Rituals For Self-Devotion Digital Zine

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Rituals for Self-Devotion

By: Kiki Robinson of Opulent Witch

Venmo: @opulent_witch
This is a compilation of rituals and spells centered in self-love and self-honoring through divine
reflection. We can lean into magic and ritual to not only raise energy for Self-Devotion but we
can also create ritual around clearing any untruths from your reflection that are based in
programming, systems of oppression, and capitalism- all the narratives that we are told on how
we should be, an even what ‘self-love’ looks like. Self-love is talked about so much in magical
communities but only you can define what it means for you. I see self-love as commitment to our
magic and our altars, and ultimately commitment to healing community and collective!

♥Self-love through the Tarot♥

Herb: Parsley
The archetype of the Lovers paints a landscape of Divine Union, there is a third energy present
representing Source/Spirit/Higher Power blessings the two lovers who are relishing in the
garden of abundance. I like to see this card first and foremost through the lens of
self-commitment, the integration of all facets of our being, the union between our Human, our
True + Powerful Self and Source.
Connect to the Lovers card through guided journey: ​THE LOVERS INVOCATION
Herb: Lotus
The Ace of Cups is represented by an overflowing chalice, the water symbolizing abundance,
self-honor, connection to eternal well, relief and release, creativity and surrender. The Ace of
Cups reminds us that we must drink our source from our own well. We have a Source within us
and is connected to the Divine and we are expressions of that Source when we surrender and
Connect to the Ace of Cups through guided journey: ​ACE OF CUPS INVOCATION
Herb: Dong Quai
The Emprexx is a card that leads by example centered in embodiment, reciprocity, and
confidance. The Emprexx is connected deeply to their sensuality, sexuality, and trust. Cloaked
in gold, they sit back in their garden in an energy of KNOWING. The Emprexx shows us how to
fully commit to ourselves, our magic and our altars.
Connect to the Empress/xx through guided journey: ​COMMITMENT TO SELF INVOCATION


You can pull a card for each prompt to create guidance or let yourself free write!

1) What is the essence of my magic and how does it express itself? What is blocking it’s
truest expression?
2) What commitments does my altar want me to make this lunar cycle?
3) How can I anchor into self-devotion in a sustainable way through practical or magical

What you will need:

Offerings for the spirits and your ancestors, suggestions for offerings are: roses, cinnamon,
parsley, wine or juice, coffee, fruit, anything sweet.

-bowl or chalice of water

-a handheld or small mirror
-one long stem rose or a flower
-ribbon, string, or twine
-pen and paper

1) Set your space, create a lush and opulent sacred space that reflects your divine
essence! What fabrics do you like? Textures? What colors give you life? Let yourself
create your zone with objects, candles, lighting, fabrics, fur or faux furs, etc! While you
set your space, I suggest playing music that puts you in the mood of luxury. See
Self-Devotion playlist below! Where garments and adornments that make you feel
sensual and opulent.
2) Create your altar with offerings to the spirits and set a container (see very end of zine for
how to set and close a container!), call in your benevolent spirits and ancestors and set
the intention that this is a space of SELF-DEVOTION!
3) Time to clear the mirror and consecrate it for magical use! (see bottom of zine on how to
clear a mirror) Consecrate the mirror to be used as a reflector of self-love and seeing
yourself through the eyes of the Divine.
4) Next we are going to clear the way for self-love to flourish, cut cords to projections,
illusions, and distortions that are not in resonance with your True and Powerful Self.
Spell for working with this from ​THE LIVING ALTAR
I return to myself, I disrupt the glamour of projection.
Destruction is the gateway to creation
In the tension between endings + beginnings I find my purpose
I am the threshold through which the past reaches out to the future and which the future
reaches out to honor the past
I see what has been for what it is
I respect what will be, knowing what it will take to get there
I am the eye through which the ancestors thread their potential, I am precision
In the stillness and absence of external illumination, I return to myself
I empower myself to break the rules
I reject convention
I reject status quo
I reject tradition for traditions sake
My ceremony emboldens liberation for all
5) Next is the self-devotional ceremony, get really clear on what you are calling in around
self-devotion. Is it a deepening of commitment to yourself and your magic? Confidence?
Self-worth? Write down what you want to invoke, I would suggest even writing your own
spell around this from the journaling prompts above.
Next take the mirror, the rose, and the string and begin to tie the rose to the mirror, as
you wrap say the words: I commit to myself, I commit to my magic, I commit to myself, I
commit to my altar, I commit to myself, I commit to community, I commit to myself, I
commit to collective. Say this at least 3 times.
6) Open the water, ask it to receive your blessings and prayers.
7) Place the mirror with the rose tied to it in the bowl of water, OR place a cup or chalice
holding water on top of the mirror (or next to it).
8) Next we are going to empower your reflection of yourself. This is where you can either
recite your spell OR burn it and place the ash into the water. Next sprinkle rose petals,
burn or sprinkle cinnamon into the water, place the parsley and next POUR THE
HONEY! As you pour the honey recite:
I am a magnet for all that is meant for me, my altar is centered in harmony and
reciprocity, I am in abundance, I see myself through the eyes of the DIVINE, I see clearly
with a compassionate gaze.
9) Let allll of this goodness soak in, I suggest leaving the entire mirror and chalice or bowl
of water on your altar for the full moon. You can also take the bowl of water with the
mirror in it and charge it under the full moon. After the full moon I suggest taking the
contents of the water and the offerings to a crossroads you have relationship with, to a
body of water, or even to the earth and give the offerings to the earth.
10) Place the mirror on your altar or somewhere sacred and let this be a reminder of your
reflection through the eyes of the DIVINE! Keep as long as you feel called.
🌹Self-love, replenishment, and abundance bath🌹
What you will need:
a bath tub or basin or bowl for a foot bath if you do not have a bath tub
-rose petals, rose oil OR rose water
-coconut milk or another non-dairy milk of you choice
-chamomile (fresh or dried)
-cinnamon (sticks or powdered)

Fill bath tub, or foot bath along with organic ritual items and as it fills imagine that the bath or
foot bath is creating a cocoon for you. Imagine gold or pink light wrapping around the tub or
space in which you are creating a sanctuary for you.
Make an intention that this ritual bath is one of replenishment, restoration, rejuvenation and
connection to your embodiment and sensuality.
Disinvite any energies that would not serve this ritual at this time. Cast out any thoughts, fears,
beliefs, or energies that would hinder your time here.
Soak in bath or soak your feet for at least 25-30 min, while you do so command that your
energy and power return to you from wherever it might be.
Ask that any energy that is not in resonance with your Truth and your Power be taken to where
it can be for the purpose of healing and transmutation. Feel yourself protected and cocooned.
End the ritual with anointing yourself with any oils that are charged for self-love. A simple way to
create a self-love oil is to start with an ancestral oil (what did your ancestors use to cook with?)
and fill a small jar. Place rose petals, rose thorns, lavender, and cinnamon in the oil. You can
also write a self-love spell, burn and place ashes in oil and jar as well. Put lid on and burn
candles on top of the jar to invoke the contents of the jar. Charge on your altar, in the sun, or in
the moon for extra potency!
Allow yourself to reclaim your self-love, self-lust and connection between body and earth.
Your being is an altar. and the fires are ignited as you turn yourself on.
Fantasy and ecstasy abound as we harness embodiment of sensual pleasures. You are a
power to be celebrated! Your honest and truthful expression of your sex magic (however that
wants to be expressed!) is an act of liberation and reclaiming of your agency, a dismantling of
binaries, and a celebration of your erotic power. As we heal and reclaim through sexual we
disrupt the gaze that seeks to disempower us. This is your time to be relished by the spirits, the
earth, yourself, and whoever else you feel safe to invite in to celebrate with you!
Ritual + Spell:
Set an container and call to you the elements and call in your benevolent and kind spirits and
ancestors, allow yourself to disinvite any thoughts, energy, or spirit that would not serve this
time and ritual. Make an altar to your erotic joy. This could include anything from flowers, wine,
honey, fruit, oils, chalices, sex toys, dildos, vibrators, images of erotic inspiration, poems, songs,
and something to represent the internal fire whether it be a candle at the center or another
representation of fire. I like to place the candle in a bowl of blessed water to ignite and hold the
intention of the ritual and to receive the prayers.
Dress in something textural or anything that makes you feel good and most like yourself! Put on
music that feels sensual and atmospheric. Set the mood- this is a time to romance yourself and
allow yourself to be romanced by the spirits in new and powerful ways so it is up to you.
Light the candle at the center
Pour wine or a wine substitute like juice in a chalice or cup, add honey for sweetness and
Place offerings of flowers and objects around the center of the altar to invoke growth and
Make prayers:
What do you want to release and purify as you move forward?
What do you want to call in?

Cut cords with all the structures, thoughts, and systems that are keeping you from being in
ultimate divine connection with yourself and the spirits. Take the ask and transform it by adding
it to the water in the bowl. Write your prayers on pieces of paper and burn the prayers and as
they burn ask fire to ignite and elevate those intentions.
Take the ask and sprinkle it around the bowl.
Raise energy for these intentions by loving yourself down if that feels right and safe! Touch
yourself, hold yourself, allow yourself to be taken by ecstasy. Imagine the fire moving through
you and as the fire moves through you imagine it cleansing any blocks or walls to your
intentions. As you climax imagine the fire coming into your heart and igniting your heart with
passion, pleasure, and joy.
Post-ritual, let your candle at the center burn as you continue to celebrate the energy. If you feel
called I invite you to create a Thirst Trap for your Selfie whether this be a drawing, photograph,
video, painting, collage, or a dance! Allow yourself to be creative with this expression, and have
it be a expression of your devotion to your erotic power.
Invocation to work with:
Unfurl my being to fullness
Erotic power and pleasure in it’s purest form is ready for me
Unabashed expression of sexuality is my conduit
A sacred unfolding
I disrupt the gaze of anything that seeks to diminish my force
I do not hold back, i reclaim desire
My tongue is sharp and is a sword that cuts to the core of truth and honesty
I lust for rebellion of conditioning that tells me otherwise
I invoke curiosity, play and joy as my sex magic is expressed in unique and powerful ways

Take a small or handheld mirror and clear it with a halved lemon, water, or a dagger.
Say as you pass the lemon, water, or dagger over the mirror: ‘I clear any energies that are not in
resonance with sovereignty, I ask them to be taken to where they can be for healing. I close all
portals open in this mirror. I bring this mirror into a energy field of neutrality, and so it is”
Charge the mirror what flower petals, dandelions, fruit, stones, anything that is going to
represent abundance and heart energy. You can also create a small altar to represent your
heart, self-love, self-honor etc. I made one with rose quartz and rose petals, but you can use
anything that is symbolic to you.
Next take your mirror into the sunlight and hold it facing outward right over your heart, ask the
sun to channel directly into the mirror and charge it with solar magic. Do this for at least 5 min.
You can also raise energy by dancing in the sun with or without the mirror, sit or move with your
back towards the sun and imagine the sun clearing and lifting any stagnant energy in the back
of your heart.
Next take something to represent what you wish to clear, or banish. This can be moldy fruit or
rotten vegetables if you have them around, anything that is going to be biodegradable. Next
take the fruit or vegetables outside into the sun, use the mirror to direct sunlight onto the fruit or
vegetables, asking that which you want cleared to go into the sun. The idea is that we want to
shine and illuminate the corners and shadows of our heart, and give opportunity for

This is the invocation that came through, use in your spell and ritual:

a passageway, a portal
a gentle unfurling
teach me sweet spring about death and rebirth
a sacred sacrifice
To the fire of the sun
Illuminate my shadows in brilliance and transform them to power
I surrender fear
I disarmor my heart
Working with Mirror Magic is a beautiful way to harness self-reflection and invoke self-love! I
love working with vintage and second hand mirrors for self-love spells and as well as protection
magic. Clearing the mirror is super important, and here are some suggestions on how to:


This is a super important step because mirrors can absorb energies, are a portal to other
dimensions, and can at times, be attached to spirits. Mirrors are a powerful magic tool that can
be used for protection, scrying, sending back energy, and bringing in blessing.
I like to use lemon for clearing mirrors but you can use smoke or any other clearing modality that
you like. I pass a halved lemon over the mirror and say:

I clear this mirror of all energy that is not in resonance with sovereignty and truth. I ask that any
energies that this mirror is holding that is not for me, be sent back to where it came from and if
not possible I ask it to be taken to where it can be for healing. I close all portals to any
dimensions or realms, and close all back-doors and loop-holes. I bring this mirror to a field of
neutrality and consecrate it for magical use.

Other ways to clear a mirror or an object:

〰Imagine the mirror or object in a cube of gold energy, ask that any energy that is not in
resonance with sovereignty be lifted and taken to where it can me to be transmuted. Ask that
your device be brought to a space of neutrality.
〰place mirror in bowl of salt water and ask for the salt to neutralize and clear any energy that is
not neutral/sovereign/of the highest good.
〰clear with smoke of your choice, you can pass the mirror through smoke (I like working with
dried Rosemary) and ask the smoke to lift any energy from the mirror run your dagger or
selenite wand over and around the mirror, ask that any cords to any person, place or energy be
dissolved and cleared.
〰working with fire to clear: pass the mirror over a flame of a candle or imagine it being engulfed
in flames.
〰place the mirror in the freezer (I suggest doing so for at least 24-48 hrs) or a bowl of ice
cubes, you can run an ice cube over the mirror while saying the invocation
🥀Daily Ritual to integrate Self-love, Self-commitment and Self Devotion🥀
So much of what I have learned about ritual and spells for raising energy I have learned through
my work as a burlesque performer, stripper and a dancer. Glamour magic is one of the oldest
forms of magic, and has been used for not only building confidence but for psychic protection as
well. The ways we protect our energy is an act of self love, our boundaries are sacred!

〰I cannot recommend having a hype playlist enough! Music is a powerful form of energy
raising and can shift energy even within a 5 minute song. Build a playlist that you can turn to
when you are needing a boost, to raise energy or create confidence
〰charge your jewelry and makeup on your altar for protection and self-love.
〰anoint yourself with self-love oil (see above for how to make) or salt water that is charged on
your altar for protection at the beginning of the day. A simple invocation you can use as you
anoint is: ​I am sovereign, I am protected, I am expansive
You can also create your own self-love spray by charging the water on your altar, write your
own self-love spell, burn it, place the ash in the water. Add any essential oils that you feel
〰create an altar to-go for your bag, purse, car, wherever!

Here are a few suggestions for what to add, I also suggest adding something personal to add
your own unique magic:
Damiana- aphrodisiaca, self love, boundaries, sensuality
Rose- self love, heart healing, love, abundance, protection of blessings.
Lavender- magic, manifestation, good-luck, abundance
Mugwort- being in ‘flow’, psychic senses, dreaming and visioning
Sunflower petals- radiance, manifestation, abundance, brightness, association with the Sun.
Stones for manifestation and self-love:
Rose quartz- self love, love connection, partnership. Heart healing
Citrine- abundance, illumination, empowerment
Pyrite- money, business, financial abundance
Obsidion + tourmaline- protection and grounding
Creating a container for divination and healing

As we create sacred and intentional space for ourselves and our healing, it is important and
powerful to create a container. I see a container as setting the energetic atmosphere of the
space, it is a way to create boundary.

Here is a structure of on creating an energetic container before beginning to read tarot for
yourself or others, you are welcome to shift this to make it unique to you:

1) Name that you are creating a sacred space, I like to first call out to Spirits of Grace and
Creation to arrive and hold a sacred and protective container. I give gratitude for them as
they arrive and I begin to open the container.
2) I call to the Elemental Spirits and the directions- I start with East and call in Air, I like to
call in the associations with Air (the dawn, inspiration, clearing, openings, new
beginnings, you can add your own!), I call South/Fire (courage, transformation, right
action, creativity), I call West/Water (initiation, dreaming, letting go, surrender, coming
home to self) I call North/Earth (soil, compost, roots, boundaries, resource, relationship)
3) Next I call to the Spirits that walk with me, I call to the benevolent, kind, and bright allies,
ancestors, spirits who walk with this work, who know and love me.
4) I call to the spirits of land and place, this is where I acknowledge the land that I am on. I
name the original tenders of the land and ask that prayers and blessings be sent to the
continual fight for federal recognition and honoring of treaties, for liberation. I do ask that
if it is to be received at this time that it be done so with grace. Consent is important in
5) Next, I compassionately disinvite all energies, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, spirits that would
not best serve this work and I ask that they be guided and taken to where they can be,
finding their light elsewhere for the time being.
6) Next I call in specific blessings and prayers. This part is cool because you can be
creative. I like to call in blessings of sovereignty, ease, I like to call to time magic and
liberation, and I always ask that I be a clear conduit for the work. Then I say this wheel
and container is now set, AND SO IT IS.

Closing the container:

At the end of of self-healing session I suggest closing the container, this is how you can do so:

1) Give gratitude to all the spirits, allies, elements and ancestors who arrived and assisted
in the work, say I release you and I send you home with love and gratitude.
2) Reinvite back those who were disinvited at this time, ask that they find their rightful place
in the order of things and may it serve them and serve them well
3) Ask that the work and information be integrated with ease and grace
4) Ask for any continued specific blessings and prayers
5) Ask that all portals be closed, ask the work be complete, and for the circle to be open.

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