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Unit 1: Family

- OBJECTIVE: to talk about family relationships
- VOCABULARY: family members and friends
- GRAMMAR: possessive with `s (Genitive)

Do the activities in this worksheet and then check your answers on page 5 (answer key)

VOCABULARY: Family and Friends

A. MATCH the words in the box to the definitions on the right.

LISTENING 1: How are these people related?

A. LISTEN to four conversations about famous people. How are they related?
 Go to E-Finis  “Documentos”  “Unit 1-Week 1” to download audio.

EXAMPLE: brother and sister

1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________
GRAMMAR FOCUS: possessive with ‘s

Family relationships
A. COMPLETE the following sentences with a suitable word.
1. My mum’s sister is my aunt
2. My son’s sister is my___________________
3. My mother’s brother is my ___________________
4. My sister’s son is my___________________
5. My brother’s daughter is my ___________________
6. My husband´s sister is my ___________________
7. My aunt’s children are my ___________________
8. My daughter´s husband is my ___________________
9. My daughter’s children are my ___________________

 Go to E-Finis  “Enlaces” and use the links for further practice and explanations.

B. COMPLETE what the people are saying with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to look up the words you
don’t know.

brother-in-law daughter-in-law father-in-law grandparents great-grandfather great-grandmother mother-in-law

sister-in-law son-in-law step-brother step-daughter step-father step-mother step-sister step-son

BERNARD: There’s me, next to my daughter, Jenny, and that’s Paul, my (1) son-in-law. That’s Paul’s
(2)____________________, Jack. He and Paul’s mother, Jill, got married last year. And there’s Paul’s
(3)____________________, Bob and Sheila. They’re Jill’s parents.

JILL: There’s me, next to my son, Paul, and that’s Jenny, my (4)____________________. That’s my other son, Jason,
and next to him are Simon, my (5) ____________________, and Beth, my (6) ____________________ - Jack’s children
from his first marriage.

JENNY: There’s Jill and Jason, my (7) ____________________ and my (8) ____________________. That’s Rowena, my
(9____________________. She and Dad got married about three years ago. And there’s my
(10)____________________ and (11)____________________, Betty and Harold – they’re my grandmother’s parents.
That’s my sister, Faye, standing next to Jason.

PAUL: There’s Bernard, my

(12)____________________, and Faye, my
(13)____________________. And that’s Beth and
Simon, my (14) ____________________ and


A. READ the article about two families. MATCH the photos A-D to the stories of Gemma. OR Judy.

B. READ the article again and ANSWER the questions.

LISTEN to a description of a typical English family. NUMBER the topics in the order that you hear them (1-6)
 Go to E-Finis  “Documentos”  “Unit 1-Week 1” to download audio.

WRITING: A Typical Chilean Family

Think about a typical family in Chile and WRITE five sentences to describe how a typical Chilean family is.
*You can use some of the topics above as prompts.

VOCABULARY: Family and Friends READING
A. A.
1. neighbour Gemma Burford E. : Pictures A and D
2. colleague
Judy Boehmer : Pictures B and C
3. pet
4. son
5. cousin
6. niece
7. best friend 1. Gemma was born in a quiet village in the south of
8. son-in-law England.
9. aunt 2. Her wedding was in 2003.
3. Gemma’s husband is from Tanzania.
4. Her daughter’s name is Lucia.
LISTENING 1: How are these people related? 5. There are 11 children in Judy’s family.
6. A 10-meter-long motor home.
1. husband and wife 7. The youngest child’s name is Margaret.
2. father and son 8. It was in a theme park in Iowa.
3. uncle and nephew
4. sisters-in-law
Correct order
GRAMMAR FOCUS: possessive with ‘s
Family relationships 2
A. 3
1. aunt 4
2. daughter 1
3. uncle 6
4. nephew
5. niece
6. sister-in-law
7. cousins
8. son-in-law
* Answers vary depending on the student.
9. grandchildren

1. son-in-law
2. step-father
3. grandparents
4. daughter-in-law
5. step-son
6. step-daughter
7. mother-in-law
8. brother-in-law
9. step-mother
10. great-grandmother
11. great-grandfather
12. father-in-law
13. sister-in-law
14. step-sister
15. step-brother

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