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Climate change

•climate change has arisen as a result of global warming

•these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are distinct
•changes in weather patterns and growing seasons all around the world are referred to as a climate
•it also refers to the rise in sea level caused by warmer oceans expanding and melting ice sheets and
•climate change is a result of global warming, and it poses a severe threat to human life on the planet
in the form of widespread flooding and catastrophic weather.
•typhoon haiyan, also known as super typhoon yolanda on the philippines, was one of the most
intense tropical storms ever recorded an was caused in part by climate change.
•climate change is characterized by irregular changes in the world's weather system, as evidenced by
the following indicators: rising sea levels, habitat destruction, ocean acidification, extreme weather.
•these occurences in various parts of the globe have an impact on all people on the planet


-ways to adapt the situation of global warming

•practice of natural resources

-Air, water, soil, minerals, plants, and animals are all
 natural resources on the planet. Conservation is taking care of these resources so that all living beings
can benefit from them now and in the future. 

•reduce pollution and waste

1. For on the go refreshments, use a reusable bottle or cup
2.reusable supermarkets bags are useful
3.make prudent purchases and recycle what you can should be composted 

•reuse water
-collecting part of the water of the water you use in the shower is the simplest way to start reusing
water at home. The water can be used to flush the toilet or irrigate your garden.

•recycle products
-newspapers, magazines, mixed paper, cardboard, tin cans, aluminum cans, glass jars, and plastic
containers are examples of products that can contain recycled material.

•conserve energy
-the efforts to reduce energy consumption by utilizing less of an energy service is known as energy
conservation. This can be accomplished by either using energy more efficiently (using less energy for a
consistent service) or lowering the amount of service provided (for example, by driving less).
Characteristics of Social Change
1. Social change happens all the time. Everything in our social world are subject to change, although
some societies change faster than others. As Macionis points out, hunting and gathering societies
change quite slowly, whereas members of today’s high-income societies experience significant change
within a single lifetime. Some elements of culture also change faster than others. Macionis thus cites
William Ogburn’s theory of cultural lag, which states that material culture (things) usually changes
faster than nonmaterial culture (ideas and attitudes). For instance, advances in genetic technology
have developed more rapidly than ethical standards on the use of the technology.
2. Social change is sometimes intentional but is often unplanned. Today’s highincome societies
generate many kinds of change. Yet, it would be impossible to envision all the consequences of the
changes that are set in motion. For example, telephones (invented in 1876) have taken on different
forms and uses over time.
3. Social change is controversial. Social change brings both good and bad consequences, and thus
could be welcomed by some and opposed by others. Karl Marx and Max Weber have chronicled the
transformations brought about by the Industrial Revolution. The capitalists welcomed the Industrial
Revolution because new technology meant increased productivity and profits. However, workers
opposed it as they suffered alienation and the dehumanization brought about by newer techniques
and social relations of production.
4. Some changes matter more than others. Some changes such as fashion fads only have passing
significance, while others such as major medical discoveries and inventions may change the world.

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