeting, u can only give a ballpark figure like from 30 to 50
million. and then, you'll go into details and more detailed value. (6.38-6.56)
24. Kick off : To kick off means to start, "Kick off this meeting" = "let's start this
meeting". (7.03-7.07)
25. White collar : is an employee who's wears corporation (?), wears white shirt, and
has white collar. But, he doesn't have to wear that's. It's just expression meaning,
you working for big corporation, big company, working from 9 to 5. (7.12-7.24)
26. To look at the big picture : Means to look at things in general, without focusing on
details. Sometimes, you have problems in short term. Likes "this is the bad day",
"this plan failed". But, if you're look at the big picture you on the track, you doing the
right thing, you gonna reach your goal. (7.25-7.40)
27. By the book : To play by the book means to follow the exacts rules written in a plan,
or written in an instructions. (7.41-7.47)
28. To call it a day : Means you finish your work, and you ready to go home. 5 pm, you
stand up and say “Let's call it a day!" and go home. (7.50-7.59)
29. To corner the market : Means to dominate the market, means you're the biggest
player, you've done everything, you make a lot of money, you've corner the market.
30. Get in on the ground floor : Means an invest a company at really early state, and
then make a lot of money because you invested early. (8.13-8.19)
31. Think outside the box : Means just think the non traditional ways, when you're just
sitting in company when u don't have a lot of money. You need to outside the box.
32. Touch base : To touch base, getting touch w/someone. For example, if I'm reading
an email to investors. I'll be like a " I’m touching base with you, I just wanna to
update you and this and that's". (9.39-9.46)
33. Word of mouth : Is an expression that i've learned, when i was studying business
English in a language school in the UK. and i think, this has been my favourite words.
Because you ruin that's (..?). We did just learnt terms and definitions, word of mouth
was a part of marketing week. (9.49-10.11)
34. A yes man : Is actually little negative, is a person who says yes to everything
(especially to the boss),agreed to the boss all of the time. (10.38-10.45)
35. Red tape : Is it term that is used to describe a slow moving bank credit process,
when you have recession company. (10.48-10.57)
36. To play hardball : Means to negotiate in a really grass(?) of manner, and not give
up easily. (10.58-11.02)
37. Downsizing : It's a term an activity when an company is firing a lot of people, and
you know 50 employees we're doing an downsizing. (11.04-11.13)
38. Let go : I was let go from my job, means i was fired. (1.17-11.20)
39. Get/Have one foot in the door : This is like make the first contact. (11.23-11.26)
40. To be on the same page : It's means to agree we're on the same page abt this
marketing strategy means I agree with my colleague abt marketing strategy. (11.53-
41. To drop the ball : Is a bad thing, i drop the ball. I can't continue this project. It's to
hard for me. (12.02-12.08)
42. In the black/In the red : To be in the black is a good thing, because on the books
when you're doing calculating your profits you're in the black means all the
numbers black you making money. (12.09-12.17)
43. In the red : To be in the red is a good thing, because when you in the red means you
loose money and this isn't a good thing. (12.18-12.24)
44. My hands are tied : You can use this expression when you have to deny something
or refuse something like somebody comes up w/ an offer. Cause, my boss doesn't
allow that's. So, this isn't your decisions this is something that's came from
somebody who managers you. (12.29-12.41)
45. Staff shakeup : It's appearing in companies life when they fire a lot of people, and
they hire a lot of new ones. Probably manager came in his new strategy, staff
shakeup. (12.45-12.55)
46. Outsourcing : Means when you don't want to hire somebody, but u want to make a
contract w/ company to do something particular. (12.57-13.02)
47. Target demographic : Are people who gonna use ur product, u have to think about
it all the time, think abt ur end user, and this is another word this is the actual guy.
And, you have to think about their problems. And u (...?), slash ur end user. (13.11-
48. Mission statement : A slight on your deck actually, (...?)
49. Return of investment : ROI is common expression return of investment, what will
investor's get if invest. (13.42-13.47)
50. From the ground up : "I've ground up this company" means I build this company
from a very beginning. (13.50-13.56)

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