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01 주제 · 저|목 7
02 요지 · 주장 15
03 목적 23
중심내용·맥락 |
04 심경 · 분위기 31

성 깎 얀써
05 내용일치/불일치
02 06 도표 · 실용문

세부내용 07 지칭추론

08 단어 빈칸
03 09 짧은어구빈칸
깨 야

10 긴어구빈칸

11 연결어(구) 넣기
EBS 올림포스 독해의 기본 l

12 무관한문장찾기 95

13 L투프X
드 C>f 人
t j| 103

14 글의순서 배열 111

15 。」-。
4 -「얀L므
L 오
~人 f
<> 119

05 어법(밑줄/네모) 127

17 어휘(밑줄 / 네모) 137


06 18 장문 147


01 수행평가사례예시 160
02 WORD PLUS UNIT 01 - UNIT 18 162
03 꿀쩍 VOCA 장 3분꿀쩍 VOCA 180
강 4분꿀쩍 VOCA 181
장 5분꿀쩍 VOCA 187
/ CHAPTER 이 중심 내용 맥락



{• 흩출톨씌 ~r!,.',",‘· (~.의 :ι1빼 n삐삐. (~.딩 ~l끼빼 .1빼폐. {• I 의:빼 u삐,κl

口 doubt 口 on the verge of 口 philosopher 口 metaphorically

口 share 口 whereas 口 deny ’ 口 orgamze
口 ancestor 口 interest 口 human beings 口 predict
口 specles 口 be aware of 口 to a great extent 口 ctíeck out
口 gene 口 present 口 historical 口 blockbuster
口 recognizably 口 and so forth 口 inherit 口 available
口 distinct 口 marketer 口 generation 口 entrance
口 creature 口 stage 口 theory 口 in contrast
口 genetic code 口 appropriate 口 confirm 口 recipient
口 translate 口 currently 口 disconfirm 口 literature
口 obvious 口 perhaps 口 social institution 口 rarely
口 every last one 口 start a family 口 state 口 environment
口 myth 口 earn 口 modify 口 reflect
口 certain 口 depend on 口 existence 口 infer
口 literally 口 quality 口 from scratch 口 fluently
口 evidence 口 contact 口 context 口 memory
口 evolution 口 advertising 口 radically 口 pop 비 arity
口 reveal 口 promote 디 occur 口 emotion
口 fossil 口 consumer 口 conservative 口 frequently
口 identify 口 successlve

• 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩 8439-0001

What is a fact beyond all doubt is that we share an ancestor with every other species of
ammal and plant on the plane t. We know this because some genes are recognizably the
(A) Idistinct / same I genes in allliving creatures , including animals , plants and bacteria. And ,
above all , the genetic code itself - the dictionary by which all genes are translated - is the
same across all 1iving creatures that have ever been @1ooking at. We are all cousins. Your
famil y tree (B) I includes / excludes I not just obvious cousins like chimpanzees and monkeys
but also mice , buffaloes , iguanas , snails , dandelions , golden eagles , mushrooms , whales , and
bacteria. All are our cousins. Every last one of them. (wonderful thought / more / any myth /
lsn ’ t / a far / that / than)? And the most wonderful thing of all @is that we know for certain it
is literally true. 1

CD myths and facts about the genetic code

@ the evidence of evolution revealed by ancient fossils
@ the importance of family trees in identifying species
@ the connection between the genetic code and diseases
@ the re1 atedness of everything through the genetic code

I Vocab빼

• 글의 중심 내용이 바로 주제이므로 지문 내용을 확실히 이해해야 한다.

1 핵심 소재 파악 우리는 지구상의 모든 종의 동 · 식물들과 같은 조상을 공유하고 있고 어떤 유전자들은 모든 살아 있는

생물에게 존재하는 유전자와 똑같다는 내용에서 핵심 소재를 알 수 있다. • 모든 종에 존재하는 유전자

2 필자의 견해 파악 유전자 암호가 이제까지 발견된 모든 살아 있는 생물에 걸쳐 동일하므로 우리는 모두 다 사촌이라는 필자

의 견해가 제시된다. • 동일한 유전자 암호는 우리 모두가 사촌임을 알려준다.

3 정답고르기 모든 종에 동일한 유전자 암호가 발견된다는 점에서 우리 모두 사촌이라는 견해를 바탕으로 정답을 고

口 口 口

상 뼈
조 α μ


,‘ 口 species 종(種) 口 gene 유전자

저〕 모

3 g
‘ ” 口 translate 번역하다 口 obvious 영백한

---- m f E
口 myth 근거 없는 믿음, 미신 口 literally 말 그대로, 문자 그대로


8 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 2쪽 「빼w.eb잉 cO. k데

• We share a(n) 1 with every other species on the planet .

• Some genes are recognizably the 2 _ ___ genes in allliving creatures.
• The genetic code itself is the 3 across allliving creatures.

All plant and animal species on the planet are 4

1 를표훨 (A) , (8)의 각 너|모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


. 2 liD 밑줄 친 @와 @ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

3 G활켈 괄호 안에 주어진 표현을 바르게 배열하여 쓰시오

관겨싸 what(-하는 것): 선행사톨 포힐하는 관계사로 명사뭘율 유도하며, 이 명사월이 주어로 쓰일 경우 흩어동사는 단수 형태이다.
What is a fact beyond all doubt is that we share an ancestor with every other species.
L 명사절(주어 역할 T. 술어동새단수 형태)
전혀 의심할 여지 없는 하나의 사실인 것은 우리가 다른 모든 종과조상을 공유하고 있다는 것이다

C벼PTER01 ' UNπ 01 주제 제목 9

01 [띔 글의 제목으로 7땅 적절한 것은? 되 8439-0002

Some people may be on the verge of buying the product, whereas others may never have
heard of i t. Still others may have an interest in the product but do not have any money, while
others might be aware of the product but are not yet interested; others might be interested
but do not at present have a need for the product, and so forth. Marketers need to be aware of
these stages and be prepared to act at the appropriate time. For example , 얻쁘쁘 who have
just bought their first house will not currently be in the market to buy another larger house ,
but very well might be in five to seven years' time , when perhaps they have started a family
or are eammg more money.

CD Buying Power Depends on the Product ’ s Quality

@ Contact Consumers When They Are Ready to Buy
@ Is Advertising the Only Way to Promote Products?
@ Consumers Are Always Ready to Change Their Minds
@ Marketing: A Battle Between Consumers and Marketers

1 다음 영영사전 돗물이에 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do •

2 밑줄 친 a coupleOI 주택 구매 시장에 다시 들어오게 되는 경우를 우리말로 쓰시오.

口 on the verge of 막 ~하려는 口 be aware of ^"'을 알다 口 at present 현재는

口 and 50 forth '" 등등[따위] 口 marketer 마케팅 담당자 口 5tage 단계
口 appropriate 적절한 口 currently 현재 口 5tart a family 자녀를 갖다

口 earn (돈을) 벌다
10 올림포스 독해의기본 1
정답과해설 2쪽 -

02 c띔 글의 주제로 7땅 적절한 것은? 1;) 8439-0003

Few philosophers would deny that human beings are , to a great extent, historical - @ that
we inherit things from the past, change them , and then pass them on to future generations.
Language , for example , is something that we learn and change as we use it, and the same
@ doestrueofscience-. scientistsstartwithabodyoftheory, and then go on either to
confirm or to disconfirm it. The same is also true of social institutions , such as the family, the
state , banks , churches , and so on - most of @ which are modified forms of earlier practices
or institutions. Human beings , therefore , never begin their existence from scratch , but always
within some kind of context - a context @ that changes , sometimes radically within a single
generatlO n.

CD the reasons generation gaps occur over time

@ the gradual process of learning in early humans
@ the conservative tendency of national institutions
@ the roles of past experiences in predicting the future
@ the successive nature of human knowledge and institutions

1 밑줄 친 @rv@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 주어진 질문에 영어로 답하시오.

Wh at THREE things are presented as the examples of what we inherit from the past?


口philosopher 철학자 口 to a great extent 대부분은 口 historical 역사적인

口 inherit 물려받다 口 generation 세대 口 theory 01론 -
口 confirm 확인하다 口 disconfirm 부당성을 증명하다 口 social institution 사회제도
口 state 국가 口 modify 수정하다 口 existence 존재
口 from scratch 아무런 준비 없이 口 context 상황, 배경 口 radically 근본적으로
CHAP면R01 . UNπ 01 주제 제목 11
정답과 해설 3쪽

03 c읍 글으| 제목으로 찜 적절한 것은? 딩 8439-0004

Metaphorically speaking , human memory is like a public library @ what organizes its books
according to their predicted popularity. Frequently checked out books , that is , popular books
(e.g. , the Dan Brown blockbusters) , will be made available in special spaces near the entrance
of the library to make it easy for members to find them. In contrast, less popular books (e.g. ,
the books by Herta Müller, recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature) , the ones rarely
checked out in the past, will be placed in the back of the library. Because of the environment
CÐ was thus reflected in our memory, we can use our memory to make inferences about the
environment. We can infer, for example , that the more fluently we retrieve an item from
memory, the more often we must have encountered it in the pas t.
* retrieve 회수하다, 생ζ빼 내다 * * encounter 만나다

CD Sources of the Popularity of Books

@ Ways to Use Monthly Book Reviews
@ How Is Human Memory Organized?
@ What Is the Nature of the Human Emotion System?
@ Frequently Checked Out Books: The Best Books?

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법 에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.
@ @

2 다음 영영사전 돗물이 에 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) easy or possible to get or use •
(2) stories , poems , and plays , especially those that are considered to have v떠 ue as art •

口 metaphorically 비유적으로 은유적으로 口 organize 정리하다, 조직화하다

口 predict 예측하다, 예상하다 口 check out (도서 등을) 대출하다. (숙소에서) 퇴소하다
口 blockbuster 크게 성공한 소설, 영화 口 recipient 수렁인. 수취인 口 rarely 좀처럼 ~하지 않는
口 environment 환경 口 reflect 반영하다 口 infer 추론하다
口 fluently 쉽게 맡럽게 훌

12 올림포스 독해의 기온 1
수행평가 01 환경 보존에 대한 의견 작성하기

평가일 ( )월 ( )~
드3 Student ID Name

STEP 01 c!l많웰 숲을 보존해야 or는 이유를 나타내는 그림에 알맞은 설명을 찾Of 기호를 써 봅시다.

@ provide people with natural beauty

@ are natural habitats for wild animals
@ absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen

STEP 02 멜렐I 우|에서 제시한 이유의 근거를 설명핸 문장을 완성해 봅시다

Supporting Ideas
1 Forests help us ensure on our planet.

2 Forests are protecting the earth from


3 Forests are important sources of human


STEP 03 멀뿔홉탐을 보존해야 or는 이유를 설명E받 글을 완성해 몹시다

1 think we must conserve forεsts for three reasons. First , forests

. By maintaining their habitats , we can ensure
. Second , forests
This means they protect the earth . Finally ,
forests . They play an important role as a source
of . Thus , we can have various benefits by
conserving forests.

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 01 주제 제목 13

STEP 01 1 @

STEP 02 Supporting Ideas

1 Forests help us ensure biodiversity on our planet.
2 Forestsare protecting the earth from the greenhouse effect.
3 Forests are important sources of human inspiration and enjoymen t.

하EP 03
1 think we must conserve forests for three reasons. First, forests are natural
habitats for wild animals . By maintaining their habitats , we can ensure
biodiversity on our planet. Second, forests absorb carbon dioxide and convert
it into oxygen. This means they protect the earth from the greenhouse effect.
Finally, forests provide people with natural beauty. They play an important
role as a source of human inspiration and enjoyment. Thus , we can have
various benefits by conserving forests.

14 올림포스 독해의 기본 1


{4 톨중웬Th1fi.-n:. (~.허:1빼l빼빼- {~.센빼 11여::11ιl {~.의 :1빼 Il빼 ::(IIc_

口 reluctant 口 notice 口 magic 口 absence

口 long-term 口 taillight 口 be associated with 口 specific
口 essentially 口 spew 口 film 口 legislation
口 creature 口 smoke 口 industry 口 control
口 integrate 口 tailpipe 口 consider 口 prevention
口 behavior 口 tire 口 technical 口 pollution
口 transfer A to B 口 realize 口 achievement 口 provlslon
口 wristwatch 口 wrong 口 filmmaker 口 branch
口 slight 口 back 口 belief 口 regulation
口 be aware of 口 completely 口 real 口 doubt
口 awkward 口 develop 口 extraterrestrial 口 inadequate
口 comfort 口 awareness 口 capture 디 unscientific
口 discomfort 口 happen 口 advanced 口 crude
口 accompany 口 instead of 口 gadget 口 investigation
口 mlnor 口 pr이 ect 口 draw 디 invent
口 alteration 口 negative 口 budget 口 at present
口 significant 口 trait 口 point 口 detailed
口 virtually 口 trace 口 expectation 디 urgent
口 intolerable 口 awful 口 notion 口 need
口 take 0야 口 regarding

’ 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩없39-0005

We are always reluctant to make long-term changes because they can be uncomfortable.
We are essentially creatures of habi t. We do things a certain way, and our habits become
integrated into our behavior. If you have any question about @ this , just transfer your
wristwatch to the other hand. Even though it should not make the slightest difference CÐ on
which hand it is worn , you will soon find that you are very aware of the change , and it rnay
even feel cumbersome or awkward. Returning the watch to its usual place brings back a
feeling of comfort. If feelings of discomfort accompany so minor an alteration , how rnuch
rnore so with significant behavior changes? It’ s easy to imagine why sorne people consider
change virtually intolerable.
* cumbersome 성가신, 어색한

@ 신체와관련이 있는행동은한번습관화되면고치기가쉽지 않다.

@ 장기간의 변화는 단기간의 변화보다 더 많은 스트레스를 야기한다.
@ 행동에 작은 변화를 주는 것이 좋은 습관을 형성하는 데 도움이 된다.
@ 사람들은 습관화된 행동을 바꿀 때 느끼는 불편함 때문에 변화를 꺼린다.
@ 형성된 좋은습관은불편함을유발했던 일들을 쉽게 처리할수 있게 해준다.

「 Voc뻐la마 1Î얻파펠합뭘페( Structu대

• 먼저 주제를 파악한 뒤 이를 이용해 요지를 찾는다.
1 글의 주제 파악 우리는 불편함 때문에 변화를 꺼린다.
2 주제를 뒷받침하는 단서 파악 손목시계를 다른 손목에 쳤을 때 불편함을 느끼지만 평상시 차는 손목으로 시계를 되돌혔을
3 정답고르기 위의 예를 통해 변호별 꺼리는 이유가 불편함 때문임을 파악한 뒤 요지를 고른다.

口 reluctant 꺼리는 口 essentially 본질적으로 口 creature 동물, 생물, 창조물

口 integrate 통합하다 口 transfer A to B A를 B로 옮기다 口 wristwatch 손목시계
口 slight 사소한, 작은 口 awkward 어색한 口 accompany 수반하다, 동행하다
口 minor 작은, 가벼운 口 alteration 변화 口 virtually 거의
口 intolerable 참을 수 없는, 견딜 수 없는
16 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 5쪽 rwww.ebsi .co. k내

We are always reluctant to make long-term changes because they can be 1

( example 1 just transfer your wristwatch to the other hand

• feel cumbersome or awkward

If feelings of discomfort accompany so minor an alteration , how much more so with significant behavior
2 ?

1 G훨I 다음 영영사전 돗풀이에 해~하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

small and not very important or serious , especially when compared with other things

2 G홉펠 밑줄 친 @ this가 가리키는 것을 우리말로 쓰시오.

3 뀔EI 밑줄 친 @ on which hand it is worn을 능동태로 고쳐 쓰시오. (단, 주어로 you를 사용할 것)

비쿄급율 강조하는 표현톨: much , still , far , even , a lot 등은 비과급 앞에서 비쿄급물 강조하며 ‘훨씬’이라는 의미로 해석된다.
If feelings of discomfort accompany so minor an alteration , how much more so with significant behavior
불편한 느낌이 그렇게 작은 변화에 수반한다면 중요한 행동 변화와 관련해서는 얼마나 훨씬 더 많은 불편한 느낌을 수븐k하겠는가?

CHAPTER01 ' 뻐 02 요지 주장 17
01 c띔 글에서 필자가 주행는 닙낼 7땅 적절한 것은? 딩 8439-0006

One day while driving my car, 1 kept noticing things that were wrong with all the other
cars on the road. One had a taillight out, one was spewing dark smoke out of its tailpipe ,
and another had a bad tire. Then 1 realized @ that if any of these things were wrong with my
car, 1 wouldn ’ t know it because 1 was busy driving. 1, too , could have a taillight out and not
even know about it. We don ’ t have eyes in the back of our heads; we don ’ t “ see" ourselves
CB completely. But we can develop awareness and use anything that happens to us and others
as great learning experiences. Instead of projecting negative traits onto others , look first
inside to see if you have a trace of @ which you find so awful in others.

@ 한 번 내린 결정을 되돌리지 마라.

@ 타인의 잘못을 보고 자신을 돌아보아라.
@ 과거의 경험이 판단을흐리지 않도록하라.
@ 자신보다타인에게 너그러운태도를보여랴.
@ 주위의 조언을 참고하되 자신의 판단을 믿어라.

1 필자가 운전하는 동안 다른 자동차들에서 발건한 잘못된 점 세 가지를 영어로 쓰시오.

2 밑줄 친 @"-'@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

훌뼈1'.' 피톨l톨톨톨-

口 taillight (자동차 · 열차 따위왜 미등(尾燈) 口 spew 뿜어내다

口 tailpipe 배기관 口 pr이 ect 보여 주다, 투영하다 口 trace 흔적

18 올림포스 독해의 기온 1
정답과해설 5쪽 -

02 c텀 글의 요지로 7찜 적절한 것은? 딛 8439.0007

Everybody has a story that they have always wanted to tell , and @ making a movie is a
good way to tell it. The word magic has always been associated with the film industry, and
while some people @ consider the technical achievements of filmmakers to be the magic
part of films , 1 am of the belief that the stoη part of a movie is the real magic. ET The
Extraterrestrial did not capture our hearts with its technologically advanced gadgets; it was I 5

the story that drew us in. While that movie did have a pretty big budget, my point is that it did
not need to have one in order to succeed. You should not be afraid to have great expectations
for your film if you really believe in the story. Who knows , maybe your story is a lot more
@ interested than you think, and if people at a film festival agree with this notion , then your
story could take off. 110

@ 자전적 이야기는 영화의 좋은 소재가 된다.

@ 영화의 성공에 가장 중요한 것은 이야기이다.
@ 공상과학 영화가 영화 산업의 발전을 이꿀었다.
@ 사람틀은 영화를 통해 다른 이의 삶을 경험한다.
@ 첨단 기술이 영화 속 내용을 현실로 만들고 있다.

1 밑줄 친 @rv@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

We were absorbed in the movie ET: The Extraterrestrial , not because of its
but because of its

口 口 口


ku K 3

口 achievement 업쩍 口 capture 사로잡다

때 .때



口 budget 예산, 비용 口 expectation 기대, 예상

” O n 口 take off 급격히 인기를 얻다, 유행하다

C뻐PTER 01 • UNrr 02 요지 주징 19
정답과해설 6쪽

03 [띔 글에서 필자까행받 뼈 7땀 적절한 것은? 딩없39-0008

In India , in the absence of a specific legislation for control and prevention of the noise
pollution, one has to seek provisions in various branches of law and regulations. There has
been no doubt @ that the available provisions in various branches of law are inadequate ,
unscientific and crude. In most of the developed countries specific legislation has been made
and scientific methods for investigation of noise pollution have been invented. At present,
there is no specific and detailed legislation @ to control the noise pollution. However, there
is an urgent neεd that the Central Government of India should manage to get a legislation
@ 쁘원뿔 for the control of noise pollution. Some legislation regarding water and air
pollution has been made in India.

@ 인도 국민들에게 소음공해의 심각성을 알려야 한다.

@ 인도에서의 소음공해를 규제할 법규 마련이 시급하다.
@ 개발도%택의 공해문제를 해결할 국제기구 창설이 펼요하다.
@ 공해문제의 해결은 정부와 국민 간의 긴밀한 협조가 요구된다.
@ 각종 오염문제의 해결을 위해 과학적 조사가 이루어져야 한다.

1 밑줄 친 @"-'@ 중, 어법상 툴린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

In India , relevant should be made to prohibit creation of unnecessary

여 해짧

口 口 口 口


써 세씨…

口 legislation 입법, 법률(제정) 口 prevention 방지
’ι빽 한


口 provision (법률) 조항, 규정, 단서 口 regulation 규정, 규칙


”·w 口 crude 미숙한 口 investigation 조사


口 urgent 긴급한 口 regarding rv에 관하여
20 올림모스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 02 공부와 관련된 자신의 버릇 설명하는 글쓰기

평가일: ( )월 ( )~ Student ID Name


STEP 01 많훌훌메 댐 그림과 아래의 어렴 침고하여 빈칸에 알맞은 표현을 써 봅시다

drinking a glass of water listening to music getting some fresh air

1 1have a habit of before studying.

2 1have a habit of on my cell phone while studying.

3 1have a habit of in my backyard after studying.

STEP 02 힐훌웰 공부를 하기 전. -of는 동안, 한 후의 버릇과 그것이 좋거나 L뽑 이유를 작성해 봅시다.
1 before studying:

2 while studying

3 after studying:

STEP 03 멀뿔웰 공부와 관련된 여러분의 버릇을 묘사랜 글을 완성해 봅시다.

1 have a habit of before studying. 1 think

it is good/b ad because it . While studying ,
1 have a habit of . 1 think it is good/bad
because it . Finally , 1 have a habit of
after studying. 1 think it is good/b ad because

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 02 요지 주장 21

하EP 01 1 1 have a habit of drinking a glass of water before studying.

2 1 have a habit of listening to music on my cell phone while studying.

3 1 have a habit of getting some fresh air in my backyard after studying.

STEP 02 1 before studying: 1 have a habit of drinking a glass of water. 1 think it is good because it is
refreshing .

2 while studying: 1 have a habit oflistening to music on my cell phone. 1 think it is bad because it
affects my concentration.

3 after studying: 1 have a habit of getting some fresh air in my backyard. 1 think it is good
because it relaxes me.

1 have a habit of drinking a glass of water before studying. 1 think it is
good because it is refreshing. While studying, 1 have a habit of listening to
music on my cell phone. 1 think it is bad because it affects my concentration.
Finally, 1 have a habit of getting some fresh air in my backyard after
studying. 1 think it is good because it relaxes me.

22 올림포스 독해의 기본 1


{↓흩훈를끼에‘’‘”‘l {• I 잉 :1빼 u삐삐. (~.딩 :l,l삐 u여 i’Jo~ {• l 히:센삐삐 IJc_

口 resident 口 upset 口 recently 口 outstanding

口 addition 口 discover 口 restaurant 口 senlor
口 complete 口 shipping office 口 interesting 口 insurance
口 serve 口 order 口 experience 口 encourage
口 conference 口 accept 口 establishment 口 consider
口 entertainment 口 sincere 口 decide 口 position
口 venue 口 apology 口 try out 口 tenure
口 community 口 error 口 meal 口 company
口 skylight 口 investigate 口 turn out to be 口 retire
口 function 口 mistake 口 include 口 career
口 wedding 口 customer 口 helping 口 knowledgeable
口 tremendous 口 hence 口 mashed potato 口 handle
口 suppo야 口 ensure 口 bite 口 earthquake
口 raise 口 repeat 口 huge 口 flood
口 fund 口 include 口 lump 口 exclusively
口 appreciation 口 paperwork 口 gravy 口 professional
口 January 口 double-check 口 greasy 口 opinion
口 punch 口 account 口 reputation 口 responsibility

口 honorary 口 inconvenience 口 wish 口 confident

口 chairperson 口 discount
..., ...,

’ 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? !;I 8439-0009

DearResident of Sma11town:

After ten long months of work, the beautiful new addition to the Sma11town Senior Center
has been completed. This wonderful new space will serve as a library, conference room , and
entertainment venue for our residents and the community. We think this lovely space - with
skylights and oversized windows - will also make a beautiful spot for functions such as I5
weddings and parties. We have had tremendous support from the community in @ raise funds
for this projec t. @ Show @) 0ur appreciation , we will have an open house on Sunday, January
21 , from 1 to 4 P.M. We hope you ’ 11 join us for cake and punch.

Monica Diamond 10

Honorary Chairperson , Sma11town Senior Center

CD 노인 복지관의 시설 개선을 촉구하려고

@ 노인 복지관 증축 공간 공개일에 초대하려고
@ 노인 복지관에 필요한 물품 기부를 요청하려고
@ 노인 복지관 보수 공사 사업 참여를 안내하려고
@ 새로 개장한 노인 복지관 프로그램을 소개하려고

t렐파뭘월휠꾀r Struct

• 필자가 글을 쓴 의도와 목적을 파악해야 한다.

1 글의 유형과 중심 소재 파악 펀지글로서 노인 복지관 명예 의장이 주민들에게 보내는 글이다.

2 필자의 의도나 목적 파악 노인 복지관 증축 공간을 완성하면서 주민들에게 감사를 표하고자 공개일에 주민들을 초대하

3 정답고르기 노인 복지관에 초대히는 내용과 관련된 정답을 고른다.

I 꽤t예s.돼옳鐘禮뽕짧

口 口 口 口

”” ] 口 addition 증축 口 venue 장소


口 skylight (천장의) 채광창 口 function 행사, 의식



a 口 punch 펀치(물, 과일즙, 항료에 보통 포도주나 다른 술을 넣어 만든 음료)


口 chairperson 의장

24 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 8쪽 rwww. ebsi.∞ krl

• library , conference room , entertainment venue ,


, 1


me n eI U v
( us spot for 2 , parties

-s -S - -- -

m ce

• Sunday , 3 2 1. 1-4 PM
• cake and punch

invitation for showing appreciation

1 Ii양훨l 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해 S념}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) someone who lives in a p따ticular place • -
(2) a feeling of being grateful for something •

2 Ii표11 밑줄 친 @. @를 어법에 맞게 각각고쳐 쓰시오.


3 G홉3 밑줄 친 @our appreciationOI 가리키는 것을 우리말로 쓰시오.

1 현째완료는 과거부터 현재까지 지속되거나 왼료된 동작이나 상태톨 나타낸다.

After ten long months of work , the beautiful new addition to the Smalltown Senior Center has been
101H월의 긴 공사 후에 Smalltown 노인 복지관의 아름다운 새 증축이 완공되었습니다.

2 동명사구는 전치사의 목적어 역힐롤 할 수 있다.

We have had tremendous support from the community in raising funds for this project
우리는 이 프로젝트를 위한 기금 마련에 지역 사회로부터 엄청난 지원을 받았습니다

C벼PTER 01 • UNfT 03 목적 25
01 c띔 글의 목적으로 7땀 적절한 것은? Q8439-0010

1 understand how upset you @ must have been when you discovered that our shipping office
sent you the wrong order a few days ago. Please accept my sincere apologies for that error.
After investigating what caused the mistake , 1 found that we have two H. Browns in our
customer files; hence , the shipping office @ mistakenly sent you the other Mr. H. Brown’ s
order. To ensure @ what we do not repeat this error, we will always include full first names on
all paperwork and double-check the account numbers. Again , (caused / you / 1 apologize / for
the inconvenience / we). We will give a 15% discount on your next order.

@ 물품 구매 시 할인 정보를 홍보하려고
@ 제품에 결함이 발생한 이유를 해명하려고
@ 회사의 물품 배송 실수에 대해 사과하려고
@ 회사의 고객 개인 정보 보호 방침을 알리려고
@ 구매자의 성과 이름을 모두 기 입할 것을 당부하려고

1 밑줄 친 @ rv @ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 괄호 안에 주어진 표현을 바르게 배열하여 쓰시오.


口 口

밍 따

k O

口 apology 사과 口 investigate 조사하다

k Q)
口 ensure 확실하게 하다, 보증하다 口 account 계정, 거래처

26 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 8쪽 -

02 c띔 글으| 목적으로 7많 적절한 것은? 08439-0011

Dear Ma and Pa:

1 recently dined at your restaurant , and 1 had an interesting experience. 1 had heard only
good things about your establishment, so 1 decided to try it out for myself. Little did 1
know my meal would tum out to be so bad. 1 ordered the hungη man ’s special. The special
inc1 uded a large helping of mashed potatoes. 1 began eating and after only one large bite of I5
the potatoes , 1 found huge lumps in my food. The gravy was cold, and the chicken was greasy.
Your restaurant has a good reputation , and 1 wish only good things for you in the future , but
1 did want you to know about my dining experience. 1 left your restaurant feel hungry and
upset. That ’ s not the way 1 thought a customer should feel after dining at Ma and Pa ’ s Kettle.




G u“ m

9 9

@ 식당 종업원의 불친절에 항의하려고

@ 식당의 성공 비결을 알려 줄 것을 부탁하려고
@ 고객 취향에 맞는 메뉴 개발을 식당에 제안하려고
@ 재료의 신선도가 음식의 질을 결정함을 강조하려고
@ 주문한음식이 형편없었다는것을식당측에 알리려고

1 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해 S년f는 단어를 본문에서 호씨 쓰시오.

a business or other organization , or the place where an organization operates •

2 밑줄 친 feel을 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.


口 establishment 시설, 기관 口 try out rv을 시험적으로 이용해보다 口 turn out to be rv임이 밝혀지다

口 include 포함하다 口 helping (음식의) 한 그릇, 한 번 담는 분랑

口 mashed potato 으샌 감자 口 bite 한입 口 huge 매우 큰, 막대한

口 lump 덩어리 口 gravy 그레이비(고기를 익힐 때 나온 육즙에 밀가루 등을 넣어 만든 소스)

口 greasy 기름투성이의 口 reputation 펑판

CHAP1ER 01 • UNfT 03 목적 27
정답과해설 9쪽

03 c띔 글으| 목적으로 찜 적절한 것은? Q8439-0012

Dear Alan Smith:

I ’ m happy to be writing this letter for Ms. Jenkins. Alice Jenkins would make an
outstanding senior c1 aims adjuster at Insurance Partners , and 1 would encourage you
(A) I consider / to consider I her for the position. 1 first met Alice when she came to Protect-
All Insurance as a new c1 aims adjuster. She reported direc t1 y to me for the three years of her I5
tenure with that company until 2015 , when 1 retired. In the first three years 1 followed Alice ’ s
career, 1 watched her (B) Ibecome / became I one of the most knowledgeable problem-solvers
in the company. During these three years , she handled fire , earthquake, and flood insurance
almost exc1 usively. In my professional opinion , Alice is ready for more responsibility and
challenge in her profession and 1 feel confident she will be an asset to your company. 10

Yours truly,
Della J ohnson
* claims adjuster 손해 사정사

@ 직원 추천을 부탁하려고
@ 담당 업무를 설명하려고
@ 업무 조정을 요청하려고
@ 경력 직원을 추천하려고
@ 입사 제안을 거절하려고

1 (A), (8)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(A) (B)

2 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당되는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

something or someone that is useful for you to succeed or deal with problems

口 outstanding 뛰어난 口 senior 수석 의 , 선배의 口 tenure 재직기간

口 knowledgeable 해박한, 식견이 있는 口 exclusively 독점적으로 배타적으로 口 asset 인재, 자산
28 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 03 축제홍보포스터만들기

평가일 ( )월 ( )일 Student 10 Name

다음은 고등학교 학생회장이 학교 축제를 알리는 안내 방송입니다.

He l1 o , students! I ’ m Jim Hanks , student council presiden t. I would like to tel1 you
about this year's International Food Festival , hosted by the student counci l. Now in
its third year, this festival promotes healthy, affordable , and sustainable food. There
will be food from over 15 countries to try. The festival will be from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
on Thursday, October 26 in the school gym. So come and try a variety of unique foods
from around the world. For more information, stop by the student council office.

STEP 01 fJl밀웰 위 안내 방송에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

1 What kind of festival is it?

2 When does the festival take place?

3 Where does the festival take place?

4 What does the festival promote?

STEP 02 톨늪s.-.....-혹 I잉힐훌~. 작성한 응답을 바탕으로 홍보 포스터를 만들어 봅시다.

healthy • _ _ _ • sustainable

ß[fi)행잉『머@샘fi@매@G ‘
띔@@(희 띔@짧åW@1~

Lawrence High School

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAP땐 01 . UNrr 03 목적 29

STEP 01 1 What kind of festival is it?

It’ s an international food festival

2 When does the festival take place?

The festival will be from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday , October 26.

3 Where does the festival take place?

It wiU take place in the school gym.

4 What does the festival promote?

It promotes healthy , affordable , and sustainable food .

STEP 02 healthy • 걷띤띄쁘쁘 • sustainable

띔@@@ 띔@@)댐dy펴 R
When: Thursday ,
, 0ζtober 26 2017

Time: 5-7 p.m.

Where: school gym

30 올림포스 독해의 기본 1


{• 룰폼톨‘1~r..n ,'6:’‘· [• l 의 :l...l삐 u여=-베. {• I과R임I여 i’l'''- I• .:꾀끼해매~

口 fog 口 comfortable 口 grade 口 storm

口 weed 口 immediately 口 directly 口 calm part
口 wild berry 口 crime scene 口 hide 口 get bad
口 bush 口 blanket 口 serve 口 pick up
口 wander 口 tremble 口 after-school snack 口 wave
口 for a while 口 flash 口 upstaírs 口 head toward
口 dirt 口 pulse 口 encourage 口 frightened
口 hillside 口 front window 口 rec room 口 staírway
口 log 口 pale wall 口 seldom 口 lightning
口 stare 口 immobile 口 purse 口 wake
口 dullness 口 hypnotize 口 contaín 口 from one’s daze
口 scare 口 description 口 naturally 口 amazing
口 terrifying 口 blond 口 confirm 口 knock
口 startled 口 disposable diaper 디 relationship 口 oft one’s feet
口 flat 口 plain 口 monitor 口 reach for
口 hopelessness 口 swarm 口 curious 口 grab
口 finality 口 fan out 口 relaxed 口 float
디 desperate 口 methodically 口 scared 디 hold on
口 indifterent 口 lively 口 uncomfortable 口 hopeless
口 embarrassed 口 monotonous 口 displeased 口 festive

’ 다음 글에 드러난 Charlie의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은? 1;l 8439.0013

There was a ravine in the forest and Charlie had made his way into it through an early
moming fog. All the ravine looked the same in the daylight , the high walls , the masses of
weeds and wild berry bushes , the trees. He had wandered around for a while , following the
little paths made by dirt @ wash down from the hillside , but finally he sat down on a log and
stared straight ahead without seeing. There was a dullness about him now. He had had so
many scares , heard so many terrifying noises , got startled by so many shadows , been hurt so
often that all his senses were wom to a flat hopelessness. He would just sit herε forever. It
was not the first time Charlie had been lost , but never before CÐ there had been this finality.
* ravine 골짜기

CD excited and hopeful

@ frightened and desperate
@ bored and indifferent
@ relieved and sympathetic
@ ashamed and embarrassed

V'ocabula마 홈렐웰훨펴r Struct뼈 1

• 등ε벤물이 처한 상황을 상상하라.
1 글의 배경 파악 숲의 골짜기에서 길을 잃고 헤매는 모습이 묘사되어 있다→ 아무것도 눈에 들어오지 않고 통나무에 주저
2 핵심 어휘 파악 dullness , terrifying , hopelessness , finality와 같은 어휘에 주의한다. • Charlie의 심경 추론

3 정답 고르기 길을 잃고 어찌할 바를 모르는 등장인물의 심경을 정답으로 고른다.

口 wild berry 산딸기 口 bush 덤불 口 log 통나무
口 dullness 흐릿함, 울적합 口 terrifying 무서운 口 flat 완전한, 전적인
口 hopelessness 절망 口 finality 결말. 종국

32 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 11 쪽 r . k네

through an early
in the forest ---에‘ Charlie ‘--- 1

obstacles feeling

high 2
masses of a fI at
3 4
wild berry bushes

sitting on a log

1 ι훨l 다음 영영사전 돗풀이에 해 S텀f는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

the state of having no expectation of a good outcome or success •

2 ιa 밑줄 친 @, @를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.

동시 동작률 나타내는 분사구문:-하면서하는 동안에

He had wandered around for a while , following the little paths made by dirt washed down from the hillside ,
L 분사구문 (주어인 he가 따라가고 있는 상황)
but finally he sat down on a log and stared straight ahead without seeing.
그는 산비탈에서 씻겨져 내려온 흙에 의해 't!들어진 작은 길을 따라 걸으면서 주변을 잠시 헤매다가 마침내 통나무에 주저앉고 앞을 곧장
바라보았으나 아무것도 눈에 들어오지 않았다.

CHAP댄R01 ' UNπ 04 심경 분위기 33

01 c띔 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩없39- 00 1 4

Anne and Marco ’ s comfortable home immediately becomes a crime scene. Anne is sitting
on the sofa in the living room. Someone has placed a blanket around her shoulders , but she ’ s
still trembling. Police cars are parked on the street outside the house , their red lights flashing ,
pulsing through the front window and circling the pale walls. Anne sits immobile on the sofa
and stares ahead as if hypnotized by them. Marco , his voice breaking , has given the police a I 5

quick description of the baby - six months old, blond, blue eyes , about sixteen pounds , wear
a disposable diaper and a plain , pale pink onesie. The house is swarming with uniformed
police officers. They fan out and methodically begin to search the house , but the baby is gone.
* hypnotize 최먼술을 걸다 **onesie 아기의 한 조각으로 된 옷

CD lively and festive

@ cozy and peaceful
@ serious and urgent
@ calm and lonely
@ monotonous and relaxing

1 밑줄 친 wear를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.

Anne and Marco must be because their baby is
뻐 뺀 빼 ”뼈
口 口 口 口

口 immediately 즉시 口 crime scene 범죄 현장



flash 번쩍이다, 비치다 pulse 고동치다, 깜박거리다 r


口 口

이「 저「


口 immobile 움직이지 않는 口 description 설명, 묘사


口 swarm 무리 지어 다니다 口 fan out 흩어지다
34 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 11 쪽 -

02 c띔 글에 드러난 ‘|’샘경으로 7땀 적절한 것은? g 없39-0015

My daughter Sondra had a friend in sixth grade that would never look directly at me (we ’ 11
call her “ Emma’'). Emma wasn ’ t shy, but she gave me the feeling she was hiding something.
When 1 served an after-school snack in the kitchen , she wanted to eat upstairs. If 1 suggested
the girls @ 뻔뻔 outside where 1 could see them , she encouraged Sondra to stay in the rec
room. She seldom smiled or said please or thank you. One day, 1 found a purse in the street I5
by our house. Opening it up to find the owner ’ s identification , 1 saw that it belonged to
Emma ’ s mom. The purse also contained $600 cash! Naturally, 1 ca11ed Emma ’ s mom-who
picked up the purse without even saying thank you. (Q! It confirmed my feelings that Sondra ’ s
relationship with Emma needed to be monitored.

joyful and satisfied

@ curious and excited
@ relaxed and relieved
@ sorrowful and scared
@ uncomfortable and displeased

1 밑줄 친 @ 빈현쁘연를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 밑줄친 @ ltOI 가리키는것을우리말로쓰시오.

口 grade 학년, 성적 口 directly 똑바로, 직접 口 serve (음식을) 내놓다

口 encourage 부추기다, 격려하다 口 rec room(= recreation room) 오락실 口 purse 지갑

口 identification 신분증명서 口 contain rv 이 들어 있다
口 confirm 더 분명히 해주다, 확인해 주다

CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 04 심경 분위기 35
정 답과해설 12쪽

03 c띔 글으| 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩 8439-0016

“ No. This is only the eye of the storm. It is the calm part of the storm , and it could start
getting bad again any minute." Just as Grandpa said that, the wind picked up and 1 looked out
at the ocean. The biggest wave 1 had ever seen in my life was headed toward our ship. 1 was
@f'rightened! 1 didn ’ t make a move toward the stairway, but just stood there looking at the
wave. 1 watched the big , dark wave as if it were in slow motion until lightning flashed and
woke me from my daze. The wave hit the boat with an amazing force , @ 핸얀훤ng me offmy
fee t. 1 reached for something to grab but there was nothing. 1 soon realized that 1 was in the
ocean , and the waves were all around me. 1 saw something floating in the water next to me
and grabbed it and @ hold on for my life.

CD peaceful and lively

@ mysterious and strange
@ hopeless and desperate
@ festive and adventurous
@ boring and monotonous

1 밑줄 친 @rv@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당히는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) causing great surprise or wonder •
(2) to take hold of something in a rough way •

口 pick up 더 강해지 다 口 stairway 계단 口 daze 멍한상태

口 off one's feet 움직이지 못하게, 일어서지 못하도록 口 reach for rv을 잡으려고 손을 뻗다

口 grab 붙잡다

36 올림모스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 04 그림 상황 묘사하는 글 완성하기

평가일 ( )월 ( Student ID Name

STEP 01 II밀웰 위 그림에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

1 How many people are there and what are they sitting on?

2 What are they doing?

3 What are they wearing?

4 How do they look like they ’re feeling?

STEP 02 멀웰렐 주어진 표현을 이용하여 위 그림을 묘사핸 글을 완성해 봅시다

a log drinking happy and relaxed boots two boys a hat

There are sitting on in the fores t.

They are something. They are wearing jackets and
backpacks. The boy on the left is wearing while the boy
on the right is wearing . They look

접수 과제완성( 1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 04 심경 분위기 37


STEP 01 1 How many people are there and what are they sitting on?
There are two boys sitting on a log in the forest.

2 What are they doing?

They are drinking something.

3 What are they wearing?

The boys are wearing jackets and backpacks. The boy on the left is wearing boots while the boy
on the right is wearing a hat.

4 How do they look like they’re feeling?

They look happy and relaxed.

p M

There are two boys sitting on a log in the fores t. They are drinking
something. They are wearing jackets and backpacks. The boy on the left is
wearing boots while the boy on the right is wearing a hat. They look happy
and relaxed.

38 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
/ CHA마ER 02 세부 내용

L메용- 일치/불일치


(4 룰폼1‘,Hr,‘W’삐‘=- {• l허:센빼 11빼’‘. { • • 히 :1.‘1에 n빼:t'1l'~ I• I 딩 :1~1빼 n여::I"ìJc~

口 pop비 ar 口 Muslim 口 movement 口 wear

口 composer 디 scholar 口 right 口 sporting team
口 century 口 inventor 口 determined 口 throughout
口 musician 口 mechanical 口 pioneer 口 continue
口 claim 口 engineer 口 equality 口 rugby
口 long-dead 口 mathematician 口 social 口 British
口 hallmark 口 device 口 cause 口 isle
口 style 口 water-operated 口 organizer 口 coin
口 harmonically 口 object 口 ideological 口 term
口 impressionist 口 mechanism 口 association 口 press
口 achieve 口 toilet 口 form 口 highly
口 renown 口 feature 口 p미| 口 successful
口 symphony 口 refill 口 arrest 口 nearly
口 critic 口 classic 口 trial 口 match
口 award 口 display 口 refuse 口 including
口 receive 口 interest 口 protest 口 prove
口 fellowship 口 human-like 口 vote 口 limit
口 in the aftermath of 口 practically 口 advocacy 口 symbol
口 inspire 口 environment 口 justice 口 pride
口 suburb 口 p이 itical
내용일치 l불일치

~ Paul Creston어| 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 밀 8439-0017

Mostly self-taught, Paul Creston became one of the most popular composers of the mid-20th
century. A conservative musician , Creston c1 aimed his greatest influences to be long-dead
composers. The hallmark of his style was rhythmic originality. Harmonically, he might be
@ call an American impressionis t. Creston achieved renown when his Symphony No. 1 won
the New York Music Critics' Circ1 Award in 194 1. He had already received a Guggenheim
Fellowship in 1938. His work was @ perform widely in the aftermath of World War 11 , but it
faded from the concert repertoire with the rise of academic music in the 1960s. Several of his
works were inspired by the poetry of Walt Whitman. He died in Poway, Califomia, a suburb
of San Diego.

@ 오래전에 죽은 작독7f들이 자신에게 영향을 주었다고 주장했다.

@ 리드미컬한 독창성을 스타일의 특징으로 한다.
@ 1938 년에 구겐하임 연구비를 받았다.
@ WaltWhitman의 시에 영감을주었다.
@ 캘리포니아주의 포웨이에서 사망했다.

「 Vocab띠~íI쿄교필굉필과Irst때
• 일치 여부를 파악해야 한다.

1 지시문과 선택지를 읽으며 소재 파악 Paul Creston 이라는 인물과 그의 작품 세계에 관한 내용

-•Paul Creston은 음악가였음
2 선택지와 글을 대조하여 읽으며 일치 여부 파악 글과 선택지가 순서대로 배열되어 있음
3 일치하지 않는 것 파악 Several of his works were inspired by the poetry of Walt
• were inspired by에서 단서 찾기

口 self-taught 독학으로 공부한 口 composer 작곡가 口 conservative 보수적인

口 claim 주장하다 口 influence 영흔k을 미친 사람[것] 口 halimark 특징
口 rhythmic 리드미컬한 口 originality 독창성
口 harmonicaliy 화성(和聲) 면에서, 화성적으로 口 impressionist 인상주의자
口 renown 영성 口 feliowship 연구비, 보조금, 장학금 口 fade 서서히 사라지다
口 repertoire 연주곡목 口 inspire 영감을 주다

40 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 14쪽

( ~l빼nic originality

• Symphony No. 1 won the New York Music Critics' Circ1 e Award in
achievements 1941
• received a(n) 2 in 1938

his work ) faded from the concert repert빼he 1960s

source of
msplratlO n

death )( Poway , California

1 El휠l 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해 S녕}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오 (단, 필요한 경우 형태를 바꿀 수 있음)
disappear gradually -•

2 ιa 밑줄 친 @, @를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.
@ @

3 a홉3 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 표현을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

Q: When did Paul Creston become famous ?
A: He became famous

1 claim 의 목적어톨 보흥하는 to부정사: rclaim+목적어+t。부정AI(-가 …라고 주장하다)J

A conservative musician , Creston claimed his greatest influences to be long-dead composers
L 목적어 」 목적격보어
보수적인 음악가였던 Creston은 ;q신에거| 가장 큰 영향을 미친 사람들은 오래전 죽은 작곡가라고 주했§다.

2 문장 전처|톨 수식하는 부사
Harmonically , he might be called an American impressionist.
」 문장전체수식
화성 면에서 그는 아마도 미국 인상주의자라고 불랄 것이다.

CHψPTER02 ' UNπ 05 내용 일치 / 불일치 41

01 AI-Ja경ri에 관한 E띔 글의 내용과 일치등는 것은? Q8439-0018

AI-Jazari (1 136-1206) was a Muslim scholar, inventor, mechanical engineer, artisan , artist
and mathematician. He is best known for writing ‘ The Book of Knowledge olIngenious
Mechanical Devices' in 1206. He is remembered for his automaton designs , including
water-operated ones. Most of them are decorative fanciful objects , though some also serve
a function . AI-Jazari constructed a hand washing automaton first employing the flush 1 5

mechanism now used in modern toilets. It features an automaton standing by a basin that
@ are filled with water. When the user pulls the lever, thε water is released and the automaton
refills the basin. Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been influenced by the c1 assic automatons
of AI-Jazari. AI-Jazari appears to have been the first inventor to display an interest in creating
human-like machines for @ practically purposes such as using the environment for human 110

* automaton 지동장치. 자동인형‘ 로봇 ** flush 수세식 장치 ; 물이 왈킥 나오다 *** basin 세얻기

@ 그의 업적을 기록한 책이 1206 년에 후손들에 의해 간행되었다.

@ 설 계한 대부분의 기계 장치들은 실제로 작동 가능하다.
@ 수세식 기계 구조를 채택한 손 씻기 자동 장치를 발명했다.
@ 레오나르도 다빈치에게 과학적인 영향을 받았다.
@ 인간의 편리성보다는환경 보호에 더 관심이 있었다.

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.

@ @

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 호h아 쓰시오.

Al-Jazari is remembered as a man who made human-like with the purpose of using
the environment for human

口 artisan 장인 口 ingenious 독창적인, 정교한 口 operate 작동하다

口 decorative 장식하는 口 fanciful 기발한 독특한. 공상에 잠긴 口 construct 구성하다. 만들다
口 feature 특별히 포함하다. 특정으로 삼다 口 lever 레버, 손잡이 口 release 풀어 놓다, 해제하다
口 influence 영흔떨 미치다 口 comfort 펀리, 편안할
42 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 14쪽 -

02 s빼 B. Anthony 딛없39-0019

American social reformer and leader of the movement for women ’ s suffrage (the right to
vote) , Susan B. Anthony was adetermined pioneer of women ’ s equality and other social causes.
With Elizabeth Cady Stanton, whom she met in 1851 , Anthony was the principal organizer and
ideological voice of the National Woman Suffrage Association (A) 1 that / where I they formed
in 1869. Anthony led a group of women to the polls in Rochester, New York , in 1872 to test
women ’ s suffrage under the Fourteenth Amendmen t. Her arrest , trial , and sentence of a fine
that she refused to pay became a model for other suffrage protests. Although she did not live
to see women gain the vote , Anthony ’ s single-minded advocacy of equal justice for women
(B) Ihave / has I been credited with helping to win social and political gains for women and
launching the women ’ s movement in the twentieth century.
* the Fourteenth Amendment 미국 언방 헌법 수정 저 114조

@ 미국의 사회 개혁가였다.
@ 미국 여성 투표권 협회를 조직했다.
@ 1872년에 여성들을 투표소에 이 꿀고 갔다.
@ 자신에게 선고된 벌금을 내기를 거부했다.
@ 여성이 투표권을 얻는 것을 본 후 생을 마감했다.

1 (A). (B)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오

(A) (B)

2 Anthony의 여성 평등에 대한 지지가 무엇에 대한 공적으로 인정받아왔다고 했는지, 두 가지를 본문에서 증H가 쓰시오.

口 reformer 개혁가 口 suffrage 투표권, 선거권, 참정권 口 determined 결연한, 단호한

口 cause 대의, 대의명분 口 ideological 이념적인, 사상적인 口 poll 투표 투표소
口 arrest 체포, 구속 口 trial 재판 口 sentence 판결, 선고
口 fine 벌금 口 single-minded 한결같은, 일편단심인 口 advocacy 지지. 옹호
口 be credited with rv의 공이 있는 것으로 여겨지다 口 launch 시작[개시/착수]하다

CHAPTER02 . 뻐 05 내용 일치/불일치 43
정답과해설 15쪽

03 Springb。째blemOlI 관한 E띔 글의 내용과 일치등는 것은? 딛없39-0020

@The Springbok emblem was wom by South African national sporting teams throughout
most of the 20th century. @ It continues to be wom by the South African national rugby team
today, known universally as the Springboks. φ The designation began on South Africa ’ s first
rugby tour to the British Isles in 1906. Team captain Paul Roos coined the term to prevent
the British press from inventing one for them. The 1906 Springboks were highly successful , 1 5

winning nearly all their matches in c1 uding Wales , the top British Isles nation at the time.
Thereafter, South Africa ’ s national sporting teams wore @ the emblem until the 1990s. The
Springbok emblem proved to be highly divisive as national sporting teams were limited to
the white minority population until the 1980s. For white South Africans , the emblem was a
symbol of pride and national sporting power. 110

@ 남아공국가대표팀들이 20세기에 걸쳐 가끔 패용하였다.

@ 오늘날 남아공 국가대표 럭비팀은 더 이상 패용하지 않는다.
@ 1906 년 이래로 1990 년대까지 남아공 국가대표팀들이 패용하였다.
@ 1980 년대까지 화합의 상징으로 인식되었다.
@ 남아공 흑인 국민들에게는 자부심의 상징이었다.

1 밑줄 친 known universally as the Springboks 의 의미상의 주어를 쓰시오.

2 밑줄 친 @"-'@ 중, 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것을 고르고, 그것이 가리키는 대상을 쓰시오.

口 emblem 문양, 상징. 표상 口 designation 명칭 , 직함 口 the British Isles 영국제도

口 captain 주장 口 coin (새로운 낱말 어구를) 만들다 口 term 말,용어
口 including ~을 포함하여 口 thereafter 그 01후로 口 divisive 불화를 일으키는
口 pride 자부심
41. 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 05 \\ 자신이 좋아하는 노래 소개하기

평가일 :( )월 ( )。ξ크l Student ID Name

My Favorite Song
Title: A Cottage on an lsle
Musician: Han lnhyeon
Year Composed: 1950
What the Song Is Abou t: The song is about a baby who f a11s asleep while awaiting hislher mother alone.
Why 1 Li ke This Song: My mom sang this song when 1 was a baby, so this song rerninds me of my mom

STEP 01 U빠굉· 우|의 내용을 참고하여 자신이 좋아하는 노래와 관련된 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

1 What is the title of the song?

The title is

2 Who is the musician?

the song.

3 In what year was the song composed?

It was composed in

4 What is the song about?

The song is about

5 Why do you like the song?

STEP 02 톨훌|발펙l 자신이 좋0 년f는 노래에 대해 정리해 봅시다.


Musician :

Year Composed:

What the Song Is Abou t:

Why 1Li ke This Song :

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

C뻐'TER 02 . UN rT 05 내용 일치/물일치 45

STEP 01 1 What is the title of the song?

The title is For the Victory.

2 Who is the musician?

Trans Fixion composed and sang the song.

3 In what year was the song composed?

It was composed in 2006.

4 What is the song about?

The song is about Koreans uniting to win.

5 Why do you like the song?

1 like soccer , and whenever 1 sing this song while watching the national soccer team play , 1 feel

하EP 02
Title: For the Victory
Musician: Trans Fi xion
Year Composed: 2006
What the Song Is About: The song is about Koreans uniting to win.
Why 1 Li ke This Song: 1 like soccer, and whenever 1 sing this song while watching
the national soccer team play, 1 feel excited.

46 올림포스 독해의 기본 1


{• 톨동를~1~메‘”‘=- {4-.딩빼 I[웬~ {• l 딩t’‘UII'삐~..- {4-.의 :1뼈매~

口 exerclse 口 community 口 teens 口 conservation

口 response 口 resolution 口 increasingly 口 stewardship
口 survey 口 get in shape 口 divide 口 meadow
口 conduct 口 take the first step 口 preference
口 report 口 join 口 online 口 bush
口 represent 디 present 口 store 口 clear
口 category 口 district 口 gender 口 trail
口 gap 口 encourage 口 spnng 口 branch
口 male 口 invite 口 fall 口 volunteer
口 respondent 口 fitness 口 graph 口 tool
口 neighbor 口 enthusiast 口 above 口 shovel
口 female 口 take advantage of 口 period 口 bare
口 companion 口 opportunity 口 purchase 口 due to
口 respectively 口 take care of 口 over tíme 口 presence
口 favor 口 mind 口 gap 口 provide
口 co-worker 口 attend 口 come along
口 currently 口 supervise
口 save 口 sign up
口 contact

’ 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Q8439-0021

With Whom Do You Most Often Exercise?

Exercise Companionship for Men and Women from 2003 to 2006
52 51

40 •
Responses 29 _______________________________ ..1 _ Men
in 30 •
24rì 口 Women
Percent 20
20f - oiiìír l 구 -----

10 ι

alone farnily friends or co-workers

The graph above shows the percentage of men and women responses on exercise
companionship from a survey conducted from 2003 to 2006. CD More than half of both men
and women reported that they exercised alone , which represented the largest category of 1 5
companionship for the two groups. @ The second highest response category for the two
groups , (A) I whichl what I had the largest percentage point gap between men and women ,
was exercising with family members. @More male respondents reported exercising with
friends or neighbors than female respondents. @ No other exercise companion group for
men and women , respectively, was less favored than co-workers. @ For female respondents , 1 10

the percentage of exercising with family members (B) Iwas Iwere I more than twice that of
exercising with friends or neighbors.

「 Vo떠bula마 1Î1렐파웰용빨p Structure

• 주어진 도표에 제시된 정보가 문장에서 정확하게 표현되었는지 확인한다.
1 도표이해를위한개요파악 주어진 도표는 성별에 따라 사람들이 누구와 함께 운동하는지를 조사한 것이다.

2 선택지와 도표를 대조하며 읽기

3 도표와 내용이 일치하지 않는 여성 집단에서 가족과 함께 운동하는 비월29'/0) \IS. 여성 집단에서 친구나 이웃과 함께 운동
선택지파악 하는비윌 17%)
• 여성 집단에서 가족과 함께 운동하는 사람들의 비율이 친구나 이웃과 함께 운동하는 I::l I
율보다 높지만 두 배 이상이 되지는 않는다.

씨 자

m m
口 口

口 口


represent 나타내다.

口 대표하다



口 companion 동반자
48 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 17쪽 I www.ebsÎ

With ~ender Men (%) Women (%)

52 51

Family Members 24 3

Friends or Neighbors 20 17

2 4 3

1 E휠l 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해 E팅}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order
in which they were mentioned •
(2) someone who answers questions , especially on a questionnaire or a set of written questions

2 Ii파웰 (A), (B)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


3 G홉펠 밑줄 친 thatOI 가리키는 것을 두 단어로 쓰시오.

1 which는 앞에 나온 룬장에 대한 부가적인 설명올 하는 관계절률 이플 수 있다.

More than half of both men and women reported that they exercised alone , which represented the largest
τ:힘에 나온 문장을 선행사로 삼음
category of companionship for the two groups
절반 이상의 남성과 여성은 그들이 혼자운동한다고 응답했는데 . 0 1는 두 그룹에서 가장큰 비율을 차지했다.

2 비과 표현이나 동톨비교 형태톨 이용하여 최상의 의미훌 나타낼 수 있다.

No other exercise companion group for men and women , respectivelι was less favored than co-workers.
=Co-workers was the least favored exercise companion group for men and women , respectively.
남성과 여성 두 그룹에서 각각, 직장 동료보다 덜 선호되는 운동 동반자는 없었다.
(• 두 그룸에서 직장 동료가 가장 덜 선호되는 동반자였다)

CHAPTER 02 • UNπ 06 도표 실용문 49

삐1 Tay
0 때ylorαrComm
삐m r;;;I 8439-0022

Taylor Community Yoga

Free in February!

Is one of your New Year ’ s resolutions to get in shape? Then take the first step by joining us
for a free yoga class @ presenting by the Taylor District on Thursday, February 1st.

We encourage you @ invite your friends , fam i1y, and any fitness enthusiast you know to take
advantage of this free opportunity to take care of your body and mind with Taylor Community
*Ages 10+ are welcome to attend.
*If you currently have a Yoga Punch Pass , save the punch for another day!

Taylor Community Hall 10

Thursday, February 1st 2018

6:45 PM - 7 :45 PM

CD1 달 간 무료로 요가수업을 수강할 수 있다.

@ 초대한 친구 또는 가족과 함께 참여해야 한다.
@ 10세 이하의 어린이를 대상으로 한다.
@ Yoga Punch Pass가 있어야 이용할 수 있다.
@ Taylor Community Hall에서 1 시간 동안 진행된다.

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법에 맞게 각각고쳐 쓰시오

@ @

2 여러분의 New Year ’s resolution을 한 문장의 영어로 쓰시오.

口 resolution 다짐, 결심 口 present 제공하다 口 district 지구

口 enthusiast 애호가 口 punch pass 펀치 때스권(사용할 때마다 펀치를 뚫어 표시하는 패스권)
50 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 17쪽 -

02 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않늘 것은? 믿 8439-0023

U. S. Teens Are Increasingly Divided in Their Shopping Preferences

% of teens in the United States who prefer shopping online / in stores , by gender

. Online 口 In stores

80% 82%
75% 74%


20% I I 18%

Male Female Male Female Male Female

Spring 2013 Fa 1l 2013 Spring 2014

The graph above shows shopping preferences of U.S. teens by gender for three periods: the
spring of 2013 , the fall of 2013 , and the spring of 2014. CD For a11 the periods , more males
and females purchased things in stores than online. @ However, online shopping purchases
increased over time for both males and females. @ The percentages of male online shopping
preference were higher than those of female online shopping preference for a11 the periods.
@ In the spring of 2013 , more than 75% of both males and females made purchases in
stores. @In the spring of 2014 , the gap between the female preference for online and in store 110
shopping was just 10 percentage points , while it was slightly more in the case of males.

1 밑줄 친 itol 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

2 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

If you have a(n) for something , you like it more than another thing and will choose
it if you can.

口 preference 선호(도) 口 gender 성 口 purchase 구매하다; 구매

口 slightly 약간. 조금

C뻐PTER 02 . UNπ 06 도표 실용문 51
정답과 해설 1 8쪽

03 Redwood High Sc hool Conservation Stewardship Program어| 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

1;;1 8439-0024

Redwood High School Conservation Stewardship Program

Where Daisy Meadows

When May 12 and 26: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Rain Dates: May 13 and 27)
Dig up invasive plants , buming bush
Clear trails of branches
Tools Volunteers should bring their own tools such as shovels and scissors.
A hat , work gloves , long pants , work shoes , socks
No sandals or barè feet , due to the presence of poison ivy
Food and drinks Soft drinks and water will be provided. Bring snacks if you ’ d like.
Please feel free invite friends. 10
Other information
Parents are welcome to come along to work or help supervise.
Contact To sign up , please contact Paula Willson at 718-987-2345.

φ 비가 오면 바로 다음 날 시행된다. @ 덤불을 태우는 일도 한다.

@ 작업 도구들은 현장에서 제공된다. @ 맨발이나 샌들 착용은 허용되지 않는다.
@ 부모가 함께 일하거나 감독을 도우러 올 수 있다.

1 밑줄 친 invite를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 민칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

Q: What will be provided to the volunteers?
A: and will be provided.

口 conservation 보존 口 stewardship 관리 口 dig up '"을 캐 내다

口 invasive plant 생태계 교란 식물, 급속히 머지는 식물 口 bush 덤불
口 trail (산속의) 작은 길, 오솔길, 산길 口 shovel 삽 口 bare 벗은
口 poison ivy 윷나무 口 supervise 감독하다
52 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 06 도표를 설명하는 글 작성하기

평가일: ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 많훌렐 아래 도표에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다

24% of teens attend

Cell Phone Use schools that forbid
in School and Class having a cetl
phone at schoot
by U.S. Teens at all times

(September 2009) 62% of teens are allowed

to have a cell phone at
school. but not in class

1 What does the pie chart show?

2 Which part accounts for the largest proportion of the pie chaπ?

3 What percentage of teens attend schools which do not allow students to have a cell phone at
school at any time? And what percentage of teens can have a cell phone at all times?

STEP 02 뽑랩 주어진 표현을 이용하여 위 묘를 묘人댄 끓 완성해 봅시다

less twice have that accounts pie chart class allowed as

The shows U.S. teen cell phone usage at school and in

class in September 2009. than two-thirds of U.S. teens
were to a cell phone at school as
long as it wasn ’ t in class. This for the largest propor~ion
of responses given at 62%. The percentage of the teens who attended schools
that do not allow students to have a cell phone was as
large of the teens who could have a
cell phone at school at all times. In sum, the majority of U. S. teens could have
cell phones at school , but not in

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

C뻐PTER02 . UNπ 06 도묘 실용문 53

수행평가 모범 답안

STEP 01 1 What does the pie chart show?

The pie chart shows U . S. teen cell phone usage at schoo1 and in class in September 2009.
2 Which part accounts for the 1argest proportion of the pie chart?
The percentage of teens who were allowed to have a cell phone at schoo1 but not in class
accounts for the 1argest proportion.
3 What percentage of teens attend schoo1s which do not allow students to have a cell phone at
schoo1 at any time? And what percentage of teens can have a cell phone at all times?
24%, 12%

STEP 02 The pie chart shows U.S. teen cell phone usage at school and in c1ass in
September 2009. Less than two-thirds of U.S. teens were allowed to have a
cell phone at school as long as it wasn ’ t in c1ass. This accounts for the largest
proportion of responses given at 62%. The percentage of the teens who
attended schools that do not allow students to have a cell phone was twice as
large as that of the teens who could have a cell phone at school at all tirnes.
In surn, the rnajority of U.S . teens could have cell phones at school , but not
in c1 ass.

54 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
지칭l 추론


(4 톨출를!, ~r!, ..',""I." {• l허:’‘1빼 11여 ::(11- (• l 히 :ι1예 II뼈,κl { ....딩:"‘1삐삐,κ-

口 pale 口 instantly 口 well-known 口 bushplane

口 pajamas 口 persuade 口 manufacturer 口 directly
口 great-grandson 口 fellow 口 mailer 口 touch
口 wide 口 resent 口 advertise 口 gently
口 hold on to 口 disagree with 口 narrow foot 口 float
口 mece 口 reject 口 disappointed 口 bump
口 probably 口 article 口 available 口 shelter
口 take a picture 口 advocate 口 saleswoman 口 cut
口 do the best 口 consideration 口 stock 口 balance
口 mostly 口 respect 口 warehouse 口 step forward
口 at least 口 value 口 order 口 hop onto
口 bare 口 negativity 디 palr 口 wet
口 in the air 口 discourage - from -ing 口 receive 口 emergency
口 kick 口 department 口 nolonger 디 transmitter
口 laugh 口 dismiss 口 rather 口 ∞ckone’shead
口 opposing 口 note 口 quit
口 view 口 enclose 디 stick
디 weaken 口 needless to say 口 roof
口 authority 口 throat
口 progress 口 wave

, 밑줄 친 he[his]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 1;;1 8439-0025

On my desk is a picture of my father , age seventy-two or so , in his pale blue pajamas and
(A) I dances / dancing I with CD his great-grandson , Brandon. My father is really dancing ,
a wide grin on @ his face , holding on to the little boy ’ s hand. Brandon is my niece ’ s son ,
probably six or seven years old when this picture was taken. He ’ s doing the best he can for a
little guy , but mostly @ he ’ s just standing there , watching my fathe r. At least it doesn ’ t appear I5
(B) I that / what I the boy is dancing. My father is in bare feet , one foot high in the air , as @ he
kicks to the music. 1 know , without having been there , what song @ he is dancing to. It is “ One
O ’ Clock Jump ," by Benny Goodman. Everyone in the picture is smiling or laughing.

「 Vocabulary 1훌뿔뿔훨휠빼r Structu대

• 지시대명사가 가리키는 대상은 앞에 등장한 대상들 중 지시대명사와 가장 가까이 있는 것인 경우가 대부분이다.

1 상황과 등장인물 파악 첫 문장에서 사진을 묘사하고 있는 글이며, 사진 속 등ε벤물은 my father와 Brandon 임을 알 수


2CD 지칭대상파악 첫 문ε때I G) his great-grandson , Brandon OlI서 G) his가 Brandon 일 수는 없으므로. CD은 my
fatherOI 다. 이렇게 @으| 지칭 대상을 파악한 후 나머지 선택지에도 my father를 적용해 보면,
@he ’s just standing there, watching my father에서 @ he가 my father일 수는 없음을 알 수

3 앞에 언급된 대상 파악 밑줄 친 부분은 직전에 언급된 대상을 가리키는 경우가 대부분이다. 그러므로 앞에서 언급된 대상이
다른 경우를 찾는 것도 좋다.-> @ 앞에만 a little guy. 즉 Brandon을 가리키는 말이 있고, 나머지
선택지 앞에는 my father가 언급되어 있다.

口 pale 연한, 희미한 口 grin 활짝웃음 口 niece 조카띨

口 mostly 주로, 대개 口 bare 맨 벌거벗은
56 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 20쪽

• seventy-two years old or 50

• wearing his 1

• dancing with his great-grandson

my father 1- -
\ • with 2

/ his face

a picture • holding on to the little boy ’ s hand

on my desk • in bare feet , one foot high in the air

N /
• my niece ’s son
• six or seven years old
Brandon 1- -
• just 3 there
• watching my father

1 ιÐ (A), (B)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(A) (B)

2 a홉펠 빈칸 @rv@에 들어갈 말을 |조건 |에 맞게 쓰시오.


. @에 들어갈말을다음에서 골라쓸것
frightening cheerful monotonous spectacular
. @, @)에 들어갈 말을 본문에서 찾아 쓰되, 각각 세 단어로 쓸 것

From the paragraph we can feel the @ atmosphere because in the picture , 까ny
father" has @ on his face while dancing with his great-grandson , and everyone is
also @)

1 동써황 구문 rwith+목적어+목적격보어 J: ,....,올 ••• 한 lH로[…하면서]

「 목적격보어 자리어|는 대개 분사, 형용사구, 부사구가 쓰이며, with가 생략되기도 한다.
(with) a wide grin on his face , ~ 그의 얼굴에 함박웃음을 띤 채로
τ혹적허- τ혹척적굶(부싸)
2 rwithou t+ having V-p.p.J: (이전에)-하지 않고
-• 전치사 뒤에는 (동)명사가 록적어로 와야 하고, having V-p.p.는 이전에 있었던 일입율 의미효κ •.
I know, / without ha매 nQ been there , ~ 나는 안다 / 거기에 있지 않았어도
전치사 ] 완료동명사

CHAPTER 02 • UNπ 07 지정 추론 57
01 밑줄 친 뻗가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 떨 것은? 딩없39-0026

Diane made a communication mistake that instantly persuaded her fellow teacher Martha
@ to resent her. What was Diane ’ s mistake? Diane disagreed with Martha and didn ’ t even give
CD her a chance to explain her idea before rejecting it. Diane wasn ’ t interested in looking at the
newspaper article and she did not ask Martha to explain @ her reasons for advocating a new
science program. By rejecting Martha ’ s opinion without giving it any consideration , Diane
sent Martha the message @ which she didn ’ t respect @her or value her ideas. Diane ’ s instant
negativity discouraged @ her from sharing ideas in the future that could benefit the students ,
the science department and the schoo l. Diane ’ s habit of quickly @ dismissing opposing views
weakened @ her authority and limited progress in the science departmen t.

1 밑줄 친 @rv@중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 Martha를 화나게 한 Diane의 실수를 가장 압축적으로 표현한 어구를 두 단어로 쓰시오.

口 persuade '"하게 하다 口 resent 화내다, 분개하다 口 reject 거부하다, 거절하다

口 article 기사, 논문 口 advocate 옹호하다 口 consideration 고려
口 negativity 부정적 태도 口 dismiss 묵살하다. 무시 하다 口 authority 권위
58 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 20쪽 -

02 밑줄 친 부분01 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 딛 8439-0027

A well-known shoe manufacturer sent out a mailer advertising a sale. Salli was excited ,
as she has a very narrow foot and the manufacturer advertised her size in styles she liked.
When CD she went to the store , she was very disappointed because not one of the styles was
available in her size. @ She was told by a saleswoman that they only stocked one of each style
in each size! Still , since she was prornised the shoes @ she wanted were available from the
warehouse , Salli decided to order two pairs. A week later, she received a phone call saying
one pair was actually no longer being made. A week after that come a rather poignant note
from the saleswoman and @ her manager saying the other pair was also unavailable. They did
enclose a 20% off coupon for @ her next visi t. Needless to say - there won ’ t be a next time .
• poignant 기슴 아픈

1 밑줄 친 come을 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 Salli 가 받은 전호}와 펀지의 내용을 우리말로 쓰시오.

· 전화 내용:
· 펀지 내용:

口 manufacturer 제조업자, 제조사 口 mailer 선전용 전단지 口 advertise 광고하다

口 narrow foot 불이 좁은 발 口 stock (판매할 상품을 갖춰 두고) 있다 口 warehouse 창고
口 note 편지.쪽지 口 enclose 동봉하다
CHAPTER 02 • UN rT 07 지칭 추론 59
정답과해설 21 쪽

03 밑줄 친 부분01 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 단룬 것은? 딛없39-0028

Suddenly, a bushplane appeared. It passed directly over Brian , very low, touching the water
gently once , twice , and stopped with its floats gently bumping the beach in front of CD his
shelter. The pilot cut the engine, opened the door, and got out, balanced , and stepped forward
on the float to hop onto the sand without getting @ his feet wet. He was wearing sunglasses
and he (to / off / them / took / stare) at Brian. “ 1 heard your emergency transmitter." He
cocked his head , studying Brian. “ Whoa. You ’ re @ him , aren ’ t you? They quit looking , a
month , no , almost two months ago." Brian was standing now, but still silent. @ His tongue
seemed to be stuck to the roof of his mouth and his throat didn ’ t work righ t. “ My name is
Brian Robeson ," he said. Then he saw that his stew was done , and @ he waved to it with his
hand. “ Would you like something to eat?" 1 10

1 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하여 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.

The pilot arrived to Brian and he was surprised since people

口 bushplane 부시플레인(프로멜러가 부착된 경비행기) 口 float (수상 비행기의) 부주(j쭈冊)

口 bump 부딪치다 口 hop onto rv에 펄쩍 뛰어 오르다 口 emergency 비상
口 transmitter 발신기 口 cock one's head 고개를 옆으로 기울이다
口 throat 목구멍

60 올림포스 독해의 기몬 1
수행평가 07 그림 상황 묘사하는 글 작성하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 fJ[밀웰 위 그림에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

1 When and where is the scene occurring?

2 How many people are there and who are they?

3 What are they wearing?

4 What are they doing?

5 How do you think they are feeling?

STEP 02 얻뭘렐 주어진 표현을 이용하여 위 그림을 묘사꿇 글을 완성해 봅시다

four a race sports day determined sports uniforms

a team holding enthusiastic a track running shoes

It 's at schoo l. students wearing

and . They are participating
III as . They are running on
a bar togethe r. They look

점수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 02 • UNπ 07 지칭 추론 61

STEP 01 1 When and where is the scene occurring?

It is occurring on school sports day in the schoolyard.

2 How many people are there and who are they?

They are four students.

3 What are they wearing?

They are wearing sports uniforms and running shoes.

4 What are they doing?

They are running as a team holding a bar together.

5 How do you think they are feeling?

They look determined and enthusiastic.

It’ s sports day at sc h, oo l. Four students wearing sports uniforms and
running shoes. They are participating in a race as a team. They are running
on a track , holding a bar togefher. They look determined and enthusiastic.

62 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
CHAPTER 03 논리쩍 관계



(4 톨궐!1~'!1‘’‘:11.... {• I 딩 :1...1삐삐11_ {• l딩:’‘1빼 II여::11이. {• I 딩:센빼 11빼 IlC_

口 core 口 instruction 口 species 口 psychophysics

口 margin 口 ignore 口 reveal 口 term
口 longing 口 recall 口 distinct 口 anchor
口 defend 口 wlre 口 sameness 口 luxury
口 pa야 ic비 arly 口 household 口 behavior 口 trade
口 overlook 口 electrical 口 nest 口 describe
口 vital 口 bother to 口 continue 口 incredibly
口 autonomy 口 consult 口 ape 口 article
口 opportunity 口 provide 口 intelligence 口 display
口 typically 口 unusually 口 vast 口 mainly
口 infant 口 tend to 口 stretch 口 manipulate
口 momentum 口 author 口 general 口 consumer
口 desire 口 note 口 characteristic 口 contrast
디 mature 口 quite 디 development 口 by comparison
口 crucial 口 unfamiliar 口 decade 口 strategy
口 empathy 口 task 口 certain 口 recently
口 confidence 口 prefer 口 consistency 口 court
口 cooperation 口 rather than 口 harmony 口 shabby
口 responsibility 口 abandon 디 regularity 口 fancy
口 sociality 口 affordable

, 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 1;1 8439-0029

Choice is at the (A) Icore / margin I of human experience at any age. This deep longing to
choose our own purpose , beliefs , and actions , no matter what age we are , is fought for and
defended in every home , particularly by children @ who parents overlook their vital need for
autonomy. Opportunities to make choices typically increase with age and experience. The
total of ir때nts gives way, day by day and with (B) Iincreasing / decreasing I
momentum, to a desire to make choices for themselves - choices about what and when they
want to eat, explore , and express themselves. The maturing process is about growing the
ability to make choices for oneself, and it is crucial for their development @ which kids at
early ages have many opportunities to make choices and to learn from them.



@ @ m @ confidence

@ m @ v

「 Vocab빼 럴파뭘훨폐r . Stru-d뼈 1

• 필자가 말하::il자 하는 핵심 내용을 압축할 수 있는 표현에 빈칸이 있다.

1 핵심 소재 파악 나이와 상관없이 선택하고자 하는 필수적인 욕구는 쟁취되고 보호된다 • 스스로 선택하고자 하는 욕구

2 빈칸 단서 찾기 @ 나이와 상관없이 선택하고자 하는 갚은 갈망

@ 선택의 기회는 나이와 경험에 따라 증가
@ 성숙해가는 과정은 스스로 선택하는 능력의 성장에 관한 것
3 빈칸 단서 종합 빈칸의 단서가 되는 위 세 가지의 내용을 종홀팅}여 선택지를 고른다.

때 빼

口 口 口

口 overlook 간과하다 口 vital 필수적인


m 口 typically 일반적으로 보통 口 infant 유OK게

m m .口 mature 성숙해지다 口 crucial 매우 중요한

64 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 23쪽 r www.ebsi ∞ krl


A Desire to Make 1 for Oneself

is at the core of human experience at any age

replaces the total 2 of infants day by day and with increasing


The 3 process is about growing the ability to make choices for oneself,
and it is crucial for their development of kids at early ages.

1 E훨I(A), ( B)의 각 너|모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 탄어로 가잠 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


2 Ii룹I 밑줄 친 @, @를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.


3 G탑펠 글의 핵심 소재에 적홉녕f도록 먼칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 윷H가 쓰시오

a to for oneself

1 no matter what: 선택요소인 부사어구의 역할졸 힐 때는 ‘비록 무엇이 ~얼지라도’라는 양보의 의미톨 나타내는 부사철률 이끈다.
This deep longing ~, no matter what age we are , is fought ~.
L 비록 우리가 몇 살이든지 죠뻐|
2 rl t+-+t hat+ S+V J : It - that 형식상의 주어, 내용상의 주어 구문이다.
It is crucial for their devel。ρmentthat kids at early ages have many opportunities to make choices and to
L 형식상의 주어 L 내용상의 주어
|earn from them.
어린 나이의 아이들이 선택을 하고 그것을 통해 배울 수 있는 기회를 많이 강는 것은 그들의 발달에 있어서 매우 중요하다.

C뻐PTER 03 • UNrr 08 단어 빈 칸 65
01 c텀 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Ç1 8439-0030

A lot of us feel like doing “ something differen t." Studies have shown that people do
not like to read instructions , and much of what we do read we either (A) I ignore / recall l
or don ’ t understand. In one test , for example , twenty-four adults were asked to wire a
common household electrical plug. Only ten 0f the twenty-four even bothered to look at
the instructions. And of those ten , seven (B) Iconsulted / provided I the instructions only I5
to check the color coding for the electrical wires; the rest of the information was ignored.
Not surprisingly, most people flunked this tes t. Even when the instructions are unusually
important, people tend to pay them little attention. As the authors of the electrical plug study
noted , “ Even in the case of quite unfamiliar tasks , people seem to prefer to act rather than
" 10

* flunk (시험 등에) 실패[닝제]하다

CD speak @ abandon
@ create @ reflect
@ compare

1 (A). (8)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(A) (B)

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 | 조건 |에 맞게 쓰시오


• 아래 단어를 배열하되, 본문에 있는 한 단어 를 추가하여 완성할 것

at / the / the / task / given / looking / performed / without

In the experiment in the paragraph above , more than half of the subjects

口 instruction 설명(서). 지시, 교육 口 wlre 연결하다 口 bother to 애써[신경 써서 l~하다

口 unusually 대단히, 몹시 口 author 저자 口 note 언급하다, 주목하다
口 quite 꽤. 상당히 口 unfamiliar 익숙하지 않은, 잘 모르는

66 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 23쪽 -

02 c띔 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? Q8439-0031

The history of any animal species (A) 1 reveals / reveal 1 a distinct sameness in behavior.
A bird building its nest today will do it in almost exactly the same way that birds did it
yesterday, a year ago , even thousands of years ago. And one can be quite sure that birds
will continue in this same way thousands 0f years from now. All animals , even the higher
apes , closest to man in intelligence , (B) shows / show this sameness over vast stretches
1 1

of time. Man is differen t. is a general characteristic of human thought ,

human action , and human developmen t. A house built today is quite different from one that
was built thousands of years ago or even a few decades ago. And we can be certain that a
house built twenty or thirty years from now will differ greatly from one built today.

@ Harmony
@ Sociality

1 (A). (8)의 각 너|모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(A) (B)

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

It is expected that animals' behaviors of the future will not be from those of the
present or the past because is one of animals’ general characteristics.


e S ---(
口 口 口 口

口 口 口

꽁 윤

口 distinct 뚜렷한

口 continue 계속하다

느。 트「


口 vast 광대한


·U j
口 decade10년


CHAPTER03 . ωπ 08 단어 빈칸 67
정답과해설 24쪽 -

03 c띔 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 1;;1 8439-0032

The one psychophysics term on the lips of Prada store managers is “ anchor." In the luxury
trade , that describes an incredibly high-priced arti c1 e displayed mainly to manipulate
consumers. The anchor is for sale - but it ’ s okay if no one buys it. It’ s really there for
contras t. It makes everything else look by comparison. “ This has been a
strategy that goes back to the seventeenth century," Paco Underhill , the author of the book I5
Why Tfε Bμ~ , said recently. “ You sold one thing to the king , but everyone in court had to
have a lesser one. There ’ s the $500 bag in the window, and what you walk away with is the

CD shabby @ fancy
@ affordable @ expensive
@ unnoticeable

1 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당히는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

to Înfluence someone , or to control something , in a clever or dishonest way •

2 밑줄 친 문장에서 ‘anchor’에 해당되는 것을 쓰시오.


口 口

며。 π

口 psychophysics 정신 물리학 口 anchor 고정장치, 맞


口 manipulate 조종하다, 다루다 디 contrast 대비 , 대조

口 strategy 전략

68 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 08 교흔을 요청하는 편지글 작성하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )일 Stude nt ID Name

STEP 01 E톨핍 아래 상황에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

Emma Lucy 선생님 은 웹 사이 트를 통해 교실 에 비치 할

거 울을 주문했습니다. 하지만 그녀가 받은 거울은 파손된
상태로 도착해 서 교환을 요청해야 했고 그 거울이 개학식
전까지 도착하기 를 바라는 상황입니다.

1 What did Ms. Lucy order?

2 How did she order it?

3 Why is .she requesting to exchange the item she got?

4 By when does she hope the new item will be delivered?

STEP 02 휠웰웰 주어진 표현을 이용하여 거울 교환을 요청o~는 펀지를 완성해 봅시다.

grateful heavy Emma Lucy have website shatte red openmg ceremony

To Whom It May Concern:

One week ago 1 ordere d a mirror for my classroom th ro u g h yo ur
, but when it arrived it was into several
small pieces. It appeared that the box had been crus hed by something q uite
. 1 hope you have another j ust like it , because 1 would still
like to that mirror.
1 expect you will understand and exchange my mirror with a new one. If it
can be delivered before the of the school , 1 will be most


접수 과제 완성 (1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

cν띠PTER 03 • UN rT 08 단어 빈칸

STEP 01 1 What did Ms. Lucy order?

She ordered a mirror
2 How did she order it?
She ordered it through a website.
3 Why is she requesting to exchange the item she got?
Because when it arrived , it was shattered into several small pieces.
4 By when does she hope the new item will be delivered?
She hopes the new mirror will be delivered by her school ’s opening ceremony.

하EP 02
To Whom It May Concem:

One week ago 1 ordered a mirror for my classroom through your

website , but when it arrived it was shattered into several small pieces. It
appeared that the 'box had been crushed by something quite heavy. 1 hoþe
you have another just like it, because 1 would stilllike to have that rnirror.
1 expect you will understand and exchange my mirror with a new one. If it
can be delivered before the opening ceremony of the school , 1 will be most


70 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
짧은 어 l구 빈칸


{냉동를씌~r:매 ..... .,“· (• l허 :J.!.1빼 11빼Ij_ [• l 딩:센빼 11뻐 I~'- {• l딩:센빼 11빼lκl

口 quarter 口 extraordinarily 口 dwarf 口 topple

口 revlew 口 capacity 口 save 口 straightforward
口 objective 口 wander 口 loyalty 口 line up
口 identify 口 stream 口 groan 口 tip over
口 accomplishmènt 口 odor 口 moan 口 complicated
口 achieve 口 tactile 口 housekeeper 口 anew
口 agency 口 impression 口 cheerf비 Iy 口 lead
口 aspiration 口 novel 口 indispensable 口 whack
口 checkmark 口 previously 口 higher-up 口 linear
口 next to 口 remarkable 口 win 口 geometric
口 goal 口 cαrectly 口 respect 口 over time
口 priority 口 recognition 口 peer 口 add up
口 realize 口 species 口 coworker 口 potential
口 process 口 unrelated 口 hierarchy 口 unleash
口 round 口 engage In 口 worthwhile 口 effect
口 applause 口 contract 口 immediate 口 apply
口 whoop 口 cheat 口 boss 口 decide
口 holler 口 hence 口 human resources
口 session
口 executive director
口 focus

, 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 딪잃39-0033

Every quarter, staff members at Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Santa Clara County get
together to review individual and team objectives. Each person talks about what he or she has
been doing and identifies how those accomplishments have helped to achieve the agency ’ s
aspirations. Then , a staff member puts a checkmark next to each of the goals and priorities
(posted on the wall) that each person has helped the agency come c1 0ser to realize. This 1 5

process is followed by rounds of applause , whoops , and hollers. At the end of the session ,
says executive director Sheila Kriεfels , “ We what we have a l1 bεen
able to accomplish as an agency. This also gives us the chance to notice any gaps between
what each of one of us is doing and what we al1 had said we wanted the agency to achieve ,
and then where we might need to focus more of our energies in the future to achieve our 110
common vision."

CD recreate the process of @ criticize one ahother for

@ are forced to forget about @ have a visual statement about
@ predict future performance on

「 Vocabulary 遭파펄흩휠꾀r Str때re 1

• 빈칸의 앞과 뒤에 제시된 단서들을 파악한다.
1 글의 소재 파악 Big Brothers/Big Sisters 직원들이 개인과 팀의 목적을 검토하는 모임

2 빈칸 주변의 단서 파악 빈칸의 앞: 한 직원이 목표와 우선순위들 옆에 체크 표시(checkmark)를 한다.

빈칸의 뒤: 체크 표시를 통해 직원 각자가 해왔던 일과 기관의 목표 사이의 차이를 보거I(notice) 된다.

3 정답고르기 처|크 표시와 차이를 볼 수 있다는 것을 함축적으로 표현하는 어구를 정답으로 고른다.

口 revlew 검토하다 口 objective‘ 목적 口 identify 환인하다

口 accomplishment 업적, 공적, 성취 口 achieve 성취하다 口 agency 기관

口 aspiration 목표. 열망 口 realize 실현하다 口 process 과정

口 applause 박수 口 whoop 와 하는 함성
口 holler (주의를 물기 위한 또는 고통 놀람의) 외침; 외치다 口 session 시간, 기간
口 executive director 이사, 전무 口 recreate 재현 하다 口 pertormance 실적, 성과

72 올림모스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 2앓 세

Every quarter , staff members at Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Santa Clara County get together
to review individual and team objectives.

puts a 1 next to each of the goals and priorities

This also gives us the chance to 3 any gaps between what each of one of
us is doing and what we all had said we wanted the agency to achieve , and -

1 ι훨l 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 공통으로 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

• something that you are trying hard to achieve , especially in business or p이 itics
• based only on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or beliefs

2 E홉l 밑줄 친 realize를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

3 a:탈펠 직원들이 분기마다 모였을 때 한 직원이 목표와 우선순위에 처|크 표시를 하기 전에 하는 일을 우리말로 쓰시오

1 rhelp+(to)동사원형 J: ,...,하는 것율 툴다
~ identifies how those accomplishments have helped to achieve the agency ’s aspirations.
그러한 업적이 그 기관의 목표를 성취하는 데 어떻게 도움이 되었는지 확인한다

2 rA be followed by BJ : A 다음어IB가 잇따롤다

This process is followed by rounds of applause , whoops , and hollers.
이러한 과정 다음에는 몇 차례의 박수 와 하는 할성과 크게 놀라는 소리가 잇따른다.

CHAPTER 03 • UNrr 09 짧은 어구 빈 칸 73
01 c띔 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 7땀 적절한 것은? 딩없39-0034

Humans have an extraordinarily large capacity for recognizing faces , voices , and pictures.
As we wander through a stream of sights , sounds , tastes , odors , and tactile impressions ,
some novel and some previously experienced , we have little trouble @ telling the two apart.
In a remarkable experiment , participants were shown 10 ,000 pictures for five seconds
each. Two days later, CD 댄양 correctly identified 8,300 of @ 벤땐. No computer program to
date can perform face recognition as well as a human child can. Why is this? Humans are
among the few species @ whose unrelated members exchange favors , such as trading goods ,
engaging in social contracts , or forming organizations. If we were not able to recognize faces ,
voices , or names , we would not be able to tell whom we ’ d encountered previously, and as a
consequence , not recall who treated us fairly and who @) cheating. Hence , social contracts 110

of reciprocity - “ 1 share my food with you today, and you return the favor tomorrow"

* reci procity 상호 관계

CD could not be reinforced

@ could unintentionally change
@ would happen all the time in society
@ would be usua l1 y informal and unwritten
@ would be superior to other social contracts

1 밑줄 친 @^-'@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오

2 밑줄 친 CD.~가 가리키는 것을 쓰시오

@ @

口 extraordinarily 엄정나게 口 stream (수많은 일의) 연속[이어짐] 디 tactile 촉각의

口 recognition 인식 口 contract 계약 口 cheat 속이다

74 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해실 26쪽 -

02 c띔 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? g 없39-0035

Remember, the dwarves were the ones who saved Snow White when she was down. And it
wasn ’ t her pretty face (A) I that / what I won their loyalty, but it was her hard work. She didn ’ t
groan and moan about working as a housekeeper, even though she was born a princess. She
did her work cheerfully and made (B) I her / herself I indispensable to the dwarves. And that
is what you need to do at your job. Never make the rnistake of thinking that only higher-ups
can help you. Winning the respect of your peers - and even coworkers who are lower in the
company hierarchy - is always worthwhile. If you're having difficulty with your immediate
boss , a human resources manager or a senior boss wiU often consider what others say about
you. can be important in saving your situation.

CD Accurate records @ Peer support

@ Higher level mentors @ Ambitious goals
@ A critical attitude

1 (A), (B)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오

(A) (B)

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

The writer suggests that you should to gain the respect of

口 dwarf 난쟁이 (pl. dwarves) 口 loyalty 충성심 口 groan 투덜대다

口 moan 불평을 말하다 口 housekeeper 살림을 맡아 해 주는 사람
口 indispensable 없어서는 안 되는 口 higher-up 더 높은 사람 口 peer 동료, 또래
口 coworker 동료 口 hierarchy 직급, 계급 口 worthwhile 가치 있는
口 immediate 가장 가까운, 직속의 口 human resources 인사과

C벼PTER 떠 • 에π 09 짧은 어구 빈칸 75
정답과해설 28쪽

03 [띔 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? g 없39-0036

Toppling dominoes is pretty straightforward_ You line them up and tip over the first one.
In the real world , though , it ’ s a bit more complicated. The challenge is that life doesn ’ t line
everything up for us and say, “ Here ’ s where you should start." Highly successful people
know this. So every day @ they line up their priorities anew, find the lead domino , and whack
away at @ it until it falls. Why does this approach work? Because extraordinary success is I 5

. What starts out linear becomes geometric. You do the right thing and
then you do the next right thing. Over time' it adds up , and the geometric potential of success
is unleashed. The domino effect applies to the big picture , like your work or your business ,
and it applies to the smallest moment in each day when you ’ re trying to decide what to do
nex t. 10

CD sequential , not simultaneous

@ the target you want to reach
@ motivated by not effort but luck
@ different from the domino effect
@ triggered by one individual ’ s initiative

1 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

simple and easy to understand •

2 밑줄친 @,@가가리키는것을쓰시오.
@ @

빠 뼈빠떼뼈
뼈쩨 뻐때때

펀 원 빼개

판 셔야싸 댐

모 없 시,

ι 복 을 사「력
口 口 口 口 口

口 口 口 口 口



口 straig htforward 단순한, 쉬운

cO ·C

口 highly 매우

다 띠 ·떠

an 口 lead 선두, 선도하는





口 linear 선형 의


po 口 unleash 풀어 놓다

76 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 09 그림 상황 묘사하는 글 완성하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )~
E프 Student ID Name

STEP 01 &l밀핍 우| 그림어| 관한 질문으| 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

1 Where is the meeting being held?

2 How many people are attending the mee~ing?

3 Where are they sitting?

4 How do you think they are feeling?

5 What is on the table?

STEP 02 뽑짧 주어진 표현을 이용하여 위 그림을 묘사댄 글을 완성해 몹시다

well happy eight around attending held

The meeting is being in an office.

people are the meeting. They are sitting
a table. There are two laptop computers on the table.
The meeting seems to be going because everyone looks

접수 과제 완성 ( 1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 03 • UNIT 얘 짧은 어구 빈칸 77

STEP 01 1 Where is the meeting being held?

It is being held in an office.

2 How many people are attending the meeting?

Eight people are attending the meeting.

3 Where are they sitting?

They are sitting around a table.

4 How do you think they are feeling?

1 think they are feeling happy.

5 What is on the table?

There are two laptop computers on the table.

The meeting is being held in an office. Eight people are attending the
meeting. They are sitting around a table. There are two laptop computers
on the table. The meeting seems to be going well because everyone looks

78 올림포스 독해의 기본 1


{4 톨출톨씌‘ r!,,,'j‘히 .... {"'.딩:센빼 II빼Ij_ {• l 허:ι!빼 II여톨IJ'~ {• I잉:’‘1빼 11빼lκ·

口 care 口 source 口 puppy 口 mirror

口 belief 口 network 口 whine 口 window
口 peer 口 brain 口 whimper 口 Opposite
口 tend 口 shift 口 howl 口 disguise
口 apparent 口 all of a sudden 口 alone 口 allow
口 cue 口 electricity 口 call out for 口 secret
口 questionable 口 unfamiliar 口 attention 口 physically
口 illegally 口 pattern 口 forget 口 amount
口 download 口 shiver 口 feel 口 reflect
口 tax 口 current 口 In secure 口 transmit
口 evasion 口 circuit 口 nOlse 口 direction
口 acceptable 口 cell 口 expression 口 totally
口 on the grounds that 口 require 口 anxiety 口 light
口 reflect 口 connect 口 train 口 observation
口 prejudice 口 imagination 口 comfortable 口 remain
口 associate with 口 collaborate 口 deed 口 lamp
口 share 口 collection 口 sociable 口 turn on
口 attitude 口 talent 口 companion 口 pass through
口 overestimate 口 exceed 口 remove 口 aswell
口 effect 口 produce 口 command

’ 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Q8439-0037

We al1 care what those around us think , and our beliefs about the world are strongly
influenced by our peers. lndeed , when it comes to the crunch , most people would rather
be liked than be right , and they tend to . This is particularly
@ apparently in the case of fashion , where we take our cues from other people about what is
‘ coo1.’ We may also think that various forms of questionable behaviour - such as illegally
downloading music or tax evasion - are (A) Iacceptable / inadequate I on the grounds that
‘ cverybody does i t.’ However, since we tend to read things that (B) Iignore / reflect lour
prejudices and @ associate with people who share our attitudes , we sometimes overestimate
the extent @ to which other people think as we do. This is known as the false consensus effect.
*the crunch 매우 어려운 상황

CD follow facts that are supported by c1ear evidence

@ trust their judgment more than their peers' opinions
@ c1 early distinguish between what they like and dislike
@ adjust their beliefs to the norms of those around them
@ put priority on public interests rather than personal gain

I Vocab뻐 1훌훨펄훨훨꾀,---str때
• 필자가 말하'.:î!.자 하는 핵심 내용을 파악해야 한다.
1 글의 소재 파악 주위의 기준에 영흔k을 받는 사람들

2 빈칸에 들어갈 단서 파악 - 패션과 음악 불법 다운로드, 세금 회피 등의 예에서 알 수 있듯이, 사람들은 주위 사람들의 기

준에 따라 행동하는 경항이 있음을 알 수 있다.
3 단서를 종합하여 선택지 선택 주위 사람들의 기준에 따라 자신의 믿음을 조정하는 경항

口 peer 동료 口 cue 단서 口 questionable 의심스러운
口 illegally 불법적으로 口 evasion 회 피 口 on the grounds that ~라는 이유로
口 associate with "-'와 어울리다 口 overestimate 과대평 가하다
80 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 29쪽 r

tendency to adjust beliefs to the 1 of other people

fashion take cues from other people about what is coo\

.2 down\oading music
music / tax
• tax evaSlO n

false consensus 3 the extent to which other people think as we

effect do

1 Ii뿜. (A), (8)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


2 Ii룹l 밑줄 친 @"'@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

3 G탈펠 밑줄 친 everybody does it처럼 다른 사람의 행동을 따라 하는 여|로 언급된 두 가지를 영어로 쓰시오.

1 관계사 what은 선행사톨 포힐한 관계사로, 영사질을 유도하는 역힐과 관껴μ}의 역힐올 겸한다.
We all care [what those around us thinkl.
」 관계절
우리 모두는 [우리 주위의 사람들이 생각히는 것}을 신경 쓴다

2 관계훨 안에서 주어나 목적어와 갈은 필수 요소의 역힐이 아니라 부사어구처럼 장소에 관한 선택 요소의 역힐올 하는 관계사는
~ in the case of fashion , where we take our cues from other people about what is ‘cool:
때션의 경우에 그곳은 ‘멋지다’라는 것에 대해 다른 사람들로부터 우리의 단서를 가져오는 콧이다.

CHAPTER 03 • UNrT 10 긴 어구 민칸 81
01 c띔 민칸에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? g 없39 - 0038

The source of every new idea is the same. There is a network of neurons in the brain , and
then the network shifts. All of a sudden , electricity flows in an unfamiliar pattern , a shiver
of current across a circuit board of cells. But sometimes a single network isn ’ t enough.
Sometimes a creative problem is so difficult that it requires people I connect / to connect I
their imaginations together; the answer arrives only if we collaborate. That ’ s because a group
is not just a collection of individual talents. Instead , it is a chance for those talents to exceed
themselves , to produce something greater than anyone thought possible. When the right
people come together and when they collaborate in the right way, what happens can often
feel like magic. But it ’ s not magic . There is a reason why
* neuron 신경 세포

CD imagination is considered crucial for creativity

@ labor division practices aren ’ t more reasonable
@ creative ways of thinking sometimes do wonders
@ some groups are more than the sum of their parts
@ we must determine what talents individuals in a group have

1 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

be better than , surpass •

2 너|모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

口 source 원전 口 shift 달라지다 口 all of a sudden 갑자기

口 shiver 띨림 口 current 전류, 흐름 口 connect 연결시키다
口 collaborate 협력하다 口 collection 모임, 무리, 더미 口 talent 재능이 있는 사람
口 exceed 능가하다
82 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 29쪽 -

02 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 딛 8439-0039

A puppy will often cry, whine , whimper, or howl when he is left alone. This is basically his
way of calling out for attention , of calling out @ make sure that you know he is there and that
you have not forgotten about him. He feels insecure when he is left alone; for example , when
you are out of the house and he is in his crate , or when you are in another part of the house
and he cannot see you. The noise he is making is an expression of the anxiety he feels at I5
being alone , so he needs @ be taught that being alone is O K. You are not actually training the
dog to stop making noise; you are training him to feel comfortable when he is all by himself
* crate (운반용) 상자

CD giving rewards for good deeds

@ raising a sociable dog companion
@ removing the need to make the noise
@ teaching him to act on simple commands
@ showing you are not happy with the noise

1 밑줄 친 @, @를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.
@ @

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈ξ뻐| 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

When left alone , a puppy will make noise because he feels

캠괜 반
口 口 口

W g
口 whine 칭얼거리다, 끔끔거리다 口 howl( 길거1) 울다[울부짖다]
·m m e

口 call out for rv을 요청하다 口 deed 행동



口 sociable 사교성이 있는 디 remove 없애다

口 command 명렁

CHA마ER03 ' UNπ 10 긴 어구 빈칸 83
; 정답과해설 30쪽 l

03 c띔 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 밀 8439-0040

How do one-way mirrors , the ones used in interrogation room , work? A one-way mirror
seems to be a mirror when seen from one side , but as a window when seen from the opposite
side_ Thus the window is @ dlsg U1 smg as a mirror to allow secret surveillance. Physically,
. That is , the amount of light reflected from one side is the
same as that reflected from the other. The light transmitted in one direction is the same as
that transmitted in the opposite direction. How then does a one-way mirror work? First, the
mirror isn ’ t totally reflecting. It transmits half the light and reflects the other hal f. The second
requirement has to do with lighting. It is essential that the observation room @ remains dark,
because if a lamp were turned on, some of that light would pass through into the interrogation
room as well. 10

* interrogation room 취조실 * * surveillance 감시, 감독

CD the brightness affects the individual ’ s emotions

@ the amount of light can be measured
@ there is no such thing as a one-way mirror
@ one-way mirrors and windows are constructed the same
@ reflections from the opposite side are impossible

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법에 맞게 각각고쳐 쓰시오.

@ @

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

The amount of light being an d transmittεd from one side of the
mirror is the same as that from the other , meaning that the mirror does not work on
one side

흩웰'!8훌훌톨톨 i월a뿔뿔훌햄

口 opposite 반대의 口 disguise 위~하다, 속이다, 변Ef하다 口 allow 허용하다

口 reflect 반사시키다 口 transmit 전달하다. (빛올) 투과시키다 口 essential 필수적인
口 aswell 역시
84 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 10
적、 인터넷 사용에 관한 찬반 의견 작성하기

평가일 ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 1m훌휩l 인터넷 사용에 대한 자신의 의견을 뒷받침하는 근거를 작성해 봅시다.

Children ’ s use of the Internet should be limited.

What is your position?

1 1’ m in favor of the idea because

2 1support the idea because

3 1disagree with the idea because

41 ’ m opposed to the idea because

personal information should not be accessed expose

unlimited access new connections

STEP 02 뱉챙l 인터넷 Àf용에 대한 자신의 의건으로 아래 표를 작성해 봅시다

Introduction 1 (agree I disagree) with

「 First of all ,
Second ,

Third ,

Conclusion Therefore ,

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 03 • UNIT 10 긴 어구 빈칸 85

STEP 01 1 1’m in favor of the idea because personal information can be exposed to strangers.

2 1 support the idea because there is a wealth of Internet contents that should not be accessed by

3 1 disagree with the idea because unlimited access to information through the Internet is valuable.
41’m opposed to the idea because children can make new connections with people living in other
countries via the Internet

1 disagree with the idea that children ’ s use of the Internet should be limited.
First of all , unlimited access to information through the Internet is valuable.
Second , children can make new connections with people living in other
countries via the Interne t. Third, the Internet helps children improve their
creativity. Therefore, we should not restrict children ’ s use of the Internet.

86 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
연결어(구) 넣기


{4 훌훌톨매 ~r~l.~섬"' {• I 잉 :ι!삐삐삐. (• I 잉~,~,.빼.,빼 1κ· {• l 딩~,~,.빼 u빼 i’,,-

口 experiment 口 highly 口 liberalization 口 assign

口 fleet 口 charged 口 privatization 口 vanous
口 taxicab 口 delay 口 process 口 p이 itical
口 be equipped with 口 conversation 口 implementation 口 historical
口 brake 口 conflict 口 progress 口 factor
口 innovation 口 attention 口 due to 口 inadequately
口 vastly 口 mental focus 口 reglon 口 sew
口 improve 口 goodwill 口 characterize 口 operate
口 unequipped 口 put off 口 relatively 口 sewing machine
口 observation 口 indefinitely 口 trigger 口 purchase
口 make for 口 spoil 口 economic boom 口 fabric store
口 exactly 口 address 口 except 口 traditional
口 opposite 口 resurface 口 short-lived 口 spinner
口 accident rate 口 intensified 口 historically 口 weaver
口 markedly 口 discussion 口 birth rate 口 tailor
口 inferior 口 take up 口 remarkably 口 potter
口 reduce 口 ease 口 despite 口 virtually
口 additional element 口 connection 口 enthusiastic 口 occupation
口 safety 口 productive 口 nevertheless 口 umplre
口 recklessly 口 in contrast
연결어(구) 넣기

’ 다음 글의 빈칸 (A) , (8)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 믿 8439-0041

In an experiment in Germany, part of a fleet of taxicabs in Munich was equipped with

antilock brake systems (ABS) , a technological innovation that vastly improves braking.
The rest of the fleet was left unequipped , and the two groups were placed under careful and
secret observation for three years. You would expect the better brakes to @make for safer
driving. __(A_) _ , that is exactly the opposite of what happened. Giving some drivers
ABS made no difference at all in their accidεnt rate; in fact , it turned @ them into markedly
inferior drivers. They drove faster. They made sharper turns. They braked harder. _ _(B)
the ABS systems were not used to reduce accidents; instead, the drivers used the additional
element of safety to enable them to drive faster and more recklessly without increasing their
risk of getting into an acciden t. 10

(A) (B)
Q)However On the contrary
@ However In other words
@ In addition For example
@ In addition On the contrary
@ Therefore In other words

• 빈ξ떨 중심으로 글의 흐름을 이해해야 한다.

1 글의 전개방식을 예상 향상된 브레이크 시스템을 장흐「하여 사고가 줄 것으로 예상했다. • 정반대의 결과 발생
2 빈칸 앞뒤 논리관계 파악 (A)의 앞뒤에는 상반된 내용이 소개되고 있으며, (6)의 앞뒤에는 비슷한 내용을 부연 설명하고

3 정답고르기 (A)에는 역접을 나타내는 연결사를, (6)에는 요약, 부연 설명하는 연결시를 고른다.

口 fleet 전(全) 보유차량, 함대 口 antilock 앤티록(식)의(급브레이크 때에도 바퀴의 회전이 멈추지 않는)
口 innovation 혁신 口 vastly 대단히. 매우 口 opposite 정반대
口 markedly 현저하게, 눈에 띄게 口 inferior 열등한 口 element 요소

口 recklessly 무분별하게
88 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 32쪽 「빼w. ebsi ∞ krl


the introduction of 1
(antilock brake system)

expectation safer driving by improving 2

turning people into 3

opposite result 4 drivers

• no difference

1 를뽑l 밑줄 친 @ make for의 문맥상 의미를 정의할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
to to make something possible

2 EEI 밑줄 친 @ themOI 가리키는 것을 쓰시오

3 G탑펠 글의 요약문을 완성할 때, 빈효뻐| 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

Improved systems did not contribute to driving.

목적률 나타내는 t。부정사의 부사적 용법:-하기 위해서

In olher words , Ihe ABS syslems were nol used 1o reduce accidenls; inslead , Ihe drivers used Ihe addilional
L. 10부정시구 (동시구 수식)
elemenl of safely to enable them to drive faster and more recklessly without increasing their risk of getting
L. 10부정사구 (동사구 수식)
inlo an acciden t.

다시 말해서. ABS 시스템은 사고를 줄이는 데 사용되지 않았다 대신. 운전자들은 이 추가적인 안전 요소를 사고에 처할 위힘을 증가시키지
않으면서 그들이 더 빨리 운전하고 더 무분별하게 운전할 수 있도록 하기 위해 이용했다.

CHAPTER 03 • UNπ 11 연걸어께 넣기 89

01 c띔 글으| 빈칸 (A) , (8)에 들어갈 말로 쟁 적절한 것은? g 없39-0042

When emotions are highly charged , it makes good sense @ to delay conversation about
conflict until attention , mental focus , and goodwill have returned. Once everyone is calm
and enjoying themselves again , __(A_) _ , these conversations are often forgotten or
put off @ indefinitely. No one wants to talk about conflict and risk spoiling the good time.
(B) , the issues often don ’ t get addressed at all , and they usually resurface later in a I5
new and often intensified conflic t. If you do choose to put off discussion about a conflict,
remember to take it up later, @ while a time of ease and sweet connection , when it can be
most productive.

(A) (B)
CD therefore In addition
@ therefore As a consequence
@ for example In contrast
@ however As a consequence
@ however In contrast

1 밑줄 친 @"'@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 번칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

If you choose discussion about resolving a conflict , you
should remember to later , during a time of ease and
sweet connectlO n

口 charged (감정이) 격한 口 indefinitely 무기한으로

口 address(문제 상황 등에 대해) 고심하다[다루다] 口 resurface 다시 떠오르다
口 intensified 강화된 口 take up (오랫동안 언급되지 않던) '"을 계속하다

90 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 32쪽 -

02 c띔 글의 빈칸 (A). (8)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 딛 8439-0μ3

In the case of China and Eastern Europe , it is clear that market liberalization has helped a
lo t. Until about 1998 , the East European privatization process and the implementation of a
market economy progressed in fits and starts due to all sorts of political maneuvers. But by
1998 the region was characterized by a strong private sector and relatively free markets. This
triggered an economic boom. _ _(A_) _ , this cannot be the whole story. Latin America is I5
also free but - except some short-lived episodes - has been historically characterized by
slow economic growth. In addition , that region has a relatively high birth rate. _ _(B)
its wealth-per-person growth was remarkably slow from 1998 to 2008. This is true of all
Latin American countries , including Brazil , despite the enthusiastic media reports about that
country. 110

* in fits and starts 단속적으로[하다가 말다가** maneuver 조치 , 책략

(A) (B)
CD Similarly In addition
@ Similarly As a result
@ Nevertheless However
@ Nevertheless As a result
@ For example In addition

1 글의 제목을 아래와 같이 정할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

: Is It Enough for Economic Growth?

2 라틴 아메리카 국가들의 개인당 부의 성장이 느렸던 이유 두 가지를 우리말로 쓰시오.

口 liberalization 자유화 口 privatization 민영화 口 process 과정

口 implementation 실행 .0 1 행 口 progress 진행되다, 발전하다 口 characterize 특징을 나타내다
口 private 민간의 口 sector 부문 口 relatively 비교적
口 trigger 유발하다, 야기하다 口 boom 호황 口 short-lived 일시적인, 단명하는
口 episode 사건, 방송의 1 회분 口 remarkably 현저히 口 enthusiastic 열정적인

CHAPTER 03 • UNfT 11 연결에구) 넣 기 위
정답과해설 33쪽

03 [띔 글의 빈칸 (마. (8)에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? Q8439-0044

Men and women are often (a) Iassigned / assigning I roles for various social , political , or
historical reasons. When these f.'a ctors are inadequately understood , they can appear to be
quite arbitrary. _ _(A_) _ , (b) I despite / a1though I sewing clothes for the family is thought
of as women ’ s work in North America (most men have never operated a sewing machine
or made a purchase in a fabric store) , among the Ecuadorian men and traditional Hopi of
Arizona , men are the spinners , weavers , and tailors. Also among the Hopi , women are
the potters and not the men; however, in U.S. culture both men and women can become
potters. _ _(B_) _ , women in U. S. society have been virtually exc1 uded from a number of
occupations (such as jockey and Major League Baseball umpire) , even though men have no
particular biological advantage over women in performing thεsejobs. 10

• arbitrary 임의적인

(A) (B)
φ For example Otherwise
@ For example Moreover
@ However As a result
@ However Moreover
@ Therefore Otherwise

1 (a). (b)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(a) (b)

2 밑줄 친 these jobs가 가리키는 직업 두 개를 쓰시오.

口 asslgn 할당하다, 임명하다 口 sew 바느질하다 口 fabric store 포목상
口 spinner 실 잣는 사람 口 weaver 베 짜는 사람 口 potter 옹기장이
口 VI 야 ually 거의 口 jockey (경마의) 기수

92 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 11 자신이 발명하고 싶은 알람시계

평가일 : ( )월 ( )~
E프 Student ID Name

STEP 01 .걷쉴l..n.ì l ~ fJ. 자신이 사용하고 싶은 특이한 알람시계(혹은 발영하고 싶은 알람시계)를 그림으로 표현해 봅시다.

{ ’ My Alarm Clock

STEP 02 많웰 완성된 그림을 바탕으로 아래 표를 작성해 봅시다.

Name of Your Alarm


How It Works I2


STEP 03 렐훌웰 위의 표를 바탕으로 끓 완성해 봅시다.

1 want to have an al따m called . It looks lik:e

접수 과제완성 ( 1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 03 • UNπ 11 연결어(구) 넣기 93 .


} ’

STEP 02 Name of Your Alarm Flying Alarm

Appearance It looks like a helicopter. There is a propeller on top of the alarm clock.
1 Set the time when you want to wake up in the morning.
How ItWorks 2 If the alarm goes off, you must catch the clock.
3 While the clock is flying , it makes sound until you hit the button.
Expectation While trying to catch the alarm , you will wake up completely

1 want to have an alarm called Flying Alarm. It looks like a helicopter.
There is a propeller on top of the alarm c1 ock. Here is how it works. First,
set the time when you want to wake up in the moming. When the alarm goes
off, you need to catch the c1 0ck as it flies around the room. It will make
sound until you hit the button to stop the alarm. While trying to catch the
c1 ock, you will wake up completely.

94 올림포스 톡해의 기본 1
CHAPTER 04 간접 말하기 ·쓰기



{• 톨동를끼센".'’”‘:w {• I되~"‘!빼1I뼈’‘· {• l 히:센빼 I[여::1 1셰. {• l 다페배l여톨빠l

口 law 口 rural 口 work 口 eyelens

口 perfectly 口 amateur 口 experience 口 cause
口 aware 口 urban 口 need 口 spectrum
口 move 口 professional 口 fit 口 ability
口 force 口 rarely 口 in order to 口 adjust
口 outside 口 recently 口 expect 디 focus
口 original 口 practitioner 口 fear 口 decline
口 direction 口 performer 口 welcome ~ in 口 muscle
口 forever 口 celebrate 口 face 口 around
口 straight 口 occaslon 口 reduce 口 stiffen
口 path 口 nationwide 口 possibility 口 difficulty
口 gravity 口 individual 口 failure 口 clearly
口 p 비| 口 part-time 口 remind 口 complicate
口 Earth 口 vagabond 口 possible 口 major
口 resistance 口 profession 口 end 口 fortunately
口 friction 口 for centuries 口 journey 口 universal
口 hole 口 imperial 口 close 口 correct
口 slow down 口 period 口 desire 口 auto
口 sandy 口 countryside 口 reach 口 sign
口 surface 口 harvest 口 point 口 mlss

, 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없능 문장은? 되없39-0045

Newton ’ s laws of motion apply perfectly to the world of gol f. We ’ re all aware that a golf
ball moves when it is hit by force. CD However, there are outside forces that keep a golf ball
from moving in its original direction forever. @ A ball may have a straight path when the c1 ub
hits it, but then gravity pulls the ball toward Earth and can (it I from I keep I going) straight.
@ Air resistance - a form of friction - then slows the ball ’ s velocity as it speeds through the
air. @ Golfers feel delighted when they get the ball to go into the hole with the least number
of hits. @ Once a golf ball connects with the ground again , it slows down even more because
a grassy and sandy surface creates more friction with the ball than air.

f Vocabu배 1!Î1렐파웰월휠꾀(str때
l 글의 중심 내용을 확실히 이해해야 한다.

1 핵심 소재 파악 앞부분에서 뉴턴의 운동법칙과 골프공에 대한 적용을 다룬 것을 파악한다. • 힘의 작용과 반작용

2 글의 흐름 파악 공의 방향이나 속도를 늦추는 요소가 저|시된다→ 중력, 공기, 지표면

3 정답파악 공의 운동과 관련 없는 내용을 파악한다. • 골프를 치는 사람들의 성취감

는 며 멍혜
口 口 口 口

a m


口 motion 운동 口 apply 적용되다 r


ht h


口 force 힘 口 original 처음의, 원래의



口 club 골프채 口 gravity 중력
m y

口 friction 마찰 口 velocity 속력

96 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 35쪽 f빼W 닝bsi.co써

Newton ’s Laws of Motion Applied to a Golf Ball

the club hits it

pulls the ball

air resistance + the 2 with the surface

• The ba1l 3

1 G휠I 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해S팅f는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) the attraction of bodies toward the center of the earth •
(2) quickness of motion •

2 ιa 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하여 쓰시오.

3 G활훨 공의 속도를 늦추는 것으로 지적된 두 가지를 영어로 쓰시오.

1 부사휠률 이끄는 접속사 as(시간101유)

Air resistance - a form of friction - then slows the ball ’s velocity as it speeds through the air.
τ 시겐~할때)
그런 다음 그 공이 공기 속으로 속력을 낼 때 일종의 마찰인 공기 저항은 공의 속력을 늦춘다

2 부사철률 이끄는 접속사 once(시간). because(OI유)

Once a golf ball connects with the ground again. it slows down even more because a grassy and sandy surface
τ지겐~하I빠자) τ피함~이기 때문에
creates more friction with the ball than air.
골프공이 지면과 다시 연결되자마자 풀이 무성하고 모래가 있는 표면이 공기보다 공과의 더 많은 마칠을 만들어내므로 그것은 속도가 훨씬 더

CHAPTER04 . 니Nπ 12 무관한 문장 찾기 97

01 c띔 글에서 전체 흐뭔 관계 뚫 문장은? 딩 8439-0Cμ6

Prior to the modern era, the Chinese actor, whether rural amateur or urban professional ,
rarely enjoyed the (A) Irespect / blame I that society pays him or her today. CD Until recently, in
fact , a theater practitioner could hardly earn his living with one stationary troupe. @ He often
became an itinerant performer, (B) Ihiding / travelling I among small towns and rural villages
to perform during festivals or to celebrate important occasions in the lives of the local gentry. I5
@ Summer was right around the corner, and that meant music festivals would start to pop up
nationwide. @ Most individual actors were at least part-time itinerants , contributing to the
image of the vagabond good-for-nothing that afflicted his profession for centuries. @In the
imperial period , entire urban troupes might tour the countryside at harvest, New Year, and
other festival times. 10

*troupe 극단 **itinerant 순회하는, 순회배우

1 (A), (8)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(A) (B)

2 밑줄 친 부분을 and로 시작하여 고쳐 쓰시오.



口 prior to rv 이전에 口 era 시대 口 rural 시골의

口 urban 도시의 口 practitioner 전문가. 개업자 口 stationary 정지된, 고정된
口 the local gentry 지방의 유지 口 pop up 나타나다 口 contribute 기여하다
口 vagabond 이리저리 떠도는; 부랑자 口 good-for-nothing 아무짝에도 쓸모없는 사람
口 afflict 폐를 끼치다, 괴롭히다

98 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 35쪽 -

02 c띔 글어|서 전처| 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? !;I 8439-0047

Every great thing that was ever started @ began in uncertainty. CD Thomas Alva Edison
asked , “ W i11 this work?" and now we experience the gift of the lightbulb. @ Steve Jobs
pondered, “ 1s there a need for this?" and now we have minicomputers that fit in our pockets.
@ 1n order to bring our ideas or dreams to life , we have to expect fear and uncertainty,
we1come it in, and know @ what once we face it, it no longer has a hold on us. @) Also , we
should try to reduce uncertainty and risk-taking in order to minimize the possibility of fa i1ure.
@ We must remind @ ourselves that there are two possible ends to every uncertain joumey we
embark upon: either we leam a lesson that brings us one step c10ser to our true desires or we
reach the point we set out for.

1 밑줄 친 @ rv @ 중, 어법상 툴린 것을 호H가 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 요지가 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

Wemust fear and uncertainty because every great thing m

l 엎빼빼誠앞聊빠祐~정i혜
口 ponder 곰곰이 생각하다. 숙고하다 口 bring ~ to life ~에 생기를 불어넣다
口 have a hold on ~에 대한 지배력이 있다 口 embark upon ~에 착수하다

口 set out for ~을 항해 나서다

C뻐'TER 04 ' UNπ 1 2 무관한문장찾기 99
정답과해설 36쪽

03 [띔 글어|서 전처| 흐름과 관겨| 뚫 문장은? 도김 8439-0μ8

As we grow older, the eye lens becomes more yellow, causing poorer color discrimination
in the green-blue-violet end of the spectrum. Also , the lens ’ s ability to adjust and focus
de c1 ines as the mus c1es around it stiffen. CD This is @ that causes difficulty in seeing close
objects c1 early (called presbyopia) , necessitating either longer arms or corrective lenses.
@ To complicate matters further, the time our eyes need to change focus from near to far (or
vice versa) @ increase. @ This also poses a major problem in driving. @ Fortunately, some
universal changes , such as presbyopia, can be corrected eas i1y through glasses or contacts.
@ Because drivers are constantly changing their focus from the instrument panel to other
autos and signs on the highway, older drivers may miss important information because of
their slower refocusing time. 10

• presbyopia 노안

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.

@ @

2 노안이 노인 운전자에게 일으키는 문제점을 우리말로 쓰시오.

口 lens 수정체 口 discrimination 식별, 분별 口 stiffen 경직되다

口 necessitate 필요하게 만들다 口 corrective 교정의 口 vice versa 그 반대도 마찬가지이다
口 pose 제기하다 口 instrument panel 계기판

100 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 12 그림 상황 묘사하는 글 완성하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )일 Student 10 Name

Outside forces
갔j 한끓월꾀

STEP O ’I &I밀핍 위 그림에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다

1 What do you see in the picture?

2 What does the straight arrow from the golf ball at the bottom represent?
It represents

3 What do the words in the bubbles represent?

They represent the different

4 What do the two directional arrows around the ball on the top right represent?
They represent the spin movement of the ball due to

STEP 02 멀월핍 작성한 개요를 바탕으로 위 그림을 묘사등}는 글을 완성해 봅시다

The picture above shows how a golf ball moves when it is hi t. In the picture ,
there are . The straight arrow from the golf ball at
the bottom represents . The words in the bubbles
are the different . The two directional arrows
around the ball on the top right represent the spin movement of the ball due to

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAP면R04 . UNπ 12 무관한 문장 찾기 101


STEP 01 1 Wh at do you see in the picture?

1 see a golf c1 ub , two golf balls , and some arrows.

2 What does the straight arrow from the golf ball at the bottom represent?
It represents the original path of the ball (directed by the golf c1 ub) .

3 Wh at do the words in the bubbles represent?

They represent the different outside forces that work on the bal l.

4 What do the two directional arrows around the ball on the top right represent?
They represent the spin movement of the ball due to the lift and the resistance.

The picture above shows how a golf ball moves when it is hi t. In the
picture , there are a golf club , two golf balls , and some arrows. The straight
arrow from the golf ball at the bottom represents the original path of the ball
(directed by the golf club). The words in the bubbles are the different outside
forces that work on the bal l. The two directional arrows around the ball on
the top right represent the spin movement of the ball due to the lift and the

102 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

..5!.At ^tQI
I!. 0 t::I t::I


{4 톨·동를~,~메 l삐삐 (• I 허 :I...l예 11여:l 1~- {• l 의:겐빼 11여:1’에. {• l허:센예 11여:11κl

口 require 口 habit 口 grazing land 口 rule out

口 evolutionary 口 all the time 口 wildlife 口 certainty
口 perspective 口 survival 口 biotechnology 口 doubtf비
口 adaptive 口 reward 口 possibility 口 advantageous
口 at least 口 behavior 口 environment 口 purchase
口 competition 口 chemical 口 resist 口 convenience store
口 desirable 口 feel like 口 pesticide 口 lock
口 mate 口 look for 口 produce 口 bother to
口 intense 口 reliable 口 edible 口 install
口 aggression 口 pathway 口 improvement 口 emergency
口 potential 口 snack 口 when it comes to 口 force
口 tendency 口 whether - or ... 口 eliminate 口 in the wake of
口 yield 口 spend 口 genetic 口 evacuate
口 beneficial 口 solitude 口 existing 口 notice
口 outcome 口 argue 口 dual-use 口 vast
口 disrupt 口 make up 口 allow 口 majority
口 restrain 口 metabolize 口 defect 口 industrial
口 describe 口 end up -ing 口 replacement 口 establishment
口 capacity 口 overdo 口 slightly 口 obvious
口 regulate 口 to the point of 口 inferior 口 reason
口 aspect 口 unhappiness 口 superior 口 given that
드흩~.. ~tQI

, 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? g 없39-0049

On the other hand , living together in human society often requires restraining aggressive

From an evolutionary perspective , aggression can (A) Iview / be viewed I as adaptive

behavior, at least in some situations. ( CD ) For instance, competition for desirable mates is often
intense , and one way to “ win" in such contests is through aggression against potential rivals. 1 5

( @ ) So , especially for males , strong tendencies to aggress against others can yield
beneficial outcomes. ( @ ) Being aggressive to others in response to every provocation is
definitely not adaptive , and can greatly disrupt social life. ( @ ) For this reason , it is clear
that we possess effective internal mechanisms for restraining anger and obvious aggression.
( @ ) Such mechanisms are described by the term self-regulation (or self-control) , and 110
(B) 1 refer / refers I to our capacity to regulate many aspects of own behavior, including
aggresslOn. * restrain 제효r하다, 제약하다 ** provocation 도발 * ** disrupt 농f해하다

Vocabulary 1솥렐파렐월휠꾀t Structure

• 글의 흐름에 근거하여 논리적인 비약이 있는 부분을 찾는다.

1 주어진 문장의 의미 파악 공격적인 행동의 비적응적인 측면을 기술하고 있다.

2 접속사, 관사, 대명사 등의 단서 파악 On the other hand를 통해 앞에 나올 내용은 주어진 문장과 상반된 내용{즉 공격
적인 행동의 긍정적인 측면)이 제시될 것임을 예측할 수 있다.
3 논리적인 비약이 있는 부분에 문장 삽입 @ 앞의 내용은 공격적인 행동의 적응적인 측면을 설명하고 있지만, 뒤의 내용은 공
격적인 행동이 사회생활을 gf해할 수 있음을 언급하며 그것의 비적응적인 측면을
설명하고 있다. 따라서 내용 흐름상 논리적으로 모순되므로 주어진 문장은 @에 들
어가야 가장 자연스럽다.

口 require 필요로 하다 口 evolutionary 진화적인 口 perspective 측면, 관점

口 adaptive 적응적인 口 at least 최소한 口 competition 경쟁
口 desirable 매력적인. 호감이 가는 口 mate 배우자, 짝 口 intense 치열한, 격렬한
口 aggression 공격성 口 potential 가능성 있는. 잠재적인 口 tendency 경향
口 yield 낳다 口 beneficial 이득이 되는 口 outcome 결과
口 describe 묘사하다 口 capacity 용랑, 능력 口 regulate 통제하다
口 aspect 앙상
104 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해실 38쪽 f www. e야 I .CO.씨

From an evolutionary perspective , Living together in human society often

aggression can be viewed as •-• I requires 2 aggressive
1 behavior. behavior.

example self-regulation

Human beings possess effective intemal

competition for desirable mates mechanisms for restraining anger and
obvious 3

1 lmI (A). (8)의 각 너|모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


2 11휩I 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해 S팅}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) changing in order to deal with new situations •
(2) angry behavior or feelings that often result in fighting •

3 G홉훨 밑줄 친 this reasonO I 가리키는 것을 우리말로 쓰시오.

1 동명사구논 문장의 주어나 목적어의 역할율 힐 수 있으며 이때 주어는 일반적으로 단수로 휘급한다.
-1iving together in human societγ often requires restraining aggressive behavior.
」 주어 τ힐 c 목적어
인간 사회에서 함께 살아가는 것은 종종 공격적인 행동을 제약하는 것을 요구효따

2 명사혈인 that훨이 너무 긴 결우 형식상의 주어톨 사용힐 수 있으며 이때 that월은 의미상의 주어 역할흩 한다.
- it is clear that we possess effective internal mechanisms-
L 형식상주어 」 의미상주어
우리가 효율적인 내적 기제를 지니고 있다는 것은 분명하다

CHAPTER 04 • UN rT 13 문장 십셉 105
01 글으| 흐름으로 보O~ 주어진 문장01 들어가기어17땅 적절한 곳은? 딛없39-0050

But none of these habits can make you @ 맨ppy all the time because your brain doesn ’ t
work that way.

Many people have habits that are bad for survival. How does that happen if our brain
rewards behaviors that @are good for survival? When a happy-chemical spurt is over, you
feel like something is wrong . ( CD ) You look for a reliable way to feel good again , fas t. 1 5

( @ ) Anything that worked before @ was built a pathway in your brain. ( @ ) We all have
such happy habits: from snacking to exercising , whether it ’ s spending or saving , partying or
solitude, arguing or making up. ( @ ) Every happy-chemical spurt is quickly metabolized and
you have to do more to get more. ( @ ) You can end up overdoing a happy habit to the point
of unhappiness. 1 10

* spurt 분출 * * metabolize 대사 작용을 하다

1 밑줄 친 @"-@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 밑줄 친 these habits가 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

口 reliable 믿을 만한 口 solitude 고독
口 make up 화해하다. 화젤분장]하다. 구성하다 口 end up -ing 결국 ~하게 되다

口 to the point of rv할 정도로

106 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설잃쪽 -

02 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장01 들어가기어17땅 적절한 곳은? Q8439-0051

More milk per cow leads to less pressure on grazing lands and more room for wildlife.

Biotechnology opens up the possibility of creating the plant , animal , and human
environments in which we would like to live. ( CD ) Plants can be bui1t that resist diseases
without pesticides , use less water, and produce more edible food. ( @ ) Similar improvements
are occurring in animals. ( @ ) When it comes to improving humans , the process will start by I5
eliminating genetic diseases and move on to building bεtter (smarter, taller, more beautiful)
men and women. ( @ ) The biotech processes for curing existing diseases are dual-use
technologies. ( @ ) The same techniques that allow genetic defects (very inferior genes) to be
eliminated allow the replacement of slightly inferior genes with superior ones.

1 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

a fault in someone or something •

2 생명공학으로 인해 식물에 생길 수 있는 변화의 예를 우리말로 쓰시오.

口 grazing land 목초지 口 wildlife 야생생물 口 resist 저흥「하다

口 pesticide 살충제 口 edible 먹을 수 있는 口 when it comes to ^'에 관한 한
口 eliminate 제거하다 口 biotech(= biotechnology) 생명공학 口 existing 기존의
口 dual-use 이중 용도의 口 genetic 유전의 口 defect 결함
口 replacement 대체 口 slightly 약간 口 inferior 열등한
口 superior 우월한
C벼PTER 04 • UNrr 13 문장삽입 107
정답과해설 39쪽

03 글으| 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장01 들어가기에 7땀 적절한 곳은? g 없39-0052

But even if the possibility of closing could be ruled out with certainty, it is doubtful that a
store would find it advantageous to purchase doors without locks.

Many convenience stores are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Since they never
lock their doors , why do they bother to install doors with locks on them? ( CD ) It is always
possible , of course , that an emergency could force such a store to c1 0se at least briefly. 1 5

( @ ) In the wake of Hurricane Katrina , for example , residents of New Orleans were
forced to evacuate with little notice. ( @ ) The vast majority of industrial doors are sold to
establishments that are not open twenty-four hours a day. ( @ ) These establishments have
obvious reasons for wanting locks on their doors. ( @ ) So , given that most industrial doors
are sold with locks , it is probably cheaper make all doors the same way. 110

*evacuate 대피하다, 철수하다

1 밑줄 친 make를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 24시간 편의점의 출입문에 자물쇠가 달려 있는 이유를 우리말로 쓰시오.

口 rule out 배제하다 口 advantageous 유리한

口 in the wake of ~의 여파로 口 establishment 시설
口 given that ~을 감안하면. 고려하면
108 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 13 그림을 바탕으로 이야기 연결하여 말하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 c!1띠야챙aI (j) rv@을 연결하여 하나의 이야기가 되도록 각 장면에 해당랜 내용을 작성해 봅시다
(탄, 모두 현재형 문장으로 쓸 것)

@ @ @

(‘ Mina / walk to a library ‘ start making a lot of noise in

the library /

‘ ‘

mm) me

AU E U t
.. leave the library / ” leave a note on the table /

·hu q)
loudly laughing saylng





STEP 02 G빡훨펠 위에서 작성한 내용을 보며 자연스럽게 이야기해 봅시다.

접수 과제완성 (1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 04 • UNπ 1 3 문장짧 109


STEP 01 1 Mina walks to a library

2 She makes a strong resolution to study hard for her midterm exam.
3 Suddenly, some boys start making a lot of noise in the library, which makes her angry.

4 Then, they leave the library, loudly laughing. Mina is angη.

5 So , she decides to do something about the noisy boys.

6 She leaves a note on the boys' table , saying “ Please be quiet."

Mina walks to a library. She makes a strong resolution to study hard for
her midterm exam. SUddenly, some boys start making a lot of noise in the
library, which makes her angry. Then, they leave the library, loudly laughing.
Mina is angry. So, she decides to do sornething about the noisy boys. She
leaves a note on the boys' table, saying “ Please be quie t."

110 올림포스 독해의기본 1

글의 순서 배열


{4 톨뀔매~Hn-u.-. {• I:l:l폐 l빼l애. (• I 되 :'~l빼 11여톨…· {• l 허:센빼 11여::11κ·

口 research 口 conduct 口 have ~ up one’s sleeves 口 finish

口 phrase 口 verbal 口 protecting trick 口 meal

口 persuade 口 memory 口 certain 口 lay

口 back up 口 one by one 口 di 야y 口 check
口 firm 口 participant 口 immunity 口 earsplitting
口 evidence 口 lie down 口 chicken pox 口 duet
口 sort 口 decide 口 recognize 口 snatch
口 empty 口 partic비 ar 口 evil 口 bill

口 content 口 machine 口 attack 口 merely

口 carry out 口 scan 口 mischief 口 fill in
口 method 口 rest 口 blow 口 hand back
口 precisely 口 a series of 口 whistle 口 impressed
口 result 口 present 口 paw 口 pleased
口 confirm 口 press 口 fight back 口 embarrassing
口 field 口 finding(s) 口 pet 口 battle
口 extremely 口 average 口 snarl 口 disturb
디 vague 口 reveal 口 chunk 口 nearby
口 claim 口 neural circuit 口 rear end 口 seat
口 specific 口 involved in 口 past
口 detail 口 typical 口 prepare

, 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? g 없39-0053

‘ Research has shown that ... ’ is a phrase often used to @ Ipersuade / persuading I
the listener that the speaker can back up what he or she is saying with firm empirical

(A) These are the sorts of questions @ I which / where I anyone who uses this phrase should be
able to answer. If they can’t , then there is no reason to be persuaded by the phrase , which 1 5

is then @I full / empty 1of content.

(B) Who carried out this research? What methods did they use? What precisely did they find?
Have their results been confirmed by other workers in the field?
(C) However, it is extremely @I vague / obvious 1to claim that ‘research has shown' anything
unless you can back up the c1aim with specific detai1 s about the research. 1 10

*empirical 실증적인, 경럼에 의거한

CD (A) - (c) - (B) @ (B) - (A) - (c) @ (B) - (C) - (A)

@ (C) - (A) - (B) @ (c) - (B) - (A)

f 배대b미a깨 )ÎI렐파렐뭘훌IIr Stru야U대

• 내용을 통해 글과 글의 연결고리를 파악해야 한다.

1 (A)"-'(C)의 앞부분 읽기 (A) (C) 각각의 앞부분을 읽고, 주어진 문ε뻐1 01어질 수 있는지 판별한다. (A)는 ‘ 01 것들은 ~하는 종

류의 질문이다’라고 시작하는데, 주어진 문E뻐|는 질문이 나오지 않으므로 이어질 수 없다. (8)에는 실
문들이 언달아 나오므로 (A) 앞에 위치할 가능성이 크다. (C)는 구체적인 세부사항으로 뒷받침할 수 없
다면 ‘연구가 보여 주었다’고 주E면f는 것은 모호하다고 하였는데, 01는 확실한 실증적 증거를 통해 뒷
받침할 수 있다는 내용이 들어 있는 주어진 글의 내용과 상반되어 However로 잘 언결된다. 따라서
주어진 글 다음에 오는 글로는 (C)가 가장 유력하다.

2 나머지 연결고리 확인하기 위에서 언급한 바와 같이 (A)와 (8) 중에서는 (8)가 먼저 외야 하는데, (C)의 specific details의 예가
(8)의 질문들이 되므로 (C)에서 (8)로 이어지는 것이 가능하다.


때 여 -앙
口 口 口


口 phrase 문구. 어구 口 persuade 설득하다, 납득시키다 z;


口 firm 확실한, 견고한 口 carry out 수행하다 r



口 precisely 정확히 口 confirm 확인하다, 확증하다 ‘’

口 claim 주장하다; 주장

112 올림포스 독해의기본 1
정답과 해설 41 쪽 I

backed up with • researchers


Aclaim that
/ • findings
• other research

‘ research has shown ... ’

N 3
of content
• vague
no reason to be

1 I!D@, @의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


2 ι휠.@,@의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


3 G홉3 글의 요약문을 완성할 때, 빈ξ뻐| 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 잦이 f 쓰시오. (단, 필요한 경우 형태를 바꿀 수 있음)
We should not be by the phrase ‘research has shown that . . . ’ if it is not
about the research

1 선행사톨 포힘하는 관계사 what

~ the speaker can back up [what he or she is sayingl ~
」 관계절 (what = the thing that)
화자는 [자신이 말하고 있는 것}을 뒷받침할 수 있다.

2 관계철의선행사수식
~ anyone [who uses this phrasel ~
L 선행사 L 관계절
[이 문구를 시용하는] 어떤 사람이든

C뻐PTER04 . 뻐 14 글의순서배열 113

01 주어진 글 댐에 이어질 글으| 순서로 7땅 적절한 것은? 딛없39-0054

In 2002 , UC Santa Barbara neuroscientist Michael Miller conducted a study of verbal

memory. One by one , sixteen participants lay down in an fM RI brain scanner and were
@ 맨앤팬 a set of words.

(A) As each participant decided whether he had seen a particular word a few minutes ago , the
machine scanned his brain and created a digital “ map" of his brain ’ s activity.
(B) After a few minutes' rest , a second series of words was presented and they pressed a
button @ whenever they recognized a word from the first series.
(C) When Miller finished his experiment , he reported his findings the same way every
neuroscientist does: by averaging together all the individual brain maps from his subjects
to create a map of the Average Brain. Miller ’ s expectation was that this average map 110

would reveal the neural circuits @) involved in verbal memory in the typical human brain.
* neuroscientist 신경 과학자 **fMRI 기능적 자기공명영상

CD (A) - (C) - (B) @ (B) - (A) - (C)

@ (B) - (c) - (A) @ (c) - (A) - (B)
@ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 밑줄 친 @^-' @ 중, 어법상 툴린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 신경 과학자 Michael Miller가 실시한 언어적 기억에 대한 연구의 목적을 본문의 내용을 활용하여 쓰시오.
The aim of his study was to create


口 conduct 수행하다, 지휘하다 口 verbal 언어의, 말의 口 present 제시하다

口 recognlze 인식하다 口 finding(s) (실험 · 연구 등의) 결과, 결론 口 subject 피실럼자
口 expectation 예상, 기대 口 neural circuit 신경 회로

114 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 41 쪽 -

02 주어진 글 E띔에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? g 없39-0055

Our bodies have a protecting trick up their sleeves. Once certain viruses have done their
띠rty work in a body, they ’ 11 never @Ilet / be let 1back in again. It ’ s called “ immunity" and
it ’ s why we get chicken pox only once in a lifetime.

(A) Your body works the same way. It recognizes an evil virus the second time around , knows
it will cause trouble , and attacks it before CD it has a chance to do its mischief again. 1 5

(B) You blow a dog whistle that sends him cowering into his doghouse with his paws over his
ears. You fight back because you recognize danger when you see it.
(C) Let ’ s say that a big , ugly dog moves in next doo r. The first time you try to pet @ it, it
snarls and @ tries / trying to take a sma11 chunk out of your rear end. So the next time
1 1

you have to walk past that dog , you are prepared. 110
* cower 움츠러들다

CD (A) - (c) - (B) @ (B) - (A) - (c)

@ (B) - (c) - (A) @ (c) - (A) - (B)
@ (c) - (B) - (A)

1 @,@으| 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

@ @

2 밑줄 친 G), ~가 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

@ @

口 have rv up one's sleeves 유사시에 대비해 갖고 있다 口 protecting trick 방어 요령

口 immunity 먼역 口 chicken pox 수두 口 evil 사악한
口 mischief 해 口 whistle 호루라기 口 paw(동물의)발
口 pet 쓰다듬다, 어루만지다 口 snarl 으르렁거리다 口 chunk 덩어리
口 rear end 엉덩이
CHAPTER 04 • UN rT 14 글의 슴서 배열 115
정답과해설 42쪽

03 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩없39-0056

You and your friend have just finished your meal. The waiter lays the check on your
table. Boom! To an earsplitting duet of “ Let me get that ," you and your friend ’ s hands
snatch down on it like two pelicans plunging for the same fish.

(A) Say you want @ him to bring the bill with the credit card already stamped as you finish
your meal. When the meal is over, the server brings the check directly to you. 5

(B) You merely fill in the tip and hand @ it back. When your friend says “ Oh no ," simply say
“ No , it ’ s done. 1 really want to get this one." Your friend is impressed and pleased.

(C) Embarrassing battles follow. You disturb nearby diners. Here ’ s how to avoid this
happening. Arrive at the restaurant before your guest arrives , and give the person who
seats you your credit card. 10

• plunge 돌진하다, 뛰어들다

CD (A) - (c) - (B) @ (B) - (A) - (c)

@ (B) - (c) - (A) @ (c) - (A) - (B)
@ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 다음 영영사전 돗풀이에 해 E팅}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

to interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing •

2 밑줄친 @, @가가리키는것을쓰시오.
@ @

口 check 계산서, 전표 口 earsplitting 귀정이 떨어질 듯한 口 duet 이중창

口 snatch 낚아채다, 잡아채다 口 embarrassing 당혹스러운 口 disturb 방해하다

116 올림포스 독해의기본 1
수행평가 14 \、 연구 내용을 소개하는 글 작성하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )~ Student ID Name

STEP 01 빠탬. 주어진 표현을 이용하여 표를 완성해 봅시다.

faster about cognitive measured decline depression destructive

half mental function loneliness effects memory significant

The of Loneliness on Health

주제 여c>하c> 정신의

국가/기간 in the U. S. / from 1998 to 2010

대상 8,300 adults age 65 and older
Every two years , researchers participants across a range of factors ,

including levels of
과정/방법 인지적
우울증 외로움 기억력

and social network status


of the participants reported

。~ 절반 /C샤
3CC그t~ 외로움

결과 at the start of the study. Over the 12-year study, they experienced 20%
than other participants
더빠른 인지적 저하

Loneliness is to the mind .


STEP 02 l뱉쟁. 작성한 표를 바탕으로 연구 내용을 소개of는 글을 완성해 봅시다.

A study was conducted about in the U.S. from 1998

to 2010. Every two years , researchers 8 , 300 adults
age 65 and older across a range of factors , including
of the participants significant
loneliness at of the study. the
12-year study, they 20% faster
than . The finding from the study above suggests that

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

C버PTER04 . UNπ 14 글의 순서 배열 117


STEP 01 주제 The Effects of Loneliness on Mental Health

국가/기간 in the U.S. /from 1998 to 2010
대상 8,300 adults age 65 and older
Every two years , researchers measured participants across a range of
과정/방법 factors , including levels of depression , loneliness , memory , cognitive
function and social network status.
About half of the participants reported significant loneliness at the start of
결과 the study. Over the 12-year study , they experienced 20% faster cognitive
decline than other participants.
결론 Loneliness is destructive to the mind.

A study was conducted about the effects of loneliness on mental health
in the u.s.
from 1998 to 2010. Every two years , researchers measured
8 ,300 adults age 65 and older across a range of factors , inc1 uding levels of
depression , loneliness , memory, cognitive function and social network status.
About half of the participants reported significant loneliness at the start of
the study. Over the 12-year study, they experienced 20% faster cognitive
de c1 ine than other participants. The finding from the study above suggests
that loneliness is destructive to the mind.

118 올림포스 독해의기본 1



{• 흩출톨'!, ~r!,‘’'...,1-. . (• l 딩 :l‘1빼 u여톨’‘· {• l 히 :I!l예 l앤펜겐. {• I 딩:센빼 11삐삐l

口 nursery school 口 instinct 口 according to 口 economlc

口 offer 口 ladder 口 philosopher 口 dietary habit
口 immediately 口 stereotype 口 environment 口 voluntary
口 experimenter 口 high-strung 口 first of all 口 extent
口 delay 口 executive 口 notion 口 status symb이
口 gratification 口 relentless 口 problematic 口 more often than not
口 participate in 口 shareholder 口 relatively 口 ci rcumstance
口 detect 口 hardly 口 concern 口 objective
口 excel 口 drop dead 口 salmon 口 attempt
口 adolescence 口 heart attack 口 spawn 口 cash crop
口 colleague 口 set out 口 a variety of 口 raise
口 locate 口 corporate 口 smash 口 wage

口 participant 口 collectively 口 and so on 口 capital

口 initial 口 astounding 口 behave 口 divert
口 track 口 profound 口 optimal 口 result
口 progress 口 cause 口 existence 口 costly
口 be likely to 口 associate 口 partial 口 nutritionally
口 cope with 口 original 口 inferior
口 trivial 口 flexible 口 feed
口 superior 口 Improper

’ 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A) , (8)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? g 없39- 0057

In a study at Stanford University, four-year-olds at a nursery school were offered a

marshmallow. They were told they could either eat the marshmallow immediately or wai t. If
they waited to eat the marshmallow that sat before their eyes until the experimenter returned
(about 15 minutes) , they would receive two marshmallows. Walter Mischel , a psychologist
CD studied delaying gratification , had three daughters who attended the nursery school; they
and their classmates participated in the study. Over the years , he would ask his daughters
about their friends , and in doing so he d~tected a @ [ relationship / difference I between an
ability to delay gratification, in preschool and excelling in adolescence. Mischel and his
colleagues located the participants in the initial study to more formally track their progress
as they matured. They noticed @ what the children who ate the single marshmallow right 110

away were likely to have problems in the areas of behavior, friendship s , and attention.
@IIn conclusion / In contrast [, those who were able to delay gratification had higher SAT
scores and coped better with stress.

According to Mischel ’s study, children who could put off their desire showed _ _(A) achievements
in adolescence , whi 1e those who sought instant _ _(B) tended to have various troubles. 115

(A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B)

CD inferior improvement @ inferior recogmhon @ trivial satisfaction
@ superior recogmtlO n @ superior satisfaction

Vocabulary ~']i9 .t4 , t1 r:m Structure

l 요약문의 빈{..I-<게는 주로 글의 핵심 내용을 담은 단어나 어구가 들어간다.

1 핵심 소재 파악 만족감을 지연시킬 수 있는 능력이 향후 성취도에 미치는 영향

2 핵심 내용 파악 욕구를 미룰 수 있는 어린이들은 청소년기에 더 월등한 성취를 보여 준 반면, 즉각적인 만족을 추구한 어린
이들은 다앙한 영역에서 어려움을 겪는 경항이 있다.

口 delaying gratification 만족 지연 口 participate in rv에 참가하다 口 detect 발견하다, 탐지하다

口 adolescence 청소년기, 사훈기 口 locate 찾아내다 디 initial 초기의, 처음의
口 track 추적하다 口 mature 성숙하다 口 cope with rv에 대처하다

120 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

정답과 해실 44쪽


A Study on 1 Gratification
-빼 -

- - -A
R ‘
Children who ate the single marshmallow right away were likely to have various

2 in adolescence.
-빼 용

- - -
- - -
R ‘ B
Children who put off their desire to eat the marshmallow were likely to show

3 achievements in adolescence.
S g =

1 a훨I @. @의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


2 aa 밑줄 친 CD. Ø를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.


3 훌탑훨 글의 주제를 쓰시오.

1 reither A or B J : A 또는 B 률 중의 하나
They were told they could either eat the marshmallow immediately or wai t.
CA τ김
그들은 그 마시멜로를 즉시 먹어도 되고 또는 기다리고 있어도 된다는 말을 들었다.

2 rbe+likely +t。부정사'J: ^'할 가능성이 있다

The children who ate the single marshmallow right away were likely to have problems.
L. rv할 가능성이있었다
마시멜로 하나를 즉시 먹었던 어린이들은 문제가 있을 기능성이 있었다.

C뻐PlER04 ' UNπ 15 요약문 완성 121

01 c띔 글으| 내용을 한 문장으로 요약따자 한다 빈칸 (A). (뻐| 들어갈 말로 찜 적절한 것은? 딛없39-0058

Our instincts tell us thè higher we climb up the ladder, the more stress we feel and the weaker
our feeling of safety. Consider the stereotype of the high-strung executive facing relentless
pressure from shareholders , employees and the firm ’ s largest customers . We are hardly
surprised when one of them suddenly drops dead of a heart attack before fifty. Decades ago ,
scientists in Britain set out to study this link between an employee ’ s place on the corporate 1 5

ladder and stress. Known collectively as the Whitehall Studies , the studies ’ findings were both
astounding and profound. Researchers found that workers' stress was not caused by a higher
degree o f. responsibility and pressure usually associated with rank. It is not the demands of the
job that cause the most stress , but the lack of control workers feel they havε throughout their
day. The studies also found that the effort required by a job is not in itself stressful , but rather 110

the imbalance between the effort we give and the reward we fee l. * high-strung 극도로 긴ε한

According to the Whi tehall Studies , the stress does not come from people’ s (A) at work or
work demands , but from the situations which cannot be done exactly as they _ _(B)

(A) (B) (A) (B)

CD labor want @ labor evaluate
@ failure finance @ position finance
@ position . ... . . want

1 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해51-:하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

so surprising that it is almost impossible to believe •
2 주어진 문장이 들어가기어| 가장 적절한 곳을 찾고, 이어지는 문장의 처음 두 단어를 쓰시오.
| However , a study tells us a different story. I

口 instinct 본능 口 ladder 사회적 지위, 사다리 口 stereotype 정형화된 이미지, 고정관념

口 relentless 혹독한 가차 없는 口 shareholder 주주 口 drop dead 급사하다
口 heart attack 심장 마비 口 set out 시작하다 口 collectively 총징적으로
口 astounding 놀라운 口 imbalance 불균형 口 reward 보상

122 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

정답과해설 44쪽 -

02 c띔 글으| 내뚫 한 문장으로 요약하과 한q 빈칸 (A) , (8)에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? 되 8439-0059

According to philosopher Rad c1 iffe Richards , it is incoherent to think that something ’ s

real nature is revealed when it is in its correct environment. First of all , the whole notion of
a ‘ correct environment' is problematic. Isn ’ t the notion of what is correct relative to various
concems? The correct environment for a salmon when @ cook one is perhaps a heated oven.
The correct environment for its spawning is something else again. But more importantly,
@ to know something ’ s nature is to know how it is in a variety of environments. Iron ’ s nature ,
for example , is most fully understood if we know how it behaves when it is hot, cold , smashed,
left in water and so on. Knowing how iron behaves when left in conditions optimal to its
continued , unchanged existence only @ gives a partial view of its nature .
• incoherent (논리적으로) 일관되지 않은

The notion of ‘ correct environmen t' is (A_)_ in understanding something ’ s nature , but its 110

behavior in (B) conditions best reveals its nature.

(A) (B) (A) (B)

CD exact optimal @ exact original
@ flexible vanous @ improper vanous
@ improper original

1 밑줄 친 @ "-' @ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

The examples that are used to show the Ii mitedness of ‘ the
are and

口 philosopher 철학자 口 reveal 드러내다 口 notion 관념

口 problematic 문제가 되는 口 salmon 연어 口 spawn 산란하다
口 a variety of 다앙한 口 smash 두드리다 口 existence 존재
口 partial 부분적인

C벼맨R04 . UNπ 15 요약문완성 123
정답과해설 46쪽

03 c띔 글으| 내뚫 한 문장으로 요약따자 한다 빈칸 (셰, (8)에 들어갈 말로 찜 적절한 것은? 딛없39-0060

Programs of economic development often lead to changes in people’s dietary habits. In some
cases these dietary changes are voluntary to the extent @ that some new foods , associated
with powerful outsiders , are status symbols. But more often than not , diets change because of
circumstances associated with the objectives of economic development that are beyond the
control of the local people. For example, in an attempt to grow more cash crops (which help
to raise wages and @bring in foreign exchange capital) , non-Western people often divert time
and energy from growing their normal subsistence crops. The result is that they spend much
of their hard-earned cash on foods that are both costly and @nutritiona1 inferior to feed their
* subsistence crop 자급용 농작물

People may change their dietary habits voluntarily, but they may also change them because 110

of the (A_) _ associated with economic development , which can pressure non-Western
people to grow cash crops and consume expensive and _ _(B) foods.

(A) (B) (A) (B)

CD conflicts tasteless @ conflicts undernourished
@ values healthy @ demands undernourished
@ demands healthy

1 밑줄 친 they가 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

2 밑줄 친 @ rv @ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓴 후 그 이유를 설명하시오.

(2) 이유:

' '-il_-
l .'
dietary habit 식습관
objective 목적

status symbol 지위의 상징
cash crop 훤금 작물

more often than not 대개
capital 자금
口 divert 다른 데로 툴리다 口 nutritionally 영양적으로
124 올림포스 독해의 기몬 1
수행평가 15 실험 보고서 및 실험 내용 소개 글 작성하기

평가일 :( )월 ( )~ Student ID Name


STEP 01 I톨"'I!l a낀='.1‘~. 주어진 표현을 이용하여 실험 보고서를 완성해 봅시다.

their immediate desire q ” J
can get one more marshmallow
can eat it immediately
ag self-control success patience

Experiment Report

To find the relationship between and
인내심 이후의성공

Subjec잉 I Nursery school children

Researchers give a marshmallow to the children , saying that ...
. they
Procedure 즉시먹을수있다

• if they wait for 15 minutes , they

마시멜로를 하나 더 얻을 수 있다

• The children who satisfied had troubles

• The children who delayed excelled in adolescence.

Implication in an early age can foretell in the future.

자기통제력 Ai 그1

STEP 02 훌훌훌메 작성한 실험 보고서를 바탕으로 실힘 내용을 소개핸 끓 완성해 봅시다.

The psychologist Walter Mischel , and his colleagues did an experiment

about the relationship between and
The researchers gave a marshmallow to nursery school children , saying
that or wait for about 15 minutes . If they waited ,
as a reward. After a follow-up survey, they found that
the children who satisfied were likely to have troubles in
adolescence. On the other hand , the children who delayed
excelled. This experiment suggests that can foretell

접수 과제완성 (1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

C버PTER04 . UNπ 15 요약문완성 125




STEP 01 Experiment Report

Aim To find the relationship between patience and later success
Subjects I Nl

Researchers give a mar잉s앙hma리메Ilow to the children , saying that …

Procedure 1. they can eat it immediately
• if they wait for 15 minutes , they can get one more marshmallow.
• The children who satisfied their immediate desire had troubles .
. The children who delayed gratification excelled in adolescence.
Implication Self-control in an early age can foretell success in the future .

The psychologist Walter Mischel , and his colleagues did an experiment
about the relationship between patience and later success. The researchers
gave a marshmallow to nursery school children, saying that they could eat it
immediately or wait for about 15 minutes. If they waited , they could get one
more marshmallow as a reward. After a follow-up survey, they found that the
children who satisfied their immediate desire werε likely to have troubles
. in adolescence. On the other hand , the children who delayed gratification
excelled. This experiment suggests that self-control in an early age can
foretell success in the future.

126 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

CHAPTER 05 어법 · 어휘

어법(밑줄/너l 모)


<• 톨놓를씌fι,1 .....'11-. . (~.딩 :1빼 u여=-베. [• I의 :1이예 11여멘i'~ [~.믿센예I여 :(1κ·

口 special effect 口 decade 口 journey 口 deserve

口 revenue 口 corporation 口 discover 口 commitment
口 merchandise 口 charity 口 authentic 口 perform
口 revenue stream 口 effort 口 rewarding 口 cultivate
口 huge 口 donate 口 adventure 口 ralse
口 impact 口 profit 口 radiate 口 compete
口 via 口 partic 비 ar 口 shine 口 championship
口 essential 口 item 口 suffer 口 pride
口 notion 口 nonprofit 口 manipulate 口 self-worth
口 multiple 口 advertise 口 deny 口 accept
口 loss 口 arrangement 口 bind 口 wisdom
口 burden 口 encourage 口 false 디 advice
口 postpone 口 benefit 口 shed 디 question
口 acknowledgment 口 variation 口 courage 口 avoid
口 commercial 口 theme 口 embrace 口 judge
口 inappropriate 口 offer to 口 term 口 scold
口 store up 口 nomínate 口 uniquely 口 míss out on
口 vulnerable 口 funding 口 for all 口 mind-expanding
口 urgency 口 drawback 口 mísstep
口 overtake 口 donor 口 long for

, 다음글의 밑줄친부분중,어법상틀림것은? 밀 8439-0061

When George Lucas succeeded in making Star Wars , CD although those who said the special
effects he wanted hadn ’ t ever been done and couldn ’ t be done , many other possibilities
opened up to him. Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) , the company he created to produce
those “ impossible" special effects , @ became a source of revenue to help fund his other
projects. He was able to produce merchandising tie-ins to his movies , thus bring in another
revenue stream @ to fund his moviemaking. But his confidence in @ doing the difficult has
also made a huge impact on othεr moviemakεrs and a whole new generation of moviegoers.
Popular culture writer Chris Salewicz says , “ At first @ directly through his own work and
then via the unparalleled influence of ILM , George Lucas has influenced for two decades the
essential broad notion of what is cinema." 10

* tie-in 파생 상품 * * unparalleled 견줄 데 없는

• 전치사/접속사, 주어와 동사의 관계. to부정사의 쓰잎, 전치사의 목적어와 부사의 쓰임 등에 대해 알아둘 필요가 있다.
1 어법 요소 파악 @ 전치사 뒤에는 명사어구가, 접속사 뒤에는 절이 옴
@ 문장에는 하나 이상의 동사가 반드시 필요함
@ 명사를 수식하는 to부정사의 형용사적 용법
@ 전치사의 목적어로 동명사구가 옴
@ 부시는 부사에귀 혹은 형용사를 수식합
2 정답고르기 although 뒤에는 절이 와야 하므로 although는 어법상 어색하다.

口 special effect 특수 효과 口 revenue 수익

revenue stream 특정한 제품이나 서비스를 통해 벌어들이는 금액


~ w

口 口 口



口 merchandising (유명 영화-인물 등과 관련된) 캐릭터 상품


fund 기금[자금]을 대다 口 huge 엄청나게 큰



m e
口 口


口 via ~을통해


128 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 47쪽 rwww ηb 잉;.co. krl

succeeded in making
Star Wars

He was able to produce merchandising

a source of 1 to
tie-ins to his movies; another revenue
help fund his other pr이 ects
stream to fund his moviemaking.

a ’n ?‘
on other moviemakers and a whole new generation of


1 E훨l 다음 빈a뻐| 공통으로 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

The is managed by an investment company.
The project is jointly ed by severallocal companies.

2 EÐ 밑줄 친 반띤g을 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오

3 G흩9 George Lucas가 Industrial Li ght and Magic(l LM)을 통해 얻은 혜택을 우리말로 쓰시오.

rthe+ 형용사'J = 후싱명사

But his confidence in doing the difficult has also made a huge impact on other moviemakers and a whole new
generation of moviegoers.
그러나 어려운 일을 하는 것에 대한 그의 자신감이 또한 다른 영화 제작자들과 완전히 새로운 세대의 영화 관람객들에게 엄정나게 큰 영흥떨 주었다
cf. rthe+형용사j= 복수보통명사
the rich = rich people
the poor = poor people

C때TER 05 . UNπ 16 어업(밑줄/ 네모) 129


~ (A) , (8) , (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩없39-0062

When life deals us multiple losses , we create unnecessary burdens for ourselves if we
continue @to postpone the tears and the acknowledgment of pain. Over time , we may find
(A) 단핸웰 more 뻐d more difficult to cry about anything. Or we may suddenly cry for
reasons totally unrelated to our pain , as when a television commercial sets us off. Or we may
even cry in inappropriate places , as when we burst into tears in a meeting at work. We may
be storing up such a flood of emotions (B) where / that we become afraid to feel , especially
1 1

when we are feeling more vulnerable with a new loss. We may begin to avoid topics @ that
might make us cry. Others may avoid us , frightened by the urgency of our tears when we do
express our sadness. Sorrow is not one ofthe more popular feelings @ because 0fwe must be
willing to allow it to overtake (C) 1oursel ves / us 1.

(A) (B) (c)

CD it where ourselves
@ it that us
@ it where us
CV them that ourselves
@ them where us

• 단순 어법 지식보다는 문맥상 올바른 어법을 판8'하는 능력이 필요하다.

1 글의주제파악 슬푼 감정을 표현하는 것의 필요성에 대한 글이다.

2 네모 어법 항목 확인 형식상의 목적어와 지시대명사의 구별, 목적격 관계대명사와 관계부사의 구별, 대명사와 재귀대명사의
구별에 관한 어법 항목이 제시되었다.
3 문맥과 문장 구조를 (A)는 뒤에 to cry about anything 이라는 내용상의 목적어가 있으므로 형식상의 목적어 itol 적절하
고려하여 어법 파악 다. (8)는 동사 feel 의 목적어가 필요하므로 목적격 관계대명사 thatol 적절하다. (C)는 슬픔이 우리에
게 불시에 닥치는 것이라는 의미가 되어야 하고 to부정사의 의미상의 주어가 we가 아닌 it이므로 us

口 burden 부담 口 set somebody off rv로 하여금 (웃음 울음 말문을) 터뜨리게 하다

口 store up rv을 묻어두다 口 vulnerable 취약한 口 urgency 절박. 급박

口 overtake (불쾌한 일이 사람에거1) 불시에 닥치다

130 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 47쪽내

、----/ 、---|/ 、
difficult to cry

ddenly cry for reasons unrelated to our p

the tears and


the acknowledgement
of pain

꺼2 topics that make us cry

others avoid us , frightened by the 3 of our tears

sorrow J~ot one of the more popular feelings

1 ιID 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당하는 단어들 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1 ) to put off to a later time •
(2) easily hurt or harmed physically or emotionally •

2 lmI 밑줄 친 @rv@ 중 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

3 G탑훨 슬픔이 인기 있는 감정이 아니라고 말한 이유를 영어로 쓰시오.

1 rmake+it(형식상의 목적어)+형용사+to 부정새내용상의 목적어 )J: '"하는 것올 …하게 E흩다

We may find it more and more difficult to cry about anything
L형식상의 목적어 L형용사 L 내용상의 목적어
우리는 어떤 것에 대해 우는 것이 점점 더 어려운 일이 된다는 것을 알 수 있다-

2 rallow+A(목쩍어)+to 부정 At(목적격보어 )J:A가 ~하는 것율 허락하다

We must be willing to allow it to overtake us.
L 목적어 」 목적격보어
우리는 그것이 우리에게 물시에 닥치는 것을 기꺼이 허락해야 한다

CHAPTER 05 • UNrT 16 어법(밑줄/네모) 131

01 c띔글으|밑줄친쁨중,어법상틀림것은? Q8439-0063

The past couple of decades CD have seen many corporations joining with charities in what is
called “ cause-related marke디ng" efforts , in which a corporation donates a certain percentage
of its profits from a particular item. The nonprofit group and the corporation adver디 se the
(A) Iarrangement / assessment I and encourage people who may be choosing among similar
products @ to choose the one that also benefits the charity. Variations on this theme include
corporations that offer to give a percentage of profits to a certain kind of organization or who
@ allows customers to nominate groups that should (B) I provide / receive I corporate funding.
Cause-related marketing has benefited many organizations by allowing shoppers to feel that
@ their spending can also serve a charitable purpose. The drawback is @ that these donors do
not become p따t of an organization ’ s donor base. 10

* cause-related marketing 공익연계 마케팅

1 (A),(B)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(A) (B)
2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 주어진 표현을 이용하여 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.

goods charities support helping sell beneficial financial

Cause-related marketing might be to all of those involved in the effort This

is because companies can more of their , nonprofit
orgamzatlOns can get , and consumers can feel that they are

口 decade10년 口 corporation 기업 , 법인 口 charity 자선 단체, 자선

口 donate 기부하다 口 arrangement 준비, 합의 口 encourage 격려하다, 권:gc하다
口 variation 변화, 변형 口 theme 주제, 테마 口 nominate 지영하다, 정하다
口 funding 자금, 재정 지원 口 drawback 단점, 결 점, 문제점 口 donor 기부자, 기증자

132 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 48쪽 -

02 (A) , (B) , (C)의 각 너|모 안에서 어법어| 맞는 표현으로 찜 적절한 것은? 08439-0064

The journey to discovering your authentic self promises to be the most rewarding adventure
of your life. When you know yourself, you are free. You have a power and presence that
radiates from deep within and shines out (A) I confident / confidently I into the world. You did
not come into this life to suffer, to (B) I manipulate / be manipulated I and denied. Whatever
binds you and keeps you from living your truth is false and can be shed. It takes courage to I5
embrace your authentic self and live life on your own terms. Yet to be uniquely you , to listen
within and love yourself for all of your weaknesses and missteps , is (C) I what / that I your
soullongs for.

(A) (B) (c)

CD confident manipulate that
@ confident be manipulated what
@ confidently manipulate that
@) confidently manipulate what
@ confidently be manipulated what

1 밑줄 친 Whatever를 두 단어로 바꾸어 쓰시오.

2 글의 핵심 소재를 쓰시오.

口 journey 여정 口 authentic 진정한 口 rewarding 보람 있는

口 radiate 뿜어져 나오다, 내뿜다 口 suffer 고통받다 口 manipulate 조종하다
口 deny 거부하다 口 shed 없애다. 버리다 口 embrace 수용하다, 포옹하다
口 on one's own terms 자기 방식대로 口 for all ~에도 불구하고 口 misstep 실수
口 long for ~을 열망하다, 갈망하다

CH빠R 05 ' UNπ 16 어업(밑줄/네모) 133
정답과해설 49쪽

03 c띔글의밑줄친부분중,어법상틀림것은? 딩 8439 - 0065

Some things in life are important, and CD they deserve your full commitment. It’ s important
to do your best when performing your job , cultivating your marriage , @ 땐밴g your children ,
and competing for the league bowling championship. Giving it your all is a necessary part
of success , @ which gives us pride and joy and a sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, at some
point early in life , we all heard someone say, “'Always do your bes t." And a lot of people
accepted the wisdom of @ this advice without ever @ question it. These are the people who
avoid @ 딴뾰 newac디Vl디es because they are afr없d that someone will judge their effort and
scold them if it ’ s not their “ bes t." So these people miss out on lots of fun , mind-expanding ,
enjoyable activities @ because 0fthe “ always do your best" mentality.

1 밑줄 친 @ raising 의 문맥상 의미를 정의할 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.

your children and helping them grow

2 밑줄 친 @ this advice가 가리키는 것을 우리말로 쓰시오.


口 deserve 받을 가치가 있다 口 commitment 전념 , 몰두 디 cultivate 기르다, 함앙하다. 계발하다

口 self-worth 자존, 자부 口 scold 꾸짖 다 口 mind-expanding 의식을 확대핸壘

134 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

수행평가 16 그림을 바탕으로 이야기 연결하여 말하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 Ij띠낄~.1당쿄P.I. G) rv@을 연결하여 하나의 이야기가 되도록 각 장면에 해 S팅}는 내용을 작성해 봅시다.

@ @

(‘ be eager to / a mov때or (‘ take an au뼈d이삐…삐

itti 너 d뼈 a빼

@ @ @

(‘ depressed / make mistakes (‘ text message / pass ) 녀 get a role / fi lming



STEP 02 G표圖 위에서 작성한 내용을 보며 자연스럽거| 이야기õH 봅시다

접수 과제완성 (1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 05 • UNrT 16 어법(밑줄/네모) 135


STEP 01 1 Tim is really eager to be a movie actor

2 Tim decides to take an audition for the movie Three Winners , which is being held at Mia Studios.
3 Tim does an audition for the movie in front of three judges.
4 Tim is depressed because he thinks he made some mistakes during the audition.
5 Fortunately , Tim gets a text message saying he passed the audition.
6 Eventually , Tim gets a role in the movie and takes part in the filming .

Tim is real1y eager to be a movie actor. He decides to take an audition for
the movie Three Winners , which is being held at Mia Studios. Tim does an
audition for the movie in front of three judges. He is depressed because he
thinks he made some mistakes during the audition. Fortunately, he gets a
text message saying he passed the audition. Eventual1 y, he gets a role in the
movie and takes part in the filming.

136 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

어후I( 밑줄/너l 보)


{• ..
흩동를!Hr!, '6."1‘· {• I딩:’‘1빼I!여톨’‘· {~.히 :ι!빼 11여::1 1에. {~.센!예 Il여톨,κI

口 warrior 口 wilderness 口 emotional 口 preserve

디 revere 口 protect 口 fuel 口 opposite
口 endurance 口 rapidly 口 reserves 口 vehicle
口 sharpness 口 globe 口 a parking lot 口 protest
口 shield 口 remove 口 accessory 口 resistance
口 penalty 口 inhabitant 口 headlight 口 revolution
口 breastplate 口 establish 口 probably 口 consclousness
口 deprive 口 refill 口 sap 口 oppressed
口 citizenship 口 scramble 口 massive 口 countryman
口 immerse 口 facilitate 口 drain 口 scrap
口 communicate with 口 domestic stock 口 suppose 口 cloth
口 specific 口 to some extent 口 attendant 口 courageous
口 keep '" in mind 口 thereby 口 overnight 口 government
口 irnpress 口 contradictory 口 charger 口 eventually
口 overly 口 ethic 口 back up 口 ban
口 flawless 口 isolate 口 recharge 口 regime
口 crucial 口 conservation 口 damage 口 mural
口 accessible 口 disturbance 口 likewise 口 depict
口 come up with 口 on the grounds that 口 recover 口 oppression
口 soph isticated 口 fragile 口 properly 口 military p이 ice

’ 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않을 것은? 딩 8439-0066

The Spartans , a warrior society in ancient Greece , were feared and CD revered for their
strength , courage and endurance. The power of the Spartan army did not come from the
@ 맨땐쁘원 of their spears , however; it came from the strength of their shields. Losing one ’ s
shield in battle @ 연편밴받 the single @ 얄땐쁘완 crime a Spartan could commi t. .'“Spartans
excuse without penalty the warrior who loses his helmet or breastplate in battle ," writes
Steven Pressfield in his account of the Battle of Thermopylae , “ but deprive the man who
@retains his shield of all his citizenship rights." And the reason was simple. “A warrior
carries a helmet and breastplate for his own protection , @ but his shield for the safety of the
@ whole line."
* breastplate 흉갑

「 Vocabulary 매렐파훨훨펀r Stru띠re

• 글의 전체적인 흐름을 파믿훈}다.

1 글의 소재 파악 스따르타 사람들은 창보다 방패를 더 소중히 여겼다. • 개인보다 전체를 소중히 여김

2 앞뒤 문맥 파악 but으로 시ξ팅}는 인용문에서 생략된 주어는 SpartansOI고, 동사가 deprive임에 유의한다.

3 정답 고르기 ‘방때를 버린 사람은 시민권을 박탈당한다’라는 의미가 되도록 정답을 고른다.

젠 안재

w m ’r
口 口 口


口 revere 숭배하다, 존경하다 口 endurance 끈기


s’n ”

口 spear 창 口 shield 방때

e uy

口 deprive ~ of ... ~에게서 ‘ · 을 박탈하다

138 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 51 쪽 I빼w.ebsi ∞.k꺼


1 punish


ku 0

r - -
- 강

.$ n ’m e
- ‘- - - his 팩현

for the 4 of the whole

for his own 2

1 ι훨l 밑줄 친 @ consider를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 ιa 밑줄 친 @ but 다음에 생략된 표현을 넣어 문장을 완성하시오.

~, but his shield for the safety
of the whole line

3 G홉3 글의 제목을 정할 때, 빈a뻐| 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

vs : Which 1s More Valuable in S p따ta ?

E바명사톨 대신하는 대명사 it(대명사의 수의 월치)

The power of the Spaπ:an armY did not come from the sharpness of their spears , however; it came from the
‘ itOI 대신하는단수영사 L 대영사 it
strength of their shields.
스따르타 군대의 힘은 그들의 창의 날카로움에서 나오는 것이 아니라 방때의 힘으로부터 나왔다

C벼P땐 05 . UNrr 17 어휘(밑줄/ 네모) 139


~ (A) , (8) , (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? g 없39- 0067

When you are irnrnersed in writing an essay for class , you can easily forget that you are trying
to communicate with a (A) I general / specific I person - your teacher, who will grade the essay.
However, you should always keep this in mind: What can you write it will most impress your
teacher? A teacher is probably not going to be overly (B) Iindifferent / impressed I by flawless
grarnmar and spelling; those qualities are expected. What will impress the teacher is the quality I5
and strength of your ideas. Ideas are the crucial component of a good essay. They must be
communicated in a manner that makes them (C) I accessible / vague I to the reader. Coming up
with sophisticated and intelligent ideas is your responsibility; no book can give them to you.

(A) (B) (c)

CD general indifferent accessible
@ general indifferent vague
@ specific impressed vague
@ specific impressed accessible
@ specific indifferent vague

f Vocabu빼 홉렐파뭘훨훌IIr Structure

• 논리적으로 연결되는 어휘를 찾아야 한다.

1 핵심 소재 파악 에세이를 쓰는 적절한 요령 • 누구를 위해 쓸 것인가?
2 (A) , (8) , (C)가 있는 문장 파악 (A) 글 쓰는 대상을 염두에 두어야 한다.
(8) 선생님에게 무엇이 갚은 인상을 줄 것인가?
(C) 아이디어를 어떻게 제시할 것인가?
3 정답고르기 (셰 에세이는 대중을 위한 것이 아니라 특정한 사람을 위한 것이다. • 특정한
(8) 선생님은 절자나 문법의 정확성에 별로 감명을 받지 않는다 감명받지

(C) 아이디어는 적절한 방식으로 전달되어야 한다. • 쉽게 다가갈 수 있는


口 immerse rv에 묵 빠지게 하다에 몰두하게 하다 口 communicate 의사소통하다

口 grade 평가하다, 등급을 매기다 口 keep rv in mind rv을 염두에 두다 口 impress 갚은 인상을 주다
口 overly 지나치게 口 flawless 완벽한 口 crucial 결정적인, 중대한
口 component 요소 口 come up with 생각해 내다 口 sophisticated 정교한
口 intelligent 지적인 口 responsibility 책임

140 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 51 쪽 r www.ebsi ∞ 씨


Writing an Essay for Class

Who are you communicating to?


H ‘ • not much by correct grammar and spelling

1|1 W O
• but by the quality and strength of your ideas


How to deliver the ideas?

- in a way that helps the 3
understand them easily

1 E표킹l 다음 영영사전 돗풀이에 해 S받는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

a duty or task that you 따e required or expected to do •

2 liB 밑줄 친 it을 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

3 a활플 글의 내용과 일치하도록 주어진 질문에 영어로 듭녕μ|오.

Q: What wiU impress your teacher most?

1 목적힐율 이끄는 접속사 that: ...라는 것율

When you are immersed in writing an essay for class , you can easily forget [that you are trying to
communicate with a specific personl~.
L. forget의 목적어인 명사절
수업을 위한 에세이 작성에 푹 빠져 있을 때, 여러분은 특정한 사람 ~와 의사소통하려 흔fCf는 것을 쉽게 잊어버랄 수 있다.

2 의문사톨 수석하는 관계옐 안에서 관계사가 주어/목적어/보어 역할율 하면 that올 쓴다.

What can you write [thatw씨 most impress your teacherl?
L. What을 수식하는 관계절
선생님에게 가장 깊은 인상을 줄 무엇을 쓸 수 있을까?

CHAPl띤R05 ' UNπ 17 어휘(밑줄/ 네모) 141

01 [띔 글으| 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않을 것은? 딛없39-0068

Yellowstone National Park was thefirst ‘ wilderness ’ protected area in the world , but the
model spread rapidly across the globe , even though many ‘ wilderness ’ areas were created
by CD removing local inhabitants. 1n Africa, game reserves were established with the aim of
@ 쁘댄핀g stocks of wildlife killed by Europeans in the ‘ scramble for Africa.’ Safeguarding
animal populations in protected area @ f;acilitated the control of access to wildlife and also I5
@ serving to separate wildlife and domestic stock, at least to some extent, thereby slowing the
rate of spread of animal diseases. Since human influence was contradictory to the wilderness
ethic, the management ideal was to isolate conservation areas, keeping disturbance to a
@ minimum , on the grounds that if left alone , nature ’ s balance would prevai l. These ideas
were supported by the belief @ of nature ’ s fragile balance would be @ maintained by human 110

* game reserve 수럽 보호구역 ** prevail 우세하다

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어 법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.
@ @

2 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이 에 해S팅}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) an incident in which people behave vi이ently in public •
(2) not getting together. or not getting joined to something else •

口 wilderness (사람이 살지 않는) 광야, 황무지 口 spread 떠지다

口 local 지역의, 토착의 口 inhabitant 거주 동물, 거주자 口 establish 설립하다
口 scramble 쟁탈전, 뒤섞기 口 facilitate 촉진시키다, 수월하게 하다 口 access 접근
口 domestic 가정의, 사육되어 길든, 국내의 口 rate 비율 口 contradictory 반대되는
口 management 관리 口 isolate 고립시키다 口 disturbance 방해, 소동
口 on the grounds that rv을 근거로 口 fragile 깨지기 쉬운
142 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 52쪽 -

02 (A) (8) (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 7땀 적절한 것은?

, , 믿 8439-0069

When our emotiona1 fue1 is (A) high / 10w , we can ’ t do an 1ndy pit stop and @ refue1
1 1

quick1y. Our emotiona1 reserves can be compared to a car battery. If we sit in a parking 10t
and run all our car ’ s accessories - radio , head1ights , and so 0n - we can probab1y sap that
battery in about ten minutes. After that (B) massive / limited drain , suppose we then take
1 1

the battery to a service station and say, “ I ’ d 1ike this battery @ 띤딴뿔연 in ten minutes." What
wou1d the attendant tell us? “ No , we ’ re going to put the battery on our overnight charger.
It’ sgoing to take seven or eight hours to bring it all the way back up." 1t has to be recharged
(C) fast / slow1y or e1se the battery will be damaged. Likewise, to recover properly from an
1 1

emotionally draining activity @ take time.

(A) (B) (c)

CD high masslve fast
@ high 1imited slow1y
@ low masslve fast
@ low masslve slowly
@ low limited fast

1 밑줄 친 @^-' @ 중, 어 법상 툴린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

A slow and consistent charge is the best way to bring our reserves back to full recovery
in much the same way as it is to a car

口 emotional 감정적인 口 fuel 연료


口 Indy 인디레이스(도드라지게 만든 트랙에서 히는 자동차 경주의 하나)

량 다

口 口 口

口 pit stop (자동차 경주 중의 재급유, 타이어 교체 등을 위한) 도중 정차



口 sap 악화시키다 口 drain 소모, 소모하다 ,


F d
口 charger 충전기 口 damage 손상시 키다 1

CH따Pπ:R 05 ' UNπ 17 어휘(밑줄/네모) 143
s 정답과해설 53쪽 l

03 c띔 글으| 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 앓릎 것은? g 없39-0070

Art is a force for preserving the status quo , but it is also often used in the CD opposite way
- as a vehicle of protest, resistance , and even revolution. A number of artists have attempted ,
through their own artistic media, to raise the consciousness of their oppressed countrymen
and to bring about @ changes in social and political structures. For example, Marjorie Agosin
documented the case of the Chilean arpilleristas , who told the story of political @ oppress lO n
on scraps of c1 oth. These courageous artists were considered such a @) support to the
established government that they were eventually banned in their own country. 1n Chile ,
during the Augusto Pinochet regime , local ar디 sts painted murals under the cover of night
depicting scenes of government oppression , only to have them @ removed by the military
police the next moming. 10

• status quo 현재의 상황 •• reglme 정권

1 다음 영영사전 돗풀이에 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) a strong complaint expressing disagreement • - - -
(2) to describe someone or something , using words or pictures •

2 밑줄 친 These courageous artists가 한 일을 우리말로 쓰시오.


口 口


口 protest 항의 口 resistance 저항

口 Chilean 질레 사람의 口 oppression 억압

口 ban 금지하다 口 mural 벽화
口 under the cover 01 night 야음을 틈타 口 depict 묘사하다, 그리다
口 military p이 ice 헌병대

144 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 17 그림을 바탕으로 이야기 연결하여 말하기

평가일 : ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 ”띠회~~흥덩김l CD^'@를 연결하여 하나요| 이야기가 되도록 각 장면에 해S면}는 내용을 작성해 봅시다.

@ @

.. Spartan warrior / fight against / batlle .. helmet and spear / be forgiven /

without punishment

@ @

너 Spartan warrior / run away from 너 punish / shield



STEP 02 맨趣펠 위에서 작성한 내뚫 바탕으로 아래 글을 완성꾀 이야기해 몹시다.

I ’ d like to tell you about the pictures.

From this story , we learn that the

was more important than the in Sp따ta.

접수 과제 완성( 1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 05 • UNπ 17 어휘(밑줄/네모) 145


STEP 01 1 A Spartan warrior is fighting bravely against an enemy in a battle

2 Although he has lost his helmet and spear, he is forgiven without punishment.
3 Another Spartan warrior is running away from the enemy.
4 He is punished severely because he has lost his shield.


I ’ d like to tell you about the pictures. A Spartan warrior is fighting bravely
against an enemy in a battle. Although he has lost his helmet and spear, he is
forgiven without punishment. Another Spartan waπior is running away from
the enemy. He is punished severely because he has lost his shield. From this
story, we learn that the shield was more important than the spear in Sparta.

146 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

/ CHAPTER 06 천처10빼

0 1:투


{• 톨동.!,~메l’섬 .... 1 지문 2문항 {4 톨풍를매 ~r-,-,‘삐삐 1 지문 3문항 (• li1꽤톨i면l빼!D (• m뀐I폐l랜폐

口 uncertainty 口 nail 口 partic비 arly 口 strike
口 innovation 口 post 口 diligent 口 negotiator
口 asset 口 tug 口 offer 口 be supposed to
口 defining 口 overalls 口 promotion 口 prominent
口 feature 口 rub 口 decline 口 agent
口 defect 口 sweat 口 refuse 口 representative
口 philosophy 口 a good deal of 口 career 口 studio
口 emphasize 口 stir 口 highly 口 dispute
口 intellectual 口 noticeably 口 primarily 口 completely
口 refute 口 slope 口 self-interest 口 restart
口 prove 口 awkward 口 as is often the case 口 agreement
口 leap 口 p이 nt 口 company 口 immediately
口 contradiction 口 reach 口 compelling 디 royalty
口 pile up 口 a handf비 of 口 position 口 compensation
口 precede 口 change 口 extended family 口 put aside
口 progress 口 whistle 口 probably 口 blame
口 alley 口 trousers 口 prime 口 sympathize
口 trail 口 reveal 口 factor 口 skeptical
口 hypothesis 口 brace 口 value
口 temporary 口 attach
장운(1 지문 2문항)

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

A more powerful example of the role of uncertainty in innovation comes from science. The
greatest asset of the scientific tradition , after all , is its continual self-scrutiny and skepticism.
Accepting uncertainty - at least at the level of scientific communities - (A) 단끌웰
the defining feature of science. It’ s not a defec t. Two giants of the philosophy of science ,
Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn , both emphasized this point in different ways. For Popper,
intellectual honesty means trying to refute , rather than prove , a theory about the world. For
Kuhn , science leaps forward when contradictions pile up and lead to giving up a dominant
theory. In each view , the acceptance of uncertainty precedes new ideas and discoveries.
Uncertainty, as climate scientist Tamsin Edwards put it recently, “ is the engine of science."
The editors of Mα ture once wrote that if science didn’t “ progress darkly, up and down 110
many blind alleys and false trails , from hypothesis to hypothesis , [then] science would soon
end." That’s why it is the responsibility of scientific journals (and scientific writers) to be
. The openness at the heart of the scientific spirit means never taking error
personally, seeing success as temporary, and (B) I welcome / welcoming I criticism.
* self-scrutiny 자기반성 * * skepticism 회의론

「 Vocab빼 홉렐파펠훨흩IIrstr때Jre
• 글 전체의 중심 내용에 해등팅}는 제목을 고르고 이에 근거하여 빈E뻐| 적절한 말을 추론한다.
1 글의 소재와 각 단락의 중심 내용을 파악

• 첫 번째 단락: Kuhn과 Popper의 예시를 통해 과학 발전의 핵심으로 ‘불확실성을 받아들이기’를 들고 있다.

• 두 번째 단락· ‘ Nature ’ 편집자들의 예를 통해, 과학의 진보와 발전을 위해서는 성공을 일시적인 것으로 받아들이고 비판을 받아
들이는 열린 태도를 갖추어야 한다고 밀h하고 있다.
2 글의 대의를가장잘표현한제목찾기
• 글의 대의를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은 Uncertainty as a Driving Force of Scientific ProgressOI 다. 이 글의 요지는 과학적
발전의 추진력이 불확실성을 받아들이는 데 있다는 것이다.
3 중심 내용과 빈칸 전후의 흐름을 고려하여 빈칸 완성

• 글의 중심 내용은 과학적 탐구에서 불확실성을 받아들이는 것이 중요람을 설명하는 것이다.

• 빈칸의 앞 문장에서는 과학적 탐구에서 불확실성의 중요성을 언급하고 있으며, 뒤의 문장에서는 과학적 탐구에서의 개방성을 언

• 이때 빈칸에서는 과학 간행물 혹은 과학 저술가의 역할에 대해 서술하고 있는데, 글의 중심 내용과 빈칸 전후의 흐름을 고려했을
때 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ‘의심하는{distrus야ul)’ 01 라는 것을 추론할 수 있다.

148 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

정답과 해설 55쪽 rwww.ebsi .co. k꺼

윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? g 잃39-0071

CD Scientific Discovery: Most Important Duty for Scientists

@ Why Scientific Journal Writers Print Interviews?
@ Curiosity: Scientific Engine to Developing Theory
@ Uncertainty as a Driving Force of Scientific Progress
@ Studying Science Through Recent Scientific Journals!

윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 딛없39-0072

CD absolute @ emotional
@ reliable ‘

1 EEI (A), (8)의 각 너|모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(A) (B)

2 E뿔l 다음 영영사전 돗물이에 해당히는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) an idea that attempts to explain something but has not yet been tested or proved to be correct

(2) to happen or exist before another person or thing •

3 G활훨 밑줄 친 this point가 가리키는 것을 10자 내외의 우리말로 쓰시오.

1 두 개의 혈이 연결된 룬장 안에서 하나의 젊이 다른 월의 하위 요소 역할을 할 때 이 하위설올 훌속휠이라고 한다. 륙히 부사철은 주설

에 대해 시간, 이유, 조건 등의 부가 정보훌 더효κ1.
For Kuhn , science leaps forward when contradictions [pile up] and [Iead to giving up a dominant theory].
μ 주절 」 종속절(부사절: 시간)
Kuhn에게, 과학은 모순이 쌓이고 지배적인 이론을 포기하기에 이를 때 비악적으로 발전흔tq.

2 동명사구는 동사의 보어 역할을 할 수 있으며 동영사구 앞에 부정어구훌 붙임으로써 동명사구톨 부정할 수 있다.
The openness at the heart of the scientific spirit means [never taking error personally~l
L 주어 --c-롱사 L 보어
과학 정신의 중심에 있는 개방성의 의미는 오류를 결코 개인적으로 E애}들이지 않고 ~.

C벼PTER06 . UNπ 18 장문 149

장문(1 지문 3문항)

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

(A) A farrner had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign (회 advertising / advertised I
the pups and began nailing it to a post on thε εdge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail
into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy. “ Mister,"
(a) he said , “ 1 want to buy one of your puppies." “ Well ," said the farmer, as he rubbed the
sweat off the back of his neck, “ these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good
deal of money."
(B) As the puppies made their way to the fence , the little boy noticed something else stirring
inside the doghouse. Slowly @ Iother / another Ilittle ball appeared; this one noticeably
smaller. Down the slope it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began
hobbling toward the others , doing its best to catch up. “ 1 want that one ," (b) he said , 110
pointing to the puppy. * hobble 절름거리다, 절뚝이다
(C) The boy dropped his head for a momen t. Then reaching deep into (c) his pocket, he
pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. “ I ’ ve got thirty-nine cents. 1s
that enough to take a look?" “ Sure ," said the farmer. And with that (d) he let out a whistle ,
“ Here , Dolly!" he called. Out from the doghouse and down the slope ran Dolly followed 115
by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His
eyes danced with deligh t.
(D) The farmer knelt down at the boy ’ s side and said , “ Son , you don ’ t want that puppy. He
will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would." With that the
little boy stepped back from the fence , reached down , and began rolling up one leg of 120
his trousers. 1n doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of (e) his leg
attaching itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said , “ You
see , sir. 1 don ’ t run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands."

{ Vocabulary 1홉훨필필훌훌Ir Stru야U연

l 글의 흐름을 파악하려면 세부내용에 대한 정확한 이해가 필요하다.

1 글의 순서 배열 각 단락의 마지막 부분과 이어질 단락의 첫 부분을 보먼, (A)에서 (c)로는 돈에 관련된 내용이, (C)에서 (8)
로는 강아지들이 달려오는 내용이, (8)에서 (0)로는 절름거리는 강아지에 관한 내용이 연결된다.
2 지칭 대상 파악 (d)는 앞에 the farmer가 언급되어 농부를 가리킨다.
3 불일치 내용 찾기 소년이 39센트를 내밀며 “ Is that enough to take a look?"이라고 묻자, 농부가 “Sure ,"라고 답했으므
로 농부가 소년에게 강아지를 보여 주기를 거절했다는 진술은 윗글의 내용으로 적절하지 않다.

150 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

정답과 해실 55쪽 r www.ebsi.∞.씨

주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? g 없39-0073

CD (B) - (D) - (c) @ (c) - (B) - (D) @ (C) - (D) - (B)

CÐ (D) - (B) - (c) @ (D) - (c) - (B)

밑줄 친 (a)"-(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 드밭 것은? 딛 8439-0074

CD (a) @ (b) @ (c) CÐ (d) @ (e)

윗글의 내용으로 적절하지 않을 것은? 믿 8439-0075

@ 농부는 강아지를 광고하는 표지판을 그렸다.

@ 눈에 띄게 더 작은 강아지가 비탈 아래로 미끄러졌다.
@ 농부는 소년에게 강아지를 보여 주기를 거절했다.
CÐ Dolly가 뛰어올 때 네 마리의 강아지가 뒤따라왔다.
@ 소년이 자신의 바지 한 쪽을 걷어 올렸다.

1 EEI @.@의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오

@ @

2 G활펠 소년이 절름발이 강아지를 사려는 이유로 농부에게 한 말을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

도치 구문 「장소 · 방향흩 나타내는 전치사구+동사+주어」 • 주어 강조

[Out from the doghouse and down the slopel ran Dolly [followed by four little balls of furl
」 전치AI구 τ힐fC주어 」 분AI구
개집에서 나와 비탈 아래로 Dolly가 달려왔고 그 뒤로 네 마리의 작은 털 뭉치들〈깅아지들)0 1 따리왔다.

CHAPTER 06 • UNπ 18 장문 151

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

While managing a project in Mexico City, you notice that one of your employees is
particularly intelligent, successful, and diligent. @Thinking he would make a great addition
to the home office in Chicago , you offer him a job. Although your employee would receive
a promotion, a large salary increase, and a company car if he moves to Chicago , he declines
your offe r. You simply cannot understand why he refuses the offer when it would be so 1 5

beneficial to his career.

Many highly successful people in Mexico (and p따ts of Central and South America) do not
make career decisions based primarily on their own self-interest, as is often the case north of
the Rio Grande. In Mexico , people tend to first consider the needs of their family or company
before considering their own self-interes t. @ Recelvmg a promotion and higher salary would 1 10

not be the most compelling reasons to take a new position. Rather, your employee would think
primarily about the interests of extended family members , many of @what probably would
not want him to move. Then the employee would consider the interests of the local company,
which probably needs him to continue working in Mexico City. is not
always the prime factor in a job decision. 15

152 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

정답과해설 56쪽 -

윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 1;1 8439-0076

CD Farnily: The Driving Force of Growth

@ Effects of Cu1ture on Career Decisions
@ Communicating Across Cultures at Work
@ How Can We Keep Our Traditional Values?
@ What Do You Need to Succeed in Business?

윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 되없39-0077

CD How long one would be hired

@ What is best for the individual
@ Providing fair employment standards
@ Whether one can contribute to society
@ Taking into account the needs of children

1 밑줄 친 @"-'@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 밑줄 친 the offer가 가리키는 것을 우리말로 쓰시오.

CHAPTER 06 - UNrT 18 장문 153

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.


The Writers Guild in Hollywood in early 2008 had been on strike for three months. John
Bowman , the Guild ’ s chief negotiator, was supposed to speak with Stuart Diamond on a
phone call set up by a prominent Hollywood agen t. “ Listen to what Stuart says ," the agent ,
Ari Emanuel , said to (a) him. “ Take notes." It was a Tuesday afternoon. Bowman had a
breakfast scheduled for Thursday morning with representatives of the major Hollywood
studios , to talk about the dispute.


During another phone call , a few days later, Bowman said he followed (b) his advice
completely. At this point, what did he have to lose? The resul t: At the breakfast meeting , the
parties agreed to restart negotiations after months of failure. It took only a few days to get an
agreemen t. Almost immediately, the strike ended. 10


He had a number of substantive issues and wanted to know the order in which to bring them
up - royalties , basic compensation , etc. Stuart told (c) him to put aside those issues , at least
for now. That was not the problem. The problem was that everyone was mad at everyone else
and everyone was losing money. “ Make small talk," Stuart said. “ Ask them , ‘Are you happy? ’
They will not be happy, and they will admit it." 1 15

* substantive 실질적인


“ They may start blaming (d) you and the Writers Guild. That ’ s okay," Stuart added.
“ Sympathize with them ," he continued. “ Ask them , ‘If we had to start over again , what
process would you like to see?" ’ At first , Bowman was skeptical. Stuart told him a negotiation
is about the people and gave (e) him some examples. People like to give things to others who
listen to them , who value them , who consult with them. m

154 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

정답과해설 57쪽 -

주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? 1;;1 8439-0078

CD (B) - (D) - (c) @ (C) - (B) - (D) @ (c) - (D) - (B)

CV (D) - (B) - (c) @ (D) - (C) - (B)

밑줄 친 (a}rv(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 드델 것은? g 없39-0079

CD (a) @ (b) @ (c) CV (d) @ (e)

윗글으I Bowman 어| 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않릎 것은? 1;;1 8439-0080

@ 에이전트로부터 Stuart의 말을 귀담아 들으라는 충고를 받았다.

@ 목요일 아침에 대표자들과 조찬모임이 예정되어 있었다.
@ 많은 심각한 문제를 안고 있었다.
CV Stuart의 조 언에 대해 처음부터 호의적이었다.
@ 재협상을 시작해서 파업 을 끝냈다.

1 밑줄 친 those issues가 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

1 think you are a little about everything. Look on the bright side!

C벼PTER06 . UNπ 18 장문 155

(• 톨동를~m‘~’‘· 1 지문 2문항


口 口 口 口
口 uncertainty 불확실성 口 innovation 혁신 ‘


저「 처E 서。


口 at least 최소한 口 community 공동체


口 feature 특성 口 defect 결점


口 emphasize 강조하다 口 intellectual 지적인
口 refute 반박하다. 논박하다 口 prove 증명하다
口 leap forward 비약적으로[빠르거 11 발전하다 口 contradiction 모순
口 pile up 쌓이다 口 precede rv보다 앞서 일어나다 口 alley 골목
口 trail 오슬길 口 hypothesis 가설 口 temporary 일시적인

(4 톨홉를‘!’,,,,'.'j‘”‘=- 1 지문 3문항

口 口 口 口 口

M |1
口 overalls 작업복 口 rub 닦아내다. 문지르다
댐 지人




口 stir 꿀를거리다. 움직이다 口 noticeably 눈에 띄게. 현저히

)따 뼈

e 口 reach (손 · 팔을) 뻗다

口 a handf비 of 한 줌의. 소수의

진 대


口 trousers 바지 口 reveal 드러내다, 보이다

口 attach 붙이다

{• l 허:’‘!빼 11빼:::IIU51에 챈靈

口 promotion 승진 口 이익을 가져오는



口 口

口 as is often the case 흔히 있는 일이지만


口 compelling 강력한 口 position 직책

(".김:ι1빼 II여:::11κt!1IJ.'

口 strike 파업 口 negotiator 협상가 口 prominent 유명한

口 representative 대표자 口 studio 제작사 口 dispute 논쟁, 반론
口 restart 재개하다 口 agreement 합의 口 immediately 바로, 즉시
口 royalty 저작권료 口 compensation 보수. 보상 口 put aside 제쳐 두다
디 blame 비난하다 口 value 소중히 여기다

156 올림포스 독해의 기몬 1
수행평가 18 그림을 바탕으로 이야기 연결하여 말하기

평가일 :( )월 ( )일 Student 10 Name

하EP 01 luω~~~흩딩잉. (j)'V@을 연결하여 하나의 이야기가 되도록 각 장면에 해능면|는 내용을 작성해 봅시다.

@ @

(‘ 떠ke a walk I a park J 너

[ ‘ r에하아ie 해
s hoe밍|願 /샤ru때
un awa매;j[ ‘~ go arOl
@ @

[ .. hang I at severa~ spots ) 너 get a calll find ]~ [‘ thanks to I be 언united 삐





STEP 02 C!I핍훌웰 위에서 작성한 내용을 보며 자연스럽게 이야기해 봅시다.

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAP면R06 . UNπ 18 장문 157


STEP 01 1 A boy took a walk with his dog in a park.

2 While he was retying his shoelaces , his dog ran away.
3 The boy went around the park to find his dog , but he couldn ’ t find him.

4 He hung posters about his missing dog at sever떠 spots in the park.
5 Later, he got a cal1 from someone who said she found his dog

6 Thanks to her help , he was reunited with his dog

A boy took a walk with his dog in a park. While he was retying his
shoelaces , his dog ran away. The boy went around the park to find his dog ,
but he couldn ’ t find him. He hung posters about his missing dog at several
spots in the park. Later, he got a call from someone who said she found his
dog. Thanks to her help, he was reunited with his dog.

158 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

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