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CHAPTER 5 HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS 5.1 INTRODUCTION of 1/1000 of the journal radius. Figure 5.1 shows i clearance space between the journal and the beari At standstill [Fig. 5. 1(a)], the radial load W Squeezes out the oil from the journal and bearing face and metal-to-metal contact is established at A. The radial clearance ‘¢ = rz = ty/and the oil film, hickness at A is zero. ow d rac AOA ye BAN (Co) Fig.5.1 Jouanal Seawny ' When the journal to friction UP to poin the journal comes. Zero (at point B), I begins to t Biri Totate insi, 10 reat eS HOD] such that the fe of centres C,,C, of the De sil tthe angle of repose >. The minimum oil film thickne ds, more oil j «ay wall du de the bearing, it climbs up the bearing Tg atl With higher . Journal (Fig. 5.1(b)) whi recs B at ig wedge ch begins to « S drawn towards the converging articul! Xert pressure with increasing journal speeds. At ® 104 HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS, 105 | the pressure becomes enough to support the load W and the journal is thrown de of the vertical C [Fig. 5.1(¢)]. The closest approach between the journal her Si und at D where the oil film thickness, f is the minimum. A condition of eae tion will exist when / is greater than the quantity dependent on the nature of fect lubri crt f the contacting surfaces. The value of h, the angle ¢ of the line of centres wpe uregulariies ©" called the attitude” and the location of the maximum film pressure are with the verte tions in journal bearing lubrication. Like hydrodynamic plane sliders, the iota AT of ‘he bearing, of moré eruditely, the Lid (length to diameter) ratio, is a critical pial len _— ah the analysis of the hydrodynamic journals. fel sural speed to the other si 2 ONE-DIMENSIONAL JOURNAL BEARINGS 5. infinitely Long-Full (360°) Journal Bearings tats consider the circular geometry of the full journal bearing as shown in Fig. 5.2, where ¢= distance between Cz and C, = eccentricity. Fig. 5.2 vin St of the circular geometry, it will be more advantageous to use polar coordinates. Péct to the line of centres ED, let us choose a point p on the bearing. Since the radial “aranee ig ‘ , "ai ang hens. small, there is no practical difference between the journal and the bearing e tyr, er Oj il Film Thickness ofl film thi ickness at p can be expressed in terms of r and @ as follows: h=c+e-cos (5.1) 106 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY Defining ¢ = e/c =eccentricity ratio, whose physical limits are = 0 concentric j beating 2 (metal to metal contact), Eq. (5.1) can be reduced to Journal ang h=c(l+ecos6) Figure 5.3 shows the plot of / versus 9, A f" a c 0 mn = cc a ——»¢ Fig. 5.3 At point £,6 = 0 and he = Imax = €(1 + €) And at point D,@ = 2 and 4 hy = In = €(1~ €) a Next, we assume that as Z >>, the taking Sp/5z = 0, we come to E Eq. (3.16) is reduced to , Pressure gradient dp/éz << Spld5 and ae q. (3.16). Using polar coordinates, dx = r 40 an 9 _ ge phah* (53) ao = 5 In Eq. (5.3), we put h=c(l+ecos6) and ht = c(1 + €c08 6) It should be noted that 6 = 9*, the Pressure gradient dp/d@ = 0. Now, o> Sept oe) ems = Sure} (I+ © ¢086) ~ (1 + cos *) a 3 (1+ eos 6) HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS 107 e (l+ecos8) (1+ ecosay 6yure [ 1 (+ eat on ation (5.4) is very difficult to integrate. gu gem erfeld Substitution RHS of Eq. (5.4) can be evaluated with the following ingenious substitution due to sommerfeld: cosa =[e+cos@] and da =[l~«cosa]/V(1- 6?) do where a is 2 fictitious angle used by Sommerfeld. itis easily checked that as @ varies from 0 to 2, a also varies from 0 to2x, Equation (54) is now integrable to give 6pure B= # rey (a)] +k (5.5) where a (1+ 67/2)-2esina + e*sin2a/4 y(a) = ' (1 - ecos at) (= 6? ¥2(a) = (le) In Eq, (5.5), the two unknowns are: (1) constant & and (2) angle @ * (whose identity is linked with 6°), The unknowns are determinable from the following conditions: PO) = P= a [ui (0)- v2 +k] =% And p(2n)- p(0) = 2) - yi22) Hence, esina [2~- 6uretic?, there is a possibility of unrealistic and a limitation the long bearing theory. re Fig. 5.4 Load Carrying Capacity for Consider an element i rdO a , of i z ee circumferential length it F (Fig. 5.5). res 59) acting on this element is (5 We resolve the pressure force e line of centres eel essure force parallel and tpendi i H a ing ee eotPendicular to the fi ‘ 6) ajo Ng Tesolved parts of the load capacity Was fol HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS 109 Qn W, =W cos = | plrcos0 do 0 a Qn W, = Wsin g = | pir sin a a0 (5.10) é vinen we substitute for p from Eq. (5.7), we get W, = W cos g = 0 or g = 2/2 And f 12muuLe(rie)” W, =Wsing =W = ——— a * Q+eyli-e G6.) In Eq, (5.11) we note that W ranges from 0 to « as & ranges from 0 to 1. One has to reconcile to the fact that there is no load capacity parallel to the line of centres and that the displacement of the journal is always perpendicular to the load, that is the load line and the line of centres are at right angles. This result is highly unrealistic and is due to the inclusion Of the possible negative pressure in the range msOs2n Sommerfeld Number InEa. (5.11), let us make the following substitutions: The tect Average pressure = W/[2Lr]; u = 2nrN, where N = revisec number is defined as $= Nip pePes a y2nte (5.12) This dienes Anger Otless quant * iS popularly Aa is important. Another quantity, c = jun/p called the bearing characteristic ed in bearing design. 110 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY Viscous Friction The viscous shear stress can be expressed as follows from Eq. (3.24). 1 dp hu = (ay - ny y 2 rdeeY +5 bn At the journal, y = h and hence ! t, = Shear stress at journal = fd , ww 2rdO ih Gy The viscous shear force at the journal is given by 2x 2 Ej = f jlrdo = gut (2) evaCle2 Ee) 3 Jase Vie (15 Similarly, the viscous shear force at the bearing is given by: F, = pul (ric) 4a V(1 = £7) 2 + £7] (5.16) One easily observes that F, > F,. The difference of their torque value equals the moment exerted by W through eccentricity. Mathematically, LF, -F]=W, (5.11) Defining the friction coefficient as F/W, we have J; = coefficient of friction at the journal = [c/r] (1 + 2e?)/Ge) (5.18) fy = coefficient of friction at the bearing = [c/r](2+e2)(I—e7)/e) 19) Petroff’s Equation If we consider concentric journal and bearing, then ¢ = 0. From Eqs. (5.15) and (5,16) "* have C 0) F, = Fy = 2nuUT [r/c] (520) a! asute Equation (5.20) is known in literature as Petroff’s equation and provides a simple me for the journal bearing friction. Modified Sommerfeld Solution i feasts r choice The unrealistic situations in the foregoing solution can be averted by a more cleve 6. TH of the boundary conditions. For this purpose, the p -@ graph is shown in Fig. a . Teeave Pressure portion is shown shaded. The dotted pressure profile is sugses realistic substitute. Here, the following featui res are to be noted: 1. P=O0aO=0 2. dpld@=0 2 6 = 9, and ? HYDRODYNAM! ——_ ICJOuRN, i. AL BEAR INGS 20 atO=%, O>z, 4. 2B Ww Fig. 5.6 with conditions 1 and 2 described above, Eq. (5.3) can be integrated as follows by Sommerfeld gbsttution 2462) a -4esi F 6yur poesinae +e°)a-4esina + €& sinacosa ay eja+ey 2[1 + € cos (a) - x)] : where [e + cos 6,] $08 02 = [1 + € cos 4] sing condition (3) in Eq. (5.21), we have e[cos I sin - @)] + [a cos T - sin] = 0 (5.22) The transcendental Eq. (5.22) can be solved for particular values of ¢ giving a, and hence, §, Now, the load components W, and W, defined earlier can be found as __3yul & (rley? {1 + cos (a2 ~ my i 1 = 2) + € cs (a, ~ 2)} oe W = 6uul(rley {a cos (a, - 7) — sin (a - 2)} (5.24) fi He, VI - 7 {1+ @ cos (a, - 2)} Ws Resultant load = wo? +W) * y = aati _[eitceenle cath Vi=e {1+ e008 (a, ~2)} 1-6? x +4 (a, cos (a, ~ 2) ~sin (a) -2)}? 112 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY The attitude angle (¢) is given by W, tang = — ng W x ‘This time the journal locus predicted by Eq. (5.26) is a satisfactory agreement tests. (525) With practic Infinitely Short-Full (360°) Journal Bearings When the length Z << q (journal diameter), the pressure gradient Opléz >> Spb: ang Eq. (3.14) can be reduced to a »22) ah Sy PS) = 6 + az) x 62 Noting that, h=c(1+ecos6) And ah _ ah 2x 60 Equation (5.27) is reduced to Pp___ Sesind (6.28) 62 re*(1+ cos 0)? Pressure Distribution Integrating Eq. (5.28) twice, we get 9) p = -[3uuel(rc?)] [sin 8 (1 + 6 c0s 8) 2? + C\z + Cy Ga Choosing the z-coordinate from the bearing centre (Fig. 5.7), we impose the bounda"y conditions p=Oatz=412 HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS 13 mine the constants. Cy and Cy and Eq. (5.29) can be rewritten as detet es ’ sing (5.30) (1+ ecos6) sna te pressure distribution is parabolic in = and also, the pressure is always 5 thi F vege ange iB 5.8) © nsO<20 3 - —— 3 3 (pusir?) —» e a2 T =i 8 2k i 3 Fig. 5.8 Once again, the negative pressure is highly unrealistic and in a practical situation, end ee Will make the pressures zero (i.e. atmospheric) at the ends. We thus delete this region ‘he pressure profile. We.can now compute the load capacity. \ad Capacity x 3 2 W, = W cosg = L 6030 de = eee 7 Jp 7 le (531) W, =Wsir ‘ ul? 7 y =Wsing = L [ prsing do = a (5.32) "al ong é 4c? (l- ey 7 ‘apacity is given by \ Ws fy 3 hi = Wy, 2 _ Mul é 2 : nH, te ea 2) + 16 (3.33) (5.34) 114 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY Friction In the absence of a pressure induced shear, the shear stress is given by t= pulh Then the frictional force at the journal and bearing are given by 6 Hulr 22 © Va-e) 6x 2 F = [u4Lrdo = a The coefficient of friction can be expressed as -F_ms_¢ Wia-e) 7 (537 The equation for the pressure profile (5.30) can be written as follows: P= P(2): Pp) where 3yuue B P= (E- And (6) sind (1+ cos 6) The location of the maximum pressure in the q-direction can be found by setting dpldo =0 at 0= 0" This gives 2.V2 (5.38) cos 0* = [1 - (1+ 2467)7](4e) The corresponding value of the oil film thickness is 69 h = h* = VAc[5 - (1+ 2467)7] Next, the maximum film pressure is given by 3 40) 3Byue (L sino * 6m a a 4). P= P* = Prax 4p (2) (1+ Ecos O*)° ith arings ; . Sf be: The short bearing approximation gives a fair explanation of the performance > low Lid ratios, especially running at eccentricities well below 50%. 5.3 TWO-DIMENSIONAL JOURNAL BEARING When the length Z and the diameter d of the journal bearing are comp’ ure arable, the pig "i dn gradient terms ap/x and az are both comparable and one cannot be rendere HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS 115 to the other. This situation requires a solution of the two-dimensional Reynolds aif 3.14) which is a formidable task. We then present different formulations: ot as frame the following non-dimensional quantities: fi ald; Z = zlljh = WQ2c); B= [le uN r Jess Reynolds equation can be written as te dimension a[73(@ (Jjarz ah 217 (B))4(2) 2 { 2) = 62% 2 (2) T) |” lax) = ae 6.41) ii (641) can be rewritten in the following compact form after performing the differentiation: gD, (HB) Peg + Uh, p-(H13) pie] = [2 21h? Vg (5.42) inf, (642), = diL and the subscript below a variable is used to mean a partial derivative sfillows: fy = Y1GG and fog = & flog’, f = p,h and g=x,z leering to the mesh in Fig. 5.9, the finite differentials in Eq. (5.42) can be written as: f= (hat hit /2A®) i M285) P= IP. ja ~ By, p-s1/(2OE) fey ~ P= DPiay ~ Pia MMz) PelF ya ~ 2B, + Bi, MAR?) =F mn - Slits ~2Fi + Fay, MAE?) 6 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY i Pressure Distribution Substituting the finite differentials in Eq. (5.42), the following algebraic equation rely, By = % +4 Pisty + Dit.) + Pr jot + Pi, y-1 (Say where 30 LR = gs -h ts a hp Cig-1 vols we + 7) 1 a =—s>\> +7 )/\—7 1 Dh, A alle For a mesh with nx m points (nodes), i = nand j = m and there will be nx m simultaneous equations to solve. This has been discussed earlier in Section 4.3. Load Capacity We refer to Fig. 4.18 and reproduce Eq. (4.43) for the mid-point pressure as the following Pisa: jin = V4LPiy + Pi, jo + Pisty + Piso) Let the corresponding angle with the line of centres be ,12,,.12- The components of non-dimensional load capacity are given by = SS iggy 0p BEB “ oa ey 22 Hy = DY Ps pt 5B gaa “Be “ yal Dy ae In Eqs. (5.44) and (5.45) at: : .45) the ™ Parallel and perpendicular to the cent ¥ Components respectively denote load com” Hence, “ a 7 “Non-dimensional load capacity = \|f7? +73] " le actual load i kh ' “apacity can be calculated from Ww by th i je conversion W = Actual load capacity = ev Attitude : [AN/p| (riley Law The attitude (angle) is given by #=1a'(it, fb.) ee HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS 7 SOLVED PROBLEMS machine tool bearing has a length of 50 mm a1 pnb tele ratio is 1000 and the operating viscosity of th The mm. he journal speed is 950 rpm, and the eccentricity r if load carrying capacity. me maximum/minimum pressure and their locations, if ti G ind its journal diameter is also fe lubricant (SAE, 30) is 50 mPa, ‘atio, € = 0.5, calculate: the oil inlet pressure at pm ygse is 200 kPa. fe coefficient of friction and the power lost in friction. Use the long bearing 1c se approximation. Solution: The load carrying capacity is given by Eq. (5.11) Wx 12zyul € (ric)? Q+e)vi- 2? = 10 Pa.sec; L = 50x 107 m rie = 1000; = 0.5; u = 2nrN = 2n x 50x 107 x 950/(2 x 60) = 2.487 msec Hence, W = 60.146 x 10° N = 60.146 KN. The pressure profile is given by Eq. (5.7) Sure sind(2+ £088), —(Q+e) (1+ £0088) "ee, €= r000 = 2510 m and p= 200%10°Pa, for @ = 185°. Therefore, Po = 200 x 19? _ 6x 50 x 107 x 2.487 x 25 x 107 x 0.5 x sin185°(2 + 0.5 cos 185°) “ 625 x 10"? x 2.25 (1 + 0.5 cos 185°)” = 3466108 Pa = 3.466 mPa Ne loca; oo lction of the ™maximum/minimum pressure is found by setting (Fig. 5.4) 9 = cos"[-3¢ /(2 + €)] = 180° + 48.19° *efore, tl i he maximum pressure occurs ‘at 8 = 180 - 48.19 = 131.81° FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGy 118 Now, by Eq. (5.7) 9 y. 19° SiN 131.81°(2 + 0.5 cos 131.819) Prax. = 6.632 x (1+ 0.5 cos 131.8192 + 3.468 1 = 22x 10°Pa = 22 mPa Similarly, the minimum pressure occurs at 8 = 180 + 48.19 = 28 190 The corresponding minimum pressure is given by 6 sin 131.81°(2 + 0.5 cos 228,19") Prin = 6.632 x 10 + 3.468 «6 (1+ 0.5 cos 228.1982 ra = =15.069 x 10 Pa = -15.069 mPa cient of friction at the journal can be found by Eq. (5.18) as follons Fy = [elr Il + 26?) Bey] = 103 The tangential drag is given by The coeffi 3 3 F, = Wf, = 60.146 x 10° x 10 = 60.146N Hence, the power loss is calculated as Poss = F,u = 60.146'x 2.487 = 149.58 W = .149kW Prob. 2. Solve problem 1 with m odified Sommerfeld equation. Solution: Equation (5.22) is re 0.5 [sin (ce = f(x) Produced below: 27 7) 608 (acy — 2) 2] + 2[ecy cos (acy —) ~ sin (0-19 Physically, @, 5 9. Taking 9, = 3.5 rad, c= 3.75 rad > tad, ocy= 3, . TI he table of F(x) ~ Versus ~%2 is shown below: Reaang no, HYDRODYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARINGS. 119 wwe observe @ change in the sign between reading no. 6 and 7 in the above table and thus the solution tO the equation lies in this interval. Using straight line interpolation: e354 25 0.07645 = ——————_ xo, =42 a 0.07645 — (0.7951) + 4.25 = 4.2588 rad Now, (0.5 cos 6, >/(1 + 0.5 cos @;)cos (4.2588) Hence, cos @, = -0.7696 giving, @, = 2.4489 rad < or 0, = 2 — 2.4489 = 3.8342 rad as this is > 7 We accept: 0, = 3.8342 rad as this is > x. The load carrying capacity is given by Eq, (5.25) as we 3puL(riey vi- 6 = 9-8 (a) wee _ 3puL(ricy” hes a ~ = 21.538 x 10° N And 0.5? {I+ cos (4.2588 - 7}" ] i 212 6 1 +d 4.2588 cos (4.2588 — )= sin (4.2588 - 2)*)""} 9 (a) = ‘ {1 + 0.5c0s (4.2588 — 2)} 1-5 Therefore, W = 40.166 x 10° N = 40166 KN i fo i ing i lem I sustains a load of 109 in Calculate the eccentricity ratio if the bearing In problem Solution: Equation (5.11) is reproduced below: Lampe (riley y eee Q+eeWi-€ SESE PLS 10 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY This form will be suitable for repeated substitution for finding the solution to the algebraic equation. We start the process of iteration with « = 0.5 and substitute heme to the R.H.S of the above equation. 'S Quantity = f(0.5) = 0.83 Next, we take & = (0.5 + 0.83)/2 = 0.66 {average value}, and the second iteration ives: € = f(0.66) = 0.78 Similarly, the third value for iteration will be € = (0.66 + 0.78) = 0.72 The result of the third iteration is & = f (0.72) = 0.745 A few more iterations will stabilize the result € = 0.7345. This gives the required eccentricity ratio. Prob. 4. The following data refer to a short journal bearing: Diameter of the journal = 30 mm Length of the bearing = 20 mm Speed of the journal = 1460 rpm Viscosity of the lubricant Eccentricity ratio 5 mPa.sec Taking the r/c ratio as 1000, calculate: (@) The load carrying capacity and the attitude (b) The power lost in friction. Solution: The load carrying capacity is given by Eq. (5.33) ube wet 2) — 62) + 1667 4c? wap a ] In the above u = 55x10" Pasec; L = 20x 107m; c =15x10%m © = 0.6; u = 22rN = 2m x 1460 x 15 x 1073/60 = 2.293 m/sec Hence, W = 3.652 x10°N = 3.652 kN e/ HYDRODYNAMIC. JOURNAL BEARINGS ; ournal friction force is given by Eq. (5,36) 121 p= ule On = 19.81N ne power Joss is given by >» Poss = Fu = 19.81 x 2.293 = 45.42 W EXERCISES 1. Calculate the change in the load capacity of the bearing in problem (1) for a 10 % change in the journal speed. [Ans. + 6 kN] 2. Along journal bearing 50 mm diameter and 75 mm length has r/c ratio = 1000 and the journal runs at 1450 rpm. If the coefficient of viscocity of the lubricant is 65 mPa.sec and the bearing sustains a load of 50 KN, calculate the average pressure and the Sommerfeld number. [Ans. p,, = 13.33 mPa.; S$ = 0.1178] 3. A journal bearing of 50 mm diameter and 25 mm length runs at 1450 rpm and sustains a load of 4.5 KN. The viscosity of the lubricant is 60 mPa.sec. Calculate the eccentricity on the basis of the short bearing theory and plot the pressure around the central plane of the journal. Assume, ric = 1000. 4. A full journal bearing 50 mm diameter and 75 mm length runs at 2000 rpm. The radial clearance is 0.025 mm and the average viscosity of the lubricant is 40 mPa.sec. If the pressure is 0 Pa (absolute) at the maximum film thickness. Find the maximum pressure and plot the pressure distribution around the journal by Sommerfeld condition: Given; Amax = 0.040 mm. [Ans. Pax = 43-3 mPa at @ = 139° -42'] 5. A full journal short bearing had a diameter of 75 mm and @ length of 50 mm and runs at 1500 rpm. The r/x ratio = 750. If the minimum oil film thickness is limited to 30 microns, calculate the eccentricity ratio and the minimum viscosity permissible for the lubricant. The load carrying capacity should be 12 KN. [Ans. ¢ = 0.4; Hin = 87.3 mPa.sec. ] 6 Calculate the angle of attitude of the journal in exercise (5). [Ans. ¢ = 60° - 56'~ 22'# @e= o4] 1. nee The following data refer to a full journal short bearing: Diameter of the journal = 50 mm Length of the bearing = 20) mip) Speed of the journal 1500 rpm Viscosity of the lubricant = 75 mPa.see Eccentricity ratio of the journal ~ 0.55 122 iS VW 2 wr aw . and Il, v7. . Raimondi, A.A. and J, Bo App. Mec es in Lubricati | Slyadnev, M.A., Setup for Study on |. Brahney, J.H., Film Thickness: k, FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY Calculate the maximum oil film pressure, its angular location and the con oil film thickness. The ric ratio may be taken as 1000. SSP, [ANS. Pmax = 10.85 mPa @O* = 148° - 24", pr — 13.29 ni : i REFERENCES /Pinkus, O. and B. Sternlicht, Theory of Hydrodynamic Lubrication, McGray Hi N.Y. (1961). Sternlicht, B., Hydrodynamic Lubrication, Mechanical Design and Systems Handbook Rothbart, H.A. (Ed.), 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, N.Y. (1986). . Majumdar, B.C., Introduction to Tribology of Bearings, 1st ed., A.H. Wheeler, Allahabaj (1986). | Walowit, J.A. and J.N. Ano, Modern Developments in Lubrication Mechanics, Appl Science Pub. London (1975). . Cameron, A., Basic Lubrication Theory, 2nd ed., Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1976) . Fuller, D.D., Theory and Practices of Lubrication for Engineers, Wiley, N.Y. (1956) . Michell, A.G.M., Lubrication, Blackie, London, (1950). . Reynolds, ©., On the Theory of Lubrication and its Application to Mr. Beauchamp Tower’s Experiments, Including an Experimental Determination of the Viscosity of Olive Oil, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, Vol. 177, Part I, pp. 157-234 (1886). . Sommerfeld, A., Zur Hydrodynamischen Theorie der Schmiermittel Reibung, 2 Malt Phy., Vol. 50, pp. 97-155 (1904). Rhode, S.M. (Ed.), Fluid Film Lubrication: A Century of Progress, Hartford, CT, USS 983, ASME, N.Y. Cameron, A. and W.L. Wood, The Full Journal Bearing, Proc. (App. Mech.) 1 Meh E. Vol. 161, pp. 59-64 (1949), * “r McKee, S.A. and T:R. 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