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Module 3


 Community action/Life swap

A Fill in: scruffy, undercover, small talk, walking, frizzy, donate, break-up, recycle, puffy,

1 Shy people find it difficult to make ………………small talk………………….. when meeting

new people.
2 If I had more money than I needed, I would certainly ……donate…………………….. to
charities like the WWF.
3 The old man moved slowly and used a(n) ………walking………………………….. stick to
help him balance.
4 Journalists sometimes go ……undercover…………………………….. in order to get the best
5 On windy days Jenny gets ………frizzy………………………….. hair so she usually ties it
6 It’s important to ……recycle…………………………….. old materials such as plastic bottles,
newspapers and even mobile phones and computers.
7 This city desperately needs shelters to look after ……stray……………………………..
animals and help them when they are injured or sick.
8 He could tell she had been crying because she had ……puffy……………………………..
9 You aren’t going to wear those …………scruffy……………………….. clothes to the job
interview, are you?
10 A family ……………break-up…………………….. is a particularly difficult experience for

B Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective.

marginalised, eye-opening, prosthetic, shabby, convincing, chatty, embarrassed, invisible

1 No one was able to give a(n) ……convincing…………….……… answer to my question.

2 Instead of taking their order, the waiter walked past their table as if they were …
invisible…………… .
3 Those jeans are getting rather ……shabby…………….………; it’s time you replaced them.
4 The actor who played the elf wore pointy ……prosthetic…………….……… ears.
5 Disabled people often feel ……marginalised…………….……… by society.
6 Thomas felt ………embarrassed………….……… when he spilt his coffee all over the floor.
7 Visiting the nursing home was a(n) ……eye-opening…………….……… experience.
8 Mary is ………chatty………….……… and friendly to everyone she meets.

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Module 3
 World problems

C Match the words to the definitions.

1 d the state of having no home a ageing population

2 e the condition of not knowing how to read or write b war
3 b a period of fighting between countries c hunger
4 h an action which involves breaking the law d homelessness
5 a with more old people than before e illiteracy
6 g an increase in the number of people living in a country f racism
7 c lack of food g population growth
8 i the state of being poor h crime
9 f unfair treatment against people because of their race i poverty

D Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 Peter had a ………priveleged………………….. childhood during which he had everything he

needed. (PRIVILEGE)
2 Denise has great ……affection…………………….. for her pet cat, Whiskers. (AFFECT)
3 He lives in a ……wealthy…………….. area, with tree-lined streets and big houses.
4 The ……Destitution……………….. that was apparent in the city centre shocked them.
5 Michael has a ……reputation…………………….. for always being honest. (REPUTE)
6 Although the government has not made a statement, there are …
officialy……………………….. reports of fighting in the capital. (OFFICIAL)

E Fill in: worthwhile, appalling, volunteer, makeshift, broken, nerve-racking, host,


1 She joined a(n) ……volunteer……………………… group that teaches poor children how to
play musical instruments.
2 Although my job doesn’t pay well, the satisfaction it gives me makes it …
worthwhile…………………… .
3 Homeless people live in …………appaling ………………… conditions.
4 He has the ……reputation……………………… of being a good teacher.
5 Travelling alone in a foreign country can be ……nerve-racking……………………… if you
don’t speak the language.
6 The children in the slum attended classes in a(n) ………makeshift …………………… school.

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Module 3
7 Living with a(n) ………host…………………… family can help you learn about the country
you visit.
8 Mark works with children who come from ……broken……………………… homes.

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Module 3
 Festivals

F Fill in: music, raise, attracts, pitch, loyal, stands, live.

 Raising awareness

G Underline the correct word.

1 He is working with a charity to raise/grab public awareness about deforestation.

2 After walking for five days, the trekkers finally reached/arrived their destination.
3 One of the hikers fell/ collapsed with exhaustion and had to be carried to the town on
4 People who spend time in the Amazon are sure to face/deal terrifying hazards.
5 Her clarity work has been a true reason/inspiration to all of us.
6 Walking along the narrow cliff was the most face-eating/hair-raising moment of the
7 The archer must draw/pull his bow and aim carefully at the target.
8 The brightly coloured birds in the rainforest are sure to hold/grab your attention.

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Module 3
H Fill in: hostile, lead, keep, deadly, swarm, inject, wonder, costs, smuggler, worker.

1 She had a nightmare about being stung by a(n) ……………swarm………………………. of

2 Anyone bitten by a(n) ……………deadly………………………. pit viper must receive medical
attention quickly.
3 The jungle is a natural …………wonder…………………………. that we must protect.
4 The …………hostile…………………………. tribe was trying to protect the land from
5 The drug …………smuggler…………………………. was arrested at the airport while trying
to enter the country.
6 He was determined to reach the summit of the mountain at all ………
costs……………………… .
7 The biologist will ……………lead………………………. an expedition to a remote area of
rainforest to study the plants and animals.
8 A forest ……………worker………………………. maintains and protects woodland areas and
9 The kitten was sick so the vet had to ……………inject……………………. her with antibiotics.
10 Nowadays, many adventurers ……………keep ………………………. a video blog instead of
writing a diary.
 Space

I Replace the underlined words with words/phrases from the list.

wipe out, generate, extract, construct, overcome, release, endless, orbits

1 Scientists believe we will soon successfully deal with the problems of space travel. ……
2 The Moon travels around the Earth. ………orbits……………….
3 Solar panels are a sustainable way to produce electricity. ……generate………………….
4 Some people want to build a space station on the moon. …construct…………………….
5 It might be possible to change the atmosphere of Mars if we set free carbon dioxide. ………
6 Some scientists believe that a meteor or nuclear war will destroy life on Earth. ……wipe
7 The number of stars and planets in space is very large. ………endless……………….
8 The engineer discovered a way to take out water from rock. ……extract………………….

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Module 3
J Fill in: solar, resources, colony, carbon, rocky, exploration, nuclear, frontier, financial.

1 Some people are interested in studying the geology of the moon and others want to exploit
its rich ……resources……………………… .
2 Gas releases ………carbon…………………… dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the
3 In desert areas, ………solar…………………… panels can be a dependable source of
4 The space program is expensive; it requires considerable ………financial……………………
5 Earth could be made uninhabitable by a(n) ……nuclear……………………… war.
6 Only ……rocky……………………… planets like Earth are suitable for life; gas giants like
Jupiter are impossible to live in.
7 Creating a human ………colony…………………… on Mars is not yet a realistic possibility.
8 Some scientists say that the deep ocean is truly the final ………
exploration…………………… because it is less explored than space.
9 Would the money spent on space ……frontier……………………… be better used to protect
the environment on Earth?

 Environmental problems

K Match the words to form collocations.

1 c water a resources
2 e electronic b energy
3 b natural c pollution
4 a renewable d detergents
5 d biodegradable e waste

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Module 3
 Deforestation

L Fill in the correct word from the list.

greenhouse, release, threat, sustainable, rainforests, global, absorb, extinct, home,

developers, natural, cancer-fighting, diseases

 Forests cover a third of our planet’s land.

 Forests around the world are mainly under 1) ……threat……………….. from
commercial logging by urban 2) …developers………………….., as well as from the
clearing of land for grazing animals and farming.
 Tropical 3) ……rainforests……………….. are important for the environment because
they 4) ……absorb ……………….. carbon dioxide which, along with other 5) ……
greenhouse……………….. gases, is a major cause of 6) ……global………………..
 The plants and trees they contain are also an important 7) ………natural……………..
factor in the 8) ………release…………….. of oxygen into the atmosphere.
 Rainforests are 9) ………home…………….. to more than 5 million species of plants,
animals and insects.
 800 species have disappeared over the past 500 years and nearly 17,000 more are in
danger of becoming 10) ……extinct……………….. .
 Many of the plant species have unique chemicals that can be used to cure 11) ……
diseases……………….. .
 Most of our medicines that have 12) …cancer-fighting………………….. properties have
come from rainforest plants.
 At the moment, less than 1% of tropical trees and plants have been tested by
 The 13) ……sustainable……………….. use of the rainforests will be far more profitable
in the long term than cutting them down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.

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Module 3
 Phrasal verbs

M Choose the correct particle.

1 Many species of animals will die up/out in the next ten years.
2 Hang on/in! I’ll be back in a minute.
3 We should set out/in early in the morning because we have a long drive.
4 Anna must hand over/in her essay by the end of the week.
5 When they saw us cleaning up the park, several neighbours came and joined on/in.
6 I love to curl up/on in front of the fireplace with a good book.
7 Justin usually hangs on/out in the park on Sunday afternoons.
8 There are many different after-school clubs; if you are interested, choose one and join
9 That man on the corner is handing out/over flyers about global warming.
10 A logger is a person who cuts out/down trees for wood.
11 That’s my diary; it’s not for you to read! Hand it out/over right now!
12 Grandmother often dozes over/off in front of the television.
13 That caterpillar will turn out/into a butterfly one day.

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Module 3
 Prepositions

N Choose the correct item.

1 It’s time for you to get rid .............. those old trainers; they’re full of holes!
A of B from C in D for
2 I wouldn’t want to be .......... Alison’s shoes right now; she’s going to get all the blame.
A under B at C on D in
3 My comment that I could run faster than Usain Bolt was met .......... laughter.
A from B with C in D for
4 When there is a tsunami warning, people must head .......... high ground.
A off B on C for D by
5 It is important to be aware ............. any health risks before travelling.
A with B in C for D of
6 If you don’t do something now, you would miss out .......... a great opportunity.
A for B at C in D on
7 Edinburgh is famous .............. its Art Festival.
A of B from C for D by
8 Jess hated being compared ........... her sister.
A of B for C to D on
9 The library is full ............... books on every imaginable subject.
A by B of C from D with
10 If .......... doubt about what to buy, call me on my mobile.
A in B of C with D under
11 The organisation has certainly succeeded ............. raising public awareness about the
A on B by C of D in
12 The purpose of the article was to draw attention ........ the many threats to the Amazon
A off B to C on D at
13 When Mario was ill, the doctor injected him ............. antibiotics.
A of B for C by D with
14 She was determined to reach the summit of the mountain ......... all costs.
A on B in C at D of
15 If you don’t take part .......... the competition, there is no chance you will win.
A with B for C of D in
16 Two of our national parks are currently ................ threat due to lack of funds.
A under B with C at D of

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Module 3
 Verbs

O Fill in: abuse, criticise, accuse, shine, adopt, wander, leak, promote, respect, recover,
gather, conserve, afford, dispose, contribute, colonise in the correct form.

1 Mr Smith earns his living by …………shining…………… the shoes of commuters in the train
2 If you want a pet, why don’t you ……adopt………………… a stray dog or cat?
3 Factories sometimes ………abuse…………… the environment by disposing of their waste
4 She ………accused……………… him of lying.
5 We must encourage the planting of new trees to ………conserve ……………… our existing
6 A good way to ……dispose………………… of old electronic equipment is to donate it to a
7 They asked their wedding guests to ……contribute……………… to a charity instead of
bringing gifts.
8 We should ……respect……………… the environment and not pollute it.
9 A tap that ………leak……………… can waste a great deal of water.
10 Ian volunteered to give talks at schools to …………promote…………… recycling.
11 Animal rights activists ……criticise………………… popular celebrities for wearing fur coats.
12 The truck ………gathered ……………… speed as it travelled down the steep slope.
13 They spent the day ………wandering……………… around the city centre, window
14 The man became homeless because he could not ………afford……………… to pay his
15 There are still obstacles to overcome before we can ………colonise……………… space.
16 The marine biologist recommended a temporary ban on fishing to let the ocean …………
recover…………… .

 Word formation

P Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

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Module 3
1 They are raising money to build a shelter for ………homeless…………….. children. (HOME)
2 The ……Transformation……………….. of the jungle into farmland was shockingly rapid.
3 Sometimes disabled people feel ………invisible………….. and ignored by society. (VISIBLE)
4 The high ceilings made the hotel lobby feel grand and ………spacious…………….. . (SPACE)
5 You should not make ……judgement……………….. about people you do not know. (JUDGE)
6 The Vale of Avalon, the place where Glastonbury Festival takes place, is famous for its ……
spiritual……………….. traditions. (SPIRIT)
7 …Freely……….. of expression is very important to artists, writers and musicians. (FREE)
8 Jan made a poster to raise ……awareness……………….. about animal welfare. (AWARE)
9 Timothy felt a sense of …achievement……………….. when he completed the marathon.
10 Colonies on other planets are a feature of many ……futureward……………….. films.
11 According to Stephen Hawking, space …colonisation…………….. is the only way humans will
be able to survive in the long term. (COLONISE)
12 The pollution caused by heavy traffic is ......harmful................. to the environment. (HARM)

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Module 3

 Modals

A Choose the correct item.

1 A: Someone from the jeweller’s delivered this package for you.

B: It will/can be the earrings I’ve ordered for my mum.

2 A: The local beach is really dirty.

B: We need/should organise a clean-up day.

3 A: Why didn’t Joe come to the festival yesterday?

B: He must/had to stay home and babysit for his little sister.

4 A: Do you need any help with dinner?

B: Yes. Could/Might you lay the table, please?

5 A: Is your mum letting you go to the dance?

B: Yes, but she says I will/have to be home by 11:00.

6 A: I’m taking the empty bottles to the recycling centre.

B: You needn’t/didn’t need to do that. A council lorry picks them up every Monday.

7 A: What are you reading?

B: An article that says humans would/might set up colonies on the moon one day.

8 A: I’d like to become more active in helping the environment.

B: You can/may join Greenpeace.

9 A: I heard Joseph locked himself outside his house yesterday.

B: Yes, but he was able to/could get in through a window he’d left open.

10 A: John always donates part of his salary to a charity for the homeless.
B: Good for him. We needn’t/shouldn’t neglect the people who are in need.

11 A: Isn’t Alex coming on the hiking trip?

B: No, he’s broken his leg and he mustn’t/can’t walk.

12 A: Shall/May I ask you to do me a favour?

B: Of course. What do you need?

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Module 3
B Choose the correct item.

1 Mr Thomson ……… swim for two hours non-stop when he was young.
A was able B should C could

2 Deforestation ……… be controlled in order for the planet’s ecosystem to recover.

A may B would C must

3 We ……… use biodegradable products as they don’t harm the environment.

A should B ought C shall

4 Some experts believe that colonising space ……… solve the problem of overpopulation on
A might B must C need

5 You ……… throw litter on the street. You’ll get a fine.

A needn’t B mustn’t C couldn’t

6 ……… I close the window? It’s a bit chilly in here.

A Must B Will C May

7 They ……… pay admission to the museum because it was free that day.
A needn’t B mustn’t C didn’t need to

8 Hurry up! We ……… be at the station by 7:00 or we’ll miss our train.
A must B can C may

9 Allan says he ……… do his school project on water pollution, but he’s not sure yet.
A will B might C can

10 Samantha ……… watch the documentary on space exploration because her TV was broken.
A might not B wouldn’t C couldn’t

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Module 3
C Rewrite the sentences using the modals in the list.

mustn’t, might, may, can’t, must, shouldn’t , ought to, shall

1 The purpose of the charity is to educate children who aren’t able to read and write.
The purpose of the charity is to educate children who can’t read and write.

2 I advise you to spend more time with your grandparents.

You must spend more time with your grandparents.
3 We have a strong obligation to look after those less fortunate than us.
We ought to look after those less fortunate than us.

4 It is possible that Patrick will join Doctors Without Borders.

Patrick might join Doctors Without Borders.
5 It’s not a good idea for Jake to drop out of college.
Jake mustn’t drop out of college.
6 We aren’t allowed to park in the parking zone for the disabled.
We shouldn’t park in the parking zone for the disabled......................................................

7 It is OK if I invite my friends to dinner?

May I invite my friends to dinner?........................................................................................

8 Would you like me to book the festival tickets for you?

Shall I book the festival tickets for you?..............................................................................

 Conditionals

D Rewrite the sentences using the modals in the list.

1 If water boils, it turns/would turn to steam.

2 If the rain continued/had continued, the whole town would have flooded.
3 I would recycle these old newspapers if I were/would be you.
4 If they hadn’t taken the stray dog to the animal shelter, it will starve/would have starved.
5 If we will raise/raise enough money, we will buy toys for the Children’s Hospital.
6 A person collapses with exhaustion if he goes/went without food and water for days.
7 Our area will benefit if we plant/would plant more trees.
8 If we didn’t use our cars so much, there would have been/would be less air pollution.

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Module 3
E Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to form conditionals.

1 If his parents bought him a telescope, he …would look…………………. (look) at the stars
every night.
2 When large areas of forestland are cleared, thousand of species ……lose………………. (lose)
their habitats.
3 Sheila would travel along the Amazon if she ……had………………. (have) a lot of money.
4 If you …………had come…………. (come) to the festival, you would have had a great time.
5 If the new shopping centre opens, many unemployed people in our area ……will
find………………. (find) work.
6 We’ll have a better view of the performers if we ……sit………………. (sit) closer to the stage.
7 If we ……turn off………………. (turn off) the lights when we leave a room, we conserve
8 Lucy ……wouldn’t have thrown away………………. (not/throw away) her old computer if she’d
known she could recycle it.

F Rewrite the following as mixed conditional sentences.

1 Nora doesn’t know first aid. She couldn’t help the injured man.
If Nora had known first aid, she could have helped the injured man....................................

2 Ivan renewed his passport. He’s leaving for Chile next week.
If Ivan hadn’t renewed his password, he wouldn’t be leaving for Chile next week...............

3 Phoebe didn’t get enough sleep last night. She feels tired today.
If Phoebe had gotten enough sleep last night, she wouldn’t feel tired today.......................

4 Fiona has a credit card. She was able to buy the tickets online.
If Fiona hadn’t had a credit card, she wouldn’t be able to buy the tickets online.................

5 The rescuers found the missing climber within two hours. He’s home safe now.
If the rescuers hadn’t found the missing climber within two hours, he wouldn’t be safe now.

6 Paul works at weekends. He didn’t go on the trip with his friends.

If Paul had worked at weekends, he wouldn’t have gone on the trip with his friends..........

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Module 3
 Wishes

G Rewrite the following sentences using wishes.

1 Daisy lost the headphones for her MP3 player.

Daisy wishes that she hadn’t lost the headphones for her MP3 player................................
2 Please stop inviting people over without asking me first.
I wish you would stop inviting people without asking me first...............................................
3 My neighbour’s dog digs up my flowerbeds all the time.
I wish my neighbour’s dog would stop diging up my flowerbeds all the time........................
4 William doesn’t have enough time to volunteer at the local charity.
William wishes he had enough time to volunteer at the local charity...................................
5 Sophia didn’t keep the receipt for the camcorder she bought.
Sophia wishes she had kept the receipt for the camcorder she had brought......................
6 Kate works on Sundays.
Kate wishes she hadn’t work on Sundays............................................................................
7 Percy accused his best friend of lying.
Percy wishes he hadn’t accused his best friend of lying......................................................
8 Lela’s holidays are over next week.
Lela wishes her holidays didn’t over next week...................................................................

 Relative clauses

H Join the sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun/adverb . Add

commas where necessary.

1 Ed Stafford has walked the full length of the Amazon. (He is an English explorer and
Ed Stafford who is an English explorer and author, has walked the full length of the Amazon
2 This is the local animal shelter. (My brother volunteers here.)
This is the local animal shelter , which my brother volunteers.............................................

3 Oxfam is an established charity. (Its action helps millions of people around the world.)
Oxfam is an established charity, whose action helps millions of people around the world. .

4 We still don’t know the date. (They will hold the fundraiser.)
We still don’t know the date, when they will hold the fundraiser..........................................

5 Unemployment is a huge problem. (It is affecting more and more young people.)
Unemployment is a huge problem, which is affecting more and more young people..........

6 Yesterday’s earthquake caused major damage to the town. (It lasted for about a minute.)
Yesterday’s earthquake , which lasted for about a minute, caused major damage to the town.

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Module 3
I Fill in the appropriate relative adverb/pronoun .

Sport Relief is a fundraising event 1) ……which……………………… happens every two years and
2) …………its………………… aim is to bring the sporting and entertainment communities together in
order to raise money for countries 3) …………where………………… help is needed most. It is
organised by a charity named Comic Relief, 4) ………which…………………… also runs the very
popular Red Nose Day event. During the Sport Relief weekend dozens of sports and entertainment
celebrities join thousands of everyday people 5) ………who…………………… support the cause and
do their best to raise money for those in need. Activities include sponsored runs, tournaments and
sports and sports quizzes. BBC, a major TV channel in the UK, also hosts a night of entertainment
6) ……where……………………… top performers put on brilliant shows to encourage people to
donate to charity. In 2002, 7) ……when……………………… the first Sport Relief was held, £14.4
million was raised. By 2012, the event had become so popular that the amount came up to a record-
breaking £68 million. Perhaps one of the more noteworthy efforts so far has been that of the English
comedian Eddie Izzard, 8) …………who………………… managed to complete 43 marathons in 51
days and collect an astonishing £1.8 million for Sport Relief 2010.

J Fill in the correct relative pronoun or adverb. Put commas where necessary.
Write D for defining and ND for non-defining.

1 The man ……who…………ND…… is sitting over there is a volunteer at the homeless shelter.
2 I’d like to know the reason ………why………D…… you cancelled our appointment.
3 Adam ……who……… ND……… recently lost his job is trying hard to make ends meet.
4 Take those bottles to the recycling bin ……which…………D…… is at the end of the street.
5 Beth has volunteered to teach in Chad …where…………D…… the rate of illiteracy is quite low.
6 The science fiction author …………………… novels I like most is Isaac Asimov.
7 Angela’s house ……where…………D…… is down the street suffered great damage in the
8 The 3rd of November ……when…………D…… the annual charity run is held falls on a Saturday
this year.
9 The Amur Leopard ……whose………… ND…… natural habitat is being destroyed by logging is
a critically endangered species.
10 The donation ……which…………D…… he made to the charity was extremely generous.

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Module 3
 Key Word Transformations

K Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Use two to five words including the word given.

1 Stanley didn’t manage to get the job he had applied for.

Stanley wasn’t able to get ........................................................ the job he had applied for.
2 Our teacher says that taking care of the elderly is our duty.
Our teacher says that we are ought to take care........................................... of the elderly.
3 Ben and his friends are usually at the park on Sunday afternoon.
Ben hangs out with ..................................... his friends at the park on Sunday afternoons.
4 Jerry regrets not taking the stray cat home with him.
Jerry wishes he had taken...................................................... the stray cat home with him.
5 It’s a shame we don’t have a recycling centre in our town.
If only there were ................................................................ a recycling centre in our town.
6 It wasn’t necessary for Andrew to drive his sister to the airport.
Andrew hadn’t have to drive.................................................... his sister a lift to the airport.
7 Barney managed to get his friends to join the local environmental group.
Barney succeeded to.............................. his friends to join the local environmental group.
8 Chris is sorry he won’t be able to participate in the charity marathon.
Chris wishes he could take a.................................................. part in the charity marathon.
9 People learnt about the fundraiser only because we distributed lots of flyers.
If we didn’t give ...................................... out lots of flyers, people wouldn’t have learnt
about the fundraiser.
10 You can only go to the concert if your parents allow you.
You can’t go to the concert unless you take........................ permission from your parents.
11 The students were obliged to submit their projects by the end of the week.
The students had to submit.................................. in their projects by the end of the week.

12 You’d better use energy-efficient light bulbs.

If I were you................................................................., I’d use energy-efficient light bulbs.

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Module 3

Read the text. Seven sentences are missing. Match the sentences (A-H) to the
gaps (1-7). There is one extra sentence. Justify your answers.

When people see a homeless person on the street asking for money, some take pity on them
and offer a donation. Most, however, avoid their stare, put their heads down and carry on
walking. All it takes is for one person to stop, act and make a difference.

For Roberta Friend, that’s exactly what she did. Having worked at a homeless shelter in Illinois, Roberta
decided to open her own centre, Goldie’s Place. However, it’s no ordinary centre.
Roberta wasn’t satisfied with feeding people and offering them a place to stay. 1 From personal
experience, Roberta realised that the only way homeless people can achieve independence is by
displaying a desire to change. She believes that obtaining and maintaining employment is a crucial step in
that direction.
To many people’s surprise, many of America’s homeless have completed high school, with some even
having undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. 2 It’s under unfortunate circumstances, therefore,
that they have fallen by the wayside.
Goldie’s Place’s Employment Assistance Program, at the heart of its services, helps the homeless to
turn their lives around. 3 In particular, it focuses on finding skill-building jobs. So, people with little
qualifications are given stepping stones into long-term employment. The charity even offers a Clothes
Closet Program that has over 1,500 garments to choose from, specialising in confidence building clothes
for interviews.
What makes Goldie’s Place stand out even more from all the other support centres, however, is its
unique dental programme: the Smile Campaign. 4 It relies on private donations and for £160, you can
transform someone’s smile and earn the title “Smile Friend”. 5
There are little opportunities for public health care in the US, and Goldie’s Place proves why it is an
exception to the majority. 6 The programme fights for people’s rights to public dental care, even if it
takes up to a year to raise the funds for expensive patient procedures.
Since the clinic opened in 1997, a tremendous difference has been made to the lives of Chicago’s
homeless. 7 Goldie’s Place proves that you should never give up on people. After all, everyone needs
someone to believe in them.

4 A campaign promotes that “there’s a story behind every smile”, literally.

1B The centre believes that everyone should have access to healthcare, not suffer because they
can’t afford it.
7C She made it her mission to find Chicago’s homeless employment.
3D Without dedication from the homeless themselves, Goldie’s Place can do nothing for them.
2E In fact, less than 6% of the homeless are homeless by choice.
6F The general public have benefited from their practice, too.
5G If you are able to donate £6,000 and you support 40 smiles, then you have a very own dental
operatory named after you, the “Smile Guardian”.
H It aids homeless people in writing CVs, searching for jobs and building interview skills.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 19

Module 3

You’re going to listen to Sharon talking about a project. Listen and for questions
1-7 choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1 Sharon started the ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ scheme because she

A felt sorry for her father.
B saw how lonely some people were.
C wanted to give carers a break.

2 Sharon explained her idea to

A the local council and the elderly.
B local residents and carers.
C schools and families.

3 The senior citizens enjoy

A spending time with their families.
B going out on trips.
C having someone to talk to.

4 Volunteers are encouraged to

A choose their own volunteering hours.
B spend at least one day a week volunteering.
C not over visit their adopted grandparent.

5 Sharon gets satisfaction through seeing

A volunteers helping the elderly.
B volunteers building relationships with the elderly.
C volunteers listening to the elderly’s stories.

6 Sharon hopes to
A get school pupils involved in volunteering.
B get the scheme started in other communities.
C get more care homes involved.

7 At the moment, the scheme’s information can be found

A in local care homes.
B on the scheme’s leaflet.
C on a general website.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 20

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