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NOTE: Write your answers on the question paper provided


Feminist literary criticism highlights the stereotypical roles attached to women. Describe one
stereotyped role of women commonly portrayed in literary texts. Substantiate your
arguments with examples.

[6 marks]

Feminist literary criticism seeks to identify and critique the ways in which women in
the society are often portrayed in literature as conforming to traditional gender roles and
expectations. These stereotypical roles often limit women's agency and potential, and
reinforce negative attitudes and biases towards women and men. Often times, they are
bashed and treated poorly by the men. This leads to women not respected enough by the
society and not getting enough pay for the job.

I believe that it is important to analyse and critique the representation of women in

literature because feminist literary criticism seeks to challenge and subvert the patriarchal
attitudes and power structures that have historically dominated the literary canon as we can
see through many masterpieces written by men and women. It also seeks to promote
greater gender equality and social justice, both within and outside of the literary world.

The play, "Macbeth,", a magnum opus, written by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth is

portrayed as a strong and ambitious woman who is determined to help her husband achieve
his ambitions of becoming king. Regardless, her ambition leads her to manipulate and
control her husband, ultimately leading to their downfall in the play. Lady Macbeth is often
viewed as an example of the "femme fatale" archetype, using her sexuality and manipulative
nature to control her husband. Femme fatale can be described as a seductive woman who

leads men to act dangerously. In literature writings, a femme fatale is portrayed as a
beautiful and mysterious lady. In this play, when Macbeth hesitates to commit murder, his
wife, Lady Macbeth questions his manhood which eventually lead him to perform the deed.
For an example, she even proceeded to say ,

"I have given suck, and know / How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: / I
would, while it was smiling in my face, / Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, /
And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you / Have done to this." (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines

This statement highlights Lady Macbeth's willingness to commit violence and her
rejection of traditional notions of femininity. Lady Macbeth's character portrayed as a
complicated, cunning, evil, ambitious character which led to challenge traditional gender
role. The play can be seen as a critique of gender roles and the limitations placed on women
in Shakespeare's time.


Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

On a Tree Fallen across the Road

The tree the tempest with a crash of wood

Throws down in front of us is not bar
Our passage to our journey’s end for good,
But just to ask us who we think we are

Insisting always on our own way so.

She likes to halt us in our runner tracks,
And make us get down in a foot of snow
Debating what to do without an ax.

And yet she knows obstruction is in vain:

We will not be put off the final goal
We have it hidden in us to attain,
Not though we have to seize earth by the pole

And, tired of aimless circling in one place,

Steer straight off after something into space.

By Robert Frost

a. Analyse the poem and answer the questions:

i. structure of poem
This poem has 4 stanzas with 4 lines in each stanza
except the last stanza which only has 2 lines.

ii. rhyme scheme This poem has an irregular rhyme scheme. The first and
third lines of each stanza rhymes with each other
whereas the second and fourth lines rhymes with each
other which contributes to the conversational and
reflective tone of the poem. For an example, the first
stanza has (ABAB) rhyme scheme. The last word of the
first line ’wood’ rhymes with the third line’s last word ‘

iii. couplet
And, tired of aimless circling in one place,
Steer straight off after something into space.

This is the couplet found in the poem.

A couplet can be described as the two lines of verse that
follow one another and are connected by rhythm and
rhyme. In this poem, the couplet can only be found in the
last stanza of the poem.
iv. metaphor

This poem uses the fallen tree as a metaphor for the

obstacles and challenges that people face in their life to
achieve a certain goal. The tree is viewed as a test of the
speaker's determination and willingness to persevere.
Moreover, this poem suggests that it is our ability and
effort that we put to try to overcome these obstacles that
we have to face in order to achieve our goals.

v. personification

The poem projects personification through the fallen tree.

It describes as if it has a will of its own. The tree is said to
"insist" on our own way, and to "halt us in our runner
tracks," suggesting that it is actively opposing the
speaker's progress. For an example, the tree in the poem
is given human-like qualities and actions, such as
throwing itself down in front of the speaker and insisting
on its own way.

[10 marks]

b.Identify a theme in the poem. Provide justifications for your arguments

[4 marks]

The theme of the poem is perseverance in the face of adversity and resilience. The
fallen tree found in the poem represents an obstacle or challenge that stands in the way of
the speaker's journey. As humans, it is a process to face obstacles in our lives to achieve
something amazing at the end. This poem but emphasizes the importance of not giving up in
such phase because the best is on its way.

The speaker also suggests that life is full of obstacles and setbacks and that the key
to success is to persevere through these challenges and keep moving forward towards our
life goals. Whatever challenges we are going to face, it is only for us to become a stronger
version of ourselves. Ultimately, the poem portrays the human capacity for resilience and
determination, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

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