CIA 5677-2018-RFP - Volume 2 - Tank 7 Tender Document

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Tender Reference: CIA 5677/2018/RFP


November 2018 VOLUME 2

NAME OF TENDERER: ………………………………………


Upon acceptance of the offer by the Employer, this Tender document becomes the Contract document to which
all reference to the term “Tenderer(s)” become synonymous with the term “Contractor(s)”.


Number Heading
The Tender – Documents Relating to the Tender
Part T1: Tendering procedures
T1.1 Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender (White) T1-1
T1.2 Tender Data (Pink) T1-2
Part T2: Returnable documents
T2.1 List of Returnable Documents (Blue) T2-2
T2.2 Returnable Schedules (Blue) T2-3

The Contract – Documents Relating to the Contract

Part C1: Agreement and Contract Data
C1.1 Form of Offer and Acceptance (Yellow) C1-2
C1.2 Contract Data (Yellow) C1-9
C1.3 Form of Guarantee (Yellow) C1-21
C1.4 Form of Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993 (Yellow) C1-25
C1.5 Annex A: Summary of Insurance Arrangements and Claims
Procedure (Yellow) C1-37
Part C2: Pricing data
C2.1 Pricing Instructions (Yellow) C2-2
C2.2 Bills of Quantities (Yellow) C2-5
Part C3: Scope of Work
C3.1 Description of the Works (White) C3-2
C3.2 Engineering (White) C3-3
C3.3 Procurement (White) C3-5
C3.4 Construction (White) C3-6
C3.5 Management (White) C3-11
C3.6 Particular (Project) Specifications (White) C3-14
C3.7 Generic Specifications (White) C3-66
Part C4: Site information
C4 Site Information (Green) C4-1
Volume 3: Book of Drawings (White)



Airports Company South Africa invites suitably qualified contractors to bid for the TANK

Request for Proposal for the Provision of Tank Construction Works at Airports
Company South Africa Cape Town International Airport

Tender Number: : CIA 5677/2018/RFP

Issue Date : Tuesday 06 November 2018

Closing Date : Monday 03 December 2018 at 10:00am

Briefing Session Date / Time : Tuesday 13 November 2018 at 10:00am

Site Inspection : Tuesday 13 November 2018

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Part T1: Tendering procedures Tender Notice
Reference no. CIA 5677/2018/RFP



1.1 The Client is Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited

1.2 Tender Contents

The documents listed below will form part of this contract. The tender documents issued by the employer
comprise Volumes 2 and 3. The employer does not supply Volume 1. Tenderers are to acquire their
own copies of these documents.

VOLUME 1: The General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition, 2015, published
by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE), Private Bag X200, Halfway
House 1685, Tel: (011) 805 5947, Fax: (011) 805 5971, e-mail:

VOLUME 2: Tender Documents:

Part T1: Tendering Procedures

T1.1 Tender notice and invitation to tender
T1.2 Tender data

Part T2: Returnable Documents

T2.1 List of returnable documents
T2.2 Returnable schedules

Part C1: Agreements and contract data

C1.1 Form of offer and acceptance
C1.2 Contract data
C1.3 Performance Guarantee
C1.4 Form of Occupational Health and Safety Act. 1993
C1.5 Annexure A: Summary of Insurance Arrangements and Claims

Part C2: Pricing data

C2.1 Pricing instructions
C2.2 Bills of Quantities

Part C3: Scope of work

C3.1 to C3.7

Part C4: Site information

C4.1 Site information

VOLUME 3: The project works drawings.

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Section 1: Instructions to Bidders

1.1. Access to RFQ documents

1.2. Submission of bid documents
1.3. Alternative Bids
1.4. Late Bids
1.5. Clarification and Communication
1.6. Compulsory Site Briefing
1.7. Bid Responses
1.8. Disclaimers
1.9. Validity Period
1.10. Confidentiality of information
1.11. Anti-Corruption Hotline

Section 2: Pre-Qualification

Section 3: Local Content and Production

Section 4: Background, Purpose and Scope of work

4.1 Background
4.2 Purpose
4.3 Scope of works
4.4 Minimum Requirements

Section 5: Preference Points and Price

5.1 Preference Points Claims

5.2 The Maximum Points for Bid
5.3 Definitions
5.4 Adjudication Using a Point System
5.5 Award of Business where Bidders have scored equal Points Overall
5.6 Points Awarded for Price
5.7 Bid Declaration
5.8 Sub-contracting
5.9 Declaration with Regard to the Bidder
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Section 6: Evaluation Criteria

6.1 Evaluation Criteria

6.2 Staged Approach
6.3 Pre-qualification Criteria
6.4 Mandatory Requirements
6.5 Local Content and Production
6.6 Functionality/ Technical
6.7 Price and B-BBEE

Section 7: Returnable Documents

Section 8: Declaration Form

Section 9: Terms and Conditions

Section 10: Declaration of Forbidden Practices

Appendix A Contract Management Plan

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1.1. Access to RFQ documents

Tenders are available on and ACSA website – Kindly print and

1.2. Submission of bid documents

The envelopes containing bid documents must have on the outside, the bidder’s return address,
the full description of the tender, tender number and the details of the Tender Management
Office/Procurement department where the bid will close. (Ref 1.2.2). The documents must be
signed and completed by a person who has been given authority to act on behalf of the bidder.
The bottom of each page of the bid documents must be signed or stamped with the bidder’s stamp
as proof that the bidder has read the tender documents. Bid documents must be submitted on or
before Monday 03 December 2018 at 10:00am using the following method(s):

1.2.1. Hand delivery:

The bid document must be delivered to the tender box located at the address below and
must be addressed as follows:


Cape Town International Airport
ACSA Offices
Southern Office Block (SOB)

1.2.2. Tender box:

The Tender box is located at:

Cape Town International Airport
ACSA Offices
Southern Office Block (SOB)

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1.2.3. Email submissions:

Email submissions will not be accepted.

1.2.4. Proposals must be in duplicate (an original printed copy and a printed copy of the
original) together with an electronic copy of the bid documents using a compact disc or
flash drive. The original copy will be the legal and binding copy, in the event of
discrepancies between any of the submitted documents; the original copy will take

1.3. Alternative Bids

No alternative bids will be considered.

1.4. Late Bids

Bids which are submitted after the closing date and time will not be accepted.

1.5. Clarification and Communication

Bidders may only communicate on this RFP with the ACSA employee using the details listed

Name: Nokuthula Bhengu

Designation: Specialist: Category Management : Corporate

Tel: 011 723 1460


1.5.1. Request for clarity or information on the tender may only be requested until 16:00pm on
Friday of 23 November 2018. Any responses to queries or for clarity sought by a bidder
will also be sent to all the other entities which have responded to the Request For

1.5.2. Provide clarification of a tender offer in response to a request to do so from the employer
during the evaluation of tender offers. This may include providing a breakdown of rates or
prices and correction of arithmetical errors by the adjustment of certain rates or item prices
(or both). No change in the competitive position of tenderers or substance of the tender
offer is sought, offered, or permitted.

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1.5.3. Obtain clarification from a tenderer on any matter that could give rise to ambiguity in a
contract arising from the tender offer.

1.5.4. Bidders may not contact any ACSA employee on this tender other than those listed
above. Contact will only be allowed between the successful bidder and ACSA Business
Unit representatives after the approval of a recommendation to award this tender. Contact
will also only be permissible in the case of pre-existing commercial relations which do not
pertain to the subject of this tender.

1.6. Compulsory Briefing/Site Inspection Session

A compulsory briefing/site inspection session will be held on Tuesday 13 November 2018 at

10:00 am. The session will be held at the following location:


ACSA Southern Office Block

Cape Town International Airport

1.7. Bid Responses

Bid responses must be strictly prepared and returned in accordance with this tender document.
Bidders may be disqualified where they have not materially complied with any of ACSA’s
requirements in terms of this tender document. Changes to the bidder’s submission will not be
allowed after the closing date of the tender. All bid responses will be regarded as offers unless
the bidder indicates otherwise. No bidder or any of its consortium/joint venture members may
have an interest in any of the other bidder/joint venture/consortium participating in this bid.
Tenders will be opened immediately after the closing time for tenders at ACSA, Cape Town
International Airport, Southern Office Block, ACSA offices, Reception.

1.8. Disclaimers

It must be noted that ACSA reserves its right to:

1.8.1. Award the whole or a part of this tender;

1.8.2. Split the award of this tender;

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1.8.3. Negotiate with all or some of the shortlisted bidders;

1.8.4. Award the tender to a bidder other than the highest scoring bidder where objective
criteria allow;

1.8.5. To reject the lowest acceptable tender received; and/or

1.8.6. Cancel this tender.

1.9. Validity Period

1.9.1. ACSA requires a validity period of 8 weeks from closing date for this tender.

1.9.2. During the validity, period the prices which have been quoted by the bidder must remain
firm and valid.

1.10. Confidentiality of Information

1.10.1. ACSA will not disclose any information disclosed to ACSA through this tender process
to a third party or any other bidder without any written approval form the bidder whose
information is sought. Furthermore,

1.10.2. ACSA will not disclose the names of bidders until the tender process has been finalised.

1.10.3. Bidders may not disclose any information given to the bidders as part of this tender
process to any third party without the written approval from ACSA. In the event that the
bidder requires to consult with third parties on the tender, such third parties must
complete confidentiality agreements, which should also be returned to ACSA with the

1.11. Hot – Line

ACSA subscribes to fair and just administrative processes. ACSA therefore urges its clients,
suppliers and the general public to report any fraud or corruption to:

Airports Company South Africa TIP-OFFS ANONYMOUS

Free Call: 0800 00 80 80

Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88


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2.1 In terms of the PPPFA Regulation 4, an organ of state can apply pre-qualifying criteria to advance
certain Designated Groups.

2.2 Accordingly, only the bidders with a B-BBEE status level 4 or lower (3, 2 or 1) or EME enterprises
including a sole proprietor with annual total revenue of R10M or less will be considered. Please
note in the event of a joint venture (JV) a valid consolidated BBBEE verification in the name of
the JV shall be submitted.

2.3 A tenderer that fails to meet the above-mentioned pre-qualifying criteria at closing date, will be

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3.1 Introduction

In terms of the PPPFA bids in respect of goods, services or works that have been designated for
local production and content, must contain a specific bidding condition that only locally produced
goods, services or works or locally manufactured goods with a stipulated minimum threshold for
local content and production will be considered. This tender falls within a designated sector and
ACSA is therefore required to stipulate the minimum threshold for local production and content.
The minimum threshold for local content and production for this tender is 70% (valves) of the bid
price. Any bidder who fails to meet the minimum threshold for local production and content will
be disqualified from the process. To this end, bidders must complete a declaration certificate for
local content and production (SBD 6.2) which is included in this tender document. Failure to return
a completed SBD 6.2 form will make a bidder liable for disqualification.

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SBD 6.2



This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) must form part of all bids invited. It contains general
information and serves as a declaration form for local content (local production and local
content are used interchangeably).

Before completing this declaration, bidders must study the General Conditions, Definitions,
Directives applicable in respect of Local Content as prescribed in the Preferential Procurement
Regulations, 2017, the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) approved technical
specification number SATS 1286:2011 (Edition 1) and the Guidance on the Calculation of
Local Content together with the Local Content Declaration Templates [Annex C (Local Content
Declaration: Summary Schedule), D (Imported Content Declaration: Supporting Schedule to
Annex C) and E (Local Content Declaration: Supporting Schedule to Annex C)].

1. General Conditions

1.1. Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 (Regulation 8) make provision for the
promotion of local production and content.

1.2. Regulation 8.(2) prescribes that in the case of designated sectors, organs of state must
advertise such tenders with the specific bidding condition that only locally produced or
manufactured goods, with a stipulated minimum threshold for local production and
content will be considered.

1.3. Where necessary, for tenders referred to in paragraph 1.2 above, a two stage bidding
process may be followed, where the first stage involves a minimum threshold for local
production and content and the second stage price and B-BBEE.

1.4. A person awarded a contract in relation to a designated sector, may not sub-contract in
such a manner that the local production and content of the overall value of the contract
is reduced to below the stipulated minimum threshold.

1.5. The local content (LC) expressed as a percentage of the bid price must be calculated in
accordance with the SABS approved technical specification number SATS 1286: 2011
as follows:

LC = [1 - x / y] * 100

x is the imported content in Rand
y is the bid price in Rand excluding value added tax (VAT)

Prices referred to in the determination of x must be converted to Rand (ZAR) by using

the exchange rate published by South African Reserve Bank (SARB) at 12:00 on the
date of advertisement of the bid as indicated in paragraph 4.1 below.

The SABS approved technical specification number SATS 1286:2011 is

accessible on http:/ development/ip.jsp at no cost.
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1.6. A bid may be disqualified if this Declaration Certificate and the Annex C (Local Content
Declaration: Summary Schedule) are not submitted as part of the bid documentation;

2. The stipulated minimum threshold(s) for local production and content (refer to
Annex A of SATS 1286:2011) for this bid is/are as follows:

Description of services, works or goods Stipulated minimum threshold

Valve products and actuators 70%

_______________________________ _______%

_______________________________ _______%

3. Does any portion of the goods or services offered

have any imported content?
(Tick applicable box)

3.1 If yes, the rate(s) of exchange to be used in this bid to calculate the local content as
prescribed in paragraph 1.5 of the general conditions must be the rate(s) published
by SARB for the specific currency at 12:00 on the date of advertisement of the bid.

The relevant rates of exchange information is accessible on

Indicate the rate(s) of exchange against the appropriate currency in the table below
(refer to Annex A of SATS 1286:2011):

Currency Rates of exchange

US Dollar
Pound Sterling

NB: Bidders must submit proof of the SARB rate (s) of exchange used.

4. Where, after the award of a bid, challenges are experienced in meeting the stipulated
minimum threshold for local content the dti must be informed accordingly in order for the
dti to verify and in consultation with the AO/AA provide directives in this regard.

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IN RESPECT OF BID NO. .................................................................................

ISSUED BY: (Procurement Authority / Name of Institution):


1 The obligation to complete, duly sign and submit this declaration cannot be transferred
to an external authorized representative, auditor or any other third party acting on
behalf of the bidder.
2 Guidance on the Calculation of Local Content together with Local Content Declaration
Templates (Annex C, D and E) is accessible on
development/ip.jsp. Bidders should first complete Declaration D. After completing
Declaration D, bidders should complete Declaration E and then consolidate the
information on Declaration C. Declaration C should be submitted with the bid
documentation at the closing date and time of the bid in order to substantiate
the declaration made in paragraph (c) below. Declarations D and E should be kept
by the bidders for verification purposes for a period of at least 5 years. The successful
bidder is required to continuously update Declarations C, D and E with the actual
values for the duration of the contract.

I, the undersigned, …………………………….................................................... (full names),

do hereby declare, in my capacity as ……………………………………… ………..
of ...............................................................................................................(name of bidder
entity), the following:

(a) The facts contained herein are within my own personal knowledge.

(b) I have satisfied myself that:

(i) the goods/services/works to be delivered in terms of the above-specified bid
comply with the minimum local content requirements as specified in the bid, and
as measured in terms of SATS 1286:2011; and
(c) The local content percentage (%) indicated below has been calculated using the
formula given in clause 3 of SATS 1286:2011, the rates of exchange indicated in
paragraph 4.1 above and the information contained in Declaration D and E which has
been consolidated in Declaration C:
Bid price, excluding VAT (y) R
Imported content (x), as calculated in terms of SATS 1286:2011 R
Stipulated minimum threshold for local content (paragraph 3 above)
Local content %, as calculated in terms of SATS 1286:2011
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If the bid is for more than one product, the local content percentages for each product
contained in Declaration C shall be used instead of the table above.
The local content percentages for each product has been calculated using the formula
given in clause 3 of SATS 1286:2011, the rates of exchange indicated in paragraph 4.1
above and the information contained in Declaration D and E.

(d) I accept that the Procurement Authority / Institution has the right to request that the
local content be verified in terms of the requirements of SATS 1286:2011.
(e) I understand that the awarding of the bid is dependent on the accuracy of the
information furnished in this application. I also understand that the submission of
incorrect data, or data that are not verifiable as described in SATS 1286:2011, may
result in the Procurement Authority / Institution imposing any or all of the remedies as
provided for in Regulation 14 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017
promulgated under the Preferential Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), 2000 (Act No. 5
of 2000).

SIGNATURE: DATE: ___________

WITNESS No. 1 DATE: ___________

WITNESS No. 2 DATE: ___________

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4.1 Background

Based on historical fuel usage figures and projected increase in demand, it has been determined
that the current fuel storage capacity at the airport will be inadequate in the near future. As such
there is a need for an additional 3200m 3 storage capacity at the existing fuel storage depot.

4.2 Purpose of this Tender

Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) intends to construct an additional fuel storage tank (Tank
7) at the existing fuel storage depot at Cape Town International Airport. The fuel storage depot is
located approximately 400m southwest of the Domestic Arrivals Terminal

4.3 Scope of Work

Refer to Section C3.1.2 for Full Scope of Works and Specifications

4.4 Minimum Requirements

Only bidders meeting the following criteria will be considered for this tender:

a) Tenderer must sign and confirm Form of Offer (C1.1);

b) All entities must be registered within the Republic of South Africa and on the National
Treasury CSD (Proof to be submitted);
c) Attendance of the compulsory briefing session;
d) Tenderers must sign Form C15: Requirements of Government’s Programme for Broad-
Based Black Economic Empowerment. Monetary values to be confirmed on contract award.

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5.1 Preference Points Claims

5.1.1 In terms of the PPPFA and its regulations only a maximum of 20 points may be awarded
for preference. The preferential point systems are as follows: The 80/20 system for requirements with a Rand value of up to R50 000 000
(all applicable taxes included); and The 90/10 system for requirements with a Rand value above R50 000 000 (all
applicable taxes included).

5.1.2 The value of this bid is estimated to not exceed R50 000 000 (all applicable taxes
included) and therefore the 80/20 system shall be applicable. Preference points for this
bid shall be awarded for:

5.2 The maximum points for this bid are allocated as follows:


5.2.1 Price 80

B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution 20

Total Points for Price and B-BBEE must not Exceed 100

5.2.2 Failure on the part of a bidder to fill in and/or to sign this form and submit a B-BBEE
Verification Certificate from a Verification Agency accredited by the South African
Accreditation System (SANAS) or an affidavit in the case of Qualifying Small Enterprises
and an Emerging Micro Enterprises together with the bid, will be interpreted to mean
that preference points for B-BBEE status level of contribution are not claimed.

5.2.3 ACSA reserves the right to require of a bidder, either before a bid is adjudicated or at
any time subsequently, to substantiate any claim in regard to preferences, in any
manner required by ACSA.

5.3 Definitions

5.3.1 “B-BBEE” means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1

of the Broad -Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

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5.3.2 “B-BBEE status level of contributor” means the B-BBEE status received by a
measured entity based on its overall performance using the relevant scorecard
contained in the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in
terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

5.3.3 “Black Designated Groups” has the meaning assigned to it in the codes of good
practice issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic
Empowerment Act;

5.3.4 “Black People” has the meaning assigned to it in the codes of good practice issued in
terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

5.3.5 “Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act” means the Broad-Based Black
Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003);

5.3.6 “Designated Group” means: Black Designated Groups; Black People; Women; People with disabilities; or Small enterprises, as defined in section 1 of the national Small Enterprise Act
102 of 1996;

5.3.7 “Consortium or Joint Venture” means an association of persons for the purpose of
combining their expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for
the execution of a contract;

5.3.8 “EME” means an exempted micro enterprise in terms of the codes of good practice
issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;;

5.3.9 “Functionality” means the ability of tenderer to provide goods or services in accordance
with specifications as set out in the tender documents;

5.3.10 “Military Veteran” has the meaning assigned to it in section 1 of the Military Veterans
Act 18 of 2011;

5.3.11 “People with disabilities” has the meaning assigned to it in section 1 of the
Employment Equity Act, 55 of 1998;

5.3.12 “Person” includes a juristic person;

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5.3.13 “PPPFA” means the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000 and its
Regulations published on 20 January 2017;

5.3.14 “Price” means all applicable axes less all unconditional discounts;

5.3.15 “QSE” means a qualifying small business enterprises in terms of the codes of good
practice issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic
Empowerment Act

5.3.16 “Rand Value” means the total estimated value of a contract in South African currency,
calculated at the time of bid invitations, and includes all applicable taxes and excise

5.3.17 “Rural Area” means: a sparsely populated area in which people farm or depend on natural

resources including villages and small towns that are dispersed through the
area; or an area including a large settlement which dee ds a on migratory labour and
remittances and govern social grants for survival, and may have a traditional
land tenure system;

5.3.18 “Total Revenue” bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the Codes of
Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and promulgated in the Government
Gazette on 9 February 2007;

5.3.19 “Township” means an urban living area that any time from the late 19th century until
27 April 1994, was reserved for black people, including areas developed for historically
disadvantaged individuals post 27 April 1994;

5.3.20 “Trust” means the arrangement through which the property of one person is made over
or bequeathed to a trustee to administer such property for the benefit of another

5.3.21 “Trustee” means any person, including the founder of a trust, to whom property is
bequeathed in order for such property to be administered for the benefit of another
person; and

5.3.22 “Youth” has the meaning assigned to it in section 1 of the National Youth Development
Agency Act 54 of 2008

All terms not defined herein have the meanings assigned to them in the PPPFA.

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5.4 Adjudication Using A Point System

5.4.1 The bidder obtaining the highest number of total points will be awarded the contract,
unless objective criteria exist justifying an award to another bidder or ACSA exercises
one or more of its disclaimers.

5.4.2 Preference points will be calculated after prices have been brought to a comparative
basis taking into account all factors of non-firm prices and all unconditional discounts

5.4.3 Points scored will be rounded off to the nearest 2 decimal places.

5.5 Award of Business where Bidders have Scored Equal Points Overall

5.5.1 In the event that two or more bids have scored equal total points, the successful bid will
be the one scoring the highest number of preference points for B-BBEE.

5.5.2 However, when functionality is part of the evaluation process and two or more bids have
scored equal points including equal preference points for B-BBEE, the successful bid
will be the one scoring the highest score for functionality.

5.5.3 Should two or more bids be equal in all respects, the award will be decided by the
drawing of lots.

5.6 Points Awarded for Price

The 80/20 or 90/10 Preference Point Systems

A maximum of 80 or 90 points is allocated for price on the following basis:

80/20 or 90/10

 Pt − P min   Pt − P min 
Ps = 801 −  or Ps = 901 − 
 P min   P min 

Ps = Points scored for comparative price of bid under consideration

Pt = Comparative price of bid under consideration

Pmin = Comparative price of lowest acceptable bid

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5.6.1 Points Awarded for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution In terms of Regulation 6 (2) and 7 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations,
preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of
contribution in accordance with the table below

B-BBEE Status Number of Points Number of Points

Level of
Contributor (90/10 system) (80/20 system)

1 10 20

2 9 18

3 6 14

4 5 12

5 4 8

6 3 6

7 2 4

8 1 2

0 0
contributor Bidders who qualify as EMEs in terms of the B-BBEE Act must submit an affidavit stating
its annual turnover, certificate issued by a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS. Bidders other than EMEs must submit their original and valid B-BBEE status level
verification certificate or a certified copy thereof, substantiating their B-BBEE rating
issued by a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS. QSEs have an additional option
of submitting a sworn affidavit as its B-BBEE certificate in terms of the amendments to
the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice in 2013. A trust, consortium or joint venture, will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level
as a legal entity, provided that the entity submits their B-BBEE status level certificate. A trust, consortium or joint venture will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as
an unincorporated entity, provided that the entity submits their consolidated B-BBEE
scorecard as if they were a group structure and that such a consolidated B-BBEE
scorecard is prepared for every separate bid.

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Reference no. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Tertiary institutions and public entities will be required to submit their B-BBEE status
level certificates in terms of the specialized scorecard contained in the B-BBEE Codes
of Good Practice. A person will not be awarded points for B-BBEE status level if it is indicated in the bid
documents that such a bidder intends sub-contracting more than 25% of the value of
the contract to any other enterprise that does not qualify for at least the points that such
a bidder qualifies for, unless the intended sub-contractor is an EME that has the
capability and ability to execute the sub-contract. A person awarded a contract may not sub-contract more than 25% of the value of the
contract to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher B-BBEE status
level than the person concerned, unless the contract is sub-contracted to an EME that
has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract.

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5.7 Bid Declaration

Bidders who claim points in respect of B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution must
complete the following:

(B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution Claimed in Terms of Paragraphs 5.2.1)

B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution: ________________ = _____________(maximum of 20


(Points claimed in respect of paragraph 5.7.1 must be in accordance with the table reflected in
paragraph must be substantiated by means of a B-BBEE certificate issued by a
Verification Agency accredited by SANAS).

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5.8 Sub-Contracting

5.8.1 Will any portion of the contract be sub-contracted? YES / NO (*Delete whichever is
not applicable)

5.8.2 If yes, indicate: The sub-contracted percentage is:______% The type of ownership is as follows in terms of percentage out of 100: black ownerships is: __________ black youth ownership is: ___________ black women ownership is: __________ black people with disabilities ownerships is: ____________; black people in rural areas, underdeveloped areas or townships

ownerships is: ___________ black ownership of the co-operative is:_________ black people who are military veteran ownership is:

__________ Combined ownership of any of the above is: ______________.

5.8.3 The tendering condition must specify that the tenderer may only subcontract to a QSE
listed above if the QSE has a B-BBEE status level that is equal to or more than that of
the tenderer/bidder. The name of the sub-contractor is: ________________________________ The B-BBEE status level of the sub-contractor is: _____________________ The sub-contractor is an EME: YES / NO (*Delete whichever is not


5.8.4 A bidder may not sub-contract any portion of the tender after award without the written
approval a delegated ACSA representative.

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5.9 Declaration with Regard to the Bidder

5.9.1 Name of bidding

5.9.2 VAT Registration

5.9.3 Company
5.9.5 Type of company /

 Partnership/Joint Venture / Consortium

 One person business/sole propriety
 Close corporation
 Company
 (Pty) Limited

5.10 Describe principal business activities

5.11 Company Classification

 Manufacturer
 Supplier
 Professional service provider
 Other service providers, e.g. transportation, etcetera.

5.12 Total numbers of years the company / firm has been in business:


5.13 I/we, the undersigned, who is/are duly authorised to do so on behalf of the company/firm, certify
that the points claimed, based on the B-BBEE status level of contribution indicated in this bid of
the foregoing certificate, qualifies the company/ firm for the preference(s) shown and I / we
acknowledge that:

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5.13.1 The information furnished is true and correct;

5.13.2 The preference points claimed are in accordance with the General Conditions as
indicated in this Section;

5.13.3 In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed, the contractor
may be required to furnish documentary proof to the satisfaction of ACSA that the claims
are correct;

5.13.4 If the B-BBEE status level of contribution has been claimed or obtained on a fraudulent
basis or any of the conditions of contract have not been fulfilled, ACSA may, in addition
to any other remedy it may have: Disqualify the person from the bidding process; Recover costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a result of

that person’s conduct; Cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as a result
of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation; Restrict the bidder or contractor, its shareholders and directors, or only the
shareholders and directors who acted on a fraudulent basis, from obtaining
business from ACSA for a period not exceeding 10 years, after the audi
alteram partem (hear the other side) rule has been applied; and Forward the matter for criminal prosecution.


1. ___________________________

Signature(s) of bidder(s)

2. ___________________________
Date : _______________________

Address: ____________________________________________


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6.1 Evaluation Criteria

6.1.1 ACSA will use a pre-determined evaluation criterion when considering received bids.
The evaluation criteria will consider the commitment made for pre-qualifying criteria/
local production and content/ Supplier Development, objective criteria and compulsory
sub-contracting/ functionality/ Price and B-BBEE. During the evaluation of received bids
ACSA will make an assessment whether all the bids comply with set minimum
requirements and whether all returnable documents/information have been submitted.
Bidders which fail to meet minimum requirements, thresholds or have not submitted
required mandatory documents will be disqualified from the tender process.

6.1.2 The requirements of any given stage must be complied with prior to progression to the
next stage. ACSA reserves the right to disqualify bidders without requesting any
outstanding document/information.

6.2 A staged approach will be used to evaluate bids and the approach will be as follows:

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

and production thresholds have
Check if minimum local content
Check if bidders meet the pre-

Evaluate on functionality or the

Evaluate price and Preference

technical aspect of the bid
Check if bidders meet the
Mandatory Requirements

Post tender negotiations

qualifying criteria

been met

6.3 Pre-qualification

Bidders must submit the requisite documentation to prove that they meet the pre-qualifying

6.4 Mandatory Requirements

A list of mandatory returnable documents must be consulted to understand which documents are
required at the closing date and time. Further, to the mandatory returnable documents/information
ACSA will only consider bidders which have:

6.4.1 Tenderer must sign and confirm Form of Offer (C1.1);

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6.4.2 All entities must be registered within the Republic of South Africa and on the National
Treasury CSD (Proof to be submitted);
6.4.3 Attendance of the compulsory briefing session;
6.4.4 Tenderers must sign Form C15: Requirements of Government’s Programme for Broad-
Based Black Economic Empowerment. Monetary values to be confirmed on contract

6.5 Local Content and Production

Bidders must complete and return SBD 6.2 (Declaration of Local Content and Production form)
on the closing date and time of this tender. ACSA may disqualify any bidder which has not
submitted the SBD 6.2 form on the closing date and time. The form must be completed under
Section 3 of this tender document

6.6 Functionality

6.6.1 Evaluation

This will be conducted by the Bid Evaluation Committee which comprises of various skilled and
experienced members from diverse professional disciplines. The evaluation process will be based
on prequalification/threshold criteria. Points allocated for Functionality shall be evaluated in
accordance with the criteria as listed below.

6.6.2 Threshold

The functional evaluation will be based on a threshold, where bidders which fail to achieve a
minimum on each functional stage will not be considered further in the evaluation. The
criteria of the evaluation is expressed in the table below.

Points allocated for Functionality shall be evaluated in accordance with the criteria as listed
below. Total points allocated shall be 100. Tenderer must score a minimum score per each
sub criteria and an overall minimum threshold of 60 points out of 100 is required to be
achieved for the tender to be eligible for further evaluation on Price and B-BBEE (80/20 split).
An overall score of 60 points or higher but which fails one of the minimum sub criteria
will not be eligible for further evaluation.

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# Functionality Element Min Max


The tenderer is to submit previous projects completed as per Form A5. In the event of
a Joint Venture (JV), the projects can be submitted for each company individually.

1.1 Petrochemical vertical storage tank experience

Previous Company Experience (make reference to a number of similar projects to
confirm experience working in a petrochemical tank storage facility) in Petrochemical
tank storage construction (API 650) with a vertical tank of minimum one hundred
thousand (100 000) litre in capacity (maximum 5 references)
[5 points per reference] – complete as per Form A5
Completed number of projects in the last 15 years: 15 25
a) Five projects or more (25 points)
b) Four projects (20 points)
c) Three projects (15 points)
d) Two projects (10 points)
e) One project (5 points)
f) No projects or no references provided (0 points)

1.2 Petrochemical tank construction works value

Previous Company Experience in Petrochemical tank storage construction (API 650)
with a vertical tank of minimum one hundred thousand (100 000) litre in capacity 5 11
(highest value project will be evaluated) – complete as per Form A5
a) Greater than or equal to R7 million (11 points)
b) Greater than R5 million but less than R7 million (8 points)
c) Greater than R3 million but less than R5 million (5 points)
d) Less than R3 million (0 points)


2.1 Contracts Manager

Proof that Contracts Manager has experience working as a “Contracts Manager” 4 6
working on Petrochemical Tank Storage projects > R 2M - complete as per form
a) 4 projects or more (6 points)
b) 2-3 projects (4 points)
c) 0-1 projects (0 points)

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2.2 Site Agent / Construction Manager
Proof that Site Agent / Construction Manager has experience working as a “Site Agent
4 6
/ Construction Manager” working on Petrochemical Tank Storage projects > R
2M - complete as per form C6
a) 4 projects or more (6 points)
b) 2-3 projects (4 points)
c) 0-1 projects (0 points)

2.3 Tank Supervisor

Proof that Tank Supervisor has experience working as a “Tank Supervisor” working
on Petrochemical Tank Storage projects - complete as per form C6 4 6

a) 4 projects or more (6 points)

b) 2-3 projects (4 points)
c) 0-1 projects (0 points)

2.4 Mechanical Supervisor

Proof that Mechanical Supervisor has experience working as a “Mechanical
Supervisor” working in a Petrochemical facility - complete as per form C6 4 6

a) 4 projects or more (6 points)

b) 2-3 projects (4 points)
c) 0-1 projects (0 points)
The Tenderer shall attach a Preliminary Programme, reflecting the proposed
sequence, duration and milestones of execution of the various activities comprising
12 20
the work for this contract. The programme shall be in accordance with the information
provided in the scope of work and with all other relevant aspects of the tender.
Refer to Form C9 for scoring.

The Tenderer shall attach a Method Statement that adequately details all activities,
durations and any associated risks in terms of fuel depot operations envisaged on this
12 20
Refer to Form C9 for scoring.
Total = 60 100

6.7 Price and B-BBEE

This is the final stage of the evaluation process and will be based on the PPPFA preference point
system of 80/20. Price will amount to 80 points, whilst preference will be 20 points. The award of
business will be made to a bidder which has scored the highest overall points for this stage of the
evaluation, unless objective criteria exists, justifying an award to another bidder or ACSA splits
the award or cancels the tender, etcetera. The pricing schedule to be completed is as follows:

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Bidders must only price in accordance with the Part C2 (BOQ), this will enable ACSA to
compare priced offers. Failure to submit a priced offer using the prescribed schedule will make
the bid liable for disqualification.

Failure to submit a priced offer using the prescribed schedule will make the bid liable for
disqualification. Disbursements will be reimbursed at actual cost. The successful bidder will be
required to provide proof of expenses in order to be reimbursed. Other expenses, for example
accommodation (specify, e.g. three star hotel, bed and breakfast, telephone cost, reproduction
cost, etcetera). On basis of these particulars, certified invoices will be checked for correctness.

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7.1 Returnable documents (Refer to Section T2.1 for full list of returnable documents).

ACSA will disqualify from the tender process any bidder that has failed to submit mandatory
returnable documents and information on the closing date and time. Bidders should therefore
ensure that all the mandatory returnable documents and information have been submitted. In
order to assist bidders, ACSA has also included a column next to the required mandatory
document and information to enable bidders to keep track of whether they have submitted or not.
The mandatory documents and information are as follows:

7.2 These types of documents and information are required but are not mandatory or are only
mandatory at specific stages of the process. ACSA may request bidders to submit these
documents or information after the closing date and time or might already have them on the
system. Where a document or information is only mandatory at a specific stage in the process,
ACSA may only disqualify a bidder for non-submission at that stage and after reasonable efforts
were made to request the document from the bidder. The documents are as follows:

7.3 Validity of submitted information

Bidders must ensure that any document or information which has been submitted in pursuance
to this tender remains valid for the duration of the contract period. The duty is on the bidder to
provide updated information to ACSA immediately after such information has changed.

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8.1 Making a Declaration

Any legal person or persons having a relationship with persons employed by ACSA, including a
blood relationship, may submit a bid in terms of this tender document. In view of possible
allegations of unfairness, should the resulting bid, or part thereof, be awarded to persons
connected with or related to ACSA employees, it is required that the bidder or his/her authorised
representative declare his/her position in relation to ACSA employees or any member of the
evaluation or adjudication committee which will consider bids. Furthermore, ACSA requires all
bidders to declare that they have not acted in any manner inconsistent with the law, policy or

8.2 All bidders must complete a declaration of interest form below:

Full name of the bidder or representative of

the bidding entity
Identity Number
Position held in the bidding entity
Registration number of the bidding entity
Tax Reference number of the bidding entity
VAT Registration number of the bidding

I/We certify that there is a / no relationship between the bidding entity or any of its shareholders /
directors / owner / member / partner with any ACSA employee or official.
Where a relationship exists, please provide details of the ACSA employee or official and the
extent of the relationship below

8.3 Full Names of Directors / Trustees / Members / Shareholders of the bidding entity

Personal Income Tax

Full Name Identity Number
Reference Number

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8.4 I/We declare that we have not acted in any manner which promotes unfairness, contravenes any
law or is against public morals. We further certify that we will in full compliance of this tender terms
and conditions as well as ACSA policies in the event that we are successful in this tender.


I/We the undersigned ____________________________________________________ (Name)

herby certify that the information furnished in this tender document is true and correct. We further
certify that we understand that where it is found that we have made a false declaration or
statement in this tender, ACSA may disqualify our bid or terminate a contract we may have with
ACSA where we are successful in this tender.

___________________________ _________________________________
Signature Date

____________________________ __________________________________
Position Name of bidder

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9.1 Conditions of the request for proposal

9.1.1 This RFP is open only to bidders who are registered and duly authorised to provide the
Services in South Africa.

9.1.2 Any bids received after the tender closing date and time Monday 03 December 2018 at
10:00am shall not be considered by ACSA and therefore be disqualified. These bids
shall be retained unopened and destroyed after the award of the contract to the
successful bidder unless a written request for the return thereof is received from the
relevant bidder within thirty (30) days of the award.

9.1.3 Except where specifically provided for in this RFP, a bidder may make no changes to its
bid after the closing time and date.

9.1.4 ACSA reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of bid submitted by a bidder
subject to ACSA’ s terms and conditions and by submission of its bid the bidder agrees
to be legally bound thereby if its bid is accepted by ACSA.

9.1.5 ACSA or its duly appointed representatives shall be the sole adjudicators of the
acceptability and or feasibility of the bids. The decision shall be final and except as
required by law or otherwise, no reason for the acceptance or rejection of any bid will be

9.1.6 If the bid has been awarded on the strength of information furnished by a Bidder, which
information is proved to have been incorrect, in addition to any other legal remedy it may
have, ACSA may at any time during the life of the contract:
a) Recover from the relevant bidder all costs, losses or damages incurred by it as a result
of the award; and/or
b) Cancel the award of the bid and/or contract and claim any damages, which it may have
suffered or will suffer as a result of having to make less favourable arrangements.

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9.1.7 The Bidder shall be liable to pay for losses sustained and/or additional costs or
expenditure incurred by ACSA as a result of cancellation. ACSA shall furthermore have
the right to recover such losses, damages or additional costs by way of set off against
monies due or which may become due to the Bidder in terms of the said contract.

9.1.8 If ACSA and the successful Bidder fail to enter into or execute a formal written contract
within thirty (30) days of the award (or such later date as may be determined by ACSA as
a result of the bidder’s failure to comply with any representation made in the bidder’s bid,
then the award shall be deemed null and void. ACSA’ s aforesaid rights are without
prejudice and in addition to any other rights that ACSA may have in order to claim
damages. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event the bid of a successful bidder is
accepted by ACSA, no agreement shall come into being until the formal contract has
been negotiated and executed between ACSA and the successful bidder.

9.1.9 ACSA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this RFP at any time prior
to finalisation of the contract between the parties and shall not be liable to any bidder or
any other person for damages of whatsoever nature which they may have suffered as a
result of such amendment. All bids are submitted at the entire risk of the bidder.

9.1.10 All representations, agreements or arrangements arising from bids submitted in terms
hereof (including any negotiations that follow) shall not be binding on ACSA, its officers,
employees or agents unless reduced to writing and signed by a duly authorised
representative of ACSA.

9.1.11 ACSA reserves the right to postpone the closing date for submission of bids or to withdraw
the RFP at any time.

9.1.12 Appendix 1 must be executed in the name of the business actually proposing to perform
the Services if awarded the contract. Appendix 1 must be signed by an authorised
representative of the bidder.

9.1.13 In the case of a joint venture or partnership between The Service Provider, evidence of
such a joint venture must be included in the bid in the form of a Joint Venture Agreement
or Memorandum of Understanding. Each member of the joint venture may complete and
sign Appendix 1. Alternatively, all the members of the joint venture may in writing
nominate one member of the joint venture to complete and sign Appendix 1 on behalf of
the joint venture. This written authority must be signed by duly authorised members of
the joint venture and be submitted with the proposal.
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9.2 Binding Arbitration Provision

9.2.1 It is a condition of participation in this RFP process between the bidder and ACSA that
should any dispute or difference arise between the parties, this shall be resolved by a
single Arbitrator -
• Concerning the purport or effect of the RFP documents or of anything required to be
done or performed there under;
• Concerning any aspect of the RFP process to anything done or decided there under:
• Concerning the validity of the award of the RFP to any bidder or the failure to award
same to any Bidder, then such dispute or difference shall be finally resolved by
9.2.2 Such arbitration shall be by a single arbitrator who shall be –
• Selected by agreement between the parties, or failing such agreement nominated
on the application of any party by the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa
(AFSA); and
• The arbitrator shall have power to open up, review and revise any certificate, opinion,
decision, requisition or notice relating to all matters in dispute submitted to him/her
and to determine all such matters in the same manner as if no such certificate,
opinion, decision, requisition or notice had been issued.
9.2.3 Upon every or any such reference, the costs of an incidental to the reference and award
shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator, who may determine the amount of the costs,
or direct them to be taxed as between attorney and client or as between party and party
and shall direct by whom and to whom and in what manner they shall be borne and
9.2.4 The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties and any party shall
be entitled to apply to the Courts to have such award made an order of court.
9.2.5 Save as set out in this clause, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the
rules of the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa.
9.2.6 The arbitration shall be held in Johannesburg in the English language.
9.2.7 However, nothing in this clause shall preclude any party to the arbitration from seeking
interlocutory relief in any court having jurisdiction pending the institution of a review or
other appropriate proceedings for legal redress.
9.2.8 Such arbitration shall be commenced and concluded within 30 days of the dispute
having noted.

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9.3 RFP Acceptance

9.3.1 ACSA reserves the right to reject: -

a. Incomplete bids;
b. Late bids;
c. Conditional bids; and

9.3.2 ACSA reserves the right to withdraw the RFP at any time without giving rise to any
obligation to be responsible for any loss or financial damage which may be incurred or
suffered by any bidder.

9.3.3 This RFP implies neither obligation to accept the lowest or any bid nor any responsibility
for expenses or loss, which may be incurred by any bidder in preparation of his bid.

9.3.4 Bidders may include with their bids any descriptive matter, which, if referred to in the RFP,
will form part of the RFP. In case of any discrepancy, however, the issued RFP and
supporting documents and information completed therein by the bidder will be considered
as the valid and binding bid.

9.3.5 ACSA reserves the right to award portions of the contract to different Bidders and is not
obligated to accept the whole or only one bid for purposes of the award of the contract or

9.3.6 ACSA reserves the right to not award more than one contract to a Bidder.

9.3.7 Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in this document, no ACSA employee
or any person related to or associated (including spouse, child, cousin, friend) with an
ACSA employee may (individually or through a corporate vehicle which includes a
company, close corporate, trust, partnership etc.) submit a bid for consideration by the
Evaluation Committee unless interest is declared and approved as per Delegated Level
of Authority.

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I/We hereby declare that we have not/been found guilty of any illegal activities relating to
corruption, fraud, B-BBEE fronting, anti-competitive practices and/or blacklisted by an organ of
State Owned Company, etc. and/or any other forbidden practices.

I/We declare the following:

Description Penalty Organ of State / State Owned




Furthermore, I/We declare that to the best of my/our knowledge there is /are no further practices
to be declared or which are in the process of being finalised. The following are alleged practices
which have not yet been finalised.

Description Organ of State / State Owned Company



This declaration was signed on _______ of ____________________________ 201_____




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SCM Reference Number CIA 5677/2018/RFP

Tank Construction at Fuel Storage

Contract Name

Division Technical Services and Solutions (TSS)

Duration (in months) (construction estimate 10 months)

Contract Manager Melvin Henkel

Contracts Consultant Bonolo Ngwenya

Kindly complete the attached Appendix A, which will form part of the signed agreement between the
successful bidder and Airports Company South Africa.

This Contract Management Plan (CMP) will guide you in respect the relationship between the parties
once the procurement process has been concluded.

Please note that there are some provisions in the contract template which are non-negotiable and
therefore an attempt to amend same or to remove them by way of the schedule of deviations may render
your bid non- responsive. It is a condition of the bid that you accept the terms and conditions designated
as Non-Negotiable.

1. Non- Negotiable Clauses

1 Clause Defects Liability - 12 calendar months

Clause Duration - The time for achieving Practical

Completion is 5 months

Clause The pricing Strategy is a Re-measured Contract

Clause 5.16.3 The latent defect period is 5 years.

Clause 6.2.1 A 10% performance guarantee is required
Clause 6.10.3 The retention amount is 5% of the contract value

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2. Deliverables and Milestones (not the scope but what is expected from the Service

The contract is to be completed within 10 months.

3. Penalties

Cause 5.13.1 The penalty for failing to complete the Works is 0.05% per calendar day
up to maximum of 5% of contract value.
The penalty for failing to meet the specified milestone dates indicated in Table C3.5.1
is 0.05% per calendar day up to a maximum of 5% of contract value”.

Performance Management

Kindly note that this agreement will be subject to performance management which may necessitate the
1. Performance Management Review Meetings once every month from the Effective Date;
2. Performance Management Reviews on the template attached every month from the Effective
3. Performance Management Reports prepared by the Contract Manager once every month;
4. Updated Statutory documents, once every year on the anniversary of the Effective Date.

Failure to maintain a positive performance levels as indicated through the above-mentioned processes
may result in your contract being terminated and may have a negative impact on any future business
with ACSA.

Name: Date: Signature

SCM Specialist/ Nokuthula Bhengu 05/11/ 2018

Contract Melvin Henkel 05/11/ 2018


Contract Bonolo Ngwenya 05/11/ 2018


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Part T2: Returnable Documents

T2.1: List of Returnable Documents ........................... T2-2

T2.2: Returnable Schedules ......................................... T2-4

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Part T2: Returnable documents List of Returnable Documents
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The tenderer must complete the following returnable documents: Completed
1 Returnable Schedules required for tender evaluation purposes only
A1: Certificate of Attendance at Briefing session
A2: Record of Addenda to Tender Documents
A3: Certificate of Authority for Signatory
A4: Certificate of Authority for Joint Ventures (where applicable)
A5: Schedule of the Tenderer’s Experience
A6: Schedule of current commitments
A7: Contractor’s Establishment on Site
A8: Eligibility Questionnaire / Disclosure of Material Litigation From
A9: SBD 4: Declaration of Interest
A10: SBD 8: Declaration of Bidder’s past supply chain management practices
A11: SBD 6.1: Preference points claim form in terms of preferential procurement
A12: SBD 9: Certificate of independent bid determination
SBD 6.2 (Declaration for local content and production for PPPFA designated sectors

2 Other documents required for tender evaluation purposes only

B1: Proof of registration for Contractor’s WCA registration
B2: An original valid or certified copy of Tax Clearance Certificate issued by the South
African Revenue Services.
B3: An original Bank Statement of good financial standing (Bank Rating) for the tender
B4: Vendor Registration number on Central Supplier Database

3 Returnable Schedules that will be incorporated into the contract

C1: Enterprise Questionnaire
C2: Schedule of Proposed Subcontractors
C3: Schedule of Construction Equipment
C4: Schedule of Stand-by Construction Equipment (1hr establishment)
C5: B-BBEE Verification Certificate
C6: CV’s of Key Personnel
C7: Rates for Special Materials
C8: Preliminary Health & Safety Plan (See Health and Safety Specification Part C3.3.1)
C9: Preliminary Programme, Method Statement and Quality Management Plan
C10: Estimated Monthly Expenditure
C11: Safety and Fire Rules
C12: Occupational Health and Safety Questionnaire
C13: Schedule of Information to be provided by Tenderer (Banking Details etc.)
C14: Proposed Amendments and Qualifications
C15: Requirements of Government’s programme for Broad Based Black Economic

4 C1.1 Form of Offer and Acceptance

C1.2 Contract Data
C1.3 Performance Guarantee
C1.4 Form of Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993
C1.5 Annexure A: Summary of Insurance Arrangements and Claims Procedure

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Form A1: Certificate of Attendance at Briefing Meeting

This is to certify that

I, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Representative of tenderer)


of (address)



e-mail: …………………………………….………………………………………………………………….

telephone number: ..………………………..……………………………………………………………….

fax number: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

visited and examined the site on date: ……………………………………………………………………

Tenderer’s Representative

Signature: ………………………………. Position: ……………………………………


Name: ………………………………. Date: ……………………………………

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Form A2: Record of Addenda to Tender Documents

We confirm that the following communications received from the Employer before the submission of this
tender offer, amending the tender documents, have been taken into account in this tender offer:

Date Title or Details









Attach additional pages if more space is required.

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form A3: Certificate of Authority for Signatory

(1) Signatories for close corporations and companies shall confirm their authority by attaching to this
form a duly signed and dated copy of the relevant resolution of their members or their board of
directors, as the case may be.
(2) In the event that the tenderer is a joint venture, a certificate of authority for signatories (Form A4)
is required from all members of the joint venture and the designated lead member shall be clearly
identified as requested by the tender conditions.

An example is shown below:

"By resolution of the board of directors taken on ...................................... 20 .................

Mr/Ms .........................................................................................................................................................

whose signature appear below, has been duly authorized to sign all documents in connection with this
tender for CONTRACT No: CIA-5677/2018/RFP and any contract which may arise there from on behalf

(block capitals) ...........................................................................................................................................


Signed on behalf of Company: ................................................................................................................

In his/her capacity as: .................................................................................................................................

Date: .................................................................Signatory of Authority: ……………………………………..

………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………
Signature Signature
…………………………………………………. …………………………………………….
Name (print) Name (print)

▪ Extract from minutes
▪ Annual Financial Report
▪ Tax Clearance Certificate
▪ Company Documents
▪ Bank reference

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form A4: Certificate of Authority for Joint Ventures (where applicable)

This Returnable Schedule is to be completed by joint ventures in addition to Form A3 for each JV

We, the undersigned, are submitting this tender offer in Joint Venture and hereby authorise Mr/Ms . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , authorised signatory of the company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , acting in the capacity of lead
partner, to sign all documents in connection with the tender offer and any contract resulting from it on
our behalf.
Lead partner

Signature: ……………………………

Name: …………………………………

Designation: ………………………….

Signature: ……………………………

Name: …………………………………

Designation: ………………………….

Signature: ……………………………

Name: …………………………………

Designation: ………………………….

Signature: ……………………………

Name: …………………………………

Designation: ………………………….

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form A5: Schedule of the Tenderer’s Recent Experience related to this Project (API 650 Tank Works Experience)
The following is a statement of similar work successfully executed by myself/ourselves over the past FIFTEEN years:




Note: When completing the above schedule, Tenderer’s must take cognisance of the evaluation criteria as described in the Tender Data, Part T1.2,
Section 6.

or a LETTER from the Client / Principal Consultant stating that the project has been brought to completion.

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The undersigned, who warrants that he / she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the enterprise, confirms that the contents of this schedule are within my personal knowledge
and are to the best of my belief both true and correct.

Signed Date

Name Position


Number of sheets, appended by the tenderer to this Schedule....................... (If nil, enter NIL).

SIGNED ON BEHALF OF TENDERER: .............................................

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Project Summary Sheet Template

This Project Summary Sheet must be completed for each project submitted and should be no longer
than one A4 page per project.



Project Name: Project Value.: R




Start Date:

Completion Date:

Project Description:

Two to three paragraphs describing the scope of work, tank volumes, products stored, related

[Photo to be included if available]

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Project Name: TANK 7 Project Value.: R



Location: CAPE TOWN

Start Date:

Completion Date:

Project Description:

Example : This project includes the construction of one 3200m³ above ground jet fuel storage tank
complete with floating suction, internal pipework, nozzles, manholes, vents, spiral staircase, inter-tank
walkway, handrails and attachments. Tank fire-fighting piping, cooling rings, top foam pourers, spray
nozzles and riser pipes were also installed.

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Form A6: Schedule of Current Commitments

1. The tenderer shall list below all projects with which the proposed key personnel are currently
2. In the event of a joint venture enterprise, details of all the members of the joint venture shall
similarly be attached to this form

Value of work
Employer, contact person Engineer, contact Description of
inclusive of Completion Date
and telephone number person and contract
VAT (rand)
telephone number

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form A7: Contractor’s Establishment on Site

If the tenderer should require additional compensation for his obligations under Section A of the BOQ
(over and above the total tendered for Section A) by including such additional compensation in the
tendered rates and/or lump sum of items in the pricing schedule, these items and the value of such
additional compensations shall be set out in a letter attached to this form.

Should the combined,

(a) Fixed charge items

(b) Time-related items

exceed a maximum of 15% of the tender sum, the tenderer shall clearly set out his reasons for tendering
in this manner in a letter attached to this page.

The relevant regional project engineer will duly consider the reasons but reserves the right to consider
the tendered rates to be imbalanced and to deal with them in terms of Conditions of Tender contained
in this volume.

Total tendered for Section A expressed as a percentage of the tender sum


Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form A8: Eligibility Questionnaire / Disclosure of Material Litigation Form

1. If the organisation is a company, provide details of any resolutions, court orders or

proceedings for the company’s winding up (otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction
or amalgamation).

Please provide details or declare if not applicable:

2. If the organisation is a company, has the company, or is the company subject to proceedings
for the appointment of a receiver, manager or administrator on behalf of a creditor appointed (in
respect of the company’s business or any part thereof)?
Tick as appropriate Yes

If yes, please provide details:

3. Provide a statement of any material, pending or threatened litigation or other legal

proceedings, which relate to the conduct of its business or profession.
Please provide details or declare if not applicable:

4. Has the organisation been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of its
business or profession?
Tick as appropriate Yes
If yes, please provide details:

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5. Has the organisation committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of its business or

Tick as appropriate Yes

If yes, please provide details:

6. In the last 3 years, and in respect of any services equivalent to or similar to the Services, has
your organisation ever had to pay liquidated damages or financial penalties levied in respect of a
failure to perform the terms of a contract?
Tick as appropriate Yes
If yes, please provide details:

7. In the last 3 years, and in respect of any services equivalent to or similar to the Services, has
your organisation ever had a contract terminated or its employment determined under the terms of a
Tick as appropriate Yes
If yes, please provide details:

The undersigned, who warrants that he / she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the enterprise,
confirms that the contents of this schedule are within his / her personal knowledge and are to the best
of his / her knowledge both true and correct.

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form A9: Declaration of Interest


1. Any legal person, including persons employed by the state¹, or persons having a kinship with
persons employed by the state, including a blood relationship, may make an offer or offers in
terms of this invitation to bid (includes an advertised competitive bid, a limited bid, a proposal
or written price quotation). In view of possible allegations of favouritism, should the resulting
bid, or part thereof, be awarded to persons employed by the state, or to persons connected
with or related to them, it is required that the bidder or his/her authorised representative
declare his/her position in relation to the evaluating/adjudicating authority where-

- the bidder is employed by the state; and/or

- the legal person on whose behalf the bidding document is signed, has a relationship
with persons/a person who are/is involved in the evaluation and or adjudication of the
bid(s), or where it is known that such a relationship exists between the person or
persons for or on whose behalf the declarant acts and persons who are involved with
the evaluation and or adjudication of the bid.

2. In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and
submitted with the bid.

2.1 Full Name of bidder or his or her representative:


2.2 Identity

2.3 Position occupied in the Company (director, trustee, shareholder², member):


2.4 Registration number of company, enterprise, close corporation, partnership agreement or


2.5 Tax Reference Number:


2.6 VAT Registration Number:

2.6.1 The names of all directors / trustees / shareholders / members, their individual identity
numbers, tax reference numbers and, if applicable, employee / PERSAL numbers must be
indicated in paragraph 3 below.
¹“State” means –

(a) any national or provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional
institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of
(b) any municipality or municipal entity;
(c) provincial legislature;
(d) national Assembly or the national Council of provinces; or
(e) Parliament.

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²”Shareholder” means a person who owns shares in the company and is actively involved in the
management of the enterprise or business and exercises control over the enterprise.

2.7 Are you or any person connected with the bidder YES / NO
presently employed by the state?

2.7.1 If so, furnish the following particulars:

Name of person / director / trustee / shareholder/ member:

Name of state institution at which you or the person
connected to the bidder is employed :
Position occupied in the state institution:

Any other particulars:


2.7.2 If you are presently employed by the state, did you obtain YES / NO
the appropriate authority to undertake remunerative
work outside employment in the public sector? If yes, did you attach proof of such authority to the bid YES / NO

(Note: Failure to submit proof of such authority, where

applicable, may result in the disqualification of the bid. If no, furnish reasons for non-submission of such proof:


2.8 Did you or your spouse, or any of the company’s directors / YES / NO
trustees / shareholders / members or their spouses conduct
business with the state in the previous twelve months?

2.8.1 If so, furnish particulars:


2.9 Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have YES / NO
any relationship (family, friend, other) with a person
employed by the state and who may be involved with
the evaluation and or adjudication of this bid?

2.9.1 If so, furnish particulars.


2.10 Are you, or any person connected with the bidder, YES/NO
aware of any relationship (family, friend, other) between

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any other bidder and any person employed by the state
who may be involved with the evaluation and or adjudication
of this bid?

2.10.1 If so, furnish particulars.


2.11 Do you or any of the directors / trustees / shareholders / members YES/NO

of the company have any interest in any other related companies
whether or not they are bidding for this contract?

2.11.1 If so, furnish particulars:


3 Full details of directors / trustees / members / shareholders.

Full Name Identity Personal Gender Race Age %

Number Income Tax Ownership

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I, THE UNDERSIGNED (NAME)………………………………………………………………………




………………………………….. ..……………………………………………
Signature Date

…………………………………. ………………………………………………
Position Name of bidder


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Form A10: Declaration of Bidder’s past supply chain management practices



1 This Standard Bidding Document must form part of all bids invited.

2 It serves as a declaration to be used by institutions in ensuring that when goods and

services are being procured, all reasonable steps are taken to combat the abuse of the
supply chain management system.

3 The bid of any bidder may be disregarded if that bidder, or any of its directors have-

a. abused the institution’s supply chain management system;

b. committed fraud or any other improper conduct in relation to such system; or
c. failed to perform on any previous contract.

4 In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed
and submitted with the bid.

Item Question Yes No

4.1 Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the National Treasury’s Database Yes No
of Restricted Suppliers as companies or persons prohibited from doing
business with the public sector?
(Companies or persons who are listed on this Database were informed
in writing of this restriction by the Accounting Officer/Authority of the
institution that imposed the restriction after the audi alteram partem rule
was applied).

The Database of Restricted Suppliers now resides on the National Treasury’s

website( and can be accessed by clicking on its link at
the bottom of the home page.

4.1.1 If so, furnish particulars:

4.2 Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the Register for Tender Yes No
Defaulters in terms of section 29 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt
Activities Act (No 12 of 2004)?
The Register for Tender Defaulters can be accessed on the National
Treasury’s website ( by clicking on its link at the
bottom of the home page.

4.2.1 If so, furnish particulars:

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4.3 Was the bidder or any of its directors convicted by a court of law (including a Yes No
court outside of the Republic of South Africa) for fraud or corruption during
the past five years?

4.3.1 If so, furnish particulars:

4.4 Was any contract between the bidder and any organ of state terminated Yes No
during the past five years on account of failure to perform on or comply with
the contract?

4.4.1 If so, furnish particulars:


I, THE UNDERSIGNED (FULL NAME)…………………………………………………




………………………………………... …………………………..
Signature Date

………………………………………. …………………………..
Position Name of Bidder

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Form A11: Preference points claim form in terms of the preferential procurement regulations

(SBD 6.1)




This preference form must form part of all bids invited. It contains general information and serves as a
claim form for preference points for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Status Level
of Contribution



1.1 The following preference point systems are applicable to all bids:

- the 80/20 system for requirements with a Rand value equal to our above R30 000 and
up to a Rand value of R 50 000 000 (all applicable taxes included); and
- the 90/10 system for requirements with a Rand value above R50 000 000 (all applicable
taxes included).

1.2 The value of this bid is estimated to not exceed R 50 000 000 (all applicable taxes included)
and therefore the 80/20 system shall be applicable. In the event that all received bids exceed
R50 000 000 (all applicable taxes included) the 90/10 system shall be applicable. Once the
tender is received, the lowest acceptable tender will be used to determine the preference point
system to be used for the evaluation of tenders.

1.3 Preference points for this bid shall be awarded for:

(a) Price; and

(b) B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution.

1.3.1 The maximum points for this bid are allocated as follows:


Total points for Price and B-BB-EE must not exceed 100

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1.4 Failure on the part of a bidder to fill in and/or to sign this form and submit a B-BBEE Verification
Certificate or, if required, a Consolidated Certificate from a Verification Agency accredited by
the South African Accreditation System (SANAS) or a Registered Auditor approved by the
Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA) or an Accounting Officer as contemplated
in the Close Corporation Act (CCA) OR affidavits for EMEs and 51% black-owned QSEs
together with the bid, will be interpreted to mean that preference points for B-BBEE status
level of contribution are not claimed.

1.5. The employer reserves the right to require of a bidder, either before a bid is adjudicated or at
any time subsequently, to substantiate any claim in regard to preferences, in any manner
required by the employer.


2..1 “all applicable taxes” includes value-added tax, pay as you earn, income tax, unemployment
fund contributions and skills development levies;

2.2 “B-BBEE” means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the
-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

2.3 “B-BBEE status level of contributor” means the B-BBEE status received by a measured
entity based
on its overall performance using the relevant scorecard contained in the Codes of Good Practice
on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black
Empowerment Act;

2.4 “bid” means a written offer in a prescribed or stipulated form in response to an invitation by an
organ of state for the provision of services, works or goods, through price quotations, advertised
competitive bidding processes or proposals;

2.5 “Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act” means the Broad-Based Black
Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003);

2.6 “comparative price” means the price after the factors of a non-firm price and all unconditional
discounts that can be utilized have been taken into consideration;

2.7 “consortium or joint venture” means an association of persons for the purpose of combining
expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for the execution of a

2.8 “contract” means the agreement that results from the acceptance of a bid by an organ of state;

2.9 “EME” means an exempted micro enterprise in terms of a code of good practice on black
economic empowerment issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic
Empowerment Act

2.10 “Firm price” means the price that is only subject to adjustments in accordance with the actual
increase or decrease resulting from the change, imposition, or abolition of customs or excise
duty and any other duty, levy, or tax, which, in terms of the law or regulation, is binding on the
contractor and demonstrably has an influence on the price of any supplies, or the rendering
costs of any service, for the execution of the contract;

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3.1 The bidder obtaining the highest number of total points will be awarded the contract.

3.2 Preference points shall be calculated after prices have been brought to a comparative
basis taking into account all factors of non-firm prices and all unconditional discounts;.

3.3 Points scored must be rounded off to the nearest 2 decimal places.

3.4 In the event that two or more bids have scored equal total points, the successful bid
must be the one scoring the highest number of preference points for B-BBEE.

3.5 However, when functionality is part of the evaluation process and two or more bids have
scored equal points including equal preference points for B-BBEE, the successful bid must
be the one scoring the highest score for functionality.

3.6 Should two or more bids be equal in all respects, the award shall be decided by the drawing of



A maximum of 80 or 90 points is allocated for price on the following basis:

80/20 or 90/10

 Pt − P min   Pt − P min 
Ps = 801 −  or Ps = 901 − 
 P min   P min 
Ps = Points scored for price of tender under consideration;
Pt = Price of tender under consideration; and
Pmin = Price of lowest acceptable tender.

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5. Points awarded for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution

5.1 In terms of Regulation 6 (2) and 7 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017,
preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of
contribution in accordance with the table below:

B-BBEE Status Level of Number of points Number of points

Contributor (90/10 system) (80/20 system)

1 10 20

2 9 18

3 6 14

4 5 12

5 4 8

6 3 6

7 2 4

8 1 2

Non-compliant contributor 0 0

5.2 Bidders must submit their original and valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate or a
certified copy thereof, substantiating their B-BBEE rating issued by a Registered Auditor
approved by IRBA or a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS.

5.3 EMEs and 51% black owned QSEs must submit a Valid B-BBEE Affidavit as prescribed by the

5.4 A trust, consortium or joint venture, will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as a
legal entity, provided that they submit a Consolidated B-BBEE Certificate issued by one of the
bodies mentioned in 5.2 above.
5.5 Tertiary institutions and public entities will be required to submit their B-BBEE status level
certificates in terms of the specialized scorecard contained in the B-BBEE Codes of Good
5.6 A person will not be awarded points for B-BBEE status level if it is indicated in the bid
documents that such a bidder intends sub-contracting more than
25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher
B-BBEE status level contributor that the bidder concerned, unless the intended sub-contractor
is an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract.
5.7 A person awarded a contract may not sub-contract more than 25% of the value of the contract
to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher B-BBEE status level than the
person concerned, unless the contract is sub-contracted to an EME that has the capability and
ability to execute the sub-contract.

6.1 Bidders who claim points in respect of B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution must complete the

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7.1 B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution: …………. = ……………(maximum of 20 points)

(Points claimed in respect of paragraph 7.1 must be in accordance with the table reflected in
paragraph 5.1 and must be substantiated by means of an Affidavit or a B-BBEE certificate
issued by a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS or a Registered Auditor approved by
IRBA or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the CCA).


8.1 Will any portion of the contract be sub-contracted? YES / NO (delete which is not applicable)

8.1.1 If yes, indicate:

(i) what percentage of the contract will be subcontracted?
(ii) the name of the sub-contractor?……………………………………………………………
(iii) the B-BBEE status level of the sub-contractor?
(iv) whether the sub-contractor is an EME? YES / NO (delete which is not


9.1 Name of company/firm : .............................................................................................

9.2 VAT registration number : .............................................................................................

9.3 Company registration number


 Partnership/Joint Venture / Consortium

 One person business/sole propriety
 Close corporation
 Company
 (Pty) Limited


………….. ..................................................................................................................................................
……………… .............................................................................................................................................
…………….. ...............................................................................................................................................
 Manufacturer
 Supplier
 Professional service provider
 Other service providers, e.g. transporter, etc.

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9.7 Total number of years the company/firm has been in business? ……………………………………

9.8 I/we, the undersigned, who is / are duly authorised to do so on behalf of the
company/firm, certify that the points claimed, based on the B-BBEE status level of
contribution indicated in paragraph 7 of the foregoing certificate, qualifies the company/
firm for the preference(s) shown and I / we acknowledge that:

(i) The information furnished is true and correct;

(ii) The preference points claimed are in accordance with the General
Conditions as indicated in paragraph 1 of this form.

(iii) In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed as

shown in paragraph 7, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary
proof to the satisfaction of the purchaser that the claims are correct;

(iv) If the B-BBEE status level of contribution has been claimed or obtained on a
fraudulent basis or any of the conditions of contract have not been fulfilled,
the purchaser may, in addition to any other remedy it may have –

(a) disqualify the person from the bidding process;

(b) recover costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a

result of that person’s conduct;

(c) cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as
a result of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such
cancellation; restrict the bidder or contractor, its shareholders and
directors, or only the shareholders and directors who acted on a
fraudulent basis, from obtaining business from any organ of state for
a period

(d) not exceeding 10 years, after the audi alteram partem (hear the other
side) rule has been applied; and

(e) forward the matter for criminal prosecution


3. ………………………………………


2. ………………………………………

DATE:……………………………….. ADDRESS:………………………………


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Form A12: Certificate of independent bid determination

(SBD 9)


1 This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) must form part of all bids¹ invited.

2 Section 4 (1) (b) (iii) of the Competition Act No. 89 of 1998, as amended, prohibits an
agreement between, or concerted practice by, firms, or a decision by an association of firms,
if it is between parties in a horizontal relationship and if it involves collusive bidding (or bid
rigging).² Collusive bidding is a per se prohibition meaning that it cannot be justified under any

3 Treasury Regulation 16A9 prescribes that accounting officers and accounting authorities must
take all reasonable steps to prevent abuse of the supply chain management system and
authorizes accounting officers and accounting authorities to:

a. disregard the bid of any bidder if that bidder, or any of its directors have abused the
institution’s supply chain management system and or committed fraud or any other
improper conduct in relation to such system.

b. cancel a contract awarded to a supplier of goods and services if the supplier committed
any corrupt or fraudulent act during the bidding process or the execution of that contract.

4 This SBD serves as a certificate of declaration that would be used by institutions to ensure that,
when bids are considered, reasonable steps are taken to prevent any form of bid-rigging.
5 In order to give effect to the above, the attached Certificate of Bid Determination (SBD 9) must
be completed and submitted with the bid:

¹ Includes price quotations, advertised competitive bids, limited bids and proposals.

² Bid rigging (or collusive bidding) occurs when businesses, that would otherwise be expected
to compete, secretly conspire to raise prices or lower the quality of goods and / or services for
purchasers who wish to acquire goods and / or services through a bidding process. Bid rigging
is, therefore, an agreement between competitors not to compete.

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I, the undersigned, in submitting the accompanying bid:

(Bid Number and Description)

in response to the invitation for the bid made by:

(Name of Institution)

do hereby make the following statements that I certify to be true and complete in every respect:

I certify, on behalf of:_______________________________________________________that:

(Name of Bidder)
1. I have read and I understand the contents of this Certificate;
2. I understand that the accompanying bid will be disqualified if this Certificate is found not to be
true and complete in every respect;
3. I am authorized by the bidder to sign this Certificate, and to submit the accompanying bid, on
behalf of the bidder;
4. Each person whose signature appears on the accompanying bid has been authorized by the
bidder to determine the terms of, and to sign the bid, on behalf of the bidder;
5. For the purposes of this Certificate and the accompanying bid, I understand that the word
“competitor” shall include any individual or organization, other than the bidder, whether or not
affiliated with the bidder, who:

(a) has been requested to submit a bid in response to this bid invitation;
(b) could potentially submit a bid in response to this bid invitation, based on their
qualifications, abilities or experience; and
(c) provides the same goods and services as the bidder and/or is in the same line
of business as the bidder
6. The bidder has arrived at the accompanying bid independently from, and without consultation,
communication, agreement or arrangement with any competitor. However communication
between partners in a joint venture or consortium³ will not be construed as collusive bidding.

7. In particular, without limiting the generality of paragraphs 6 above, there has been no
consultation, communication, agreement or arrangement with any competitor regarding:
(a) prices;
(b) geographical area where product or service will be rendered (market allocation)
(c) methods, factors or formulas used to calculate prices;
(d) the intention or decision to submit or not to submit, a bid;

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(e) the submission of a bid which does not meet the specifications and conditions
of the bid; or
(f) bidding with the intention not to win the bid.
8. In addition, there have been no consultations, communications, agreements or arrangements
with any competitor regarding the quality, quantity, specifications and conditions or delivery
particulars of the products or services to which this bid invitation relates.
9. The terms of the accompanying bid have not been, and will not be, disclosed by the bidder,
directly or indirectly, to any competitor, prior to the date and time of the official bid opening or of
the awarding of the contract.

³ Joint venture or Consortium means an association of persons for the purpose of combining
their expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for the execution of
a contract.

10. I am aware that, in addition and without prejudice to any other remedy provided to combat any
restrictive practices related to bids and contracts, bids that are suspicious will be reported to
the Competition Commission for investigation and possible imposition of administrative
penalties in terms of section 59 of the Competition Act No 89 of 1998 and or may be reported
to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for criminal investigation and or may be restricted
from conducting business with the public sector for a period not exceeding ten (10) years in
terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act No 12 of 2004 or any other
applicable legislation.

………………………………………………… …………………………………
Signature Date

…………………………………………………. …………………………………
Position Name of Bidder

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Form B1 to Form B5: Certificates

Attach the following Certificates to this page:

B1: Proof of registration for Contractor’s WCA registration

B2: An original valid Tax Clearance Certificate issued by the South African Revenue Services
or PIN. In the event of a Joint Venture, each member shall comply with this requirement.

B3: An original Bank Statement (stamped) of good financial standing. (This document shall
include an original Bank Rating for the tender sum as indicated below)

B4: Vendor Registration number on Central Supplier Database

Bank Report on : (Tenderers Name)

Account No :
Bank :
Branch Code :
Amount : (Tender Value)
Duration : 5 months (excluding special non-working days)




Failure to provide the above as stated will disqualify the tender.

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Form C1: Enterprise Questionnaire

The following particulars must be furnished. In the case of a joint venture, separate enterprise
questionnaires in respect of each partner must be completed and submitted.
Section 1: Name of enterprise ...............................................................................................................
Section 2: VAT registration number, if any..........................................................................................
Section 3: CIDB registration number, if any: ......................................................................................
Section 4: Particulars of sole proprietors and partners in partnerships


Identity number* .......................................................................................................................................

Personal income tax number* .................................................................................................................

* Complete only if sole proprietor or partnership and attach separate page if more than 3 partners
Section 5: Particulars of companies and close corporations
Company registration number ...................................................................................................................

Close corporation number .........................................................................................................................

Tax reference number ...............................................................................................................................

Section 6: Record of service of the state
Indicate by marking the relevant boxes with a cross, if any sole proprietor, partner in a partnership or
director, manager, principal shareholder or stakeholder in a company or close corporation is currently or
has been within the last 12 months in the service of any of the following:
 a member of any municipal council
 a member of any provincial legislature
 a member of the National Assembly or the National Council of Province
 a member of the board of directors of any municipal entity
 an official of any municipality or municipal entity
 an employee of any provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional
institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999)
 a member of an accounting authority of any national or provincial public entity
 an employee of Parliament or a provincial legislature
If any of the above boxes are marked, disclose the following:
Name of sole proprietor, partner, director, manager, principal shareholder or stakeholder
Name of institution, public office, board or organ of state and position held

Status of service: Current Within last 12 months

(tick appropriate column)

*insert separate page if necessary

Section 7: Record of spouses, children and parents in the service of the state
Indicate by marking the relevant boxes with a cross, if any spouse, child or parent of a sole proprietor,
partner in a partnership or director, manager, principal shareholder or stakeholder in a company or close
corporation is currently or has been within the last 12 months been in the service of any of the following:

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 a member of any municipal council
 a member of any provincial legislature
 a member of the National Assembly or the National Council of Province
 a member of the board of directors of any municipal entity
 an official of any municipality or municipal entity
 an employee of any provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional
institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999)
 a member of an accounting authority of any national or provincial public entity
 an employee of Parliament or a provincial legislature
If any of the above boxes are marked, disclose the following:

Name of spouse, child or parent

Name of institution, public office, board or organ of state and position held
Status of service: Current Within last 12 months
(tick appropriate column)

*insert separate page if necessary

The undersigned, who warrants that he/she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the enterprise:
(i) authorizes the Employer to obtain a tax clearance certificate from the South African Revenue
Services that my / our tax matters are in order;
(ii) confirms that the neither the name of the enterprise or the name of any partner, manager, director
or other person, who wholly or partly exercises, or may exercise, control over the enterprise appears
on the Register of Tender Defaulters established in terms of the Prevention and Combating of
Corrupt Activities Act of 2004;
(iii) confirms that no partner, member, director or other person, who wholly or partly exercises, or may
exercise, control over the enterprise appears, has within the last five years been convicted of fraud
or corruption;
(iv) confirms that I/we are not associated, linked or involved with any other tendering entities submitting
tender offers and have no other relationship with any of the tenderers or those responsible for
compiling the scope of work that could cause or be interpreted as a conflict of interest;
(iv) confirms that the contents of this questionnaire are within my personal knowledge and are to the
best of my belief both true and correct.

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form C2: Schedule of Proposed Subcontractors

We notify you that it is our intention to employ the following Subcontractors for work in this contract.
If we are awarded a contract we agree that this notification does not change the requirement for us to
submit the names of proposed Subcontractors in accordance with requirements in the contract for such
appointments. If there are no such requirements in the contract, then your written acceptance of this list
shall be binding between us.

Name and address of Previous experience with

Nature and extent of work
proposed Subcontractor Subcontractor (attach)









Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(Attach information to this page)

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Form C3: Schedule of Construction Equipment

The provisions of Subclause 30.1 of the General Conditions of Contract shall apply to the schedules of
Construction Equipment appearing below.

The tenderer must state below what construction plant will be immediately available for this contract,
what constructional plant will become available by virtue of outstanding orders, and what further
constructional plant will be acquired or hired for the work should he be awarded the contract:


Letter of confirmation from Plant hire to be attached.



Note: When completing the above schedule, Tenderer’s must take cognisance of the evaluation
criteria as described in the Tender Data, Part T1.2,

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………


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Form C4: Schedule of Stand-by Construction Equipment (1 hour establishment)



The Contractor is to take note of the Requirements for Equipment described in C3: Scope of Work.

After the award of the Contract, the Contractor must satisfy the Engineer that all the above Construction
Equipment or equivalent equipment will be on site and stand-by at all times when required. The
Contractor shall maintain all Construction Equipment in a good working order for the duration of the

The Contractor undertakes to bring onto site, without additional costs to the Employer, any additional
Construction Equipment which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is necessary for the completion of the
Contract within the tendered contract period.

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………


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Form C5: B-BBEE Verification Certificate

Notes to tenderer:

1. The tenderer shall attach to this form a B-BBEE verification certificate in accordance with the
Construction Sector Codes of Practice promulgated in Gazette 311 October 2013

2. In the event of a joint venture (JV), a consolidated B-BBEE verification certificate in the name of
the JV shall be attached.

3. The attached verification certificate and the associated assessment report shall identify:

(a) The name and domicilium citandi et executandi of the tenderer.

(b) The registration and VAT number of the tenderer.
(c) The dates of granting of the B-BBEE score and the period of validity.
(d) The expiry date of the verification certificate.
(e) A unique identification number.
(f) The standard and/or normative document, including the issue and/or revision used to evaluate
the tenderer.
(g) The name and/or mark/logo of the B-BBEE verification agency or registered auditor.
(h) The category (Generic, QSE, Exempt) in which the tenderer has been measured.
(i) The B-BBEE procurement recognition level.
(j) The score achieved per B-BBEE element.
(k) The B-BBEE procurement recognition level.
(l) The score achieved per B-BBEE element.
(m) The % black shareholding.
(n) The % black women shareholding.
(o) The % black persons with disabilities.
(p) The value added status of the tenderer.

4. The Employer will not be responsible to acquire data that it needs for its own reporting systems
and which may not form part of a verification agency’s standard certificate format. The tenderer,
at its own cost, must acquire any missing specified data listed in 3 above from its selected
verification agency or registered auditor and have it recorded on the certificate. Alternatively,
such missing data must be supplied separately, but certified as correct by the same verification
agency or registered auditor and also attached to this form. Failure to abide by this requirement
will result in such tenderer scoring zero preference.

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Form C6: CV’s of Key Personnel

The tenderer must take note that CV’s are compulsory for the following key personnel:

▪ Contracts Manager
▪ Site Agent / Construction Manager
▪ Tank Supervisor
▪ Mechanical Supervisor
▪ Construction Safety Officer

The CV template below MUST BE completed for each key personnel position and all information must
be entered into the template as required.

The CV template below MAY NOT be replaced by another format and should this template not be
completed, the tender may be regarded as unsuccessful.

Should the tenderer wish to supplement this CV format with additional information, this is acceptable
only if the CV template is completed and will not replace the format below.

Failure to complete the below CV template in full may result in the tender being deemed non-

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Complete and make copies of template as required

Position to hold
for this project



Date of Birth

Current Residence

Current Employer

Professional Body
Registered with
Number within
professional Body
within the Built
Major Experience in previous years related to similar type of projects
Employer Details Client Client Scope of work Project value Duration:
Name Reference description/ Project Including From
contact details/ description VAT (date) to
Letter of (date)

Note: When completing the above schedule, Tenderer’s must take cognisance of the evaluation
criteria as described in the Tender Data, Part T1.2, Section 6.

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Form C7: Rates for Special Materials

Notes to tenderer:

1. Tenderers shall append to this page the following information on a letterhead from their selected
- the supplier’s company registration and address details; and
- the date from which the supply prices apply.

2. Rise and fall adjustments shall only be made upon receipt by the Engineer of the appropriate
letters of supply in compliance to note 3 above, but with the changed supply prices and date of
application, as well as reasons for changes.

3. A change of supplier may be permitted, but only upon application to the Engineer with
appropriate letters of supply in compliance to note 3 above and approval thereof.

4. Non-disclosure of reduction of supply prices shall be deemed a contractor’s deliberate action to

defraud the Employers and grounds for the Employer, at its sole discretion, to terminate the


No Special Material
*Indicate whether the material will be delivered in bulk or in containers.

Signed: ………………………………….. ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form C8: Preliminary Health and Safety Plan

(See Health and Safety Specification Part C3.7.1)

Attach a signed copy of the Plan to this page

………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form C9: Preliminary Programme, Method Statement & Quality Management Plan

The Tenderer shall attach a Preliminary Programme, reflecting the proposed sequence, duration and
milestones of execution of the various activities comprising the work for this contract. The programme
shall be in accordance with the information provided in the Schedule of Constructional Equipment and
with all other relevant aspects of the tender.

The Tenderer shall attach a Method Statement that adequately details all activities, durations and any
associated risks in terms of fuel depot operations envisaged on this contract.

The Tenderer shall also attach his Quality Management Plan showing clearly how quality assurance and
process control will be managed both at the plant and on site. The plan will be used to evaluate the tenders
as the quality of workmanship is of highest priority in this contract. Any quality certification by recognised
international body must be stated.

Failure to complete or provide the above information may result in the tender being deemed non-

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Note to tenderers:

Preliminary Programme

1. The preliminary programme must refer to the scope of work (Part C3.1.2 - The Works
Information) and indicate that detailed consideration has been given to how this scope will be
achieved. The programme must indicate that items described in the method statement below
have been considered and included in the programme.

2. As a minimum, the programme must address the following items and the proposed approach
for each item.

• Scope of work and constructability considerations

• Risk and float in the construction process
• Procurement and long lead items

3. The programme must be prepared on a project programme tool and the name of the
programme tool is to be provided with the programme (i.e Microsoft Project).

4. The programme must be specific to the project and not be a generic programme.

Scoring of the Programme:

Programme 20 Points (Minimum Score 12 Points)
Score - 0 Points The tenderer has not submitted a preliminary programme.
Score - 4 Points The preliminary programme is inadequate and does not address
any of the three minimum items (scope of work, risk and
procurement) in the programme.
Score - 8 Points The preliminary programme is generic, is not specific to this
project and only addresses one of the three minimum items
(scope of work, risk and procurement) listed above.
Score - 12 Points The preliminary programme addresses at least two of the three
items (scope of work, risk and procurement), is in line with the
scope of work and is in sufficient detail to indicate an
understanding of the project.
Score – 16 Points The preliminary programme is detailed and is in-line with the
scope of work, ensures that operations will not be disrupted and
covers all three of the minimum items (scope of work, risk and
Score - 20 Points The programme is very detailed, covers all aspects of the project,
addresses the three minimum items (scope of work, risk and
procurement), ensures that operations will not be disrupted and
shows an innovative and novel approach to minimize potential
risks and addresses all items in the scope of work.

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Note to tenderers:

Method Statement

1. The method statement must refer to the scope of work (Part C3.1.2 - The Works Information)
and indicate that detailed consideration has been given to how this scope will be achieved.

2. As a minimum, the method statement must address the following items and the proposed
approach for each item.

• Scope of work and constructability considerations

• Project programme
• HSE and Environmental Considerations
• Risks to the project
• Procurement and long lead items

3. The method statement shall be no shorter than 2 A4 pages and no longer than 4 A4 pages
and should reflect the tenderer’s understanding of the objectives of the project (i.e. risks
working in a live depot, procurement considerations for long lead items, the constructability of
the works including the cranage, hydrotesting, lining and painting of the tank and the health
and safety considerations of the works) as well as the technical approach of the tenderer to
identify and mitigate these potential risks.

4. The method statement must make reference to the project programme and highlight potential
delays in the programme due to the risks involved.

Scoring of the Method Statement:

Method Statement 20 Points (Minimum Score 12 Points)
Score - 0 Points The tenderer has not submitted a method statement.
Score - 4 Points The method statement is inadequate and does not address any
of the five minimum items (scope of work, programme, HSE, risk
and procurement) in the method statement.
Score - 8 Points The method statement is generic, is not specific to this project
and only addresses one of the five minimum items listed above.
Score - 12 Points The tenderer has submitted a method statement that covers at
least four of the five main points (scope of work, programme,
HSE, risk and procurement) described above and is in line with
the scope of work and is in sufficient detail to indicate an
understanding of the project.
Score – 16 Points The method statement is detailed and is in-line with the scope of
work, ensures that operations will not be disrupted and covers all
five of the minimum items (scope of work, programme, HSE, risk
and procurement).
Score - 20 Points The method statement is very detailed, covers all aspects of the
project, addresses the five minimum items (scope of work,
programme, HSE, risk and procurement), ensures that operations
will not be disrupted and shows an innovative and novel
approach to minimize potential risks and addresses all items in
the scope of work.

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Form C10: Estimated Monthly Expenditure

If the tenderer wishes to submit an alternative tender then this form, appropriately completed, shall be
attached to the Pricing Schedule for the alternative proposal.

The tenderer shall state his estimated value of the work to be completed every month, based on his
preliminary programme and his Tendered value, in the table below. VAT is not to be included.


1. R

2. R

3. R

4. R

5. R

6. R

7. R

8. R

9. R

10. R

11. R

12 R

13. R

14. R

15. R

16. R

17. R

18. R


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Form C11: Safety and Fire Rules


(i) All persons on company premises shall obey all health and safety rules, procedures and practices.
In particular, NO SMOKING signs and the prohibition of the carrying of smoking materials in
designated areas shall always be obeyed. A copy of the Safety Rules booklet is available on request.

(ii) All the applicable requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (2014) and Regulations
and any amendments thereto, shall be met.

(iii) Where the OHS Act prescribes certification of competency of persons performing certain tasks,
proof of such certification shall be provided prior to signing of the contract or commencement of

(iv) The Contractor’s Workmen’s Compensation fees must be up to date. A copy of Contractor’s WCA
registration shall be produced on request. WCA Registration No. of the Contractor

(v) The following areas in the company are declared as “HOT WORK PERMIT” areas:


All airside areas

Fire and Safety department

All basement areas

Fire and Safety department

All areas accessible to the public

Fire and Safety department

All enclosed areas

Fire and Safety department

The Terminal building

Fire and Safety department

Any process in the above mentioned areas involving open flames, sparks or heat shall be authorised by
the issue of a permit to work, obtained from the company officials designated as permit issuer for the
relevant area. Any work done under the protection of a permit to work shall be in strict compliance with
every prescription on the permit.

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(vi) Safety equipment shall be used where applicable, (e.g. safety goggles, boots, harness, etc.). The
Contractor shall at his own expense provide such equipment, for his employees. The Contractor
shall apply the necessary discipline and control to ensure compliance by his workers.

(vii) All work shall be done during normal and after Airport operational working hours, unless otherwise
instructed or agreed in writing.

(viii) All Contractor employees shall familiarise themselves with the existing emergency procedures and
co-operate in any drills or exercises, which might be held. Emergency/fire equipment and
extinguishers shall not be obstructed at any time.

(ix) No person shall perform an unsafe/unhygienic act or operation whilst on the Company premises.

(x) No unsafe / dangerous equipment or tools may be brought onto or used on Company premises.
The Company reserves the right to inspect all equipment/tools at any time and prevent/ prohibit their
use, without any penalty to the Company and without affecting the terms of the Contract in any way.

(xi) The Contractor shall maintain good housekeeping standards in the area where he is working for the
duration of the contract.

(xii) The Company reserves the right to act in any way to ensure the safety/ security of any persons,
equipment or product on its premises and will not be liable for any cost or loss evoked by the action.
This includes the right to search all vehicles entering, leaving or parked on the premises and to
inspect any parcel, package, handbag and pockets. Persons who are not willing to permit searches
may not bring any such items or vehicles onto the premises.

………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form C12: Occupational Health and Safety Questionnaire


1.1 Do you have an Occupational Health and Safety Policy?
Is this signed by the senior executive?
Please supply copy of this policy

1.2 Does an Occupational Health and Safety structure exist in your company?
Please provide details

1.3 Are senior and middle management actively involved in the promotions of
Occupational Health and Safety?
Please provide details e.g.
• Periodical work area inspection
• Regular Health and Safety meetings with personnel

1.4 Are the Occupational Health and Safety responsibilities of managers clearly
Please provide details
1.5 Are annual Occupational Health and Safety objectives included in your business
Please provide example

1.6 Is your company registered with the Compensation Commissioner? (COID

If so, please provide registration number

1.7 Do you have a copy of good standing certificate, confirming that your registration
is paid up?
If so, please provide copy thereof

1.8 Is the Health & Safety Officer Registered with the SACPCMP
If so, please provide copy thereof


2.1 Is training provided to employees at the following stages?

• When joining the company
• When changing jobs within the company
• When new plant or equipment needs to be operated
As a result of experience of and feedback from an accident/ incident reports
Are you able to provide proof of specialist training provided?
Please state how this can be achieved

2.2 What formal Occupational Health and Safety training is provided specifically to?
• First line supervisors
• Middle and top management
Please describe

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2.3 Are all employees (including subcontractors) instructed as to the application
of rules and regulations?
When is this done and how is it achieved?

2.4 Does this training include the selection, use and care of personal protective

2.5 What refresher training is provided and at what intervals?

Please list examples
Course Title Target audience Interval

2.6 Has the person(s) allocated as your Occupational Health and Safety advisor
followed specific Occupational Health and Safety training?
Please list most recent courses

2.7 Does this include refresher training?


3.1 Do you have a system for establishing Occupational Health and Safety
specifications as part of the assessment of goods, materials and services?
Please describe

3.2 Do you have a system which ensures that all statutory inspection of plant and
equipment are carried out?
Please give examples of plant /equipment covered

3.3 Is there record of inspection?

Where is it kept?

Are you able to supply copies of these inspection records if required?

3.4 How are plant and equipment, which have been inspected, identified as being
safe to use?

3.5 Do you evaluate the Occupational Health and Safety competence of all sub-
Please describe how this is achieved and how the results are monitored


4.1 Are periodic work inspections carried out by first line supervisors or your
General Safety Regulation 11(1) appointee?

4.2 Are records of these inspections kept and available?

Tender T2 - 49 T2.2
Part T2: Returnable documents Returnable Schedules
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4.3 During the inspections are supervisors required to check that safety rules and
regulations (including personal protective equipment) are adhered to?

4.4 Are unsafe acts and conditions reported and remedial actions formally

Please provide examples of the above


5.1 Do health and safety rules and regulations exist for personnel and sub-
Do these cover:
• General rules
• Project rules
• Specific task rules

5.2 Do these rules include permit to work system (as applicable)

5.3 Do you have experience of project Occupational Health and safety plans?
Please give examples of where these have been used

5.4 Do you have a formal company guidelines for holding pre-contract health and
safety meetings with the client?


6.1 Have the following, involved in the execution of your work, been identified?
• Hazards affecting health and safety?
• The groups of people who might be affected?
• An evaluation of the risk from each significant hazard?
• Whether the risks arising are adequately controlled?

6.2 Are these findings and assessments recorded?

6.3 How often are they reviewed?

Please list the time frame e.g. years

6.4 For what processes/risk is personal protective equipment issued?

Process/Risk Type of PPE

Do you have a copy of the issue lists for PPE available on request?


7.1 How do you manage your arrangements for dealing with emergencies?
Are these communicated to your sub-contractors?

7.2 What provision have you made for first aid?

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E.g. Trained First Aiders

7.3 What training do you provide to employees in Safety/Fire Fighting?

Please list institutions used for these training


8.1 Are health and Safety factors considered when hiring personnel?
8.2 Are medical examinations carried prior to employment?
In all cases
Where type of work requires medical examination

8.3 Do you cover exit medical examination?

8.4 How do you assess the competence of staff before an appointment is made?
E.g. Via trade testing, reference checks



9.1 Do you have a procedure for reporting, investigating and recording accidents
and incidents?
Please supply a copy

9.2 Is there a standard report/investigation form used?

Please supply a copy

9.3 Do you have a formal system for reporting situations/near misses etc.?
Please provide a copy

9.4 Please provide the following statistic for the last five years


Lost time accidents per 100
Major/ Reportable injuries per 100
Number of dangerous occurrences
Lost man day due to accidents


10.1 Are Health and Safety Committee meetings held between management and
appointed Health and Safety representatives?

10.2 Are the results of these meetings communicated to all employees?

If Yes please describe method

10.3 Are Health and Safety meetings held?

At what frequency?

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Chaired by whom?

10.4 Do you carry out Occupational Health and Safety promotions / campaigns?
If Yes please provide examples

The following documentation should also be provided with the tender:

(a) Management Structure including organogram

(b) Human Resource Plan

(c) Letter of Good Standing from the Compensation Commissioner or licensed compensation

(d) COID Insurance


I/we …………………………..………………………declare that the above information provided is correct.

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Tender T2 - 52 T2.2
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Form C13: Schedule of Information to be provided by Tenderer

Bidder to attach Organogram for the project (Starting with the MD up to the general worker)

1. Company details:

Registered Address:
Contact Person:

2. Shareholders

Names/Percentages of holdings:

3. Bankers

Name of Account Holder :

Account Number:
Bank and branch contact details:

4. Turnover

Approximate turnover for each of the past three years:

2015: ......................................................................................................................................
2016: ......................................................................................................................................
2017: ......................................................................................................................................

5. Management and Manpower Resources

Supervisors: ................................................................................................................................
Labourers: ................................................................................................................................
Other: ................................................................................................................................

Name of Supervisor to be allocated to this contract: ...........................................................................

6. Construction Equipment (Value in R)

Equipment owned by Company: ..................................................................................

Own workshop/stores (location): ..................................................................................

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form C14: Proposed Amendments and Qualifications

The Tenderer should record any deviations or qualifications he may wish to make to the tender documents
in this Returnable Schedule. Alternatively, a tenderer may state such deviations and qualifications in a
covering letter to his tender and reference such letter in this schedule.

The Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the Standard Conditions of Tender referenced in the Tender Data
regarding the employer’s handling of material deviations and qualifications.

Page Clause or Proposal


Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Form C15: Requirements of Government’s Programme for Broad-Based Black Economic


(a) Contract Participation Targets

Contract participation is a process by which the Employer implements Government’s policies on Black
Economic Empowerment and small contractor development. The Employer sets targets for construction
by specified entities the rand value for which is based on the goods, services and work undertaken by
the specified entities and measured as a percentage of the contractor’s tender sum (excluding VAT).
The contractor is obliged to commit to the targets set by the Employer. For this contract the targets are
as follows:

In this contract the minimum target values, based on a contract value of R ____________________ is
as follows:


C3.7.3.4 Use of unskilled Local Labour = 25% Unskilled
(unskilled Labour Local Labour
C3.7.3.5 Employ 2x Trainees (Trainees 2
must have either Electrical/
Mechanical/ Civil Engineering S4
from a South African University of

(b) Contract Participation Goals (CPG)

The contractor is encouraged to participate in the Employer’s commitment to achieving Government’s

empowerment objectives by itself committing to perform beyond the set targets.

(c) Measurement of performance

The contractor’s participation performance will be measured monthly in order to monitor the extent to
which he is striving to reach the contract participation goal (CPG) specified in his tender.

The contractor’s monthly participation performance towards the CPG will be calculated as the sum of
labour and SMME/BE achieved.”

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………….. Position: ………………………………………………

Tenderer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Part C1: Agreement and Contract

C1.1 Form of Offer and Acceptance .......................... C1-2

C1.2 Contract Data ...................................................... C1-9

C1.3 Performance Guarantee................................... C1-21

C1.4 Form of Occupational Health and Safety

Act 2014 ............................................................ C1-25

C1.5 Annexure A: Summary of Insurance

Arrangements and Claims Procedure ........... C1-37

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The Employer, identified in the Acceptance signature block, has solicited offers to enter into a contract in
respect of the following works:



The Tenderer, identified in the Offer signature block below, has examined the documents listed in the
Tender Data and addenda thereto as listed in the Tender Schedules, and by submitting this Offer has
accepted the Conditions of Tender.

By the representative of the Tenderer, deemed to be duly authorized, signing this part of this Form of Offer
and Acceptance, the Tenderer offers to perform all of the obligations and liabilities of the Contractor under
the Contract including compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and
meaning for an amount to be determined in accordance with the Conditions of Contract identified in the
Contract Data.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rand (in words); R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in figures).

This Offer may be accepted by the Employer by signing the Acceptance part of this Form of Offer and
Acceptance and returning one copy of this document to the Tenderer before the end of the period of
validity stated in the Tender Data, whereupon the Tenderer becomes the party named as the Contractor
in the Conditions of Contract identified in the Contract Data.

For the Tenderer:

Signature: ..............................

Name: .............................

Capacity: ..............................

Name and address of organization:





Contract C1 - 2 C1.1
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Signature and name of witness:
Signature: ..............................

Name: ..............................

Date: ..............................

Contract C1 - 3 C1.1
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By signing this part of this Form of Offer and Acceptance, the Employer identified below accepts the
Tenderer’s Offer. In consideration thereof, the Employer shall pay the Contractor the amount due in
accordance with the Conditions of Contract identified in the Contract Data. Acceptance of the Tenderer’s
Offer shall form an agreement between the Employer and the Tenderer upon the terms and conditions
contained in this Agreement and in the Contract that is the subject of this Agreement.

The terms of the contract, are contained in:

Part C1: Agreements and Contract Data (which includes this Agreement)
Part C2: Pricing Data
Part C3: Scope of Works
Part C4: Site Information
Part T2: Returnable Schedules listed under Item 3 on Page T2-2

and drawings and documents or parts thereof, which may be incorporated by reference into Parts 1 to 4

Deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the Tender Data and any addenda thereto
as listed in the Tender Schedules as well as any changes to the terms of the Offer agreed by the Tenderer
and the Employer during this process of offer and acceptance, are contained in the Schedule of Deviations
attached to and forming part of this Agreement. No amendments to or deviations from said documents
are valid unless contained in this Schedule, which must be duly signed by the authorised representative
(s) of both parties.

The Tenderer shall within two weeks after receiving a completed copy of this Agreement, including the
Schedule of Deviations (if any), contact the Employer’s Agent (whose details are given in the Contract
Data) to arrange the delivery of any bonds, guarantees, proof of insurance and any other documentation
to be provided in terms of the Conditions of Contract identified in the Contract Data. Failure to fulfil any of
these obligations in accordance with those terms shall constitute a repudiation of this Agreement comes
into effect. Failure to fulfil any of these obligations in accordance with those terms shall constitute a
repudiation of this Agreement.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, this Agreement comes into effect on the date when the
Tenderer receives one fully completed original copy of this document, including the Schedule of Deviations
(if any). Unless the Tenderer (now Contractor) within five working days of the date of such receipt notifies
the Employer in writing of any reason why he cannot accept the contents of this Agreement, this
Agreement shall constitute a binding contract between the parties.

For the Employer:

Signature: ..............................

Name: ........................

Capacity: ..............................

Contract C1 - 4 C1.1
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Name and address of organization:




Signature and name of witness:

Signature: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………

Contract C1 - 5 C1.1
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1. The extent of deviations from the tender documents issued by the Employer prior to the tender closing
date is limited to those permitted in terms of the Conditions of Tender.
2. A Tenderer’s covering letter shall not be included in the final contract document. Should any matter in
such, letter, which constitutes a deviation as aforesaid become the subjects of agreements reached
during the process of, offer and acceptance, the outcome of such agreement shall be recorded here,.
3. Any other matter arising from the process from offer and acceptance either as a confirmation,
clarification or change to the tender documents and which it is agreed by the Parties becomes an
obligation of the contract shall also be recorded here.
4. Any change or addition to the tender documents arising from the above agreements and recorded here,
shall also be incorporated into the final draft of the Contract.

1. Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

By the duly authorised representatives signing this Schedule of Deviations, the Employer and the Tenderer
agree to and accept the foregoing Schedule of Deviations as the only deviations from and amendments
to the documents listed in the Tender Data and addenda thereto as listed in the Tender Schedules, as
well as any confirmation, clarification or changes to the terms of the offer agreed by the Tenderer and the
Employer during this process of offer and acceptance.

It is expressly agreed that no other matter whether in writing, oral communication or implied during the
period between the issue of the tender documents and the receipt by the Tenderer of a completed signed
copy of this Agreement shall have any meaning or effect in the contract between the parties arising from
this Agreement.

For the Tenderer: For the Employer:

………………………………………………… Signature ……………………………………………

………………………………………………… Name …………………………………………….

………………………………………………… Capacity …………………………………………….

Contract C1 - 6 C1.1
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Name and address of organisation: Name and address of organisation:

………………………………………………… ……………………………………………..

………………………………………………… …………………………………………….

………………………………………………… …………………………………………….

………………………………………………… …………………………………………….

………………………………………………… …………………………………………….

…………………………………………….. Witness signature ……………………………………………...

……………………………………………….. Witness name ……………………………………………….

……………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………………………….

Contract C1 - 7 C1.1
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The Tenderer, (now Contractor), identified in the Offer part of the Agreement hereby confirms receipt
from the Employer, identified in the Acceptance part of this Agreement, of one fully completed original
copy of this Agreement, including the Schedule of Deviations (if any) today:



20…….. (year)


For the Contractor:

Signature: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………………………

Capacity: ………………………………………………

Signature and name of witness:

Signature: ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………………………

Contract C1 - 8 C1.1
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C1.2.1 General Conditions of Contract

The following standardised General Conditions of Contract:

General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works (Third Edition) 2015

prepared by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) shall apply to and form the
General Conditions of Contract for this contract. Copies of these conditions of contract are obtainable
from the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE), Private Bag X200, Halfway House
1685, Tel: (011) 805 5947, Fax: (011) 805 5971, e-mail: The “General
Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition, 2015” hereinafter referred to as “GCC
2015” is a commercially available publication.

The specific data as contained in this contract data forms part of the Conditions of Contract.

All of the following Notes apply:

Note 1

The GCC 2015 makes several references to the Contract Data. The Contract Data shall take
precedence over the GCC 2015 in the interpretation of any ambiguity or inconsistency.

Each item of data below is cross-referenced to the clause in the GCC 2015 to which it applies.

The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the
purpose of interpretation, the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with the following

(a) The Form of Offer and Acceptance.

(b) Amplifications of the General Conditions of Contract within the Contract Data.
(c) Additional special conditions or amendments to the General Conditions of Contract within the
Contract Data.
(d) The General Conditions of Contract.
(e) The Specifications, Drawings, Schedules and other documents forming part of the Contract (in
that order) contained in the Scope of Works and the Site Information.

If any ambiguity or discrepancy is found in the documents, the Engineer shall issue any necessary
clarification or instruction.

Note 2

Certain pro-forma forms and pro-forma agreements contained in the GCC 2015 have been adapted for
this particular contract. Those pro-forma forms and pro-forma agreements contained in the GCC 2015
do not apply where replaced by similar pro-forma agreements in this document.

The variations to the General Conditions of Contract are:

Variations, amendments and additions to the General Conditions of Contract as Special Conditions of
Contract prescribed by the Employer are set out below. Each item of the Special Conditions of

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Contract given below is cross-referenced to the clause in the General Conditions of Contract to which
it mainly applies.

1.1 Replace the content of subclause with the following:

“ Commencement date” means the date or written notice from the Employer or the
Engineer requiring the Contractor, in terms of clause 5, to commence the execution of

Add the following to subclause

“The Employer’s Agent is also referred to as the Engineer.”

Add the following subclauses:

Replace Clause with the following:

“1.1.1 28 “Scope of Work” means the document(s) containing the Standard

Specifications, the Project Specifications and the Drawings, that specifies and describes the
Works, which are to be provided, and any other requirements and constraints relating to the
manner in which the work is to be performed.”

Add the following clause after Clause

“ “Drawings” means all drawings, calculations and technical information

forming part of the Contract Documents and any modifications thereof or additions thereto from
time to time approved in writing by the Engineer or delivered to the Contractor by the Engineer.

2.3 ”2.3.2 The originals of all Drawings and Specifications prepared by or on behalf of the
Employer shall remain in his custody and references herein to delivery to the Contractor of
Drawings and Specifications shall relate to true copies thereof.

2.3.3 The Contractor shall be entitled to receive free of charge, to the extent provided in the
Contract, copies of each such Drawing and Specification and to receive, at the cost of
reproduction, such additional copies as he shall reasonably require. (refer to Volume 4:
Drawings and Clause C3.2.4)

2.3.4 One copy of all documents constituting the Contract shall be kept on the Site and be
available for perusal by the Engineer or any person authorised by him.

2.3.5 The Contractor shall, in accordance with the Engineer’s instructions, maintain a register
on the Site of all Drawings and revisions thereof in the chronological order in which they are
delivered to him.”

4.1 “4.1.2 Amend the first five lines to read:

“Where any part of the Works, whether permanent or temporary is designed by the
Contractor, he shall, notwithstanding any approval of the Engineer be liable for any error
or deficiency in any design, drawing or document supplied by him for that part of the”

4.3 “4.3.1 Amend the last line to read “… provide proof that he has therewith with regard to,
amongst others, Occupational Health and Safety”.

Add the following clause after Clause 4.3.2:

The Employer and the Contractor shall enter into an agreement to complete the work required
for the construction of the works in terms of the provisions of Section 37(2) of the Occupational

Contract C1 - 10 C1.2
Part C1: Agreement and Contract Data Contract Data
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Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993) and the Construction Regulations promulgated

An agreement is included in the Contract Document and shall be completed and submitted to
the Employer together with a letter of good standing from the Compensation Commissioner or
a Licensed Compensation Insurer within fourteen (14) days after signing the Confirmation of
Receipt. The Contractor shall ensure that the letter of good standing shall be timeously renewed
in order that it remains in full force for the duration of the Contract.”

4.9 Add the following new subclauses:

“4.9.2 In order to preclude seizure by the owner of any construction equipment being held by
the Contractor on a hire-purchase agreement for the purposes of the contract, the Employer
shall be entitled to pay any such owner the amount of any outstanding instalment or other sum
owing under any hire or hire-purchase agreement and in the event of his doing so, any amount
thus paid by him shall be a debt payable to the Employer by the Contractor and may be deducted
by the Employer from any monies owing or that may become owing the Contractor in terms of
the Contract, or be recovered at law from the Contractor by the Employer.

4.9.3 When entering into any subcontract for the execution of any part of the works, the
Contractor shall incorporate in such subcontract, by reference or otherwise, the provisions of
this clause in respect of construction equipment brought to the site by the subcontractor.”

4.13 Add the following new sub-Clause 4.13 to Clause 4:

“4.13 Requirements of Government’s programme for Broad-Based Black Economic


With regard to the Contractor’s responsibility under the item of the Scope of Works entitled
“Requirements of Government’s programme for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment”,
if the Contractor fails to provide the employment or training to the extent proposed, the Employer
may impose penalties as set out in the above-mentioned Scope of Works.”

5.6 Add the following subclause:

“5.6.6 Should the Contractor fail to comply with his obligations in terms of Clause 5.6, the
Employer shall be entitled to withhold 25% of monies due to the Contractor, until such time as
a satisfactory programme has been submitted for approval.”

5.7 Add the following paragraph to subclause 5.7.1:

“The Contractor remains responsible for being able to procure the materials for this project for
which he has tendered, regardless of supply shortages which may arise. Unless long lead items
are specifically noted by the contractor with the submission of this tender, the responsibility for
the timeous supply of materials to the site for incorporation into the works rests with the
Contractor, and no claims for extension of time in this regard will be entertained by the Employer
in this regard.”

5.11 “5.11.1 In the fourth line, after the word “progress” insert the phrase “or alter the order”

Add the following new subclause:

“5.11.6 By reason of any contractor executing construction work, which is not in accordance
with, the Contractor’s Health and Safety Plan for the site or which poses a threat to the health
and safety of persons.”

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5.12 Extension of time for Practical Completion
Claims for extensions of time due to abnormal climatic conditions shall not be made in
accordance with Clause 5.12 of the GCC. The method of calculation of the extension of time
due as a result of abnormal climatic conditions shall be as stated below.

If during the time for completion of the Works or any extension thereof, abnormal rainfall or wet
conditions shall occur, then an extension of time will be granted by the Employer calculated in
accordance with the given formula below for each calendar month of part thereof.

V = (Nw - Nn) + (Rw – Rn)/x where

V = Extension of time in calendar days in respect of the calendar month under


Nw = Actual number of days during the calendar month on which rainfall of y mm or

more were recorded.

Nn = Average number of days that y mm or more have been recorded for the
calendar month as derived from existing rainfall records.

Rw = Actual rainfall in mm recorded for the calendar month under consideration.

Rn = Average rainfall in mm for the calendar month as derived from existing rainfall

For the purpose of the contract Nn, Rn, x and y shall have values assigned to them as stated

The total extension of time shall be the algebraic sum of all monthly totals for the period under
consideration, but if the total is negative the time for completion shall not be reduced due to
subnormal rainfall. Extensions of time for part of a month shall be calculated using pro rata
values of Nn and Rn.

This formula does not take account of flood damage which could cause further or concurrent
delays and will be treated separately as far as extension of time is concerned.

The factor (Nw - Nn) shall be considered to represent a fair allowance for variations from the
average number of days during which rainfall exceeds y mm. The factor (Rw - Rn)/x shall be
considered to represent a fair allowance for variations from the average in the number of days
during which the rainfall did not exceed y mm but wet conditions prevented or disrupted work.

The values of Nn and Rn to be used shall be as follows :

Source of information : Weather Bureau, Department of Environment Affairs.

Rainfall station : No. 0020/744 2 : CAPE TOWN – CITY HOSPITAL
Period : 1951 – 1984

Month Nn Rn Month Nn Rn
January 0,1 11 July 2,4 71
February 0,6 24 August 2,8 71
March 0,3 18 September 0,8 34
April 1,3 47 October 1,0 38
May 2,8 78 November 0.6 19
June 3,2 78 December 0,2 11
Average annual rainfall = 500 mm

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x = 20
y = 10 mm

5.13 Penalty for delay

Replace Clauses 5.13.2, and with the following:

“5.13.2 No reduction in the penalty for delay will be made before the issuing of the Certificate
of Practical Completion of the whole of the Works, even if a Certificate of Practical Completion
has been issued for part of the Works or the Employer, his agents, employees or other
contractors (not employed by the Contractor) have occupied part of the Works.”

5.14 “Add the following at the end of this subclause 5.14.7:”

“However, a Certificate of Completion will not be issued before the Contractor hands over a
consolidated Health and Safety file that shall include all the specified information.”

6.5 “6.5.3 In the last sentence:

(i) Delete the first word “if” and replace with “when”
(ii) Delete the last two lines and replace with the following:
“and statement and return one copy of each to the Contractor within one working day of the
execution of the works”

6.6 In the first line of Clause after the word ”sums” and the third line of Clause
after the word “amount” insert “excluding VAT.”

Delete subclause 6.6.3 and replace with the following:

“6.6.3 Expenditure in connection with Provisional and Prime Cost Sums shall be solely at the
discretion and on the instruction of the Engineer. No expenditure shall be incurred under a
Contingency Allowance without the written approval of the Employer. Any parts of the amounts
provided under any of the above items in the Bill of Quantities which are not expended shall not
be included in the Contract Price.”

6.7 Replace the contents of subclause 6.7.1 with the following:

“The quantities in the Bill of Quantities are nominal quantities which are included solely for the
purpose of Tender evaluation. These quantities are not guaranteed, nor have they any other
significance in terms of the Contract other than a means of assessing the Tender.

Only the actual quantities of work which are executed by the Contractor in fulfilment of his
obligations under the Contract will be measured or approved by the Engineer for payment

An alteration of the quantities included in the Bill of quantities shall not affect the validity of the
Contract. The Tendered rates and prices shall remain valid and applicable irrespective of any
differences between the quantities in the Bill of Quantities and the quantities finally certified for

6.8 “6.8.2 Insert “VAT and” after “excluding” in the parenthesis in the third line.

“6.8.4 Add “, the Engineer” after “Employer, ” in the eight line.

6.10 “6.10.2 Replace the second sentence (commencing “The valuation of such materials ……….”)
with the following:

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“The valuation of such materials shall be based on the purchase price and delivery cost reflected
by the relevant invoices or receipts, exclusive of Value Added Tax and discounts to the
Contractor and inclusive of any other duties payable on such material. (Value Added Tax will
be added only to the nett amount certified by the Engineer as payable to the Contractor in
respect of each Payment Certificate, as provided for in subclause 6.10.1;”

“6.10.8 Replace the third sentence (commencing “The Engineer shall deliver ……….”) with the

“The Engineer shall deliver to the Employer and the Contractor the payment certificate in respect
of the completion referred to above within 14 days of the receipt by the the Engineer of the
Contractor’s said statement, and the Employer shall pay the amount due to the Contractor within
45 days after receipt by the Employer of the payment certificats signed by the Engineer.”

7.2 Add the following paragraph to subclause 7.2.1:

“The onus rests with the Contractor to produce work which conforms in quality and accuracy of
detail to all the requirements of the specifications and drawings, and the Contractor shall, at his
own expense, institute a quality-control system and provide experienced personnel, together
with all transport, instruments and equipment, to ensure adequate supervision and positive
control of the works at all times.”

7.4 Add the following new subclauses:

“7.4.6 The Contractor shall conduct tests or have them conducted continually on a regular
basis, to check the properties of natural materials and processed natural materials and of
products manufactured on site, such as concrete and asphalt. Although not a requirement for
the Contractor to conduct regular tests on any commercially produced products such as cement,
bitumen, steel and pipes, the Contractor shall remain fully responsible for any defective material
or equipment provided by him.

7.4.7 Similarly, the quality of all elements of the works shall be checked on a regular basis so
as to ensure compliance with the specified requirements.
The intensity of control and of tests to be conducted by the Contractor in terms of these
obligations is not specified but shall be adequate to ensure that proper control is being exercised
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

7.4.8 Where any natural materials or products made from natural materials are supplied,
upon completion of each element of the construction works, the Contractor shall test and check
such materials, products and or elements for compliance with the specified requirements and
shall submit his results to the Engineer for approval. Such submission shall include all his
measurements and test results and shall furnish adequate proof of compliance with the specified

7.6 Add the following new subclause:

“ To stop any contractor from executing construction work, which is not in
accordance with, the Contractor’s health and safety plan for the site or which poses a threat to
the health and safety of persons and to implement the required health and safety measures
before continuing.”

8.3 Add the following new subclause:

“ Risk arising from political riot and malicious damage, unless these risks are
insurable with the South African Special Risk Insurance Association at the time of tendering and
it is stipulated in the Contract Data that the Contractor is to effect insurance against these risks.”

8.4 “ Delete and replace with the following:

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“Hereby indemnifies the Employer, the Engineer and all consultants against any liability in
respect of damage to or physical loss of the property of any person, including any employee of
the Contractor, or injury to or death of any person, including any employee of the Contractor

8.6 Delete and replace with the following:

Insurance is dealt with in Clause C1.5 ANNEXURE A: CONTRACT INSURANCE CLAUSES

9.2 Add the following new subclause:

“ Has failed to execute construction work in accordance with the Contractor’s Health
and Safety Plan or without a threat to the health and safety of persons within fourteen (14) days
after receiving from the Engineer written notice of the same.“

“ The Contractor committed a corrupt or fraudulent act during the procurement
process or the execution of the contract. An official or other role player committed any corrupt or fraudulent act during
the procurement process or in the execution of the contract that benefited the Contractor, unless
such act has occurred without the Contractor’s knowledge.”

10.1 Add the following subclause:

“10.1.6 Early warning – A Party shall notify the other as soon as he is aware of any circumstance
which may delay or disrupt the Works, or which may give rise to a claim for additional payment.
The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to minimise these effects.

10.1.7 The Contractor’s entitlement to extension of the Time for Completion or additional
payment shall be limited to the time and payment which would have been due if he had given
prompt notice and had taken all reasonable steps.”

10.3 “ Replace “28 days” with “14 days”.


Clause 1 Insert the words: “excluding VAT” after the word “statement” in the first line of the first

Replace the word “fourth” in the fourth line of the first paragraph with “sixth”

Add the following after “”L” is the “Labour Index””:

“and shall be the Consumer Price Index (CPI per province), for the province wherein the larger
part of the Site is located, as stated in the Contract Data, and as published in the Statistical
News Release, P0141, Additional Tables, Table 14, of Statistics South Africa”

Add the following new subclause:

Clause 4 “Clause 4.3 The rate or price stated in the Contract by the Contractor for a “special material”
shall exclude VAT but include all other obligatory taxes and levies.”

“The special materials are listed in Part T2: Returnable Documents to be completed by the

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Part 1: Contract Data completed by the Employer

Contract Specific Data

The following contract specific data, referring to the General Conditions of Contract for
Construction Works, Third Edition, 2015, are applicable to this contract:

Clause Compulsory Data The Defects Liability Period: 12 calendar months. The time for achieving Practical Completion is 5 months, excluding special non-working days.
The completion date is the 31th August 2019 (To be confirmed at contract award) The name of the Employer is Airports Company South Africa, represented by the Airport
Manager and/or such other person or persons duly authorised thereto by the Employer in
writing. The name of the Engineer is Kantey & Templer Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd acting through
a Director or an official authorised thereto in writing. The Pricing Strategy is a Re-measured Contract. The address of the Employer is:

Airports Company South Africa

Private Bag X9002
Cape Town International
Western Cape – South Africa
7525 The address of the Engineer is:

Kantey and Templer Consulting Engineers

119 Hertzog Boulevard
Tel: 021 405 9600
Fax: 021 419 6774

3.2.3 The Engineer shall obtain the specific approval of the Employer before executing any of his
functions or duties according to the following Clauses of the General Conditions of Contract:

The Engineer is required to obtain the specific approval of the Employer before executing any
of the following functions or duties:
(1) Nominating the Engineer’s Representative in terms of clause 3.2.1
(2) Delegation of Engineer’s authority in terms of clause 3.2.4
(3) Providing consent for subcontracting part of the contract in terms of clause 4.4.3
(4) The issuing of instructions for dealing with fossils and the like in terms of clause 4.7.1
(5) Authorizing the Contractor to repair and make good excepted risks in terms of clause
(6) The issuing of a variation order in terms of clause 6.3.1
(7) Granting permission to work during non-working times in terms of clause 5.8.1

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(8) Suspend the progress of the works in terms of clause 5.11.1
(9) The issuing of an instruction to accelerate progress in terms of clause 5.7.3
(10) The reduction of a penalty for delay in terms of clause 5.13.1
(11) The determination of additional or reduced costs arising from changes in legislation in
terms of clause 6.8.4
(12) The giving of a ruling on a contractor’s claim in terms of clause 10.1.5
(13) The agreeing of an extension to the 28 day period in terms of clause 10.1.5
(14) The inclusion of credits in the next payment certificate in terms of clause 10.1.5
(15) The agreeing of the adjustment of the sums for general items in terms of clause 6.11.1

5.3.1 The Documentation required before commencement with the Works execution are :
(1) Health and Safety Plan (Refer to Clause 4.3)
(2) Form of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2014 (Refer to C1.4)
(3) Initial programme (Refer to Clause 5.6)
(4) Security (Refer to Clause 6.2)
(5) Insurance (Refer to Clause 8.6)

5.3.2 The time to submit the documentation required before commencement with the Works
execution is 14 days.

5.8.1 The non-working days are Sundays.

The special non-working days are Statutory Public holidays and the year-end break as defined

5.13.1 The penalty for failing to complete the Works is 0.05% per calendar day up to maximum of 5%
of contract value.
The penalty for failing to meet the specified milestone dates indicated in Table C3.5.1 is 0.05%
per calendar day up to a maximum of 5% of contract value”.

Should the contractor be required to remedy any defects during the Defects liability period, and
where such remedial work necessitates the closure of the fuel depot or suspension of any
service or activity operated by the Employer to be operated by others, then a supplementary
penalty of 0.05% per calendar day up to maximum of 5% of contract value shall be payable by
the contractor to the Employer”.

5.16.3 The latent defect period is 5 years.

6.2.1 The security to be provided by the Contractor shall be 10% of the Contract Sum, in the
form of a performance guarantee. The Performance Guarantee shall contain the exact wording
of the document included in C1.3. The percentage allowance to cover overhead charges is 10%.

6.8.2 The value of the certificates shall in accordance with the Contract Price Adjustment Schedule
with the following values:
X = 0,15
The values of the coefficients are:
a = 0,15
b = 0,25
c = 0,50
d = 0,10

The province in which the Site is located is Western Cape (Table 14, P0141).

The applicable industry for the Producer Price Index for material is the Civil Engineering
Materials Index - STATSSA P0142.1. Table 11, the Plant Index is the Civil Engineering Plant
Index – STATSSA P0142.1. Table 12 and the Fuel Index is the Diesel at Wholesale Level (Total
Indices) Index – STATSSA P0142.1. Table 12

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6.8.3 The base month is the month prior to the month the closing date.

Price adjustments for variations in the costs of special materials are allowed. The percentage advance on materials not yet built into the Permanent Works is 80%.

6.10.3 Notwithstanding the provision of a performance guarantee in terms of Clause 6.2.1, interim
payments to the Contractors shall be subject to a retention by the Employer of an amount of 5%
of the said amounts due to the Contractor. The limit of retention money is 5% of the Contract
Value. A guarantee in lieu of retention is permitted & preferred. The value of Plant and materials supplied by the Employer to be included in the insurance sum
is R 0,00 (Nil). The amount to cover professional fees for repairing damage and loss to be included in the
insurance sum is R 100 000.00.

10.5.3 The number of Adjudication Board Members to be appointed is three.

10.7.1 The determination of disputes shall be as per 9.2 of Section 9 under T2.

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Part 2: Data provided by the contractor
Clause The name of the Contractor is………………………………..…………………………………………………... The address of the Contractor is ………………………………………………………………………………….





6.2.1 The security to be provided by the Contractor shall be one of the following:

Type of security Contractor’s

choice. Indicate
“yes” or “No’

Cash deposit of…………… % of the Contract Sum. Not Applicable

Performance guarantee of 10% of the Contract Sum.

Retention of 5 % of the Contract Sum.

Cash deposit of ……..…... % of the Contract Sum plus retention of………..... % Not Applicable
of the value of the Works.

Performance guarantee of 10% of the Contract Sum plus retention of 5% of the

value of the Works

6.8.3 The variations in cost of special material – refer to Part T2: Returnable Documents.

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Part 3: Errata to GCC 2015 by SAICE
All updates, errata or other amendments to GCC 2015 published by SAICE prior to the Base Month of
this Contract shall be deemed to form part of GCC 2015.

Part 4: Errata to GCC 2015 by the Employer

The items in this Part 4 shall be deemed to be supplementary corrigenda by the Employer to the GCC
2015, and shall be deemed to form part of GCC 2015. In the event of conflict between any item in this
Part 4 and an item in the above Part 3, the relevant item in Part 3 shall take precedence.

1. On page ii, delete “®” in the penultimate line.

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For use with the General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015).


“Guarantor” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Physical address: …………………………………………………………………………………………

“Employer” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

“Contractor” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………

“Employer's Agent” means:


“Works” means: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

“Site” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

“Contract” means: The Agreement made in terms of the Form of Offer and Acceptance and such
amendments or additions to the Contract as may be agreed in writing between the parties.

“Contract Sum” means: The accepted amount inclusive of tax of R ………………………………….

Amount in words: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

“Guaranteed Sum” means: The maximum aggregate amount of R …………………………………...

Amount in words: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Type of Performance Guarantee: ………………………………. (Insert Variable or Fixed)

“Expiry Date” means: ……………………………… (Give date) or any other later date set by the
Contractor and/or Employer provided such instruction is received prior to the Expiry Date as
indicated here.


Employer's Agent issues: Interim Payment Certificates, Final Payment Certificate and the Certificate
of Completion of the Works as defined in the Contract.

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1.1 Where a Variable Performance Guarantee has been selected, the Guarantor's liability shall
be limited during the following periods to diminishing amounts of the Guaranteed Sum as

1.1.1 From and including the date of signing the Performance Guarantee up to and including
the date of the interim payment certificate certifying, for the first time, more than 50% of
the Contract Sum:


(Amount in words …………………………………………………………………………..)

1.1.2 From the day following the date of the said interim payment certificate up to and including
the Expiry Date, or the date of issue by the Employer's Agent of the Certificate of
Completion of the Works, whichever occurs first:


(Amount in words ……………………………………………………………………………)

1.2 The Employer's Agent and/or the Employer shall advise the Guarantor in writing of the date
on which the interim payment certificate certifying, for the first time, more than 50% of the
Contract Sum, has been issued and the date on which the Certificate of Completion of the
Works has been issued.


2.1 Where a Fixed Performance Guarantee has been selected, the Guarantor’s liability shall be
limited to the amount of the Guaranteed Sum.

2.2 The Guarantor’s period of liability shall be from and including the date on which the
Performance Guarantee is signed, up to and including the Expiry Date, or the date of issue by
the Employer's Agent of the Certificate of Completion of the Works, or the date of payment in
full of the Guaranteed Sum, whichever occurs first.

2.3 The Employer's Agent and/or the Employer shall advise the Guarantor in writing of the date
on which the Certificate of Completion of the Works has been issued.


3.1 The Guarantor hereby acknowledges that:

3.1.1 Any reference in this Performance Guarantee to the Contract is made for the purpose of
convenience and shall not be construed as any intention whatsoever to create an accessory
obligation or any intention whatsoever to create a suretyship.

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3.1.2 Its obligation under this Performance Guarantee is restricted to the payment of money.

3.2 Subject to the Guarantor’s maximum liability referred to in 1.1 or 2.1, the Guarantor hereby
undertakes to pay the Employer the sum certified upon receipt of the documents identified in
3.2.1 to 3.2.3:

3.2.1 A copy of a first written demand issued by the Employer to the Contractor stating that
payment of a sum certified by the Employer's Agent in an Interim or Final Payment
Certificate has not been made in terms of the Contract and failing such payment within
seven (7) calendar days, the Employer intends to call upon the Guarantor to make payment
in terms of 3.2.2;

3.2.2 A first written demand issued by the Employer to the Guarantor at the Guarantor’s physical
address with a copy to the Contractor stating that a period of seven (7) days has elapsed
since the first written demand in terms of 3.2.1 and the sum certified has still not been paid;

3.2.3 A copy of the aforesaid payment certificate which entitles the Employer to receive payment
in terms of the Contract of the sum certified in 3.2.

3.3 Subject to the Guarantor’s maximum liability referred to in 1.1 or 2.1, the Guarantor
undertakes to pay to the Employer the Guaranteed Sum or the full outstanding balance upon
receipt of a first written demand from the Employer to the Guarantor at the Guarantor’s
physical address calling up this Performance Guarantee, such demand stating that:

3.3.1 the Contract has been terminated due to the Contractor’s default and that this Performance
Guarantee is called up in terms of 3.3; or

3.3.2 a provisional or final sequestration or liquidation court order has been granted against the
Contractor and that the Performance Guarantee is called up in terms of 3.3; and

3.3.3 the aforesaid written demand is accompanied by a copy of the notice of termination and/or
the provisional/final sequestration and/or the provisional liquidation court order.

3.4 It is recorded that the aggregate amount of payments required to be made by the Guarantor
in terms of 3.2 and 3.3 shall not exceed the Guarantor’s maximum liability in terms of 1.1 or

3.5 Where the Guarantor has made payment in terms of 3.3, the Employer shall upon the date of
issue of the Final Payment Certificate submit an expense account to the Guarantor showing
how all monies received in terms of this Performance Guarantee have been expended and
shall refund to the Guarantor any resulting surplus. All monies refunded to the Guarantor in
terms of this Performance Guarantee shall bear interest at the prime overdraft rate of the
Employer’s bank compounded monthly and calculated from the date payment was made by
the Guarantor to the Employer until the date of refund.

3.6 Payment by the Guarantor in terms of 3.2 or 3.3 shall be made within seven (7) calendar days
upon receipt of the first written demand to the Guarantor.

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3.7 Payment by the Guarantor in terms of 3.3 will only be made against the return of the original
Performance Guarantee by the Employer.

3.8 The Employer shall have the absolute right to arrange his affairs with the Contractor in any
manner which the Employer may consider fit and the Guarantor shall not have the right to
claim his release from this Performance Guarantee on account of any conduct alleged to be
prejudicial to the Guarantor.

3.9 The Guarantor chooses the physical address as stated above for the service of all notices for
all purposes in connection herewith.

3.10 This Performance Guarantee is neither negotiable nor transferable and shall expire in terms
of 1.1.2 or 2.2, where after no claims will be considered by the Guarantor. The original of this
Guarantee shall be returned to the Guarantor after it has expired.

3.11 This Performance Guarantee, with the required demand notices in terms of 3.2 or 3.3, shall
be regarded as a liquid document for the purposes of obtaining a court order.

3.12 Where this Performance Guarantee is issued in the Republic of South Africa the Guarantor
hereby consents in terms of Section 45 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act No 32 of 1944, as
amended, to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court of any district having jurisdiction in
terms of Section 28 of the said Act, notwithstanding that the amount of the claim may exceed
the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court.

Signed at …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Guarantor’s signatory (1) ………………………………………………………………………………….


Guarantor's signatory (2) …………………………………………………………………………………..

Capacity ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Witness signatory (1) ………………………………………………………………………………………

Witness signatory (2) ………………………………………………………………………………………

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This AGREEMENT made at ...................................................................... on this the …………… day of
………….. in the year ............... between AIRPORT COMPANY SOUTH AFRICA (hereinafter called
"the Employer") on the one part, herein represented by ................................................... in his capacity
as ............................................................................... and delegate of the Employer in terms of the
Employer's standard powers of delegation pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 7 of 1998, and
………………………………………………………………………………(hereinafter called "the
Mandatary") of ……………………………………………………………………….on the other part, herein
represented by …………………………..………in his capacity as ………………………….………………

WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that certain works be constructed, viz CONTRACT NO: CIA
CONTRACT AT CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, and has accepted a tender by the
Mandatary for the construction, completion and maintenance of such works and whereas the Employer
and the Mandatary have agreed to certain arrangements and procedures to be followed in order to
ensure compliance by the Mandatary with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
1993 (Act 85 of 1993);


1. The Mandatary shall execute the work in accordance with the contract documents pertaining to
this contract.

2. This Agreement shall hold good from its commencement date, to either:

(a) The date of the Certificate of Completion issued in terms of subclause 5.14.4 of the General
Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Second Edition, 2015 (hereinafter referred to
as "the GCC"), as contained in Volume 1 of the contract documents pertaining to this
contract, or

(b) The date of termination of the contract in terms of clauses 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3 of the GCC.

3. The Mandatary declares himself to be conversant with the following:

(a) All the requirements, regulations and standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
(Act 85 of 1993), hereinafter referred to as "The Act", together with its amendments and with
special reference to the following Sections of The Act.
(i) Section 8: General duties of employers to their employees.
(ii) Section 9: General duties of employers and self-employed persons to persons
other than employees.
(iii) Section 37: Acts or omissions by employees or mandataries and
(iv) Sub-section 37(2) relating to the purpose and meaning of this Agreement.
(b) The procedures and safety rules of the Employer as pertaining to the Mandatary and to all
his subcontractors.

4. In addition to the requirements of clauses 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the GCC and all relevant requirements
of Volume 3 of the contract documents pertaining to this contract, the Mandatary agrees to
execute all the works forming part of this contract and to operate and utilize all machinery, plant
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and equipment in accordance with The Act.

5. The Mandatary is responsible for the compliance with the Act by all his subcontractors, whether
of not nominated and/or approved by the Employer.

6. The Mandatary warrants that all his and his subcontractors’ workmen are covered in terms of the
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 1993, which cover shall remain in force
whilst any such workmen are present on site. A letter of good standing from the Compensation
Commissioner to this effect must be produced to the Employer upon signature of this agreement.

7. The Mandatary undertakes to ensure that he and/or his subcontractor and/or their representative
employees will at all times comply with the following conditions:

(a) The Mandatary shall assume that the responsibility in terms of Section 16.1 of the Act. The
Mandatary shall not delegate any duty in term of Section 16.2 of the Act without the prior
written approval of the Employer. If the Mandatary obtains such approval and delegates any
duty in terms of Section 16.2 a copy of such written delegation shall immediately be forward
to the Employer.

(b) All incidents referred to in The Act shall be reported by the Mandatary to the Department of
Labour as well as to the Employer. The Employer will further be provided with copies of all
written documentation relating to any incident.

(c) The Employer hereby obtains an interest in the issue of any formal enquiry conducted in
terms of Section 32 of the Act into any incident involving the Mandatary and/or his employees
and/or its subcontractors.

In witness thereof the parties hereto have set their signatures hereon in the presence of the subscribing


WITNESS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...

NAME (IN CAPITALS): ……………………………………………………………………………………….


WITNESS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...

NAME (IN CAPITALS): ……………………………………………………………………………………….

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Part C1: Agreement and Contract Data Form of Occupational Health and Safety Act
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To assist Airport Company South Africa (ACSA) in order to comply with the requirements of:
1. The Occupational Health & Safety (Act 85 of 1993), as amended and its regulations and
2. The Compensation for Occupational Injuries & Diseases Act (Act 130 of 1993) also known as
the (COID Act).
3. Construction Regulations 2014

To this end an Agreement must be concluded before any contractor/ subcontracted work may

The parties to this Agreement are:

Name of Organisation:


Physical Address:
Airport Company South Africa

Cape Town International Airport, Southern Office Block, Cape Town,

South Africa, 2008

Hereinafter referred to as “Client”

Name of organisation:

Physical Address

Hereinafter referred to as “the Mandatary/ Principal Contractor”

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1. Definitions

1.1 “Mandatary” is defined as an agent, a principal contractor or a contractor for work, or service
provider appointed by the Client to execute a scope of work on its behalf, but WITHOUT
of the plant.

1.2 “Client” refers to ACSA;

1.3 “Parties” means ACSA and the Contractor, and “Party” shall mean either one of them, as the
context indicates;

1.4 "Services" means the services provided by the Contractor or Stakeholder to ACSA;

1.5 “Stakeholder” refers to companies conducting business at ACSA premises or within close
proximity where there is an interface with ACSA operations;

1.6 “The OHS Act” refers to Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, as amended;

“The COID Act” refers to Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 61 of
1997, as amended; and

1.7 “SHE” means Safety, Health and Environment.


a) The Occupational Health & Safety Act comprises of SECTION 1-50 and all unrepealed
REGULATIONS promulgated in terms of the former Machinery and Occupational Safety
Act No.6 of 1983 as amended as well as other REGULATIONS which may be promulgated
in terms of the Act and other relevant Acts pertaining to the job in hand.
b) Section 37 of the Occupational Health & Safety Act potentially punishes Employers for
unlawful acts or omissions of Mandatories where a Written Agreement between the parties
has not been concluded containing arrangements and procedures to ensure compliance
with the said Act BY THE MANDATORY.
c) All documents attached or refer to in the above Agreement form an integral part of the
d) To perform in terms of this agreement Mandataries must be familiar and conversant with
the relevant provisions of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHS Act) and
applicable Regulations.
e) Mandatories who utilise the services of other contractors must conclude a similar Written
Agreement with those companies.
f) Be advised that this Agreement places the onus on the Mandatary to contact the CLIENT
in the event of inability to perform as per this Agreement.
g) This Agreement shall be binding for all work the Mandatory undertakes for the Client and
remains in force for the duration of the contracted period as per Main Contract signed by
both parties.
h) The contractor shall submit all necessary documentation as per SHE File Index to the Client
seven days prior to starting with any work.

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The Mandatory undertakes to comply with:


The Mandatary and/or his / her designated person shall report to the Client prior to commencing
any work at the airports as well as when the activities change from the original scope of work.


3.1 In terms of this agreement the Mandatary warrants that he / she agrees to the arrangements
and procedures as prescribed by the Client and as provided for in terms of Section 37(2) of
the OHS Act for the purposes of compliance with the Act.

3.2 The Mandatary further warrants that he / she and / or his / her employees undertake to
maintain such compliance with the OHS Act. Without derogating from the generality of the
above, or from the provisions of the said agreement, the Mandatary shall ensure that the
clauses as hereunder described are at all times adhered to by himself / herself and his / her

3.3 The Mandatary hereby undertakes to ensure that the health and safety of any other person
on the premises is not endangered by the conduct of his / her activities and that of his / her

4. SHE Risk Management

4.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that a baseline risk assessment is performed by a competent
person before commencement of any work in the Client’s premises. A baseline risk
assessment document will include identification of hazards and risk, analysis and evaluation
of the risks and hazards identified, a documented plan and safe work procedures to mitigate,
reduce or control the risks identified, and a monitoring and review plan of the risks and

4.2 The Mandatary shall review the risk registers as and when the scope of work changes and
keep the latest version on the SHE File.


The Mandatary shall submit a detailed emergency response procedure to the Client OHS
Department as part of the SHE File prior to start of work. The procedure shall stipulate how the
Mandatary intends to attend to medical emergencies. In the sites where the Client has onsite
clinic services, the medical staff can provide first line response and stabilise the patient however
the Mandatary shall then activate its own medical response procedure and transport the patient
to the medical facilities for further medical attention.


6.1 The Mandatary shall appoint competent persons as per Section 16(2) of the OHS Act. Any
such appointed person shall be trained on any occupational health and safety matter and the
OHS Act provisions pertinent to the work that is to be performed under his / her
responsibility. Copies of any appointments and certificates made by the Mandatary shall
immediately be provided to the Client.

6.2 The Mandatary shall at the beginning of the project or activities where there are 5 people
and more people working appoint a full time dedicated Health and Safety resource whom will
be dedicated to the project to ensure that Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements
are met at all times. The allocated resource shall be based where the project is undertaken
Contract C1 - 29 C1.4
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for the duration of the project or scope of work execution. The resource shall be trained and
qualified on Occupational Health and Safety matters and the OHS Act provisions pertinent
to the work that is to be carried out.

6.3 The Mandatary shall further ensure that all his / her employees are trained on the health and
safety aspects relating to the work and that they understand the hazards associated with
such work being carried out on the airports. Without derogating from the foregoing, the
Mandatary shall, in particular, ensure that all his / her users or operators of any materials,
machinery or equipment are properly trained in the use of such materials, machinery or

6.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of the above, the Mandatary shall ensure that he / she, his /
her appointed responsible persons and his / her employees are at all times familiar with the
provisions of the OHS Act, and that they comply with the provisions of the Act.

6.5 The Mandatary shall at all material times be responsible for all costs associated with the
performance of its own obligations and compliance with the terms of this Agreement, unless
otherwise expressly agreed by the Parties in writing.


7.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that all work performed on the Clients premises is done under
strict supervision and that no unsafe or unhealthy work practices are permitted. Discipline
regarding health and safety matters shall be strictly enforced against any of his / her
employees regarding non-compliance by such employee with any health and safety matters.

7.2 The Mandatary shall further ensure that his / her employees report to him / her all unsafe or
unhealthy work situations immediately after they become aware of the same and that he /
she in turn immediately reports these to the Client within 48 hours with the action taken to
mitigate the risk.

7.3 Where the hazard or risk identified is the responsibility of the Client to action, the Mandatary
shall notify the Client OHS and Safety Department within 24 hours of becoming aware of the
hazard or risk for prompt action to mitigate.


8.1 The Mandatary and his/her employees shall provide full co-operation and information if and
when the Client or his / her representative enquires into occupational health and safety
issues concerning the Mandatary. It is hereby recorded that the Client and his / her
representative shall at all times be entitled to make such an inquiry.

8.2 Without derogating from the generality of the above, the Mandatary and his / her responsible
persons shall make available to the Client and his / her representative, on request, all and
any checklists and inspection registers required to be kept by him / her in respect of any of
his / her materials, machinery or equipment and facilities.


9.1 The Mandatary shall, after having established the dangers associated with the work
performed, develop and implement mitigation measures to minimize or eliminate such
dangers for the purpose of ensuring a healthy and safe working environment.

9.2 The Mandatary shall then ensure that his / her responsible persons and employees are
familiar with such mitigation measures. This includes the lock out tag out processes relating
to the use of machinery.

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9.3 The Mandatary shall implement any other safe work practices as prescribed by the Employer
and shall ensure that his / her responsible persons and employees are made conversant
with and adhere to such safe work practices.

9.4 The Mandatary shall ensure that work for which a permit is required by the Employer or any
statute is not performed by his / her employees prior to the obtaining of such a permit.


10.1 OHS Act requires that Health and Safety Committees be established in case where
employee count exceeds 20 onsite, however due to the duration and the nature of the scope
of work executed by the contractors and stakeholders enforces that regardless of employees
at the airports. The Mandatary shall establish his / her own health and safety committee(s)
and ensure that his / her employees, being the committee members, hold health and safety
representatives to attend the Employer’s health and safety committee meetings on monthly
basis or quarterly whichever is applicable as per contractor requirement.

10.2 The Mandatary Section 16(2) appointed and SHE resource shall attend the Client SHE
meetings as per the schedule communicated. In cases where the Mandatary delegated
resources are not able to attend the meeting, an apology shall be submitted to the Client
OHS Manager 24 hours before the meeting. An alternative representative shall be deployed
to attend the meeting on the half of the Mandatary.

10.3 The Mandatary appointed Section 16(2) and SHE resource shall not skip more than three
SHE Committee meetings a year.


11.1 The Mandatary warrants that all their employees and/or their contractor’s employees if any
are covered in terms of the COID Act, which shall remain in force whilst any such employees
are present on the Client’s premises. A letter is required prior commencing any work on site
confirming that the Principal contractor or contractor or stakeholder is in good standing with
the Compensation Fund or Licensed Insurer.

11.2 The Mandatary warrants that they are in possession of the following insurance cover, which
cover shall remain in force whilst they and /or their employees are present on the Client’s
premises, or which shall remain in force for that duration of their contractual relationship with
the Client, whichever period is the longest.

11.3 The Mandatary shall provide the Client with Public Liability Insurance Cover as required by
the Main Contract

11.4 Any other Insurance cover that will adequately makes provision for any possible losses
and/or claims arising from their and /or their Subcontractors and/or their respective
employee’s acts and/or omissions on the Client’s premises.

11.5 The Mandatary shall send updated Letter of Good Standing to the Client as and when the
Mandatary receives it to ensure that the most valid version is available.


12.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that all his / her employees undergo routine medical
examinations and that they are medically fit for the purposes of the work they are to perform.

12.2 Copies of such medical fitness certificates shall be made available to Client as part of the
SHE file for review to ensure that they have been conducted by a reputable Occupational
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Health Practitioner registered with Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
doctor and specialist Occupational Medical Practitioner. Any other additional medical
assessment shall be conducted in line with risk exposures.

12.3 Standard (Basic) medical tests shall constitute the following assessments as minimum:

• Individual’s history of general and previous occupational health

• Comprehensive physical examination for evaluation of systemic function
• Blood Pressure Measurement
• Weight, Height and Body Mass Index
• Urine screening
• Drug screening
• Audio screening
• Lung Function Test
• Keystone eye test
• Work at Height Questionnaire
• Muscular skeletal questionnaire


13.1 All Safety, Health and Environmental Incidents shall be reported to the Client OHS and
Safety Department within two hours from the time of occurrence via a phone call, sms or
email or before end of shift. This shall be followed by a formal report in a form of a preliminary
report within forty eight (48) hours.

13.2 All incidents referred to in Section 24 of the OHS Act shall be reported by the Mandatary to
the Department of Labour and copies of such reporting to be sent to the Client. The
Mandatary shall further be provide with copies of any written documentation and medical
reports relating to any incident.

13.3 The Client retains an interest in the reporting of any incident as described above as well as
in any formal investigation and/or inquiry conducted in terms of section 32 of the OHS-Act
into such incident.

13.4 The Client reserves a right to hold its own investigation into any incident where it deems it is
not satisfied with the incident investigation or where the severity of the incident is fatal or
damage beyond a value of R1 million and above.


14.1 The Mandatary shall notify the Client of any subcontractor he / she may wish to source to
perform work on his / her behalf on the Client premises. It is hereby recorded that all the
terms and provisions contained in this clause shall be equally binding upon the subcontractor
prior to the subcontractor commencing with the work. Without derogating from the generality
of this paragraph:

14.2 The Mandatary shall ensure that the sub contractor meets all the requirements and is
competent for the scope of work contracted for. This includes that approval of the SHE file,
SHE Plans associated with the work.


The Mandatary shall request and familiarise its employees with the Client security rules which
is not included in this agreement.

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16.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that all his / her employees are familiar with fire precautions at
the site(s), which includes fire-alarm signals and emergency exits, and that such precautions
are adhered to.

16.2 This includes participating on planned and unplanned emergency drills organised the Client.


The Mandatary shall have a program to upkeep and maintain the facilities leased out to it by the
Client as stipulated on lease agreement.


The Mandatary shall ensure that the work site, ablution, offices and surround area is at all times
maintained to the reasonably practicable level of hygiene and cleanliness. In this regard, no
loose materials shall be left lying about unnecessarily and the work site shall be cleared of waste
material regularly and on completion of the work.


19.1 Entry to the airside is subjected to Aviation Safety Requirements in line with Client
Substance Abuse Policy. No intoxicating substance of any form shall be allowed on site
where airside or land side. Any person suspected of being intoxicated shall not be allowed
on the site. Any person required to take medication shall notify the relevant responsible
person thereof, as well as the potential side effects of the medication.

19.2 The Client reserves a right to do substance abuse testing and main entry points for the
Mandatary employees.
19.3 Intoxication limits shall be adhered to as stipulated on Client Substance Abuse Policy.

19.4 Records of substance abuse testing shall be filed on the SHE File and made available to the
Employer on request.


20.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that his / her responsible persons and employees are provided
with adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) for the work they may perform and in
accordance with the requirements of General Safety Regulation 2 (1) of the OHS Act. The
Mandatary shall further ensure that his / her responsible persons and employees wear the
PPE issued to them at all times.

20.2 The Mandatary shall monitor compliance to PPE of his/her own employees at all times, The
Client can at its discretion conduct random PPE compliance inspections and these can be
recorded officially on the Client non-conformance reporting tool.

20.3 The Mandatary shall keep records PPE Control cards of each employee those shall be kept
on SHE File.


21.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that all the plant, machinery, equipment and/or vehicles he / she
may wish to utilize on the Client premises is/are at all times of sound order and fit for the
purpose for which it/they is/are attended to, and that it/they complies/comply with the
requirements of Section 10 of the OHS Act.
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21.2 Where the Mandatory’s equipment interfaces to the Client’s equipment’s, a joint risk
assessment shall be conducted by the Mandatary and the Client OHS department in order
for the risks to be mitigated prior to the use of such equipment’s. It is the responsibility of the
Mandatary to notify the Client OHS department of such equipment’s and machinery.

21.3 In accordance with the provisions of Section 10(4) of the OHS Act, the Mandatary hereby
assumes the liability for taking the necessary steps to ensure that any article or substance
that it erects or installs at the sites, or manufactures, sells or supplies to or for the Client,
complies with all the prescribed requirements and will be safe and without risks to health and
safety when properly used.


22.1 The Mandatary hereby acknowledge that his / her employees are not permitted to use any
materials, machinery or equipment of the Employer unless the prior written consent of the
Client has been obtained, in which case the Mandatary shall ensure that only those persons
authorized to make use of same, have access thereto.

22.2 The Client shall ensure that it isolates and apply LOTO on any equipment’s and machinery
where there is an unexpected start up or flow of energy. The Mandatary has a responsibility
to apply its own LOTO procedures before starting with work and post the use of the
equipment and machinery.


23.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that work for which the issuing of permit to work is required shall
not be performed prior to the obtaining of a duty completed approved permit by the Client or
relevant Authority.

23.2 In the context of the Client, the following activities are regarded as high risk activities and a
permit to work shall be obtained prior to starting with the activities at any site:

• Cold Works Permit

• Hot Work Permit
• Confined Space Entry Permit
• Work At Heights Permit


24.1 The Mandatary shall ensure that all road vehicles used on the sites are in a roadworthy
condition and are licensed and insured. All drivers shall have relevant and valid driving
licenses and vehicle shall carry passengers unless it is specifically designed to do so. All
drivers shall adhere to the speed limits and road signs on the premises at all times.

24.2 No employees on premises permitted in back of LDV (bakkie) and in front of LDV each driver
and passenger must have a separate seat belt.

24.3 In the event that any hazardous substances are to be transported on the premises, the
Mandatary shall ensure that the requirements of the Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973
are complied with fully all times.

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In the event that the Mandatary requires clarification of any of the terms or provisions of this
agreement, he / she should contact the Client OHS Department.


This agreement shall remain in force for the duration of the work to be performed by the
Mandatary and/or while any of the Mandatary’s employees are present on the Client site.


If Mandatary fails to comply with any provisions of this agreement, the Client shall be entitled to
give the Fourteen (14) days’ notice in writing to remedy such non compliance and if the
Mandatary fails to comply with such notice, then the Client shall forthwith be entitled but not
obliged, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the Mandatary may have in law,

❖ Apply penalties as stipulated on the matrix below; or

❖ to claim immediate performance and/or payment of such obligations.
❖ Should Mandatary continue to breach the contract on three occasions for the same
deviation, then the Client is authorised to suspend the main contract without
complying with the condition stated in clause above.


The Mandatary hereby indemnifies the Client against any liability, loss, claims or proceedings
whatsoever, whether arising in Common Law or by Statute; consequent personal injuries or the
death of any person whomsoever (including claims by employees of the Mandatary and their
dependents); or consequent loss of or damage to any moveable or immoveable property arising
out of or caused by or in connection with the execution of the Mandatary’s contract with the
Client, unless such liabilities, losses, claims or proceedings whatsoever are attributable to the
Client’s faults. The Mandatary or his/her employees is liable to prove without reasonable doubt
that the loss is due to the Client’s fault or negligence.


ACT 85 OF 1993

The Mandatary undertakes to ensure that they and/or their subcontractors if any and/or their
respective employees will at all times comply with the following conditions:

a) All work performed by the Mandatary on the Client’s premises must be performed under
the close supervision of the Mandatary’s employees who are to be trained to understand
the hazards associated with any work that the Mandatary performs on the Client’s
b) The Mandatary shall be assigned the responsibility in terms of Section 16(1) of the OHS
Act 85 of 1993, if the Mandatary assigns any duty in terms of Section 16(2), a copy of
such written assignment shall immediately be forwarded to the Client.
c) The Mandatary shall ensure that he/she familiarise himself/herself with the
requirements of the OHS Act 85 of 1993 and that s/he and his/her employees and any
of his subcontractors comply with the requirements.

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Only a duly authorised representative appointed in terms of Section 16.2 of the OHS Act is
eligible to sign this agreement on behalf of the Mandatary. The signing power of this
representative must be designated in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of the Mandatary. A
copy of this letter must be made available to the Client.


In terms of section 37(2) of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 85 of 1993 and section 5.1(k) of the
Construction Regulations 2014,

I ………………………………….a duly authorised 16.2 Appointee acting for and on behalf of

………………………………………………..(company name) undertake to ensure that the requirements
and the provision of the OHS Act 85 of 1993 and its regulations are complied with.

Mandatary – WCA/ Federated Employers Mutual No……………………………….

Expiry date …………………………………………………………………………………….

________________________________________ _______
(Warrant his authority to sign)


1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

_________________________________________ _______________


3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________

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1. Insurance requirements for PROJECTS with a value below R50 million on the LANDSIDE

1.1 Contract Works

• With regards to contract works claims, the contractor/consultant is responsible for a deductible
(excess) of R250 000;

• Contractors / consultants should re-insure the deductible.

1.2 Public Liability

• In the event of a claim against the contractor / consultant for 3rd party property damage, the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R275 000;

• In the event of a claim against the contractor / consultant for removal of lateral support, the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R500 000;

• Contractors / consultants should re-insure the deductibles.

1.3 Professional Indemnity

• All consultants are responsible for Professional Indemnity cover of R5 million

• Contractors who have a material design element, excluding typical P & G related work, as part of
their scope, are responsible for Professional Indemnity cover of R5 million;

• In the event of a claim above R5 million, the ACSA PI cover will kick in for the amount in excess
of R5 million;

• Proof of cover in the form of a certificate of insurance should be provided to ACSA before a
contract is signed between ACSA and the contractor and/or consultant.

Contract C1 - 37 C1.5
Part C1: Agreement and Contract Data Summary of Insurance Arrangements and Claims Procedure
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Part C2: Pricing Data

C2.1 Pricing Instruction .............................................. C2-2

C2.2 Bills of Quantities ............................................... C2-5


Contract C2 - 1
Part C2: Pricing Data
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1. The general conditions of contract, the special conditions of contract, the specifications (including
the project specification) and the drawings are to be read in conjunction with the bill of quantities.

The bill comprises items covering the Contractor’s profit and costs of general liabilities and of the
construction of temporary and permanent works.

The Tenderer is at liberty to insert a rate of his own choosing for each item in the bill and his attention is
drawn to the fact that the Contractor has the right, under various circumstances, to payment for additional
works carried out and that the Engineer is obliged to base his assessment of the rates to be paid for such
additional work on the rates inserted in the bill by the Tenderer.

Clause 8 of each standardised specification, read together with the relevant clauses of the project
specification, set out what ancillary or associated activities are deemed to be included in the rates for the
operations specified.

Descriptions in the bill are abbreviated and the bill has been drawn up generally in accordance with SABS
1200. Should any requirement of the measurement and payment clause of the applicable standardised
specification or the project specification conflict with the terms of the bill, the requirement of the
standardised or project specification, as applicable, shall prevail.

Unless otherwise stated, items are measured net in accordance with the drawings, and no allowance has
been made for waste.

The prices and rates to be inserted in the bill of quantities are to be the full inclusive prices (excluding
VAT) to the Employer for the work described under the several items. Such prices shall cover all costs
and expenses that may be required in and for the construction of the work described, and shall cover the
cost of all general risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the documents on which the tender
is based.

Each item priced shall be extended to the “Amount” column by the Tenderer with the exception of the
items for which a rate only is required or which already have provisional sums affixed thereto. Should any
item in the Bill of Quantities not be priced, by design or by omission, it shall be held that the cost of the
work associated with such items is spread over and included in the prices tendered for other items of

In the event of there being any errors of extension or addition, these will be corrected, the rates being
taken as correct and binding.

The quantities in this Bill of Quantities shall be regarded as approximate and do not necessarily reflect the
actual amounts of work to be done.

The Contract amount for the completed contract shall be computed from the actual quantities of work
done and valued at the unit rates and prices tendered against the respective items in the Bill of Quantities.

Each item priced by the Tenderer shall be in BLACK INK.

2. The units of measurement described in these Bills of Quantities are metric units. Abbreviations used
in these Bills of Quantities are as follows:

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% = percent
hr = hour
ha = hectare
kg = kilogram
kl = kilolitre
km = kilometre
km-pass = kilometre-pass
kPa = kilopascal
kW = kilowatt
l = litre
m = meter
mm = millimeter
m² = square meter
m²-pass = square meter-pass
m³ = cubic meter
m³-km = cubic meter-kilometer
MN = meganewton
MN.m = meganewton-metre
MPa = megapascal
No. = number
Prov sum = Provisional sum
PC sum = Prime Cost sum
R/only = Rate only
L/sum = lump sum
t = ton (1000 kg)
W/day = work day
months = months
veh/month = vehicle month
man-day = each flagman per day

3. For the purpose of these Bills of Quantities, the following words shall have the meanings hereby
assigned to them:

Unit: The unit of measurement for each item of work

Quantity: The number of units of work for each item.
Rate: The agreed payment per unit of measurement.

Amount: The product of the quantity and the agreed rate for an item.
Lump sum: An agreed amount for an item, the extent of which is described in the Bills of
Quantities but the quantity of work of which is not measured in any units.

4. Unless otherwise stated, items are measured net in accordance with the drawings, and no allowance
is made for waste.

5. It will be assumed that prices included in the bills of quantities are based on Acts, Ordinances,
Regulations, By-laws, International Standards and National Standards that were published 28 days
before the closing date for tenders. (Refer to or for information on

6. The prices and rates in these Bills of Quantities are fully inclusive prices for the work described under
the items. Such prices and rates cover all costs and expenses that may be required in and for the
execution of the work described in accordance with the provisions of the Scope of Work, and shall
cover the cost of all general risks, liabilities, and obligations set forth or implied in the Contract Data,
as well as overhead charges and profit. These prices will be used as a basis for assessment of
payment for additional work that may have to be carried out.

7. Where the Scope of Work requires detailed drawings and designs or other information to be provided,
all costs associated therewith are deemed to have been provided for and included in the unit rates
and sum amount tendered such items

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8. A price or rate shall be entered against each item in the Bill of Quantities. Should the Tenderer
not wish to make any charge in respect of an item, a rate of zero “R0.00” or “Nil” shall be entered. An
item against which no price is entered will be considered to be covered by the other prices or rates in
the Bill of Quantities. Except where rates only are required, insert all amounts to be included in the
total tendered price in the "Amount" column and show the corresponding total tendered price. The
Tenderer may not group a number of items together and tender one lump sum for such group of

The tendered rates shall be valid irrespective of any change in the quantities during the execution of
the works under the contract.

No unauthorized amendment shall be made to the Bill of Quantities or any part of the Pricing
Data. If such amendment is made or if the Bill of Quantities is not properly completed, the
tender will be rejected.

9. The quantities set out in these Bills of Quantities are approximate and do not necessarily represent
the actual amount of work to be done. The quantities of work accepted and certified for payment will
be used for determining payments due and not the quantities given in these Bills of Quantities.

10. Reasonable compensation will be received where no pay item appears in the Bills of Quantities in
respect of work required in terms of the Contract and which is not covered in any other pay item.

11. The short descriptions of the items of payment given in these Bills of Quantities are only for the
purposes of identifying the items. More details regarding the extent of the work entailed under each
item appear in the Scope of Work.

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Schedule A: Preliminary and General…………………............. C2-6

Schedule B: New Storage Tank…………………………………..C2-9

Schedule C: Corrosion Protection……………………………….C2-10

Calculation of Tender Sum……………………………………….. C2-11

Contract C2 - 5 C2.2
Part C2: Pricing Data Bill of Quantities
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Page 1


1200 A

A1.1 8.3.1 Contractual requirements Sum 1

A1.2 8.3.2 Facilities for the Contractor

PS 6
a) Office and storage sheds Sum 1

PSA 3 b) Ablution and latrine facilities Sum 1

c) Tools and equipment Sum 1

d) Non-Sparking tools Sum 1

PSA 4 & 5 e) Supply Drinking Water and Power Sum 1

f) Workshops Sum 1

PSA 7 g) Camp area Sum 1

h) Dealing with water Sum 1

A1.3 8.3.3 Other fixed time obligations Sum 1

Carried forward

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A1.4 8.3.3 Remove Contractor's site establishment

on completion of the project Sum 1


A2.1 8.4.1 Contractual requirements Sum 1

A2.2 8.4.2 Facilities for the Contractor
PS 6 (Operation and Maintenance)

a) Office and storage sheds Sum 1

PSA 3 b) Ablution and latrine facilities Sum 1

c) Tools and equipment Sum 1

d) Non-sparking tools Sum 1

PS 4,5 & 6 e) Supply Drinking Water and power Sum 1

PSA 7 f) Camp area Sum 1

g) Camp area Sum 1

h) Dealing with water Sum 1

i) Project Notice Board Sum 1

A2.3 Record Drawings Sum 1

A2.4 PSA 8 QA/QC documentation including QCP's

as per Engineers specification Sum 1

A2.5 8.4.3 Supervision for duration of the contract Sum 1

A2.6 8.4.4 Company and head office overheads for

the duration of the contract Sum 1

A2.7 PSA 9 Qualified Health & Safety Officer for the duration
of the contract Sum 1

A2.8 8.4.5 Other time related obligations Sum 1

A2.9 PSA10 Provision of an approved Firewatch Officer during

hot work on site Days 30

A2.10 Compliance with Environmental Management Plan

(EMPr) - Part C3.7 of the Contract Document) Sum 1

Carried forward

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Part C2: Pricing Data Bill of Quantities
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A2.11 Compliance with regulations

The Contractor shall take all reasonable
precautions and maintain all the required OHS
measures during the execution of works (as
defined and provided for under the Construction
Regulations 2003 (promulgated under the
Occupational Health & Safety Act 85 of
1993) and R 84 Occupational Health and Safety
Act (85/1993): Construction Regulations of 7
February 2014 Sum 1

A2.12 Traffic management

The contractor shall provide a traffic
management plan and maintain this plan for all
construction related vehicles entering and
exiting the site. Sum 1

A3 8.6 Dayworks
A3.1 Allow the provisional sum stated to be
expended at the discretion of the Engineer for
works carried out on a dayworks basis PROVISIONAL SUM 50 000.00


Contract C2 - 8 C2.2
Part C2: Pricing Data Bill of Quantities
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PSAPI 5 Fabricate and erect on ringbeam foundation
prepared civil contractor one fixed roof tank Ø17m x
14,5m high of nominal capacity 3200m3 complete
with internal pipework, nozzles, manholes, vents,
spiral staircase, handrails and attachments, tank
cooling rings (4 off), top foam pourers, tank cooling
and tank foam riser pipes and spray nozzles as
shown on Drg. No. 14198P-410 and 14198P-451 Sum 1

B2 PSAPI 6 Testing of the tank floor, shell and roof inclusive of

vacuum box testing and hydrotesting. Cost of
hoses, fittings, etc. for hydrotest to be included
Water for hydrotest is covered in B3. Sum 1

B3 PSAPI 6.1 Source, supply and transport treated water to

site to be used for hydrotest as indicated in B2
above. Provide water quality test certificates for
treated water. 3300m3 to be supplied. Sum 1

B4 PSAPI 6.1 Drain, transport off-site and disposal of used

hydrotest water (approximately 3200m3) at
water treatment works. Water quality to be
tested prior to removal from site. Sum 1

B5 PSAPI 6.1 Provision of seawater for hydrotest as indicated

in B2 above. Provision of potable water to wash
down tank and disposal of seawater as per B4
above. Sum 1 Rate Only

B6 PSAPI 10 Provide strapping tables as specified Sum 1

B7 3.4(c) Allow the provisional sum stated for additional third

party non-destructive testing in accordance with
API 650 and as ordered by the Engineer P. Sum 30 000.00

B8 PSAPI9 Supply, assemble and install new Ø400 floating

suction including all sampling lines, chains,
supports and fittings.
Refer Datasheet 14198P-DS-FS01 No. 1

B9 PSAPI 1 Fabricate and install inter-tank walkway as

shown on Drg. No. 14198P-301 No. 1

B10 PSAPI 6.2 Provide assistance (provide access, bolt-ups,

ventilating tank etc.) to depot operator for soak
testing as per project specification. P. Sum 150 000.00


Contract C2 - 9 C2.2
Part C2: Pricing Data Bill of Quantities
Reference no. CIA 5677/2018/RFP


1200 HC
PSHC Prepare surfaces and apply corrosion protection
system as specified for the following:

C1.1 PSHC 5.8 Corrosion Protection System to internal surfaces

of tank floor, vertical shell walls, roof, nozzles and
bottom drain pipework (internal lining) m2 1260

C1.2 PSHC 5.1 Corrosion Protection System to external surfaces

of tank shell, roof, manway covers nozzles and all
shell attachments inclusive of stairs and handrails m2 1050

C1.3 Apply one coat of non-skid paint to access paths

on roof Provisional m2 100

C1.4 PSHC 5.6 Apply painted tank identification number on

background panel as specified No 2

C1.5 PSHC 5.7 Supply and install Densomastic and Densotape

protection around the base of the tank as specified m 50

C1.6 Allow the provisional sum stated for additional third

party inspection and testing of corrosion protection
systems ordered by the Engineer P. Sum 50 000.00


Contract C2 - 10 C2.2
Part C2: Pricing Data Bill of Quantities
Reference no. CIA 5677/2018/RFP










The tenderer shall add 15% of the subtotal for VAT R



Contract C2 - 11 C2.2
Part C2: Pricing Data Bill of Quantities
Reference no. CIA 5677/2018/RFP



C3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS .............................................................. C3-2

C3.2 ENGINEERING .......................................................................................... C3-3

C3.3 PROCUREMENT ....................................................................................... C3-5

C3.4 CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................................... C3-6

C3.5 MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................... C3-11

C3.6 PARTICULAR (PROJECT) SPECIFICATIONS ....................................... C3-14

C3.7 GENERIC SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................... C3-66

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 1 C3.1
Part C3: Scope of Works Description of the Works
The Employer’s objective is to increase the storage capacity of the fuel depot in order to ensure
an acceptable buffer in the event of a temporary disruption of Jet-A1 supply to CTIA.


This contract comprises, inter alia, the following work:

• The establishment on site of facilities for the Contractor and the provision of the
necessary plant, personnel and equipment.
• The fabrication, delivery to site and erection of a 3 200m 3 fixed roof fuel storage tank
approximately 17m diameter x 14.5m high, complete with stairs, handrails, etc.
• The supply and installation of fire-fighting piping and fittings on the tank including tank
spray shell cooling rings, spray nozzles, tank top foam pourer and access platforms.
• The inter-tank walkway between the new tank and existing Tank 6.
• Grit blasting of the tank and the application of the internal lining and external painting
to the tank.
• The hydrostatic testing of the tank (including supply and disposal of water).
• Assistance to depot operator for soak testing of tank after internal lining is complete.
• The removal of plant, equipment and site establishment and final tidying up of the site
on completion of the Works.
• Supply and installation of floating suction in the tank.
• The making good of defects in the works as required in terms of Clause 7.8.1. of the
General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works (Third Edition) 2015 for period
of 12 months from the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion.

(a) Changes to Scope of Work

It is a condition of this contract that the employer reserves the right to limit the total expenditure
on the Works due to possible budget constraints. Should the tender sum exceed the budgeted
amount, the scope of the works may be reduced at any time before or during the contract period
to ensure that the final contract amount does not exceed the budgeted amount.


The site of the Works is situated at the fuel depot of CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
in Western Cape. The site is under the jurisdiction of the Airports Company South Africa (ACSA).
The most likely location of the site is shown on the construction drawings. The contractor’s site
camp will be situated within ACSA’s premises and shall be indicated at the site clarification


The Contractor shall obtain written permission from the Engineer before construction of any
temporary works may commence. Temporary works will include the following:
(a) Placing and removal of barricades where required.
(b) All facilities within the Contractor’s construction camp. The design shall compile with the
specifications where provided in these documents and all statutory requirements such as
the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. The area is to be reinstated upon
(c) Access roads for the construction camp and temporary material stockpile site. These roads
are to be designed, constructed and maintained by the Contractor to comply with safety
and environmental requirements. They must be reinstated upon completion the Works.
Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 2 C3.1
Part C3: Scope of Works Description of the Works
The responsibilities for design and related documentation are as follows:


Detailed design for construction Engineer’s Representative

Temporary works (Section C3.1.5):

Engineer’s representative
As-built drawings:
Provision of data and marked up drawings Contractor
Preparation of drawings Engineer’s representative


The extent of the Employer’s design is shown on the construction drawings.


The design brief for Temporary Works is provided in Section C3.1.4.

Drawings are required for the Temporary Works to be designed by the Contractor.

The reduced drawings that form part of the tender documents shall be used for tender purposes
only. The Contractor will be issued with an A0 paper copy and PDF file of each of the drawings
required for construction. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, produce all further prints
required for the construction of the Works.
The Contractor shall not use the drawings for any purpose other than the execution of the works.
Only figured dimensions on the drawings shall be used, and drawings shall not be scaled. The
Engineer shall supply any figured dimensions which have been omitted from the drawings.
The Engineer may issue additional drawings as necessary to the Contractor from time to time
during the progress of the works. The Contractor shall timeously notify the Engineer of the
priority in which drawings and details are required.
Before a Certificate of Completion will be issued, all as-built data must be provided to the
Engineer on completion of the Permanent Works. The data must be provided in electronic form
(as per the Engineer’s format) or where appropriate marked up on a set of drawings. Any
information in the possession of the Contractor necessary for the Resident Engineer to complete
his as-built drawings shall be supplied to the Resident Engineer on a regular basis and all
information must be delivered before a Certificate of Completion will be issued.
The drawings as listed in Volume 3 form part of the tender documents and shall be used for
tender purposes only.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 3 C3.2

Part C3: Scope of Works Engineering
No design procedures are specified.


Working space for some of the work to be carried out under this contract is restricted. The
construction method used in these confined areas largely depends on the Contractor's plant.
However, the Contractor must note that measurement and payment will be according to the
specified cross-sections and dimensions irrespective of the method used, and that the rates and
prices tendered will be deemed to include full compensation for difficulties encountered, while
working in confined areas.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 4 C3.2

Part C3: Scope of Works Engineering
The Works shall be executed in accordance with the requirements specified in Section T1.2,
Tender Data (Clause F3.11) and submitted by the Contractor in his Returnable Schedules.

(a) Scope of Mandatory Subcontract Works
The Works that may be subcontracted are the internal lining and tank coating portion of works.
(b) Preferred Subcontractors
The subcontractors must meet the requirements as laid out in Clause F3.11 of this document.
(c) Subcontracting Procedures
The sub-contracted works shall be subcontracted to competent contractors with relevant
experience in accordance with the subcontracting procedures set out in the General Conditions
of Contract.
(d) Attendance on Subcontractors
The Contractor shall provide any necessary facilities in order to manage the specialist
subcontractors to ensure that the works are carried out in accordance with:
• The programme of works, and
• The contract requirements, and
• In the Project requirements concerning access to and from the airport facilities at the
beginning and end of working shifts. He shall also ensure that the subcontractor complies
with the requirements of the Safety Plan, Environmental Management Plan and Operational
procedure requirements.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 5 C3.3

Part C3: Scope of work Procurement


This contract covers all work associated with the provision of an additional fuel storage tank and
ancillary facilities at the ACSA fuel depot at Cape Town International Airport.


The area over which the Works are to be constructed lies within the Airport Precinct of Cape
Town International Airport.

Access to the site is from the Airport Approach Road off the N2 freeway. A locality sketch is
bound into the back of this volume.

For entry into the area of the depot bounded by the present security fence, each person shall
be in possession of an identification tag showing a photograph, the person’s name and identity
number. A list shall be handed to the Employer indicating all tags issued to date which list shall
be updated as and when applicable. Persons related to the contract wishing to enter the depot
but whose names do not appear on the list shall be refused entry. All vehicles and personnel
entering the depot are liable to be searched, and delays, particularly at peak periods, must be
anticipated. The costs of any such delays are deemed to be included in the tender prices.

Contractors shall make their own arrangements regarding the necessary permits and/or photo
passes and all other requirements pertaining to access through the various check points.
Tender prices shall be deemed to cover all costs involved in complying with the requirements
for entry to the site.


Site Investigation

A geotechnical investigation was conducted for this project and is included in Appendix C4.A.

The site is situated immediately south of the existing fuel storage depot, and slopes gradually
in a westerly direction.

C3.4.4 Responsibility for Geological Information

The information given on soil or geological conditions is provided in good faith for the
Contractor’s convenience as an indication of the conditions likely to be encountered. No
responsibility will be accepted for, and there is no guarantee of the information being
representative of the whole area of the works or the various materials to be encountered. Should
the Contractor wish to undertake further investigation, this will be permitted by agreement with
the Employer.

The provision of such information shall not be regarded as in any way limited or detracting from
the Contractor’s responsibility in terms of the General Conditions of Contract and the
Specifications. The Contractor will be held to have satisfied himself as to the subsurface
conditions to be encountered on site and to have allowed accordingly in his tendered rates.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 6 C3.4

Part C3: Scope of work Construction

Within two weeks of the acceptance of his tender, the Contractor shall provide a detailed
programme giving labour and plant resources and an estimated cash flow related to the cost
and duration of the various items of work. The critical path shall be clearly defined and the
programme shall be drawn up in sufficient detail so that possible interface problems with the
Employer’s operations and those of other contractors may be identified and avoided as far as

The construction of the tank foundation including earthworks, ringbeam, , layerworks and sand
bitumen premix will be completed by the civil contractor prior to the tank erection.

The tank construction is estimated to be complete within 5 months with a 3 month material
procurement period prior to this.

The Tenderer shall enter the Time for Completion against Clause 45(1) in the Appendix to

Progress shall be monitored against the agreed programme. If construction does not in fact
take place in accordance therewith a separate “catch-up” programme shall be provided showing
how the lost time will be made up.

Tenderers shall note that it is a requirement of this contract to maintain the continuity of supply
of all products to the airport apron and to keep the product receipt facilities operational at all

Tenderers are advised that all tie-ins to operational facilities will have to be done as a “shut
down” operation at night.


Existing Services and Excavation

A number of services are known to exist over the whole area of the Works and, based upon the
information available and detailed site investigations, an existing services plan has been
prepared. Prior to commencing work in any area the Contractor shall consult with the Engineer
and shall locate the exact positions and depths of such services by means of hand excavated
trial holes. All services discovered by the foregoing investigation shall be recorded and plotted
by the Contractor on a signed sketch which shall be submitted to the Engineer. The Contractor
shall assist, when required, in the alterations to such services by providing labour, plant and
material and shall carry out the necessary work as instructed by the Engineer. The cost of
excavating any trial holes, will be paid for under an item in the Schedule of Quantities. Any
necessary alterations to services will be paid for on a daywork basis.

Access to Bund Areas

The construction activities include, amongst others, the construction of new pipelines across
bund areas and may at times involve the temporary closure of access to bund areas. The
Contractor shall ensure that, in the event of the temporary removal of a bund access, other
means of ensuring a rapid access to a bund area are temporarily provided. Such accesses
shall be adequately safe and of slopes and dimensions to cater for the rapid evacuation of the
Contractor’s workforce in the event of an emergency situation. In addition, where appropriate,
temporary safe access across open trenches leading to any emergency accesses shall also be
provided. All accesses to a bund area, whether temporary or permanent, shall remain free from
construction materials and other obstructions. Of necessity, the Employer shall also be at liberty
to make use of any temporary access in the pursuance of his normal activities. The Tenderer
shall allow for full compliance with the above in his tendered rates.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 7 C3.4

Part C3: Scope of work Construction

The site is a hazardous area and therefore all statutory regulations, as well as those of the
Employer, regarding hot-work, smoking and the use of naked flames in these areas shall apply;
the Contractor’s personnel shall be subject to all safety procedures and regulations as laid down
by the Employer.

The work permit system as detailed in the Annexure to the Special Conditions of Contract shall
be rigidly enforced for the execution of this contract. Hot-Work may be stopped periodically due
to the transfer of flammable products. If noxious or flammable vapours are present, personnel
may be asked to leave the site until safe conditions prevail again.

The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the satisfactory and safe condition of all power
tools and power equipment. All electrically powered equipment shall be intrinsically safe. The
use of electrically powered equipment shall be subject to the prior approval of the Employer.
Petrol driven equipment shall not be used inside the depot.

Safety Requirements

These are referred to in Clause 2.2 of the Special Conditions of Contract. In the event of a fire
at the site of the works, the Contractor shall provide a first response to minor fires, inform depot
personnel of the fire and shall then vacate the site immediately. He shall not be responsible for
fighting fires within the depot.

The Contractor shall provide fire extinguishers which shall be placed in positions readily
accessible from areas where hot work is being carried out.

Security Requirements

In addition to the security requirements contained in Clause 2.2 of the Special Conditions of
Contract, the following shall apply:

All Contractor personnel shall at all times wear their security ID card and a hard hat bearing
their employer’s name or colour code so as to be easily identifiable as being employed by the
particular company concerned.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 8 C3.4

Part C3: Scope of work Construction
Other Activities on Site

The Employer’s normal operations and maintenance will continue on the site during the currency
of this contract. In addition, other contractors will be undertaking other works concurrently. It
is possible, therefore, that the site may become congested at times, and careful co-ordination
is thus essential in order to minimise disruptions to all parties. In the event of two Contractors
wishing to work in the same area simultaneously the Engineer shall decide priorities based on
the relevant information available at the time.

Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993)

All Occupational Health and Safety Act Regulations pertaining to the work being carried out
must be adhered to. The Contractor’s employees and Sub-Contractors (including their
employees) shall at all times be supervised by a competent Supervisor appointed in writing in
terms of the regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and made aware of his
responsibilities. The Engineer reserves the right to judge the competence of the appointed
Supervisor for the task being performed before and during the progress of the work.

The Contractor shall, when called upon to do so, enter into and execute an Agreement with the
Employer as provided for under Section 37(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993).
The Agreement shall be in the form of the proforma included elsewhere in this document.


Although not bound in nor issued with this document, the following standardised specifications
shall form part of the contract document and, not withstanding the provisions of Subclause 2.2
of SANS 1200 A, editions specified below shall apply:

SANS 1200 A - 1986 : General

SANS 1200 AB - 1986 : Engineer’s office
SANS 1200 C - 1982 : Site clearance
SANS 1200 HA - 1990 : Structural steelwork (small works)
SANS 1200 HC - 1988 : Corrosion Protection of Structural Steelwork
SANS 1200 L - 1983 : Medium pressure pipelines
SANS 1035-1/SANS 0129 1977 : Plastic tape wrapping of steel pipelines
SANS 1117/SANS 1117 - 1977 : Plastic wrapping for the protection of steel pipelines
SANS 763 - : Hot-dip (Galvanized) Zinc Coatings
SANS 1217 - : The production of painted and powder-coated steel
SANS 0140 : Identification Colour Markings

SAS 0111 - : Engineering Drawings

SANS 062 : Steel Pipe

SANS 0135 : ISO Spanmetric Bolts and Screws, and Nuts

ASME B16.5 : Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ASME B16.9 : Factory-made Wrought Steel Butt Welding Fittings
ASME B16.10 : Face-to-face and end-to-end Dimensions of Valves
ASME B16.34 : Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded
ASME B31.4 : Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons,
LPG, anhydrous Ammonia & Alcohols

ASME Section VIII : Re-Pressure Vessels

ASME Section IX : Welding/ Radiography


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 9 C3.4

Part C3: Scope of work Construction
API 5L – 41st Edition : Specification for Line Pipe
API 6D : Specification for Pipeline Valves
API 598 : Valve Inspection and Test
API 653 - : Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration and
API 1104 : Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities

API 650 - : Welded Tanks for Oil Storage

Air BP Technical Approvals Manual : Section 04: Lining Materials

MECH 53 : Part 06: Internal Tank Lining & External Painting
MECH 62 : Valves for Use in Air BP Aviation Fuelling Facilities
MECH 73 : Floating Suction Units
MECH 80 : Gasket materials
MECH 102 : Fixed Access Platforms, Stairways and Ladders
MECH 200 : Vertical Storage Tanks to EN 14015 for Aviation
Turbine Fuels
MECH 200 : Diagrams: Vertical Storage Tanks for Aviation
Turbine Fuels
MECH 201 : Vertical Storage Tanks to API 650 for Aviation Fuels
MECH 201 : Diagrams: Vertical Storage Tanks for Aviation
Turbine Fuels
GEN 10 : HSSE Requirements for Contractors Working at Air
BP Sites
GEN 49 : Overfill Prevention for Fixed Storage Tanks
GEN 115 : Soak Testing of Aviation Fuel Facilities and

All local and municipal regulations and bylaws.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 10 C3.4

Part C3: Scope of work Construction

(a) Planning and Programming

The Contractor’s programme must be based on the estimated time for completion specified
below. This time frame is a guideline and the contractor’s are encouraged to offer an
accelerated programme where practical. Penalties may be imposed if these Interim Milestone
dates are not achieved. Refer to Section C1.2 (contract Data), Sub-clause 5.13.1.


The Contractor must draw up his own programme that complies with the project phasing
requirements as shown on the construction drawings and also with all requirements of this
project and which suits his own resources.

(b) Sequence of the Works

The sequence of the Works will be determined by the logical order of activities as illustrated in
the construction drawings and the specified time for completion above. It is important to note
(a) The ringbeam and tank foundation will be prepared by the civil contractor.
(b) Bund floor and bund walls to be completed by the civil contractor within 8 weeks of the tank
contractor completing the erection of the tank.
(c) A minimum of seven (7) days advance notice from the contractor is required to switch
between work areas.

(c) Methods and Procedures

The methods and procedures that must be complied with are contained in Volumes 2, 3, 4 and
5 of the contract documentation. These include but are not limited to:
• Methods and Procedures in the Standards Specifications (Volume 2, COLTO).
• Civil Works Methods and Procedures in the Project Specifications (C3.6).
• Occupational Health and Safety Specifications (C3.7.1).
• Environmental Work Instructions (C3.7.2).

(d) Quality Plans and Control

The requirements for Quality Plans and Control are stated in the Project Specification (C3.6).

(e) Construction Method Statement

Within 14 days of the Commencement Date the Contractor shall submit a Construction Method
Statement to the Engineer for approval by the Employer.
The Method Statement shall include:
i. All measures to be implemented to comply with the requirements of the OHS Act.
ii. A contingency plan to deal with interruptions of shifts by inclement weather, plant
breakdowns or emergency closures of the work areas.
iii. Special measures, such as availability of back-up plant, to be implemented in normal
shifts to comply with the Project Specifications.

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 11 C3.6
Part C3: Scope of work Particular (Project) Specification
iv. Measures and equipment that will be used on site to limit the ingress of water into the
excavations and to remove rain water from the excavations.
v. Measures to protect services (above and below surface) during construction.
vi. Procedures to ensure the whole work area are safe before removing staff or handing
over of the site at the end of the each work shift.
vii. A watchman to remain on site of excavations/construction with telephone contact to the
contract manager in case of emergency.
viii. The cost of complying with the ACSA approved method statement is deemed to be
covered by the tendered rates for the Contractor’s General Obligations.

(f) Environment
The Environmental requirements are specified in Generic Specifications (Section C3.7.2)

(g) Accommodation of Traffic on Roads and Accesses used by the Contractor

ACSA staff and other stake holders will also use the access road to the construction site and
camp. It is therefore a requirement that the contractor coordinate with all stakeholders on a
daily basis (to be minuted at the daily meeting) on the usage of the roads by the Contractor’s
vehicles and construction equipment.

(h) Testing, Completion, Commissioning and Correction of Defects

Procedures for testing, completion, commissioning and correction of defects will be provided to
the Contractor by the Engineer on site.

(i) Recording of Weather

The contractor shall provide a rain gauge and maximum/minimum thermometer. He shall erect
them according to the requirements of the weather bureau. The contractor shall record and
keep a record of the daily rainfall and maximum/minimum temperatures and supply the data to
the Engineer on a daily basis.
The contractor shall also record wind speed measurements on site as agreed with the
Engineer’s Representative. Data can also be obtained from the local weather bureau but has to
be recorded on site on a daily basis.
The cost of complying with these requirements is deemed to be covered by the tendered rates
for the Contractor’s General Obligations.

(j) Format of Communications

All instructions or requests need to be confirmed in writing through:
• Site instructions.
• Requests for inspections.

(k) Key Personnel

The Contractor, Engineer and Employer must compile a schedule of their Key Personnel. The
list must be made available to the Engineer, Employer and Contractor.
(l) Management Meetings
The following formal meetings will be held at the office of the Engineer’s Representative
between the representatives of the Employer, Engineer and the Contractor:

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 12 C3.6
Part C3: Scope of work Particular (Project) Specification
• Daily kick-off meeting (One hour before the start of a shift).
• Weekly progress meeting (Two hours before the start of a shift).
• Monthly site meeting (Date and time to be agreed by attendees).
• Monthly technical meeting (Date and time to be agreed by attendees).
The representatives must have the necessary delegated authority in respect of aspects such as
planning, change management and health and safety.

(m) Daily records

The Contractor must keep daily records of resources (people and equipment employed) and
site diaries in respect of work performed on the site. A copy of the previous day’s daily record
must be provided to the Engineer on a daily basis.

(n) Bonds and Guarantees

Original copies of the bonds and guarantees must be lodged at the office of ACSA, CAPE
TOWN INTERNATIONAL Airport, and one copy of each must be kept on site with the
Engineer’s representative. On release, the bond and guarantees can be collected from ACSA,

(o) Payment Certificates

The Engineer’s certificate will be issued only after receipt by him of a draft certificate prepared
by the Contractor at his own expense in the form prescribed by the Engineer. The cost of
duplicating and delivering copies of the certificate to the Contractor, the Engineer and the
employer shall be borne by the Contractor. The Engineer and the employer shall require three
(3) sets of A4-sized paper copies in total.
(p) Permits
All requirements in connection with the application for and usage of permits are stated in the
ACSA Manual (Volume 5).

(q) Insurance Provided by the Employer

For information on the Employer Insurance, refer to Clause 35.1 Section C1.2.


(a) Health and Safety Requirements and Procedures

Health and Safety requirements and procedures are presented in Annexure B, Section C3.7.1.

(b) Barricades and lighting

Requirements for the provision and usage of barricades and lighting are stated in Volume 5 and
Sections 1300 and 1500 of the Specifications.

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 13 C3.6
Part C3: Scope of work Particular (Project) Specification



The Standard Specifications provide, in certain clauses, for a choice to be specified in the Construction
Specifications between alternative materials or methods of construction and for additional requirements
to be specified to suit a particular contract. Details of such alternatives or additional requirements
applicable to this Contract are contained in this part of the Specifications. It also contains some
additional specifications required for this particular contract.

The number of each clause and each payment item in the Particular (Project) Specifications consists of
the prefix B followed by a number corresponding to the number of the relevant clause or payment item
in the Standard Specifications. The number of a new clause or a new payment item, which does not
form part of a clause or a payment item in the standard specifications and is included here, is also
prefixed by B followed by a new number. The new numbers follow on the last clause or item number
used in the relevant section of the standard specifications.

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 14 C3.6
Part C3: Scope of work Particular (Project) Specification



PSA 1 Contractual Requirements (Sub-clause 8.3.1 and 8.4.1)

PSA 1.1 Provision of guarantees. No separate payment will be made for costs incurred in connection
with the provision of guarantees as they are deemed to be included in the tendered prices.

PSA 2 Housing Of Employees (Sub-clause

Housing of employees on the site of the Works will not be permitted.

PSA 3 Toilet Facilities (Sub-clause (e))

The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary toilets, changing and washing facilities at his
construction site. As waterborne toilet facilities are not available, suitable chemical type toilet facilities
shall be provided and maintained.

PSA 4 Water Supply (Sub-clause (g))

The contractor is responsible for the supply of potable water to their staff and site.

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for his construction water supply requirements as
necessary and bear all costs in connection therewith.

PSA 5 Electrical Power Supply (Sub-clause (g))

The Employer will only be able to make a single phase, 220 volt, 13 amp power supply available to the
Contractor for domestic purposes. The contractor shall be liable for all costs associated with transferring
power to the required locations, the provision of a meter and the cost of power consumed.

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for his construction power supply requirements as
necessary and bear all costs in connection therewith.

PSA 6 Telephone Connection (Sub-Clause

Contractors shall make their own arrangements with the appropriate authorities for the provision of the
necessary telephone services and shall bear all costs connected therewith.

PSA 7 Camp Area

A suitable area will be made available to the Contractor for his camp, the location of which will be
indicated to tenderers at the site inspection. The Contractor shall provide a suitable fence around his
camp in order to define its boundaries clearly.

Tenderers shall allow for all costs associated with their camp including fencing, etc.

Housing of employees on the site of the Works or in the camp area will not be permitted. The Contractor
shall make his own arrangement for the housing of his employees.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 15 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
PSA 8 QA/QC Data Pack

PSA 8.1 Quality Control Procedures

The Tank Contractor shall provide a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001, API
650 Monogram Program, or equivalent.

A detailed Quality Control Plan (QCP) is to be submitted, before any work may commence, for approval
by the Engineer of hold, witness, and inspection, points.

The Quality Control Plan shall as a minimum have the following activities;

1. Quality related activities including:

a) Documentation
b) Drawing Approval
c) Material Identification
d) Material ID Map
e) Welding Procedure Approval
f) Welders Certificate Approval
g) Approved QCP
h) Weld Map Approval
i) Dimensional Checks
j) NDE
k) Radiography
l) M. P. I.
m) Pressure Test
n) Erection / Jacking Procedure
o) Welding Procedure and Tests
p) Corrosion Protection (including internal coating)
q) Final Inspection
2. Reference standards.
3. Vendor organisation chart including areas of responsibility.
4. Inspection & test plan (including hold and witness points, and spaces for signatures & dates
relating to inspections).

Prior to the start of fabrication, the vendor shall submit the QCP to the Engineer for review and approval.

The Contractor shall ensure that all his sub-contractors have obtained a copy of this specification.

The Contractor shall state in his tender the name of the painting sub-contractor that he proposes to use
to carry out any corrosion protection work under this contract.

The Contractor shall accept full responsibility for the quality of his work and of materials used,
irrespective of any quality surveillance that may be carried out by the Engineer or his representative.

The Engineer may, at his discretion, require a Quality Audit of The Contractor or any of the sub-
contractors to ensure that he has the capabilities, resources and quality control facilities to carry out the
work to ensure compliance with this specification.

The Contractor shall have available the latest issue of each of The Tank Contractor’s data sheets for
the materials to be used, all Specifications and Codes of Practice relevant to the work to be carried out,
including a copy of this specification, all of which shall be available to The Contractor’s Quality Control


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 16 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
The Contractor shall:

1) supply the Quality Control Plan and Quality Program at the time of tendering, both of which
are subject to acceptance by the Engineer.
2) maintain Quality Control records in accordance with the Quality Plan during execution of the
contract. Such records shall be available to the Engineer or his Representative at each
Quality Surveillance visit.
3) mark or securely label each component with a unique identification tag, and
4) carry out such tests as are required to ensure compliance with the specification.

The cost of Quality Control shall be inclusive in The Contractor’s tender price.

The Engineer may, at his discretion, employ an independent technically qualified organisation to carry
out quality surveillance of the work on his behalf. In the event of dispute, the Engineer’s decision shall
be final.

The Contractor shall advise the Engineer timeously, in writing, when and where the following processes
will be carried out;

1) Completion of fettling or dressing prior to leaving the fabricator’s works

2) Blast cleaning and application of the first or primer coat
3) After completion of all coats to be applied at The Contractor’s works
4) At the commencement of repairs or overcoats of existing equipment to be carried out on site.

Failure of The Contractor to advise the Engineer of his program may result in rejection of the work. The
cost of any such rejection shall be borne by The Contractor.

For the purpose of carrying out quality surveillance, the Engineer or his representative shall be granted
access to any part of The Contractor’s premises relevant to the work being carried out, at any reasonable

The Contractor shall transfer the material trace number onto all pieces of the pipeline.

The cost of Quality Surveillance will be borne by The Employer, except when surveillance results in
rejection of the lot or when notice by The Contractor results in a fruitless trip, in which case the cost of
surveillance shall be debited against The Contractor’s account.

Quality Control Reports shall be updated regularly and a copy of all relevant reports shall accompany
all payment certificates. No payments will be authorised by the Engineer unless a copy of an approval
report has been received by him. The Engineer may withhold payment until a final report has been
issued, giving approval to the components after installation on site and repair of damage to coating.

Proper and adequate quality control records shall be maintained by The Contractor for all stages of the
work. These records shall be available for inspection by the Engineer or his representative at the time
of Quality Surveillance. Incomplete, inaccurate or inadequate records shall be regarded as non-
compliance with the specification, and the cost of surveillance will be back charged to The Contractor.

No variation from specification, or change of sub-contractor or materials to be used from those stated in
the tender documents, will be permitted without the written approval of the Engineer. Products
equivalent to those specified may be submitted for approval, but may not be substituted without the
written approval of the Engineer. Adequate information shall be supplied by The Contractor to Engineer
in order to assess the claim of equivalence from The Contractor.

Notwithstanding any requirements or other information given, or submissions to The Engineer for
approval, tank contractor shall retain full responsibility for the design and construction of the tank and
associated fittings and ensure these meet all requirements of API 650, taking into account the additional
special requirements given herein.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 17 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Unless otherwise requested by The Engineer, The Tank Contractor shall supply two tank construction
dossiers before the tank is handed over to The Engineer.

PSA 9 Safety Officer (Sub-clause 8.4.3)

The contractor will provide a full time suitably qualified safety officer/ supervisor for the duration of the
contract in compliance with latest Construction Regulations added to the OHaS Act in 2003.


PSAB 1 Office Buildings (Sub-clause 3.2)

The Engineer’s Office will form part of the Civil Contractor’s scope of works.


The vertical storage tank is to be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the American
Petroleum Institute Standard Specification API Standard 650. The Air BP Specifications are listed in
Appendix 1 as reference. In the event of conflict between this specification, the Air BP Specifications
and API 650, API 650 shall take precedence.

Details and dimensions of the tanks are shown on the drawings. The tanks are to be used for the storage
of Jet A1.

The project specifications hereunder amplify/clarify the requirements of API 650.

PSAPI 0 General

Tank Anchorage:

Where tank anchorage is required, The Tank Contractor shall review the assumptions with the Engineer
to ensure:
account is taken of the minimum level of product considered to be in the tank;
the proposed foundation design is fully compatible for holding-down bolts;
account is taken for the case of an empty tank and the bund full of water, i.e. tank floating.

The design of penetrations through the external annular ring shall be inherently water-tight (i.e. sealant
shall not be the primary method of preventing water ingress).

Gasket Materials:

All gaskets should have an appropriate legible marking to show the gasket type.

No CAF gasket materials will be permitted.

Graphite based gaskets shall not be used on tank side nozzles holding the tank head.


All gaskets for raised face flanges should be self-centring dimensioned to ASME B16.21.
Flat Faced Flanges to have full faced gaskets (e.g. for all aluminium pipework applications).
Gaskets should be pre-cut. Cutting of gaskets on-site should be avoided.

Gasket thickness:

Gaskets shall be of 3mm thickness.

NAF gaskets should comply with BS 7531 Grade X, Specification for non-asbestos fibre jointing, or

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 18 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Flexible graphite sheet mechanically bonded to a stainless steel core as dimensioned to ASME B16.21
shall be used. Nickel cores should not be used.

Spiral wound (SW) gaskets with stainless steel winding, flexible graphite filler, stainless steel inner ring
and at least coated carbon steel outer ring may be used as an alternative to tanged graphite gaskets.
Gaskets shall be dimensioned to ASME B16.20 or BS 3381.

Circumferential butt welds in nozzles shall be 100% visually examined to ensure complete fusion.
On completion, magnetic particle crack detection shall be carried out where accessible.


Prior to commencement of welding, details of all welding procedures shall be defined in the Welding
Procedure Specification, which shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. This information is required
for nozzles and mountings etc. and all permanent and temporary attachments as well as for shell annular
butt joints, shell to bottom joints etc. Typical details will suffice for temporary attachments provided that
all cases are represented.
The Tank Contractor shall submit a weld plan identifying all welds in the tank with the corresponding
weld procedure specification, for review by the Engineer prior to tank construction.
In addition to the number and type of tests required in Section IX of the ASME Code, the Engineer
reserves the right to request additional tests on shell butt welds and shell to bottom welds where, in the
opinion of the Engineer, the normal tests are insufficient to demonstrate that the proposed procedures
are adequate.

Note: It shall be demonstrated in the procedure tests that the hardness of the heat affected zone at the
shell to bottom plate and of the weld metal, heat affected zone and parent plate at other locations in the
shell shall not exceed 300 HV (using a 30kg load).


Mill certificates for all plates shall be obtained by The Tank Contractor from steel maker & shall be made
available for inspection by Engineer upon request prior to tank construction.

Mill certificate for all plates with specified minimum yield strength exceeding 250 N/mm² shall be
authenticated by an independent inspection authority recognised by Engineer.

Shell Attachments and Tank Appurtenances

External & internal pad attachments to the tank shell shall be fully seal welded to prevent crevice
corrosion (and to permit internal lining).
Piping connections through the tank bottom shall not be used.

Roof Manholes:

Roof manholes, nozzles and fittings shall be provided as shown on the drawings and gaskets shall be
full faced.
To aid the internal inspection of the tank when the manhole cover is removed, roof manholes, including
roof manholes used for emergency venting, shall be fitted with a removable safety barrier.

Shell Openings:

There shall be a minimum of 2 manholes for the tank. The manholes shall be DN900 (NPS 36) and shall
be located 180 degrees apart.
At least one shell manhole shall be sized to allow installation and removal of floating suction assembly.
All shell manholes shall be provided with “davit arms” to facilitate routine removal/replacement; these
shall be located such that davit arm does not impede access either in open or closed position.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 19 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Shell Nozzles and Flanges:

Shell nozzle connections less than 80mm outside diameter shall be seamless pipe. Shell nozzle
connections 80 mm and above shall be seamless pipe or rolled and welded plate of the same material
as the shell material.

Electric resistance welded (ERW) pipe is not permitted for shell connections.

Water Draw-off Sumps:

The Tank Contractor shall design the centre sump and centre plates so that the specified 1:30 slope
towards the sump is achieved on completion of floor plate welding. The centre plates should be formed
into a conical shape; dishing the centre plates to a spherical radius is not acceptable.

Top and Intermediate Stiffening Rings:

Where shell cooling water provisions are required, the intermediate stiffening ring shall be provided with
serrations to permit the passage of the cooling water.

Fire Water Cooling Rings:

The design of fire water cooling rings shall not interfere with access on the stairs or ladder.

Top Foam Pourer Maintenance Access Platform:

Where top foam pourers are specified they shall be accessible for maintenance from a platform within
the confines of a permanent platform with handrails.

Setting Fill Levels:

For vertical tanks an additional curb angle margin (normally 50mm / 2”) should be considered to allow
for any possible unevenness of the curb angle.
If the tank is filled to LSHH typical thermal expansion shall not cause overtopping and shall not exceed
the shell height (minus the curb angle allowance).

Filling / Emptying Rates

The maximum filling rate of product is 150 m3/h (2500 l/min)

The maximum emptying rate of product is 159 m3/h (2650 l/min)

PSAPI 1 Platforms, Walkways, Stairways and Handrails

The stairs and handrails shall be in accordance with the drawings. The handrail around the roof
perimeter is to be provided with galvanised weldmesh (50mm aperture) fixed to the handrail, knee rail
and kick plate.

Loadings for non-working platforms, gangways and stairways not supporting any equipment shall be 3.0
kN/m². Loadings for working platforms where it is expected that heavy loads shall be applied then 7.5
kN/m² shall be used. Max permitted bearing pressure of steel on concrete in stanchion bases shall be
3.0 N/mm².


The minimum width of platforms and walkways shall be:

800mm - for frequent use
1000mm - high use walkway with persons walking in opposing directions.

Platform and walkway flooring shall be galvanised, non-slip, open steel grating.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 20 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management

Handrails shall be solid steel bar or sections (to avoid risks associated from hollow tube rotting unnoticed
from the inside).
The vertical height of the handrail on a stair shall be between 900 mm and 1 000 mm above the nosing.

Access to all roof nozzles shall be provided. All roof access routes shall have non-slip paint.
Handrails shall be provided for fittings at or near the centre of the roof for tanks greater than 12.5m
The free end of any tank top connecting walkway shall have a safety chain each side of the walkway to
act as a ‘free anchor’.

PSAPI 1.1. Fabrication:

Welding shall be undertaken by qualified welders in accordance with BS EN 1993 and BS EN 1011.
Weld procedures shall be to BS EN 288.
No field welding to tanks, vessels or other vendor equipment shall be permitted.
When required to attach platforms, piping or other equipment to tanks or vessels then purpose designed
lugs shall be welded on to the vessel by the vessel The Tank Contractor; prior to vessel pressure testing.
To avoid corrosion in inaccessible areas, all welds shall be continuous unless stated otherwise.
Holes for bolting shall be drilled and all burrs removed.
Flame cut holes are not permitted.
After fabrication all weld spatter and all sharp edges shall be removed for safety and quality of painting
and/or galvanising.
The integrity of the weld between the bearing bar and the side plate shall be checked for correct fusion.

PSAPI 1.2. Painting:

Unless stated otherwise all steelwork shall be grit blasted and painted in accordance with the painting
The Contractor shall undercoat inaccessible areas prior to assembly, e.g. bolted joints and under

PSAPI 1.3. Setting Out and Levelling:

The Contractor is responsible for all setting out and levelling of access platforms, stairs and ladders.
Levelling shall be by pairs of metal packers placed either side of each foundation bolt.

PSAPI 1.4. Foundation Bolts:

Unless stated otherwise, The Contractor is responsible for loading calculations, sizing, provision and
installation of foundation bolts complete with nuts and washers as required.

PSAPI 2 Roof

PSAPI 2.1. General

Roofs shall be self-supported or supported without columns.

External and internal pad attachments to the tank roof shall be fully seal welded to prevent crevice

The tank designer shall provide calculations for the strength of self-supporting roofs.

Sample hatches (dip hatches) shall be:

a. Minimum of 150mm (6”).
b. Metallic non-sparking (e.g. aluminium).
c. Hinged with latch and lockable cover.
d. Flanged.

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 21 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
PSAPI 2.2. Roof Vents

Unless otherwise stated in Contract, the tank shall be equipped with free vents for normal and vacuum
pressure relief.

Free vents with goose necks are to be constructed on tanks. These vents shall have bird proof mesh on
the ends to prevent animals and lager objects to enter the tank.

Total number of vents shall be double the number required (calculated by API 2000) to provide 100%
redundancy; Note: no spare is required for emergency relief venting.

Vent Mesh Size:

Free and P&V vents shall be provided with single layer, coarse, 4 x 4 mesh, SWG 23 screen (minimum
distance between centres of wires 6.35mm and wire dia. 0.610mm - smaller holes are not permitted as
they can be blocked) to prevent bird nesting and ingestion of large items. The material of the mesh shall
be stainless steel, AISI 316 wire and it shall be suitable for maintenance (i.e. removable for cleaning
therefore bolted or flanged).

Roof Nozzles:

All through-nozzles (including manholes) shall be seal-welded on inside of roof plates to eliminate
All roof nozzles shall be flanged.
A hatch cover will be provided for routine visual inspections of the internal tank lining as well as visual
examination of floating suction assemblies.

PSAPI 3 Storage Tank Floor

The floor/bottom plates of the storage tanks are to be sloped to a central drain (1:30 slope) as shown
on the drawings. Minimum plate thickness for floor plates shall be 8mm.

PSAPI 3.1. Bottom Plates:

The Contractor shall submit a floor layout indicating the arrangement of plates, installation sequence
and welding sequence to the Engineer for approval.

The approved welding sequence and other special requirements for welding the floors shall be added
to the floor layout drawing.

The Tank Contractor shall carry out dimensional and level/slope control throughout the installation and
welding of the bottom. Particular attention shall be paid to level of centre sump. It is imperative that
centre sump remains firmly supported by foundation; tie-downs to the foundation are not permitted.

Annular plates or bottom plate projections of sufficient size such that a minimum of 75 mm and a
maximum of 100 mm width projects beyond outside edge of weld attaching bottom to shell plate.

PSAPI 4 Unacceptable Materials

Components used for the construction of tank accessories shall not contain copper or copper-bearing

Material without a traceable test record/s shall not be used.

Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) reinforced lining systems are not recommended for aviation fuels.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 22 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
PSAPI 5 Measurement and Payment

The sum tendered for the tanks shall include the cost of all stairs, platforms, handrails, intertank
walkways, cooling water piping and spray rings and riser, foam tank pourer riser, brackets, internal
bottom drain, thermowell, nozzles, manholes and covers, vents, floating suction etc. all as detailed on
the drawings.

PSAPI 6 Testing

All testing is to be in accordance with API 650

PSAPI 6.1 Inspection, Testing and Repairs:

Examination and Testing of the Tank Bottom:

Following completion of shell and roof construction and prior to the hydrotest, the floor slope shall be
proven by pouring 5 litre containers of water on to the annular plates at 1000mm spacing around the
circumference and uphill of all floor attachments. The water from each location shall flow freely to the
drain sump without the formation of any freestanding puddles. If there is a failure, the floor slope shall
be corrected and the test re-performed prior to the hydrotest.
The test shall be re-performed after the hydrotest and, if there is a failure, the floor slope shall be

Hydrostatic Testing Requirements:

All testing is to be in accordance with API 650

Hydro-Testing: The tank shell shall be water tested in accordance with clause 5.3.5(a) of API 650 (latest
edition). The Contractor shall allow for hold periods at 50%, 75% and 100% capacity for settlement
measurements to be taken by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall allow for all costs associated with the supply of suitable water for testing, filling the
tanks with water including, couplings, hoses, pumps, etc.

The water for the hydrotest is to be sourced either from a local water treatment plant or from the sea.

The rate is to include the sourcing of the water, quality tests, hydrotest and disposal of the water after

Sea water shall be priced as an alternative with a rate per m3 amount. Allowance for washing down the
tank with fresh water after the sea water hydrotest shall be included.

All the above testing shall be completed before the application of the internal lining or external corrosion
protection systems which may only commence with the written approval of the Engineer.

Payment. All costs associated with the specified testing procedures, shall be deemed to be included in
the rates tendered including supply of water for testing, draining and drying of the tanks and

Hydrostatic testing with water (for level see API 2350) shall occur prior to internal lining or external
painting the tank. The rate of filling shall not exceed that specified in the procedure. The tank shall
remain filled with water for a minimum period of 24 hours to determine that all joints are leak-proof. The
tank may need to remain filled with water for a longer period if foundation settlement is being monitored
or if the water has to be retained in the tank until a subsequent tank is ready to carry out a hydrostatic

Where non-potable, treated effluent or other recycled water is to be used for hydrotesting, this water
shall be tested by the contractor to ensure the following minimum limits are adhered to and test results
to be submitted to the engineer for approval. The following minimum limits are to be adhered to:

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 23 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Micro biological determinands
COD mg/L ≤ 120
BOD mg/L ≤ 50
Total coliforms Count per 100 mL ≤ 10
Physical and aesthetic determinands
Conductivity at 25 °C mS/m ≤ 170
Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ≤ 1 200
pH at 25 C pH units ≥ 5 to ≤ 9,7
Chemical determinands — macro-
Free Chlorine mg/L ≤5
Monochloromine mg/L ≤3
Nitrate as N mg/L ≤ 11
Nitrite as N mg/L ≤ 0.9
Sulphate as SO42– mg/L ≤ 250
Fluoride as F– mg/L ≤ 1,5
Ammonia as N mg/L ≤ 1,5
Chloride as Cl– mg/L ≤ 300
Sodium as Na mg/L ≤ 200
Zinc as Zn mg/L ≤5

Water temperature shall not be less than 5°C for the duration of the hydrotest.

Shell and bottom settlement measurement shall be made by The Tank Contractor as follows:
Shell settlement measurements shall be made after tank erection, prior to hydrostatic testing and during
water filling at the ½, ¾ and full levels corresponding to the maximum filling height of the tank, e.g. to
the curb angle less a margin (normally 50mm / 2” should be considered to allow for any possible
unevenness of the curb angle) or as limited by a top foam pourer,
Settlement measurements shall be taken at equally spaced intervals of approximately 9000mm around
the tank shell on well-marked locations on the annular plate or on clips welded to the shell,
Bottom internal measurements shall be made before and after hydrostatic testing. Such measurements
shall be made at 3000mm intervals on the diameter,
A 100% visual examination shall be made of the tank bottom to detect any localised depressions. The
location and extent of depressions shall be indicated on the tank bottom plate layout drawing. Localised
depressions that retain water will require repair to eliminate the water trap – to be agreed with the
The differential settlement between the shell and tank centre shall be measured unless otherwise
advised by The Engineer. Any temporary equipment required for this test shall be supplied by The

The settlements recorded shall be compared against predicted settlement and shall be submitted to

On completion, the entire tank shall be free from leaks to the satisfaction of The Engineer’s Inspector.
Roof manholes, vents, and nozzles above water test level shall remain open during hydrotest to prevent
over pressurisation of the tank.

Testing of the Roof

In addition to a visual examination roof joints shall be inspected.

Where fitted, roof emergency vents shall be tested prior to fitting or may be tested as part of the roof
soapy water test. The Tank Contractor shall provide a method statement for the testing process for
review and approval of The Engineer.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 24 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Repairs to Welds:

Where repair welding is required, for example as a result of removing temporary attachments, the
procedure to be used shall use API 653 and shall be subject to approval by The Engineer.

Dimensional Tolerances:

Flange tilt in any plane, measured on the flange face:

±½ degree for nozzles greater than NPS 12 in. nominal diameter, but not to exceed 5mm.
±3mm at the outside flange diameter for nozzles NPS12 and smaller.
Flange bolt hole orientation ±1.5 mm.

PSAPI 6.2 Soak Testing:

Soak Testing Procedure:

1. A test pot soak test will be carried out first with the same lining material.
2. A tank bottom soak test will then be carried out up to the first strake.
3. A 7 day soak test for the full tank shall be carried out to test the tank lining

Fuel Volume:

The tank should be filled to the level of the first strake as a minimum, however the floating suction must
be fully covered as well as any manholes and nozzles.

The fuel for soak testing will be provided by the depot operator.

A 5 working day period is allowed for the laboratory results for the soak test.

Soak Test - Sampling & Testing Procedures:

A Control Sample must be taken at beginning of soak period.

A Representative Sample must be taken at end of the soak period and a selection of lab tests carried
out to determine the quality of fuel used.
In all cases it is important to ensure that the sampling point is clean and flushed prior to taking the
sample: Drain the sample point to remove any accumulated solid matter/particulates and/or free water
until fuel is clear and bright.
Epoxy lined sample containers should be used to collect the sample for lab testing.
Prior to use, the container shall be flushed and rinsed thoroughly with the product to be sampled and
allowed to drain before use. The soak testing must meet the requirements of Jig Bulletin No. 35 and EI

Soak Test – Lab Testing

Fuel properties of samples shall be compared with specification limits for the grade of fuel used and with
pre-soak test results for fuel used in soak test.

A successful result requires that all tested properties are within specification - and tolerance limits for

The depot operator will conduct the soak test of the tank and the laboratory testing of the fuel.

Should any of the fuel be contaminated due to failure of the lining or poor workmanship of the contractor,
the contractor shall be liable for the cost of the downgraded fuel.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 25 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
PSAPI 6.3 Joint Tests:

Within the limits of choice permitted by the code, the location for examinations by radiography shall be
determined by The Engineer’s Inspector. Examination shall be made as the work progresses and as
soon as practicable after the joints have been welded.

Radiographic Method
X-Radiography shall be used for site inspection unless prior approval is obtained from The Engineer for
the use of the isotope Iridium 192.

After the completion and acceptance of the tank by The Engineer, all radiographic films and their
associated signed records shall be handed over to The Engineer in good condition when they will
become the sole property of The Engineer.

Magnetic Particle Examination

The following welds shall be inspected wet magnetic particle inspected:

a. The shell to bottom plate weld on the inside and outside after each weld pass (alternatively dye
penetrant crack detection may be used with the approval of The Engineer).
b. Top surfaces of finished butt welds between annular ring plates that will be covered by the tank shell
and bottom sketch plates.
c. Surfaces of first pass welds joining insert plates to their tank shells.

Ultrasonic Examination
Ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction Technique (TOFD) may also be used instead of or alongside
Radiography for testing of the shell, floor and roof joints. This shall be agreed with The Engineer prior
to construction and shall be in accordance with BS EN 583-6 or its equivalent.

Vacuum Testing

Bottom Testing: The bottom seams and the shell to bottom plate welds shall be tested by the vacuum
box method (in accordance with API 650).

Hydro-Testing: The tank shell shall be water tested in accordance with clause 5.3.5(a) of API 650
(latest edition). The Contractor shall allow for hold periods at 50%, 75% and 100% capacity for
settlement measurements to be taken by the Engineer.

Water will be made available from the adjacent fire hydrant. The Contractor shall allow for all costs
associated with filling the tanks with water including, couplings, hoses, pumps, etc.

Fixed Roof Testing: The roof joints shall be tested in accordance with API 650.

All the above testing shall be completed before the application of the internal lining or external corrosion
protection systems which may only commence with the written approval of the Engineer.

Payment. All costs associated with the specified testing procedures, (excluding the cost of water
supplied by the Employer), shall be deemed to be included in the rates tendered including draining and
drying of the tanks and appurtenances.

PSAPI 7 Cone Roof

The slope of the cone roof is to be 1:10. Welding of lap joints to the roof plates is to be
external to the tank.

PSAPI 8 Non-Destructive Testing

Radiographic inspection (and other NDT) and the cost thereof shall be included in the rates
tendered for fabrication.

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 26 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
PSAPI 9 Floating Suction

The Tank Contractors shall populate and return Data Sheet with quotation confirming that performance
& specification requirements are met. Deviations shall be highlighted on the quote for consideration.

Floating Suction Units (FSU’s) shall be designed to withstand operation stresses; in particular:
• FSU shall not collapse, buckle or fail when empty of product, floating and exposed to external
pressure caused by full tank head.
• FSU shall not collapse, buckle or fail due to bending caused by the uplift force of a fully
submerged float.
• The suction line shall be able to withstand an external pressure 2 x atm pressure.

All seals shall be compatible with the aviation fuel specified.

All bolts and fasteners shall be stainless steel
Float check cables, retaining cables and fasteners shall be stainless steel.
Plastic coated stainless steel cable shall not be used.
Hoses shall be of an approved type suitable for continuous total immersion in aviation fuel (wetted inside
and outside)
A stop shall be incorporated into the FSU to prevent product lower than 230mm being drawn from the
tank or the diameter of the arm if it is less than 230mm, but more than 100mm.
The stop shall be cushioned by a Viton Pad (or similar).

Floats shall be prevented from over-rotation - to not strike the floor or tank shell - even with no product
in the tank. Floats shall not retain water.

Two venting methods shall be provided:

• A drain hole (typically 6 - 8mm diameter) shall be drilled on underside of FSU between the
tank nozzle flange and first swivel joint or on the tank nozzle (between tank shell and
• A method of venting air shall be fitted onto the highest point on the FSU closest to the
floating suction inlet. This may be a soft-seated non-return valve, a hole (typically 3 mm) or
a hole with a vortex breaker/protector.
• Valves and Pipework for filling the floating suction arm during commissionins or otherwise
(typically for vertical tanks, a 2" connection is required on tank nozzle between tank outlet
isolation valve and tank shell).

The Tank Contractor is to source, supply and install the floating suction in accordance with the supplier’s
installation requirements.

The floating suction shall be designed to withstand the external pressure that would arise if the tank is
full of product and the floating suction is full of air.

The tank shall be designed to take into account any special requirements of the floating suction,

• A compatible flange on the inner shell nozzle (this may need to be flat faced, if the
floating suction swivel flange is made from aluminium).

• Any permanent attachments required to support the swivel joint assembly.

• Lugs for the connection of the floating suction restraining wires.

PSAPI 10 Strapping Tables

The tanks shall be calibrated (strapped) by an independent specialist firm to give an accurate
relationship between level and volume preferably at 1mm vertical intervals, or alternatively at a
maximum of 2mm vertical intervals with interpolation for 1mm. The standard of calibration shall be to


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 27 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
API codes and the generated dipping tables shall be approved and stamped by Customs and Excise
prior to lamination in clear plastic. (Confirm position of dip nozzle and strap accordingly)

The rate tendered for this activity shall include the cost of water.

PSAPI 11 Nameplate

The tanks shall be identified by a nameplate which shall indicate in characters (stamped) not less than
4mm high providing the following information: Nominal diameter, nominal height, nominal capacity,
design liquid level, design specific gravity, design pressure, maximum operating temperature, year
completed, The Tank Contractors serial number, name of fabricator and name of erector.

The nameplate shall be of corrosion resistant metal and shall be riveted or otherwise permanently
attached to an auxiliary plate of ferrous metal which shall be attached to a manhole reinforcing plate by
continuous welding all round.

PSAPI 12 Quality Control

Prior to commencement of the works The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Engineer his
Quality Control Plan (QCP), all Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) and Approved Records

On completion of the works The Contractor shall certify to the Employer by a letter that the tank has
been constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of API 650 together with an as built
data pack which shall include all relevant documentation.

Quality control plans, W.P.S. welder’s approval certificates, material test certificates, consumables
certificates, NDE reports and films, strapping tables, coating The Tank Contractors data sheets,
corrosion protection data book as per PSHC 4.3.

No separate payment will be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of this


PSHA 1 Bolts, Nuts and Washers (Subclause 3.3)

All bolts, nuts and washers shall be at least hot dip galvanised (to a minimum thickness of 55 microns)
with the threads sufficiently undercut prior to galvanising. Washers shall be provided with every nut. All
sleeve anchors shall be AISI 316 stainless steel. All fixings having a nominal diameter of 12 mm or less
shall be AISI 316 stainless steel. An approved molybdenum disulphide anti seize compound shall be
used on all bolts and nuts.

PSHA 2 Shop Details (Subclause 5.1.2)

The Contractor shall submit shop details of all aspects of the tank, appurtenances, stairways, platforms
and handrails, for approval prior to commencement of fabrication. The cost of preparation of these
drawings shall be included in the rates tendered for construction.

Holding down bolts (if applicable) will be supplied and cast into the ring beam by others in accordance
with the drawings.


Where needed, safe, stable scaffolding shall be provided, erected, moved and subsequently dismantled
by The Contractor and it shall be adequate in extent for surface preparation, painting and inspection.

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 28 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
The scaffolding shall comply with BS EN 12811-1 (or equivalent) and be such that the operator can
always be within 600 mm of the working surface.

The Contractor shall provide the required illumination rated for the hazardous area.

PSHC 1 Coating Materials (Subclause 3)

PSHC 1.1 All materials in a particular paint/ coating system shall be purchased from one supplier.
The Contractor shall supply the coating tank contractor with a copy of the relevant sections
of the specification. The coating The Tank Contractor shall certify that the materials to be
supplied comply with the relevant specifications and are suitable for the intended purpose.

PSHC 1.2 The Contractor shall submit, with his tender, on the sheets provided at the end of this
project specification, details of the coatings he intends using.

PSHC 1.3 No variation in brand or materials quoted in the tender documents and approved by the
engineer shall be permitted without the approval of the Engineer in writing.

PSHC 1.4 Recommendations supplied by The Tank Contractor in the form of the latest edition of the
product data sheets, or given in writing on The Tank Contractor’s letterhead, shall form part
of this specification and shall be strictly adhered to. Any conflict between The Tank
Contractor’s data sheet and the specification shall be brought to the attention of the
Engineer for adjudication and resolution.

PSHC 2 Surface Preparation for Coating (Subclause 5.4)

PSHC 2.1 The levels of cleanliness achieved shall be as specified in the Coating System
Specifications (attached at the end of Portion 2 of the Project Specification) and in
accordance with ISO 8501-1.

Surface profiles shall be as specified in the respective The Tank Contractor’s product data
sheets and as measured by SANS Method 772.

Where required the level of cleanliness shall be assessed in terms of SANS Method 769.

PSHC 2.2 Blast Cleaning

(a) Prior to abrasive blasting, all equipment and galvanised items which can be damaged by
blasting, dust, grit or shot, shall be protected by wrapping, taping, or other means, to
prevent damage.

(b) Abrasives for blast cleaning shall be clean and dry and shall be selected to provide the
required surface profile for the subsequent priming materials. Furnace or copper slags,
sand or other silica containing materials shall not be used as an abrasive.

(c) After blast cleaning the surface shall be blown clean of all blasting material and dust with
dry air, or by means of industrial vacuum cleaners. Where required, the level of cleanliness
shall be assessed in terms of SANS Method 769.

PSHC 2.3 Wire Brushing

(a) Weld spatter and slag shall be removed by grinding or chipping prior to wire brushing.

(b) Surfaces to be wire brushed shall be degreased prior to wire brushing.

(c) Wire brushed surfaces shall be blown clean using dry, oil free air.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 29 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
(d) Wire brushed surfaces shall be primed the same day and shall not be left uncoated

PSHC 2.4 Internal tank coating

a) Soluble salts shall be removed from the floor and bottom one metre of shell, to a level of
less than 10 µg/cm² increased by a suitable Reagent.

b) All internal blast cleaning and painting shall be undertaken with dehumidification to a level
of less than 45% RH.

PSHC 3 Coating Application (Subclause 5.8)

PSHC 3.1 Only staff having experience and training in their respective duties shall be employed in
coating application activities. All paint application work shall be carried out under the
constant supervision of qualified supervisors.

PSHC 3.2 Coatings shall not be applied to any surface containing grease, oil, loose rust, millscale,
corrosion products or any other deleterious material. No paint shall be applied to wet, moist
or sweating surfaces, or uncleaned paint, previously applied.

PSHC 3.3 Provided that the Relative Humidity is below 85% (45% for tank internal), coatings shall be
applied within 4 hours of surface preparation.

PSHC 3.4 All containers shall remain closed until required for use. Mixing of the coatings shall be
done by means of mechanical mixers. Coatings shall be agitated during application to keep
pigments in suspension.

PSHC 3.5 After coating application, the surface shall be protected from rain, dust or other
unfavourable conditions until the paint is dry. The Engineer will review damage caused by
any of the above conditions and make recommendations to The Contractor for corrective
actions at The Contractor’s cost.

PSHC 3.6 Film Thickness Tolerances

(a) Maximum Dry Film Thickness - For solvent borne or solvent-less coatings, no reading shall
exceed the maximum specified thickness, unless a concession is granted by the Engineer.
Where no maximum is explicitly stated the maximum shall be defined as 25% greater than
the minimum specified thickness.

(b) Dry Film Thickness shall be determined by electromagnetic flux gauge in accordance with
SANS Method 141. Calibration shall be on a smooth reference panel, of equal thickness
to the substrate, in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of SANS Method 141. The correction
factor shall not be applied.

(c) The frequency of DFT Readings and reporting thereof shall be in accordance with SANS
Method 141.

PSHC 3.7 All coats shall be applied in such a manner as to produce a film of uniform thickness.
Attention shall be paid to crevices, weld beads, corners, edges and similar surfaces to
obtain the specified thickness.

PSHC 3.8 Stripe coating shall be carried out routinely on the primer and epoxy intermediate coats. In
the case of the primer, the application may be carried out wet on wet, ensuring that the
maximum recommended coating thicknesses are adhered to. In the case of the high-build
epoxies, the stripe coat shall be regarded as a coat in its own right from a colour, build and
cure point of view and applied before the full coat.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 30 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
PSHC 4 Quality Assurance (Subclause 7)

PSHC 4.1 Quality Control

(a) The Contractor shall have the necessary equipment and staff knowledgeable in test
procedures to carry out the quality control required to ensure compliance with the

(b) The Contractor shall keep at least the following records:

• Material batch records
• Ambient conditions
• Records of surface preparation
• Dry film thickness measurements per coat
• Records of over-coating periods
• Records of specific tests as required by the Engineer

(c) The Contractor shall:

Supply a Quality Plan and Quality Programme at the time of tendering, both of which are
subject to approval and acceptance by the Engineer. The Quality Plan shall detail each
activity to be carried out during the execution of the works. Each activity shall be supported
by a detailed Procedure for that activity. The Quality Plan will also detail the inspection
requirements of each specific activity, listing whether it be a witness or hold point, and
defining the responsibilities of the various parties at these stages of the works.

Maintain Quality Control records in accordance with the Quality Plan during execution of
the contract. Such record shall be available to the Engineer or his representative at each
Quality Surveillance visit.

Mark or securely label each component with a unique identification.

Carry out such tests as are required to ensure compliance with the specification.

(d) Pinhole testing shall be carried out over the entire internal coated surface, in accordance
with SANS 1217.

(e) The cost of quality control shall be inclusive in The Contractor’s tender price.

(f) The Contractor shall provide the necessary documentation to be used during these
inspections. Such documentation shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer

PSHC 4.2 Quality Surveillance

(a) The Engineer may employ an independent technically qualified organisation to carry out
additional Quality Surveillance of the work on his behalf. In the event of dispute, the
Engineer’s decision shall be final.

(b) For the purpose of carrying out quality surveillance, the Engineer or his representative shall
be granted access to any part of The Contractor’s premises relevant to the work being
carried out, at any reasonable time.

PSHC 4.3 Data Book

(a) Upon completion of the works, The Contractor shall provide the Employer with a Data Book
containing all the relevant Quality Control documents and records pertaining to the work.

(b) This data book shall contain, as a minimum, the following:

The approved Quality Plan.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 31 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Copies of all relevant Quality Control records.
Copies of all Batch Release Certificates from the paint The Tank Contractor.

(c) The Contractor shall submit one copy of the Data Book to the Employer and keep one copy
for his own records.

PSHC 4.4 Variations from Specification

No variations from specification, or change of subcontractor or materials to be used from

those stated in the tender documents or the specification, shall be permitted without written
approval of the Engineer.

PSHC 5 Coating System Specifications

All surfaces of the structure which have to be coated should be visible and within reach of the operator
by a safe method.

Surfaces which are to be treated should be sufficiently accessible to allow the operator adequate space
to work in (see ISO 12944 P3 Annex A).

Special attention should be paid to ensure access to openings in box members and tanks. The openings
shall be of sufficient size to allow safe access for operators and their equipment, including safety
equipment (see ISO 12944 P3 Annex B).

PSHC 5.1 External coating:

Surface Preparation:

Upon completion of all preparatory work, remove any oil or grease by washing with a water emulsifiable
solvent degreaser and rinsing with potable water.

For this project a corrosivity category C4 (industrial areas and inshore areas of medium salinity) shall
be used as per ISO 12944.

The durability required for the paint system shall be high H (more than 15 years) as described in

This is due to the increased maintenance intervals required because of fading, chalking, contamination
and wear and tear required for medium (5 to 15 years) durability categories.

Painting System for tank:

The following coating system (by means of airless spray) shall be applied:

Surface preparation Blast scouring ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ - Average

roughness G
Primer Epoxy zinc silicate complex 60µ
Intermediate primer Vinyl 2 pack epoxy polyamide 180µ
Finishing coat Acrylic Modified 2 pack polyurethane with 60µ
aliphatic hardener

Unless stated otherwise, the DFT specified is the minimum requirement. All DFT thicknesses to be as
per ISO 12944-5 Appendix A.

All welds and bare metal shall initially be given an additional stripe coat prior to the full final coat. The
rate of the stripe coat shall be included in the cost of the tank painting


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 32 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Non slip painting System (roof sections)

Surface preparation Blast scouring ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ - Average

roughness G
Primer Surface tolerant modified epoxy 125µ
Intermediate primer Surface tolerant modified epoxy 125µ
Finishing coat Polyurethane with aliphatic hardener 80µ

Anti-slip paint shall only be applied when the underlying paint has fully cured and in accordance with the
paint manufacturer’s instructions.
PSHC 5.2 Finish Coat colours shall be as follows:

Item Colour
Shell - external White
Shell - internal White
Handrails Black
Handrail Stanchions Golden Yellow B49
Tank Number – Background Black
Tank Number Golden Yellow B49

PSHC 5.3 Guarantees

The Contractor and The Tank Contractor shall undertake to guarantee that the Corrosion Protection
System used and applied in terms of this Contract will perform to an RE2 standard (European Scale of
Degrees of Rusting) for a minimum period of 8 years from the date of commissioning.

Should any area be found by the Engineer not to comply to the abovementioned RE2 standard within
the 8 year period, The Contractor/ The Tank Contractor shall undertake to immediately rectify the
defective area at their own expense to the original specification. The affected area is then again
guaranteed for the remainder of the 8 year period.

PSHC 5.4 Stair Treads

The stair treads and landing grating are to be hot dipped galvanised and shall be protected and left
unpainted. Stair treads are to be provided with reflective nosing as shown on the drawings.

Site welding of galvanised items is not permitted.

PSHC 5.5 Tank Identification Numbers

(a) Scope Two painted tank identification numbers are to be provided on opposite sides of the tank
on the second full strake below the roof.
The numbers shall consist of Golden Yellow characters 900mm high x 450mm wide (Recoatable
polyurethane min. 50µ) on a rectangular black background panel sized to provide a 200mm wide margin
on all sides of the yellow characters. (Recoatable polyurethane min. 50µ). Unless stated otherwise, tank
lettering shall be Black, except for "Jet A-1" signs, which shall be White on Black (fuel grade decals may
be used in lieu).

Product code identification markings shall comply with API/IP 1542.

(b) Payment Measurement and payment shall be per complete panel including characters and the
rate tendered shall be deemed to include all costs of temporary access scaffolds or platforms etc.
necessary to execute the work.

PSHC 5.6 Protection of Annular Ring Joint

(a) The floor to shell weld and protruding section of the annular floor plate around the base of the
tank is to be protected by the application of Densotape in the following manner:


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 33 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
(i) Any voids between the floor plate and the concrete ring beam shall be filled with Densomastic
or similar approved material and all sharp edges are to be rounded off with Densomastic.
(ii) Densotape shall be applied so that it laps onto the side of the concrete ring beam and against
the vertical tank shell plate. The tape shall be glued along its edges to the tank shell and the ring beam
using a compatible adhesive to form a weather tight seal.
(iii) The Densotape shall be protected from UV degradation by painting to match the shell finish

(b) Payment - The work shall be measured and paid for per metre of completed protective strip.

PSHC 5.7 Internal Tank Lining

Surface preparation:

The Contractor shall submit a method statement detailing the proposed method and sequence of blast
cleaning and lining of tanks. The method statement shall be agreed with and approved by the Engineer
before any preparation or lining works are started.
The method statement shall specifically cover the preparation, blasting and painting of the tank roof,
walls, nozzles and floor. The method statement shall explain the precautions to be taken and describe
the methods used during the tank painting works.

Key aspects of the painting works are listed below for inclusion in the method statement:
• Access for blasting and painting including details on scaffold system installation and removal
during construction & painting works,
• Dehumidification and temperature control procedures,
• Dust and debris removal between operations,
• Avoidance of contamination of new coatings by blasting,
• Surface priming within the maximum time limit,
• Avoidance of over spray onto prepared areas,
• Avoidance of damage to new coatings,
• Staged inspection hold points: (i) By The Contractor and (ii) By the Inspector
• Detailed lining programme including sequence of the above and number of personnel involved
on each stage of the tank lining works.

All boltholes shall be solvent cleaned prior to grit blasting. No acid washes or other cleaning solutions
shall be used on metal surfaces after they have been grit blasted. After blasting and prior to priming, all
surfaces shall be examined for any traces of oil or grease. If any exist, they shall be removed by solvent
washing and the area re-blasted.

The gramophone finish on flange faces shall not be blasted.

The Tank Contractor shall inspect internal surfaces prior to handover for lining.

Remove all oil and grease by solvent wiping or washing with detergent solution and rinsing with clean
potable water, prior to any additional preparation.

Surface preparation Blast scouring Sa 3 - Average roughness G

Primer Epoxy primer 125µ
Intermediate primer Solvent free epoxy 200µ
Finishing coat Solvent free epoxy 200µ

All DFT thicknesses to be as per ISO 12944-5 Appendix A.

Unless stated otherwise, the DFT specified is the minimum requirement.

Application shall be by airless spray, wherever possible, except for stripe coating, which shall be by
brush. Localised repairs may also be by brush application.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 34 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
The primer shall be a high-build tank lining system specifically for use as an interior lining to protect
carbon steel tanks containing products such as Jet A-1 fuel. The internal lining system should have
excellent bonding characteristics with carbon steel and all necessary precautions should be taken to
prevent the occurrence of delamination of the lining from the tank wall.

The coating supplier is to provide site monitoring during the coating process and sign relevant hold
points on the QCP.

Sufficient ventilation should be provided at all times during the application of the internal lining coatings.
In the event of inclement weather, the supplier shall advise as to whether the coating can be applied
depending on the temperature and humidity.
Where de-Humidification is required for tank internals, dehumidifiers should be provided to ensure that
the relative humidity level of the air in contact with the steel surface does not exceed 50% throughout
the duration of the blasting and painting operation.

Dehumidification should commence at least 24 hours before blasting starts and should be operated
continuously until the tank has been completely lined. All nozzles and openings in the tank shall be
capped with suitable material (canvas, felt etc.) to prevent the ingress of untreated air.

The Contractor shall ensure that the dehumidification equipment or air extraction equipment does not
place pressure or vacuum loadings on the tank greater than the tank design pressure or vacuum

The epoxy mastic shall be

Fully compatible with the tank lining material;
Suitable for use with aviation fuel;
Approved by the Engineer.

A wet sponge test and a spark test should be conducted on the coating once cured to ensure that the
coating is pinhole free.

Special consideration must be given to the application temperatures and drying times. These must be
strictly adhered to in accordance with the supplier’s product specifications.

The internal lining must not be applied when the surface temperature is less than 2° above the dew

The internal lining supplier must provide a written warranty addressed to ACSA for 12 months for the
materials and installation of the lining.

The tank internal lining should be covered by a 12 month defects liability period. Prior to the end of the
defects liability period, the contractor shall confirm the lining integrity via product testing.

Before acceptance the lining must be fully cured as indicated by the Ketone test: The coating shall be
rubbed for one minute with a clean cloth soaked in Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) after which time the lining
must not be softened as indicated by scratching with a finger nail (a slight indentation is permissible, but
no material removal shall occur) and the rag must show only a very faint trace of the lining colour. The
surface rubbed by the Ketone rag should show no obvious sign of decolouration.
Note that the surface shall be glossy and "smooth to the touch" - if the internal finish of the top coat is
rough it is an indicator or incorrect application or curing.

Roof-to-Curb Angle Connection:

On completion of internal blasting, the internal surfaces of the roof plate to curb angle weld crevice shall
be inspected to determine if the crevice is free from debris prior to internal lining of the tank.

If necessary, the crevice shall be re-blasted to a minimum of SA 3 and all of the blast debris thoroughly
removed from the crevice.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 35 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
In general, if the roof plates are attached close to the inside edge of the curb angle, then the crevice
should not form a significant trap for water or corrosion products.

The internal curb angle crevice (void) between the tank walls and roof shall be blast cleaned and all
blast material removed before trowelling in flexible epoxy mastic flush with the tank wall.
Allowance is to be made in the tendered rates for the final lining system to be certified and approved by
tank contractor.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 36 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management

Aviation Standards

Joint Inspection Group (JIG):

Publication: Title:
JIG Bulletin 35 Soak Testing

South African Technical Standards & Codes for Petroleum Storage Facilities

SANS No. Other Ref. Year: Title:

The petroleum industry Part 1: Storage and
SANS 10089-
SABS 089-1 2008 distribution of petroleum products in above-
ground bulk installations

American Petroleum Institute (API) Publications:

Publication: Year: Title:

API 650 2013 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage

API 2000 2014 Venting Atmospheric and Low-pressure Storage Tanks

Application of Fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection in

API 2030 2005
the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries

American Standards for Mechanical Engineers (ASME):

Publication: Year: Title:

2013 Welding and Brazing Qualifications

National Fire Protection Association:

Publication: Year: Title:

NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 37 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Publication: Year: Title:

Air BP Technical
2017 Section 04: Lining Materials
Approvals Manual

MECH 53 2010 Part 06: Internal Tank Lining & External Painting

MECH 62 2008 Valves for Use in Air BP Aviation Fuelling Facilities

MECH 73 2014 Floating Suction Units

MECH 80 2007 Gasket materials

MECH 102 2017 Fixed Access Platforms, Stairways and Ladders

Vertical Storage Tanks to EN 14015 for Aviation Turbine

MECH 200 2014

MECH 200 Unknown Diagrams: Vertical Storage Tanks for Aviation Turbine Fuels

MECH 201 2014 Vertical Storage Tanks to API 650 for Aviation Fuels

MECH 201 Unknown Diagrams: Vertical Storage Tanks for Aviation Turbine Fuels

HSSE Requirements for Contractors Working at Air BP

GEN 10 2015

GEN 49 2008 Overfill Prevention for Fixed Storage Tanks

GEN 115 2016 Soak Testing of Aviation Fuel Facilities and Equipment


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 38 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management

Data Sheet No Equipment Description Service Size No off

14198P-DS-001 (FS01) Floating Suction Tank Outlet 400NB 1
14198P-DS-002 (TP01) Top Foam Pourers Tank Foam 80NB 2


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 39 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Quantity : 1
Tank Data
Tank Type : Vertical
Internal Diameter : 17,000 m
Height of wall : 14,500 m
Max level of product : 14,400 m
Product : Jet A1
Bottom slope : Cone down (Centre drain 1:30 slope)
Roof type : Fixed cone roof with supporting roof trusses (no column)
Outlet Nozzle
Size of flange (inside of tank) : 16” ANSI 150 RF (400 dia)
Height from floor : 500 mm (to be confirmed)
Protrusion into tank : ± 150 mm
Specific gravity : 0,796
Current maximum outlet rate : 16,000 l /min
Temperature : Ambient
Materials of Construction
Stainless steel (with ball tracks of stainless steel,
Swivel joint :
hardened & polished).
Pipe : Stainless steel or Aluminium alloy
Float / bell-mouth : Aluminium alloy
(No copper or copper alloys are to be employed.)
Level indicator for arm position : Yes (as option)
Sampling pipes : Yes (3: top, middle & bottom)
Restraining Cables to prevent clash
: Yes
with roof / structure (floor anchored)
Support bracket for swivel : Yes
Bell-mouth at entry (downward facing) : Yes
Yes – stainless steel (not plastic covered) & earth bonded
Lifting cable for inspection purposes :
at each end
Bleed hole at float end of arm (top) : Yes (Ø10 mm)
Leak control to floats : No
Support foot for arm : Yes (for horizontal position)
Type of Floating Suction
Size of arm : 16”
Type of arm : Single arm with floats
Note: 1. Tenderer / supplier to ensure that arm assembly or components can be fitted through the manhole and
neck. Provide joints in arm as required for access based on tank fabricators drawing.
2. Floats shall not retain water. Venting to be provided as per PSAPI 9 Floating Suction Specification.
Datasheet to be read in conjunction with PSAPI Tank Specification.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 40 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
Tag No. : TP-01
Tank No. : 7
Quantity : 2
Service : Tank foam
Top Pourer Set make /model / size : TPS 80 Mk5
Foam Type / Brand Name : Alcoseal 3-6
Inlet Pressure (kPa) : ±700
Flow Rate : 466 litres/min
Inlet connection : 3” ANSI 150# RF flange
Drawing No. : 14198P-410 / 451


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 41 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management

Drawing No. Revision Title

14198P-DL-001 0 Proposed Layout

14198P-DL-002 0 Contractors Proposed Laydown Area
14198P-200 0 Existing Site Layout
14198P-207 0 Tank Ring Beam Layout Details
14198P-301 0 Inter-Tank Walkways
14198P-410 0 Tank 7 General Arrangement
14198P-450 0 Fire-Fighting P&ID
14198P-451 0 Tank 7 Fire-Fighting Arrangement


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 42 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management

1. ACSA House Rules and Penalties

2. Special Requirements at an Operational Airport

3. Hoarding Specifications

4. Permit Pricing


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 43 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
1. ACSA House Rules and Penalties

House Rules for Construction

The following “construction house rules from ACSA must be adhered to:

• All vehicles related to your works are to be parked within your hoarded site or in public parking.
Any contractor vehicle towed for illegal parking will be to the contractor’s account.
• Contractors are to keep ACSA informed of works that may affect the ACSA environment.
Please make sure that all adequate measures are taken to minimise the effects of such work.
• You are required to ensure that all facilities adjacent to your site are adequately protected. All
damages to surrounds will be for your account.
• In submitting a bid for the works, the bidder acknowledges and accepts that they may be
working in areas that pose a risk to airport operations and safety. irrespective of any contractual
provisions relating to the overall time period allowed to execute the works or the time period
wherein any defects relating to completed works may be remedied, it is a specific contractual
requirement that the contractor will immediately give effect to and attend to any instruction issued
by the principal agent or authorised employers representative, relating to corrective action to be
taken on matters relating to airport operational requirements or safety, failing which alternative
contractors will be appointed to give effect to such instructions and the cost related thereto offset
against monies owing to the contractor or recovered from the contractor. The employer’s
intervention in such instances will not affect/prejudice his rights or affect any guarantees which are
required in terms of the contract. Workmen to be clearly indicated by overalls, hardhats, etc.


• A penalty of R5000.00 will be imposed on any company, contractor, sub-contractor, etc. using
unauthorised water connections.
• A penalty of R5000.00 will be imposed on any company, contractor, sub-contractor, etc. using
unauthorised connections to fire main
• A penalty of R5000 will be imposed on any company, contractor, sub-contractor etc. using
unauthorised electricity connections
• A penalty of R2500 will be imposed on any company, contractor, sub-contractor etc. for the
unauthorised use of passenger trolleys for any purpose
• A penalty of R4000.00 will be imposed on any company, contractor, sub-contractor etc. for
unauthorised dumping of spoilt material
• A penalty of R5000 will be imposed on any company, contractor, sub-contractor etc. for
unauthorised dumping into storm water and sewer mains
• A penalty will be imposed in accordance ACSA Environmental Specifications for non-
compliance with environmental specifications
• A penalty will be imposed in accordance the OHS Act for non-compliance with safety


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 44 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
2. Special Requirements at an Operational Airport

Special Requirements at an Operational Airport

Work done on or near an active airport is subject to several special requirements and
conditions to ensure the safe operation of the airport at all times.

The work under this contract is to be carried out under operational conditions. Various
limitations and requirements are to be taken cognizance of during the preparation of the tender
and the construction programme. These limitations will not entitle the contractor to claim for
extension of time.

1. Airports Manager

The Airports Manager is at all times responsible for the effective and safe operation of the
airport. The Airports Manager or his designated representative will represent the Employer at
the airport and he has full authority to act on behalf of the Employer, as set out in the contract

The Airport manager will issue the necessary application forms to those who apply to the airport
management for an airside vehicle permit and/or an Airport Security Permit and will decide, on
receipt of the completed forms, whether or not to issue permits.

The Airport Management may at any time withdraw or suspend an Airside vehicle Permit or
any Airside Security Permit.

All negotiations between the Contractor and the airport management shall be through the

2. Airport Security and Safety

All personnel of the Consultant or Contractor inclusive of sub consultants and sub contractors
will have to undergo a Security and Safety Awareness Programme before the start of the

The Consultant/Contractor shall ensure that airport security is at all times complied with by his
own personnel, all subcontractors and their personnel as well as all suppliers.

Access to the security area for personnel, vehicles and construction plant can only be obtained
with permission from the Employer. Permits may be required for personnel and vehicles
frequently moving through the security check points and shall at all times be visibly displayed
while a person or vehicle is within the security area. Identity Documents must be available and
presented on request.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
Permits are only valid for a specific area inside the security area and the responsibility rests
with the Contractor to control the movement of personnel, plant and vehicles to ensure their
compliance with this requirement. A Prime Cost Sum has been provided for the cost of any
permits required.

The Contractor will be required to provide permits for each and every material delivery vehicle
entering the site, and they are to be escorted by a permit and radio license holder.

The Employer may withdraw any or all permits without prior notice in the case of misuse, in
which case the Contractor will have no claim against the Employer.

The Contractor shall make specific arrangements with the Employer, through the Engineer, to
ensure the expedient delivery of time-dependent materials such as asphalt. If required, the
Contractor shall supply additional security personnel, approved by the Airport Manager to
assist with security control. If, due to the extra volume of construction traffic that has to pass
through security, additional entrance facilities have to be provided, it shall be done in
consultation with the Airport Manager and Engineer. These facilities and personnel have to be
provided by the Contractor.

3. Responsibilities of Consulting Engineers/Contractor

As a condition of approval of an application for an Airside Vehicle Permit, the Consulting

Engineer/Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles and drivers are covered by the Contract
Works, Public Liability and SASRIA Special Risks Insurance.

When a vehicle is no longer required for airside use, the Engineer/ Contractor must upon
removing it from airside use, remove and return the Airside Vehicle Permit to the airport

The Engineer/Contractor shall immediately report to the airport manager all notifiable accidents
and incidents and shall ensure that arrangements are in place for the rapid removal and/or
repair of its vehicles should they become immobilised on movement areas.

Plant, equipment and personnel of the Engineer/Contractor shall at all times operate and
remain 50m clear of all active runways and taxiways (measured from nearest edge of facilities).
In Cat 2 conditions the 50m increases to 100m.

4. Incident/Penalties

The Engineer/Contractor shall report to the Airport Manager any incident involving vehicle or
plant under their control where the incident has involved injury or damage to another vehicle,
aircraft or airport property; or where there is injury to driver(s) or passenger(s) in the vehicle.
The prescribed accident report shall be used for this purpose.

Distinction will be made between the following types of incidents:


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 46 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
i) incidents of minor nature not having effect on the operational efficiency of the
involved vehicles, building or airport property.

ii) Incidents causing property damage affecting the operational efficiency of

vehicles or infrastructure or causing injury to persons traveling in vehicles.

Incidents in the first category must be reported to the Airport Manager within 24 hours.
Incidents in the second category must be reported to the Airport Manager immediately and the
South African Police Services (SAPS) shall be called to the accident site to investigate and
report on the causes of the accident. Where possible neither the driver, the passenger or
vehicles should leave the accident site before the arrival of the SAPS.

The parties involved must ensure that adequate arrangements are made for the rapid removal
or repair of the immobilised vehicles on operational areas.

All accidents/incidents, irrespective of the seriousness thereof, affecting aircraft or loading

bridges, must be reported immediately to the AM.

The Airport Manager reserves the right to:

• Withdraw any airport security permit.

• Withdraw any airside vehicle permit, if it is considered necessary tow away

vehicles when parked incorrectly.

5. Identification and Warning Lights

• All construction vehicles and self-propelled plant used inside the security area shall be
properly marked to promote easy identification. A register of all identification numbers
for all vehicles shall be kept up to date by the Contractor and shall at all times be
available for inspection by the Airport Manager or Engineer. Each vehicle or self-
propelled plant item, as required by the Engineer, shall be fitted with an approved
amber rotating warning light which shall be in continuous operation while the vehicle is
moving in the security area. The Contractor will be responsible for all costs involved in
this item.

6. Additional Security Measures

i) No cameras or the taking of photos will be allowed within the security area without
written approval from the Airport Manager. No fire-arms, explosives or any other
weapons may be brought into the security area.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
ii) Smoking and the making of fires are prohibited in certain areas of the airport.
Open fires may only be made in designated areas after written permission has been
obtained from the Airport Manager, who will also supervise such fires. No smoking
is allowed in the apron areas.

iii) No accommodation of the personnel will be allowed in the security area of the

iv) No drawings, sketches, diagrams, information, etc. pertaining to works, airport,

accidents, etc. may be made, reproduced or registered, except when it is necessary
for the execution of the contract. No information regarding accidents, airport
activities, reports etc shall be given to anybody and no press release shall be made
or interview may be given to anybody without the written permission form the Airport

v) Any interference with the airport personnel, equipment or aircraft will be

considered as an infringement of this clause. The contractor will be held responsible
for any damage, direct or indirect, to any airport equipment, aircraft, etc. caused by
his own personnel or those of his sub-contractors or suppliers whether on duty or
not. The contractor shall make good or costs necessary to remedy the situation
including re-calibration of equipment where necessary. The contractor shall note
that especially navigation equipment is extremely sensitive and may be disturbed
by sitting and leaning on it.

vi) No aircraft shall be touched or moved by any member of the construction team.
In the case of an aircraft accident, no assistance what so ever may be given by the
Contractor unless specifically requested by the Airport Manager and all staff must
stay away from any part of the accident scene for a distance of at least 300m.

If the Contractor is found lacking in any of the security measures or requirements, it will be
sufficient cause for the termination of all construction activities until the matter has been
rectified to the satisfaction of the airport Manager.

No claim resulting from inadequate security and safety measures will be considered.

7. Compliance with Instructions

If the Contractor does not promptly comply with all instructions of the Airport Manager and
Engineer, the Employer has the right to amend the working schedule in aid of safety. The
Engineer also retains the right to suspend all works until the Contractor, in the opinion of the
Engineer, complies with the requirements.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
8. Delays Caused by Airport Management

If delays, leading to an extension of time, are caused by aspects such as airport requirements,
a reasonable claim for extension of time may be considered. However, if such delays coincide
with delays caused by other circumstances, such as weather conditions, no claim for extension
of time caused by requirements of airport management will be considered.

9. General Requirements for Execution of the Work

At the end of each work period, all plant, vehicles, material and obstructions must be removed
to a demarcated safe area. The cost of removal of plant and materials and cleaning operations
shall be deemed to be included in the relevant work items or in the general items. The Engineer
reserves the right to ban any item of plant or equipment which leaks excessive amounts of fuel
or oil. In addition all significant spillages of fuels and oils will be cleared immediately to the
satisfaction of the Engineer failing which the Engineer reserves the right to have this work
carried out by a third party to the cost of the Contractor.

The Employer retains the right to clean any of the mentioned areas if the Contractor neglects
to do so to his satisfaction. In such a case the costs incurred by the Employer will be recovered
from the Contractor at a rate of R400,00 per hour or part thereof taken by the sweeping
machine of the Employer to do the work. This cost will be deducted from any monies payable
to the Contractor.

If night work has to be done only suitable power and lighting units, approved by the
Engineer, complying with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85
of 1993 , SABS 0142-1981and ICAO Annex 14 regulations shall be used.

10. Times for the Execution of the Works

Most of the work on this contract must be executed minimizing disruptions to airport operations.
If, due to airport requirements, certain aspects of the work have to be done during night time,
the following will apply:

• The Contractor shall supply sufficient lighting facilities to enable him and his
subcontractors to perform the work according to the requirements of the specification.

• At the end of the night’s work all lights, power plants, etc. must be removed to
a safe area indicated by the Engineer and the Airport Manager. Remuneration for the
acquisition, transport, erection and maintenance of lighting and power plants shall be
included in the items provided and shall be all-inclusive. Power plants that spill fuel or
oil will not be allowed on the works.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
11. Movement on the Airport, Barriers, Lights and Marks

It is the responsibility of the Contractor to properly control the movement of personnel, vehicles
and plant connected to the contract. The Contractor shall erect, remove and maintain all
temporary barriers, warning lights and marks as required by the Airport Manager.

These control and limitations to movement of the Contractor will not be paid for separately and
sufficient provision for it shall be made in the tendered items. Delays and disruption of the
contractor's programme or progress as a result of the above requirements will not constitute
reason for a claim of whatever nature.

12. Dust and Pollution Control

The Contractor shall limit dust pollution to the minimum as required by the Airport Manager.
During windy conditions, the Engineer may temporarily suspend all work where dust pollution
creates unacceptable conditions until such time that conditions return to normal.

In the case of working areas alongside the taxiways it shall be a definite requirement that at all
times, weekends included, exposed areas are kept damp and free from dust and loose material
which may be sucked into the engines of passing aircraft. The taxiways adjacent to the works
shall be swept as required but at least daily.

All costs involved in dust and pollution control shall be borne by the Contractor.

13. Storing of Vehicles, Plant and Materials

It is a requirement that, at the end of each work period, all vehicles and plant are returned to
the designated camp area allocated to the Contractor. With the approval of the Project
Manager / Engineer, certain equipment may remain on or near the work area if the area is
properly demarcated.

If material is temporarily stored outside the designated campsite, stockpiles shall be limited to
a height of 1, 0 m above natural ground level.

14. Fires

No open fires whatsoever will be allowed. All necessary precautions must be taken to prevent
veld or other unauthorized fires.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
In the case of fire, including veld fires, the Contractor must instruct his employees to assist the
airport management in extinguishing the fire if requested to do so.

The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against claims that may arise from fires due to
negligence by the Contractor or his operations. If it is required by the Employer to extinguish
any fires caused by the Contractor, the cost thereof will be for the Contractor.

In case of a fire caused by air traffic activities, the area involved shall immediately be evacuated
by the Contractor to an area beyond a radius of 300 m from the fire.

15. Environmental

The Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) recognises the impacts airport expansion projects
have on the environment during the planning, design and construction phase of new projects
and embraces the obligations of corporate environmental responsibility to manage and
minimise these impacts as far as possible.

Design consultants are encouraged to explore and implement (where possible) feasible
opportunities for minimising environmental impacts in the form of stormwater, soil and
groundwater pollution, resource and raw material utilisation, as well as energy and water
conservation measures.


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 51 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
3. Hoarding Specifications



Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 52 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
1.0 Introduction

The manual was produced by ACSA Project Management Division as reference to Consultants, contractors and other persons who intend to execute any
construction works at the Cape Town International Airport.

It is important to note that the application of hoarding specifications as detailed herein is the ACSA-CTIA Standard and must be issued to every (Hoarding)
Contractor for implementation prior to execution of any hoarding work. It is the responsibility of the consultants and contractor to verify the latest revision with the
ACSA-CTIA Project Manager, Project Management Division.

Failure to verify all requirements of all hoarding finishes internal and externally may result in the contractor having to incur additional costs for alterations.

The scope of hoarding work should always be part of the construction programme and a major priority for any construction work to commence on site for ACSA-
CTIA. The Project Team must inform contractors at tender stage that working on the airport environment will require them to execute hoarding work outside normal
working hours.

It is envisaged that the manual will be informative enough to everyone involved but in certain areas the specification for internal and external hoarding may not be
applicable, such exceptions will be addressed as they arise and must be referred to the ACSA-CTIA Project Manager.

All hoarding remains the property of ACSA (if paid for in Preliminaries) but must be removed off site by the contractor on completion of the project subject to further
instruction by the ACSA-CTIA Project Manager.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0 Types of Hoardings Type A. (See Detail A)

This type of internal hoarding will be applicable where construction work takes place adjacent to other tenants to minimise noise, dust and visual screening.

Construction and Material

The construction method is of permanent nature and uses the existing building structure for secure fixing, i.e. fixed to the roof structure and the floor.

The framework consist of galvanised floor track 61 mm wide fixed to the floor and soffit with suitable fasteners at 600 mm centres minimum.

The board on the public side will be 16 mm chipboard with melamine finish (Grey Cambrink) and on the construction side can be either 12 mm chipboard for heavy
usage or 12, 7 mm Gypsum plasterboard for lighter usage.

NB: Heavy usage when shelving is to be hung onto the walls or when any other fixing onto the walls is required. Lighter usage when no hanging is to be done
onto the walls.

The melamine boards are cut into module width of 900 mm or 1200 mm and the heights will be those that can be manoeuvred by human labourers without any
hindrance to the public where applicable, preferably 3000 high. The melamine board will be held in place by a tophat section on the vertical joint, colour black. The
back board will be screwed directly to the grid.

Where soundproofing is required the hoarding will be filled with an approved insulating material.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0.2 Type B. (see detail A)

The method of construction is similar to Permanent type except that the hoarding is only on the public side and is melamine finish (Grey Cambrink).

Construction and Material

The construction method will match that of the Permanent hoarding on the public side only and no finishes on the construction side.

No insulation for this type of hoarding will be required.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0.3 Type C.

This type of hoarding is made out of 2100 h X 900 w melamine faced (Grey Cambrink) chipboard panel on metal supports. Generally, it will consist of four to six
panels that can be placed around a particular area for maintenance or repair to floors.

Construction and Material

The panels off-cuts can be easily acquired from the hardware outlets and the steel support frame must be fixed to the panel to prevent the panels from falling over.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0.4 Type D.

Yellow New Jersey barriers or orange plastic netting (at the discretion of the ORTIA-Project Manager) must be used to barricade the construction site from the public
prior to construction work taking place.

Construction and Material

Steel post at 3000 mm maximum apart onto which the orange plastic netting is attached to.

Water filled yellow New Jersey barrier used to block roadway temporarily during repairs or entrance roadway prior to construction work taking place.


High impact industrial moulded, interlocking plastic barriers to be filled with water to make it stable and not movable. The hoarding must be kept neat and tidy at all


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0.5 Type E

This hoarding must remain in place for the duration of the construction period and is only removed at the end of construction when all the work has been completed.

Either one of two types of hoarding is acceptable, viz. Sheet metal and Pre-cast concrete hoarding mainly used for site establishment.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0.6 Type F.

The sheet metal hoarding must be a minimum of 2000mm high around the perimeter of the construction site establishment. (see detail B)

Construction and Material

The IBR/Corrugated sheeting must be fixed onto steel or timber posts, with horizontal steel members positioned at the top, centre and bottom to secure the sheeting
firmly. The sheet metal is to extend to ground level or floor finish level i.e.: no gaps are permitted.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0.7 Type G.

Pre-cast panel and pole hoarding will be used when indicated by ACSA. This hoarding will be used for contractor yards that will be used for extended periods of
time. Specifications to be confirmed by the ACSA Project Manager.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
2.0.8 Type H.

These are concrete panels 2100 h X 1500 w X 200 thick similar to the concrete walls around the airport site.

The panel thickness slopes from the top to the bottom, thus the thickness at the top of the panel are 100 mm. The base extend 500 mm on either side of the centre
of panel for support. These panels can be used for permanent or temporary purposes.

Construction and Material

These panels are constructed out of concrete; the inner surface shaped according to the shattering used on the public side should be roughcast to give a permanent
appealing appearance. Where this panels are permanently installed closer to Terminals they should be painted in colour specified below for external hoarding.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
3.0 Painting
Internal hoarding will be mainly grey cambrink melamine on the public side and where painting is used, it must match the grey cambrink melamine. In the
other side where plane chipboard or plasterboard is used and the area utilised as a temporal office, then the walls will be painted with white contractors PVA.

All external types hoarding will be painted and all paint types must be as per specification unless changed by the ACSA-ORTIA Project Manager.

Painting specifications
For IBR/Corrugated sheeting paint spec: PLASCON WALL & WALL. TEAL RAL 5021.

The supporting posts are to be painted in PLASCON WALL & WALL. TEAL RAL 5021.

4.0 Corner Protectors

Internal hoarding to have aluminium corner protectors to match the height of the melamine chipboard panels used and the size to be 50 mm X 50 mm.
External hoarding to have no corner protectors but the contractor to finish of the corners neatly i.e. with corner flashing to protect public from being injured.

5.0 Signage
All hoarding should have enough signage to inform the general public of the construction process.

A standard ACSA-ORTIA Buzzi Bee peel & stick signage, with an appropriate message approved by the ORTIA-Project Manager, must always be used on
flat surfaces. For non-flat surfaces like corrugated/IBR sheeting the Buzzi Bee sticker should be mounted onto flat Perspex sheeting 1200 w X 1500 h
surface and hung onto the hoarding. (See Detail C)

Advertising or other information may be fixed to the hoarding at ACSA’s discretion in a snapper frame.


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Part C3: Scope of work Management
Project Management Division


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Part C3: Scope of work Management

Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 64 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
4. Permit Pricing

Dear Colleagues,
Please be advised that the permit prices will increase as of 1 April 2018. Please see the new prices

For additional information, please contact the Permit Office on 021 935 3782.
Kind Regards ,
Permit Office Management


Contract No: CIA 5677/2018/RFP C3 - 65 C3.5

Part C3: Scope of work Management
C3.7: Generic Specifications
The Specifications herein are Generic (In-house) Specifications prepared by the employer applicable to
this contract. Three Specifications are included:


C3.7.2: ENVIRONMENTAL WORK INSTRUCTIONS AND EMP .......................... C3-98
BLACK EMPOWERMENT ....................................................................................... C3-155

Tender C3 - 66 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
C3.7.1: .............................. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS


This part of the Generic Specifications contains comprehensive occupational health and safety


ACSA Airports Company South Africa

AIA Approved Inspection Authority
BoQ Bill of Quantities
CC Compensation Commissioner
CHS Construction Health and Safety
CR Construction Regulations (Gazette 10113 of 7/02/2014)
DMR Driven Machinery Regulations
DoL Department of Labour
GAR General Administration Regulations
GSR General Safety Regulations
HIRA Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
H&S Health and Safety
OH Occupational Health
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 (as amended)
OHSS Occupational Health and Safety Specification
PC Principal Contractor
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
ER Engineer’s Representative
RHCS Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Substances
SACPCMP South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions
SANS South African National Standards (Authority)
SMME Small, Micro, Medium Enterprise
SSHSS Site Specific Health and Safety Specification


1.1 Purpose of the Occupational Health and Safety Specification

The purpose of the OHSS is to assist Contractors to achieve compliance with the Occupational Health
and Safety law, in order to reduce incidents and injuries. The OHSS will be implemented during the
construction of this project or any construction activity that the Employer has control over.

The OHSS is a performance specification to ensure that the Employer and any bodies that enter into
formal agreements with the Employer viz. Agents, Consultants and Contractors achieve an acceptable
level of OHS performance. No advice, approval of any document required by the OHSS such as hazard
identification and risk assessment action plan or any other form of communication from the Employer
shall be construed as an acceptance by the Employer of any obligation that absolves the Contractor
from achieving the required level of performance and compliance with legal requirements. Further, there
is no acceptance of liability by the Employer which may result from the Contractor failing to comply with
the OHSS, i.e. the Contractor remains responsible for achieving the required performance levels.

1.2 Implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Specification

This SSHSS is intended for use with CONTRACT NO: CIA 5677/2018/RFP - TANK CONSTRUCTION
and should not be used as part of any other contract document

Tender C3 - 67 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
This OHSS forms an integral part of the Contract, and Contractors are required to make it an integral
part of their Contracts with Sub-Contractors and Suppliers. It will be disseminated by the Employer to
persons responsible for the design of the infrastructure works, who will ensure that it is included in the
Tender Document(s) issued to prospective Contractors. The prospective Contractors shall incorporate
the requirements of the OHSS in their submission of tenders to the Employer.

This specification must be read in conjunction with the OHS Act No 85 of 1993 (as amended), the
Construction Regulations as published in Government Regulation Notice No GNR 84 of 7 February
2014 as well as all regulations governed by the OHSA as amended.

The OHS Act Agreement in this document (Returnable Schedules) must be fully completed by the

1.3 Key Role Players

Client Representatives:


OHS Agent:


2.1 Scope

This OHSS covers the requirements for eliminating and mitigating incidents and injuries in all Employer
controlled projects.

The scope also addresses legal compliance, hazard identification and risk control, promoting a health
and safety culture amongst those working on ACSA projects and those affected by the activities taking
place in and around them.

2.2 Interpretations

2.2.1 Application

The OHSS contains clauses that are generally applicable to building / construction and that impose pro-
active controls associated with activities that impact on human health and safety as they relate to plant
and machinery.

Compliance to the requirements of the OHSA, Construction regulations and General Safety Regulations
is in addition to the requirements of the OHSS and is part of the Contractor’s responsibility. The
Employer will through its Agents, as appointed, monitor that the Contractor complies with the
requirements of the OHSA and will not prescribe to the Contractor how such compliance is achieved.


The definitions used will be those set out in the Government Regulation Notice No 84 of 7 February
2014 with the following addition:

ACSA: Airports Company South Africa

Occupational Health and Safety Agent (OHS Agent): A person appointed by the Client to carry out the
duties of the Client in respect of Occupational Health and Safety on the Project in terms of Regulation 5
sub regs (5) and / or (6)

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment and Risk Control:

Tender C3 - 68 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Means a documented plan, which identifies hazards, assesses the risks and details the control
measures and safe working procedures which are to be used to mitigate and control the occurrence of
hazards and risks during construction or operation phases.

Health and Safety Management Plan:

Means a documented plan which addresses the hazards identified and include safe working procedures
to mitigate, reduce or control the hazards identified.

Induction Training:
Means once off introductory training on general health and safety issues given to all employees before
commencement of work on site. An abbreviated version should be given to all visitors.

Means the probability or likelihood that a hazard can result in injury or damage.

Means the area in the possession of the Contractor for the construction of the works. Where there is no
demarcated boundary it will include all adjacent areas, which are reasonably required for the activities
for the Contractor, and approved for such use by the Engineer.

The Act:
Means, unless the context indicates otherwise, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (ACT NO.
85 of 1993) and Regulations promulgated there under.

The Contractor terminology used in these specifications shall be deemed to cover Principle Contractor,
Contractors and Sub-Contractors.


The Contractor shall make available the following with his completed tender:

A Preliminary Health and Safety Plan as described in Regulation 5 of the Construction Regulations. The
Safety Plan must be based on the Construction Regulations 2014 and this specification and will be
subject to approval by the Employer. No work may be started on site until this approval has been given.
This will include a Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment appropriate to the project, expansion of
Annexure D, and a declaration to the effect that he has the competence, completion of Occupational
Health and Safety Questionnaire, and necessary resources to carry out the work safely in compliance
with the OHSA and its Regulations (as amended), especially the Construction Regulations 2014.

Failure to submit the foregoing with his tender, will lead to the conclusion that the Contractor is not able
to carry out the work under the contract safely in accordance with the Construction Regulations and may
result in the tender being disqualified.


Prior to the commencement of construction work but not later than 7 days after the award of the contract,
the Contractor shall, in terms of Regulation 4, notify the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
in writing if the following work is involved:

• Any excavation work

• the use of explosives
• Demolition work
• Working at a height where there is a risk of falling.

The notification must be done in the form of the pro forma included under Returnable Schedules (The
Occupational Health and Safety Act) of the tender document. See Annexure 2 of the CRs for a copy of
the notification. Proof of submission to the DoL must be provided.

Tender C3 - 69 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
A copy of the notification form must be kept in the H&S file on site, available for inspection by inspectors,
Employer, Engineer, employees and persons on site.


5.1 Background

In terms of the Construction Regulations [Regulation 5 (1) (a)] to the Occupational Health and Safety
Act, No 85 of 1993, the Client is required to compile an Occupational Health and Safety specification for
each of its projects and the Contractor, appointed by the Client in terms of Regulation 5 (1) (k), is
required to prepare an Occupational Health and Safety Plan This plan has to be prepared in terms of
Regulation 7 1 (a) as well as the this Occupational Health & Safety Specification. In terms of Regulation
5 (1 (f)), the Client and the Contractor are required to agree on the Occupational Health and Safety Plan
which must be approved by the Client before any work may commence.

5.2 Framework for an Occupational Health and Safety Plan

5.2.1 Introduction
The Contractor has to demonstrate to the Client that he has a suitable and sufficiently documented
Occupational Health and Safety Plan as well as the necessary competencies, experience and resources
to perform the construction work safely. The Contractor is required to submit, the following
documentation for perusal and verification by the Client:

• Management Structure including an organogram – Tender Stage

• Quality Plan – Tender Stage
• Human Resources Plan – Tender Stage
• Registered Workplace Skills Plan
• Valid “Letter of good standing” from the Compensation Commissioner or licensed compensation
insurer – Tender Stage
• Proof of induction and other training of employees
• Example copies of minutes of previous Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings and
copies of Incident Investigation Reports

5.2.2 Contents of an Occupational Health and Safety Plan

The Occupational Health and Safety Plan shall include the following: Occupational Health and Safety Management Programme

• Management of Occupational Health and Safety risks
• Occupational Health and Safety structures and appointments
• Programme of Occupational Health and Safety inspections
• Occupational Health and Safety Representatives
• Occupational Health and Safety committee Statement Regarding the Communication and Management of the Work

• Management structure and responsibilities
• Occupational Health and Safety objectives for the project and arrangements for monitoring and
review of Occupational Health and Safety performance
• Arrangements for regular liaison between parties on site
• Consultation with the workforce
• The exchange of design information between the Client, Engineer, supervisors and
subcontractors on site

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• Handling design changes during the project
• Selection and control of subcontractors
• The exchange of Occupational Health and Safety information between all subcontractors
• Security
• Site induction and on-site training
• Facilities and first-aid
• The reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents
• The production and approval of risk assessments and method statements
• Site Occupational Health and Safety rules
• Fire and emergency procedures
• Reporting to the Client i.e. results of Occupational Health and Safety inspections.
• Incident investigations and committee meetings
• Reporting of incidents to the Department of Labour and Compensation Commissioner where


6.1 Construction Supervisor

In terms of Section 16 of the Act, the Chief Executive Officer of the Contractor may delegate, in writing,
part or all of his powers to a suitable person on the site

The Contractor shall appoint a full-time Construction Manager, in writing, in terms of Section 8.1 of the
Regulations with the duty of supervising the performance of the construction work.

He may also have to appoint one or more competent employees to assist the construction manager
where justified by the scope and complexity of the works.

6.2 Construction safety officer

In terms of Section 8 (5) of the Regulations the Contractor shall appoint in writing a full-time or part-time
Construction Health and Safety Officer. The decision as to whether the CHSO shall be part or full time
is to be made by the Client.
The Safety Officer shall have the necessary competence and resources to perform his duties diligently.
He must be registered as a Construction Health and Safety officer with the SACPCMP or in possession
of a letter confirming that application has been made for registration.

Traffic safety on the airport will be the responsibility of the Traffic Safety Officer

Provision will be made in the Bill of Quantities to cover the cost of a dedicated construction safety officer
appointed after award of the contract.

6.3 Health and safety representatives

In terms of Sections 17 and 18 of the Act (OHSA 1993) the Contractor shall appoint, in writing, a health
and safety representative whenever he has more than 20 employees in his employ on the works. The
health and safety representative must be selected from employees who are employed in a full-time
capacity at a specific workplace.

The number of health and safety representatives for a workplace shall be at least one for every 50

The function of the health and safety representative(s) will be to review the effectiveness of health and
safety measures, to identify potential hazards and major incidents, to examine causes of incidents (in
collaboration with his employer, the Contractor), to investigate complaints by employees relating to
health and safety at work, to make representations to the employer (Contractor) or inspector on general
matters affecting the health and safety of employees, to inspect the workplace, plant, machinery etc. on

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a regular base, to participate in consultations with inspectors and to attend meetings of the health and
safety committee.

6.4 Health and safety committee

In terms of Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act (OHSA 1993) the Contractor (as employer), shall establish
one or more health and safety committee(s) where there are two or more health and safety
representatives at a workplace. The persons selected by the Contractor to serve on the committee shall
be designated in writing.

The function of the health and safety committee shall be to hold meetings at regular intervals, but at
least once every three months, to review the health and safety measures on the contract, to discuss
incidents related to health and safety with the Contractor’s representative and any Department of Labour
inspector, and to make recommendations regarding health and safety to the Contractor and to keep
record of meetings, recommendations and reports made by the committee.

6.5 Competent persons

In accordance with the Construction Regulations the Contractor shall appoint, in writing, competent
persons responsible for supervising construction work for the following work situations that may be
expected on the site of the works, as applicable to the project.

• Risk assessment (Regulation 9);

• Fall protection (Regulation 10);
• Excavation work (Regulation 13);
• Demolition work (Regulation 14);
• Bulk Mixing Plant operations (Regulation 20);
• Explosive powered tools ( Regulation 21)
• Construction vehicle and mobile plant (Regulation 23);
• Use of temporary storage of flammable liquids on construction site (Regulation 25);
• Housekeeping on construction sites (Regulation 27)
• Stacking and storage on construction sites (Regulation 28);
• Fire precautions on construction sites (Regulation 29);
• Construction employee’s welfare facilities (Regulation 30).
• In addition a competent person must be appointed for the control of asphalt and concrete
surfacing work

A competent person may be appointed for more than one part of the construction work with the
understanding that the person must be suitably qualified and able to supervise at the same time the
construction work on all the work situations for which he has been appointed.
CVs of all appointed persons should be submitted together with proof of the appointment

The appointment of competent persons to supervise parts of the construction work does not relieve the
Contractor from any of his responsibilities to comply with all requirements of the OHS Act and


A list of activities and considerations that have been identified for the project and the construction site
and for which Risk Assessments, Standard Working Procedures (SWP), management and control
measures and Method Statements (where necessary) have to be developed by the Principal Contractor
is given in Annexure 2. This list is not to be considered as inclusive and other items must be added as

In addition, the following risks should be taken into account. The following is a generic list of a Risk
Assessment and Site specific health and safety specifications prepared by the Employer in terms of
Construction Regulations 5(1)(a) and 5(1)(f):

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• Clearing and grubbing of the area/site
• Site establishment including:
- Office/s
- Secure/safe storage for materials, plant and equipment
- Ablutions
- Sheltered eating area
- Maintenance workshop
- Vehicle access to the site
- Temporary fuel storage, where applicable
• Dealing with existing structures – possibility of asbestos
• Location of existing services e.g. gas, telecommunications, electrical supply and similar
• Installation and maintenance of temporary construction electrical supply, lighting and equipment
• Adjacent land uses/surrounding property exposures
• Boundary and access control/public liability exposures (NB: the Contractor is also responsible
for the OH&S of non-employees affected by his work activities.)
• Health risks arising from neighbouring as well as own activities and from the environment e.g.
threats by dogs, bees, snakes and lightning
• Exposure to noise
• Exposure to vibration
• Protection against dehydration and heat exhaustion
• Protection from wet and cold conditions
• Dealing with HIV/Aids and other diseases such as silicosis or asbestos, where applicable
• Use of portable electrical equipment including
- Angle grinder
- Electrical drilling machine
- Circular saw
- Generator
• Excavations including
- Ground/soil conditions
- Trenching
- Shoring
- Drainage of trenches
• Welding including
- Arc welding
- Gas welding
- Flame cutting
- Use of LP gas torches and appliances
• Loading and off-loading of trucks
• Aggregate/sand and other materials delivery
• Manual and mechanical handling
• Lifting and lowering operations
• Driving and operation of construction vehicles and mobile plant including
- Trenching machine
- Excavator
- Bomag roller
- Milling machine
- Paving machine
- Plate compactor
- Front end loader
- Mobile cranes and the ancillary lifting tackle
- Grader
- Parking of vehicles and mobile plant
- Towing of vehicles and mobile plant
- Concrete/asphalt saw
• Use and storage of flammable liquids and other hazardous substances e.g. petrol, diesel, cement,
asphalt, bituminous materials and similar
• Layering and bedding
• Installation of pipes in trenches
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• Pressure testing of pipelines
• Backfilling of trenches
• Protection against flooding
• Gabion work
• Use of explosives
• Protection from overhead power lines (high and low)
• Work at an operational airport
• Work adjacent to or in proximity of railway lines
• Work adjacent to or in proximity of traffic including aircraft, ground handling equipment, fire trucks
• Working at heights
• Working in confined spaces – tunnelling
• Formwork and support work (temporary works) including scaffolding
• Demolition work, where applicable
• Bulk mixing plant, where applicable
• Environmental impacts such as pollution of water, air or soil
• Working at night

Emergency Procedures

The Principal Contractor shall submit a detailed Emergency Procedure for approval by the Client prior
to commencement on site. The procedure shall detail the response plan including the following key
• List of key competent personnel
• Details of emergency services
• Actions or steps to be taken in the event of the specific types of emergencies
• Information on hazardous material/situations.

Emergency procedure(s) shall include, but shall not be limited to, fire, spills, accidents to employees,
use of hazardous substances, bomb threats, major incidents/accidents, civil unrest. etc. The Principal
Contractor shall advise the Client, Agent, Engineer and all relevant authorities forthwith, of any
emergencies, together with a record of action taken. This shall be confirmed in writing as soon as
possible after the incident. A contact list of all service providers (Fire Department, Ambulance, Police,
Medical and Hospital, etc.) must be maintained and available to site personnel. These procedures shall
form part of the Health and Safety Plan.

First Aid Boxes and First Aid Equipment

The Principal Contractor and all Contractors shall appoint in writing First Aider(s). If not already
accredited, the appointed First Aider(s) are to be sent for accredited first aid training. Valid certificates
are to be kept on site. The Principal Contractor shall provide an on-site First Aid Station with first aid
facilities, including first aid boxes containing, at least, the requirements of the Annexure to Section 3 of
the General Safety Regulations. All Contractors with more than 5 employees shall supply their own first
aid box. Contractors with more than 10 employees shall have a trained and certified First Aider on site
at all times.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Clothing

The Principal Contractor shall ensure that all workers are issued with,free of charge, and shall wear hard
hats, protective footwear and overalls as well as any other necessary PPE as set out in Regulation 2.3
of the General Safety Regulations and required by their duties.
Contractors are encouraged to provide reflective vests for all their staff.
The Principal Contractor and all Contractors shall make provision and keep adequate quantities of SABS
approved PPE on site at all times. This shall include necessary safety gear for visitors. The Principal
Contractor shall clearly outline procedures to be taken when PPE or Clothing is:
• Lost or stolen
• Worn out or damaged
• Issued to temporary labour or staff.

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The above procedure applies to Contractors and their Sub-contractors, as they are all Employers in their
own right.

Occupational Health and Safety Signage

The Contractor shall provide adequate on-site OHS signage. This should include but is not limited to:
‘no unauthorised entry’, ‘report to site office’, ‘site office’, ‘beware of overhead work’, ‘hard hat area’.
Signage shall be posted up at all entrances to site as well as on site in strategic locations e.g. access
routes, stairways, entrances to structures and buildings, scaffolding, and other potential risk
areas/operations. These signs shall be in accordance with the requirements of the General Safety
Regulations as amended.

Medical Examinations.

All Contractors must ensure that all employees have a valid medical certificate issued in terms of
Regulation 7.8. Medicals should be done before the employee commences work and at yearly intervals
thereafter. It is advisable that exit medicals are carried out when an employee leaves.
Note that examinations must be done by an Occupational Health Practitioner and NOT by a General

Night Work

Work at night must be carried out under safe conditions and the work area must be adequately lit by
flood lights or other suitable lights. The use of reflective PPE in good condition is mandatory.
Workers must be specifically trained in working at night and the dangers of moving machinery
emphasized. The OHS Officer, if not on site, must be on call during these periods.


The Contractor shall in terms of Construction Regulation 7 (b) maintain a Health and Safety File on site
at all times. The Health and Safety File is a file or other permanent record containing information on
aspects of the construction project - which will be necessary to ensure the health and safety of any
person who may be affected by the construction work.

The Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified person to prepare the Health and Safety File and to
keep it up to date for the duration of the contract. The Health and Safety file shall include at least the
following information:
• All Documents as required by the Act and Regulations
• All reports of inspections and audits
• All non-conformity reports
• All working drawings, calculations and design where applicable
• Detailed list of sub-contractors with contact details
• List of all hazardous materials used and stored on site with Data Sheets and Materials Hazard
Data sheets
• All Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments carried out for the project.
• All Health and Safety Plans for the project.
• All method statements
• Minutes of all relevant meetings
• Incident records, including investigations and results
• Record of all appointments under the Regulations

Annexure B is a list of the records to be kept on site.

The Health & Safety File shall be handed over to the Client on completion of the contract. It must contain
all the documentation as set out above, or as instructed, as well as any handed to the Principle
Contractor by any subcontractors together with a record of all drawings, designs, materials used and

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other similar information concerning the completed project. All information must be submitted in
electronic format.


Before commencement of any construction work during the construction period, the Contractor shall
have a risk assessment performed and recorded in writing by a competent person. (Refer Regulation 9
of the Construction Regulations 2014).

Risk is a measure of the likelihood that the harm from a particular hazard will be realised, taking into
account the possible severity of the harm. Harm to people includes death, injury (permanent or
temporary), physical or mental health or any combination thereof. Risk management in health and safety
includes the identification of hazards, assessing risks, taking action to eliminate or reduce the risk,
monitoring the effectiveness and performing regular reviews of the entire process. The Contractor shall
compile method statements to address or handle the following:

• Hazards particulars to the contract

• Identify what could go wrong and how
• Identify the likelihood of this happening
• Identify the persons at risk
• Identify the extent of possible harm
• Eliminating or reducing this risk
• A monitoring plan
• A review plan

Contractors must ensure that all subcontractors conduct risk assessments for their scope of work as
well. All risk assessments shall be updated and re-evaluated with any extra works or with any change
to the scope of the works.

The risk assessment shall identify and evaluate the risks and hazards that may be expected during the
execution of the work under the contract, and it shall include a documented plan of safe work procedures
to mitigate, reduce or control the risks and hazards identified.

The risk assessment shall be available on site for inspection by inspectors, Employer, Engineer,
subcontractors, employees, trade unions and health and safety committee members, and must be
monitored and reviewed periodically by the Contractor.


The Client and/or Agent will conduct a Monthly, or at greater frequency, H&S audit to audit compliance
with Construction Regulations 5.1 (n) and (o) to ensure that the Contractor has implemented and is
maintaining the agreed and approved OH&S Plan. Annexure C will be used as format when conducting
the audit.

The Client reserves the right to conduct other ad hoc audits and inspections as deemed

A representative of the Contractor must accompany the Client on all audits and inspections and may
conduct his own audit/inspection at the same time. Each party will, however, take responsibility for the
results of his own audit/inspection results.


Measurement and payment items is described under Item B12.08.

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Regulation 4 of the Construction Regulations, 2014

1. (a) Name and postal address of principal Contractor:


(b) Name and telephone number of principal Contractor’s contact person:


2. Principal Contractor’s compensation registration number:


3. (a) Name and postal address of Client:


(b) Name and telephone number of Client’s contact person or agent:


4. (a) Name and postal address of designer(s) for the project:


(b) Name and telephone number of designer’s contact person:


5. Name and telephone number of principal Contractor’s construction Manager on site

appointed in terms of regulations 8 (1):

6. Name/s of principal Contractor’s assistant Manager on site appointed in terms of regulation

8 (2):


7. Exact physical address of the contruction site or site office:


8. Nature of the construction work:


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9. Expected commencement date: ..............................................................................................

10. Expected completion date: ......................................................................................................

11. Estimated maximum number of persons on the construction site:


12. Planned number of Contractors on the construction site accountable to principal


13. Name(s) of Contractors already selected:


................................................................. ..............................................
Principal Contractor Date

................................................................. ..............................................
Client’s Agent (where applicable)

Client Date



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Notification to Provincial Director – Annexure 2 Available on
1. 4(1) Contractor
Copy of Principal Contractor’s Health & Safety Plan
2. 5(1) m Client (Consultant)
Available on request
Copy of Principal Contractor’s Health & Safety Plan
3. 7(c)(vi) As well as each Contractor’s Health & Safety Plan Principal Contractor
Available on request
Health & Safety File opened and kept on site (including all
4. 7(1)(b) documentation-required i.t.o. OHSA & Regulations Contractor
Available on request
Consolidated Health & Safety File handed to Client on
completion of Construction work.
5. 7(1)(e) To include all documentation required i.t.o. OHSA & Contractor
Regulations and records of all drawings, designs, materials
used and similar information on the structure.
Comprehensive and Updated List of all Contractors on site,
the agreements between the parties and the work being
6. 7(1)(f) Contractor
Included in Health & Safety file and available on request
Keep record on the Health & safety File of the input by
7. 7(7) Construction Safety Officer [CR (8.5)] at design stage or on Contractor
the Health & Safety Plan
Risk Assessment
8. 9(1) Contractor
Available on site for inspection
Every Employee on
9. 9(3) Proof of Health & Safety Induction Training
Construction Manager [CR 8 (1)] has latest updated version
10. 10(3) Contractor
of Fall Protection Plan [CR 10 (1)]
Inform Contractor in writing of dangers and hazards relating
11. 6(1)(d) Designer of Structure
to construction work
All drawings pertaining to the design of structure
12. 11(c) Contractor
On site available for inspection
Record of inspection of the structure [First 2 years – once
13. 11(2)(a) Owner of Structure
every 6 months, thereafter yearly]
Maintenance records – safety of structure
14. 11(2)(d) Owner of Structure
Available on request
Drawings pertaining to the design of temporary structure
15. 12(1)(c) Contractor
Kept on site, available on request

Record of excavation inspection

16. 13(2)(i) Contractor
On site available on request
Suspended Platform inspection and performance test
17. 17(11) records Contractor
Kept on site available on request
Material Hoist daily inspection entered and signed in record
18. 19(8)(c) Contractor
book kept on the premises
Maintenance records for Material Hoist
19. 19(8)(d) Contractor
Available on site

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Records of Batch Plant maintenance and repairs
20. 20(8) Contractor
On site available for inspection
21. 21(2)(g)(ii) Issuing and collection of cartridges and nails or studs Contractor
(Explosive Powered Tools) recorded in register – recipient
signed for receipt as well as return
22. 23(1)(k) Findings of daily inspections (prior to use) of Construction Contractor
Vehicles and Mobile Plant
23 Copies of all appointments made in regard to safety
supervisors and inspectors

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Notice of carrying out Department of Labour notified
Construction work Copy of Notice available on Site
Copy of OH&S Act (Act Updated copy of Act & Regulations on site
85 of 1993) Readily available for perusal by employees
Registration with Written proof of registration / Letter of good standing
Compens. Insurer available on Site
1.1.1 OH&S OH&S Specification received from Client
Specification OH&S plan developed
& Plan Updated regularly
1.1.2 Hazard Hazard Identification carried out/Recorded
Identification Risk Assessment and Plan drawn up/Updated
& Risk Risk Assessment Plan available on Site
Assessment Employees/Subcontractors informed/trained
Assigned duties Responsibility of complying with the OH&S Act assigned to
(Managers) other person/s by CEO.
Designation of Person Competent person appointed in writing as
Responsible on Site Construction Supervisor
Designation of Competent person appointed in writing as
Subordinate Person Sub-ordinate Construction Supervisor
Designation of More than 20 employees - one OH&S Representative, one
Occupational Health & additional OH&S Rep. for each 50 employees or part thereof.
Safety Representatives Designation in writing, period and area of responsibility
Meaningful OH&S Rep. reports.
Reports actioned by Management.
Occupational Health & OH&S Committee/s established.
Safety Committee/s Members appointed in writing.
Meetings held monthly.
Minutes kept.
Actioned by Management.
Agreement with Written agreement with Subcontractors.
Mandataries List of Subcontractors displayed.
Proof of Registration with Compensation Insurer/Letter of
Good Standing
Construction Work Supervisor designated
Written arrangements concerning
OH&S Reps & OH&S Committee
Written arrangements regarding First Aid

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Fall Prevention & Competent person appointed to draw up and supervise the
Protection Fall Protection Plan
Proof of appointees competence available on Site
Risk Assessment carried out for work at heights
Fall Protection Plan drawn up/updated
Available on Site
1.1.3 Excavations Competent person/s appointed in writing to supervise and
inspect excavation work
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee/s available
on Site
Risk Assessment carried out
- before every shift
- after any blasting
- after an unexpected fall of ground
- after any substantial damage to the shoring
- after rain. Inspections register kept
Method statement developed where explosives will be/ are
1.1.4 Demolition Competent person/s appointed in writing to supervise and
Work control Demolition work
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee/s available
on Site
Risk Assessment carried out
Engineering survey and Method Statement available on Site
Inspections to prevent premature collapse carried out by
competent person before each shift. Inspection register kept
1.1.5 Materials Competent person appointed in writing to inspect the
Hoist Material Hoist
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
on Site.
Materials Hoist to be inspected weekly by a competent
person. Inspections register kept.
1.1.6 Caissons & Competent person appointed in writing to supervise, control
Coffer dams & inspect the construction, installation/dismantling of
caissons/coffer dams
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
on Site
Risk Assessment carried out To be inspected daily by a
competent person. Inspections register kept
1.1.7 Explosive Competent person appointed to control the issue of the
Powered Explosive Powered Tools & cartridges and the service,
Tools maintenance and cleaning. Register kept of above
Empty cartridge cases/nails/fixing bolts returns recorded
Cleaned daily after use
1.1.8 Batch Plants Competent person appointed to control the operation of the
Batch Plant and the service, maintenance and cleaning.
Register kept of above
Risk Assessment carried out
Batch Plant to be inspected weekly by a competent person.
Inspections register kept
1.1.9 Tunnelling Complying with Mines Health & Safety Act (29 of 1996)
Risk Assessment carried out

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1.1.10 Cranes & Competent person appointed in writing to inspect Cranes,
Lifting Lifting Machines & Equipment
Machines Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
Equipment on Site.
Cranes & Lifting tackle identified/numbered
Register kept for Lifting Tackle
Log Book kept for each individual Crane
- All cranes - daily by operator
-Tower Crane/s - after erection/6monthly
- Other cranes - annually by comp. person
- Lifting tackle(slings/ropes/chain slings
etc.) - 3 monthly
Risk Assessment carried out
1.1.11 Water Competent person appointed in writing to supervise diving
Environments operations and ensure maintenance, statutory inspection and
testing by an Approved Inspection Authority of equipment
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
on Site
Proof of registration of all divers present on site available
Risk Assessment carried out
Diving Manual produced. Available on Site
Record of Voice Communications kept
Diving Operations record kept
Each Diver keeps a personal logbook. Entries countersigned
by the Diving Supervisor
Decompression tables available on Site
Records of any Decompression illness kept
Certificate of Manufacture of any Compression Chamber or
Diving Bell in use available on Site
Designation of Stacking Competent Person/s with specific knowledge and experience
& Storage Supervisor. designated to supervise all Stacking & Storage
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
on Site
1.1.12 Designation of Person/s with specific knowledge and experience designated
a Person to to co-ordinate emergency contingency planning and
Co-ordinate execution and fire prevention measures
Emergency Emergency Evacuation Plan developed:
Planning Drilled/Practiced
1.1.13 And Fire Plan & Records of Drills/Practices available on Site
Protection Fire Risk Assessment carried out
All Fire Extinguishing Equipment identified and on register.
Inspected weekly. Inspection Register kept
Serviced annually
First Aid Every workplace provided with sufficient number of First Aid
boxes. (Required where 5 persons or more are employed)
First Aid freely available
Equipment as per the list in the OH&S Act.
One qualified First Aider appointed for every 50 employees.
(Required where more than 10 persons are employed)
List of First Aiders and Certificates
Name of person/s in charge of First Aid box/es displayed.
Location of F/Aid box/es clearly indicated.
Signs instructing employees to report all
Injuries/illness including first aid injuries

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PSE Risk Assessment carried out
Items of PSE prescribed/use enforced
Records of Issue kept
Undertaking by Employee to use/wear PSE
*Control of Storage & Competent Person/s with specific knowledge and experience
Usage of HCS designated to Control the Storage & Usage of HCS
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
on Site
Risk Assessment carried out
Register of HCS kept/used on Site
Vessels under Pressure Competent Person/s with specific knowledge and experience
(VUP) designated to supervise the use, storage, maintenance,
statutory inspections & testing of VUP’s
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
on Site
Risk Assessment carried out
Certificates of Manufacture available on Site
Register of VUP’s on Site
Inspections & Testing by Approved Inspection Authority
after installation/re-erection or repairs
every 36 months.
Register/Log kept of inspections, tests. Modifications & repair
Construction Vehicles & Operators/Drivers appointed to:
Earth Moving Carry out a daily inspection prior to use
Equipment Drive the vehicle/plant that he/she is competent to
Written Proof of Competence of above appointee available
on Site
Record of Daily inspections kept
1.1.14 Ramps Competent person appointed in writing to Supervise the
erection & inspection of Ramps. Inspection register kept.

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(The list given is not inclusive and other hazardous tasks may be identified as the construction


ACCOMMODATION OF TRAFFIC Clashes between Airport Fire and Safety traffic

and construction work

Dust (from jet blast)

Traffic speed

Provision of safety equipment

Working next to air traffic (noise and jet blast)

Erection of signage and barricades

EARTHMOVING AND LAYERWORKS Use of tip trucks and other transportation

Working at spoil site

EXCAVATING By manual labour

By excavating equipment e.g. Milling Machine

Excavating duct slots by electrical/pneumatic


ELECTRICAL Working with generators and lighting

Temporary installations

Dealing with services provided by others

FIRE Use and placement of fire extinguishers

Fire fighting

Gas Screed heaters

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Hand held gas burners

Notification of Fire & Safety

MISCELLANEOUS Site Establishment


General storage

Movement of equipment

Use of personal transport

SURFACING Asphalt batch plant

Use, storage and handling of bituminous products


Spraying by hand

Use of paving machines

Use of rollers

Use of heating apparatus

Use of nuclear gauge

WORKSHOPS Use of small electrical tools

Gas and Flame Cutting

Use of general workshop equipment

Tyre repair

Use of jacking and lifting apparatus


To be added to as required Diesel

Materials safety date sheets as required Lubricants

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Cement and cement bags

Road lime and lime bags

Flammable materials

Gas bottles



Night work Use of lighting plant and/ other electrical


To be added by the contractor at tender stage

Tender C3 - 87 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Annexure E
Risk Assessment
Low Med High
Risk Rating Multiplier: Low = 1; Medium = 2; High = 3 1 4 12
Baseline Raw Design Risk - Typical behaviour given the design / factors present 2 6 18
Residual Risk - The extra factors noted that must be in place to reduce the risk 3 8 27
Low Risk - Does not mean that the activity is safe, or that potential injuries and / or fatalities are eliminated
Key Risks will be assessed and reported on in the Site Specific H&S Specification
New tasks require assessment as the project progresses.
All method Statements, risk analyses and safe work procedures to be revised on an annual basis

GAR General Administration Regulations

GSR General Safety Regulations
SANS South African National Standards
SABS South African Bureau of Standards
NIHL Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Baseline Raw
GMR General Machinery Regulations Residual Risk
Design Risk
OHS Act Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations 85 of 1993
SWP Safe Work Procedures
MS Method Statements
HCS Hazardous Chemical Substances
PrDP Professional Driving Permit

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Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Likely Consequences of an Accident

Likely Consequences of an Accident

Risk Rating and Risk Category

Risk Rating and Risk Category

Frequency of Exposure

Frequency of Exposure
Probability of Harm

Probability of Harm
Yes / No
COLTO / Extra control measures
Describe the conditions and activities
LEGISLATION Design aspect present necessary to reduce risk /
associated with the task
REF Redesign


Competent supervision
and adequate pre-task
training will be required

All excavations open

longer than 1 shift are to
be demarcated with
1202 Yes PC will expose and protect services. 2 2 2 8 netting or similar, at least 2 2 1 4
1m from the edge of the
excavation. MS and SWP
are required for the
exposure of services, and
are to be approved by the
ER prior to commencing
the activity
The PC will be required to
submit with his pre-tender
Construction plant workshops
H&S plan the method
and camps to be established
The Contractor's camp will be located on statements, risk
1302 and maintained by the Yes 2 3 3 18 2 3 2 12
ACSA's Property (Land side) assessments and
contractor for the duration of
supporting documentation
the contract
to ensure overall activities
are managed.

Tender C3 - 89 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Monthly inspections by
Testing off site except for sampling,
Testing will be by commercial the H&S Agent, Checks
1402 Yes density testing and insitu tests on 3 3 2 18 3 2 2 12
laboratory on use of nuclear testing
The ECO to provide the
requirements relative to
sanitary requirements on
site. The PC will be
required to submit with his
Depends on the site chosen by the PC. H&S plan the method
May be septic tanks and or French statements, risk
drainage system. Temporary chemical assessments and other
toilets for use by workersLocal or supporting documentation
1404 Electricity, Water, Sanitation Yes imported water supply, ESKOM supply 2 3 2 12 to ensure start up 2 3 1 6
close to proposed campRiver water is to activities are adequately
be treated as contaminated, and workers managed. Please ensure
may well be exposed when working adequate servicing of
around bridges and culverts portable toilets in the very
hot months, as the
chemicals deteriorate
more rapidly.
Formaldehyde is not to be
used in the portable toilets
Construction drawings to
be provided, all
accommodation in line
The whole site will require traffic with SARTSM
accommodation Ch 13 Vol 2.
All deviations and Stop/Go controls to be Method statements and
1502(a) Traffic Safety Yes 3 3 3 27 3 3 2 18
conspicuously sign posted risk assessments to reflect
There will be public and construction management of same.
traffic on the road during construction Dedicated Traffic Safety
Officer is to be employed
to control these

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Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Construction drawings to
be provided, all traffic
accommodation in line
Are there specific concerns Access to airside restricted, permit holders with ACSA requirements.
1502(e)(h) No 3 3 3 27 3 3 2 18
regarding public access? only Method statements and
risk assessments to reflect
management of same.
Adequate competent
Traffic Safety Officer (TSO) will A team with at least 1 TSO to manage the TSO's to be appointed.
1502(i) Yes 3 3 3 27 3 3 2 18
be appointed? traffic safety on site TSO shall not be H&S
Traffic safety teams to
maintain 24 hours
Construction will be under standby. Method
1503(a) No Work on runways will be done at night 3 3 3 27 3 3 2 18
traffic? statements in regard to
night work required. TSO
and CHSO to be on call

Dust suppression to be carried out in all Water tankers to spray

1511 Dust from vehicles on the road Yes areas and where employees are working 3 3 3 27 roads as and when 3 3 2 18
and to improve driving visibility required

Permission from the

engineer for the disposal
All Material to be stock piled for further
1700 Clearing and Grubbing Yes 3 3 3 27 of materials 3 2 2 12
use. Conservation of top soil
Method Statements and
Trenches kept to a
depth/ Excavations
Open earth drains, extension to culverts, checked on a
2100 Drains Yes 2 2 2 8 2 2 1 4
demolition of existing structures daily basis by competent
person Method
Statements, Risk
Assessments, PPE

Tender C3 - 91 C3.7
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Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Trenches kept to a
depth/ Excavations
Excavation, placing of stone and subsoil checked on a
2100 Sub soil drains Yes 3 2 2 12 3 2 1 6
piping, back filling daily basis by competent
person Method
Statements, Risk
Assessments, PPE
Prefabricated culverts are
to be to design
2200 Prefabricated culverts Yes Where insitu casting is not preferred 2 2 2 8 PPE, moving of castings 2 2 1 4
with lifting equipment,
Method Statement and
Risk Assessment
Trenches kept to a
Concrete kerbing, concrete depth/ Excavations
channeling, chutes and down Pre-cast kerbs, insitu concrete pavement checked on a
2300 Yes 2 2 2 8 2 2 1 4
pipes and concrete linings for construction in rural areas daily basis by competent
open drains person
Method Statements and
Permission from the
engineer for the disposal
Stock piling will take place at the different of materialsAll stock pile
3200 Stock piling Yes 3 3 2 18 3 3 1 9
sites as required areas are to be fenced and
are to complywith the
relevant safety regulations
Dust management,
Material will be hauled on the entire suppression, daily registers
Haulage of material in
3300 Yes project from a commercial source and 3 3 2 18 and competent operators 3 3 1 9
tipper trucks
borrow pits Method statements and
SWP required
Alternative safe pedestrian
passage is required where
Tipping, spreading and compaction use of pavements are under
3400 Wearing course Yes 3 2 2 12 3 2 1 6
heavy machinery construction
Method statements and
SWP required
Tender C3 - 92 C3.7
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Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Medical surveillance, liver
function testing, increased
changes in PPE to ensure
visibility and limit
saturation of chemicals.
First aid treatment for
burns, level 3 first aiders,
3800 Milling out of existing asphalt yes Use of milling machine, tipper trucks 3 3 3 27 increased arrangements 3 2 2 12
for emergencies. Storage
areas to be controlled for
temporary storage, dust
suppression during mixing
of materials and sawing.
Noise levels to be checked
Competent staff to operate
Medical surveillance, liver
function testing, increased
changes in PPE to ensure
visibility and limit
saturation of chemicals.
First aid treatment for
burns, level 3 first aiders,
Use of saw, minor excavation, placing and increased arrangements
3900 Patching and edge break repair yes 3 3 3 27 3 2 2 12
compaction of hot asphalt for emergencies. Storage
areas to be controlled for
temporary storage, dust
suppression during mixing
of materials and sawing.
Noise levels to be checked.
Competent staff to operate
milling machine

Tender C3 - 93 C3.7
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Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Medical surveillance, liver
function testing, increased
changes in PPE to ensure
visibility and limit
saturation of chemicals.
First aid treatment for
Provision of MSDSs, bunded areas for storage on
Placing of asphalt paving, burns, level 3 first aiders,
4200 Yes site, first aid cover, firefighting equipment, 3 3 3 27 3 3 2 18
including prime and tack coats regular disposal from site increased arrangements
for emergencies. Storage
areas to be controlled for
temporary storage, dust
suppression during mixing
of materials. Provisions for
possible night work
Competent contractor
should be employed for
this task
Inspections of equipment
Manual labour on roadway while open to
and inspector of
5600/5700 Road signs & markings Yes 3 3 3 27 equipment to be 3 3 2 18
Use of crane truck -
Use of ladders
Load test of equipment
Approved traffic control
and daily plans
Method Statements, SWP
Transportation of material to site
6100 Foundations Yes 3 3 3 27 Operators to be 3 3 2 18
Excavations, Structures and culverts
All formwork to be
inspected and
Manual construction of formwork Shutter
6200 Formwork Yes 2 3 2 12 certifiedMethod 2 3 2 12
oilManual labour
Statements, SWP, Training
and MSDSs
Training, Method
statements, medical
6300 Steel reinforcement Yes Steel fixing 3 3 3 27 3 3 2 18
surveillance and working
at height

Tender C3 - 94 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Mixing and Transportation
is to be conducted with
compliance to all safety
Concrete Yes In extension to storm water structures 3 3 3 27 and road regulations 3 3 2 18
All operators to be
competent in their specific
SWP and Method
statements are to
be submitted before
Demolitions Yes Demolish existing structures 3 3 3 27 demolition is started 3 3 1 9
Competent personnel,
PPE, Correct disposal of
Method Statements, SWP,
7100 Repair of Concrete Pavements Yes Clean joints and reseal, use of joint sealer 3 3 3 27 PPE, Specialized personnel. 3 3 1 9
SDS for sealer

All labour to have a
medical. SMME's to
Local labour as well as SMME's will be
Employment of labour Yes 3 3 3 27 produce H&S Plans before 2 3 2 12
commencement of work
on site
Risk Assessments, medical surveillance PC is to ensure compliance
All materials will be considered
Silica regs Yes and chest x-rays for all workers and 3 3 3 27 and medical surveillance is 3 3 2 18
containing Silica
operators adequately managed
All operators to have a
valid licence,PrDP (P.G.D.)
Certificate of competence
and a valid medical
certificate issued by an
Transportation of persons and Vehicles including LDVs and Tippers will be
Yes 3 3 3 27 Occupational Health 3 3 2 18
material used on entire project
Vehicles to have amber
flashing lights, reverse
warning hooters and daily
check checks

Tender C3 - 95 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
Medicals are required for
persons using HCS
Medical certificate issued
HCS Regs Hazardous Chemicals Yes HCS's will be used during the project 3 3 3 27 by an Occupational Health 3 3 2 18
Method statements and
SWP are to be in place
All lifting equipment is to
Lifting equipment will be used on the be on a register
Lifting Equipment Yes 3 3 3 27 2 3 1 6
project All equipment to be tested
according to DMR 18
All firefighting equipment
Firefighting equipment will be to be recorded
Fire Fighting Equipment Yes 2 3 2 12 3 3 1 9
used on site and tested according to
SANS 1475
All first aid equipment to
be recorded
and checked according to
First Aid equipment will be Injuries resulting from the
First Aid Equipment Yes 3 3 3 27 3 3 1 9
present on site type of operations are to
be taken into
consideration for the
provision of first aid
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Flammable materials 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 3 2 2 12
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Petrol 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 3 2 2 12
PPE, Method Statement,
Hazardous Chemicals Yes Diesel 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 3 2 2 12
PPE, Method Statement,
Training, Medicals and
Yes Lubricants 3 3 3 27 3 2 2 12

Tender C3 - 96 C3.7
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Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Gas cylinders 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 3 2 2 12
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Asphalt 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 3 2 2 12
PPE, Method Statement,
Training, Medicals and
Yes Cement & cement bags 2 3 2 12 2 3 1 6
Induction and rotation of
PPE, Method Statement,
Training, Medicals and
Yes Road lime & lime bags 2 3 2 12 2 3 1 6
Induction and rotation of
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Silica 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 3 2 2 12
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Road marking paints 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 3 2 2 12

Yes Primers Medicals, PPE, first aid

3 3 3 27 equipment and limit 3 3 2 18
workers in work area
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Portable toilets 2 3 3 18 Training, Medicals and 2 2 2 8
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Bitumen 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 2 3 2 12
PPE, Method Statement,
35% and 65% Spray grade emulsions and
Yes 2 3 3 18 Training, Medicals and 2 3 2 12
65% cationic stable grade emulsions
PPE, Method Statement,
Yes Epoxies and Resins 3 3 3 27 Training, Medicals and 2 3 2 12

Tender C3 - 97 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of works Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Occupational Health and Safety Specification


It is a requirement of the Airports Company South Africa (ACSA)- that all construction works within ACSA airports
(CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL Airport) be undertaken in accordance with the ACSA Environmental




1. Purpose of the Environmental Specifications

2. Implementation of the Environmental Specifications
3. Structure of the Environmental Specifications


EP1 Introduction
EP2 Organisational Requirements
EP3 Method Statements
EP4 General Site Procedures
EP5 Site Clearance
EP6 Site Rehabilitation
EP7 Management and Monitoring
EP8 Measurement and Payment


ACSA Airports Company South Africa

AEC Airport Environmental Committee
EO Environmental Officer
ES Environmental Specification
EMS Environmental Management System for ACSA
ESA Environmentally Sensitive Areas
SABS South African Bureau of Standards
SAHRA South African Heritage Resource Agency
SSSI Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Tender C3 - 98 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Environmental Work Instructions


The purpose of the Environmental Specifications (ES) is to translate the recommendations of the Environmental
Management System (EMS) into a contractual environmental specification for application during construction
The Environmental Specifications will be applicable to all construction activities that occur on ACSA owned and/or
managed airports. Construction activities include construction of buildings, infrastructure as well as developer /
tenant property at the airport.


The Environmental Specifications is intended for dissemination by ACSA to the “Employer”, who is the party for
whom the construction works are to be executed (hereafter referred to as the Employer). The Employer may
therefore be ACSA (the relevant Departmental Manager responsible for construction activities), a tenant or a
developer with a land lease or another party responsible for developing a site or sites at the airport.

The Employer shall ensure that the Environmental Specification is included in the Tender Document(s) issued to
the prospective Contractor and is also responsible for appointing/designating, in writing, a Responsible Person
for the construction works.

The Responsible Person would manage the requirements outlined in the Environmental Specifications on behalf
of the Employer. The Contractors shall incorporate the requirements of the ES in their tender submissions to the
Employer and are responsible for implementing the ES on a daily basis.

The Environmental Officer (EO) will be responsible for updating the ES as required, auditing the implementation
of the ES for each construction project and for maintaining the document control and record systems associated
with it.

The Environmental Specifications report has been structured to be incorporated into a standard engineering
tender document as the Environmental Particular Specification.

A ‘Particular Specification’ is the terminology used for a specification that covers activities that are not adequately
covered in the standardised SABS 1200 series specifications for engineering contracts, or where the specification
is sufficiently detailed to make it inappropriate for inclusion as a variation or addition to a standardised

The Environmental Specification is a generic document applicable to construction projects at all ACSA airports.
The majority of the specifications within the ES will apply to all construction work, although it is anticipated that
variations to this specification may need to be included for some specific developments. Variations would be made
by the Environmental Officer, prior to the issue of the ES to the Employer.

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Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Environmental Work Instructions

Index to Environmental Particular (EP) Specifications

Clause Description



EP2.1 Organisational overview and structure
EP2.2 Roles and responsibilities



EP4.1 Demarcation of Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)
EP4.2 Location of camp and depot
EP4.3 Demarcation of the site
EP4.4 Ablution Facilities
EP4.5 Domestic waste water
EP4.6 Refuse
EP4.7 Protection of the fauna and flora
EP4.8 Defacement of natural features
EP4.9 Protection of archaeological and paleontological sites
EP4.10 Effluent and storm-water management
EP4.11 Dust control
EP4.12 Noise control
EP4.13 Materials use, handling, storage and transport
EP4.14 Emergency procedures
EP4.15 Social issues


EP5.1 Removal of top soil
EP5.2 Stabilisation of steep slopes
EP5.3 Removal of alien vegetation


EP6.1 Scope
EP6.2 Landscaping and preparation for re-vegetation


EP7.1 Monitoring and reporting
EP7.2 Environmental awareness training
EP7.3 Non-conformance and corrective actions
EP7.4 Documentation
EP7.5 Incentives and penalties
EP7.6 External audit


Tender C3 - 100 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Environmental Work Instructions

The ES has been prepared and is to be implemented as part of the Environmental Management Systems for

The ES provides specifications that the Contractor shall adhere to, in order to minimise adverse environmental
impacts and optimise opportunities associated with construction activities.

The ES is provided to the Contractor at the tender stage so that the costs of implementing the ES are included
into the contract cost and so that the Contractor is aware of his environmental responsibilities before commencing

The aim of this ES is to ensure that environmental management of site activities is integrated into the other
management systems implemented by the Contractor (e.g. quality management, health and safety). For this
reason, the ES includes a requirement for the Contractor(s) to develop their own system (i.e. roles, responsibilities
and timing) for ensuring that the requirements of the ES are met, and that the Contractor checks, by means of an
internal audit, that this system is operating effectively.


EP2.1 Organisational Structure

This section outlines the required management structure for the administration of the ES, with particular emphasis
on the roles and responsibilities of key individuals.

The organisational structure for the implementation of the ES is presented in Figure 1 and should be viewed in
conjunction with the roles and responsibilities below.

EP2.2 Roles and responsibilities

EP2.2.1 Airports Company South Africa

Airports Company South Africa is ultimately responsible for ensuring effective environmental management at the
airport in terms of the scope of the Environmental Management Systems.

EP2.2.2 Environmental Officer (EO)

The Environmental Officer has been appointed by ACSA, and is responsible for monitoring the implementation of
the requirements of the Environmental Specification by the relevant parties as specified.

The Environmental Officer shall:

• Review and approve in writing valid method statements;

• Inspect the Contractor’s site to check compliance with method statements and the requirements of the ES
(at least weekly and more frequently if thought to be warranted by the EO) and maintain inspection reports
on file;
• Meet with the Responsible Person for the developer or tenant, whereby the Responsible Person reports on
the implementation of the ES (at least monthly) and keep a record of minutes of the above meetings;
• Provide material / manuals and assistance to the Responsible Person for the initial environmental training
sessions; and
• Report in writing any problems related to conformance with the ES which cannot be resolved in co-operation
with the relevant Responsible Person to ACSA Managers or the relevant developer / tenant.

EP2.2.3 Employer

The Employer shall:

• Include the ES, with any revisions, in any tender document related to construction activities on site;
Tender C3 - 101 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Environmental Work Instructions
• Designate in writing a Responsible Person for the proper implementation of the ES; and
• Send a copy of the letter of appointment of the Responsible Person to the EO.

EP2.2.4 Responsible Person

The Responsible Person for each building site or infrastructure installation shall:

• Develop a system to ensure that the ES is effectively implemented;

• Audit this system so that he/she can demonstrate to the EO that the ES is being effectively implemented;
• Ensure that Contractors staff, sub-contractors, suppliers etc. receive appropriate environmental awareness
training prior to commencement of work on the project and maintain records of training. It is anticipated,
though not a requirement, that the Responsible Person will deliver training sessions;
• Ensure that responsible persons for sub-contractors are designated to carry out the requirements of the
Environmental Specifications
• Submit method statements to the Environmental Officer for approval as specified in the Environmental
Specifications and maintain approved method statements on file; and
• Have sufficient authority to issue site instructions to the Contractors staff on their site. It is probable, though
not a requirement, that the Responsible Person will be the Engineers Representative.

Figure 1: Organisational structure showing lines of responsibility and communication during the construction
phase at the airport.


ACSA User Client Environmental




Tender C3 - 102 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Environmental Work Instructions

The Contractor shall submit a written method statement to the Responsible Person for approval, covering those
activities which are identified (in this document and/or by the Environmental Officer), as being potentially harmful
to the environment.

Method statements indicate how compliance with the Environmental Particular Specification will be achieved.

The method statement shall state clearly:

• timing of activities;
• materials to be used;
• equipment and staffing requirements;
• the proposed construction procedure designed to implement the relevant environmental specifications;
• the system to be implemented to ensure compliance with the above; and
• other information deemed necessary by the Environmental Officer and Responsible Person.

The method statement shall be submitted at least five working days prior to expected commencement of work on
an activity, to allow the Responsible Person time to study and approve the method statement. The contractor shall
ensure ACSA that the activity is conducted according to the method statement which will be approved in writing
by the ACSA successful tenderer (and also signed by the ACSA Environmental Officer), which shall be done
within five working days of receipt.

Due to changing circumstances, it may be necessary to modify method statements. In such cases, the proposed
modifications must be indicated and agreed upon in writing between the Environmental Officer and Responsible
Person. The EO and Responsible Person must retain records of any amendments and ensure that the most
current version of any method statement is being used.


EP4.1 Demarcation of Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Before construction commences there needs to be confirmation by ACSA’s Environmental Officer that the
vegetation in the area to be impacted by construction activities is not identified as an Environmentally Sensitive
Area (ESA). However, should Environmental Sensitive Areas be identified during the construction period the
following actions would have to be taken to minimize adverse impacts:

• Environmentally Sensitive Areas, shall not be entered or used for any purpose unless a written motivation has
been submitted to the EO by the Responsible Person, and written approval has been obtained from the EO;
• The Contractor shall exercise special care when working close to the ESA’s in order to avoid damage or
physical disturbance of these areas. The EO may instruct the Responsible Person to restrict the number of
construction personnel and equipment operating near Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA’s);
• Damage caused to ESAs by the Contractor shall be cause for the Contractor to make good any damaged
areas to the written satisfaction of the EO;
• The Contractor shall note the proximity to the site of any designated ESAs. The Contractor shall fence any
ESAs located within 20-m of the site boundary. The fencing shall extend along the boundary of the ESA for
sufficient distance to ensure that the location of the ESA is obvious from the Contractor’s site and from the
approach to the Contractor’s Site; and
• The Contractor shall make provision for the demarcation of ESAs with fencing to the following specifications:

Posts shall be wooden droppers or steel standards where the ground is too hard for wooden droppers to be driven
• The posts shall be long enough and spaced closely enough to support a strand of 12-gauge wire at 750- mm
above the ground level; and
• The top 300-mm of the posts shall be painted white for easy visibility.

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Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Environmental Work Instructions
EP4.2 Location of camp and depot

The Contractor’s Camp and Materials Storage Area shall be located at a position approved by the Responsible
Person. No site staff other than security personnel shall be housed on site.

The Contractor shall provide water and/or washing facilities at the Contractor’s Camp for personnel.

The Contractor’s Camp and Materials Storage Area shall be kept neat and tidy and free of litter.

EP4.3 Demarcation of the site

It is important that activities are conducted within a limited area to facilitate control and to minimise the impact on
the existing natural environment, existing tenants and other construction activities in the vicinity and public

The Contractor shall demarcate the boundaries of the site in order to restrict his construction activities to the site.
The method of demarcation and the location of the demarcated area shall be determined by the Contractor and
approved by the Responsible Person before any work being undertaken. The Contractor shall ensure that all
plant, labour and materials remain within the boundaries of the site. Failure to do so may result in the Contractor
being required to fence the boundaries of the site at his/her own expense to the satisfaction of the Responsible

If additional areas (e.g. for lay down, rest areas) are required, these must be approved in writing by the
Responsible Person. The Contractor is advised that it may take approximately one week to obtain such permission
from the Responsible Person.

Suitable temporary fencing may need to be erected during construction to minimise the risk of injury to the public,
and animals.

EP4.4 Ablution Facilities

The Contractor shall provide the necessary ablution facilities for all his personnel.

Toilets with chemical disinfectants shall be provided, with a minimum of one toilet per 15-persons. Toilets shall be
easily accessible and shall be transportable. The toilets shall be secured to prevent them from blowing over, and
shall be provided with an external closing mechanism to prevent toilet paper from being blown out. Toilet paper
dispensers shall be provided in all toilets. Toilets shall be cleaned and serviced regularly by a reputable toilet
servicing company. Toilets shall be emptied before long weekends and builders’ holidays.

The Contractor shall ensure that chemicals and/or waste from toilet cleaning operations are not spilled on the
ground at any time. Should there be repeated spillage of chemicals and/or waste (i.e. more than three incidents),
the EO shall require the Contractor to place the toilets on a solid base with a sump at his own expense.
Accumulations of chemicals and waste will have to be removed from the site and disposed at an approved waste
disposal site or sewage plant.

Abluting anywhere other than in the toilets shall not be permitted. Repeated use of open areas, rivers or other
areas for ablution purposes (i.e. more than three incidents) may result in the guilty party being given a spot fine.
The Contractor shall also be responsible for cleaning up any waste deposited by his personnel.

EP4.5 Domestic waste water

Waste-water from any other ablution or kitchen facilities on site shall be discharged into a suitable conservancy
tank. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the system continues to operate effectively throughout
the project and that the conservancy tank is emptied as required during the project. The Contractor shall employ
a suitable qualified sub-contractor or the local authority to empty the conservancy tank.

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EP4.6 Refuse

Refuse refers to all solid waste, including construction debris (e.g. wrapping materials, timber, cans etc.) waste
and surplus food, food packaging etc.

The Contractor shall institute an on-site waste management system that is acceptable to the Responsible Person
in order to prevent the spread of refuse within and beyond the site. The Contractor is reminded that wind velocities
on the construction site can be extremely high.

All waste shall be collected and contained immediately. The Contractor shall institute a weekly clean-up of the
site if so instructed by the Responsible Person. This daily/weekly clean up shall be for the Contractor’s account.

The Contractor shall not dispose of any waste and/or construction debris by burning or burying. The use of waste
bins and skips is recommended. The bins shall be provided with lids and an external closing mechanism to prevent
their contents from blowing out. The Contractor shall ensure that all waste is deposited by his employees in the
waste bins for removal by the Contractor. Bins shall not be used for any purposes other than waste collection and
shall be emptied on a regular basis. All waste shall be disposed of off site at approved landfill sites.

Waste generated at the construction camps shall be separated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste, and
shall be separated as follows:

• Hazardous waste (including used oil, diesel, petrol tins, paint, bitumen, etc.);
• Recyclable waste (paper, tins, glass);
• General waste; and
• Reusable construction material

Recyclable waste shall be deposited in separate skips/bins and removed off site for recycling. The Contractor
may wish to enter into an agreement with the surrounding communities and/or his staff with regard to the collection
and sale of recyclable and reusable materials.

Hazardous waste, including waste oil and other chemicals (e.g. paints, solvents) shall be stored in (an) enclosed
area(s), and shall be clearly marked. If deemed necessary by the Responsible Person, the Contractor shall obtain
the advice of a specialist waste expert concerning the storage of hazardous waste. Such waste shall be disposed
of off site by a specialist waste contractor, at a permitted hazardous waste disposal site.

The EO shall be consulted about, and agree to, the method of storage and disposal of hazardous waste.

The Contractor is advised that spot fines for littering have been included in this document. Offenders found littering
will be liable for a spot fine.

EP4.7 Protection of fauna and flora

All fauna within and around the site shall be protected. Birds and animals shall not be caught or killed by any
means, including poisoning, trapping, shooting or setting of snares. Offenders may be prosecuted in terms of the
Animals Protection Act 71 of 1962.

EP4.8 Defacement of natural features

Defacement of any features outside of the construction site shall not occur without the prior written permission of
the Responsible Person. Any features defaced by the Contractor shall be restored to the satisfaction of the
Responsible Person.

EP4.9 Protection of archaeological and palaeontological Sites

If any possible palaeontological /archaeological material is found during excavations, the Contractor shall stop
work immediately and inform the Responsible Person. The Responsible person will inform the South African
Heritage Resource Agency (SAHRA) and arrange for a palaeontologist/archaeologist to inspect, and if necessary
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excavate, the material, subject to acquiring the requisite permits from the National Monuments Council. Costs
incurred will be for the Employer’s account.

EP4.10 Effluent and storm-water management

EP4.10.1 General

The Contractor must ensure that pollution of the ground or surface water does not occur as a result of site
activities. Pollution could result from the accidental release of contaminated run-off from construction camps,
discharge of contaminated construction water, chemicals, oils, fuels, sewage, run-off from stockpiles, solid waste,
litter, etc.

EP4.10.2 Run off from construction camps

The Contractor shall ensure that polluted run-off (excluding silt “pollution”), such as run-off from construction
camps where equipment is cleaned and/or serviced, fuel stores, workshops, etc. is not discharged overland. The
Contractor may direct it into the local sewerage main, with the written permission of the Responsible Person.
Alternatively, the Contractor shall erect an earth/brick berm 0,5 m high around such areas and shall collect all run-
off from these areas and store it in a conservancy tank for removal from the site. The Contractor shall ensure that
silt-laden water is not discharged directly into any surface watercourses (i.e. vleis, etc.), and shall take suitable
measures to prevent this.

Natural run-off shall be diverted away from any camps towards the storm-water drains where these are available.
Special care must be taken in areas susceptible to erosion, e.g. steep slopes. The Contractor shall ensure that
excessive quantities of sand, silt and silt-laden water do not enter the storm-water drain system, or any surface
watercourse. The Contractor shall take appropriate measures, e.g. the erection of silt traps, or drainage retention
areas, to prevent silt and sand entering drainage or watercourses. Any partial or complete blockage of the storm-
water drainage system shall be cleared by the Contractor at his / her own expense.

EP4.10.3 Discharge of construction water

Construction water refers to all water dirtied as a result of construction activities.

The Contractor may discharge silt laden water overland and allow this water to filter into the ground. However,
s/he shall ensure that he does not cause erosion as a result of any overland discharge.

The Contractor may discharge limited quantities (less than 50L) of cement-laden water overland, i.e. washings
from trowels, wheelbarrows and the like.

Water from washing large concrete-mixing equipment (mixers and the like) shall not be discharged overland. Such
water shall be collected in a conservancy tank, removed from the site and disposed of in the correct manner. The
Contractor may consider reusing such water for washing other concrete equipment to minimise the amount
required to be removed off site.

Trucks delivering concrete shall not wash the trucks or the chutes on the site. All washing operations shall take
place off site at a location where wastewater can be disposed of in the correct manner.

EP4.10.4 Servicing/fuelling of construction equipment

Servicing and fuelling should preferably occur off site.

However, if these activities occur on site, the Contractor shall ensure that all servicing of vehicles and equipment
takes place in designated areas agreed upon by the Responsible Person. All waste shall be collected and
disposed of off site at an appropriately licensed landfill site. All equipment that leaks onto the ground shall be
repaired immediately or removed.

Similarly, no vehicles or machines shall be refuelled on site except at designated refuelling locations, unless
otherwise agreed with the Responsible Person. The Contractor shall not change oil or lubricants anywhere on
site except at designated locations, except if there is a breakdown or an emergency repair. In such instances, the
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Contractor shall ensure that he has Drizit pads (or equivalent) and/or drip trays available to collect any oil, fluid,

EP4.10.5 Fuels and chemicals

The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the pollution of the ground and/or water resources
by fuels and chemicals as a result of his activities.

The Contractor shall keep the necessary materials and equipment on site to deal with ground spills of any of the
materials used or stored on site.

The Contractor shall ensure that no oil, petrol, diesel, etc. is discharged onto the ground. Pumps and other
machinery requiring oil, diesel, which is intended to remain in one position for longer than two days shall be placed
on drip trays. The drip trays shall be emptied regularly and the contaminated water disposed of off site at a facility
capable of handling such wastewater. Drip trays shall be cleaned before any possible rain events that may result
in the drip trays overflowing, and before long weekends and holidays.

The Contractor shall remove all oil-, petrol-, and diesel-soaked sand immediately and shall dispose of it as
hazardous waste.

Should the Responsible Person/ECO and/or the relevant authorities deem it necessary to institute a programme
for the removal of contaminated ground resulting from the non-compliance of the controls detailed above, these
costs will be for the Contractor's account. Remedial action shall be approved by the ECO and relevant authorities,
if appropriate.

EP4.11 Dust control

The Contractor shall be responsible for the continued control of dust arising from his/her operations, through
measures including, but not limited to, spraying of water on bare areas, rotovating straw bales into the soil surface
and the scheduling of dust-generating activities to times when wind velocity is low. Overhead sprayers shall not be
used in windy conditions, due to water loss through evaporation. The use of water carts is preferred.

The Contractor shall inform the Responsible Person 48 hours in advance of anticipated “unavoidable” dust-
generating activities. The Responsible Person and/or ECO may inform adjacent land users, tenants and
communities about the possibility of dust pollution, and the approximate duration of the problem.

EP4.12 Noise control

The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to minimise noise generated on site as a result of his
operations, especially when working in areas or on activities that may impact on neighbouring land users.

The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations with regard to noise.

The Contractor shall inform the Responsible Person 48-hours in advance of anticipated “unavoidable” noise-
generating activities. The Responsible Person and/or Environmental Officer may inform adjacent land users, tenants
and communities about the possibility of noise pollution and the approximate duration of the problem.

EP4.13 Materials use, handling, storage and transport

Procedure for material handling must be discussed with and approved by the Responsible Person prior to
commencement of this activity.

EP4.13.1 Use of cement/concrete

The Contractor is advised that cement and concrete are regarded as highly hazardous to the natural environment
on account of the very high pH of the material, and the chemicals contained therein. Therefore the Contractor shall
ensure that:

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• concrete is mixed on mortar boards, and not directly on the ground;
• visible remains of concrete, either solid, or from washings, are physically removed immediately and disposed of
as waste. Washing visible signs into the ground is not acceptable; and
• all aggregate is also removed.

EP4.13.2 Fuel storage and use

Tanks containing fuels shall have lids and shall remain firmly shut. Only clean, empty tanks may be stored on the
bare ground. Fuel stores shall be placed on a bunded sealed base - the bunds shall have a volume of 110% of the
volume of the largest tank in the storage area. Any waste-water or spilled fuel collected within the bund shall be
disposed of as hazardous waste.

The Contractor shall take all the necessary precautions to prevent fires or spills. No smoking shall be allowed in the
vicinity of the fuel stores. Failure to adhere to this specification shall be cause for a spot fine being imposed on the

The Contractor shall ensure that there is adequate fire-fighting equipment at the fuel stores.

EP4.13.3 Hazardous materials

The Contractor shall comply with all relevant national, regional and local legislation with regard to the transport, use
and disposal of hazardous materials. If necessary, the Contractor shall obtain the advice of the manufacturer with
regard to the safe handling of hazardous materials. Any claims against the Contractor shall be for his/her account.

The Contractor shall provide the Responsible Person with a list of hazardous substances on site, together with
storage procedures for these materials.

The Contractor shall ensure that there is an emergency procedure to deal with accidents and incidents (e.g. spills)
arising from hazardous substances. The Contractor shall report major incidents (spills in excess of 50 litres) to
the Responsible Person immediately.

The Contractor shall maintain a register of spills or incidents involving hazardous materials, as well as measures

The Contractor shall ensure that information on all hazardous substances is available to all personnel on site. The
Contractor shall furthermore be responsible for the training of all personnel on site who will be handling the material
about its proper use, handling and disposal.

EP4.13.4 Transport of materials outside the site

The Contractor shall comply with all the applicable local, regional and national by-laws with regard to road safety
and the transport of materials, especially hazardous and/or toxic materials. Any claims against the Contractor shall
be for his account.

The Responsible Person shall provide the Environmental Officer with a schedule of the proposed transportation of
significant quantities of hazardous material onto the site, before commencing work on site. The Environmental Officer
may request further details or notifications of specific material movements if considered necessary.

EP4.14 Emergency procedures

EP4.14.1 General

The Contractor shall ensure that emergency procedures are set up prior to commencing work. Emergency
procedures shall include, but are not limited to, fire, spills, contamination of the ground, accidents to employees, use
of hazardous substances, etc. Emergency procedures, including responsible personnel, contact details of
emergency services, etc. shall be made available to all the relevant personnel and shall be clearly demarcated at
the relevant locations around the site.

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The Responsible Person shall advise the EO of any emergencies on site, together with a record of action taken.

EP4.14.2 Fire

The Contractor shall take all the necessary precautions to ensure that fires are not started as a result of his/her
activities on site, and shall also comply with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993.

No open fires shall be permitted on or off site. Closed fires or stoves shall only be permitted at designated safe sites
in the construction camps. Fires shall also not be permitted near any potential sources of combustion, such as fuel
stores, stockpiles of plant material etc.

The Contractor is advised that sparks generated during welding, cutting of metal or gas cutting can cause fires.
Every possible precaution shall therefore be taken when working with this equipment near potential sources of
combustion. Such precautions include having an approved fire extinguisher immediately available at the site of any
such activities.

The Contractor shall be liable for any expenses incurred by any organisations called to assist with fighting fires, and
for any costs relating to the rehabilitation of burnt areas.

EP4.15 Social issues

EP4.15.1 Third party or public complaints

The Environmental Officer shall be responsible for responding to queries and/or complaints and may request
assistance from the Responsible Person in this regard.

The Environmental Officer shall notify the Responsible Person of any complaints lodged by a third party, and request
appropriate information and measures to address such complaints. The Environmental Officer shall be responsible
for maintaining a complaints register in which all complaints are recorded, as well as action taken. This register shall
be available to the Responsible Person and the Contractor on request.

EP4.15.2 Information sharing

The Responsible Person and/or the Contractor may need to make staff available for formal consultation with affected
parties for the purpose of explaining the construction process and answering queries if necessary.


EP5.1 Removal of topsoil

Following removal of vegetation from the site, all topsoil shall be removed (up to a maximum of 30-cm depth) and
stock-piled for re-use in subsequent rehabilitation and landscaping activities. The stockpiles shall not be higher
than 2-m in order to minimise composting. The stockpiles of topsoil shall be located in an area agreed with the
Responsible Person.

EP5.2 Stabilisation of steep slopes

The disturbance of steep slopes, for example by the removal of vegetation, may result in slope instability and
erosion by rain and surface run off. The Contractor shall ensure that slopes that are disturbed during construction
are stabilised to prevent erosion occurring. Where re-vegetation of slopes is undertaken, this shall be in
accordance with the specification provided in EP6.

Slopes that are susceptible to accidental damage during construction shall be protected to reduce the risk of

Any erosion that does occur must be reinstated at the Contractor’s cost.

EP5.3 Removal of alien vegetation

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The Contractor shall clear all alien vegetation from areas within the demarcated site that are to be landscaped or
which fall within open space or buffer zones (e.g. pipeline routes, road fringes).


EP6.1 Scope

The Contractor shall be responsible for rehabilitating any areas cleared or disturbed for construction purposes that
are to be incorporated into open space or buffer zones. The Contractor shall re-vegetate such areas in accordance
with the specification provided below.

The Contractor shall stabilise, by straw rot ovation or other means, any areas that are cleared or disturbed for
construction purposes which are not going to be incorporated into open space or buffer zones (i.e. areas that will be
subsequently developed by another party).

All construction equipment and excess aggregate, gravel, stone, concrete, bricks, temporary fencing and the like
shall be removed from the site upon completion of the work. No discarded materials of whatsoever nature shall be
buried on the site or on any other land not owned by ACSA.

EP6.2 Landscaping and preparation for re-vegetation

Areas that require reshaping shall be cut, filled and compacted so as to follow the contours of the surrounding
landscape. Topsoil removed from the area initially shall be replaced. Care must be taken not to mix the topsoil
with the subsoil during shaping operations. Should a crust form on the soil before re-vegetation is commenced,
the Contractor shall, at his own cost, loosen the crust by scarifying to a depth of 150-mm.


This section focuses on the systems and procedures required to ensure that the environmental specifications are
effectively implemented. The emphasis is on monitoring, training and penalties/incentives aimed at ensuring
compliance with this document. Suitable documentation and external checks are crucial to ensure compliance and
methods to achieve this are also presented in this section.

EP7.1 General Inspection, Monitoring and Reporting

The Responsible Person shall:

• Inspect the site on a daily basis to ensure that the environmental specifications are adhered to.

• Provide the Environmental Officer with a monthly written report, detailing both compliance with the Environmental
Specifications as well as general environmental performance.

• Maintain a record of major incidents (spills, impacts, complaints, legal transgressions etc) as well as corrective
and preventive actions taken, for submission to the Environmental Officer at scheduled monthly report back

• Conduct regular internal audits to ensure that the system for implementation of the ES is operating effectively.
The audit shall check that a procedure is in place to ensure that:

• the Method Statements and Environmental Specifications being used are the up-to-date versions;
▪ variations to the Environmental Specifications/Method Statements and non-compliances and
▪ corrective action are documented;
▪ appropriate environmental training of personnel is undertaken; and
▪ emergency procedures are in place and effectively communicated to personnel.

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▪ Provide the required information to the Environmental Officer during external audits conducted, as part of the
Environmental Management Systems auditing procedure. The information required will include the reports of
internal audits conducted by the Responsible Person.

EP7.2 Environmental awareness training

EP7.2.1 Environmental awareness training prior to commencing work

An initial environmental awareness training workshop shall be held prior to any work commencing at the airport. The
Responsible Person shall organise (deliver) the workshop and will record the names of those attending. It is
recommended that the Contractor allow one hour for this workshop. The workshop shall be attended by all site staff,
including sub-contractor’s staff.

The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that personnel commencing work on site after the start of the contract
(who therefore miss the initial workshop) are also made aware of the environmental procedures before commencing

The emphasis should be on any (potential) environmental impacts relating to the construction activities to be
undertaken on site and the related environmental precautions, which need to be taken to avoid or mitigate these
impacts. The contractual obligation to comply with the specifications in the Environmental Specifications must also
be emphasised (some training material will be specific to certain sites or tenders).

A general environmental awareness programme aimed at all employees of the Contractor, sub-contractors and
suppliers is available from the Environmental Officer.

EP7.2.2 Additional environmental awareness sessions

If there are persistent breaches of the specifications contained in the Environmental Specification and/or if new
environmental issues arise during the course of construction, the Environmental Officer may require additional
environmental training sessions. Attendance at these sessions will be determined by the EO, in consultation with
the Responsible Person. The Contractor shall make provision for one hour a month for attendance (of construction
staff) at these meetings.

EP7.3 Documentation

The Responsible Person shall ensure that all records of spills, pollution incidents, spot fines, training details etc.
are copied to the Environmental Officer for his/her records. All documents shall be open for inspection by the
Airport Environmental Committee (AEC).

The Environmental Officer shall ensure that a register of public complaints and action taken thereon, plus the relevant
documentation from the Contractors, is maintained.

EP7.4 Incentives and penalties

EP7.4.1 Incentives

The Environmental Officer may identify a Contractor that is best implementing this Environmental Specifications
and may make a (monthly) award to, or acknowledge, that Contractor.

EP7.4.2 Penalties

Spot fines shall be imposed by the Environmental Officer on Contractors who are found to be infringing these
specifications. The Contractor shall be advised in writing of the nature of the infringement and the amount of the spot
fine, and furthermore the Contractor shall determine how to recover the fine from the relevant employee and/or sub-
contractor. The Contractor shall also take the necessary steps (e.g. training) to prevent a recurrence of the
infringement and shall advise the Environmental Officer accordingly.

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The Contractor is also advised that the imposition of spot fines does not replace any legal proceedings by the
Council, authorities, land owners and/or members of the public may institute against the Contractor.

Spot fines shall be between R500 and R2000, depending upon the severity of the infringement. The decision on
how much to impose will be made by the Environmental Officer, and will be final. In addition to the spot fine, the
Contractor shall be required to make good any damage caused as a result of the infringement at his/her own

A preliminary list of infringements for which spot fines will be imposed is as follows:

• moving outside the demarcated site boundaries;

• littering of waste on site and surrounds and burying waste on site and surrounds;
• smoking in the vicinity of fuel storage and filling areas and in any other areas where flammable materials are
• making fires outside designated areas;
• defacement of natural features;
• spillage onto the ground of oil, diesel, etc;
• picking/damaging plant material;
• damaging/killing wild animals; and
• additional fines as determined by the Environmental Officer.

The Responsible Person may also order the Contractor to suspend part or all the works if the Contractor
repeatedly causes damage to the environment by not adhering to the ES (i.e. more than 3 cases of infringements).
The suspension will be enforced until the offending actions, procedure or equipment is corrected. No extension
of time will be granted for such delays and all costs will be borne by the Contractor.

EP7.5 External audit

Regular scheduled audits of the EMS will be conducted. However, this is not a dedicated audit of the
implementation of this document (which is one of many components of the EMS). Nevertheless, it is anticipated
that implementation of the terms and specifications contained in this document will be periodically audited as part
of the EMS audit.

All documentation held by the Environmental Officer shall be available for the EMS audit at all times. Contractors
shall also be required to provide any information required by the EMS auditors.

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The ACSA: Environmental Officer should audit one or more method statement per site (if applicable),
as well as the general requirements of the Construction ES (see checklist overleaf) during a site


Method statement(s) audited: ………………………………………………………………

Tick one box:

method statement properly implemented

method statement not properly implemented

If method statement not properly implemented, describe deviations/omissions/problems:

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Describe actions/plans to ensure proper implementation of the method statement:

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Other observations about implementation (if any):

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Signed……………………. … (ACSA ECO) Signed………..……………… (Responsible Person)

Date: …………………………. Date: ………..……………….

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Site boundary is clearly demarcated
Site and activities undertaken within
Adequate toilets have been provided.
These are secure and well maintained.
Waste water is discharged to the
Wastewater reticulated system or to a conservancy
tank which is emptied as required.
Site is generally tidy and free from
No burning or burying waste.
No defacement of natural features to
be protected in the site or the
immediate surrounding area.
Runoff No polluted runoff from the site.
No pollution or erosion resulting from
runoff of construction water.
Servicing & fuelling occurs in
Fuels &
designated place. No significant
ground contamination.
Drip trays in place for pumps and other
machinery in fixed location for at least
2 days.
Fuel stores on sealed base and
adequately bunded.
Hazardous materials stored in an
enclosed area or as agreed in method
statement and appropriately labelled.
Spill clean up materials available on
No significant spillage.
No excessive dust which could cause
a nuisance to employees or the public.
No fires on site. Use of closed stoves
or fires limited to construction camps.
Fire extinguishers available near any
welding or metal cutting.
Topsoil removed and stockpiled < 2m
Slopes stabilised as necessary to
prevent erosion.
Responsible Person’s record of major
incidents is up to date.
All Contractors’ personnel are aware of
environmental responsibilities.
Records of training maintained by
Responsible Person.

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Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited, as a world-class airport operator acknowledges that
airport activities and operations may have diverse impacts on the environment and therefore accepts
our stewardship role of responsible care for the environment. Consequently, we are committed to
implementing and maintaining an Environmental Management System.

Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (the group) is committed to:

• Maintain an Environmental Management System based on the ISO 14001 specifications,

and shall conduct regular audits of the Environmental Management System to ensure its
adequacy and effectiveness.
• Monitor and measure significant environmental aspects and impacts of airport activities
and operations and provide a framework for the setting and reviewing of environmental
objectives and targets.
• Ensure employees, operators, tenants, concessionaires, contractors and supply chain
that fall within the scope of the Environmental Management System are aware of the
environmental aspects and impacts associated with their activities and operations and of
the requirements of the Environmental Management System.
• Report its environmental performance indicators in the integrated annual report.
• Continual improvement of our environmental performance.
• Prevent environmental pollution resulting from airport activities and operations
• Ensure storm water runoff leaving the airport remains unpolluted, and groundwater
remains free from pollution resulting from airport operations.
• Actively seek opportunities to reduce overall aircraft noise footprint of airports.
• Monitor aircraft noise at Cape Town, King Shaka and O R Tambo International Airports.
• Actively seek opportunities to reduce energy consumption.
• Actively seek out opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as that of the
aviation industry.
• Measure our carbon footprint at Cape Town, King Shaka, O R Tambo and Port Elizabeth
International Airports.
• Monitor air quality at Cape Town, King Shaka and O R Tambo International Airports.
• Actively seek opportunities to reduce water consumption.
• Ensuring all waste generated is minimised, or otherwise reduced, re-used or recycled.
• Conserve biodiversity where feasible on its property.
• Collaborating with and engage surrounding communities to seek opportunities to
minimise the environmental impact of airport operations on the environment.

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• Comply with relevant environmental legislation, associated regulations and other
applicable requirements.

The scope of the Environmental Management System extends to all Airports Company South Africa
SOC Limited buildings, infrastructure and geographical areas within the group operates its
aeronautical business. Where the group does not directly control the impacts at Corporate Office or
Business Units, we shall work in partnership with operators, contractors, tenants, concessionaires and
supply chain to improve performance. The group’s managers and staff acknowledge that the
implementation of this Environmental Policy is their responsibility and are committed to it. This policy
statement shall be reviewed by Management every three (3) years and made available to any
interested parties upon request.

Date: 17th January 2017

Issue No: 10

Chief Executive Officer: Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited

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Airports Company South Africa

2nd Floor
Southern Office Block Cape
Town International Airport


The Environmental Partnership

P O Box 945 Cape Town

March 2014

Department of Environmental Affairs

DEA Ref: 14/12/16/3/3/1/1080


P O Box 945 56 Shortmarket St (3rd Floor)
Tel: 021-422099
Fax: 021-4220998

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1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE ........................................................................................................ 1

2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT..................................................... 3

2.1 PROJECT PROPOSAL ..................................................................................................... 3

2.2.1 Alternatives ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND LEGISLATION ............................................................ 5

3.1 CONTRACTUAL COMMITMENT ............................................................................................... 5

3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY STATEMENT .................................................................................. 5
3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION ............................................................................................. 6

4. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE .................................................................................. 7

4.1 RESPONSIBILITY LINKAGE ..................................................................................................... 7

4.2 ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER (PM) ............................................................................... 8 4.3
ROLE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OFFICER (ECO) .................................................... 8 4.4
ROLE OF THE CONTRACTOR ................................................................................................. 9

5. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................... 11

5.1 DUST CONTROL ................................................................................................................. 11 5.2

NOISE CONTROL ................................................................................................................ 11 5.3 FUEL
AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE ....................................................................... 12 5.4
EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY .............................................................................................. 13 5.5
REFUSE STORAGE AND DISPOSAL ....................................................................................... 14 5.6 SITE
CAMP ESTABLISHMENT ............................................................................................... 14 5.7
DEMARCATION OF EATING AREAS ........................................................................................ 15
5.8 DEFINING NO-GO AND WORKING AREAS ............................................................................... 15 5.9
CLEARING AND STABILISATION ............................................................................................ 16 5.10
BATCHING AND MIXING AREAS ............................................................................................. 16
5.11 EQUIPMENT SERVICING AND CLEANING ............................................................................... 17
5.12 ABLUTION FACILITY ............................................................................................................ 17
5.13 PROVISION OF WATER ........................................................................................................ 18
5.14 STORMWATER CONTROL .................................................................................................... 18
5.15 CLEANLINESS OF PUBLIC ROADS ......................................................................................... 18
5.16 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SAFETY .......................................................................................... 19
5.17 ACCESS ............................................................................................................................ 19
5.18 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 19 a)
First aid procedures: ........................................................................................................ 19
b) Spills of fuels and hazardous substances: ...................................................................... 19

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c) Emergency advisory procedure:...................................................................................... 20
d) Fire precautions: .............................................................................................................. 20
5.19 SAFETY ON SITE................................................................................................................. 22

6. METHOD STATEMENTS ................................................................................................. 24

7. SITE CLEAN UP AND REHABILITATION ...................................................................... 26

7.1 SITE CLEAN UP ................................................................................................................. 26

7.2 REHABILITATION ................................................................................................................ 26

8. COMMUNICATION AND SITE INSPECTIONS ................................................................ 27

8.1 SITE MEETINGS ................................................................................................................. 27

8.2 SITE INSPECTION ............................................................................................................... 27

9. PENALTIES AND BONUSES .......................................................................................... 29

9.1 INDIVIDUAL TRANSGRESSIONS ............................................................................................ 29

9.2 CONTRACTORS TRANSGRESSIONS ..................................................................................... 30
9.3 BONUSES .......................................................................................................................... 31

10. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ..................................................................................... 32


PROGRAMME ............................................................................................................................... 33

13. FIGURES AND ANNEXURES ............................................................................ 34

Key Terms and Abbreviations

Affected environment: Those parts of the socio-economic and biophysical

environment impacted on by the development.

DEA National Department of Environmental Affairs

DEA&DP Department of Environment Affairs and Development

Environmental regulatory authority in the Western Cape.

HWC Heritage Western Cape

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Environmental Impact Assessment:

A process of collecting, analysing, interpreting, evaluating

and communicating data as it pertains to possible impacts
(positive and negative) upon the environment due to a

Environmental Authorisation.

The statutory authorisation for the execution of a particular

development activity, in terms of the National Environment
Management Act (107 of 1998) as amended.
Construction Environmental Management Programme:

A plan that organises and co-ordinates mitigation,

rehabilitation and monitoring measures in order to guide the
implementation of the proposed development.

Proponent Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA)

Environmental Control Officer

The person responsible for ensuring that the requirements of

the CEMPr are implemented.
Project Manager:

The person responsible for ensuring that on-site activities are

undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the EMP.

Engineer To be determined

RE Resident Engineer

ESI Environmental Site Instruction

Fines Penalties, which can be imposed on the Contractor and/or
his Sub-contractors in the event of a contravention of this EMP.

MS Method Statement

A method statement describes the scope of the intended work in a step-by-step description
in order for the PM and ECO to understand the contractors’ intentions.

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1.1 Background

The proponent, Airports Company South Africa, intends to construct an additional fuel storage
tank (Tank 7) at the existing fuel storage depot at Cape Town International Airport. The fuel
storage depot is located approximately 400m southwest of the Domestic Arrivals Terminal
(Appendix A1, Locality Map of the draft BAR).

Based on historical fuel usage figures and projected increase in demand, it has been determined
that the current fuel storage capacity at the airport will be inadequate in the near future. As such
there is a need for an additional 3200m3 storage capacity at the existing fuel storage depot.

At present, the existing fuel storage depot has six tanks with a combined fuel storage capacity
of 9680m3 and a usable capacity of 8770m3. With the proposed development of an additional
fuel storage tank (Tank 7) with a capacity of 3200m3, the combined storage capacity will be
increased to 12880m3 with a pumpable capacity of 11670m3.

1.2 Terms of Reference

The purpose of a CEMPr is defined in the Integrated Environmental Management Guideline

Series (Department of Environmental Affairs, 1992) as: “A plan that organises and co-ordinates
mitigation, rehabilitation and monitoring measures in order to guide the implementation of the

The objectives of this CEMPr are thus:

• to include all components of the development;

• to prescribe the best practicable control methods to lessen the environmental
impacts associated with the construction of the development;
• to monitor and audit the performance of construction personnel in applying such
controls; and
• to ensure that appropriate environmental training is provided to responsible
construction personnel.

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The recommendations that emerged from the EIA for the development, which will also be
documented in the Environmental Authorisation from DEA are the major informants in
developing the necessary environmental control measures.

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The development footprint of the proposed development is 1030m2. The additional fuel storage
capacity will be 3200m3.

Below is a description of the main components of the proposed additional fuel capacity at the
Cape Town International Airport:

The fuel tank to house Jet A-1 fuel will have a capacity of 3200m3, being cylindrical in shape with
a 17m diameter and a height of 14.5m above the ground. It will be surrounded by a concrete
bund of the same height as the existing tank bunds. The bund has a footprint of 560m2.

The existing office block, which is two storeys high and has a footprint of 250m, will be relocated
to accommodate the widening of the road receipt facility. It will be demolished and reconstructed
approximately 20m to the southeast.

The existing road receipt facility which currently consists of two concrete lanes will be widened
to four lanes to increase capacity for road tankers refuelling the facility. Additional traffic islands
with refuelling infrastructure will be constructed and the gantry extended to cover the new lanes.
The new lanes have a footprint of 260m2.

The tank will be serviced by new, above-ground steel piping for the bund and tank foam pourers,
for the tank cooling system, and for Jet A-1 fuel.

A new sump will be installed to drain the tank bund, and will be connected to the existing oily
water separator in the southwestern corner of the facility.

The relocation of the office block will require the relocation of the western fence of the facility to
provide space for the new office building. Two layout alternatives have been compiled for the
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proposed development. In Alternative 1, the new tank is located to the west of the existing Tank
6, while in Alternative 2, the new tank is to the south of the existing Tank 6. Alternative 2 requires
the extension of the facility’s south fence.

Please refer to Appendix A2: Site Plan (of the draft BAR)

Please refer to Appendix C: Facility Illustration (of the draft BAR)

Please refer to Appendix A3 and A4: Alternative Layouts (of the draft BAR)

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3.1 Contractual Commitment

This EMPr is to be included in the tender documents to obtain commitment from the
contractors regarding all their activities and to make them aware of their environmental
responsibilities prior to commencing work. Failure by any of the Contractor’s or Sub-
contractors’ employees to adhere to the EMPr will be considered cause for the offending
employees to be potentially removed from the site, penalties to be instated and/or that the
damage be repaired at the cost of the contractor. The Project Manager (PM), under
advisement of the ECO, may recommend the removal of equipment causing continual
environmental damage.

The PM, under advisement of the ECO, may recommend that the contractors suspend part or
all of the works if they fail to comply with the specifications set out in the EMPr and method
statements supplied by themselves or other responsible parties. The suspension shall be
enforced until such time as the offending procedure or equipment is corrected. No extension
of time will be granted for such delays and all costs will be borne by the contractors.

A policy statement is now presented, together with a list of the most important pieces of
legislation pertaining to this project.

3.2 Environmental Policy Statement

The policy statement that follows is formulated specifically to support this construction phase
EMPr for the proposed developments. All construction personnel will be required to commit
themselves to this policy.
• Adherence to the requirements of the construction EMPr for the project.
• Management of all construction and associated activities so as to minimise the risk of
pollution of ground and surface water, the air and the soil.
• Management of all construction and associated activities so as to minimise the
nuisance and disruption to people resident in, working in or commuting through the area.
• Adherence to the environmental legislation relevant to the location and nature of the
work being conducted.
• Compliance with the monitoring and auditing programmes contained in the EMP, to
ensure its accountable and transparent implementation.
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Proposed Additional Fuel Capacity (Tank 7) at Cape Town International Airport Fuel Depot

3.3 Environmental Legislation

Cognisance will be taken of, but is not limited to, the following pieces of legislation during the
construction phase of the project components.
• Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (45 of 1965)
• Environment Conservation Act (73 of 1989)
• National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59 of 2008)
• Hazardous Substances Act (15 of 1973)
• Health Act (63 of 1977)
• National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) [as amended]
• National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10 of 2004)
• National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (39 of 2004)
• National Heritage Resources Act (25 of 1999)
• National Water Act (36 of 1998)
• Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993)

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3. Proposed Additional Fuel Capacity (Tank 7) at Cape Town International Airport Fuel Depot


It is essential that an organisational structure is established early in the construction phase of

the project and that all parties concerned accept the structure. This identifies the
responsibilities and the authority of the proponent, design team, Project Manager (PM),
consulting engineers and the Contractor and Sub-contractors. The relationship between the
PM, the engineers and the contractors’ site agents are key links in the structure.

The organisational structure also clarifies the channels to direct instructions and provides the
means of interaction between the various groups involved. Good communication is a
prerequisite of maintaining the organisational structure and is vital to the smooth operation of
the project.

4.1 Responsibility Linkage

Essentially, the responsibility for the application of the construction phase EMPr for the
project begins with the proponent, Airports Company of South Africa. The proponent will
devolve the responsibility to the designated PM to assume this task within his or her portfolio.
The ECO will then ensure that the requirements of the EMPr are implemented by monitoring
and auditing the performance of the PM in achieving the requirements, while also providing
strategic support and advice. In practice, on-site responsibility would typically lie with an
engineer tasked with particular components of the project. The ECO may at times
communicate directly with a nominated engineer, but always with recourse to the PM.

The EMPr reporting structure is depicted in the organogram below:

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Airports Company of South Africa

To be determined


To be determined OFFICER – To be determined

To be determined

4.2 Role of the Project Manager (PM)

The PM is responsible for ensuring that on-site activities are undertaken in accordance with
the requirements of the EMPr. The PM will thus need to ensure that:

• This EMPr is to be included in the contracted agreements issued to the construction

and maintenance teams.
• Method statements requested by the ECO are provided in a timely fashion.
• Corrective action is implemented as required.
• Appropriate records and information regarding compliance with the EMP requirements
are maintained and made available to the ECO;
• All site instructions are copied to the ECO; and
• Instructions as required by the ECO are issued to the relevant contractor.

4.3 Role of the Environmental Control Officer (ECO)

The proponent shall appoint an ECO who shall ensure that the Contractor complies with the
environmental specifications in this document. The ECO is thus responsible for ensuring that
the requirements of the EMPr are implemented.

More specifically, the ECO shall:

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• Request, review and approve method statements (see Section 6) from the
Contractor and Sub-contractors prior to any construction commencing.
• Undertake regular inspections (on average twice per month) of the construction
site in order to check for compliance with method statements as well as
specifications outlined in this document. This should also involve completion of
a weekly checklist, which will also serve as site records.
• Ensure that the Contractor and his Subcontractors and his employees have
received the appropriate environmental awareness training within one week of
commencing with construction.
• Meet with the Contractor to discuss the implementation of and non-
conformances with this document. Site meetings shall take place fortnightly.
These meetings will serve to re-affirm overall policy for the project, method
statements as well as discuss weekly checklists.
• Identify appropriate corrective action if non-compliance occurs or unforeseen
environmental issues arise that require environmental management action.
• Keep a register of major incidents (spills, injuries, complaints, legal
transgressions, etc) and other documentation related to the EMPr.
• Issue stop orders / works when required.
• Report to the Project Manager any problems (or complaints) related to
conformance with this document which cannot first be resolved in co-operation
with the Contractor and/or his Subcontractors.
• Assist in finding environmentally acceptable solutions to construction

4.4 Role of the Contractor

The role of the Contractor is as follows:

• The Contractor shall ensure that all employees, Sub-contractors, suppliers,

etc. are fully aware of the environmental issues and requirements detailed in this
• The Contractor shall liaise closely with the ECO and PM and will ensure
that works on site are conducted in an environmentally sensitive manner in
accordance with this EMPr.
• The Contractor is to have a copy of the EMPr on site and be familiar with
its contents.
• In conjunction with the ECO, the Contractor must ensure that all employees
(permanent and temporary) and all Sub-contractors that work on the site for longer
than two days, receive Environmental Awareness Training within one week of
being on site.

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5.1 Dust control

Contractors will be solely responsible for the control of dust and for any claims against the
proponent for damages resulting from dust. Contractors’ attention should be drawn to the fact
that the area is subjected to moderate South East trade winds during summer and to
northwesterly winds during winter. Public roads are directly adjacent to the site on the
southern, western, and eastern sides.

Disturbance of the substrate must be avoided unless soil stripping is necessary and such
exposed surfaces should be stabilised immediately. Excavation, handling and transport of
erodible materials must be avoided under high wind conditions or when a visible dust plume
is present. During high wind conditions, the PM must evaluate the situation and make a
recommendation as to whether dust-damping measures are adequate, or whether work
should cease altogether until wind speeds drop to acceptable levels. Excessive wind and dust
conditions must be reported to the ECO in his/her absence.

Soil stockpiles must be located in sheltered areas where they are not exposed to the erosive
effects of the wind and where it will cause minimal disturbance. Stockpiles must be managed
so as to prevent the material from being spread over a wide surface, to prevent erosion and
compaction of the stockpiles and prevent it from being washed away in the event of heavy

Dust management planning must be implemented by the Contractor. This could include, inter
alia, spraying of water on unpaved roads and other exposed sandy surfaces, proper covering
of construction materials during transportation, the cleaning of public roads used by
construction vehicles where necessary and construction vehicle wheel cleaning.

5.2 Noise control

Noise generation during construction could create disturbance however, the site is located
within the airport precinct, which is largely industrial. Contractors must thus restrict working
hours for construction activities to:

• 08:00 – 17:00 on weekdays (excluding public holidays); and

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• 07:00 – 14:00 on Saturdays (excluding public holidays).

In addition, contractors must ensure that all machinery used on the site is in good working
order to prevent excessive noise from faulty machinery.

If contractors wish to work outside of these hours, this must be with the agreement of the PM
and ECO. The ECO is, however, to be fully informed of any complaints received regarding
noise levels during the construction period.

The contractors should be fully acquainted with the Noise Control Regulations of the Province
of the Western Cape published in the Provincial Gazette 5309 of 20 November 1998.

In the event that noise control measures are not implemented to the satisfaction of the Project
Manager and ECO, a penalty will be imposed on the Contractor which will range between
R100 and R1000 (See Section 9).

5.3 Fuel and hazardous materials storage

The below requirements describe the minimum precautions to be taken in regard to fuel and
hazardous materials storage from an environmental perspective. It should be noted, however,
that the existing facility is used for the storage of large quantities of a flammable and
hazardous substance and therefore has its own stringent Occupational Health and Safety
requirements which must be complied with in addition to the below. Where the facility’s own
requirements are stricter, they will take precedence over the requirements detailed below.

Contractors must identify fuels and hazardous substances to be stored on the site and must
ensure that they know the effects of these substances on their staff and the environment. A
copy of a fuels and hazardous substance inventory must be supplied to the ECO by the

Contractors must ensure that the quantities of fuels and chemicals on site are appropriate to
the requirements and are stored and handled so as to avoid the risk of spillage. Fuels stored
on site, above ground, must not exceed the threshold volumes stipulated in Environmental
Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 1 (544) of 2010, pertaining to the list of Basic
Assessment Activities requiring environmental authorisation and that came into effect on 2
August 2011, i.e. ”the construction of facilities or infrastructure for the storage and handling,
of a dangerous good, where such storage occurs in containers with a combined capacity of
80 but not exceeding 500 cubic metres”. Should the anticipated volumes exceed the 80 cubic
metre threshold, an application must be lodged with the regulatory authority, in terms of
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 1. (544) of 2010 and approval
obtained before such activities commence.
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All fuels, oils and chemicals must be confined to specific and secured areas, approved by the
ECO. These materials must be stored in an area with a concrete or other impervious base,
which is adequately bunded. The volume of the bund must be two times the volume of the
containers stored. Gas and fuel should not be stored in the same storage area, and any
generators used on the site should also be placed on a bunded surface. The hazardous fuel
storage area needs to be located away from the gas and oil pipelines.

Liquid fuel stores must be located on an area of existing hardstanding which will provide a
barrier to the underlying ground in the event of spills. The tank should be located in an area
which is easily accessible to vehicles. Re-fuelling of vehicles must only take place at these
areas, unless otherwise agreed to by the PM and ECO. Contractors will be responsible for
ensuring that any party delivering fuels or chemicals to the site is aware of the appropriate
storage/drop-off locations. Contractors and any relevant personnel responsible for the delivery
of fuels or chemicals to the site must also be aware of the correct procedures and
environmental requirements with respect to storage and drop-off locations of fuels. A method
statement will be requested by the ECO for the location and management of liquid fuel stores
should it be required.

The Contractor must notify the RE and ECO immediately of any pollution incidents on site.
Polluted stormwater run-off from the concreted storage areas must be collected, stored and
disposed of at an approved waste site. The discharge of contaminated water must be
prevented by the Contractor. Contamination may be due to pollutants such as concrete,
cement, chemicals, solvents, paints and fuels.

In the event of soil contamination cause by spillage of fuel or other pollutants, the source of
the spillage must be isolated and the spillage must be contained. Contaminated soil must also
be removed or in the case of a larger spill, an absorbent material must be applied.
Contaminated soils that have been removed must be stored in a skip and disposed of at an
approved dumpsite. The treatment of the contaminated soil and the areas of contamination
must be undertaken to the satisfaction of the RE and ECO.

5.4 Equipment and machinery

Equipment and machinery must be maintained in good working order. Any equipment or
machinery that is found to be leaking must not be further used until it is appropriately fixed.
Contractors must position any equipment that may leak on watertight drip trays to contain any
pollutants or remove such equipment from site. The drip trays used for storage of leaking
equipment must be of a size that the equipment can be positioned within its perimeter. The
equipment must also be protected from rain, where practical, to ensure that rainwater is
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excluded from the drip trays. Drip trays must be checked and cleaned daily and must not be
allowed to overflow. Materials collected in these drip trays must be collected and disposed of
off-site at an approved waste disposal site. As for the disposal of other hazardous substances,
materials collected from drip trays must be disposed of at a hazardous waste disposal site
approved by the RE and ECO. The storage of collected spill materials from drip trays must be
undertaken as in Section 5.3 of this report.

The above requirements describe the minimum precautions to be taken in regard to equipment
and machinery from an environmental perspective. It should be noted, however, that the
existing facility is used for the storage of large quantities of a flammable and hazardous
substance and therefore has its own stringent Occupational Health and Safety requirements
which must be complied with in addition to the above. Where the facility’s own requirements
are stricter, they will take precedence over the requirements detailed above.

5.5 Refuse storage and disposal

Contractors must ensure that their employees deposit all refuse in bins and these must be
emptied on a daily basis to prevent overflowing. Refuse must be disposed of off-site at an
approved landfill site as agreed with the PM and ECO. Refuse bins must be watertight,
windproof and scavenger-proof, and must be placed at regular intervals throughout the site.

Refuse must be separated into suitable categories and recycled. Construction debris such as
scrap metal must be collected in a skip container and disposed of at an approved dumpsite.
Refuse must not be burnt or buried on the site, or in the vicinity. Contractors must identify a
permitted refuse disposal site for various categories of waste and provide documentary proof
to the PM and ECO of the type and volume of waste to be disposed of there.

The Contractors must provide workers to clean up the site on a daily basis and the general
cleanliness of the site must form part of the site inspections undertaken by the ECO.

5.6 Site Camp Establishment

The Contractor’s Camp and Materials Storage Area must be located in consultation with the
ECO. The Contractor must submit a Method Statement for this Site Camp placement 5 (five)
working days before establishing the Site Camp. The contents of this Method Statement must
include a layout plan showing any offices, stores, vehicle parking, equipment and fuel and oil
storage areas, toilet placement, equipment and material stockpiles. The Contractor will be
required to fence off or visually screen the site camp. No site staff other than security
personnel must be housed on site. The Contractor must provide water and/or washing

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facilities at the site camp for personnel. The Contractors Camp and Materials Storage Area
must be kept neat and tidy and free of litter. The Contractor must ensure that the site camp
complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This includes the provision of first aid
and firefighting equipment and external display of emergency contact numbers. The name of
the responsible person in terms of safety must be included in the above Method Statement.

5.7 Demarcation of eating areas

Eating areas must be restricted to the site offices and contractors’ camp. If employees are to
eat elsewhere on the site, the contractors must, in consultation with the ECO, designate
places for eating in the working areas, and must provide adequate water for washing, toilets
and refuse bins at all these places, which should be cleaned on a daily basis.

5.8 Defining no-go and working areas

It is important that activities are conducted within a limited area to facilitate control, especially
in view of aviation regulations and the hazardous nature of the construction site. For this
reason the site will be divided into working areas and `no-go' areas. Working areas are defined
as those areas required by the Contractor to undertake the development. The Contractor must
ensure that all plant, labour and materials remain within the boundaries of the working areas.
Access must be restricted to development footprints only, with no disturbance of areas outside
the development footprints allowed. Lay down and rest areas must also form part of the
working area and must be indicated by the ECO.

The Contractor must ensure that entry to the no go areas are not entered onto by unauthorised
persons. The Contractor must also ensure that no dumping, stockpiling, storage of equipment
or spillage of construction material occurs on the no go areas. No go areas will be demarcated
with danger tape attached to wooden pegs. The danger tape and wooden pegs (or similar)
must be maintained by the Contractor for the duration of the construction phase.

5.9 Clearing and Stabilisation

Clearing must only be undertaken in areas earmarked for development. Areas which will be
left cleared for longer than one month must be stabilised with straw. No burning or burying of
any plant material is permitted on site.

5.10 Batching and mixing areas

Cement powder has a high pH. Spillage of dry cement powder and concrete slurry will affect
both soil and water pH adversely. Careless handling of cement products resulting in spillage

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could have serious detrimental effects on the surrounding environment. The following
mitigation measures are to be implemented in order to minimise environmental impact:

• Responsibly used ready-mix concrete and cement is preferred to site

batched mixes.
• Cement contaminated equipment is to be washed so that contaminated
water does not enter stormwater, groundwater, drainage lines, streams/rivers
or dams.
• Contaminated water must either be removed from site or, with the
approval of the ECO and the Local Authority, be disposed of into the local
sewage system. Where possible, contaminated water should be recycled back
into the batching process.
• Cement must be mixed on mixing trays that prevent runoff and spillage.
No mixing will be allowed directly on the ground’s surface.
• Locations for mixing areas in the site camp are to be approved by the
Project Manager/Engineer and the ECO.
• Used cement bags are to be stored in a wind and rainproof container
for disposal. Used bags are to be removed from site on a regular basis and
under no circumstances burned as a method of disposal.
• Excess or spilled cement and concrete are to be removed to an
approved Municipal waste site.
• Contaminated soil resulting from a cement or concrete spill is to be
removed or rehabilitated at the cost of the Contractor and to the satisfaction of
the Project Manager/Engineer and the ECO.

5.11 Equipment Servicing and Cleaning

All vehicles and equipment must be maintained in a good condition in order at all times in
order to minimise the risk of leakage and possible contamination of the soil, groundwater,
surface water and/or storm water by fuels, oils and hydraulic fluids.

5.12 Ablution facility

The Contractor must provide the necessary ablution facilities for all his personnel. Chemical
toilets must be used in all other areas of the site where necessary. A minimum of one toilet
per 15 persons must be provided. Toilets must be easily accessible and must be
transportable. The toilets must be secured to prevent them from blowing over, and must be
provided with an external closing mechanism to prevent toilet paper from being blown out.
Toilet paper must be provided in all toilets. Toilets must be cleaned at least twice per week
and must be serviced regularly by a reputable toilet-servicing company appointed by the

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Contractor. Toilets must be emptied before long weekends and builders’ holidays. Toilets must
be locked after working hours.

The Contractor must ensure that chemicals and/or waste from toilet-cleaning operations are
not spilled on the ground at any time. All spills must be cleared up immediately by the
Contractor who hired the toilet. Contaminated soils due to spills must be removed and stored
in a skip and disposed of at an approved dumpsite. The treatment of the contaminated soil
and the areas of contamination must be undertaken to the satisfaction of the RE.

Abluting anywhere other than in the toilets will not be permitted. Use of other areas within the
site for ablution purposes and/or disposal of chemicals and/or waste, will result in the
Contractor being given a spot fine (by the ECO). The Contractor will also be responsible for
cleaning up any waste deposited by his personnel. Pit latrines must not be used.

The removal of toilets off site as they become less required must be done in manner that does
not result in pollution of the substrate. Should any soil be contaminated, the service provider
will be required to remove the soils as well. Collected waste must be secured being before
transported to an appropriate waste facility. This will be the responsibility of the service

5.13 Provision of water

Contractors will be responsible for providing construction water, water required for dust
control, drinking and washing water. Contractors will also be responsible for providing washing
facilities for all staff.

Wastewater from washing facilities must be discharged into the existing sewage system, or
removed from the site by the contractors should the existing services be unavailable. Any
alternative means of disposal of wastewater from washing facilities, other than discharging it
into the sewer system, must be submitted to the ECO for approval.

5.14 Stormwater control

Contractors must take reasonable measures to prevent erosion resulting from a diversion,
restriction or increase in the flow of stormwater caused by the presence of their works,
operations and activities, all to the satisfaction of the ECO. Any stormwater collected in
bunded areas containing oils, fuels, chemicals or other potentially polluting substances must
be pumped out of the bund, collected in a suitable container and removed from the site for
appropriate disposal.

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Contractors must provide adequate control measures to prevent stormwater damage and
erosion during construction. Control measures should include the control by sumps and
adequate pumping of water ingress into trenches below the water table. Stormwater should
also be directed into attenuation ponds wherever possible. Stormwater that has been spoiled
with silt and or suspended solids may not be released back into the natural stormwater system.
Stormwater that has been silted or which contains suspended solids must be cleaned prior to
it being released back into the stormwater system by the use of settling ponds. Portable pools
may be used as settling ponds on site. All methods of stormwater control during the
construction phase are to be agreed and approved by the PM and ECO.

5.15 Cleanliness of public roads

Contractors must ensure that construction vehicles are not overloaded so as not to spill
construction or excavated material onto public roads. Contractors must provide a washing
system for cleaning the wheels of vehicles moving off-site, and must ensure that this is utilised
as required. This must be done in a manner which does not contaminate soil and must be
done in consultation with the ECO. Thus, the wheels of vehicles that are driven in any
hazardous substances may not be washed directly onto the ground.

5.16 Traffic control and safety

Traffic control and safety must be done in accordance with the South African Traffic Safety
Manual, with the relevant signs, flagmen and barriers being provided where relevant and at
the various access points. Traffic control must be done in co-operation with local traffic
officials. All laws and regulations applicable on the public road system are enforceable on the
construction site.

5.17 Access

Sufficient access to various establishments, road intersections, main roads and residential
areas must not be disturbed and alternative access must be considered at these various

5.18 Emergency procedures

The below requirements describe the minimum precautions to be taken in regard to

emergency procedures. It should be noted, however, that the existing facility is used for the
storage of large quantities of a flammable and hazardous substance and therefore has its own
stringent emergency procedures and Occupational Health and Safety requirements which
must be

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complied with in addition to the below. Where the facility’s own requirements are stricter, they
will take precedence over the requirements detailed below.

a) First aid procedures:

Contractors must provide and maintain a suitable first aid kit on the site and must ensure that
a qualified first aid practitioner is present during working hours, in accordance with the
Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993). They must also ensure that their staff know
and can carry out the procedures for dealing with accidents and must clearly define the
emergency procedures to be followed for obtaining medical treatment and assistance in the
event of serious injury.

b) Spills of fuels and hazardous substances:

Contractors must keep the necessary materials and equipment on site to deal with ground
spills of any hazardous materials present. They must set up a procedure for dealing with such
spills, which must be approved by the PM and ECO and must include a provision to notify the
PM of any spills.

In the event of soil contamination cause by spillage of hazardous substances onto the ground,
the source of the spillage must be isolated and the spillage must be contained. Contaminated
soil must also be removed or in the case of a larger spill, an absorbent material must be
applied. Contaminated soils that have been removed must be stored in a skip and disposed
of at an approved dumpsite. The treatment of the contaminated soil and the areas of
contamination must be undertaken to the satisfaction of the ECO and RE.

The clean-up of spills and any damage caused by a spill will be for the relevant contractors’

c) Emergency advisory procedure:

Contractors must ensure that there is an emergency advisory procedure on site before
commencing any operations that may endanger the lives of any personnel on site, or cause
damage to the environment.

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Contractors must also ensure that all personnel are familiar with all emergency procedures to
be followed. It must be ensured that lists of all emergency numbers and contact people are
regularly updated, and that numbers and names are posted at relevant locations at all times.

d) Fire precautions:

The facility is an existing storage depot for Jet A-1 fuel, a hazardous and flammable
substance. Fire precautions for the site should therefore be very stringent, and comply with
the existing safety requirements of the facility.

At a minimum, the following requirements shall apply. Where the requirements of the existing
facility are more stringent, those requirements shall take precedence over the below.

No ignition sources are permitted within 15m of the tanks or pipelines, and the managing
engineer of the facility should be consulted with regard to the equipment which may be
permitted on the site. No smoking will be permitted on the site. Fires for heating, cooking or
disposal of any material will not be permitted. Cellular phones should be switched off prior to
entering the facility. Welding, gas cutting, cutting of metal and heat curing should not be
undertaken on the site.

Contractors must appoint a member of their staff to be responsible for the installation and
inspection of fire extinguishers. The PM and ECO must receive copies of the inspection
reports. A map should be drawn up to indicate the locations of fire extinguishers and they
should be clearly visible and demarcated in accordance with legislation. Contractors must also
supply site offices, kitchen areas, workshop areas, stores of fuel and hazardous materials,
and any other areas identified by the ECO, with fire extinguishers.

The Contractor must ensure that all staff undergoes training on the use of a fire extinguisher
when needed. All fire extinguishers must be inspected on a monthly basis to insure that the
devices will work properly if needed. The inspection procedure is detailed below:

The Contractor must ensure that a responsible person is appointed to do the monthly
inspection of the fire extinguisher. A monthly inspection spreadsheet must be available to
conduct the inspection. This sheet must be submitted to the RE once completed.

How to inspect the fire extinguisher:

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• Insure access to the extinguisher is not blocked and that it is readily available
for use.
• The pressure should be within the recommended level on extinguishers
equipped with a gauge. The needle should be in the green zone. If the needle is not
in green zone, the extinguisher requires professional maintenance and this should
be noted on the inspection report.
• Verify the locking pin is intact and the tamper seal is not broken.
• Visually inspect the hose and nozzle to ensure they are in good condition.
• Visually inspect the extinguisher for dents, leaks, rust, chemical deposits or
other signs of abuse/wear and note any findings on the inspection report. If the
extinguisher is damaged or needs recharging, remove it from service and note this
on the inspection report.
• Fire extinguishers must be pressure tested (a process called hydrostatic
testing) every six (6) years to ensure the cylinder is safe to use. The inspection sheet
has all hydrostatic testing dates noted. If an extinguisher requires this service, this
should be noted in the comments. The RE will arrange for testing.

The Contractor will be liable for all costs incurred by organisations called to extinguish any
fires started by any person(s) under their control. In such an event, the Contractor will be liable
for all costs incurred to remediate burnt areas on the site and areas to which the fire has
spread. The Contractor must ensure that the contact details of the nearest Fire Department
are displayed on site (together with other emergency services) and that all persons involved
with the project know the location of these numbers on site.

5.19 Safety on site

At minimum, contractors must follow the guidelines of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
(85 of 1993). These include:

The wearing of hard hats by -

All persons entering the
• All persons within 10m of any situation where any form of lifting or hoisting equipment
is being used; and
• Any personnel working in any other situation where the possibility of head injury is
e.g. an area where overhead work is taking place.

The wearing of gloves by personnel -

• Handling heavy materials;
• Carrying out maintenance activities within a crusher;

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• Engaged in welding or gas cutting activities; and
• Handling materials/equipment with unfinished steel edges.

The wearing of approved safety shoes or safety boots by -

• All persons entering the construction site or workshop, storage and depot areas.

The wearing of safety goggles by -

• Persons operating equipment under dusty conditions;
• Persons engaged in cutting or welding activities; and
• Persons engaged in grinding activities.

The wearing of hearing protection by -

• All persons engaged in rock drilling activities (>85 decibel):
• All crushing operators; and
• Any persons entering into high noise areas (>85 decibel).

These areas should be appropriately marked using a standard National Occupational Safety
Association (NOSA) pictogram.

The wearing of safety belts by -

• Any person carrying out work 2m above ground level, unless it is being carried out
from a safe and protected work platform; and
• All heavy equipment operators.

The above requirements describe the minimum precautions to be taken in regard to

occupational health and safety. It should be noted, however, that the existing facility is used
for the storage of large quantities of a flammable and hazardous substance and therefore has
its own stringent occupational health and safety requirements which must be complied with in
addition to the above. Where the facility’s own requirements are stricter, they will take
precedence over the requirements detailed above.

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Specified contractors shall provide method statements for approval by the PM and ECO ten
days prior to work commencing on aspects of the project deemed or identified to be of potential
risk to the environment, when called upon to do so by the PM. Statements from contractors
may be required by the ECO for specific sensitive actions. Construction activities which will
need a method statement include, but are not limited to:

• contractor’s camp establishment including bulk fuel storage, toilet facilities and waste
• stormwater management and pollution prevention;
• windblown sand and dust control measures;
• disposal of contaminated ground or surface water
• Demarcation of no-go areas on site plan
• Traffic management

A method statement is a living document that allows for modifications to be negotiated

between the contractors and the PM, as circumstances dictate. All method statements will
form part of the EMPr documentation and are subject to all terms and conditions contained in
the EMPr.

Note that a method statement is a point of departure for understanding the nature of the
intended actions to be carried out and allows for all parties to review and understand the
procedures to be followed in order to minimise risk of harm to the environment. Changes to,
and adaptations of, method statements can be implemented with the prior consent of all

A method statement describes the scope of the intended work in a step-by-step description in
order for the PM and ECO to understand the contractors intentions. This will enable them to
assist in devising any mitigation measures, which would minimise environmental impact
during these tasks. For each instance where it is requested that a contractor submit a method
statement to the satisfaction of the PM and ECO, the format should clearly indicate the
What - a brief description of the work to be undertaken;
How - a detailed description of the process of work, methods and materials;
Where - a description/sketch map of the locality of work (if applicable); and

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When - the sequencing of actions with due commencement dates and completion date

All method statements are to be to the satisfaction of the PM and ECO.

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7.1 Site Clean Up

The Contractor shall ensure that all temporary structures, equipment, materials, wastes and
facilities used are removed upon completion of the contract. The site clean-up must be to the
satisfaction of the Project Manager/Engineer and the ECO. A site closure checklist will only
be given once site has been closed.

7.2 Rehabilitation

If deemed necessary by the Project Manager/Engineer, the ECO and the Contractor may have
to employ a suitably qualified person to rehabilitate areas damaged during construction
activities on site.

As a result of excavation ground will be disturbed and this includes landscaped areas with
lawn a portion of the parking area which is tarred, the uprooting of trees and the disturbance
of fencing. All activities which contribute to the disturbance of ground cover will require
rehabilitation and will include the replanting of lawn, tarring of the parking area and the repair
of the fence. Uprooted trees will be relocated as it is not advisable to replant these trees in
the same position and it will be situated above the cable.

In the event of damage occurring to the environment due to the irresponsible actions of the
Contractor, (including non-compliance with the EMPr), rehabilitation may be required as
decided upon by the ECO, the ECO and the Project Manager/Engineer. The completed
rehabilitation is to be to the satisfaction of the ECO.

The cost of such rehabilitation will be for the Contractor’s account and no extension of time
will be granted.

8. Communication and Site inspections

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8.1 Site Meetings

A fortnightly site meeting should be held for the duration of the construction period. Provision
must be made in the agenda of each site meeting for Environmental Management issues to
be discussed to facilitate the transfer of information and to update all parties on the
environmental compliance aspects of the project as a whole. The ECO is to present a summary
report at such meetings.

These meetings are to be attended by the ECO, Project Manager or Engineers representative,
Contractor and a representative of each of the Sub-contractors working on site at the time.

At such meetings environmental queries must be resolved, agreed actions planned with dates
of the actions and compliance / non-compliance by the Contractor to be noted. If required,
penalties and remedial actions must also be tabled and planned.

Frequency of meetings may be altered by the ECO, based on the nature of the works taking
place on site at any time, and the level of compliance with the EMPr by the Contractors.

Issues relating to complaints or comments received from the public shall also be discussed at
these meetings. Minutes of the meetings shall be prepared by the RE and copied to all
attendees before the next meeting.

8.2 Site Inspection

A site inspection programme will be implemented and will comprise:

• Visual inspections of the site activities by the RE on a daily basis;

• Visual inspections of the site activities by the ECO, once a week or bi-monthly for the
duration of the project. Where a particular aspect requires more detailed monitoring, more
frequent inspections will be undertaken; and

• Review of records and documentation to reconcile these with the construction


Records shall be maintained during the construction phase to enable compliance with the
EMPr specifications to be demonstrated. These will typically comprise a daily log of activities
that record waste management (documentary proof of type, volume, disposal and transport),
fuels and chemicals management (deliveries, spills etc.) and other environmental issues such
as adverse weather (wind, rain) and surface water run-off.
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9.1 Individual Transgressions

Non-compliance with the conditions of the EMPr will constitute a breach of Contract. The
Project Manager/Engineer (on advice from or in consultation with the ECO) can impose spot
fines on the Contractor for any contraventions of the EMPr. By imposing spot fines on
individuals guilty of contravening the EMP, the Project Manager will be able to ensure that the
requirements of the EMPr are taken seriously not only by the management personnel on site,
but also by other site staff. Below are ranges of spot fines for different contraventions of the

The Project Manager/Engineer should use these as a guide and use his/her own judgement
in determining the issues of non-compliance and the severity of the contravention and thus the
value of the spot fine:

An individual entering the defined No Go boundaries of the site; R150 – 500

An individual driving a vehicle into the defined No Go boundaries of the R300 – 1500
An individual driving any earthmoving plant into the defined No Go R500 – 3000
boundaries of the site;
A plant operator ignoring a verbal warning to have an oil leak from R100 – 300
machinery repaired;
An individual littering on site; R50 – 300
An individual not making use of the ablution facilities; R50 – 200
An individual spilling fuels (non use of funnels/pumps etc); R100 – 500
An individual eating outside of the defined eating area; R50 – 200
Smoking on site R200 – 500

These fines should be revised when the construction phase commences to ensure relevance.

For each subsequent similar offence committed by the same individual, the fine should be
doubled in value to a maximum value of R5 000. The Project Manager/Engineer will not collect
the fines from individuals, but will rather inform the Contractor of the contravention, the

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individual’s identity and the amount of the fine. The fine will be deducted from the Contractors’
monthly certificate, or the Project Manager/Engineer will issue a variation order, to the value
of the fine, for the Contractor to undertake activities that would in some way enhance the state
of the environment or the site. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to reclaim such fines
from the guilty individuals. These fines do not preclude any prosecution under any other law.

9.2 Contractors Transgressions

The Project Manager/Engineer, in consultation with the ECO, may also issue penalties directly
to the Contractor for general non-compliance with the EMP.
The following serves as a guide for such penalties in certain situations. (NOTE THAT THESE

Excessive litter on the site or in the site camp; 500 – 2000

Water wastage or water contamination; 500 – 4000
Spillage of fuels on site; 500 – 4000
Inadequate provision of waste bins and toilets; 500 – 2000
The non-provision of eating areas; 500 – 1000
Unnecessary dust generation and inadequate control; 500 – 3000
Unnecessary noise generation; 500 – 3000
Non provision of hydrocarbon fuel absorbents; 1000 – 3000
Inadequate erosion controls and prevention; 500 – 4000

The issuing of a penalty will usually be preceded by a verbal warning by the ECO, during which
a time frame for rectifying the situation, as well as the penalty to be implemented should this
not be done within the time frame, will be agreed on. The value of the penalty will depend on
the seriousness of the contravention, and thus the Project Manager/Engineer must use his/her
judgement in determining the value of the penalty.

In addition to penalties, the Project Manager/Engineer has the power to remove from Site any
person who is in contravention of the EMPr, and if necessary, the Project Manager/Engineer
can suspend the relevant part or all of the works, as required.

Note that penalties can be issued over and above costs that are incurred for the repair or
rehabilitation of any environmental damage caused by the Contractor and all the parties over
which they have responsibility. In this regard costs incurred by the Contractor in repairing or
rehabilitating any environmental damage caused by non-compliance with the EMPr cannot be
claimed in the Contract Bill, nor can any extension of time be claimed for such works.
Penalty amounts should be deducted from Certificate payments made to the Contractor. These
funds must be kept separately and donated to a non-profit organisation that works in the
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environmental or conservation field. The Project Management Team must nominate such an
organisation collectively.

9.3 Bonuses

The ECO together with the Project Manager/Engineer may consider a bonus system and/or
environmental certificate award for teams or individuals that perform works in an
environmentally responsible manner.

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The environmental control measures stipulated in this EMPr are deemed to be included in the
rates tendered in the schedule of quantities provided with the tender documentation for the

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The Proponent, Project Manager / Engineer and the Environmental Control Officer must sign
declarations of adherence to the EMPr, stating the following:

• that the conditions of the authorisation were brought under their attention and
that they have read and understood the contents of the Environmental Management
Programme and agree to adhere to all the specified requirements.

• that they understand their responsibilities in terms of enforcing and

implementing the Environmental Specifications as set out in the various documents
for the aforementioned site.

• that they also undertake to inform all persons under their supervision of such
specifications and the contents of the documents.


Appendix A Locality Map

Appendix B Site Plan
Appendix C Facility Illustration
Appendix D Alternative Layouts

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Service & Maintenance Contractors
Environmental Terms and Conditions to Commence Work - EMS 048

The following Environmental Terms and Conditions shall be strictly adhered to by all
contractors when conducting works for ACSA. ACSA shall audit contractor activities, products
and services on an ad hoc basis to ensure compliance to these environmental conditions. Any
pollution clean-up costs shall be borne by the contractor.

ACSA’s Environmental Policy shall be communicated, comprehended and
implemented by all ACSA appointed contractor staff (see attached Environmental
• No solid or liquid material may be permitted to contaminate or potentially
contaminate stormwater, soil or groundwater resources.
• Any pollution that risks contamination of these resources must be cleaned-up
Stormwater, Soil immediately. Spills must be reported to ACSA immediately. Contractors shall
and Groundwater supply their own suitable clean-up materials where required.
Pollution • Washing, maintenance and refuelling of equipment shall only be allowed in
designated service areas on ACSA property. It is the contractor’s responsibility
to determine the location of these areas.
• No leaking equipment or vehicles shall be permitted on the airport.
• Dust: Dust resulting from work activities that could cause a nuisance to
employees or the public shall be kept to a minimum.
Air Pollution • Odours and emissions: All practical measures shall be taken to reduce
unpleasant odours and emissions generated from work related activities.
• Fires: No open fires shall be permitted on site.
• All reasonable measures shall be taken to minimise noise generated on site as a
Noise Pollution result of work operations.
• The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations with regard to noise.
• Waste shall be separated as general or hazardous waste.
• General and hazardous waste shall be disposed of appropriately at a permitted
landfill site should recycling or re-use of waste not be feasible.
• Under no circumstances shall solid or liquid waste be dumped, buried or burnt.
• Contractors shall always maintain a tidy, litter free environment in their work
Waste area.
Management • Contractors must keep on file:
1. The name of the contracting waste company
2. Waste disposal site used
3. Monthly reports on quantities – separated into general, hazardous and
4. Maintained file of all Waste Manifest Documents and Certificates of Safe
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5. Copy of waste permit for disposal site
This information must be available during audits and inspections.
• All HCS shall be clearly labelled, stored and handled in accordance to
Materials Safety Data Sheets.
Handling & • Materials Safety Data Sheets shall be stored with all HCS.
Storage of
• All spillages of HCS must be cleaned-up immediately and disposed of as
hazardous waste. (HCS spillages must be reported to ACSA immediately).
Substances • All contractors shall be adequately informed with regards to the handling and
(HCS) storage of hazardous substances.
• Contractors shall comply with all relevant national, regional and local legislation
with regard to the transport, storage, use and disposal of hazardous substances.
ACSA promotes the conservation of water and energy resources. The contractor
Water and Energy
shall identify and manage those work activities that may result in water and energy
Training & The conditions outlined in this permit shall be communicated to all contractors and
Awareness their employees prior to commencing works at the airport.

Penalties shall be imposed by ACSA on Contractors who are found to be infringing these
requirements and/or legislation. The Contractor shall be advised in writing of the nature of the
infringement and the amount of the penalty. The Contractor shall take the necessary steps (e.g.
training/remediation) to prevent a recurrence of the infringement and shall advise ACSA

The Contractor is also advised that the imposition of penalties does not replace any legal
proceedings, the Council, authorities, land owners and/or members of the public may institute
against the Contractor.

Penalties shall be between R200 and R20 000, depending upon the severity of the infringement.
The decision on how much to impose will be made by ACSA’s Airport Environmental
Management Representative in consultation with the Airport Manager or his/her designate, and
will be final. In addition to the penalty, the Contractor shall be required to make good any damage
caused as a result of the infringement at his/her own expense.

I, ________________________ (name & surname) of ________________________


agree to the above conditions and acknowledge ACSA’s right to impose penalties should I or
any of my employees or sub-contractors fail to comply with these conditions.

Signed: ______________________ on this date: _______________________


at: ___________________________________________ (airport name).

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C3.7.3.1 SCOPE


This section covers aspects that relate to the contractor’s implementation of Broad-Based Black
Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE), community participation, use and development of Black
Enterprises (BEs) and Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs), and engagement and training of
labour recruited from local communities. These specifications should be read in conjunction with the
various statutes and white papers that relate to small businesses.


All tenders will be considered with specific reference to applicable legislation in force from time to time
and which are specifically applicable to organs of state for example the following:-

2.1 Public Finance Management Act No. 1 of 1999;

2.2 Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No. 5 of 2000;
2.3 The Constitution of South Africa
2.4 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act No. 53 of 2003
2.5 National Small Business Amendment Act No. 26 of 2003



A black enterprise (BE) is defined as a company or economic activity that is at least 50.1% owned by
black persons and where there is substantial management control by Black People. Ownership refers
to economic interest, whilst management refers to the membership of any board or similar governing
body of the enterprise.


Black people (BP) are defined as Africans, Coloureds and Indians who hold South African Citizenship
through their birthright.


“Small Medium and Micro Enterprise or “SMME” is defined as a separate and distinct business entity,
including cooperative enterprises and non-governmental organisations, managed by one owner or
more, including its branches or subsidiaries, if any and which can be classified as a small, medium or
macro enterprise by satisfying the criteria mentioned in Table A below in terms of the National Small
Business Amendment Act 26 of 2003.

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Total Gross asset Total annual Total full time
value (fixed turnover equivalent of paid
property excluded) employees
(less than) (less than) (less than)
Medium R5m R 26 m 200
Small R1m R6m 50
Very Small R 0.5 m R3m 20
Micro R 0.1 m R 0.2 m 5


1. Contract Participation Targets

Contract participation is a process by which the Employer implements Government’s policies on Black
Economic Empowerment and small contractor development. The Employer sets targets for construction
by specified entities the rand value for which is based on the goods, services and work undertaken by
the specified entities and measured as a percentage of the contractor’s tender sum (excluding VAT).
The contractor is obliged to commit to the targets set by the Employer. For this contract the targets are
as follows:

In this contract the minimum target values shall be as follows:

1.1 Labour maximisation 2%
2.1 SMME/BE utilisation 13% of which at least 90% is to be contributed by BEs who
are also SMMEs

2. Contract Participation Goals (CPG)

The contractor is encouraged to participate in the Employer’s commitment to achieving Government’s

empowerment objectives by itself committing to perform beyond the set targets. To this end the
contractor has to state the values which it commits to perform on the relevant returnable schedule (see
returnable schedules Form C16.

3. Measurement of performance

The contractor’s participation performance will be measured monthly in order to monitor the extent to
which he is striving to reach the contract participation goal (CPG) specified in his tender. Regular returns
are required from the contractor and shall be submitted with each payment certificate.

The contractor’s monthly participation performance towards the CPG will be calculated as the sum of
labour and SMME/BE achieved.

Labour = male labour wages + 1,05 female labour wages and

Utilisation of SMMEs/BEs = Value of work done by SMME/BE [1 + 0,1 (BP equity in SMME/BE) + 0,05
(Equity held by females in SMME/BE)].

Failure to reach the CPG shall render the contractor liable for a penalty as prescribed in clause 4.1 of
the General Conditions of Contract (as amended by Particular Conditions of Contract and sub-clause
C3.7.3.6(3) herein). Conversely, achievement greater than the specified CPG may entitle the contractor
to a bonus, also described in sub-clause C3.7.3.6 (3).

No contract participation goals will be used in the evaluation of tenderers’ preference points. Both goals
(i.e. that for labour maximisation and SMME/BE utilisation) are used in the calculation of the
penalty/bonus applicable to the actual goals performed.

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The contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that it is an objective of the contract to maximise the labour
content of certain operations or portions thereof. In this regard, where the specified work allows for a
choice between mechanical or labour-enhanced means, the former should generally be kept to the
practical minimum.

The contractor shall take cognisance of these objectives and their contribution to the CPG (see sub-
clauses C3.7.3.3((1)(1)) and C3.7.3.3((1)(2)) when, at tender stage, he commits on Form C16:
Requirements of Government’s Programme for Broad-Based Black Empowerment.

Before commencing with any labour enhanced operations the contractor shall discuss his intentions with
the engineer, and shall submit to the engineer on a monthly basis, daily labour returns indicating the
numbers of temporary personnel employed on the works and the activities on which they were engaged.

The engineer shall assess the monthly labour returns, and proposed measures deemed necessary to
rectify any shortfall from the contractor's tendered number of labourers as per Form C16 will be agreed
with the contractor.


1. Objective

A major objective of the B-BBEE Programme is to extend economic opportunities and entrepreneurial
capacity to all localities by the optimum utilisation of the resources existing in the vicinity of projects, the
development of these resources in the execution of the project, and by maximising the amount of project
funds retained within the project locality.

2. Requirements

The contractor is required to commit to the direct participation of SMMEs/BEs in its operations that form
part of items of work and of the value of goods and services that are to be preferred under this contract.
The minimum level of commitment is prescribed in Form C16: Requirements of Government’s
Programme for Broad-Based Black Empowerment. The commitment forms part of the Contract
Participation goals and targets defined in clause C3.7.3.3.

Contractors who are bonafide empowerment companies do not qualify for relief from the obligations
created by these requirements. Similarly, contractors who are joint venture entities cannot claim the
value of work or services performed by any of the joint venture elements who are classified SMME or
BE as contributing towards the prescribed goals or tendered targets.

Contractors, when tendering, shall enter onto Form C17: Requirements of Government’s Programme
for Broad-Based Black Empowerment the contract value (excluding VAT) as well as the monetary value
for SMME/BE participation to which he commits. Commitments beyond the prescribed value, and
achieved, form part of the incentive programme described in clause C3.7.3.6(3).

When calculating achievement of the committed targets, the difference between SMMEs and BEs must
be clearly understood. The narrower goal of 90% committed expenditure shall only apply to BE
companies who are also SMMEs according to the definition of C3.7.3.3(1).

The tendered target value shall be used in calculating the performance of the Contract Participation
Goal as described in clause C3.7.3.3(3) and in calculating any penalty per clause C3.7.3.6(3).

3. Accredited Registration
Tender C3 - 157 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Government Requirement for BEE
Achievement measured against the SMME/BE target value shall only be accepted if the respective
SMME/BE for which services or work is being claimed as having been performed, is registered with an
accredited agency such as the Construction Industry Development Board. In addition, documentary
evidence that such SMMEs/BEs are registered with the South African Revenue Services shall be lodged
with the engineer before the work or service may be considered as having been performed by a bona
fide SMME/BE. The responsibility for producing evidence of the respective registration documentation
shall rest with the contractor.


1. Keeping of records

The contractor shall assume responsibility for the compilation and maintenance of comprehensive
records detailing each BE’s progress during the construction duration, starting from the award of a
subcontract to a BE until the successful completion of the subcontract work or termination of the

2. Monthly returns

The contractor's participation performance will be measured monthly in order to monitor the extent to
which he is striving to reach the Contract Participation Goal (CPG) proposed in his tender.

Reporting forms shall accompany the contractor's monthly claim presented to the engineer for payment
of certified completed work. Failure to adhere to this requirement shall result in the delay of any payment
due until the engineer confirms that the forms have been received.

3. Incentives/Penalties

As an incentive to encourage the contractor to achieve, or exceed, his tendered CPG, penalties shall
be imposed by the Employer for failure to achieve the tendered CPG and a bonus is offered for
exceeding the tendered CPG.

It is therefore, necessary to monitor progress on the achievement towards the tendered CPG. The basis
of monitoring shall be the levels of the individual contributions for labour employment and utilisation of
SMMEs/BEs. Any bonus due shall only be calculated at the completion of the contract according to the
tendered value of the CPG (refer to C3.7.3.3(3)) and not the individual targets.

If a bonus or penalty is to be applied, it shall be at the rates shown item C10.03. In the case of penalties,
they shall be deducted from monies due to the contractor.


Item Unit

C10.03 Incentives/Penalties

(a) Bonus ....................................................................................... provisional (Prov)sum

(b) Penalties
i) Contract Participation Goal ................................................................ rate only

The unit of measurement shall be the specified percent of the value of the excess or shortfall measured
against the tendered CPG.

The bonus shall be paid at the rate of 5% of the amount by which the achieved values exceed the CPG
up to a maximum of R50 000.00.

Tender C3 - 158 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Government Requirement for BEE
The penalty for failure to achieve the Contract Participation Goal shall be applied at a rate of 25% of the
value by which the accumulative value of the measurable elements fails to meet the tendered CPG and
shall be applied on a pro-rata basis according to a monthly evaluation of achievements against the
targets tendered by the contractor. (Refer to clause C3.7.3.6(3))

No separate payment shall be made for any costs incurred by the contractor, whether direct or indirect,
for his efforts in accomplishing the requirements of B-BBEE objectives as specified, and which are not
recoverable from the pay items allowed. Such costs shall be deemed to have been included in the rate
Section A, Contractor’s Establishment on Site and General Obligations: Time Related Obligations.

Tender C3 - 159 C3.7
Part C3: Scope of work Generic Specifications
Reference No. CIA 5677/2018/RFP Government Requirement for BEE




Tender C4 - 1 C4
Part C4: Site information
Reference No. CIA125-2017


The information contained in Part C4 is intended as an indication of the conditions likely to be

encountered. All drawings, opinions, interpretations and suggested working methods given in this
volume must be regarded as a guide. The results are given in good faith but no warranty is given that
the information is representative of the entire airport or route, and no responsibility will be accepted for
any consequence arising from actual conditions being different from those indicated in this volume.


C4.2.1 General

The general locality of the main facilities is indicated in the diagram below:

Tender C4 - 2 C4
Part C4: Site information
Reference No. CIA125-2017


Contract C4 - 3 C4
Part C4: Site information
Reference No. CIA125-2017




Ref: 14549 GG

TEL: 021 405 9600

FAX: 021 419 6774
E MAIL: info
P O BOX 3132, CAPE TOWN, 8000



1. TERMS OF REFERENCE ................................................................................................ 1

2. INFORMATION AVAILABLE ........................................................................................... 1

3. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION ........................................................................................... 2

3.1 BOREHOLE INVESTIGATION ........................................................................................... 2

3.1.1 Drilling Undertaken ............................................................................................... 2

3.1.2 Field Testing in the Borehole ................................................................................ 2

3.2 LABORATORY TESTING ................................................................................................. 2

4. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS ................................................................................................ 3

4.1 SITE GEOLOGY AND SOILS PROFILE .............................................................................. 3

4.2 SITE GEOHYDROLOGY .................................................................................................. 3

4.3 FOUNDING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................ 4

4.3.1 Founding Conditions for Tank 7 ............................................................................ 4

4.3.2 Founding Conditions for Bund Walls ..................................................................... 5

4.4 SUBGRADE CONDITIONS FOR BUND FLOORS .................................................................. 6

4.5 EXCAVATION CONDITIONS ............................................................................................. 7

4.6 MATERIALS UTILISATION POTENTIAL / SUBGRADE CONDITIONS ....................................... 7

5. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................... 7

6. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 8




Kantey & Templer was requested by ACSA to undertake geotechnical investigations at

the site of the new Fuel Storage Tank (Tank 7) proposed for the Shell Fuel Depot at
Cape Town International Airport.

In particular we were requested to investigate and advise on the following:

• Site Geology and Soils Profile

• Founding Conditions and Founding Solutions
• Site Geohydrology
• Subgrade Conditions


The following information was available at the time of our investigation:

• 1:250 000 Geological Survey Series Map (Number 3318, Cape Town).
• 1:50 000 Council for Geoscience geological map, namely 3318CD with legends.
• Published explanation booklet “The Geology of Cape Town” by J.N. Theron
accompanying the 1:50 000 geological map.
• Site locality diagram indicating the layout of the existing depot and location of the
new tank.
• Google Earth Imagery of the site.

It was stated that the development will comprise construction of one 3200m3 above
ground jet fuel storage tank and supporting infrastructure. The tank will be about 17,0m
in diameter and exert a bearing pressure of about 170kPa.

Reference was also made to the results of previous geotechnical investigations

undertaken at the Airport.


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The type and size of the storage tank proposed required a geotechnical investigation of
the soil characteristics not only near the surface but also at depth. The investigation
accordingly allowed for the drilling of a small diameter exploratory borehole taken to a
depth of 15,45m below existing ground level.

Borehole Investigation

Drilling Undertaken

The borehole was drilled within the footprint area of the tank during the period 08 – 10
October 2014. The hole was drilled employing standard rotary core drilling techniques
and wash boring for the extraction of N sized core. NX was utilised during wash boring.
The borehole was located at the approximate positions indicated on the attached
diagram, drawing No 14549GG/01.

The drill samples extracted from the borehole were logged according the methods
recommended by the South African Association of Engineering Geologists (Guideline
for Soil and Rock Logging in SA (2002).

The borehole log detailing the geological descriptions, the method of drilling, the results
of the in-situ testing and the depth of the borehole are presented in Appendix A.

Field Testing in the Borehole

Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were carried out at 1m intervals in the borehole.

The SPT tests undertaken in South Africa are performed in accordance with B.S. 1377:
Part 9: 1990, “Determination of Penetration Resistance Using Split-Barrel Sampler

Laboratory Testing

‘Undisturbed’ samples of soil were recovered from the Raymond Spoon used for the SPT
testing. These were carefully examined during logging but not subjected to any
laboratory analysis.


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Site Geology and Soils Profile

Based on published geological data and previous geotechnical investigations

undertaken by Kantey & Templer at the Airport, the site is known to be situated in terrain
composed of and underlain by Quarternary age transported sands exceeding 15 to 20
m in thickness.

The transported profile initially consists of a surficial layer of windblown and dune mole
disturbed sand which, from 1 to 2m depth, typically contains pedogenic calcrete which
ranges from calcareous silty sand, to silt/sand to nodular and strongly cemented hardpan
calcrete concretions. The calcrete is generally weathered into a stiff silty soil locally.

The borehole confirmed that the site is underlain from shallow depth by sandy
transported and pedogenic calcareous soils to the ±16m depth investigated.

Down to 3m, the profile consists initially of a thin layer of loose sandy to gravelly fill and
then windblown fine to medium grained sand of medium dense consistency. From 3m,
the sand (considered to be of transported largely alluvial origin) alternates with very
distinctly calcareous zones, the most significant of which were intersected at 3,0 – 4,0m
and 8 – 10m depth.

The calcareous zones range from very stiff sandy silt to very stiff silt/sand.

Site Geohydrology

The Airport is characterised by the presence of a seasonally fluctuating, relatively

shallow, perched water table.

Seasonal fluctuation is known to be significant with levels normally stabilised at depths

of more than 2.0m below ground level during the dry summer months, readily rising to
close to ground level over localised areas during periods of intense rainfall. Surface
ponding and completely saturated subsoil conditions are common during the latter part
of the rainy season.

A standpipe piezometer was successfully installed in the borehole and the water table
recorded after completion of the drilling. Groundwater was intersected at 1,9m below


Z:\ADMIN\Jobs-GG\14549GG Shell Tank Airport\PQP Category 1\Report\Geotechnical Report.doc OCTOBER 2014

existing ground level, this confirming the presence of a seasonally fluctuating perched
water table.

It is important that the shallow seasonal presence of groundwater (and possibly even
ponding during the rainy season) be noted and that the timing of any bulk earthworks,
trenching, foundation construction etc. all be programmed with due consideration for the
difficulties associated with the control of groundwater during the rainy season. As much
as possible of trench excavation and foundation construction etc., should preferably be
programmed for the dry summer months.

Founding Conditions

Founding Conditions for Tank 7

The following SPT ‘N’ values were obtained during SPT testing in the borehole:



0 21 medium dense

0 14 medium dense

0 22 very stiff

0 19 medium dense

0 27 medium dense

0 32 dense

0 25 medium dense

0 28 very stiff

0 59 very stiff

0 R very stiff

11,0 R very stiff

12,0 41 very dense

13,0 53 very dense


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14,0 38 very dense

15,0 43 very dense


With medium dense to dense sandy soils and very stiff silty calcareous soils underlying
the site to great depth, founding conditions for the tank are considered to be favourable
and the use of conventional (non-piled) foundations entirely feasible.

On the basis of the SPT results and assuming that:

• the density of any loose surficial soils within the tank area (fill and transported
sands) will be improved by way of compaction prior to construction of foundations
and placement of imported fill,

• foundations will be founded in medium dense naturally deposited soils;

it can be
shown using popular analytical methods, that the bearing capacity of the subsoils will be
of the order of 175kPa (and hence sufficient for the safe long term support of the tank)
and that total settlement under hydro testing will be limited to less than 15mm.

Although we have not undertaken in-situ probing around the tank perimeter and have
accordingly not established the risk and magnitude of any potential differential settlement
on opposite sides of the tank, we are of the opinion that given the alluvial nature of the
sandy subsoils and typical consistency in the materials properties, differential settlement
will be minor and well within acceptable limits. It is estimated that the differential
settlement will be less than 50% of the total settlement predicted.

In this regard, it should be noted that settlement measurements during hydro testing of
the existing tanks in the depot (also founded conventionally on the alluvial sands), were
barely perceptible and insignificant.

Founding Conditions for Bund Walls

The density of the naturally transported sands within the upper profile generally classifies
as ‘medium dense’. This material will satisfactorily support imposed structural loadings
of up to 175kPa.


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The presence of a thin layer of fill, largely of unacceptably loose consistency, and mole
disturbed, should however be noted and allowed for at all times. This layer, although
found to be only 200mm thick in the borehole is likely to be a variable thickness across
the site and may be encountered to greater depth locally.
Whilst conventional spread footings, seated at shallow depth within the upper 0,5 – 1,0m
of the profile, is likely to prove entirely feasible for support of the bund walls, we would
nevertheless recommend that:

• foundation excavations all be taken through the fill and onto/into the transported

• DCP tests be carried out in the foundation excavations,

• final founding levels be fixed according to the results obtained from the DCP results.

The above will ensure that footings are constructed in competent, naturally deposited
soils at all times.

For costing purposes, we would suggest that allowance be made for the use of
conventional spread footings dimensioned not to exceed a maximum permissible
bearing pressure of 175kPa and that founding occurs in competent medium dense
naturally transported material throughout.

Subgrade Conditions for Bund Floors

Given the loose density and anticipated variable nature and thickness of the fill, subgrade
conditions for bund floors are not considered to be entirely favourable.

Subgrade conditions can however be improved by reworking and compaction of the fill.

Where compacted to a minimum of 98% of the Modified AASHTO density, the existing
fill should provide upper selected subgrade support complying with the CBR
requirements of a G7 subgrade.

DCP tests should be carried out for checking and approval of the density of the
compacted soils.


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Excavation Conditions

The site soils are considered as ‘soft’ material throughout. South African specification
SANS 1200 DA describes the ‘soft’ class of excavation as follows:

Soft excavation shall be excavation in material that can be efficiently removed by a back-
acting excavator of flywheel power approximately 0,10 kW per millimetre of tinedbucket
width without the assistance of pneumatic or hydraulic tools such as paving breakers, or
that can be efficiently loaded without prior ripping or stockpiling by a rubber tyre type
front-end loader of approximately 15t mass and a flywheel power of approximately 100

Given the non-cohesive sandy nature of the site soils, that is, the fill and underlying
transported soils, the excavation sidewalls for foundations, deep trenches etc. will
require either battering or shoring to prevent collapse.

Materials Utilisation Potential / Subgrade Conditions

Whilst we have not undertaken any laboratory testing, the bulk of the existing fill and
sandy transported material will, upon reworking and selection, readily compact to 98%
of the Modified AASHTO density and provide entirely satisfactory subgrade support
complying with the strength requirements specified for G7 upper selected subgrade.
Bund floor layerworks should be designed accordingly. Base and subbase will have to
be imported.


• The site is underlain by:

o a thin layer of loose sandy and gravelly fill, then;

o naturally transported medium dense sands to about 3,0m depth, then;

o calcareous very stiff silty pedogenic soils alternating with transported

sands down to the ±16m depth investigated.


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• The subsoils are considered to be of sufficient strength for the conventional

support of the proposed new tank, bund walls and related infrastructure.

• Foundations should be dimensioned not to exceed a maximum permissible

bearing pressure of 175kPa (the estimated bearing capacity of the subsoils).

• Subgrade conditions for bund floors are not entirely favourable due to the
presence of loose fill (confirmed to be only 200mm thick at the borehole but likely to
extend to greater depth elsewhere). The density of the loose material should be
improved to at least 98% Modified AASHTO prior to placement of selected pavement
layerworks and concrete flooring.

• The site is characterised by the presence of a seasonally fluctuating perched

water table which will rise to ground level over localised areas during the rainy
season. The bulk earthworks and improvement of subgrade conditions should be
programmed with this in mind.


The recommendations and discussions presented in this report are based on the
subsurface conditions encountered during the site work at the time of investigation and
on the results of the field testing. There may be, however, conditions pertaining to the
site which have not been taken into account due to the limited scope of the investigation
(single borehole).

It is expected that once the new structures have been set out and bulk earthworks have
commenced, further inspections of foundation excavations etc. will be undertaken with
the assistance of the geotechnical engineers and/or tests be carried out for approval of
founding/subgrade conditions throughout.



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