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Sheet Seven

Blocks A and B have masses of 4 kg and 1.5 kg, respectively, and are
connected by a cord-and-pulley system and released from rest in the
position shown with the spring undeformed. Knowing that the constant
of the spring is 300 N/m, Ignore friction and the pulleys and spring.

1- The total P. E energy of the system after YB=150 mm

2- the velocity of block B after it has moved 150 mm

3- The tension in the cord at VB max
4- the maximum velocity of block B.
5- the maximum displacement of block B
A thin circular rod is supported in a vertical plane by a bracket at A.
Attached to the bracket and loosely wound around the rod is a spring of
constant k =3 lb/ft and undeformed length equal to the arc of circle AB.
A 0.5Ib collar C, not attached to the spring, can slide without friction
along the rod. Knowing that the collar is released from rest at an angle
θ =43.50 with the vertical, Determine

6- The total potential energy of the collar at C

7- The total potential energy of the collar at D

8- The velocity of the collar at A

9- The velocity of the collar at B
A 3-lb collar is attached to a spring and slides without friction along a
circular rod in a horizontal plane. The spring has an undeformed length
of 7 in. and a constant k =1.5 lb/in. Knowing that the collar is in
equilibrium at A and is given a slight push to get it moving, Determine:

10- The potential energy of the collar at B Ib.ft

11- The velocity of the collar at B ft/s

12- The potential energy of the collar at C Ib.ft

13- The velocity of the collar at C ft/s

The 2-kg collar is released from rest at A and slides down the inclined
fixed rod in the vertical plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction 0.4.

14- The normal reaction of the bar on the collar

15- The work done by friction when the collar moves 0.5 m is
16- The change in the collar potential energy as it moves 0.5 m is
17- The maximum compression of the spring
Packages of 1 Kg each are thrown down an incline at A with a velocity
of 1 m/s. The packages slide along the surface ABC to a conveyor belt
which moves with a velocity of 2 m/s. Knowing that d=7.5 m and μk=
0.25 between the packages and all surfaces, Determine (a) the speed of
the package at C, (b) the distance a package will slide on the conveyor
belt before it comes to rest relative to the belt.

18- The work done on the package from A to B

19- The work done on the package from B to C
20- The velocity of the package as it reached point C
21- The work done on the package to come to rest
22- The distance a package will slide on the conveyor belt before it
comes to rest relative to the belt.

The package has a weight of 5 lb and slides down the chute. When it
reaches the curved portion AB, it is traveling at 8 ft/s (θ = 0o at this point
A). If the chute is smooth, determine the speed of the package when it
reaches the intermediate point C (θ = 30o) and when it reaches the
horizontal plane at B (θ = 45°). Also, find the normal force on the
package at C.
27- The acceleration is ------------------
28- The speed at C
29- The normal reaction at C
30- The speed at B
31. Determine the
velocity of the 60-lb
block A if the two blocks
are released from rest
and the 40-lb block B
moves 2 ft up the
incline. The coefficient
of kinetic friction
between both blocks and
the inclined planes is µk
= 0.10.
32. The 0.5-kg ball of
negligible size is fired
up the smooth vertical
circular track using
the spring plunger.
The plunger keeps the
spring compressed
0.08 m when s = 0.
Determine how far s it
must be pulled back
and released so that
the ball will begin to
leave the track when θ

33. If the 60-kg skier passes point A with

a speed of 5 m/s, determine his speed
when he reaches point B. Also find the
normal force exerted on him by the slope
at this point. Neglect friction.

34. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the 100-kg crate and the
plane is µk = 0.25, determine the compression x of the spring required to
bring the crate momentarily to rest. Initially the spring is unstretched and
the crate is at rest.
35. Two blocks A and B, of mass
4 kg and 5 kg, respectively, are
connected by a cord which
passes over pulleys as shown. A
3 kg collar C is placed on block
A and the system is released
from rest. After the blocks have
moved 0.9 m, collar C is
removed and blocks A and B
continue to move. Determine the
speed of block A just before it
strikes the ground.

36.The 500-kg elevator starts from rest and travels upward with a constant
acceleration ac = 2 m/s2. Determine the power output of the motor M when
t = 3 s. Neglect the mass of the pulleys and cable.

37. When the 50-kg cylinder is released from rest, the spring is subjected
to a tension of 60 N. Determine the speed of the cylinder after it has
fallen 200 mm. How far has it fallen when it momentarily stops?
38. The system shown
is in equilibrium
when φ = 0. Knowing
that initially φ= 90°
and that block C is
given a slight nudge
when the system is in
that position,
determine the velocity
of the block as it
passes through the
equilibrium position
φ=0 .Neglect the
weight of the rod.

39. The light rod is pivoted at O, if the rod is released from rest at θ=60 0
and swings in the vertical plane, calculate (a) the velocity of the 5-Ib
before it hits the spring the dashed position and (b) the maximum
compressed x of the spring. Assume that x is small so that the position of
the rod when the spring is compressed is essentially horizontal.

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