AI Art Is Not Contributing To Society

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AI art is not contributing to society

Good morning dear edjudicator, opposing team and my fellow teammates, my name
is aminath yumnu Mohamed I am the second speaker. And im going against/for the
motion that AI is not contributing to society

 Can help artists get new ideas and inspiration for their artwork.
it is extremely stressful for artists to find inspiration & original ideas for their personal
creations, but with the help of AI, it can expand a creator’s abilities & therefore create
better artists for the future
 AI art revives old art styles
AI art generators can create any piece in any type of art style, it can mimic art styles
that were popular decades ago such as the famous Vincent Van Gogh. When artists
are able to have easy access to generating art, it can revive old art styles & in turn
can pay homage to classic art.

 People can lose jobs
AI art generators have a great chance of making people lose their jobs as AI art can
be used and created free of charge, whereas when people ask artists for
commisions they have to pay to aqquire that piece. This will cause more people to
use AI art instead of artists & therefore it will put real artists out of their jobs.
 Unethical to use as it takes from other artist’s personal creations

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