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Gases, Heat and Energy Matter p1/7

9. The apparatus shown in Figure 9.1 is used for investigating the behaviour of gases by working with a mechanical model.

movable piston


rotating disk
motor speed
control knob
motor cylinder

Figure 9.1

In the hollow cylinder, highly elastic plastic pellets are driven to motions by ridges on a circular disk rotated by a motor.
The pellets strike the light movable piston and exert a ‘gas’ pressure P, which is taken to be the weight placed on the piston
divided by the piston’s area. The ‘gas’ volume V is the product of the height H of the piston above the disk and the piston’s
area. The rotating speed of the disk determines the average kinetic energy of the pellets, which is proportional to the
absolute temperature T of the ‘gas’.

(a) During the experiment, some pellets may acquire electrostatic charges when colliding with one another. If the weight
on the piston remains unchanged, how would the height H be affected if some charged pellets adhere together? Briefly
explain your answer. (2 marks)

(b) If the rotating speed of the motor is increased, more weights should be placed on the piston for maintaining the same
height H. Use the kinetic theory to explain the observation. (3 marks)

(c) State THREE differences between this mechanical ‘gas’ model and an ideal gas. (3 marks)

(d) The rotating speed of the motor is kept constant during the experiment. The total mass of the pellets used is 10.0 g.
The experimental results for different weights placed on the piston are used to plot a graph of P against 1/V as follows:
Gases, Heat and Energy Matter p2/7

(i) By treating the pellets as ideal ‘gas’ molecules, use the graph and the following equations to find the
root-mean-square speed of the pellets.
1 2 3 where N = number of ‘gas’ molecules
PV = NKT and mc = KT
2 2
K = constant
m = mass of a ‘gas’ molecule

c 2 = root-mean-square speed of ‘gas’ molecules

(4 marks)

(ii) A student suggests that the pressure of the ‘gas’ should be the sum of the pressures due to the weight on the piston
and the atmospheric pressure. Do you agree with him? Explain briefly. (2 marks)
Gases, Heat and Energy Matter p3/7
4. One mole of helium gas undergoes a cycle ABCA in which its pressure, P, and volume, V, are indicated in the P-V diagram in
Figure 4.1.

P/105 Pa

Figure 4.1 0.2 C


0 0.4 0.6

Given : Universal gas constant = 8.31 J mol-1 K-1

Avogadro constant = 6.02 ´ 1023 mol-1
Assume that helium gas behaves as an ideal gas.
(a) (i) Find the temperature of the gas at state A. (2 marks)

(ii) The average separation between helium atoms can be taken as the cube root of the average volume of space
occupied by each atom. Estimate a value for this separation at state A. (2 marks)

(b) In an ideal gas, there are no intermolecular forces between molecules except during collisions. Is this ideal gas
assumption justified for the helium gas? Explain briefly. (2 marks)
Gases, Heat and Energy Matter p4/7
4. A metal cylinder of volume 0.5 m3 contains some compressed gas at an initial pressure of 16 × 105 Pa. The gas is used to
inflate identical non-elastic balloons, each to a volume of 1.2 m3 at atmospheric pressure of 105 Pa. Assume that the
balloons are inflated slowly so that the temperature of the gas does not change and the pressure in the balloons is always
equal to the atmospheric pressure. (You may assume the equation of state for an ideal gas in the calculation.)

(a) The density of the gas in the cylinder is 1.57 kg m–3 at room temperature. Estimate the r.m.s. speed of the gas
molecules. (2)

(c) (i) Calculate the decrease in gas pressure in the cylinder after inflating one balloon. (3)

(ii) Find the number of balloons that can be inflated before the gas pressure in the cylinder drops below
10 × 105 Pa. (2)
Gases, Heat and Energy Matter p5/7
10. Two container A and B with volumes 100 cm3 and 500 cm3 respectively are connected by a tube of negligible volume as
shown in Figure 10.1. The tap T for controlling gas flow is closed initially. Container A contains an ideal gas at a
pressure of 12 × 10 Pa while there is a vacuum in container B. The temperature of the two containers is maintained at
0 OC by two separate water baths with melting ice.

Figure 10.1

–1 –1
(Given: Universal gas constant = 8.31 J K mol
Avogadro’s constant = 6.02 ´ 1023 mol–1
Mass of a molecule of the ideal gas = 4.52 × 10-26 kg)

(a) Calculate the number of moles of gas in container A. (2)

(b) When the tap T is open and steady state is reached, find
(i) t h e wor k don e by t h e ga s;
(ii) the root-mean-square speed of the gas molecules in B. (3)

(c) The water bath for container A is heated until the water boils. The tap T remains open. Calculate
(i) the equilibrium pressure of the gas in the two containers; and
(ii) the net amount of gas, in moles, that passed through the connecting tube during the heating process. (5)
Gases, Heat and Energy Matter p6/7
4. A metal cylinder of volume 0.02 m3 is on the sea surface where the temperature is 27 OC. It contains a compressed gas
with pressure 18.0 atm (1 atm represents the standard atmospheric pressure). A diver carries the cylinder and dives 20m
down to the seabed where the temperature is 21 C. O
(Assume the gas is ideal and the volume change of the cylinder due
to temperature variation is negligible.)

(a) It is known that the pressure due to sea water increases by 1 atm every 10 m further down that one dives in the
sea. What is the total pressure, in atm, at the seabed? (2)

(b) After the diver has been on the seabed for some time, he inflates a balloon to a volume of 0.01 m3 by using the
cylinder of compressed gas. Assume that the balloon is inflated slowly so that the temperature of the gas does
not change and the final pressure in the balloon is equal to that at the seabed.

(i) Find the gas pressure, in atm, in the cylinder just before the diver inflates the balloon. (2)

(ii) Calculate the gas pressure,in atm,in the cylinder after the balloon has been inflated. (3)

(iii) What fraction of the gas originally in the cylinder has been used to inflate the balloon? (2)

(c) The balloon is then released and it rises from the seabed to the sea surface. Assume that the volume of the
balloon remains unchanged and the subsequent variation of its speed with time is shown in figure 4.1 Sketch
the corresponding variation of the net force acting on the balloon with time in the spaces provided. Explain
briefly. (3)

Figure 4.1
Gases, Heat and Energy Matter p7/7
5. In Figure 5.1, some helium gas is contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston which can move smoothly. The gas has
a volume of 300 cm3 at an atmospheric pressure of 1.00 ´ 105 Pa and a temperature of 27 oC. The piston is at a
height of 20 cm from the bottom of the cylinder. Assume that the gas behaves like an ideal gas. (Given: universal
gas constant = 8.31 J mol K ; Avogadro constant = 6.02 ´ 10 mol ; molar mass of helium = 4.00 g mol-1)
-1 -1 23 -1

Figure 5.1

(a) (i) Find the number of moles of helium gas in the cylinder. (2)
(ii) Calculate the r.m.s. speed of the helium molecules.

(b) The cylinder is now placed in a water bath of 90 oC.

(i) The cylinder is allowed to reach thermal equilibrium while keeping the pressure of the gas at 1.00 ´ 105 Pa.
Find the equilibrium position of the piston, i.e. its height from the bottom of the cylinder. (2)
(ii) If the piston is pushed slowly back to the original position, calculate the new pressure of the gas. (2)
(iii) Sketch a p-V graph to show the sequence of processes in (b)(i) and (b)(ii). (4)

(iv) If a ring of mass m is placed on the piston so as to maintain the equilibrium in (b)(ii), find m. (3)
Projectile Mechanics p1/3
2003 (Projectile Motion and Fluid)
7. A ball is kicked to move with an initial velocity of 10 ms–1, making an angle of 40O with the horizontal. The ball then
just passes a block of height 1.6 m, reaching the highest point D, and finally hits the ground at E as shown in Figure 7.1.
(Neglect air resistance and the size of the ball.)

C F goal

Figure 7.1

1.6 m block


(a) Draw an arrow to indicate the direction of acceleration of the ball at C. (1)

(b) For a projectile of initial velocity u that makes an angle q with the horizontal, show that its horizontal range is
given by
u 2 sin 2q . Hence, or otherwise, find another angle of projection such that the ball can still reach E
with the same initial speed of 10 m s–1.
(Given: 2sinq cosq = sin 2q) (4)

(c) Calculate
(i) the speed of the ball at C, (2)
(ii) the height of the ball at D. (2)
Projectile Mechanics p2/3
1. In December 1998, a serious car accident happened on the Lantau Link. The car sped up the concrete ramp and took off
from the ramp. It then hit the top of a road sign of height 5 m above the road and 30 m away from the ramp as shown in
Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1

(a) Sketch in Figure 1.1 the possible trajectories of the car in the air for a certain take-off speed. (2)

(b) Assume that the car hit the road sign at the highest point in its trajectory. Estimate
(i ) the take-off speed of the car;
(i i ) the projection angle of the car; and
(i i i ) the time of flight before the car hit the road sign.
(You may neglect the air resistance and the size of the car.) (5)

(c) Braking marks of 39 m long was found on the road in front of the ramp. Forensic measurements on the marks (2)
by the police indicated that the braking force was about 8000 N on the car of mass 1000 kg. Estimate the
speed of the car just before applying the brakes.

(d) A report on this accident appeared in a local newspaper in which the take-off speed of the car, u, is stated as

2 ´ 10 ´ 5
u> 5m
sin 2 9.5 o
30 m
Referring to the relation, the angle of elevation of the road sign from the ramp is taken as the angle of (2)
projection. Comment on the appropriateness of such an assumption.
Projectile Mechanics p3/3
1996 (Projectile Motion and Fluid)
1 In a game of table tennis, the ball is struck when it is at C, which is 0.40 m vertically above the edge A of the table.
Immediately after it is struck, the ball moves with a horizontal velocity v. It is then just passes the net, hits the table at D and
reaches the highest point E as shown in Figure 1.1. The table is 2.70 m long and the net is 0.15 m high.


0.40 m net
0.15 m table
1.35 m 1.35 m
Figure 1.1

(a) Neglecting the effect of air resistance, calculate

(i) the value of v, (2 marks)
(ii) the speed of the ball just before it hits the table. (2 marks)
(iii) If point E is at 0.25 m above the table, draw the graph of vertical velocity, vy, of the ball against time from C to E.
Take downward as positive. (tC, tD and tE on the time axis are the times when the ball is at C, D and E
respectively. (3 marks)

vy/m s-1

tC tD tE time


Circular motion Mechanics p1/4
6. Figure 6.1 shows a regulator for adjusting the angular speed of an engine. A vertical shaft is driven into rotation
about its axis by the engine. Two identical rigid rods, each of length L and of negligible mass, are hinged together at
one end. A counterweight of mass m is attached to the hinge. The upper rod is hinged to the shaft while the lower
rod is hinged to a collar which can move freely along the shaft. The mass of the collar is m'. The angular speed of
the engine could be indicated by the collar’s equilibrium position. All moving parts are assumed to be smooth.

ω identical rigid
hinge rods

Figure 6.1
counterweight, m

collar, m'

(a) The upper and lower rods exert forces T1 and T2 respectively on the counterweight. Why does T2 act in a
direction parallel to the lower rod ? Mark in Figure 6.1 the force(s) acting on the collar. (3)

(b) (i) At certain angular speed ω, the counterweight performs uniform circular motion. Write down two
equations describing the vertical equilibrium of the collar and that of the counterweight. Write down
one equation describing the horizontal circular motion of the counterweight. (3)
(ii) Hence, use the equations in (b) (i) to show that ω and θ are related as follows: (2)
2m' g
w 2 cosq = (1 + )
m L
(iii) State and explain the change in the collar’s position if the mass of the counterweight is increased while
keeping the angular speed unchanged. (2)

(c) Given L = 0.5 m, the angles θ for various angular speeds ω are measured:

ω / rad s-1 13.6 12.6 11.5 10.5 9.4

θ 64o 60o 53o 43o 26o

Plot a suitable straight line graph, find the slope and hence calculate m' : m. (7)
Circular motion Mechanics p2/4
Circular motion Mechanics p3/4
1. A small block of mass m is placed at 10 cm from the center of a horizontal turntable. The block is connected to one
end of a light inextensible string which passes over a small smooth pulley fixed at the center of the turntable, as
shown in Figure 1.1 The string runs through a hole at the center of the turntable and a weight of mass 2m is
suspended at its other end. The maximum friction between the block and the turntable is 0.6mg. (Note: The axle of
the turntable is not shown in the diagram.)

Figure 1.1


(a) Suppose the turntable is stationary, draw a diagram to show all the force(s) acting on the block. Find the (4)
minimum external force, in terms of m, that needs to be applied to the block in order to keep it stationary.

(b) (i) Suppose the turntable is rotating with a certain angular speed about a vertical axis through its center,
calculate the minimum and maximum angular speeds of the turntable, ωmin and ωmax respectively, such
that the block can remain at its original position without slipping. (4)
(ii) The angular speed of the turntable is increased gradually from ωmin to ωmax and the block does not slip.
State the change, if any, of the tension in the string. (1)
Circular motion Mechanics p4/4
1. (a) Figure 1.1 shows a man of mass 70 kg standing against the wall of a cylindrical compartment called a ‘rotor’.
The level of the rotor’s floor can be adjusted. The diameter of the rotor is 5.0 m.

Figure 1.1

The rotor is spun at a certain speed about its vertical axis so that, at this angular speed, the man remains
‘pinned’ against the wall even if the floor of the rotor is pulled downwards.

(i) Name the forces FA and FB acting on the man. (2)

(ii) It is known that the maximum value of FA equals 0.4 FB. Find the minimum angular speed, in radian (3)
per second, of the rotor needed to keep the man ‘pinned’ against the wall.

(iii) If the mass of the man is greater than 70 kg, would the result in (a)(ii) increase, decrease or remain
unchanged ? Explain briefly. (2)

(b) Figure 1.2 shows a donut-shaped space station that is far from any planetary objects. It is designed such that
the astronauts live at the periphery 1.0 km from the centre. Describe how an ‘artificial gravity’ of 10 N kg–1
can be created at the periphery. (3)

Figure 1.2
Gravitational Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p1
7. (a) (i) Explain what is meant by ‘parking orbits’ for satellites. (2 marks)

(ii) If the radius of the Earth is 6 400 km, and the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’s surface is 10 m s-2, find the
height of a satellite which is in a “parking orbits”. Assume the Earth to be a sphere of uniform density.
(4 marks)
(b) Out of syllabus


Gravitational Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p2
7. (d) As the spacecraft is returning to the earth at a very high speed, frictional force between the spacecraft and the atmosphere
would cause its surface to reach a very high temperature. In order to protect the astronauts, what sort of material should
the spacecraft be made of and why? (2 marks)

7. (a) A rocket is fired to launch a spacecraft with an astronaut into an orbit round the earth. If the initial acceleration of the
rocket is 100 m s and the mass of the astronaut is 60 kg, find the supporting force acting on the astronaut

(i) before the rocket is fired from the earth’s surface;

(ii) during the first few seconds after firing.

Explain briefly why the astronaut should lie down in a bed-shaped seat during launching. (3 marks)

(c) The astronaut inside the orbiting spacecraft is said to be ‘weightless’.

A student explains that since the orbit is at a great distance from the earth, the acceleration due to gravity and the weight
of the astronaut are both zero. Do you agree with the student? Explain your answer. (3 marks)

1. A space shuttle crew is sent to service the Hubble Space Telescope H which is in a circular orbit 6.0 ´105 m above the earth’s
surface. The crew succeed in moving the space shuttle S into the same orbit as H and its thrust rocket are shut down. The
telescope is positioned a few kilometres in front as shown in Figure 1.1. Let G be the gravitational constant and ME the mass
of the earth.
(Given that the radius of the earth is 6.4 ´ 10 6 m )

Figure 1.1

(a) What is the apparent weight of an astronaut of mass 75 kg inside the shuttle ? (1 mark)

(b) (i) Calculate the value of the gravitational field strength in the orbit. (3 marks)

(ii) Calculate the speed and period of the shuttle in the orbit. (4 marks)
Gravitational Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p3
9. In 1989, the spacecraft ‘Voyager 2’ was sent from earth to the Neptunian system. Before this expedition, two satellites of
Neptune had been discovered, namely Triton and Nereid. Six more satellites were discovered after this expedition.
Their diameters d, periods T and orbital radii about Neptune r are as follows :.

Satellite d / km T / hr r / 103 km
New :
1989 N1 420 26.9 117.6
1989 N2 200 13.3 73.6
1989 N3 140 8.0 52.5
1989 N4 160 9.5 60.0
1989 N5 90 7.5 50.0
1989 N6 50 7.1 48.2
Previously known :
Triton 2720 140.9 354.3
Nereid 340 8640 5500
Given : radius of the earth = 6400 km

(b) Suggest a reason why 1989 N1 was not discovered from earth even though it is bigger than Nereid. (1)

(c) r 3 GM
It can be shown that the orbital radius r and period T satisfy the relation = where M is the mass of
T 2 4π 2
(i) What is the major assumption for the validity of the above relation ? (2)

(ii) Using the information from the newly discovered satellites 1989 N2 to 1989 N6 of Neptune, plot a
suitable graph to find the mass of Neptune. Show your working. (6)
–11 2 –2
(Given : Gravitational constant G = 6.7 x 10 N m kg )
Gravitational Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p4
6. A space shuttle is launched into a circular orbit around the earth at an altitude of 2.4 × 105 m.
(Given : radius of the earth = 6.4 × 10–6 m)

(a ) (i ) Find the orbital speed of the shuttle. Show your working. (3)

(i i ) Calculate the gravitational force acting on an astronaut of mass 60 kg in the shuttle. (2)

(b) Two astronauts A and B, each of mass 60 kg, float in the cabin of the shuttle. They approach each other in
opposite directions with the same speed of 1 m s–1. Astronaut A carries with him a toolbox of mass 30 kg.
(i ) Explain why the astronauts appear to be ‘weightless’ in the cabin. (1)

(i i ) In order to avoid colliding head-on with B, A throws the toolbox to B, and B grasps the box once it
reaches him. How can a collision be avoided by so doing ? (2)

(i i i ) Calculate the minimum speed that the toolbox should have when it reaches B in order to avoid a
collision. (4)

(i v) Use the result in (b)(iii) to find the corresponding work that is done on the toolbox by A. (2)

6. (a ) A spacecraft with an astronaut on board is launched on a rocket booster.
The rocket with the spacecraft has a total initial mass of 4.80 × 105 kg at
take-off. The rocket engine propels hot exhaust gas at a constant speed
of 2600 m s–1 relative to the rocket in a backward direction. Assume
that 2.30 × 10 kg of gas is expelled in the first second. (Neglect air
(i) Calculate the average thrust (the upward force) acting on the
rocket due to the exhaust gas during the first second. (2)

(ii) Assuming that the change in mass of the rocket during the first
second is negligible, estimate the acceleration of the rocket. (2)

(iii) If the rocket keeps expelling exhaust gas at the same rate for the
first 20 s, explain how the rocket’s acceleration will change. (2)
Figure 6.1
(b) The spacecraft of mass 7.80 × 10 kg now enters a circular orbit around the earth at a height of 3.43 × 105 m

above the earth’s surface. (The radius of the earth is 6.37 × 106 m.)
(i) Calculate the speed of the spacecraft in the orbit. (4)

(ii) How long does it take for the spacecraft to orbit the earth 14 times ? (2)
Wave phenomena Wave Motion p1/3
3. A monochromatic light ray enters a glass sphere of radius 5.0 cm from air as shown in Figure 3.1. The incident ray is parallel
to the diameter AOB with a separation of 4.5 cm. After entering the glass sphere, the ray crosses the diameter AOB at a
certain point between centre O and point B.

Figure 3.1
4.5 cm


(a) Mark on Figure 3.1 the angle of incidence i and angle of refraction r. (2 marks)

(b) Calculate the angle of incidence i. (1 mark)

(c) If the angle of refraction is 28.6o, calculate the refractive index of the glass sphere. (2 marks)

(d) If the frequency of the light ray is 5.4 ´ 1014 Hz, find its wavelength inside the glass sphere. (3 marks)

(e) If the glass sphere is immersed in water (refractive index = 1.33), would the light ray intersect the diameter AOB before it
leaves the sphere ? Explain briefly. (3 marks)
Wave phenomena Wave Motion p2/3
7. An earthquake propagates in the form of waves. The quake centre produces both longitudinal and transverse waves,
which are known as P waves and S waves respectively. The two types of wave propagate at different speeds in the
earth’s crust. Figure 7.1 shows distance-time graphs for these two waves.

Figure 7.1

(a) With reference to the vibrations of particles, state the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves. (1)
(b) (i) Find the speed of the P waves and of the S waves. (2)
(ii) The speed of the P waves can be approximated by E where E and ρ are respectively the Young
modulus and the average density of the earth’s crust. Estimate E if ρ = 2.5 × 103 kg m–3 .
Three detecting stations A, B and C are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle as shown in Figure 7.2. Their
mutual separation is 600 km. Figure 7.3 shows the records (seismograph traces) of an earthquake recorded by these
stations. Due to the difference in speeds, the P and S waves are detected at different times. Such a time difference
is called the S-P interval. The S-P intervals are respectively 45 s, 27 s and 18 s for stations A, B and C.

Figure 7.2 Figure 7.3

(c) (i) What evidence in the records shows that station C is closest to the quake centre ? (1)
(ii) Use Figure 7.1 or otherwise to find the distances of stations A and B from the quake centre. Which
position in Figure 7.2, X, Y or Z, is the approximate location of the quake centre ? (3)
(d) The frequency of the quake waves is approximately 5 Hz. It is known that the natural frequencies of bridges F
and G are respectively 6 Hz and 12 Hz. Explain why bridge F would collapse more easily in an earthquake. (2)
Wave phenomena Wave Motion p3/3

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.1 shows a shop equipped with a sonar to detect objects in the sea. Ultrasonic waves of frequency 25 kHz are
sent towards the seabed. The waves, which propagate at an angle of 50o to the sea surface, are reflected from a
submarine back to the ship after 0.15 s.
Given: speed of sound in air = 340 m s-1
speed of sound in sea water = 1500 m s-1.
(a) Find the wavelength of the ultrasonic waves in sea water. (2)
(b) Calculate the vertical distance of the submarine beneath the sea surface. (2)
(c) Some of the ultrasonic waves reflected by the submarine propagate along the dotted line and emerge into the air
at X. Calculate the angle of refraction in air. (3)
(d) Is it possible for ultrasonic waves, at certain angles of incidence, to undergo total internal reflection when they
go from sea water to the air? Explain. (2)
(e) Explain why microwaves are not suitable for detecting objects in sea water. (1)
Interference Wave Motion p1/4
6. The map in Figure 6.1 shows two radio transmission stations P and Q, which are about 15 m apart. Both stations emit
radio waves of frequency 60 MHz and with vertical electric fields in phase with each other. The waves are of the same

Figure 6.1

When an electric field detector is moved steadily along line POQ, alternate maximum and minimum signals are received.

(a) Describe the variation of the signals along line ROS, which is the perpendicular bisector of POQ. Account for
the difference(s) compared to the variation of the signals along POQ. (2)

(b) The signal is minimum at points A and B on line POQ. Find the wavelength of the radio waves and deduce the
least separation between A and B. (3)

(c) On Figure 6.1, draw a few lines of the minimum intensity of the received signal on both sides of ROS. (2)

(d) If the transmission station at Q is temporarily suspended, the signal at A would increase. Account for the
observation with reference to energy consideration (3)
Interference Wave Motion p2/4
9. A diffraction grating is used to study the hydrogen spectrum from a discharge tube. The first-order diffraction
angles of some of the various discrete lines are tabulated below.

First-order diffraction angle θ / O 23.19 16.96 15.09 14.25 12.64

Wavelength λ/nm 656.3 486.1 434.0 410.2 364.6

(a) Plot a suitable graph to find the grating spacing, in lines per mm, of the diffraction grating. (5)

(b) (i) Which line corresponds to blue light ? (1)

(ii) One of the lines cannot be seen by naked eyes. Name the region in the electromagnetic spectrum to
which this line belongs. (1)
Interference Wave Motion p3/4
7. A student uses a grating spectrometer to measure the diffraction angles corresponding to the emission lines from a
hydrogen discharge tube.

(c) The experimental data corresponding to the four visible lines are tabulated below. λ denotes the literature
values of the wavelengths of those emission lines.
First-order diffraction angle θ λ (mm)
Red Answer from(b)(i) 656.3
Cyan 17.94∘ 486.1
Blue 15.96∘ 434.1
Violet 15.07∘ 410.2

(i) Plot a suitable graph to find the grating spacing in nm. (5)
(ii) Find the highest order of diffraction that could be obtained for the violet line. (2)
Interference Wave Motion p4/4
6. (a) A student views a green light source though a multiple-slit setup which can be considered as a diffraction grating with a
few slits. The pattern observed is shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1

Figure 6.2

(i) How would the pattern be affected if red light is used instead? (1 mark)
(ii) Figure 6.2 shows the pattern observed by using another multiple-slip setup. Narrower bright fringes are observed
but their separation is the same as that in Figure 6.1. What can you say about the number of slits and the slit
separation of this setup, compared with the first one? (2 marks)

(b) (ii) To observe the spectrum of the sodium lamp, a student places a diffraction grating on the platform of the
spectrometer such that the incident light falls normally on the grating. The sodium lamp produces yellow light of
two slightly different wavelengths. The student uses the second-order images and records the angular position
readings of the two yellow lines on each side of the central image as follows:
grating diagram NOT to scale



Left-hand side (second order) Right-hand side(second order)

second line first line first line second line
angular position reading 45º 36’ 45º 40’ 134º 22’ 134º 26’
Given the grating constant (i.e. the slit separation) to be 1 684 nm, calculate the two wavelengths of the yellow
light produced by the sodium lamp. (4 marks)
(iii) Suggest ONE reason for making measurements by using the second-order images instead of the first-order ones.
(1 mark)
Standing waves Wave Motion p1/3
3. Figure 3.1 shows a thin horizontal wire attached to a fixed point A at one end. The wire passes over a smooth light
pulley, and is kept taut by a mass M hanging down at the other end. Movable wooden wedges B and B´ are placed
beneath the wire. A sinusoidal alternating current of variable frequency is passed into the wire. Strong magnets are
placed midway between B and B´ such that the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wire. As a result the wire is set into
vertical vibration.

Figure 3.1

(a) Briefly explain how the vibrations are produced. Name this kind of vibration. (2)

(b) When the frequency of the current is 75 Hz and the length of the wire between BB´ is 1.2 m, the appearance of
the wire is as shown.

(i) Find the fundamental frequency and the speed of the waves in the wire. (3)

(ii) With the length of the wire between BB´ unchanged, the frequency of the current is increased to a value
slightly higher than 75 Hz. Explain how to restore the pattern of stationary waves shown. (2 marks) (2)

(c) Would the speed of the waves in the wire increase, decrease or remain unchanged when the frequency of the
current is decreased gradually. Explain briefly. (No mathematical derivation is required.) (2)
Standing waves Wave Motion p2/3
2. (a) A piece of string is fixed at one end to a wall. A wave pulse travels along the string at string at a speed of
0.5 ms –1 towards the fixed end, its shape at time t = 0 s is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 wall

At t = 0 s

0.02 m

0.1 m

At t = 1 s

At t = 2 s

(i) Draw on the above diagram the wave pulse at t = 1 s and t = 2 s. (3)

(ii) Sketch a graph of the displacement of a point P on the string at a distance of 0.1m from
the wall during the period of t = 0 s to t = 1 s (2)



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 time/s

Standing waves Wave Motion p3/3


The string is now replaced by a piece of wire and its free end is attached to a weight. The wire passes over a
fixed smooth pulley and is set into vibration at a frequency of 100 Hz with the stationary wave pattern shown in
Figure 2.2. At the same time, a sound wave is also generated by the vibrating wire.
(i) Describe the energy transfer in the production of sound from the wire. State THREE differences
between the wave on the wire and the sound wave emitted from it. (4)

(ii) It is known that the speed v of the wire has the following relation:
tension in the wire

mass per unit length of the wire

(I) What is the lowest possible frequency of vibration for station for stationary waves on the wire if
the vibrating length remains unchanged? Explain your answer with the aid of a diagram. (2)

(II) If the weight is doubled while keeping the wave pattern in Figure 2.2 unchanged, find the
frequency of the frequency of the sound emitted from the wire. (2)


2. (a)

Diagram O represents the equilibrium positions of a line of equally spaced selected atoms in a metal. When an
ultrasonic wave of a certain frequency travels from left to right in the metal, the positions of the atoms at different
times within a period are shown in diagrams P, Q and R.
(i) Which particles in diagram R correspond to rarefactions ? (1)
(ii) Find the wavelength, frequency and speed of the ultrasonic wave in the metal. (4 marks) (4)
Electric Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p1/4

centre A B

diagram NOT to scale

Figure 3

The student measures the potential at points A and B (see Figure 3), which are 1 cm apart. He finds that the potentials at
A and B are 450 V and 400 V respectively. Give an estimate of the electric field in the region between A and B. In
what direction does it act? (3 marks)
Electric Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p2/4
7. Figure 7.1 shows the apparatus used for measuring the force acting on a small quantity of electric charges in an
electric field between two parallel metal plates. A light rod with a tiny metal plate L is attached to one end of a
uniform lever. The lever is pivoted at its mid-point and initially adjusted to a horizontal position by shifting the
balance weight W at the other end.

to '-'
terminal metal
50 mm L

pivot W
metal light
plate rod
to '+'

Figure 7.1
L is charged negatively and then the high voltage supply connected across the parallel metal plates is switched on.
The parallel metal plates are 50 mm apart. The lever is tilted due to the electrical force acting on L by the electric
field. The sensitive spring balance S is then adjusted to restore the lever to a horizontal position. Using the reading
on S, the electrical force on L can be calculated. The experimental results for different voltage values are as follows:

Voltage across the plates V/kV 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Electrical force on L 0.22 0.45 0.68 0.90
(a) (i) Explain why the laboratory should be dehumidified before performing the experiment. (1)
(ii) What material should be used for the rod holding L? (1)
(b) (i) What is the initial direction of the movement of L when the high voltage supply is switched on? (1)
(ii) On Figure 7.1, indicate the senses of all the moments about the pivot. (2)
(c) (i) Plot a graph of F against V. (3)

(ii) Find the slope of the graph and hence calculate the charges on L. State the assumption(s) you made. (4)
(d) Suggest a method to improve the accuracy in judging the horizontal position of the lever. (1)
Electric Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p3/4
4. A sheet of carbon paper of uniform conductivity has been painted with two parallel, rectangular silver strips as shown in
Figure 4.1. Points Ao and Bo on the two strips are connected to a battery of e.m.f. 6 V. The negative terminal of an ideal
voltmeter is connected to Ao and its positive terminal is a probe P.

Figure 4.1

A2 Ao A1
0 cm
2 V voltmeter
7 Probe P
carbon paper
B2 Bo B1
silver strip

(a) What is the voltmeter reading when P is connected to B1 ? What would be observed when P is moved along B1B2 ?
(2 marks)
(b) Now the probe is moved along Ao Bo and the voltage reading V recorded is plotted against the distance x of the probe Ao.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(i) Explain the variation of V along Ao Bo. (2 marks)

(ii) Find the electric field strength at point X. State its direction. (3 marks)

(iii) Neglecting edge effect, sketch on Figure 4.1 the equipotential lines at 1 V intervals between the two silver strips.
(2 marks)
Electric Field Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p4/4

(e) Readings of the distance from a point charge and the electric potential are tabulated as follows:

Distance r om a point 10 11 12 15 17.5 20

Electric potential V / V 1000 900 800 600 500 400
/ cm–1

(i) 1
Plot a graph of V against (3)

(ii) Explain why the graph does not pass through the origin (2)

(iii) If a small quantity of positive charge q is moved with uniform velocity from a point 11 cm from the
point charge to another point 10 cm from the point charge, what is the work done on q in terms of q ?
Estimate the average electric field strength E between these two points (3)
Current Electricity Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p1/2
(b) The circuit in Figure 8.2 is employed to measure the e.m.f., E, and the internal resistance , r (a few ohms), of a dry cell.
(Assume the voltmeter and the ammeter used are ideal)

Figure 8.2

(i) If the full-scale deflection of the ammeter is 500 mA, suggest which ranges of the voltmeter and the rheostat it would
be suitable to use. (1 mark)
(ii) The voltmeter readings, V, and the ammeter readings, I, obtained for different rheostat settings are used to plot the
graph below.






0 100 200 300 400

Express V in terms of E, I and r. Hence deduce from the graph the e.m.f. and the internal resistance of the cell.
(3 marks)
Current Electricity Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p2/2
8. Figure 8.1 shows a circuit for investigating the current delivered by a battery and its terminal voltage. A battery of e.m.f. ε
and internal resistance r is connected through an ammeter to a variable resistor R. The terminal voltage is measured by a
high-resistance voltmeter. The resistance of the ammeter is negligible compared to that of R.

Figure 8.1

The ammeter reading I and voltmeter reading V for different values of R are tabulated as follows:
I (A) 0.80 0.50 0.40 0.32 0.25
V (V) 3.52 4.46 4.76 5.02 5.23
V/I (Ω)
1/I (A–1)
(a) Express V in terms of ε, I and r. Explain why V increases as I decreases. (2)
(b) Complete the above table and plot a graph of V/I against 1/I in order to determine the e.m.f. and the internal
resistance of the battery. (6)
Electromagnetism I Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p1/5
10. (a)
magnetic field

2 cm e- e- 0.1 mm

e- e- current

4 cm

Figure 10.1

Figure 10.1 shows an aluminium plate with a current of 50 mA passing through it.
(i) Calculate the average drift velocity of the conducting electrons, given that there are 1029 conducting electrons per
m3 of aluminium and the charge of an electron is 1.6 ´ 10-19 C. (2 marks)
(ii) A uniform magnetic field of 1.5 T is now applied normally downwards to the plate and covers the whole surface
area. Mark on Figure 10.1 the direction of the force experienced by each electron and calculate its magnitude.
(3 marks)

(c) An experiment is being set up to demonstrate the Hall voltage and it is decided to use a germanium slice. The circuit
diagram for the experiment is shown in Figure 10.2.

germanium high
slice V resistance


Figure 10.2

(i) Explain why a germanium slice was chosen in this experiment instead of an aluminum plate. (2 marks)

(d) A uniform magnetic filed of 0.2 T is now applied acting perpendicularly downwards into the plane of the paper, covering
the whole surface of the slice. If the reading of the milliammeter is 1 mA, estimate the Hall voltage that exists across
the slice.
( the thickness of the slice = 0.1 mm,
number of charge-carriers per unit volume for germanium = 1020 m-3,
the charge on each carrier = 1.6 ´ 10-19 C.) (4 marks)
(e) Mention one practical application of the Hall effect. (1 mark)
Electromagnetism I Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p2/5
10. (Given: magnetic field at the centre of a coil of N turns B = m 0 NI

permeability of vacuum m0 = 4p ´ 10-7 H m-1

acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m s-2)

40 mg rider
Coil Y


Coil X Current I

Figure 10.1

A student sets up the above apparatus to measure current. Coil X is a 100-turn circular coil of mean diameter 300 mm.
Square coil Y, also of 100 turns, is pivoted at the centre of Coil X and is free to turn about a horizontal axis AA’, in the plane
of coil X. When there is no current, the rider is adjusted to make the pointer horizontal.

Coils X and Y are connected in series. When a current I flows through the coils, the rider has to be moved 80 mm to the
right to restore the pointer to a horizontal position.

(a) In the spaces provided, indicate the direction of the magnetic field produced by coil X at its centre when a current I flows
in the direction shown. Determine the magnetic field B at the centre of X. (2 marks)

(b) In which direction should the current in Coil Y be flowing? Indicate the current direction and the corresponding
directions of the forces acting on the 4 sides of Coil Y in the diagram below. (3 marks)


(c) If the mass of the rider is 40 mg and Coil Y is of side 30 mm, estimate the value of the current I, assuming that the
magnetic field due to coil X is uniform across the coil Y. (4 marks)

(d) What is the advantage of using this method to measure current? (2 marks)

Electromagnetism I Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p3/5


simple current
flat solenoid

Figure 8.1


I l

Figure 8.1 shows a simple current balance. A flat solenoid is connected to a horizontal rectangular copper loop ABCD, such
that the same current can pass through them as shown. The loop is pivoted on the axis XY which is mid-way between AB
and CD, with CD inside the solenoid and perpendicular to the axis of the solenoid. When a current, I, flows through the
solenoid and the loop, a rider of mass 10-4 kg has to be placed on AB to restore equilibrium. The length, l, and the number
of turns, N, of the solenoid are 50 cm and 600 respectively. The length of CD is 20 cm.
-7 -1
(Permeability of free space m0 = 4p ´ 10 H m )

(a) Indicate on Figure 8.1 the direction of the magnetic field inside the solenoid. (1 mark)

mo NI
(b) (i) If the magnetic field strength inside the solenoid can be calculated by the formula , find, in term of I, the
force acting on arm CD. (2 marks)

(ii) Hence deduce the value of I. (2 marks)

(c) State and explain one precaution of the experiment. (2 marks)

(d) Is this current balance useful for measuring a.c. as well ? Explain briefly. (2 marks)

(e) The solenoid is not infinitely long. What effects does this have on the value of I obtained in (b) ? Explain briefly.
(2 marks)
Electromagnetism I Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p4/5
7. (a) You are a member of a project group. Your group has planned a project to investigate the magnetic field
pattern around two parallel wires carrying currents in opposite directions. The project would include
measuring and comparing the field strength at different points around the two wires.

Figure 7.1

(i) A steady d.c. current is passed through the wires. Sketch in the space below the magnetic field pattern
around the two wires. (2)

(ii) With reference to Figure 7.2, if the current flowing through both wires is 5 A and the separation between
them is 0.05 m, predict the magnitude of the magnetic field strength due to these two wires at point X,
which is 0.02 m from wire Q. (The diameters of the wires are negligible.)
Given : permeability of free space = 4 × 10–7 H m–1 (2)

Figure 7.2

(iii) Name the apparatus that you would use to measure the magnetic field in this experiment. (1)
Electromagnetism I Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p5/5

(b) Your group then submits the plan to the teacher. However, the teacher disagrees with the use of d.c. in this
experiment and he points out that the measuring apparatus available in the school laboratory is not sensitive
enough to measure even the earth’s magnetic field, which is about 50 µT. He further suggests that since the
plan is to compare the magnetic field strength at different positions, absolute measurement of field strength is
not necessary.
(i) Suggest TWO reasons why the teacher disagrees with the use of d.c. in this experiment. (2)

(ii) Your group then decides to investigate the magnetic field pattern around two parallel current-carrying
wires by using a modified experiment. The set-up is shown in Figure 7.3. With the time base of the
CRO switched off, a vertical trace is observed on the screen of the CRO.

Figure 7.3

(I) Explain what is represented by the length of the trace observed on the CRO and state TWO
advantages of this modified experiment. (3)

(II) State TWO necessary precautions for carrying out the experiment. (2)
Electrons Matter p1/5

field B

D ion-detector

Figure 12.1

In a mass spectrometer, positive ions are produced in a chamber D and then accelerated through a potential difference V.
Some of these ions pass through a small hole X into a uniform magnetic field B, traverse a circular path of radius r and then
pass through another hole Y into a detector.

(a) Describe a method by which positive ions may be produced in the chamber D. (2 marks)

(b) Show that the charge to mass ratio of an ion passing through the hole Y into the detector is proportional to the
accelerating potential V. (3 marks)

(c) When potassium ions are examined by this mass spectrometer, the detector registers a peak current when the accelerating
p.d. is 613 V with another much smaller peak at 583 V. A student comments that this is due to the presence of isotopes.
Explain why the above phenomenon may be explained by the presence of isotopes. (2 marks)

(d) If the relative atomic mass of potassium is 39.1, estimate

(i) the relative atomic masses of these two isotopes, (2 marks)

(ii) their relative proportion. (2 marks)

Electrons Matter p2/5
2 In Figure 2.1, a potential difference is applied across two parallel plates to establish a region of uniform electric field in
between. An electron is fired with an initial velocity of 3 ´ 106 m s-1 into that region. After 5 ´ 10-8 s, the electron leaves
the parallel plates with a velocity of 5 ´ 106 m s-1.


Figure 2.1
3 ´ 106 m s- 1

Assume that the electric field is zero outside the region in between the parallel plates. The effect of gravity on the electron is
(Given : mass of electron = 9 ´ 10-31 kg)
(a) What is the direction of the force acting on the electron when it is between the parallel plates ? (1 mark)

(b) Sketch on Figure 2.1 the path of the electron, showing its flight both inside and outside the region between the parallel
plates. (2 marks)

(c) Find the change in electric potential energy of the electron after flying between the parallel plates. (2 marks)

(d) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the electron when it is between the parallel plates. (3 marks)

(e) Find the displacements of the electron in x- and y- directions after flying between the parallel plates. (2 marks)

(f) What would the time of flight and the displacement in y-direction of the electron be if the potential difference across the
plates is doubled ? Explain briefly. (4 marks)
Electrons Matter p3/5
3. A proton of mass m and charge q is accelerated from rest through a potential difference Vo and enters perpendicularly
through a small hole H on a screen S into a region with a uniform magnetic field B pointing into the paper as shown in Fig.

Figure 3.1

(a) Sketch the path of the proton in Fig. 3.1. Indicate the magnetic force acting on the proton at an arbitrary point (2)
on the path.

(b) (i) Derive an expression for the distance d from the hole H to the point where the proton hits the screen.
Find this distance for the proton if m = 1.67 x 10–27 kg, q = 1.6 x 10–19 C, Vo = 1000 V and B = 0.05 T. (4)
(ii) Calculate the time the proton spends in the magnetic field (i.e. the time between leaving H and hitting
the screen). (3)

(c) The proton is now replaced by an unknown nucleus X whose charge is double that of a proton. Nucleus X hits
the screen at a distance of 0.26 m from H. Compare this with your result in (b)(i), and determine what X is. (3)
Electrons Matter p4/5
8. Figure 8.1 shows the apparatus using crossed magnetic and electric fields to measure the charge-to-mass ratio of
electron. The cathode-ray tube has a cathode C and an anode A with a horizontal collimating slit, from which the
electrons emerge in a narrow beam.

Figure 8.1

(a) Describe how electrons are emitted from the cathode. (2)

(b) The Helmholtz coils, X1 and X2, are to provide a uniform magnetic field over some distance around their
common axis midway between the two. The e.h.t. is set at voltage V and a direct current I flows round the
Helmholtz coils.
(i) State the direction of the magnetic field if the current flows round each coil in a clockwise direction.
Suggest a piece of apparatus for measuring the flux density of the magnetic field due to the Helmholtz
coils. (2)
(ii) Sketch and describe the trail of the electron beam between the deflecting plates Y1 and Y2 if each of the
following changes is made independently:
(I) Both Y1 and Y2 are connected to the positive terminal of the e.h.t. (2)
(II) The current in the Helmholtz coils is switched off. (2)

(c) The Helmholtz coils, each of diameter 30 cm, are connected in series to a d.c. power supply. The coils are
parallel and 15 cm apart. Each coil has 130 turns. The flux density B of the magnetic field midway between
the coils near the axis is given by
Nm O I
(1.25)3 / 2 a
where I is the current through the Helmholtz coils
N is the number of turns on each coil
a is the radius of the coils
μo = 4π ´ 10-7 H m-1
The e.h.t. is now set at 3 kV and a direct current of 1.6 A flows round the Helmholtz coils. The electron beam,
which is perpendicular to both the magnetic and the electric field from between the deflecting plates Y1 and Y2
without deflection.
(i) Calculate the flux density B of the magnetic field between the coils near the axis. (2)
(ii) If the separation between Y1 and Y2 is d, derive an expression for the charge-to-mass ratio of electron in
terms of B, V and d. Calculate the measured charge-to-mass ratio if d is 0.07m. (4)
11 -1
(iii) The accepted value of the charge-to-mass ratio of electron is 1.76 ´ 10 C kg . Suggest a cause that
may lead to the discrepancy between the accepted value and the experimental value obtained in (c)(ii). (1)
Electrons Matter p5/5
4. In a vacuum, a beam of electrons with a horizontal velocity 3.7 ´ 107 m s-1 enters midway into a region of electric
field between two horizontal square metal plates as shown in Figure 4.1. The length of the side of the plates is
10 cm. A p.d. of 320 V is applied across the plates and the separation between them is 1.6 cm. (Given: mass of
electron = 9.11 ´ 10-31 kg, electronic charge = -1.60 ´ 10-19 C; permittivity in vacuum = 8.85 ´ 10-12 F m-1)

Figure 4.1
Diagram NOT
drawn to scale

(a) Find the electric field strength between the plates. (2)

(b) The electron beam reaches one of the plates at a distance d from the plate’s left edge.
(i) Find the distance d and sketch in Figure 4.1 the path of the electron beam between the plates.
(Neglect the weight of the electron.) (5)
(ii) Deduce the corresponding distance d if the applied p.d. is doubled. (2)

(c) Calculate the charge on the upper plate. (2)

(d) A uniform magnetic field normal to the paper is applied between the plates to mark the electron beam travel
horizontally. Find the flux density of the magnetic field applied. (Neglect the weight of the electron.) (2)
Electromagnetism II Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p1/7
10. A flat circular coil of 100 turns, total resistance 50 W and average area 0.01 m2 is placed with its plane perpendicular to a
uniform magnetic field of 0.20 T as shown in Figure 10.1.

magnetic field
(perpendicular to the
plane of the coil)


Figure 10.1

(a) The coil is rotated through 180º about a diameter (turned upside down) in the short period of time of 0.1 s. Calculate,
during this period,
(i) the average e.m.f. induced in the coil; (3 marks)

(ii) the average current; (1 mark)

(iii) the quantity of charge which flows through a cross-section of the wire in the coil. (2 marks)

4. Figure 4.1 shows a solenoid of diameter 5.0 cm and length 50 cm. The solenoid has 1.0 × 103 turns and it carries a
current of 60 mA. (Given: permeability of free space = 4 × 10–7 H m–1 )

Figure 4.1

(a) (i) Calculate the magnetic field strength at the centre O of the solenoid. Justify the major assumption you (3)
made in the calculation.
Electromagnetism II Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p2/7
a falling rectangular coil

a uniform magnetic field B into paper

A rectangular coil of length a, breadth b, mass m and total resistance R falls freely, with its plane vertical. It enters a region
of uniform magnetic field B normal to the plane containing the coil.

(a) If it so happens that the coil falls at constant velocity v just as it enters the field region till it completely leaves that region,
sketch the variation of induced e.m.f. in the coil with time during falling. (2 marks)

induced e.m.f.

0 time

(b) Write an expression for the induced current I in terms of B, v, R and the dimensions of the coil just as the coil enters the
field region. (2 marks)

(c) The induced current causes a heating effect in the coil. Use the answer obtained in (b) to find an expression for the total
thermal energy generated in the falling process. (3 marks)

(d) Where does the electrical energy come from ? (1 mark)

(e) (i) Write an equation relating the forces acting on the coil when it falls with constant velocity in the field region.
(1 mark)
(ii) Hence or otherwise express the total thermal energy obtained in (c) in terms of the mass and the dimensions of the
coil. (2 marks)
Electromagnetism II Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p3/7
7 (a)


Figure 7.1

d.c. supply

A coil and a retort stand are arranged as shown in Figure 7.1. The coil is connected to a d.c. supply by a switch S.
When the switch is closed, the aluminum ring placed on top of the coil jumps up momentarily and falls back afterwards.
(i) Briefly explain the phenomenon. (3 marks)
(ii) What would be observed if the d.c. supply is replaced by an a.c. one ? Suggest a practical use of this
experimental result. (2 marks)
(iii) The heat capacity of the ring is 7.8 J K-1 and its temperature rises from 25°C to 40°C during the first 50 s when the
a.c. supply is on. Find the average rate of increase in internal energy of the ring. (2 marks)

(ii) The galvanometer is now connected to a coil as shown in Figure 7.3. A student moves a bar magnet with
uniform speed towards the coil and the pointer of A deflects to the right.


Figure 7.3

bar magnet

(I) Indicate on Figure 7.3 the direction of the induced current in the coil and the poles of the magnet. (2 marks)
(II) Where does the electrical energy in the circuit come from ? (1 mark)
(III) Suggest THREE ways to increase the deflection of A. (2 marks)
Electromagnetism II Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p4/7
7. A solenoid of diameter 0.05 m and length 0.45 m has 100 turns of wire. A rectangular coil, of dimensions 0.01 m ´ 0.01 m
and negligible resistance, is connected by a pair of twisted wires to a resistor of resistance 100 W. The coil is placed inside
the solenoid as shown in Figure 7.1. The axis of the solenoid is perpendicular to the plane of the coil. The current in the
solenoid IS varies with time t as shown. (Given : permeability of free space = 4p ´ 10-7 H m-1 )

solenoid coil
Figure 7.1 IS/A

100 W Imax

0 t/s
IS 0.04 0.08 0.1

(a) If the induced current IC in the coil is 0.01 mA in the first 0.04 s,

IC /mA


0.04 0.08 1.0 t/s

(i) find the maximum current Imax through the solenoid; (4 marks)

(ii) state TWO assumptions in your calculation; (2 marks)

(iii) complete the graph of the induced current IC in the coil from t = 0.04 s to t = 0.1s. (2 marks)

(b) What is the purpose to twisting the connecting wires? (1 mark)

Electromagnetism II Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p5/7
8. (a)

Figure 8.1

Figure 8.1 illustrates a thought experiment. A metal bar XY of length l is pulled through a uniform magnetic
field B with a velocity v. The direction of the velocity is perpendicular to the bar and they are both
perpendicular to the magnetic field.
(i) Draw on Figure 8.1 all the forces acting on the positive charge +Q in the bar. Label the forces. (1)
(ii) Describe the movement of the charges in the bar and show that the e.m.f. induced across the ends XY is
given by ε = Blv. (3)

(b) In 1996 astronauts on the space shuttle Columbia performed an experiment to test an idea for generating
electricity in the upper ionosphere. In the ionosphere, the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun or other radiations
causes the air particles to undergo ionization, and they tend to remain ionized as the chance of recombination is
small. Once in orbit, Columbia released a satellite attached to it by a 20 km long conducting cable. With the
satellite vertically above the shuttle, the two moved together around the earth above the equator.

Figure 8.2

Given: Magnetic field strength in the orbital region = 30 × 10–6 T

Orbital position of the shuttle = 6.8 × 106 m from the centre of the earth
Mean radius of the earth = 6.4× 106 m
(i) Calculate the orbital speed of the shuttle at the orbital position (3)
(ii) Estimate the e.m.f. induced across the cable. State the assumption(s) that you have made in the
calculation. (3)
(iii) The experiment was in fact successful and a steady current was detected in the cable. Indicate the
direction of the current in the cable and explain why a current can be sustained. (3)
Electromagnetism II Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p6/7
4. Figure 4.1 shows a circular coil of 100 turns and radius 5 cm pivoted by two smooth vertical bearings. It is placed in a
region with a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 T. The ends of the coil are joined together, the coil’s total resistance is 10 Ω.

Figure 4.1
uniform magnetic field

(a) The coil is turned through 90∘by an external force until its plane is perpendicular to the magnetic field.
(i) Would the coil resist being turned ? Explain briefly. (2)
(ii) If the coil is released from rest at the new position described above, would it move back to its original
position? Explain briefly. (2)

(b) The coil is now fixed with its plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The flux density of the field is
increased at a uniform rate of 0.3 T s–1 in the first 5 s. It is then kept constant for another 5 s and is finally
reduced at a uniform rate of 0.4 T s to zero.
(i) Write down an expression to describe the relationship between the magnitude of the flux density and
time in the first 5 s. (2)
(ii) Find the magnitude of the current induced in the coil in the first 5 s. (3)
(iii) Sketch a graph to show the variation of the current I induced in the coil from time t = 0 s to the time
when the flux density of the magnetic field becomes zero. (3)


Electromagnetism II Fields, Electromagnetism and Electronics p7/7
7. Figure 7.1 shows an earth leakage circuit breaker installed in a domestic circuit. The live and the neutral wires pass
through the centre of a soft iron ring of mean radius 1 cm. A 100-turn coil C with cross-section area 0.8 cm2 is wound on
the rim of the ring. In case of an earth leakage in the domestic circuit such that the currents flowing in the neutral and live
wires differ by a value of 0.5 A, the relay switch S of this device will open so as to switch off the mains supply. The
relay switch has to be reset mechanically in order to resume the supply.

Figure 7.1

(a) (i) Explain the working principle of the circuit breaker when there is a leakage of current from the load to
the ground. (3)
(ii) Would the circuit breaker respond if a leakage to the ground occurs at P ? Explain. (1)

(b) Suppose there is a leakage of current of 0.5 A from the load to the ground.
(i) It is known that the flux density of the magnetic field due to a current-carrying conductor will be 1500
times larger in the presence of soft iron. Calculate the magnetic flux density B through coil C. (Given :
permeability of free space μo = 4π × 10–7 H m–1) (3)
(ii) If the leakage develops steadily from 0 A to 0.5 A within a time interval of 0.03 s, determine the e.m.f.
induced in the coil C. (Neglect the inductance of the solenoid.) (2)

(c) Electrical appliances are usually equipped with fuses. What would happen to the fuse and the earth leakage
circuit breaker if short circuit occurs between live and neutral in an appliance ? Explain. (4)
Radioactivity Matter p1/6
6. Carbon 14 is produced in the natural environment from the bombardment of nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere by neutrons
according to the following reaction:

7 N + 01n ¾
¾® 146 C+ 11H

(a) Carbon 14 is radioactive and undergoes b-decay with a half life of 5760 years. Write down the corresponding reaction
equation representing the decay of carbon 14. (1 mark)

(c) Carbon 14 can be used to measure the approximate age of archaeological wood samples. For this purpose it may be
assumed that the proportion of carbon 14 in the natural carbon of living wood is everywhere and at all times the same and
that it begins to change only after death. Suppose a piece of timber has been recovered from an excavation, and from
which 10 g of carbon is prepared. Determine the number of carbon 14 atoms originally present in the sample, given that
the ratio of carbon 14 to natural carbon is 1.25 ´ 10-12.

( Relative atomic mass of natural carbon = 12

Avogadro constant = 6 ´ 1023 mol-1) (2 marks)

(d) If the activity of the sample is found to be 19 ´ 10-12 Ci (1 Ci corresponds to 3.7 ´ 1010 disintegrations per second),

(i) the number of carbon 14 atoms in the timber, and

(ii) the age of the sample in years,

given that the half-life of carbon 14 is 5760 years. (4 marks)

(e) List TWO advantages which make carbon 14 a suitable nuclide for dating archaeological samples. (2 marks)
Radioactivity Matter p2/6
12. (a) Figure 12.1 shows the decay series for 92 U.


142 U

Neutron 140 Pa


88 89 90 91 92
Atomic number

Figure 12.1

(i) Name the particles emitted when Uranium (U) decays to Thorium (Th) and Thorium (Th) decays to
Protactinium (Pa).

235 235
(ii) Given that the half-life of 92 U is 7.1 ´ 108 years, what will be the percentage of 92 U left after 108 year?
(3 marks)

(b) The following equation represents a possible nuclear reaction in a fission reactor:
92 U + 01 n ¾
¾® 91
36 Kr + 142
56 Ba + 3 01 n

Given: the mass of one nuclide of 92 U = 235.0439 u,
0 n = 1.0087 u,
36 Kr = 90.9234 u,
56 Ba = 141.9164 u,
unified atomic mass unit 1u = 1.66 ´ 10-27 kg.

(i) According to the above equation, what is the mass defect between the reactants and products when one 92 U
nucleus undergoes fission? (2 marks)

(ii) If 4.00 ´ 10-5 kg of 92 U splits per second, calculate the rate of energy production. (3 marks)
Radioactivity Matter p3/6
40 40
10. A geologist wants to find the age of a sample of rock containing K which decays to give the stable isotope Ar. The
activity of the sample is found to be 1.6 Bq while the original activity of a similar rock having the same mass is 4.8 Bq. The
half-life of 40K is 1.3 ´ 109 years.
(a) (i) Find the decay constant of 40K. (2 marks)

(ii) Give the physical meaning of the decay constant of a radioactive isotope. (2 marks)

(b) Find the age of the rock sample. (2 marks)

(c) Give two factors that determine the activity of a radioactive source. (2 marks)

(d) The decay of 40K to 40Ar is spontaneous. How is the magnitude of the binding energy of 40K compared to that of 40Ar ?
(2 marks)

(e) Mention a difficulty involved in measuring such a small decay rate of 1.6 Bq. (1 mark)
Radioactivity Matter p4/6
5. A reaction which takes place in the core of a nuclear reactor is described by the following equation:

92 U + 01 n ® 142
56 Ba + 91
36 Kr + 301 n + 174.4MeV
Mass of one nuclide of 92 U = 235.0439 u
Mass of one nuclide of 56 Ba = 141.9164 u
Mass of one nuclide of 36 Kr = 90.9234 u
1u (atomic mass unit) = 1.660 ´ 10-27 kg, which corresponds to 934 MeV
(electronic charge = 1.6 ´ 10-19 C)

(a) (i) Calculate the mass, in atomic mass unit, of a neutron. (3 marks)

(ii) The fuel rods in the reactor contain 1.0 ´104 kg of U-235 isotope. Calculate the total energy released from the
complete fission of all the U-235 nuclei in the fuel rods. (3 marks)

(iii) If the mean power output of the reactor is 500 MW and the efficiency of conversion of nuclear energy to electrical
energy is 40%, estimate the time for which the fuel rods can be used. (2 marks)

(iv) Explain why the fuel rods are usually replaced well before the time estimated in (a)(iii) has elapsed. (2 marks)
Radioactivity Matter p5/6
7. In this question you are asked to estimate the lifetime of the sun (i.e. How long can the sun shine ?) based on some theories
of physics, standard constants and given information.
(a) Given: Universal gravitational constant = 6.7 × 10–11 N kg–2 m2
1 year = 3.2 × 107 s
The surface area of a sphere of radius r is 4πr2

(i) Solar radiation takes about 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach the earth. Estimate the sun-earth separation
to 2 significant figures. (1)

(ii) Calculate the mass of the sun to 1 significant figure. (3)

(iii) The intensity of the solar radiation when it reaches the earth is 1.35 kW per unit area. Estimate the total
power of the solar radiation from the sun. Assume that the sun radiates evenly in all directions. (2)

(b) The energy released by the sun is the result of thermonuclear fusion in its core, where protons are fused together
into helium nuclei through a complicated process. The overall reaction can be represented by the following
equation :

other particles
411 H 4
2 He energy
of negligible mass

(i) Why is the above process of forming helium nuclei from protons very difficult to achieve on earth, but
easily achieved at the sun’s core ? (2)

(ii) Gi ven : mass of proton = 1.00728 u

mass of helium nucleus = 4.00150 u
1 u = 1.66 ×10–27 kg

Calculate the energy released by the sun for every kilogram of protons fused to form helium nuclei. (3)

(c) Estimate the lifetime, in years, of the sun assuming that it initially consists mainly of hydrogen and it ‘burns’ at
a constant rate until all its hydrogen is consumed. (2)
Radioactivity Matter p6/6
β, γ β, γ
(b) X Y Z
24 days 72 s

The above series shows the decay of a radioactive isotope X to isotope Y and finally to isotope Z. The
half-lives of X and Y are 24 days and 72 s respectively. The half-life of Z is much longer than 24 days. The
disintegration of both X and Y would each emit a β- and a γ- radiation. A sample containing 1 mg of pure
X only is prepared initially.
(Given: Avogadro constant = 6.02 ´ 1023 mol-1; Molar mass of X = 234.0 g)
(i) Find the total number of nuclear radiations that could be emitted from the sample (2)
(ii) Estimate the time required for activity of the sample to decrease by 10%. (3)

(c) (iii) Whenever radioactive nuclides are used, the risks and benefits must be carefully considered. Apart
from the half-life of the source, suggest TWO other factors that should be considered. (2)

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