Caer-Konig Emporium

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CAER-KONIG EMPORIUM ALOHEMIST's Fire (FLASK) Adventuring gear, 50 ep, 1 Ib ‘This sticky, adhesive Mud ignites when exposed to aie. ‘As an action, you can throw this lask up to 20 feet shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemists fie as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d fre damage atthe start of each of its turns. A ereature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. Dust of DISAPPEARANCE Wondrous item, uncommon, minor tier Found in a small packet, this powder resembles very fine sand. There is enough of it for one use. When you tuse an action to throw the dust into the air, you and, each creature and object within 10 feet of you become invisible for 2d4 minutes. The duration is the same for all subjects, and the dust is consumed when its magic takes effect. Ifa creature affected by the dust attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility ends for that creature. KEOGHTOM’s OINTMENT Wondrous item, uncommon, minor tier This glass jar, 3 inches in diameter, contains 1d4~1 doses ofa thick mixture that smells faintly of aloe. The jar and its contents weigh ¥ pound. ‘As an action, one dose of the ointment can be swallowed or applied to the skin. The creature that, receives it regains 248 + 2 hit points, ceases to be poisoned, and is cured of any disease. SENDING STONES Wondrous item, uncommon, minor tier Sending stones come in pairs, with each smooth stone carved to match the other so the pairing is easily recognized. While you touch one stone, you can use an action to cast the sending spell from it. The target is the bearer of the other stone. Ifno creature bears the other stone, you know that fact as soon as you use the stone and don’t cast the spell, Once sending is cast through the stones, they can't be used again until the next dawn. If one of the stones in a pair is destroyed, the other one becomes nonmagical WELCOME TO THE FAR NORTH CLOTHING, COLD WEATHER Adventuring gear, 10 gp, 5 Ib. This outfit consists of a heavy fur coat or cloak over layers of woo! clothing, as well as a fur-lined hat or hood, goggles, and furcined leather boots and gloves. As long as cold weather clothing remains dry, its ‘wearer automatically succeeds on saving throws against the effects of extreme cold. CRAMPONS Adventuring gear, 2 gp, YIb. A crampon is a metal plate with spikes that is strapped to the sole of a boot. A creature wearing crampons can't fall prone while moving across slippery ice. Grarpiinc Hoox Adventuring gear, 2 gp, 4 Ib. LAMP Adventuring gear, 5 sp, 1 Ib. A lamp casts bright light in a 15-oot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet, Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil SNOWSHOES Adventuring gear, 2 gp, 4Ib. ‘Snowshoes reduce the likelihood of their wearer getting stuck in the deep snow. Torca Adventuring gear, 1 ep, 1 Ib A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20- foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. I'you make a melee attack with a burning torch and hit, it deals 1 fire damage.

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