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© 2021 American Psychological Association 2021, Vol. 35, No. 8, 809–821

ISSN: 0894-4105

Development of Executive Functioning From Childhood to Young Adulthood

in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder:
A 10-Year Longitudinal Study
Ingrid Nesdal Fossum1, 2, Per Normann Andersen3, Merete Glenne Øie2, 4, and Erik Winther Skogli1
Division of Mental Health Care, Innlandet Hospital Trust, BUP Lillehammer, Lillehammer, Norway
Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
Department of Psychology, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Research Department, Innlandet Hospital Trust, Lillehammer, Norway
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Objective: This 10-year longitudinal study investigated the developmental trajectories of executive
functioning (EF) in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), compared to typically developing (TD) individuals from childhood into young
adulthood. Method: There were 173 participants at baseline (T1; ASD = 38 (eight with co-occurring
ADHD), ADHD = 85, TD = 50; Mage = 11.7 years, SD = 2.1), 168 at 2-year follow-up (T2) and 127
at 10-year follow-up (T3). Participants were assessed with three neuropsychological tests aimed at
capturing central components of EF: working memory/Letter–Number Sequencing Test (LNS),
inhibition/Color–Word Interference Test, Condition 3 (CWIT3), and flexibility/Trail Making Test,
Condition 4 (TMT4). Test results were analyzed using linear mixed models (LMM). Results: At
baseline, the TD participants outperformed the ASD and ADHD participants on all three tests. From T1
to T2, the ASD participants had less improvement than the ADHD and TD participants on the LNS test
( p = .007 and .025, respectively), while having more improvement on the CWIT3 relative to the TD
participants ( p = .027). From T2 to T3, the ADHD participants had less improvement on the LNS test
than the ASD and TD participants ( p = .004 and .021, respectively). Conclusions: The ASD and
ADHD groups mainly displayed similar maturation on the neuropsychological measures, and displayed
continuous impairment relative to the TD group. The need for support and facilitation of EF in school,
workplace, and social arenas might continue into young adulthood among certain individuals with ASD
and ADHD.

Key points
Question: How does executive functioning (EF) develop from childhood into young adulthood in
individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and
typically developing (TD) individuals? Findings: The ASD and ADHD groups mainly showed similar
development for results on three neuropsychological tests aimed at capturing central components of EF,
and continuous impairment relative to the TD group. Importance: The clinical groups did not catch up
with the performance of the TD group by young adulthood. Next Steps: Future research could
investigate whether adults with ASD and ADHD will display normalized EF relative to TD individuals
when followed further into adulthood.

This article was published Online First September 27, 2021. Normann Andersen played a supporting role in formal analysis and meth-
Ingrid Nesdal Fossum odology and an equal role in investigation, supervision, and writing of review
Per Normann Andersen and editing. Merete Glenne Øie played a lead role in conceptualization,
We have no known conflicts of interest to disclose. funding acquisition, investigation and project administration, and an equal
We wish to thank all the individuals who participated in the study. We also role in supervision and writing of review and editing. Erik Winther Skogli
wish to thank all those who contributed to the process of data collection at
played a lead role in conceptualization, funding acquisition, investigation,
baseline, 2-year, and 10-year follow-up assessments.
project administration and supervision, and equal role in formal analysis and
The project has received financial support from the Innlandet Hospital
Trust and from the Regional Resource Center for Autism, attention-deficit/ writing of review and editing.
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Tourette syndrome and Narcolepsy, Oslo Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ingrid
University Hospital. Nesdal Fossum, Division of Mental Health Care, Innlandet Hospital Trust,
Ingrid Nesdal Fossum played a lead role in formal analysis and writing of BUP Lillehammer, Anders Sandvigs gate 17, Lillehammer 2609, Norway.
original draft and an equal role in investigation and methodology. Per Email:


Keywords: ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, neurodevelopmental disorders, executive functioning,


Supplemental materials:

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperac- were generally smaller among adults compared with children and
tivity disorder (ADHD) represent two separate, yet highly related youth, proposedly explained by developmental maturity or adults’
neurodevelopmental disorders. Their symptoms frequently co-occur use of compensatory strategies (Demetriou et al., 2018). Despite
(Miodovnik et al., 2015; Rommelse & Hartman, 2016), they typi- reports of some improvement across age (O’Hearn et al., 2008), it
cally emerge in childhood and may have lifelong effects for affected seems that many individuals with ASD continue to display impaired
individuals, their families, and society (American Psychological EF in adolescence and adulthood when compared with TD indivi-
Association [APA], 2013; Caye et al., 2016; Faraone et al., 2015; duals (Geurts et al., 2014). Overall, findings remain inconclusive
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Gillberg, 2010; Murphy et al., 2018). Converging evidence indi- regarding the trajectories of EF across the lifespan in this clinical
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

cates a possible pathophysiological link between ASD and ADHD group (Hartman et al., 2016). This uncertainty might be related to
(Taurines et al., 2012; Vorstman & Ophoff, 2013). Knowing that the complexity of the EF construct, with definitional ambiguities and
behavioral symptoms associated with ASD and ADHD are not a large variety of measures being used to capture the phenomenon
always stable over time, cognitive deficits linked to prefrontal and (Bagetta & Alexander, 2016), alongside the heterogeneity within the
temporal brain regions have been proposed as one common hall- ASD population.
mark of these two disorders (Hartman et al., 2016; Willcutt et al., Regarding EF as measured by neuropsychological tests in in-
2005). Although not part of the diagnostic criteria, impaired execu- dividuals with ADHD, a large systematic review of meta-analyses
tive functioning (EF) has been proposed as a factor potentially reported that TD participants outperformed the ADHD participants
contributing to difficulties in functioning in individuals with ASD on all neuropsychological domains across age (Pievsky & McGrath,
and ADHD (Demetriou et al., 2018; Hartman et al., 2016; Willcutt 2018). Greater performance differences between ADHD and TD
et al., 2005). However, little is known about the developmental individuals were found in children and adults compared to adoles-
trajectories of EF across these disorders, relevant studies have cents and emerging adults between the ages of 18 and 24 years
mostly applied cross-sectional designs and the few longitudinal (Pievsky & McGrath, 2018). Another review reported that indivi-
studies have had short follow-up periods. In the current 10-year duals diagnosed with ADHD in childhood performed worse on EF
follow-up study, we compared the development of EF between ASD tests than TD individuals in adulthood, regardless of their current
(IQ > 70), ADHD and typically developing (TD) individuals, as diagnostic status (van Lieshout et al., 2013). The longitudinal
participants matured from childhood toward young adulthood. studies to date yield no clear consensus as to how EF develops
No single agreed-upon definition exists for the multidimensional in people with ADHD (Hartman et al., 2016). It has been suggested
EF construct. The majority of definitions seems to propose that EF is that certain children with ADHD outgrow their early EF deficits
a set of cognitive processes that guides action and behaviors crucial (Thissen et al., 2014) or approach performance levels of TD in-
to learning and everyday human performance tasks, contributes to dividuals (van Lieshout et al., 2019), while others report that EF
the monitoring or regulation of such tasks; and concern the cognitive deficits in ADHD continue into adolescence and young adulthood
domain alongside the socioemotional and behavioral domains of (Biederman et al., 2009; Biederman, Petty, Doyle, et al., 2007;
human performance (Bagetta & Alexander, 2016). The widely Biederman, Petty, Fried, et al., 2007; Miller et al., 2012). One
recognized “unity and diversity” model suggested three related longitudinal study reported that the initial performance gap between
yet partially separated core components to EF (Miyake et al., ADHD and TD groups remained stable after 13 years (Øie et al.,
2000). According to a review of more than 100 empirical studies 2010), while the ADHD group overall caught up with the TD group
on EF, these three were the most frequently mentioned components after 25 years, yet still displaying working memory difficulties (Øie
(Bagetta & Alexander, 2016). Working memory refers to holding et al., 2021; Torgalsboen et al., 2021). Overall, the presence of
information in mind and mentally manipulating it within a limited impaired performance-based EF in adults with ADHD is acknowl-
time span (Diamond, 2013). Inhibition refers to the ability to resist edged (Hartman et al., 2016), yet a large variation exists between
temptations, distractions and habits, and not act impulsively or individuals and some display no impairment in EF (Posner
prematurely (Diamond, 2013). Flexibility refers to the ability to et al., 2020).
change perspectives or approaches to a problem and adjust to change A growing number of empirical studies have directly compared
(Diamond, 2013). In this study, we focused on EF as assessed by EF in ASD and ADHD groups (Craig et al., 2016). One review of
performance-based neuropsychological tests, which are assumed such studies in children reported that the ASD group had more
to capture the efficiency of cognitive abilities, or maximal EF difficulties with the flexibility component, while the ADHD group
performance (Toplak et al., 2013). had more difficulties with the response inhibition component (Craig
A growing body of research has investigated EF in individuals et al., 2016). Performance on tests assumed to capture the working
with ASD (Craig et al., 2016). In a large meta-analysis that focused memory component did not discriminate between the two clinical
on EF as assessed by psychometric tests and experimental tasks groups. A 2-year longitudinal study from our research group has
from 235 studies the authors found support for a broad executive previously compared test-based EF in children with ASD, ADHD,
dysfunction in ASD, with no indication that individual EF compo- and TD children (Andersen et al., 2015, 2016). The clinical groups
nents were differentially impaired (Demetriou et al., 2018). The displayed deficits in EF compared with TD children, with a larger
differences in performance between the ASD and TD individuals extent of difficulties in the ASD group relative to ADHD

counterparts on both assessments (Andersen et al., 2016). Surpris- diagnostic evaluation. After a comprehensive diagnostic assess-
ingly, the ASD group displayed a performance stagnation on a test ment, participants who met the criteria for ASD or, ADHD were
that was assigned to the working memory component (Letter– further included in the larger research project. For the TD compari-
Number Sequencing Test [LNS]; Wechsler, 2004) from T1 to T2 son group, inclusion criteria were boys and girls aged between 8 and
(Andersen et al., 2015). Another study on adults with ASD and 17 years who attended regular classes at local schools. For a detailed
ADHD reported that no component-specific deficit typical of ASD description of this procedure, see Andersen et al., 2013.
or ADHD could be identified, while simultaneously the most severe The diagnostic assessment at T1 was based on separate interviews
neuropsychological impairments were found in the ADHD group with children and parents, using the Schedule for Affective Dis-
(Nydén et al., 2010). orders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children/Present and
Taken together, there is an indication of impaired performance- Lifetime version-2009 (K-SADS-PL; Kaufman et al., 1997). This is
based EF in ASD and ADHD groups compared to TD groups that a semistructured diagnostic interview based on the Diagnostic and
apply across EF components and age (Demetriou et al., 2018; Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV;
Pievsky & McGrath, 2018). There are, however, some inconsis- APA, 2000), consisting of a screening interview and eight diagnos-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tencies in the empirical evidence to date, which among others could tic supplements. Experienced psychologists and educational thera-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

be influenced by the large variability in EF definitions and tests used pists performed the interviews. We supplemented the interviews
to measure EF (Bagetta & Alexander, 2016). Relatively few empir- with information from the ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ARS-IV;
ical studies have directly compared EF in ASD with ADHD groups. DuPaul et al., 1998) and the Autism Spectrum Screening Question-
The need for longitudinal studies investigating the stability of EF naire (ASSQ; Ehlers et al., 1999). Following a comprehensive
impairments in ASD and ADHD beyond childhood, and for com- evaluation of information from K-SADS-PL, self-reports, parent
parisons between clinical populations, has been emphasized repeat- reports, and teacher reports on academic and social functioning, a
edly (Hartman et al., 2016; Hill, 2004; Seidman, 2006; Velikonja diagnosis of ASD or ADHD was assigned should the DSM-IV
et al., 2019). criteria be met. Diagnoses were first set by each clinician before the
Attempting to meet these issues, we compared EF in participants supervising senior clinician, who is a specialist in clinical neuro-
with ASD to participants with ADHD and to a TD comparison psychology (Merete Glenne Øie), independently reviewed all avail-
group, in three assessment waves from childhood to young adult- able information. Disagreements were discussed in meetings with all
hood: baseline (T1), 2- (T2), and 10-year (T3) follow-ups. EF was the clinicians present, in order to arrive at a “best estimate” DSM-IV
assessed by use of three standardized neuropsychological tests consensus diagnosis. All participants completed a comprehensive
aimed at capturing the core EF components of working memory, neuropsychological assessment at baseline. Experienced psycholo-
inhibition, and flexibility (LNS, the Color–Word Interference Test, gists and educational therapists performed the testing at T1 and T2,
Condition 3 [CWIT3] and the Trail Making Test, Condition 4 under the supervision of a specialist in clinical neuropsychology.
[TMT4], respectively). This 10-year longitudinal study provides The entire assessment at T1 was conducted over 2 days.
a unique opportunity to enhance the understanding of the maturation Participants were invited for reassessment at 2 and 10 years
of EF in these neurodevelopmental disorders, which in turn following T1. The neuropsychological assessment was repeated
might benefit intervention and treatment planning for individuals at T2 and T3, using the same tests from T1 in the exact same
with ASD or ADHD and their families (Biederman et al., 2009; versions. One educational therapist, one specialist in clinical neu-
Hartman et al., 2016). ropsychology, one psychologist and four undergraduate psychology
Overall, we predicted better performance within each group on all students carried out the testing at T3, all supervised by a specialist in
three tests after 10 years, relative to each group’s baseline perfor- clinical neuropsychology. Test administrators underwent thorough
mance. Based on the previously reported test results in the ASD training and reliability checks for test scoring. We estimated inter-
group from T1 to T2 (Andersen et al., 2015), we predicted a rater reliability for all seven test administrators at T3 on verbal
stagnation in the ASD group’s results on the LNS test from T1 subtests from the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence during
to T2, but greater improvement in performance in the ASD group training, with intraclass correlation coefficients for Vocabulary of
from T2 to T3, relative to the TD group. .93 (95% CI [.89–.96]) and for Similarities of .97 (95% CI
[.94–.98]), indicating excellent reliability. We used a fixed test
order at each assessment, with prescheduled breaks and additional
Method breaks where necessary. The entire procedure at T3, which also
included diagnostic and functional assessment with age-appropriate
measures, lasted between three and four-and-a-half hours. Partici-
Data for this longitudinal study were collected through diagnos- pants using stimulant medication discontinued use 24 hr prior to
tic, functional, and neuropsychological assessments conducted in assessment at T1–T3. Three participants were using stimulant
three waves: T1 in 2009–2010, T2 in 2011–2012, and T3 in medication at T1 (all from the ASD group); all discontinued use
2018–2020. prior to baseline assessment. Forty-eight participants were pre-
At T1, children and adolescents were recruited from the Child and scribed stimulant medication at T2 (four from the ASD group,
Adolescent Mental Health Centers at Innlandet Hospital Trust in 44 from the ADHD group), of whom one in the ADHD group forgot
Norway, a secondary level mental health service, upon consecutive to discontinue use prior to reassessment. Nine participants reported
referrals. Individuals who were referred for evaluation and treatment using stimulant medication at T3 (two from the ASD group, seven
for a neurodevelopmental disorder, with ages between 8 and from the ADHD group), of whom three participants (one from the
17 years, were invited to take part in the research project. Those ASD group, two from the ADHD group) forgot to discontinue
who agreed were assessed at their respective clinic as part of the stimulant medication prior to the assessment. Furthermore,

12 participants reported having used cannabinoids during the last 3 from the TD group). The differences between those who participated
months prior to testing at T3 (two from the ASD group, seven from at T3 and those who did not were investigated by use of one-way
the ADHD group, three from the TD group). analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent samples T tests,
where Bonferroni corrected p values below .05/4 = .0125 were
considered statistically significant. The results indicated no statisti-
cally significant differences between these two groups in terms of T1
Table 1 displays the number of participants at each wave across characteristics age ( p = .589), mother’s education ( p = .572), FSIQ
the groups, with information on age and retention. The exclusion ( p = .013) or gender ( p = .929).
criteria at T1 for all participants were prematurity (<36 weeks), IQ
estimate below 70, or any disease affecting the central nervous
system. Prematurity was used as an exclusion criterion in order to
avoid comorbidities such as perceptual difficulties. An additional Clinical Measures at T1 and T2
exclusion criterion for the ADHD group was no history of stimulant
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

treatment. Additional criteria for the TD group were no history of ASSQ. The ASSQ is a questionnaire designed to screen for
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

psychiatric disorder, dyslexia, or head injury with loss of conscious- ASD, which can be completed by a parent or teacher (Ehlers et al.,
ness. No additional exclusion criteria were applied at the follow-ups. 1999). The 27 items concern social interaction problems, commu-
Eight participants who met the diagnostic criteria for both ASD and nication problems, and problems with restricted and repetitive
ADHD at T1 were included in the ASD group for the present study. behavior (Ehlers et al., 1999), with each item rated on a 3-point
This decision was based upon ASD having priority over ADHD in Likert scale (0 = no problems, 1 = some problems, 2 = severe
diagnostic algorithms in the DSM-IV (APA, 2000). Participants in problems). A total score is computed by summarizing all responses,
the clinical groups were offered standard psychological and/or yielding a maximum score of 54. Higher scores indicate more
medical treatment in the time between T1 and T3. problems. We used the total score as an indicator of ASD symptom
Table 2 shows demographic and clinical characteristics for the level.
sample, with group comparisons. The mothers of participants from ARS-IV. The ARS-IV is a rating scale regarding the frequency
the TD group had significantly more years of education than the of ADHD symptoms in children and adolescents between 5 and
mothers in the ASD and ADHD groups at T1. The participants in the 17 years old, based on the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-IV
ADHD group had significantly lower Full-Scale Intelligence Quo- (DuPaul et al., 1998). Parents or caregivers rate the frequency of
tient (FSIQ) estimates than the TD group at T2 and T3. The ASD each ADHD symptom describing the child’s behavior at home
group had higher ASD symptom levels than the ADHD group at during the last 6 months, with response options of Never (0), Rarely
each assessment. The difference in inattention and hyperactivity/ (1), Sometimes (2), Often (3), and Very Often (4). The 18-item
impulsivity symptom levels between the clinical groups were rating scale consists of two subscales, inattention, and hyperactivity.
nonsignificant at T1 and T2. A total score can be computed for each subscale where higher scores
indicate more problems. These subscale total scores were used as
indicators of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptom
Sample Retention levels.
Among the 173 participants at T1 (11.7 years, SD = 2.1), 168
took part at T2, yielding a retention rate of 97.1%. One participant Clinical Measures at T3
from the ASD group and four from the ADHD group declined
participation at T2. Unfortunately, we do not have information The Autism Spectrum Quotient for Adults, Short Version. The
relating to their reasons for declining T2 participation. Autism Spectrum Quotient for Adults, Short Version (AQ-10) is a
The total number of participants at T3 was 127, with ages ranging questionnaire screening tool for autism symptoms with 10 items,
from 17 to 27 (Mage = 21.4 years, SD = 2.2), yielding an overall developed from an original 50-item version (Allison et al., 2012).
retention rate of 73.4% from the baseline sample. Among the 46 Participants report the degree to which a symptom applies to them
participants from T1 who did not take part in the study at T3, nine on a four-point scale from Definitely Agree to Definitely Disagree.
were untraceable (three from the ASD group, four from the ADHD Score 1 is given for all responses that indicate autistic traits, while
group, two from the TD group) while 37 declined further participa- other responses are scored 0, thus higher scores indicate more autistic
tion (nine from the ASD group, 20 from the ADHD group, eight traits. In the present study, we used the sum score as an indication of

Table 1
Number of Participants and Retention Rates at Baseline, 2-, and 10-Year Follow-Up, by ASD, ADHD, and TD Group

ASD ADHD TD Total sample

Assessment wave n (%) Age n (%) Age n (%) Age N (%) Male/female

Baseline 38 12.0 (2.3) 85 11.6 (2.1) 50 11.6 (2.0) 173 110/63

2-year follow-up 37 (97.4%) 14.2 (2.3) 81 (95.3%) 13.6 (2.1) 50 (100.0%) 13.6 (1.9) 168 (97.1%) 106/62
10-year follow-up 26 (68.4%) 22.2 (2.6) 61 (71.8%) 21.4 (2.2) 40 (80.0%) 21.4 (2.3) 127 (73.4%) 81/46
Note. ASD = autism spectrum disorder; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TD = typically developing. Age in years. Standard deviations for
age are presented in parentheses.

Table 2
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Participants at Baseline, 2-, and 10-Year Follow-Up, by ASD, ADHD, and TD Group, With
Group Comparison

ASD (n = 38) ADHD (n = 85) TD (n = 50) Group comparison

Baseline M SD M SD M SD χ2/F p Post hoc

Gender (male/female) 32/6 46/39 32/18 10.28 .006

Age (years) 12.0 2.3 11.6 2.1 11.6 2.0 (2, 172) 0.63 .532
FSIQ 98.3 17.8 94.4 13.7 103.8 12.9 (2, 172) 6.53 .002
Mother’s education (years) 12.8 2.7 12.7 2.1 14.6 2.4 (2, 172) 11.56 <.001 ASD, ADHD < TD
ASSQ 21.5 9.3 9.7 10.1 1.6 1.9 (2, 171) 61.03 <.001 ASD > ADHD > TD
ARS-IV inattention 13.3 6.3 15.6 5.8 1.7 2.0 (2, 170) 119.79 <.001 ADHD, ASD > TD
ARS-IV hyperactivity 8.1 6.1 10.1 6.7 1.0 1.3 (2, 170) 43.38 <.001 ADHD, ASD > TD
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ASD (n = 37) ADHD (n = 81) TD (n = 50)

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

2-year follow-up M SD M SD M SD χ2/F p Post hoc

Gender (male/female) 31/6 43/38 32/18 10.30 .006

Age (years) 14.2 2.3 13.6 2.1 13.6 1.9 (2, 167) 1.11 .334
FSIQ 98.0 16.8 95.7 13.9 106.3 12.5 (2, 158) 8.64 <.001 ADHD, ASD < TD
ASSQ 20.6 9.2 7.7 7.3 1.0 2.8 (2, 161) 86.70 <.001 ASD > ADHD > TD
ARS-IV inattention 9.8 5.5 11.7 6.4 1.7 2.1 (2, 165) 57.93 <.001 ADHD, ASD > TD
ARS-IV hyperactivity 4.9 4.3 7.0 6.5 0.6 1.1 (2, 165) 26.15 <.001 ADHD, ASD > TD
T1–T2 interval (months) 25.7 3.5 24.8 2.7 25.1 1.8 (2, 167) 1.26 .287

ASD (n = 26) ADHD (n = 61) TD (n = 40)

10-year follow-up M SD M SD M SD χ2/F p Post hoc

Gender (male/female) 21/5 34/27 26/14 4.98 .083

Age (years) 22.2 2.6 21.4 2.2 20.9 1.9 (2, 126) 2.61 .078
FSIQ 109.3 18.3 102.5 14.4 115.4 12.0 (2, 122) 9.53 <.001 ADHD < TD
AQ-10 5.8 2.0 4.1 1.9 (1, 86) 14.27 <.001 ASD > ADHD
ASRS inattention 2.4 1.9 2.9 2.4 (1, 86) 0.87 .354
ASRS hyperactivity 2.0 1.9 3.0 2.1 (1, 86) 4.39 .039
T1–T3 interval (months) 116.6 6.5 116.6 6.5 114.0 4.7 (2, 125) 2.62 .077
Note. ASD = autism spectrum disorder; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TD = typically developing; FSIQ = Full-Scale IQ, estimated from
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; ASSQ = Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire; ARS-IV = ADHD Rating Scale-IV; AQ-10 = Autism Spectrum
Quotient for Adults, short version; ASRS = Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale. Corrected p level due to multiple comparisons of .001; statistically significant
p values in bold.

the level of autistic symptoms on a scale from 0 to 10 (Allison capture the working memory component of EF. This test consisted
et al., 2012). of 10 items, each with three trials of the same number but with
The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Version 1.1. The Adult different combinations of digits and letters. The test administrator
ADHD Self-Report Scale Version 1.1 (ASRS) is an 18-item ques- read each trial aloud and asked the participants to recall the numbers
tionnaire developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). It in ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order (Wechsler,
assesses current ADHD symptoms in adults, with questions about 2004). We examined total correct recalled trials (raw scores). Higher
symptom frequency (Kessler et al., 2005). Response options are scores indicated better performance, with a maximum score of 30.
Never (0), Rarely (1), Sometimes (2), Often (3), and Very Often (4). As this test originates from a test battery designed for children and
We dichotomized the responses to each item in line with the scoring adolescents, we examined the results for a potential ceiling effect at
manual and summarized the number of items indicating ADHD T3, finding no indication of such an effect. None of the participants
symptoms for inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity items sepa- reached the highest possible score of 30; the highest score in the
rately (Kessler et al., 2007). Sum subscale scores were used as an sample was 28, with the second highest score being 26.
indication of the level of ADHD symptoms on a scale from 0 to 9. CWIT3. We used the CWIT3 from the Delis–Kaplan Execu-
tive Function System (D-KEFS; Delis et al., 2001), with an aim to
capture the inhibition component of EF. The task was for partici-
Measures of Neuropsychological Functioning
pants to inhibit their automatic response to read the printed word of a
Estimated General Cognitive Functioning. The Wechsler color and instead name the dissonant ink color. We measured
Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence was administered in order to completion time in seconds; lower completion times indicated better
estimate participants’ intellectual abilities at each assessment performance. The maximum completion time for this task
(Wechsler, 1999). We used the FSIQ estimates. was 180 s.
LNS. We used the LNS test from the Wechsler Intelligence TMT4. We used the TMT4 from D-KEFS (Delis et al., 2001)
Scales for Children-IV (WISC-IV; Wechsler, 2004) with an aim to as a measure of the flexibility component of EF. The participants

were asked to draw a line interchangeably between numbers and letters intercepts were fitted at the first and second time intervals. The
in ascending and alphabetical order. We examined the time to parameters of main interest were the fixed effect interaction terms
complete the task in seconds, where lower completion times indicated “Time × Group,” at the first and second time intervals, contrasting the
better performance. The maximum completion time was 240 s. changes in the groups over time. We assessed three group comparisons
separately (ASD–TD, ADHD–TD, ASD–ADHD). The variables
“group” (dichotomous), “time” and “Time × Group” were entered
Background Characteristics
as fixed effects. “Intercept” was entered as fixed and random effects.
The variable mother’s education level (in years), measured at T1, We used unstructured covariance matrix to fit the LMM to the data.
was used as an indicator of socioeconomic status. The age of the Assessment of model fit was done by Akaike information criteria
participants at each assessment was measured in years. Follow-up investigation. The complete case analysis was compared with the
intervals were calculated by subtracting the age in months at T1 multiple imputation analysis. We used the global alpha value of .05.
from the age in months at each follow-up. All significant results were reanalyzed without the four participants
taking stimulant medication in the immediate period prior to testing
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(one at T2, three at T3). Also, significant results were reanalyzed

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

without the eight participants who met criteria for both ASD and
We conducted the study in accordance with the Helsinki Decla- ADHD at baseline. Additionally, we ran two separate LMM analyses
ration of the World Medical Association Assembly. Participation where we added baseline FSIQ and mother’s education as covariates.
was voluntary. Children aged 12 years and older and their parents
gave informed written consent prior to inclusion at T1 and T2, while
children below 12 years of age gave verbal consent prior to inclu-
sion. At T3, all participants gave their informed written consent. The The LNS, CWIT3, and TMT4 results across group and time are
participants received monetary compensation for their efforts (500 displayed in Table 3. A visual depiction of each group’s test results
NOK) and their traveling expenses related to testing were covered. across time is shown for the LNS, CWIT3, and TMT4 tests
The study was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical separately in Figures 1–3, respectively.
Research Ethics in Eastern Norway (T1 and T2: REK Øst-Norge 6- In total from T1 to T3, the ASD group displayed a medium to
2009-24, T3: 2017/2036/REK Sør-Øst) as well as the privacy large (d = .71) improvement on the LNS test, a large improvement
ombudsman for research at the Innlandet Hospital Trust (nr. 95495). on the CWIT3 (d = 1.70), and a medium improvement on the
TMT4 (d = .57). The ADHD group displayed a medium to large
improvement on the LNS test (d = .77), and large improvements on
Data Analyses
the CWIT3 and TMT4 (d = 1.48 and 1.32, respectively).
We used the statistical package SPSS for Windows, Version 26 in The results from the LMM (without covariates) are displayed in
the data analyses, while R Studio was used in creating the Figures. Table 4. Applying to the three tests alike, the two clinical groups
The global alpha level was set to .05 performed significantly worse than the TD group at baseline, with
First, we used a one-way ANOVA/independent sample T test to lower raw scores on the LNS test and longer completion times on the
compare the baseline characteristics (age, gender, mother’s educa- CWIT3 and TMT4 tests. The baseline differences between the two
tional level or FSIQ) of participants who were and were not assessed clinical groups were nonsignificant.
at the 10-year follow-up. Due to multiple comparisons, we used
Bonferroni corrections to control for chance findings, thus p values
below .05/4 = .0125 were considered statistically significant.
Second, we investigated demographic and clinical characteristics Results indicated that 64.6% of the variation in LNS raw scores
in the sample using the chi-squared test for independence (gender) was due to variation between individuals. During the first time
and one-way ANOVA (age, mother’s educational level, FSIQ, interval (T1–T2), the ADHD and TD groups showed increasing
ASD, and ADHD symptoms, time interval from T1 to T2, and scores, while the ASD group displayed stagnation in LNS scores
from T1 to T3). We set a stricter p value of .001, in order to control (see Figure 1). The stagnation gave the ASD group a significantly
for chance findings due to the high number of comparisons. worse change from T1 to T2 than both the TD and ADHD groups
Significant findings were followed up by Bonferroni post hoc tests. (see Tables 3 and 4). During the second time interval (T2–T3),
Third, we used Linear Mixed Models (LMM) for longitudinal however, the ASD group displayed a significantly greater increase in
analysis of individual time course, and to relate change in EF LNS scores than the ADHD group, while the slope in the ASD group
performance over time to group affiliation. EF test raw scores were did not differ significantly from that of the TD group in this time
used as dependent variables. These data were screened for extreme period. Furthermore, the ADHD group displayed a significantly
outliers, defined as test scores with a value of ±4 SD from the mean for smaller increase in LNS scores than the TD group from T2 to T3.
each group investigated separately (Wåhlstedt et al., 2009). Two
scores were defined as outliers on the TMT4 test, both with poorer
performance than the mean: one from the TD group at T2 and one from
the ADHD group at T3. These outliers were replaced by the second Results indicated that 45.6% of the variation in CWIT3 scores
most extreme value in the respective group, to reduce the effect of was due to variation between individuals. Only one of the interac-
possible spurious outliers (Chen et al., 2001; Wåhlstedt et al., 2009). tion effects reached statistical significance for the CWIT3 results.
The estimation was based on restricted maximum likelihood, with During the first time interval, the ASD group had a significantly
piecewise linear splines, with one knot at T2. Separate random better improvement than the TD group (Table 4).

Table 3
Results of the Neuropsychological Tests LNS, CWIT3, and TMT4: Means and Standard Deviations by ASD, ADHD,
and TD Group, Across Time

Variable T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
Letter–Number Sequencing Test 15.0 (3.4) 15.2 (3.6) 17.5 (3.6) 15.5 (3.3) 17.1 (2.9) 17.9 (2.9) 18.2 (1.9) 19.3 (2.4) 21.2 (2.7)
Color–Word Interference Test, 97.3 (28.3) 72.9 (21.3) 55.1 (12.6) 87.5 (29.8) 72.0 (27.3) 53.7 (15.8) 72.5 (22.3) 58.7 (16.9) 41.9 (9.0)
Condition 3b
Trail Making Test, Condition 4c 115.5 (48.1) 109.0 (49.2) 88.9 (44.9) 124.4 (49.5) 99.9 (41.4) 74.0 (26.9) 99.9 (35.2) 76.5 (23.4) 62.3 (22.3)
Note. ASD = autism spectrum disorder; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TD = typically developing; T1 = baseline; T2 = 2-year follow-up;
T3 = 10-year follow-up; LNS = Letter–Number Sequencing Test; CWIT3 = Color–Word Interference Test, Condition 3; TMT4 = Trail Making Test,
Condition 4.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Raw score, higher scores = better performance. From Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-IV. T1: ASD n = 38, ADHD n = 83, TD n = 50. T2: ASD
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

n = 35, ADHD n = 75, TD n = 50. T3: ASD n = 23, ADHD n = 60, TD n = 40. b Completion time in seconds, lower scores = better performance. From
Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS). T1: ASD n = 37, ADHD n = 85, TD n = 50. T2: ASD n = 36, ADHD n = 78, TD n = 50. T3: ASD
n = 23, ADHD n = 60, TD n = 40. c Completion time in seconds, lower scores = better performance. From D-KEFS. T1: ASD n = 34, ADHD n = 82, TD
n = 50. T2: ASD n = 35, ADHD n = 77, TD n = 50. ASD n = 22, ADHD n = 60, TD n = 39.

TMT4 criteria for ADHD. See Supplemental Table 1, for results on the
imputed data.
Results indicated that 40.0% of the variation in TMT4 scores was
due to variation between individuals. None of the Time × Group
interactions reached statistical significance.
When adding IQ or mother’s education as covariates, the differ- Discussion
ence between the ASD and TD groups on the TMT4 test at baseline As expected, the ASD group had a significant stagnation in LNS
became nonsignificant (data not shown). No other changes on any of raw scores in the first interval from T1 to T2 (Mage = 12–14 years),
the statistically significant test results were seen when adding these compared to the ADHD and TD groups. The ASD group grew out of
covariates. All significant findings remained significant when this stagnation as their raw scores increased from T2 to T3 (Mage =
excluding the four participants who had forgotten to discontinue 14–22 years), with a maturation slope similar to the maturation in
stimulant medication immediately prior to testing. Also, no changes the TD group. These findings suggest that the previously reported
to the significant findings were seen when rerunning the LMM LNS stagnation (Andersen et al., 2015) was not permanent, but
excluding the eight participants with ASD who at baseline also met could rather be considered as a developmental delay. Yet, it seems

Figure 1
Results of the Letter–Number Sequencing Test, Raw Scores Across Group and Time

22 Group ASD ADHD TD

Mean LNS raw score




Baseline Two−year 10−year

follow−up follow−up

Note. N = 171. LNS = the Letter–Number Sequencing Test from the Wechsler Intelligence
Scales for Children-IV; Higher raw score = better performance; ASD = autism spectrum
disorder; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TD = typically developing. Error
bars display 95% Confidence Intervals. See the online article for the color version of this figure.

Figure 2
Results of the Color–Word Interference Test, Condition 3, Completion Times in
Seconds, Across Group and Time


Mean CWIT3 completion time


This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.


Baseline Two−year 10−year

follow−up follow−up

Note. N = 172. CWIT3 = the Color–Word Interference Test, Condition 3, from the Delis–
Kaplan Executive Function System; Lower completion time = better performance; ASD =
autism spectrum disorder; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TD = typically
developing. Error bars display 95% Confidence Intervals. See the online article for the color
version of this figure.

that the performance gap between the ASD and TD groups was not ASD and TD groups from T2 to T3 (see Figure 1). It thereby seems
reduced. that the ASD group showed a normalization in LNS scores relative
Further, the LNS raw scores in the ADHD group increased to the ADHD individuals from adolescence into young adulthood.
alongside the TD group’s scores from T1 to T2, while the This interaction indicating a slower increase in the ADHD group
ADHD group had a significantly lower increase than both the relative to the TD group, however, failed to reach statistical

Figure 3
Results of the Trail Making Test, Condition 4, Completion Times in Seconds, Across
Group and Time


Mean TMT4 completion time





Baseline Two−year 10−year

follow−up follow−up

Note. N = 166. TMT4 = the Trail Making Test, Condition 4, from the Delis–Kaplan Executive
Function System; Lower completion time = better performance; ASD = autism spectrum disorder;
ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TD = typically developing. Error bars display
95% Confidence Intervals. See the online article for the color version of this figure.

Table 4
Fixed Effects in a Linear Mixed Model With Results of the Tests LNS, CWIT3, and TMT4, With Follow-Up Over 10 Years in ASD, ADHD, and
TD Groups

Color–Word Interference Test,

Letter–Number Sequencing Test Condition 3 Trail Making Test, Condition 4
Executive function measure Estimate SE 95% CI Estimate SE 95% CI Estimate SE 95% CI
Main effect group
ASD versus TD (ref) −3.25*** 0.61 −4.46, −2.04 24.54*** 4.82 15.01, 34.08 17.95* 8.61 0.91, 34.99
ASD versus ADHD (ref) −0.50 0.63 −1.75, 0.75 9.47 5.43 −1.26, 20.20 −7.50 9.53 −26.31, 11.30
ADHD versus TD (ref) −2.75*** 0.50 −3.73, −1.76 15.06** 4.59 5.99, 24.13 25.63** 7.32 11.20, 40.07
Main effect timeb
T1–T2 1.10*** 0.20 0.69, 1.50 −16.44*** 1.52 −19.44, −13.44 −20.96*** 3.17 −27.22, −14.69
T2–T3 1.41*** 0.21 1.01, 1.18 −16.40*** 1.34 −19.04, −13.75 −21.59*** 3.11 −27.75, −15.44
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Interaction, Group × Time T1–T2c

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ASD versus TD (ref) −1.11* 0.49 −2.08, −0.14 −8.91* 3.95 −16.76, −1.06 14.94 8.47 −1.92, 31.81
ASD versus ADHD (ref) −1.59** 0.58 −2.74, −0.45 −7.42 4.40 −16.13, 1.29 15.83 9.19 −2.39, 34.05
ADHD versus TD (ref) 0.51 0.43 −0.35, 1.37 −1.41 3.24 −7.83, 5.00 −1.01 6.77 −14.42, 12.40
Interaction, Group × Time T2–T3c
ASD versus TD (ref) 0.46 0.62 −0.76, 1.69 −0.14 3.28 −6.69, 6.40 −4.31 8.51 −21.29, 12.67
ASD versus ADHD (ref) 1.52** 0.51 0.50, 2.53 0.59 4.00 −7.37, 8.55 5.30 9.77 −14.11, 24.70
ADHD versus TD (ref) −1.05* 0.45 −1.94, −0.16 −0.68 3.08 −6.79, 5.43 −9.65 6.24 −22.03, 2.72
Note. LNS = Letter–Number Sequencing Test from Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-IV; CWIT3 = Color–Word Interference Test, Condition 3,
from Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS); TMT4 = Trail Making Test, Condition 4, from D-KEFS; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; ADHD
= attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TD = typically developing; T1 = baseline; T2 = 2-year follow-up; T3 = 10-year follow-up. The estimates reported do
not control for any covariates.
Negative estimates on LNS and positive estimates on CWIT3 and TMT4 indicate lower performance in the first group relative to the reference group. b Positive
estimates on LNS and negative estimates on CWIT3 and TMT4 indicate improvement over time. c Positive estimates on LNS and negative estimates on CWIT3
and TMT4 indicate more improvement over time relative to the reference group.
* p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001, Uncorrected p values. Statistically significant estimates for effects of group and Group × Time in bold.

significance when running the LMM with imputed data (see of the groups from T1 to T2 or from T2 to T3, which corresponds
Supplemental Table 1). with the visual depiction of the results (Figure 2). The CWIT3 aims
Placing the LNS test within the larger EF framework, it has been to be a measure of inhibition performance (Delis et al., 2001). At
considered as a measure of working memory capacity (Wechsler, baseline, both the clinical groups took longer to complete the task
2004). Current findings from the LNS test align with those from a than the TD group, which aligns with findings from prior studies of
meta-analysis in children, where working memory performance lower inhibition performance in these clinical groups (Demetriou
could not discriminate between ASD and ADHD participants et al., 2018; Pievsky & McGrath, 2018). The baseline difference
(Craig et al., 2016). Our findings that the two clinical groups between the clinical groups, although not statistically significant,
performed lower than the TD group at baseline fit with reports favored the ADHD group. The latter contrasts with reports from a
from meta-analyses and systematic reviews, where ASD and ADHD meta-analysis showing greater difficulties with inhibition in ADHD
groups displayed relatively stable dysfunction across components of individuals compared with ASD (Craig et al., 2016).
EF when compared with TD groups (Demetriou et al., 2018; Comparing findings regarding the inhibition component across
Pievsky & McGrath, 2018). A selective decline on a working studies may be complicated by the fact that inhibition is considered a
memory test was also reported in another longitudinal study, where multifaceted construct, comprising related processes of prepotent
individuals with ADHD continued to display deficits in adulthood, response inhibition and interference control (Friedman & Miyake,
which was taken as an indication of a developmental delay in this 2004; Geurts et al., 2014). Different measures assumed to assess
group (Øie et al., 2021). inhibition might in fact tap into somewhat different processes, which
Working memory draws upon the capacity for both manipulation might partly explain variations in findings. For instance, Stroop
of information and maintenance of presented stimuli (Diamond, tasks (Stroop, 1935) like the CWIT3 which we employed for
2013). Previous research has found that the capacity for working assessing inhibition are classified by some as prepotent inhibition
memory manipulation matures later than the capacity for working tasks (Friedman & Miyake, 2004), while others classify such tasks
memory maintenance (Travers et al., 2011). Some tests mainly as interference control tasks (Nigg, 2000). The Stroop task, in its
measure the maintenance capacity, while others require more different versions, was indeed found to be the most used task in
manipulation; the LNS test is an example of a test that loads on contemporary studies assessing performance-based EF (Bagetta &
both skills (Wechsler, 2004). The variation between tests that have Alexander, 2016).
been assigned to the working memory component might account for Overall, our CWIT3 findings indicate an improvement in the
some of the variability in findings across studies. ASD group from T1 to T2 that is better than that of the TD group,
Results from the CWIT3 indicated that the ASD group had a more while all three groups display parallel maturation from adolescence
positive maturation compared to the TD group from T1 to T2. Apart until early adulthood. Assuming that the CWIT3 findings yield
from this, the maturation was not significantly different between any information related to inhibition performance, we consider these

findings in support of a hypothesis of similar, rather than diverging, co-occurring ASD and ADHD from the ASD group, the differences
developmental trajectories of EF in children with ASD and ADHD. in EF between the ASD and ADHD group did however remain
For TMT4 results, the ASD and ADHD groups had longer nonsignificant. A preliminary analysis indicated that the levels of
completion times at baseline relative to the TD group. The matura- inattention symptoms and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms were
tion in these clinical groups was not significantly different from one not significantly different between the two clinical groups at T1.
another or from the TD group’s maturation from T1 to T2, nor from This might also relate to the fact that symptoms of ASD and ADHD
T2 to T3. This is somewhat surprising given the visual depiction of frequently co-occur, also in individuals who do not meet full
the results, where it seems that the ASD and ADHD groups had diagnostic criteria for both conditions. Thus, we add to the issue
diverging trajectories of maturation in the first interval from T1 to T2 previously addressed, that findings from different studies investi-
(Figure 3). We note that the confidence intervals for the results in the gating EF are often not directly comparable because of differential
ASD group, in particular, are very wide, which indicates substantial sample characteristics (Ging-Jehli et al., 2021).
uncertainty. In the LMM with imputed data (Supplemental Table 1), Overall, current findings seem to indicate that the maturation of
the interaction effect between the ASD group and both the other EF in the ASD group from T1 to T2 was characterized by a slower
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

groups from T1 to T2 did indeed reach statistical significance maturation than in the TD group on one out of three tests (LNS),
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

( p < .05), with the ASD group having a relatively slower improve- while by better maturation than the TD group on another test
ment. We interpret this as an indication that the nonsignificant (CWIT3). The ASD group later develops at the same pace as the
interaction effects in the main analysis might be related to the rather TD group from T2 to T3. There is no indication in the current data
small sample size of the ASD group, as with smaller sample sizes, that the ASD group catches up on the performance gap relative to the
larger effect sizes are required for the differences to reach statistical TD group.
significance (Tabachnick et al., 2007). The ADHD group displays maturation that parallels that of the
The TMT4 is assumed to capture the flexibility component of EF TD group on two out of three tests, but their maturation slows down
(Delis et al., 2001). Assuming that the TMT4 results give an estimate from T2 to T3 on the LNS test, relative to the TD group. Some prior
of flexibility performance, current findings of no difference between studies have suggested that children with ADHD may outgrow their
the clinical groups at baseline diverge from those of a review EF deficits (Thissen et al., 2014) or approach the performance levels
reporting that children with ADHD outperformed children with of TD children in relation to certain EF measures (van Lieshout
ASD on the flexibility component (Craig et al., 2016). Craig and et al., 2019), yet no indication of such relative improvement was
colleagues did, however, emphasize that the results from the 26 found in our data. Rather, our findings align with those suggesting
studies included in their review were often contradictory, which they that ADHD individuals develop with a similar pattern to TD
attributed to differences in methods of assessment and sample individuals, but with a developmental lag (Coghill et al., 2014).
characteristics (Craig et al., 2016). Regarding EF differences In addition, the ASD and ADHD groups mainly displayed similar
between ADHD and TD groups, a large review of meta-analyses developmental maturation from childhood into young adulthood as
found that the smallest difference was in the flexibility component assessed by the CWIT3 and the TMT4. Yet there was a develop-
(Pievsky & McGrath, 2018). Current findings from the TMT4 might mental delay on the LNS test in children with ASD from T1 to T2,
support a hypothesis of similar maturation in the clinical and TD while the ASD group had a better improvement than the ADHD
groups, despite differential performance levels. Our findings give no group in the interval from T2 to T3. Despite considerable improve-
indication that the clinical groups manage to reduce the gap relative ment within each clinical group as ages increased, individuals with
to the TD group as they mature into adulthood. ASD and ADHD seemed to display continuous impairment in EF
When comparing our findings to those of a larger EF research relative to the TD group.
field, we note the limitations of the present study of using one single
test for each EF component, as previously addressed by Bagetta and
Alexander (2016). Despite this common practice of assigning Strengths, Limitations, and Recommendations
neuropsychological tests to separate components of EF, such tests for Future Research
are typically highly complex and tap into various skills in addition to
those targeted for assessment (Miyake et al., 2000). The term “task The longitudinal design, a long follow-up interval, and a rela-
impurity problem” has been used to denote the phenomenon that one tively high sample retention constitute major strengths of this study.
task likely assesses multiple aspects of EF, in addition to skills like Longitudinal studies are especially relevant with ADHD samples
reading efficiency or more general cognitive tempo, which might all because many individuals who were diagnosed in childhood no
influence the test results (Miyake & Friedman, 2012). For instance, longer meet diagnostic criteria as they grow up, thus the samples in
the review by Bagetta and Alexander reported that the Stroop task cross-sectional and longitudinal studies are different. Our study
has been used as a measure of inhibition by some, while as a benefits from having three assessment waves, enabling us to obtain a
working memory measure by others. The use of different tasks and clear picture of cognitive maturation with age. An additional
performance measures for single EF components also contribute to strength is that we included participants with two different neuro-
making direct comparison of findings from different studies some- developmental disorders in the same study, which enabled us to
what uncertain (Ging-Jehli et al., 2021). compare these groups directly, and yield valuable information
At baseline, we decided to include participants meeting criteria beyond that which can be gained when comparing results across
for both an ASD and an ADHD diagnosis in the ASD group. This studies. Furthermore, it should be noted that impaired EF is not only
comorbidity could potentially have influenced the nonsignificant common in neurodevelopmental disorders (Rommelse et al., 2011)
differences between the two clinical groups at baseline, which was but has also been suggested as a transdiagnostic indicator of atypical
found for each of the three EF tests. When omitting the children with development (Zelazo, 2020).

As thorough information relating to interventions in the follow-up outcome as individuals mature, as it has been suggested that
period was not available to us, we could not consider the impact of neuropsychological deficits may affect functional outcome and
interventions. Another potential limitation is the relatively small size quality of life beyond the influence of ADHD symptoms
of the ASD group, meaning that there is a need to replicate the (Sjöwall & Thorell, 2019).
findings in larger samples. Ideally, the retention rate for the ASD
group at T3 (68.4%) would have been higher; however, it is still
acceptable compared to other longitudinal studies on ASD, for Clinical Implications
example, 76% after 10 years in Helles et al. (2015). It should be Knowledge of how EF matures within ASD and ADHD popula-
noted that our ASD sample does not capture the heterogeneity for IQ tions might benefit affected individuals, their families, clinicians,
in ASD, as it only includes individuals with normal range IQ. As the and educators by helping them anticipate development and plan in
comparison of dropouts versus T3 participants did not indicate that line with this trajectory (Conklin et al., 2007). These findings might
there were any systematic differences between these groups, we find provide guidance on what to expect in relation to EF development in
it likely that our findings would generalize to the total T1 sample. children and adolescents with ASD or ADHD as they grow up. Our
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Furthermore, as our clinical samples were drawn from a clinical research might also be of benefit in terms of psychoeducational
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

population, they represent those who were willing to seek help at T1. advice for affected individuals, parents, and teachers, and may
The large age span in our sample may represent a possible limita- potentially result in increased acceptance of affected individuals.
tion; however, most participants were around mean age, as indicated Overall, our data do not indicate that the clinical groups catch up
by the small standard deviations. with the performance in the TD group by young adulthood, imply-
Another issue relates to the wide confidence intervals in the LMM ing that the need for school or workplace support and facilitation has
estimates, reflecting large variability in the outcome variables within not necessarily diminished. The continued presence of impaired EF
each group. The current findings reflect trajectories at a group level, at group level for these clinical groups, relative to the TD group
but not at the individual level. Although findings at a group level might suggest that individual assessment of EF can also yield useful
may yield valuable information, we emphasize that individuals information beyond childhood. A previous longitudinal study in
within these clinical groups may vary substantially in their cognitive males with ADHD reported that certain individuals displayed no
profiles, just as there is variation among the TD individuals, in this deficits in childhood, yet displayed the onset of new deficits in
study and elsewhere. adulthood, indicating that an assessment in adulthood may be useful
Current findings concern maturation of EF as measured by regardless of status in childhood (Biederman, Petty, Fried, et al.,
neuropsychological tests, which might provide information of 2007). We should also emphasize the substantial heterogeneity of
“best” performance in highly structured environments, as opposed EF performance within the ASD and ADHD groups. Findings of
to self- or informant reports on EF in everyday functioning, which impaired EF at the group level should not be transferred to the
provide information on typical performance (Toplak et al., 2013). individual level.
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