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A Silent Killer

By: Andrew Francisco Oraño

Loneliness leads to sadness, Sadness leads to anxiety, Anxiety leads to depression,

Depression leads to hopelessness, and Hopelessness leads to suicide.
Depression has been timely and relevant issue for the youth of today’s
generation. It is one of the mental health problems that our world is facing today.
Depression now a days has become a rampant topic of Philippines. It is one of
main topic that talked online. Social media is one of the biggest reasons why a lot
of youth of today’s generation is being depressed. epression hands the youth on
committing suicide for the of the influence of social media
Depression is one of the main causes that a lot of youth of today’s
generation feels hopeless. On the other hand, depression also is the main reason
youth tend to end their lives. A lot of teenager of today’s generation has been
greatly affected by the depression. One of the main reasons why teenagers of
today’s generation has been greatly affected of depression is for the reason of
bullying. Bullying today has become one of talked issues it is one of main reason
why youth is been greatly affected by the depression. Moreover, also youth has
greatly been affected of depression for the reason of having a low self-esteem in

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