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Number one help Me Write Gmail will soon have an AI copywriting tool called Help Me Write, which

helps you write emails. It's a Prom based text generator like Chat GPT that helps you write things
better. The CEO, Sundar Pichai, demoed it by asking the tool to respond to an email for a cancelled
flight, asking for a full refund. With Help Me Write being integrated directly into Gmail, it makes the
workflow much easier for anyone looking to generate quick and human sounding responses. I mean,
why would I use chat GPD if I could do everything in Google?

Number two magic Eraser and Magic Editor. Sundar then introduced Magic Eraser, which, like the
name suggests, is pure magic. It's a simple photo editing tool that you can use to remove entire
objects from photos, be it unwanted objects or most importantly, photo bombers. Coupled with
another AI tool called Magic Editor, google is tainted in the way people edit images. You'll now be
able to edit images like never before by repositioning entire objects, improving lighting, and even
generating previously nonexistent parts of the image to make them look the best as possible.
Number three bar plus search. Next comes AI assisted search. Pretty much a no brainer at this point.
Up until now, if you had a query, you had to search it on Google using keywords and sift through
multiple articles and read them one by one to make an informed decision by yourself. Say goodbye to
all that with AI Assisted Search, where the search bar gives you a section like this about all articles in
a conversational and human tone. In a lot of ways, this means the death of a lot of blog based
websites that previously used SEO to get traffic into them.

I mean, why would you even read multiple blogs if you're getting an accurate and satisfactory answer
right on top? Our prediction is that this will kill the SEO industry of Google overnight. SEO will soon
be a skill of the past that has no real use case in the world. We are going to number four Bard Plus
tools just like Search, Google will be integrating its text-based AI assistant called Bard into most of its
tools. Take Google Docs for example. You will see a prompt bar like this, and at the event they
demoed this tool being used for generating a job listing with descriptions like skills, responsibility, et
cetera. You'd now be able to generate near perfect text templates in seconds. The same goes for
other workspace tools offered by Google such as Google Sheets, Google Slides, and et cetera. And
Bard can now code, debug and modify 20 plus programming languages. Google removed the waitlist
on Bard and it is now live for public use. You go try it out yourself. Number five Bard plus Adobe
firefly. With Bart, google is not only competing with Open AI Chat CPT, but also Dali and mid journey.
Say hello to Bart plus Adobe Firefly, Google’s very own Bard powered image generation tool.

It works very similar to these existing tools. You type in a prompt and the generator spits out a
completely new Ai generated image. Number six Universal Translator google is testing Universal
Translator, a tool that enables video creators on a whole new level and connects the world in a
deeper way. It can interpret your voice, form a video, and read up it into multiple languages. It even
synchronizes your lip movement to the new language.

Just watch this to ask for help and then following through and using helpful resources is actually a
hallmark of becoming a productive adult. Mutus Universitarios. No complain den quesaver crazy,

Number seven Gemini Foundation Model now here's the juice for all you developers watching this.
Google announced Gemini its new foundational model with 1.3 trillion parameters that are currently
in training. This directly competes with the GPD Four model, which has around the same number of
parameters. So, we are in for some live action between Google and Open AI in the coming months.
Number eight, Palm Two LLM. In addition to the foundational model, google unveiled Palm Two,
which is its own language learning model. Trained on 100 plus languages, it can code and reason at
an expert level and has already scored better than expert medical students.

The difference is LLMs are trained basically on text-based data, and foundational models are trained
on more than text. Number nine Vertex AI here's the most exciting part for developers. Vertex AI is
Google's own AI platform for developers, where they can use Google's powerful foundational models
to make generative AI tools. They claim it to be 80% faster and 50% cheaper than any other
alternatives out there, and it is also plugged into the Internet. You can also plug it into multiple other
tools available out there to automate and AI power your business.

It even has a model called Gecko that is optimized to function on mobile devices. This is now
available on preview. Number Ten Google Labs and for all you wanting to become beta test users for
Google's experimental AI tools, you have Google labs where you can get early access to all of
Google's new AI innovations. You should probably go sign up right now. It has a bunch of interesting
experiments you can get to try out there's, even one where you can generate your own music using
just text. Now, what does this all mean for you, sitting in India and watching this video? Well, for
starters, it has become quite clear that everything around us is soon going to be AI enabled in some
way. 92% of internet users use Google as their primary search engine.

And when a monopoly shareholder is going all in on AI, there's no other proof that is needed. Large
and medium sized teams of content writers and copywriters will be replaced by a handful of AI
enabled writers. Photo editing and image generation will be much faster and more intuitive, so you
can expect a significant downsizing in roles like graphic designers, Illustrators, and even UIUX

Most of the large teams will be replaced by few AI enabled editors and designers. Debugging and
testing teams will see downsizing, as these tools can now code and debug in more languages than a
human can. SEO will soon be dead as Bar powered search takes over most of the search queries and
the demand for becoming the number one search result will dip over time. With openly available
models like Gemini and Palm Two, and prompt paced coding via Bart, what can be done in months
can be achieved in days. AI is a real disruptor, and if you're in any of these fields, you have to upskill
yourself and become AI enabled in some way.

Otherwise, you'll just get left behind. But here's the good thing if you're hearing this now, you're still
one of the early people to become aware of how deeply AI will affect the job market. So you still
have some time to upskill and stay updated with this changing space. And to do that, subscribe to

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