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ee 3 S ar © | SRG SHIEH USN [TT TU [| I8CSs4 Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Jan./Feb. 2021 Automata Theory and Computability Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 4 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. — Modute. Z 1 a. Define the following with example: 4 i) String ii) Language iii) Alphabet __iv) Symbol (04 Marks) z b. Design a DFSM to accept each of the following language: £ i) L= {we {a, b}" ; w has all strings that ends with sub string abb } = ii) L = {w; where |w| mod 3 = 0 where = {a}} e iii) L= {we fa, b}" every a region in w is of even length.} (09 Marks) i. ©. Construct an equivalent DFA fiom the following given NFA using subset construction - method, (Refer Fig.Q. 1(c)) (07 Marks) Fig.Q.1(c) oR 2 a. Construct a minimum state automation equivalent to the FA given table States [0] 1] ?go_| a1 | as gui as | ae @ [a [a qs [a | as a: [a [as gs_{a2 | as | [dsj ds | qs] L_qr_ige | a] (10 Marks) b. Consider the following NFA with €-moves construct on equivalent DPA. (10 Marks) Important Note : |. On complet Fig.Q.2(b) 1 of 2 10 eese 18CS54 Module-2 Define Regular expression. Write RE for the following languages: i) L={a"b"|m+n is even} ii) L=fa"b"|m21 n21 nm2>3} iii) L={a*b’"|n20,m20) (19 Marks) Construct an € - NFA for the regular expression 0 +01" (05 Marks) Construct on FA for the regular expression 10 + (0+ 11)0°L (05 Marks) OR State and prove pumping lemma theorem for regular languages. (08 Marks) Prove that [= {a”|p is a prime} is not a regular. (08 Marks) List out closure properties of regular sets. (04 Marks) Module-3 Define CFG. Write a CFG to specify 4) all string over {a, b} that are even and odd palindromes. ii) L={a"b" over E={a,bjn 21} (10 Marks) Write the procedure for removal of €-productions. Simplify the following grammar. S—aAlaBB Asadale B > bB| bbC CoB (10 Marks) oR Define PDA. Design a PDA for the language that accepts the string with n(w) < nsw) where w | (a + b)’ and show the instantaneous description of the PDA on input abbab. (10 Marks) What is CNF and GNF? Convert the following grammar into GNF. S>AAla ASslb (10 Marks) Module. With a neat diagram, explain variant of turning machine. (10 Marks) Construct a Turning machine that accept the language 0°, 1" where n> 1 and draw transition graph for Turning Machine. (10 Marks) oR Define Turning Machine with its tuples. (04 Marks) Explain the working principle of Turning Machine with diagram. Design a Turing Machine to accept strings formed on {0, 1} and ending with 000. Write transition diagram and 1D for w= 101000. (16 Marks) Module-5 Explain restricted turing machines. (08 Marks) Explain the following with example: i) Decidability ii) Decidable languages _iii) Undecidable languages. (12 Marks) oR Write a short note on: Post correspondence problem Halting problems in Turning Machine Linear Bound Automation (LBA) Classes of P and NP (20 Marks) Regarding 18CS54 Scheme “Dr. K. C. Ravishankar” To: boe@vtu.2ciin March 12, 2021 4:50 PM Dear Sir, Regarding 18CS54 scheme the following clarifications have been given’ Question ‘1c. Any method can be accepted as per old or new syllabus, 2a. Any method for NFSM(NFA) to DFSM(DFA) conversion can be accepted. 6b. GNF definition and CNF definitions 2 Marks each. If the student has tried for GNF conversion 6 ‘Marks can be awarded, ‘Thanking you With Best Regards DrK C Ravishankar BOE CS/IS Board (On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 at 18:50, wrote: Forwarded message ———~ From: "Shivu Pati" To: Sent: March 12, 2021 Subject: Photo from Shivu PM Dr. K C Ravishankar 8.14 Tech Ph.D, FIETE MiE,LMISTE Principal Government Engineering College, Hassan-573201 Karnataka, India Phone : +91-8172-240444(0) Cell: +91-9448805123, Re: Sir, regarding Modifications of scheme and solutions "Ravishankar K C” Merch 4, 2021 6:38 AM To: Sir v ‘Schemes of 17CS71 and 18CS54 have been approved. This is for your kind reference and needful action Regards Dr K C Ravishankar Principal GEC Hassan ‘Sent from my iPhone ‘On 02-Mar-2021, at 3:05 PM, wrote: <18CS54,pdf> ea - ER (= Rogie (eakanond o Visvesvaraya Technological University ad Belagavi, Karnataka ~ 590 018. eJ'- jo, abc, 900 it BD denote by 5 ei GA LOd wu bina, alp haber £2 Cache) Uw ser oF letters user dined eobhy ugou Ae going Ww dbfine- tS OC Foy S40PS © WDA SHG 1 a Linit® Sequence of Symbols iD D language, iu dupined craser of a Erangs. 04 Symbols OV an ak phabue ey:- Ler s= Ty Boo 3°. $€,6, 1,60, 61 10,1) 995} th) Alprabek: it a fini be Set OF Symbols iv) Syma) iF an absrag of ey Letters 1 digits A. any Symbd! sthak you want to consider a4 & Part ye fanguoge 4 Corti mody ~% GCM, 5 bY? Yori med 2) 2%, Abd = GC24 ede _ | iene 2OLL8C35424298 =% 83 a) { {40%} 4453 {4s 344.4 {4)} Ne Capa 2 Vy ey} BURD= Lae We 3 a) 42 Woah =B BLOB isan ds. ag ay = - C180 = sa, dp agye & gl Bb)= Fyre Wu He VeV3 ovat gD OC) = (og 2% 6 Yr 44s = B OCG) = toons FEW % Yay m6 oCoe)= AMM Was % ary VwyyHE SLE & slen+e peu: Rewa rerann wo Pits aie SUE, hen fot every RE x _ 1 @a* Cony*+ a(aay” b Coo) BP) goaa b + a boo 4 a2 bbb™ iD @oy* (ob Trigun: tor Me CRE ba Po bE ~ lel i having OS tHees m veeognises phe Langer Ken tory Grnn wel Ste trad (01% ° A wo. %yZ whee GFE 2 Beles Peer Proby- M rain AEE > * a, ~~ x94 Vi Ahn At Gye ro e Lak wre prot pels taPle plat i jin Coteape | SRS 3S) choo ASUMAE wert «=oxYSr 47 O-~ saps av a? os equa yr ji 2 T= = py Ciat) V4) ° P2Ui-y™ P+ Pom) POM My db nod reagelicn colsed under Umbo, ” Con cabrranen, Ww cbl val undu Kleen star » ” Lomplmurtexitn, | bers c25On, cubs wrene”. hp mowerP hss ms inverse jure morph Quota with Grotar ory sad” ~ Subject Tite: ATC Subject Code:_1& 6SSY Pruedon i ek, atlas > 2b lab Remove psetus Symbols. s> anla f&—> arAlan 8(%o, 430) = (40,420) 6 Gp °)= Cibo) Yo nab 220 Ole. a8) = (apan) oy bal 026 Ola ba) = C% a), Go 4b! 206 64%, bea) = Gore) ab’ 420 8 (qo, 620) = Ge, we 6, ate B) | Tome neo diso nermat sea cetonl ieee DChomse4 promt Foro Cone) 2) Greibath Noma Pom Cape) CNP! 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