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GRADE:- B.Sc 1st year Terminal examination 2080 FULL MARK:-50
TIME:- SUBJECT:- PHYSICS Sub code:- 101 PASS MARK:- 17.5

Candidates are required to given their answer in their own words as practicable.
Attempt all questions
1. Write down and solve the differential equation of damped harmonic oscillator
subjected to a sinusoidal force and obtain expression for its maximum amplitude
and quality factor. [10]
What is a torsional pendulums ? obtain an expression for its time period. Explain
why unlike a simple or compound pendulum, the time period in this case remains
un affected even if the amplitude is large.
2. State the second law of thermodynamics and explain its physical significance.
Drive an expression for the efficiency of Carnot’s engine. [10]
Drive Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Discuss how the boiling point of liquid and
melting point of a solid are affected by change of pressure.
3. Answer all questions [6×2=12]
a) A light and a heavy body have equal kinetic energies of translation. Which
one has the larger momentum ?
b) Discuss different type of thermodynamics.
c) Process and drive an expression for work done in isothermal process.
4. Answer all questions [3×2=6]
a) what do you mean by a harmonic oscillator ? At what distance from mean
position K.E and P.E are equal in S.H.M.
b) Define thermal equilibrium and zeroth law of thermodynamics.
5. 10 gmof ice at −2 ℃ is mixed with20 gm of water at 10 ℃. Calculated the change
in entropy. [6]
6. The bodies of masses 10 g and 90 g are connected by a weightless spring of
length 10 cm. If the force constant of the spring is 106 dyne per cm. find the
frequency of oscillation of the system. [6]

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