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Sequence- is a list of numbers which forms Unary Operation – is a single number and

a pattern. It may be finite—has a definite assigns another number to it.

number of terms or infinite.
Pattern- may have a list of numbers in e.g. –(5) = -5
which a constant number is added to get the Binary Operation – refers to joining two
succeeding terms. value to create a new one.
**to identify the pattern of the sequence,
examine how the terms are related to each e.g. 1 + 1 = 2
**to generate the next term, the number to Properties of Addition and Multiplication
be added can be a.) repeating, b.) 1. Closure Property
increasing, c.) decreasing. addition: 10 + 21 = 31
Fibonacci Sequence- is a series of multiplication: 3 x 10 = 30
numbers in which each number is the sum 2. Commutative Property
of the two previous number. addition: 1 + 5 = 5 + 1
Leonardo Pisano Bogollo- also known as 6=6
Fibonacci. He is the man behind Fibonacci multiplication: 3 x 4 = 4 x 3
sequence. 12 = 12
Binet’s Formula 3. Associative Property

( ) ( )
1+ √ 5 1−√ 5
n addition: 3 + (1 + 13) = (3 + 1) + 13
− 3 + 14 = 4 + 13
2 2 17 = 17
F n= multiplication: 4 x (2 x 6) = (4 x 2) x
√5 6
4 x 12 = 8 x 6
48 = 48
n stands for the term number 4. Identity Property
addition: 34 + 0 = 34
LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS should multiplication: 24 x 1 = 24
be precise, concise, and powerful. 5. Distributive Property of
Mathematical Sentences expresses a Multiplication over Addition
complete thought while mathematical example: 3(4 + 5) = 12 + 15
expressions, on the other hand, do not. 6. Inverses of Binary Operations
addition: 16 + (-16) = 0
Mathematical Mathematical multiplication: 13 x 1/13 = 1
Sentences Expressions
-11 + 7 = 4 26, 4 Logic – study of the methods and principles
used to discriminate correct from incorrect
1 – 4 = -3 1+5 reasoning.
1x2=2 X+2
Connective Symbols Types of Statement
Set- is a collection of any object. and ^ Conjunction
or v Disjunction
types of set if … then → Conditional
1. Finite – can be counted
if and only if ↔ Biconditional
2. Infinite – can’t be counted
3. empty – set that has no elements. Denoted as { }
or Ø Quantifiers
Elements- refers to the objects in the set.  Existential Quantifiers – used to
Subsets can be identified using these three conditions: emphasize the existence of
something. “there exist” “at least
it is the given set
it is the empty set
3. each member of the set is also an element of the  Words like “no” and “none” deny the
given set existence of something—negation
Relation – is a set of ordered pairs.  Words like “all” and “every” stress
out that every element satisfies a
Function – is a relation in which the condition.
element of the first set (domain)
corresponds to only one element of the Every variable in mathematical equation
second set (range). It can also be many to has a quantifier.
one correspondence.
 Continuous Data – obtained by
measuring. Examples include
Word/Phrase Symbol weight and age.
and v
or ^ Level of Measurement of Data
if…then →
if and only if ↔  Nominal – classifies
negation ̴ qualitative data into two or
more categories. It is the
negation of a negation ̴(̴ lowest level of measurement.
for all, for every v Example includes courses in
an element of set n college.
not an element of set n  Ordinal – ranks qualitative
empty set {} data. Example, winner in a
science quiz bee.
 Interval – involves
Inductive Reasoning – is the process of quantitative data that are
making general conclusions founded on ranked and makes sense of
detailed examples. differences. There is no
called conjecture—an idea based starting point in this level of
on incomplete information, this may be true measurement. Example, a
or false. Celsius in a temperature.
 Ratio – does not only include
Counterexamples – can help in proving the those characteristics of
validity of conjecture. interval level of measurement
but also starts at the 0 value.
Deductive Reasoning – is a process of It is the highest level of
making specific and truthful conclusions measurement. Example,
based on general principles. weight.
Example: Everyone in the volleyball team Measure of Central Tendency – is a single
knows how to play volleyball. Erica is in the value that describes the center of a
volleyball team. Therefore, Erica knows how distribution. Its most common measures are
to play volleyball. mean, median and mode.
Deductive reasoning needs more analysis Mean – is the sum of all values in a set of
than inductive reasoning. data divided by the total number of
Theories from past learnings are needed to
prove a certain conjecture. Median – is the middle value when the data
is in ascending or descending order.
Statistics – is the study of data. It is
observable and measurable. Mode – is the most frequent value in a set
of data.
When data is correct, valid analysis and
interpretation can be generated to produce Limitation in using central tendency:
valuable information.
 Mean is only used for interval
Different kinds of data are collected, or ratio level of
analyzed and interpreted. Qualitative and measurement.
Quantitative are two types of data.  Median is used for ordinal
level of measurement.
Qualitative Data – deals with categories or  Mode is used for nominal
attributes (more on words) level of measurement.
Quantitative Data – deals numerical data. Measure of Dispersion – is a single value
Quantitative data can be: that describes the spread of a distribution.
 Discrete data – obtained through 1. Range – is the difference between
counting. Examples include the highest value and the lowest
number of countries in Southeast value in a set of data.
Asia and number of students in a Range = HS – LS
2. Inquartile Range – is the middle of
50% of a set of data. It is the
difference between the upper and
lower quartile.
**Lower quartile and upper quartile
are based on the median. The upper
quartile is the 50% of the median
and the lower quartile is the other
50% of the median.
3. Variation – is based on the mean.
This implies the squared distance of
each observation from the mean.
The standard deviation is the square
root of standards variance.

√ (∑ x)

∑x −2

4. Range – is the weakest measure of

dispersion because it only uses the
lowest and highest values.

Symmetric Distribution – is a property of a

distribution that has the mean as the center,
acting as the mirror image of two sides of
the distribution. Mean = Median.
Asymmetric Distribution – means lack of
symmetry. There are two kinds of
asymmetric distribution: the right-skewed
and left-skewed distribution.
 Right-skewed distribution
– when most of the data
values can be found on the
left side of distribution.
 Left-skewed distribution –
when most of the data values
can be found on the right
side of distribution.
Unlike in symmetric distribution, in
asymmetric distribution, the mean and the
median are not equal. If the mean is greater
than the median, then the distribution is
right skewed. If the mean is lower than the
median, then the distribution is left skewed.
Pearson’s coefficient of skewness – is
one way to determine whether a distribution
is right-tailed of left-tailed.
s (x−median)
Formula: k=

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