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vi ¥v (rales! boxes and lose ors sha checked for any phyla! smage, ¥ (Check the foundation! plinth of tank and cooler assembly as pe foundation plan drawing. we Placement of transformer on plinth ‘and mount roller etc. Preparation of oll in separate tank ‘and test for BDV > 60 KV ¥<_————_| ‘Storage of accessories in covared shed] 1 Very the material recod ss por the packing fist and report to BEL for ny shortages / eamages | ‘Store ol Grums horizontally wih buns {845 "to the horizontal on leveled and ‘hard surface. Alo ensure no water accumulation Is there. ¥ aa For Oi filed For Gas fled ¥ i Evacuation of transformer for ull ‘vacuum e. 760 mm of. And traintain 2s por guides given in ‘with processed and iene ES ¥ terminations of Cabling 2 tere ssioning checks as per |_——> Precommecule 118 TP OWETER <7 fs to be kept randy or comassoin oe Jnould be pald to the following cy i te ot ice attention f an experier = : instalation work service, s#0HEN i pervision of an experienced pee ater tha eat + tunder the strict SuPer Maly to vary pending ra joblems arising out of ad tests. These should be caret ¢ a on ae The Instructions given belOW fetus ot he rece basis. ts ace of yey _the site co snsessed and rome to ‘Bharat Bi Ld." for NY clarifica situations have id be made e-com er tion issioning checks/tests on transformer snd check all flanged Joints and fitting fg, 42 General chee mer allover fo ll EE Sang on transformer tank can be dove 1. Inspect the fe bolts. erate found necessary, reste only after consulting BBL- Jeveledfoundation- e 2. check he transformeris placed on! sition inclined ata rising angle of 3 degrecs to 9 desres, os 3 gucmolzreay stobemoumed her” Tow mark on relay points towards consenat, approx. towards conservator PTT’ Tt fully open. AlsO make sure that all radiat ‘isolating valve/s of Buchholz wae ‘opened and locked in position by sealing cap valves (butterfly valves) ere ful nd Buchholz relay, tank cover until tors, bushings, and Buchholz re i Sorel Blugventng ee rv ore that no air remains Inside the transformer tank, years and then ch 6. Checkandcoretthelevelafolinmsinand JOLIE cor a eratui di 7. Make sure that all thermometer pockets for oil and winding temperature Indicators are filed with transformer oll, * ie Bienen live parts to earth must be at ke a . Minit fies between live parts and. 2 al Fenn eneed in Coneal Arangement dew of transformer and ezble boxes, ~ Ensure that equipments ere mounted in position as shown in general arrangement drawing 30,check that the colour of slica gel In breather Is dark blue. Also oll in oil cup ts filled up to ‘the level Indicated on Indicator. Check that air passage of breather is not blocked, Lcheck the various protective devices (viz. OTI, WTI, Buchholz relay, M.O.G. PRV etc) and thelr signaling and tripping contacts for foolproof ‘Operation. Make sure that Buchholz relay floats are un-locked and the relay is set in ‘service' position. 12Check that switches for alarm and trip contacts on oll temperature and winding temperature indicators are set at the desired temperature setting. ech oe voltage and set the OLTC on the Corresponding tap position. eer ege ered Broperly by two independent earth connection. Points marked in GREEN cofour. Ps on bushings and cable end terminations on bus bars, ete. for proper e breakers associated wi Ory equipments oF tra ith et by actual operation of 0 0 oO © © © © ® ® & © © ® © © © © ee in. which is also reduced 5.4 Recoinmendations for maintenarice: 5. MAINTENRKG 5.4 General S: MAINTENANCE 2. Incomectin insaltionof ~ ofecces Overoatingbeyondsennsy &. Poormsintenance 4. Faulty design oreonstrction ©. Accidents : ble it, 5.2 Factors affecting the ie ofthe transformer: Transformer oil HL Teadily absorbs molture from the air. This reduces delete strength of el, {by Sli impuetiesCareshould bo taken to sininstesirfrom renfomet 'e transformer under vacuum. Presence of oxygen Inside cll causes hich blocks the free circulation of ell ver winding Preferably by filing Sludge formation, wi 5.3 Maintenance Procedure: Precautions: [No workshall be done on any part of the transformers unless tis sconnaced from ete lrcuts and al windings have been fly earthee, Naked igh nd lames shouldbe kept well _avay from the transformer while doing maltenance, lleva sould be reduced below tak cover while opening nits and belts on cover and before unsesing the tank, restos, conservator, explosion, vent and ay othe ping on takeover. : ‘Transformer tank, cover and othér parts should be inspected periodically for any ol leakages, ‘peeling of paint or rust formation. Rusted portion should be properly cleaned and repainted. (ll leakages should be immediately attended to. Clamping bolts on gasket joints should be tightened properly and If necessary gaskets shall be replaced. 5.4.1 Trensformer Oil: Oil level should be checked at frequent intervals and if necessary conservator should be topped up. Oil for topping up should be clean fresh fitered and complying with I 41866 and should preferably from same source 2s the orignal ol Samples of ell should be taken at regular intervals and tested. It may be mentioned that normal method of oil purification by using high vacuum fiter machine only improve dielectric strength and reduces PPM of oil. However, the delecrc strength does not give 2 true Indication of the correct condition ofthe ol Even ol, which s highly deteriorated, may hve high dielectric strength If is dry. therefor, & pegresary to carry out cherncal tests and other test as given In (5 2866 In adiion to the above tests. ildeterioration takes place generally bythe following contaminants: 2, Increase of watercontentsinoil. bs, Polarsubstances “a COS Powered by Trust ae ci tn poner PC a e Generation of dissolved E355" Bi 2 ce en ‘the acidity from the ‘oll but will remove one eee process ‘of detertratlon. Filters with fuller’s earth a e nee i E Conese tecarenomone = nk stion of oll. : ce a i # en increasesresistivity decreases: ator or filtration doesnot remove ‘and will tend to retard the reduce the acidity in the i : ©00,0000 6% presence of Moisture or generat saw» Sattfacary result of resist at 2 unsatisfactory result at lower fer ser contamination. red to satisfactory level by éying| by filtration sats at both temperatures. | Indicates = Unsatisfactory results 2 peratu ie atlow temperature ‘oxidation of oll encourages Hetero Insulating paper. When acidity an srshee In 6 months will £0 mg KOH/em level is 4 reaches 0.5:mg KOH/gm check acidity 0 y J Mim ore proserieds Pungent dour wnaleates higher soit + reached when oll 5,42. Conservatorandolllevelindicators Generally two types of conservators are used. One is conventional type which has cere pramatic gauge elas for ll Indication, where as other ene compre, aioe ectional air eal separator to avold entry of direct alr toll In consersin, conservators are so designed that the lower part acts as a sump In wich Impurities ceri dodge may collect. A vale [sited at the lowest portion of the conservator fo raining and sampling, The inside of the conservator should be cleaned periodically. "a detachable end plate [s provided to facilitate ceaning on all power transformers Oil indicator glass should be kept clean so that oll evel Is dearly visible. Broken indicator glass should be replaced immediately. When conservator ts taken for maintenance, magnetic ol level Indicator mechanism should slso be cleaned and inspected for operation. Float should be checked to see that there is no cil in the float 5.4.3 Silicagel breather: ae ee = spected frequently especially where temperature and humidity eee aes ee eg transformer is subjected to fluctuating loads ae arene ee ; y stage, Its colour is dark blue as ft becomes saturated , Its colour changes to pale blue/pink then it should be reactivated ee) 74 Powered by Trust” Bharat Bijles h For reactivating the slicoge! remove the ‘ ' ofthe breather i 9 ay. Heat the el 1 at batom and eny th cna for elght hours. Check the colour of the crystals after 4 Toon, wrens , tumed to dark blue remove the gel from ls after 4 hours. When they have " fe the ol-seatng cup ofter ling ol upto the level marled onic a eet Telcinaeedl ane coca ee ay Cer eee In the oll seal must be maintained , ee - at the level marked on the cil cup. Refill the oll ‘At the time of activating, sudden heating to hig bi \\ nr eS eee ET ea] esr ecear och ore nek resistance to passage of alr. eee Remove the allen gol breather only when the ab eres the alent temperate and lod of he tronefomeci te etesfeg and ol expanding io asi’ beating tn ofa ro | conservator directly 5.4.4 Buchholzrelzy: Ny Routine operation and mechanical inspection tests should be carried out as recommended. During service, if gas {s found to be collecting and giving alarm, | The gus should be tested and analyzed to find out the probable ature ofthe fal ‘Sometimes, It may be noticed that the gas collected Is only alt ‘The reason for this may be that the oil is releasing absorbed air due to change In temperature. “The absorbed air is released only In initial period of six months, when no vacuum 5 applied during filling of oil in transformer. The nature of internal faults can be identified to.a great extent by a chemical analysis of gas. ‘Buchholz relay wil also give alarm of tip the breaker due toll eve fling below ; Buchholz rely. Isolating valve between the :conservator and Buchholz relay facilitates removal of Buchholz relay for repairs /chécking without lowering ‘the oil level in conservetor. It should be ‘ensured that Isolating valves of Buchholz relay are kept fully ‘open for unhindered il flow during service. 5.4.5 ExplosionVent. ‘The diaphragm fitted at the exposed end and Transformer covet end of the vent Thould be Inspected at frequent Interals and replaced if damaged. Whenever lower diaphragm ruptures oll rises Inside the explosion vent pipe and Is visible in the level fadicator on explosion vent. Failure to replace the other diaphragm quickly wi alow ingress of moisture which will contaminated the oll If diaphragm is broken becauss of fault in the transformer, an Inspection should be carried out to determine the nature and cause of the fault. 5.46 olfC(OnLoadTep changer) Pleaserefer manufacturer'smanual fo yore 14 be kept clean and if broken replaced panne yen rac, lS ue eg pales tt correctly should be calibrated with standard See found reading (ath, also check te pocketls Sf presence of water and foun, Lt or efit with fresh oll and seal the opening proper. a ae "e een te et then re-taping ‘must be done by PVC tape ‘of good qual of capilla , event further damage Ne armoring or c2piliaY- a p “1 FOR EARTHING Bharat Bijlee Mawnre : Frequency of NANCE SCHEDULE Rees Misses Inspected sPection Notes | Acton requredwecpscaseac] Hourly Fel w ited if inspection shows ea ry condone Do Wi - ‘cord temperature| | Minding & Record temp 2 B In case tem; P—Hindty op ny | SS per te = ole reduced od ad toad timperes) | Grckaganstmea SVotige | Raureandrecain| tae eae nce an eed it amdecortn| we. Ast vatageto ded te Daly | Otevnlofmain | cheater promo and Ore, Tea | lo ep up wih dryiteted ot were re, |Meat | tamin ansene or anlest aie werature | andattendthe same - Do Reliefvert | tha ckiapieem | Renae asdedon diaphragm ‘and also oilin. pe cece eae indetoe Do Dehydrating | Check colour ofthe | sea pals pink change by=pare breather | sitea gi tsheud | charge. The old charge maybe te darkblue. nso |eatnated fr further ez, Fitllin checkolin reste] epi les. ee, Guarriy | Bushing amine foreach | Gean fr dr depostand reps 3 and cit deposts, | fond eatkdevetoped. : Do - Oil in ‘Take suitable action by carry out transformer and | strength end var | ftration fe torestore quality. tap changer [content Do aolerfan and] liste beatings, |Relace deface part any pumpforits _ |check gearbox. proper operation | xine contacts &greasing/ ‘Check manual oiling of beeing contol and Interlocks Sn load tap | bres bearves, | Replace defective part any. {refer ourc | changer driving et ‘mechanism pl mod Ser manuel aso) eae Powered by Trust @Bharct Bijlee it [60 (Onlosdtap | Checkallcicuts | Replace defective pert If ary. changer operation) independently. conmanual/ | Checkstep by step electrical _| operation including automatic control) tirit switches. 32. | Do Dilleakegefrom | Check forany Replace defective partif any. main tank, leakage end attend radiators, pipes, | Immediately. OuTC ete. 33. | Halt yeary [OFAR/OFWoll | Checkproper Replace the defective part f any. coolers. ‘working of cooling | Apply greese/oll to fen bearings. fons, pumps, pressure gauges of (te OFW coolers etc. 146. [Do |On load tap ‘Check for all ‘Glean, adjust or replace partif Jchanger and | moving parts, developed defect driving gear | contacts, etc mechanism. Yearly (Olin transformer] Checkoil Fiker olf to meet requirements. {or earlicrif parameters es per transformer 15 1856 atest an version. conveniently |. be taken out for checking) : 3 De Comparewith __| Process ollifrequired. Weather valuesetthe time | must be clear while measurement cfcommissioning | off. Do [Gasket joint. | Check for any “Tighten the bolts evenly to avaid leakage. tuneven pressure, Replace gasket if required. (Cable boxes | Checkforsealing | Replace gaskets i leaking arrangements for _| Change compound if dry and filing holes. developed crack Bamine Compound for crecks. Check moisture condensate] Ifany in air filed boxes © Bharat Bijlee Piney c 39, De Proteave [Sans 7 fevices the eevee tas Seas te ne eres wuchholz, PRY, | /relays fo jevices | contacts and fuses, Ifnecesserv- OTL, WT, OR, eee (Change the setting Fnecess=t Ce = Chect relay aeruracy| 20.) bo Tapa indicator Recs a Dito be replenished if required. shouldbe checked forcll i.| po Dial pee! [Check pointerfor | AdjustiFrequired = ease freemoverert -) D0 Eee |gasichcal [rinimeoreiscirasonst | pe nttott rest ete. | done necessary 23.|0 orth resistance Checkearth “Tale ate action feath Chee afr propet|resitance ichgner then ohm try watering itor by maki earth pit 7a] 02 Criconservator Fonibetoroenwaeanes. | Saye years ansformers| [verb neeeeey ‘wash by hesing down with eon craig UMingot | ctv. Tikten con anE ince Dade arrangements and ote ol : 2 _|mutsitioose, = : ransformes of |D0 [pe ati RISE IN TEMPE! High temperetures Control voltage within imi, ‘possible, reduc =e ngs reduced byimprovng over farlea het pantalones ‘which may be caused by Improper ratios or High ambient Impedances. See Electrical Trouble, below. ‘temperatures Improve vention. Sitch on coal fans/pumps. rt Insufficient cooing Wunltis artifical veoled, make sare coolingis adequate. Sludge formationin Of Fiter oll to remove studge. Short-circulted core “Test exciting current and no-load loss. \fhigh, Inspact cove and repalr, See Electrical Trouble, below. ELECTRICAL TROUBLES Lightning, shortetrcult. Overload, Ol of ow! dielectric, Foreign = — : Tere Insulation preaidown (C2te BOIS, lamps, or between tarninations) Usually, when o: ‘transformer winding falls, the transformer is outomaticllylsconnected from the power source by the ‘opening of the supply breaker Carryout low veltage tests compare with ear results. Buchhok alarm or tip mey occur ‘Test oil DGA and based on that following action “Test core oss. iFhigh, (ts probably duc to in winding or core lamination Shorting. carryout low volage tat of wine ie. ratlo, resistance, mag, Balance ett ‘Aso test core Insulation. I aminations ore welded together, refer matter to BEL 8 0 0-9 ° oO o Powered by Trust” G) Bharat Bijlee Incorrect volsge | Supplyveltge abnormal | Grange tp position to desis evel “Audible ternal | Floating (Unerounded) | The sources chould be immediaily d-verrined foise and adie | metallic partinfhaczone. | Nckesare that al normaly erouness Pars Interference reeperiy grounded, such asthe Comps and ore |E Teare connection ‘Summa as above Tighten all connections. Bashing Mashever | Uehtring Frovide adequate lightning protection. Dirty bushings lean bushing porcelains, frequency depending con dit accumulation Tess Tferm BBL MECHANICAL TROUBLES Tesloge through | Foreign material in Rechiy defect, 4) scxwjoine. threads. Oval nézples. Poor threses. Improper filler, Impropar assombly Tealage staat | Poor eins nsurncienor | Make proper oitn gasiet and hoes tthe Joints. neven Compression | proper place so that no bulalngon gasket. Improper preparation | Make tight screw Joints or gasket foints of gaskets ond gasket surfaces Teakagesta welds | Shipping stains, Repatr leaks By welding perfectreld Explosion vent “improper assembly. Teplses daphrogm. Inspect inside of pipetor diaphragm damaged | Mectanical damage evidence of rust or motsture and clean propery Presure-ralef Vale/} Internal Fault ollflow | Check that valve between tank and conssrystor Davice operated. | obstructedbetween | isopen ane breather pipe Is nct blocked tanstormertank and | Clean terminal bex from inside & provide conservator or breather | sealing on cable gland. pipe blocked. water entry in-termlnal box. ‘Audio noise Loose fiting of accessories| Make sure all jolnts ere ight. Tighten loots andeemal transformer | parts. Releasing pressure and shimming will partsgiving loudnotse | be remedy for this condition. duc to vibration Rusting and. ‘Abraded surfacesand | Repalnt properly. deterioration of |_| weathering paint finish Frocured matalor | Unusual trains offered | Cables and bus-bers attached to transiormer porcelinparts of | anterminalconnection | terminals should be adequately supported. bushings Incase of heavy leads, flexible connections should be provided to remove strain on the terminal and bushing porcelain. Powered by Truss OIL TROUBLES (SEE ALSO Is-186¢) low diciecine ©Baret Bijtee Broken evplesion ven strength laphragm. Sila gel of treathertecone | oitesiage ——J Replace diaphrgin Rescate site gel ‘armishes Carbortzed of ve to Suitching Winding (gk around caver | Change eked Feces? accessories Badly dseoloredel_| Contaminatedihy Fier llusing hich vacuum filter racine. Replace of I resistivity and tan delta Isbelow desired lvl. (15 1866). or eer faire. ad Saati Gluck or [Emonureto sic Acne | Wash down core ad calls and tank Fite eon reclaim or replace oll. ae Wh eventing Sarva above. FRhor reduc Toad or temperature coalee. * t9 any event iter olf or dry transformer by heating, Gr both to restore delectlestrensth. Maintenance of Transformers. [Reference 15:10028 (Part i) Code af practice forSelacton,Incallation ani o O° 9 720990906 S6.88000 Powered by Trust? @ shart Bijlee 5.7 CHECKS FOR TRANSFORMER TRIPPED ON RELAYS = Setto| Relay operated Checks to be done | Ditferental, REF, ‘Buchholz, PRV operated. internal fauledeveloped 2) check IR of windings. bb) Magnetic Balance, ¢) Magnetizing Current, 2) Winding Resistance, €) GA of oll 2 | Only Buchhols ralay| operated Teternal fault / ‘ic nbuchhole relay / core Insulation damaged. 5) check Buchhols relay for accumoltion of gases /a. by check the gos whether inflammable or not. ) found inflammable carry ox: DGA Gn case no gas /aicfouns in relay. G} Check te festinat block camection for shorting of wires/ entry of water CheckIR of core to tank: 3. | Only PRY of main Pressure developed inside F) Check whether vave are closed between main tankend conservator, main tank to tankoperated | tank. Radiator, +b) Check whether ell has flown out thru. RV. Ifnot, check the terminal connection| for shorting of wires /entry of water. A : ¢) Check IRSend Magnetizing current. | Only PRY] Tkernal fault pressure | 2) Check whether value batween diverter ‘laphcsgm oF OITC | developed inside dverter | and conservator is open. : operated of OC b) Check IR and Magnetizing current. | Only OSR operated internal fault in OFTC diverter @) Check whether actual relay operated or pot, OSR relay fieg turn dovn. If operated, b) Incase OSR is not operated check ‘terminal connection for water ‘accumulation ‘or shorting in wiring... ©) Incase OSR is operated, diverter shall be inspected. 6_| Only Differential relay opersted. ‘Suspected high charging Inrush current or Internal fault. 4a) Check the voltage and frequency of system, ) IRand magnetizing current of ‘transformer. ¢} Check the setting of relay. 1) Check CT & its connection. jlee Powered by Trust” © Bharat Bijlee SeNo| Relay operated | posstie cue PSS 7 | Only REF relay aes Suspected neutral CT (3) checcneutalct pobiiy tlh cuerats Polarity reversed. coclgitindery eas fRtermal winding Eerth | b) Checkneutal eating faut. ©) Gheck Rand magnetng ceent of transformer S| Qtsreurent and [higher nvash cen. a) ceckthe wlnyseng tive cn bo orth feut relay setforbigher si. ‘operated at the ‘ime of charging ‘S| Wndleation of ROT,_| Suspected wire -@) Gheckwiring espe rawr 42m) RUT tap postion | connector loose or open.) b) checkressanes of PTICD fr ID, Indicator on RTC Check resistance of Potentiometer placed net proper. inWtlandoT 1) Gheck eslstanee of dial ite in DMA Box fortap pestion nication 70. | tow i value. 3) Olfpurifiestionisrequredto improve ‘ransformer and OTC. Low rescivty and high ‘on celta de to 2eeing ofl OV and PPM. ») Replace olf value goes beyond ‘permissible limit specified in 1265 pe? FRY Powered by Trust: ©Bharat Bijlee 5.8 Do’ O'S AND DON'TS FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS. 1. Connect; me Connect gs cynder with aerate relator wanfomes| Istobe stored for long, in ard beara rest cease aaa ae ae transformer at the earliest opportunity at site and follow storage Instructions Eavalize the diverter compartment of OE by connecting ‘equaling pipe between finge Joints provided on tap changer heed during evacuation. " 4. All loose objects (tool ,, s, in ete) to be removed from pe a Sine is tos peels, cobs tobe remo 3 personnel pockets before 5. : Check and thoroughlyinvestigate the transformer whenever any slarmor protection operated, . Examine the bushingsfor rt depositand coats, and ceanthem period. 7. Check the oil In transformer and OTE for BDV, PPM, resistivity, tan delta and acidity cperlS/IECand take suitable elon for restoring thequali- : Chock the of leven of etd enemecai Rasaee see to restr tf Je make uptheoil 9. Checkthe protection circultperiodically iO.Remove the alr through vent plugs of all igh points end diverter ‘switch before you energize the transformer. 411. Remove equalizing between tankcand OLTG afer iinet olin tank. 1 Do not energize without thorough Investigation of transformer whenevar eny alarm of protectionhasopereted. : z 2. Do not reenergize the transformer without ‘conducting all pre-commissioning checks. The results must be comparable with results at works. 3. pensthenele the OFFCIRCUTTtap wich whentrarsformerisenerelue. 4. Do not reenergize the transformer, unless the ‘OFF CIRCUT tap switch handle Is in locked position. 5, Do not leave the tertiary terminals: unprotected outside the tank; connect them to’ tertiary Fe pening errestor'sprotectinscheme whenesorecied teed oo non paral the transformer which doas not ful the conden of paratel operation. 7, penotoverlad the transformer ther than thespetiiits2s perlS:6500. a Donotallow conservator oillevel to fall below level. 9, Donotallowoilleveltofallin bushings. not allow water to cooler unless ol pump is sited ON. in ait of water cocled jabs. Jo not allow inferor oil to continue in transformer The oil should be immediately oe cessedand tobe sed oniywhen 80V/PPMareesperrequrament- not miceilunlessitconfirms fully relevant standards 413.00 not continue with plnk silica ge this should be immediately changed or regenerstod: 14.00! notleave the secondary terminal open of anunioadedT. SCHNICOL RECTION. COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AN a Gnnee Ores MAINTENANCE MANUAL Fon rf 4.0 INSTALLATION a 86. | Tool Equipment No. tee a ‘Specifications oi 1 | oil storage Tank FF > 41° Too! ie 1S AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED AT SITE FOR ASSEMBLY: ‘a ‘No, | Mild Stee! Tank of sufficient capacty to store the ‘Complete oil in the transformer. The tank shall be fied wth inlet and outlet valves of 60 mm diameter. Inside the tank shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with hot ol esistant varnish paint MN) 2 | oWPuriter ‘No. | Oil purfcation plant shall have at least 6 kilos! hr. capacity and vacuum dehydrator, oil healer and Ss filtering device 3° | Vacuum Pump ‘1'Set_ | Vacuum Pump should have capacity to evacuate the tank mentioned above and having a maximum leak ‘rate of 0.5 tor. in one hour to an ultimate vacuum of 0.4 tort. in 2 hours 4 | Flexibie Oil Hoses: Flexible oll hoses of 50 mm dia, with flanges on ether ‘end, These hoses shall be capable of withstanding of 3 m length 5 Nos ‘ ey vacuum of 0.1 torr, length 2 Nos eee 50 mm dia. with flanged ends and capable of (6110 m length) 2 Nos." saretancint ata 5 | Flexible Vacuum | 2.Nos. | Flexible vacuum hoses of 75 mm diameter wth Nenged ends. The hoses shell be capable of withstanding full vacuum, Hoses of 10 m length il testing equipment shall be capable of checking break down voltage of transformer oil across 2.5 mm, ‘sphere gap 60 kV (min. il testing equipment | 1 Set 7 | Vacuum Gauge 2Nos, | Vacuum gauge of | Me Leod type capable of measuring vacuum less than 0.01 torr COCEE EL Pftttt ri 8 sonar | ows wale evson ae Hct in id oe mc sxe sal nt be nd, ops oa PREG Qssociores fea} TECHNICAL UMITeD ‘AND ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR ‘TRANSFORMER Sr.No. | Too Equipment | aly, specifications Bi comet case. | Theor | conmametienuge fore esau rence of -780 10 +760 mm of micco 9 | Megger 11No. | Megger of 5 kV with Motor operation is preferable. é 11No._| Megger o2 ky. S zl 4No._| Megger of 500 Votts 40 _| Mutti meter 41No, 41a) _votmeter__| _31Nos._| 0~ 300 AC range, oy a 3Nos._| 0~75V AC range. > i 12 | Electric Hand Lamp | 2Nos. | 100 W Lamp of 100 V or less with sufficient length of Tr flexible cable and bulb protector. 13° | Mobile Crane 11No. | Moble crane of 5 or J & 40 Tonnes capacity wth a maximum lit of 20 meter. | © 14 | Slings and Shackles Sulicient Nos. Slings and shackles of sulficient | length to handle weight up to 25 tonnes. rT 15 | WoterProct sheets | 40m? | For temporary covering of exposed parts = 16 | Vinyl Hose 30 meters | Transparent vinyl hose of 12 mm dia to be used as : olllevel gauges. 17 | Hose Nipple 2Nos. | 12 mm hose nipples With flanges on one side to match valve flanges. 18 | Methyl Ethyl Ketone /| 10litres_ | For cleaning purpose. Carbon tetra chloride 19__| Rag Cottoncloths | 20 kgs._| For cleaning purpose. 20 _| Unstarched mit Cioth | _10m._| For cleaning internal Parts. & Manvalos? mn F g RevienDee |! sooeto | oats Page 26/146 a cs ou i aborstan, @ Tool/ Equipment 21 Kite 2 Nos. ‘and BS % 0 1%. 23_| Screw Driver Ne 6 Screw diver (o) Painting Brushes Nos. 48 mm,25mm 875mm Power Supply 3 Phase, 440 Volts, 50 Hz. Electric Power Supply for Operating the vacuum pump, Fier machine, 26 | Pulling winches! 2Sets each | Please refer section 4.3. Pulleys 27 | Hydraulie¢Mecharical | 4Nos. | 60% of total weight of main body with oil Screw Jacks with Locking facility 28 _| Measuring Tapes 2.Nos. | 10 meter tong, 29 | Spirit LevelLeveltube | 1 NO. (Plastic) 30 | Dry Air Generator (For | 1 No. Capacity; 4-5 m3ihr. Dew Point 40° C Transformers of 400 Temperature 25 + §°C, Outlet pressure 200 Aa, kV class and above) eyo Tecra ASO ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND. MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR TRANSFORMER ef Associores Umitep 44 ERECTION PROCEDURE The following flow chart shows the installation procedure generally followed at site. Se INSTALLATION, INSTALLATION OF any BODY ON FOUNDATION. RECEIVING INSPECTION AND STORAGE OIL RECEIVING AND. FILTERING REPLACING ie GAS WITH OIL ASSEMBLE BUSHING TURRET ASSEMBLE LV BUSHING AND CABLE DUCT ASSEMBLE COOLERS: ASSEMBLE CONSERVATOR ASSEMBLE Pst ee RELIEF DEVICE ASSEMBLE HV BUSHINGS ASSEMBLE ACCESSORIES INTERNAL LEAD CONNECTIONS CONTROL WIRING OIL LEAKAGE TEST OIL FILLING UNDER VACUUM PAINTING (if required) TECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND Ossociores MAINTENANGE MANUAL FOR. UmiTeD TRANSFORMER 61 POST ERECTION CHECKS 64-1 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE LoG SHEET * {C5 important that an inspector ‘The original of this ‘an inspection and maintenance log sheet be kept regularly. The orl Ika sheet shouldbe kept long wh the Inston Merve fr uur ference and recor. 7 The'log should inchide dates and detaie of allinspections and maintenance carved out * Results of cll tests and insulation resistance together with the temperatures ot the me of ‘measurement should also be recorded in the log shot * Refers commencing the test f should be ensured that the secondary terminals of all cuent Yansformers are kept short-circuited. After tet these shorting connections shall be removed. 6.1.2 PHYSICAL CHECKS * Check ol levels in the evel gauges ofl condenser bushings * Allsirrelease plugs shall be loosened and closed after releesing repped air f any. ‘Check and confirm tightness of al fasteners, * Check and confirm that valves are either open or closed as indicated the valve schedule plate + Check all bolted gasket joints and confi that there is no oil eek * All blanking plates and spares including spare gasket should be stored carefully for future use. Check all cable terminations and ensure that cables are properly connected and cable numbering ferrules are provided, Check and ensure that all protective covers lke valve guards, LV bushing protection covers etc, ere removed. ‘Check and confirm that all bushing porcelain are cleaned theroughly and are without damage. * Check & confirm that the test tap caps of all Condenser type Bushings are tightened, ‘= Remove the cap provided at the bottom of siicagel breather for the transportation purpose. ‘Arcing horns if provided are set to the specified gap, ly + Allearthing connections are tightened pr ‘Anti condensation heaters are functioning correctly other marking labels are fitted propery. + Rating and connection diagram plates a + Allisolating switches are set at ON position. * Cooler control switch is set to AUTO. «Allalarm circuits are reset LTC to Transfomer equalising pipe shall be removed after ol filing under vacuum and the + ol ‘opening shall be coverd by blanking plate supplied with the transformer, Manual lave | a 8 | Sef rape fos ovens Page 44/145 COC 5 CCCe 4 ¢ 6.2 INSULATION RESISTANCE CHECK 6.3 RATIO TESTS Connect 3-phase 415 volls supply between HY terminals and measure the voltage ratios at all taps 6.4 VECTOR GROUP TESTS Connect 415 V, 3-phase supply to HY winding terminals. The transformer shal be at rated tap, ‘each LV terminal in tur. Eg. for Ynyno: - ‘Measure voltage between qu-tV, 1u-1W, 12-1, 1u-2V, tu-2W, 4u-2V, 1W-1W, 12-2, Check an recor insulation estance between ‘Motorised megger and record. oe Compare the values with Fg. unr cause 5.0 Check insulation resistance between Chee ro core an rae to round he eating conection sought ° anya 30 not arly any votage oF even high votge megger when the equoments unde vacuum Earth connections from star point shell be removed during measurement and reconnected after Connect one HV terminal to one LV terminal and measure voltage between each HV terminal to 6.5 MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST phases are measured phase 240 vols is applied across any HV winding and voltage induced aos CAUTION: If there is a residual magnet 6.6 SHORT CIRCUIT IMPEDENCE 6.7 WINDING RESI: LV terminals are 3 phase 415 volts supply LV circulating currents ofall Percentage impedance = re may clllwinding temperatur - ofall windings using a Wheatstone shorted by using suitable cables. is connected to HV winding and HV. ithe phases are measured and recorded. t STANCE MEASUREMENT temperature. If the measurer be different from the ambient tempe Bridge or Kelvin bridge. Measure the resistance 8 owt06 3 f wings and windings and ea in 58 ism In the core, itcan give erratic readings. exciting current of all the phases and ‘Measured current x Rated voltage ments are done after hot cil circulation Lie | \oNING, OPERATION AND ERECTION, COMMISS! = TA Sssocx Menten MANUAL CH ossociores TRANSFORMER UMITeD * Convert the resistances to 75°C. For copper windings: ilperse Rg) = measured) x25 +75) ——_—__- (@35OI temperature atthe te of measureme 6.8 TAN DELTA AND CAPACITANCE : ‘Measure tan delta and capacitance of Condenser bushings of 62 KV and at Ocoee * (Refer to "INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BUSHINGS" provided elsewhwhere in this Manual) 69 OPERATION CHECKS * Cheek direction of rotation of pumps and fans. * Check and confirm that flow indicators are mounted correct, Check signaling circuits for pump faivfans fail te, and reset. * Check setting of over load relays and reset GIOBUCHHOLZ RELAY OPERATION © Check ino tehorizontal te tion of Buchhol wards the conservatc Pipe. The slope should be in upward direction, between 3 ~ ‘+ Connect a compressed air line (Pressure 4 kg em?) or a nitrogen cylinder to the petcock on top of the Buchhokz relay. Open the petcock slowly and allow air to enter into the Buchhotz relay. (Check the continuity of alarm contacts by using a mulkimete, ‘= Record the volume of air in the Buchholz Relay at hich the alarm switch cont ct closes, * lose the ir supply and release ll the air by opening the other petcockon the Buchholz relay, * Open the petcock quickly and allow air full flow v to operate the surge contacts, with surge. Record the minimum pressure required + Release allthe air trapped in the Buchholz relay G1 WINDING TEMPERATURE INDICATOR CALIBRATION + Rotate the indicator pointer slowly and temperature ie that the alarm signal is received at the set * Rotate the pointer slowly and confirm that the trip signal is received at the set. temperature, | | he A 101080 [ nana [reso + Remo tal seer nb om erste cane HT : ‘Check the readings with clinical thermometer. “ Repeat the test fr all winding temperature indicators if more than one indletor i Replace the sensing element in transformer pock ing element intra ce si Serpentine tee rn 14 check the readings o ‘= For any adjustment if needed please refer to the instrument suppliers catalogue, 7.0 OPERATION ‘After the inspection and pre-commissioning tests are Ath spatn and ing tats are successfully complete the transformer can Oil soaking I setting duration of 2 days fo transformers class ate recommended aft OT ee eee ee a Excessive vibration Itany on any part of he ransfrmer shall be located and rectified, «+ Transformer shal be observed for any abnormality. «tf any gas ie collected inside the Buchholz relay, it shall be analysed for its combust. des ot Combustible, itindcates air trapped inside the transformer. 1 cked fr any abnormal indication. + Allinstruments should be che« «Check winding temperature and ol temperature readings atleast once in every Shi © Check and confirm that none of the elarms are indicated. Ensure that cooler power supply isolator is ON. Ensure that cooler contol is in AUTO. «Ensure that pumps and fons are runring smocihly, as Vrnaersore dictates. If the temperature is ither the pump nor fan should be running. below the ON setting nei eration ofthe transformer at no load for 24 hours and confirming that everyting «After watching the ops all be taken on load. is normal, the transformer s in temperature of ol and winding temperature indicators; © Observe the ris are switched on automatically atthe preset «While temperature is rising, confirm that fans and pumps temperatures. While temperature is falling temperature. 4, observe that the pumps and fans ore swiched off at pre set Ls eps or pen et OT A 8 Revision O joan | atone tran ah tbe ed coped iMiteD FORMER 1 TRANS! | en oT ROUTINE / PERIODIC INSPECTION SCHEDULE FOR POWER TRANSFORMER 6 T ~ [sno Items tobe inspected Frequency e7e 7 [eed caren Hourly e 2 ert Voge ra “7 '3___| Ambient Temperature Hourly TS 4__| Winding Temperature Howry ae SB OnTenesrtie Hoary “T° @.__| Tap postion Daily - a0 Arcata oat “at ee Stennis = TS 3, Oil level in Bushings Daily r aly 3 10__| Oillevelin OLTC Consewator Dally a 14 | Oillevel in breather cup Daily eo; 12 | Connections ‘Monti aan. 13 Dust i s " ust deposits & physical damages to bushings Monthly 14 | Airpassage & colour of silica gelin breather Quarterly 4 3 15 | Cable boxes, gasket joints, gauges ete. Quarery ? 16 _| Dielectric strength of transformer oil Half yearly : . 47__| Moisture content of transformer ol Half yearly 18 | DissoWved gas analysis of rensfomerol Half yest 3s 497 | Resistivity oftransfomeril Half yearly bel 20 | Insuation resistance of windings Yearly 21__| Tan deta & Capacitance of condenser bushings Yeely ; 22 Operates of relayed tow crc Yearly : 1 23.__| Surface paint 2-3 Years e e Notes: * Duration of surface repainting depends on the level of pollution prevailing at site. If pollution level is high, @ frequent repainting schedule may have to be worked out + Lifting of core and windings are not recommended as a routine inspection. Core and coils are to be inspected only if such an inspection is warranted by test results of dissolved gas analysis, any abnormality in performance or for suspected intemal damages due to extemal short circuit | Manval issue / Rewsion Date 8 anions A 10/08/10 Page 49/146 | SRRERe HON, CLINE IRE 6 et ee ae TECHNICOL a Qssociores MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR: LIMITED. TRANSFORMER APPENDIX — A TRANSFORMER ERECTION CHECK LIST This checklist is intended for use at site by Site Engineers. It outlines the minimum on site checks expected to be carried out during the erection actvity. CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT DETAILS SITE NOT a aa CHECK POINT, oK OK REMARKS. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION Erection drawings including OGA Erection / Maintenance Manual ‘Transport packing list A2 | RECEIPT OF TRANSFORMER Externally inspected damage (if any) ‘Gas pressure on receipt (in case of ges filed transformer) Oil level (in case of oil filed transformer) Unit correctly posttoned AS | RECEIPT OF ACCESSORIES ‘Ail materials stored correctly Packing Cases inspected, damage if any Mershalling box inspected, damage f any Control panels (RTCC)inspected damage if any Materials received corresponded to Advise note ‘Any shortages / wrong supply Materials comply with shipping specification Remark (if any) ‘arual lave i a Feedaee ro0s10 | oai0ne Page 1151146 “Tat gucepert tne excuse property of Techical Assocs Lt and sha ct ese, copes cornice 1 pares aha is or eo TECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND OSSOCIOTES MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR UMITED TRANSFORMER St No. CHECK POINT OK _[NOTOK| REMARKS ‘4 [ERECTION Transport rollers mounted Conservator mounted Buchholz relay and oil surge relay mounted (arrow marked should be towards conservator) Breather mounted and duly charged HV Bushings mounted LV Bushing mounted Tertiary Bushing mounted (if applicable) HV neutral Bushing mounted LV Neutral Bushing mounted Bushing installed at correct angles siaphragm. Diaphragm checked{in case of exp. vent | MOLG mounted Radiator mounted Fans mounted Pressure Relief valves mounted ‘Alignment ofall pipe work ‘OLTC Conservator mounted Heat Exchangers assembled with pipe work “Topping up of transformer oil Leakage observed after 24 brs (f eny) Rating Diagram and identification plate fited Marshalling box aligned Control panel (RTCC) aligned Control panel (OLTC) aligned AS | OILFILLING ‘Ait bushing oil level “Tap changer selector cil level Diverter switch oil level ‘Auxiliary unit oll level oe ‘SL.No. CHECK POINT OK NOT REMARKS. ‘Maral issue / A 8 egeenstO, sooo | oatane Page 116/145 Truanainnat ite eckiny prove of Technic Arnocaes Lf arsine be weed, cone caunicate oe pares wan por eben ¢ ¢ ¢ wa I VIVUITIT ISI ITT I AIA TECHNICOL a Ossociores ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR ‘TRANSFORMER, OK AS Radiator, Headers cil filed ‘Transformer / OLTC Conservator cl tight Complete transformer oi tight All air release plug verted Valves in service position ‘All drain /fiter valves blanked AS MULTICORE CABLE All ray work adequately secured ‘All cables adequately tiediclipped back to tray Cables glanded correctly (Wiis and OTIS carillary tube satisfactoriy installed AT BREATHERS Transformer cilca gel breather satistactory ‘Tap changer silica gel breather satisfactory Dry-col breather correctly installed AE FANS Fans rotate freely & quickly ‘Pumps installed for correct flow Flow indication visible rx) ‘CONTROL PANELS Cable termination ‘Cable glanding Control cabinet clean & tidy Heater supplied Locking arrangement Ato Cieaning & touch up painting of complete tft Signature: ‘Name: (FOR Technical Associates) (FOR CUSTOMER) anes ise a Revise Dee | sonerno | owtone Page 117/46 Ths dean Re ech proery Teta Anaciny i shal tbe ned coped carrucate ir ertes ht sbr marin, eee ————EeE===™ — ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND TECHNICOL UASSociores MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR ‘TRANSFORMER ‘UMITED. APPENDIX-8 PRE-COMMISSIONING CHECKS & TEST RESULTS ‘Customer Site i EQUIPMENT DETAILS: ‘Vector Group: “Tapping Range: 6, Impedance at Normal taps ‘Temperature Rise: Ol ——______ dg, B.4 GENERAL CHECKS: CHECK POINTS Direction & mounting angle of O.S.R. & Buchholz relay Dryness of siica gel, seal removal & oll level in bottom cup Oil level in Main conservator. Oil level in OLTC conservator. Oil filed in OTI / WTI thermometer pockets. Earthing of Main tank, cooler bank, neutral, fans, pumps, etc ‘Absence of oil seepages / leakages. Bushing -their ol levels & test cap covering Touch up painting & washing (Overall clearances. Air ceil commissioned (top gauge gjass to show ful oil) ‘Sagging of radiator / pipes Tighiness of bushing top seal Distortion in expansion bellows / removal of transit support analiee Ri 5 Revsenes | somano | owiore Page 1isi4s ‘Dis emntn tence vty Teta Anns isan mt ewe coped communal or yes wl so asta TECHNICOL ERECTION. COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND OQssociores MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR. UMITED ‘TRANSFORMER: B.1.2 MARSHALLING BOX : STATUS REMARKS CHECK POINTS ‘ok | NOTOK 1 WAL (SI No., Make & Mode) Transit locks release. Switch settings & operation orien Ev ambient readin Jb. Heater shunt shorting Tink. FF Matching wth repeaters [Powersupply & cuent convener [prt (St No, Make & Moda) biTranet lock releace pb: Switch soting & operation. E. Gonnections [Ambient reading : Matching with repeaters. 3 Bpace heater & Thermostat settings. @_ bing, Ganing. Termination ec Karting & Toueh up palning 6 _ftand by supply change over operation 7__ffimer setings. 8 A A 2 3 Piosure of openings & tciness. | 4.3 FANS: (Model, RPM, KWV): Cabling & Earthing ‘Mounting & Terminal cover condition. Direction & Smoothness of operation ‘a. Manual -Local b. Manual Remote °c. Auto & Stand by operation ‘Overload setting Starting current ojala Running current 7 | Megger values ‘Manual sue K a Fevsenete | ronero | owtari6 Page 119/146, “Tis donmentn tbe xh poor of Teco Ascits it shall be used, coped or conmurcaedo Trdpares wht is prot astornaon TECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND ‘OSSOCIOTES MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR i UMITeD TRANSFORMER B.4 OLT.C. (SINo., Make & Type): CHECK POINTS 1__fRignment ofall shafts & Drive Mechaniom 2. Pilftin gearbox (Where reqc) 3 Mechanical end limits of DM 4 [eouning Poston & rtston lng Manual operation 6 focal eectical eperaion 7_ tectrical end int operation 8 Remote electrical operation | 2 fghtness of external shat coupling 410_Bending of lock washer. 11. Fitment of window & shaft covers. 12 [abling, Termination, Glanding eta 13 Space heater & thermostat setting. 14 eontinuty check during tansiton by volage epclcalion, 15 Earthing, 16 [IPI counter reading 47 CU ter TI B15 RT.C.C.: (SI. No. & Rating): STATUS REMARKS CHECK POINTS 0K | NoTOK Installation & Earthing, Cabling, landing, Termination etc. Setting of Timers. Functioning of indication Lamps. Functioning of Hooter / Buzzers. ‘Annunciation / Relay Checks: Make & Model : ofalalels|— aru soe x a [eee | race | owtane Page 120/145 Pal Tes cecum we ec ove Teil citation or lee conruncan ie Fi pila nial Wp nahean Tn TECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND Ka ossociores MAINTENANCE MANUALFOR UMITeD payeeereeaed 7 __| Tep position indicator. aT: ail STATUS: REMARKS CHECK POINTS ox | NOTOK W.. Repeater @ [O71 Repeater. 10 [O.LT.C. Operations ‘a Individual As Master ©. As Follower 41 _[ Emergency Trip. 12 _ | Out of step & Motor Protection timer operation. 13 _| Operation of AV.R. &L.D.C. le 1.6 Operation of Pumps, NRV, Flow Indicators: STATUS REMARKS. CHECK POINTS: oK | NOTOK Direction of pump operation Manual operation | ‘Stand-by changeover Overload setting Starting current 1 2 3 4 6 | Non Return Velve operation 7 8 9 Running current IE 70 _ | Stability of alarm & trip contacts of B-Relay during oil pump starting by manual / Auto mode arvalisue/ R a Ferien Dae soeto | oatane Page 121/146 artis wits pr MANOA. “pus sae ihn opty tesa Asoc Ltn aro sed, capcom fh dd) J LSJ, ¢ dddd wesc tuk UU eee a TECHNICAL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND Ossocotes MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR ' UMITED TRANSFORMER DO'S AND DON'TS FOR SAFETY MEASURES / PRECAUTIONS Safely measures / precautions should be given top most priority during inspection / erecton / ‘maintenance work. Any mishap during the process will result in delay in erection, endangering human life, endangering equipment lfe etc. c1 Do's Insulating cil and insulation of windings and connections are inflammable, Watch for fre hazards, Before entering inside the Transformer, replace Nitrogen gas completely with air if t was transported with nitrogen gas inside. © Make sure that nothing is kept inside the pockets before one enters inside the main unit. Also take Off the wristwatches and shoes. List up ell the tools and materials to be taken inside and check itafter coming out to make sure that ro tools are left inside. ‘There must be @ protective guard for amp to be taken inside, Keep inspection covers open for supply of fresh air when someone is working inside. a ‘When one person is working inside, second person must be avaliable outside for emergency help. Use ring spanners and tie them to the wrist of the person or somewhere outside the tank. ‘ero bolted joints are involved so that nut, washers ete are not Begeq Be careful during connections \ dropped inside the tank. I it is required to weld some lugs or brackets eic., these should be welded to tank stiffeners taking all precautions to avoid fire hazards. 1 De-energise the unit by circuit breakers and line switches while working on energised untt. NOT OPERATE THE SWITCHES" while working on units, which ere g Attach the caution tags ” energised [J Make sure that the fire fighting equipment is avaliable at the oll treatment equipment as well as. workplace and adjacent to the transformer. @ Fire fighting equipment should be checked regularly and should have sufficient quantity of extinguishent. Transformer tank, control cabinets etc. as well as cil treatment equipment shall be connected with permanent earthing system of the station Check and thoroughly investigate the transformer. whenever any alarm or protective device Is operated. Check air cell in conservator. @ Attend leakage on the bushings, Examine the bushings for dirt deposits and clean them periodically, ‘Manel esve/ in a sopeio | canoe Page 127/146 Rewsion Date “Ts decent se excuse papery of Tecnica Apna I art hilo be wed, cone commruncatedo firs pats witht pb marten | (@pm TECHNICAL : ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND Ki ossociares MAINTENANCE MaDe toe ‘UMITED: TRANSFORMER ‘Check the olin transformer and OLTC for dielectric strength and moisture content and take suitable ‘action for restoring quality. Check the level incl cup and ensure ai passages are fee in breather, foils les make up the Itinspection covers are removed or any gasket joint is to be tightened, then tighten the bolts evenly to avoid uneven pressure. (Check and clean the relay and alarm contacts. Check also their operation and accuracy and if required change the setting ‘Check the protection circuits periodically, (Check the pointers of all gauges for their free movement. Clean the oil conservator thoroughly before erecting. (Check the OTI and WTI pockets and replenish the of ifrequired. Gas filled storage of transformer at site should be limited to a maximum of 3 months. (Check the door seal of the Marshalling box. Change the rubber lining if required. Ensure proper tightness of top terminal of condenser bushings to avoid entry of rain water. ‘Check oil level in condenser bushing, any discrepancy should be reported immediately to the ‘manufacturer. © _Dojacking only at jacking pad. C.2 DON'TS EE) Donot take any fiorous material such as cotton waste inside the transformer while repairing. EZ Do net drop any tools / material in side. Hl Do net stand on leads / cleats. Do not weld, braze or solder inside the tank Do not weld anything to the tank wall from outside. Do not weld anything to the conservator vessel Ar cell bag is inside. ‘Do not smoke near the transformer. Do not use florous meterial for cleening as it can deteriorate the oll when mixed with it Do not energise without thorough investigation of the transformer whenever any alarm of protection has operated. ‘Do not re-energise the transformer unless the Buchholz gas is analysed ‘Do not re-energise the transformer wthout conducting all pre-commissioning checks, The results ‘must be compared with factory test results Do not handle the of circuit tap switch when the transformer is energised. ‘Wanaa awe] a Reasenoae | poy10 | «ttre Page 128/146 i eae eine prove Tectia Awa Li ant sh tb dcop of sonra it rries bute or sttdn, i} dd 1 dddd sree bo 4 a5 NUT ‘@ Py TECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND Ossociol MAINTENANCE MANUAL UMiTeD aes, TRANSFORMER” S a Do nt enerise the ransformeruness he of cet tap swith hana ie in =kea PoHEN: [21 Dorot leave off crcut tap switch handle unlocked. TB) Do not use low capacity Iiting jacks / sings on transformer forjackng / stinging: Ele not change the seting of WT and OT! alam and Wp requert. Sting should ‘manufacture’ inetructions. bbe done as per Do not leave any connection loose. Do not medal with the protection circuits Sn, they must be locked. [I Donet leave marshalling box doors ope Eo not switch off the heater in marshaling box except tobe penocicall | cleaned. [Do not allow unauthorised entry near the transformer. [. Donot close any valve in pump circu for taking stand by pump and motor into circuit. to not allow water prossure 10 exceed the oi pressure ol to water Net exchangers. bo nat mix transformer ols of efferent make! base, unless of le nek ‘and conforms fully to IS: ‘SSMIEC 60256. [Donat continue with pink (wet) silica gel iediately be changed or reactivated. dion for more than three months efter reaching ste, I in body should be filed up with oil this should imme BA Do not store transformer in gas filed cons storage is required for longer duration, the ma terminals unprotected outside the tank. Hl Donetleave tertiary re to exceed 7O°C during dry out of transformer a [Do not alow WTI / OTI temperatu temperature beyond 75°C lel transformers, which do not fulf the co transformers beyond int spect In'S IEC Standards. nd fiter machine [Do not paral ditions for paralleling. [B_Donct over bad the [B_Do not leave secondary temninas of any CT Pen. 1B Do not mesure insulation resistance by vend meade" when the transformer is under vacuum. [BI Do not stand on any vessel, which is under vacuum. Wars se! a = RevsenDee | sae | torte Page 129/146 ir pres wit pr aco ‘ur nin pop Teens ee a et 82 ‘anid ot omer er ee ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR ‘TRANSFORMER APPENDIX ~ D MAINTENANCE Maintenance Schedule: Periodicity Preventive Maintenance Procedures Months: ‘Scheduled 3 6 rr outage Replacement / Regeneration of Slica gel Breather v Dissolved Gas Analysis vt (01 Sampling v Buchholz Relay Functional Tests v ‘Tan Delta & Capacttance Measurement of Condenser Bushings OTVWTi Tests ‘Tap changer operation lala] < Insulation Resistance of Windings (i Fitraton < Surface Painting < D.1_ Oil Sampling Oil sample should be tested for the following and results recorded: - D.1.1 Electric Strength * If the dielectric strength of oil in transformer is Jess than as indicated in Appendix-E, Table 10.1, the of must be fitered to improve the characterises. ‘+ Forline end OLTC diverter chamber, oil fitsation is recommended when the BDV is < 40 KV at 25 mm gap. * For neutral end OLTC diverter chamber, oil filtration is recommended when the BDV is less than < 30 kV at 2.5 mm gap. D4.2 Moisture Content + Oil should be fered if value of moisture in oil found more than as indicated in Appendix- E, Table 103. DA.3 Acidity Manali) " A 3 pee] tocar | owsare Page 1301146 Ths cnt ine ectone prope o Tecnica uci aaa a vad Eide Commnletdoe peronwehou a rw mere wh wo) 0) @) OO | MT | T TO |] fe TECHNICOL Umassocotes UmiTeD TRANSFORMER, ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR. DA2 Procedure ‘The purpose of this check is to confirm that the winding temperatures Indicators are functioning accurately. The transformer shall be isolated and earthed. Rotate the indicator pointers slowly to the alarm set value and confirm from the control room that the alarm signal has been received. Rotate the pointer sil futher and confi from the control room thet trip signal is received. D.3.3 Calibration Remove the thermal sensing bulbs from the transformer and insert i into the het oil bath. Check the winding temperature readings up and down the scale at intervals of 5 °C. Confirm from control room that remote temperature readings are tallying with the local readings. Replace the sensing element into the transformer pocket For any adjustment, seo the manufacturer's catalogue, D4 BUCHHOLZ RELAY FUNCTIONAL TEST D44.1 Tools and Materials Required. Muti meter ‘Nitrogen cylinder with regulator and pressure gauge or air supply (4 kg/cm") Bucket 10 mm polythene tube, 10 meters. The purpose ofthis testis to ensure correct operation of Buchholz relay. ‘Transformer shall be isoleted and earthed. Connect nitrogen cylinder tothe top petcack of Buchholz relay. Open the other petcock. Allow gas to enter the reley. (Check and confirm from control room that alarm signal is received. (Check continuity of alam contact by using multimeter ‘Close petcock on gas supply side and release all gases trapped in relay casing, Increase the gas pressure to approx. 2 kglem? (30 psi) (Open the tast petcock and allow full surge of gas to enter the relay casing, ‘Check and confirm from control room that trp signal has been received. Check continuity of trip contacts by using multimeter. Close Buchholz relay test cocks. relay has not operated, increase ges pressure and repeat the test. It the relay is found facuity replace it with anew one. ‘Open conservator shut off vale and release all gases trapped. D.5 TAPCHANGER OPERATION * Regular inspection of tap changing equipment is not required because mechanical operation of tap changer does not involve significant contact wear. ral one A 8 Rewior ou | somano | canine Page 1321146 a sean he xc pone Tata Arche Lf nll eee ped coma fren vrata pr naman v€ g |G, OPERATION AND TECHN ERECTION, COMMISSIONIN ore OSSOCIATES MAINTENANCE MANUAL UMITED TRANSFORMER APPENDIX - E TROUBLE SHOOTING in case of abnormal If the abnormality is of a major nature, the manufacturer should be contacted at the address given elsewhere in this Manual. WWhen the matter Is referred to the manufacturer it shall contain the following: - © Transformer Rating. © Voltage Rating © Manufacturers Indent No. / Serial No. © Year of Manufacture. © Date / Time of failure. "© Brief description of the problem. © Checks done and their results, E.1 ABNORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY High Winding!” | Gyer yotage | Change tap postion according to Rating plate to avoid Oe over excitation. femperature a a Over current If possible, reduce load. Heating can be reduced by improving power factor of load. Check parallel circuits for circulating currents, which may be caused by improper ratios or impedances. High ambient temperature | Either improve ventilation or relocate transformer in loner ambient temperature. Insufficient cooling IFuntis artificially cooled, meke sure cooling is edequste. Low oll level ‘Top up cil to proper level. Deterioration’ Use fer press to wash off core and coils. Sludge formation of oi. _| Filter oll to remove sludge. reuited “Test for exciting current and no load loss. If high inspect Soa core and repair. See Electrical Troubles, below. Lightning, Short circuit, | Usually, when a transformer winding fails, the transformer ‘Overtoad, Oil of low is automatically disconnected from the circuit by the eeult dialectric strength. breaker. ‘Manaaowee/ 8 Fevsoe Oe | yggano | owas Page 136/146 a an aaa san spl ae RN Pea o ® ® ® o © > > 2 > > > > > > > J , ECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND Ossociares MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR UMITED TRANSFORMER E.2 DIAGNOSIS OF INTERNAL FAULTS + When the operation of a protective device does not clearly indicate an internal fault, itis desirable fo Conduct the preliminary measurements end analysis before cismenting the transformer. > Conditions before and after the development of fault should be taken into consideration in arriving et a conclusion. No | CHECK POINT DESCRIPTION CRIETERIA 7 | Measurement of | Measurement must be taken affer Isolating Insulation the transformer from the circuit and cleaning Resistance of the surface of insulators, Insulation failures Windings can be detected by this measurement. 2 | Measurement of | When measurement is made in one cireut, | Comparison with factory winding resistance | other circuit must be kept open circuited. "| test results. This measurement can detect winding faults. 2 | Measurement of Transformer Ratio. This can be conducted by applying 220 volts, which can be readily available at site. For three phase jobs, measure ratios phase by phase 4 | Measurement of No Load Current Measurement can be made by applying 230 volte under normal conditions by making use of locally available power source. This measurement can detect faut in windings and core. if values obtained are higher compared to pre ‘commioning test results, it indicates faulty condition. 5 | Testing of oil Measure Break down voltage, moisture content, tan delta & check for sludge formation, discoloration and unusual smell Judgment to be made with reference to tables 10.1 to 105 6 | Measurement of ‘Abnormal increase means deterioration of Comparison with pre commisioning test result Tan delta of insulation. Windings 7 | Analysis of gas When gas is accumulated in Buchholz relay. | Manufacturer may be collected in Itshould be analysed by gas chromatograph | contacted for advice Buchholz Relay __| to check presence of combustible gases. 8 | Dissolved Gas Development of internal incipient fault can be ‘Manufacturer may be Analysis judged from the results, Increase in gas ‘contacted for advice ‘composition to be monitored at periodic terval. ‘oral eu i 8 meee romano | canons Page 137/146 os socurect nt tac per ot Tecical Assocs Lit shal rc be ae, zp orcad ts partes wets pe aon OPERATION AND TECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, Ossociores MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR. uMITeD TRANSFORMER £3 PROTECTIVE DEVICES DETECTIVE No, pees DESCRIPTION 1 _| Pressure Relief Device | When the internal pressure increases beyond the preset value of PRD i ‘operates. This may also heppen ifthe breather connection is choked. Judgment based on the inspection of other protective relays is essential This relay detects the internal defects by comparing the input current and the output current of the transformer. If it functions simultaneously it indicates internal faut. Please note that this relay sometimes operates due to in rush current when transformer is energised and this is not an. internal fit. ‘Oi Temperature: This thermometer gives Alarm when the Temperature rises Beyond the Indicator! Winding _| set value. Over loading, insufficient cooling because of contamination of ‘Temperature Indicator | fan impellers, stoppage of fansipumps etc. are to be checked. Alarm ‘Over Current Relay’ | These are intended for detecting faults in power sysiem associated wih Eath FauitRelay | the transformer. A faul in the transformer results in operation of these relays. This is accompanied by actuation of protective devices of the transformer. Idenifcetion of fault should therefore be made on the basis of a thorough analysis ofthese functions. Volmeier’Ammeter | a sudden change in voltage or current & noted when there Ts no’ abnormalty In the power system or an unbalance of voltage or current is Noted betivaen phases, the reasons should be investigated. Humen sense can play an important role In detection of faulte- 2) Discoloration oF odour of insulating oil If pieces of insulating ‘Materials or copper are found in oil, en intemal fault can be suspected. ») Abnormal noise or vibration. —.4 VALVES, GASKETS, WELD JOINTS ‘SYMPTOM _ | POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY OilLeak Toose pint Tighten the joint evenly. the leak does not stop, renew the gasket. ‘Welding joint “Take the help fom manufacturer, ‘Valve cant be | Gland packing not fitted | Renew the gland packing end adjust gland pacing nuts | ‘opened correctly. evenly. Valve spindle bent. Fil new valve spindle, Dismantle valve, free valve plug or ‘Seating for vane pig _| fitnew valve. corroded ‘Marae vison Date ; 2 S| a Ths donee ae exe rope Tec noc Ln Shalt ok, Soe onus at por wach docket ne cab reper Teco Avoca a i TECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND UMITED “TRANSFORMER, —5 PUMPS ‘SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Pump Motor over | Impeller binding Remove The pump and mvestigate the problem. [padatan Taine Waar | Remove the pump and investigate the Preble. ‘ Winding “Two phase operation Check power supp, Motor bearings worn Femove pump and investigate the reason Pump motor Tmpellor damaged ‘Remove pump and investigate the reason vibrating ee rg pistes or | Remove pum and investiga the reason rings worn. ‘Valve net fully open ‘Open the valve fully Pump nunning: | Impelior damaged or Remove pump and invesigale the fe3500 But output iow. | 7 i Spoed to low Check ost SuppY —6 FANS | ‘SYMPTOM | POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY 7? caer ‘Motor bearing wom Remove the fan and investigate reason. = overheats ‘Two phase operation ‘Check electric supply i? Fen vibrating Fen blades out of balance Balance the fan or replace ' i ‘and noisy i ‘Mounting bolts loose ‘Check and tighten fasteners. + ll ~ 7 BUCHHOLZ RELAY aa POSSIBLE | tT SYMPTOM ‘CAUSE, eee — Rate of gas Electrical Identity of Class of Inference: evolution response of | gas fault relay NONE ‘Trip None Oil surge Faulty operation of oil pump: mechanism operated by Sudden | Largo masses of metal heated Eg.: | oil surge Vaperisation | Earth fault, short circutt not causing, ofoil at insulation failure. a 260~400°C [2 Boiingaf | Simultaneous accurtence of aheat water _ | producing faut and entry of water into exceptional | the tank. cases | = “ ancl e/ x a ‘Rewacn Date 10/08/10 D406 Page 139/146 r apm TECHNIC ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND sy (UA Sssoactes MINTENE orca uMITED TRANSFORMER RAPID Alarm Air orinert | Majorleak | Fracture of tank, pipe, or Buchholz. ‘operates and | gas due to relay casing or faully oil circulating repeats after mechancal | pump. teleasing gas faut Trip and alarm | Hydrogen | Thermal | Local, vary high current, Rot epot not mechanism decompostio | involving insulation, arc over Between operates n ‘metal parts of Terminal gear or of oil above _| terminal to tank 400°C Hydrogen Local hot spots dus to ‘and carbon Very high current fauits in contact monoxide | n with solid insulation. efoiland | Eg. Insulation failure insulation | followed by arc between insulated conductors and earth, short circuited tum ete MEDIUM ‘Narn Airorinert_| Airleeks or operates and | ges leakage due | Fracture of tank pipe or Buchholz repeats to relay casing or faulty oil ciculating within mechanical | pumps rrinutes or faut. hoursafter [Hydrogen | Thermal __ | Local Rot spots not invonving each release ecompositio | insulation, faulty joint! contacts, core tga n faults causing burning, an incipient ofall above | faut not involving sold insulaten E.g. 400°C Core not properly earthed Fycrogen | Thermal | Local hotspots in contact with sold S end ecompositio | insulation. Low powor are between carbon in insulated conductors and earth, core monoxide | Ofol and | fauts. Faulty joints! contact. Any solid incipient faut involving sold insulation. __| insuletion SLOW Fiam Airorinert_ | Presence of operates ges irdue to | Release of entrapped air curing early mechanical | Ife of transformer of transformer, fault or ctaok in tank, ploe or relay easng, Physical_—_| fauity cll pump. ebsorption Fyerogen | Decomposti | Low currentarsing not cn involving solid insulation, cfoitonly | gassing caused by high electrical sttess, corona discharge Fiydrogen | Decomposiii_| Low energy arcing invaiving and on decomposition of solid insulation, carbon | ofciland _| creepage through solid insulation, monoxide | sold oxidation of Insulation | insulation room aais NA Low oFlevel_| Oillevel faling below the level pressure in operated Buchholz relay due to oll leakage A 8 Rewsenowe | sgcaro | owas Page MOMs nen ae poet Ti ee iene pl on Ga HHVWD WV Vs ECHNICOL ERECTION, COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND OSSOCIOTES MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMITED TRANSFORMER Table 10.1: DIELECTRIC STRENGTH OF INSULATING OIL (12.5 mm dia. Spheres, 2.5 mm gap) No. Nominal Voltage Of Transformer Dielectric Strength of Insulating Oil (KV) 1_| 170 kV class and above More than 60 2 _| 72.5 kV class to less than 170 kV ‘More than 50 3 [Less than 72.5 kV class More than 40 Table 10.2: RESISTIVITY OF INSULATING OIL No. Judgment Resistivity of Oil at 90°C (a-cm) 1 Good ‘More than 6.0x10 2 Fair 5.0x107 3 Poor Less than §.0x10 Table 10.3: WATER CONTENT No. | Nominal Voltage of Transformer Water Content (ppm) 1 170 kV class and above 310 2 | 72.8 kV class to less than 170 kV $15 3 | Less than 72.5 KV class $20 DIELECTRIC DISSIPATION FACTOR ‘At 90°C, 40 ~ 60 Hz ‘No. | Nominal Voltage of Transformer 1 470 kV class and above <0.010 2 | 72.5 kV class to less than 170 KV 0.015 3 _| Less than 72.6 KV class $0015

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