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ar ia Demscsnu Ly emachacy

Lhat omndmsnd dial nialfesses

Musharaf snge n the cansihdion
iLIngZegalame den 2
Sn Pakstam enhal PeSA90 Muslnsal
ed a militosy Coup in ckolaes 1999.
H Asestsus & domacahcally elhctod
e 90stmtni amol doclars hinsele
hAhi Ecocutive' sf he_ceoum]u
o t i he chamged his dosiganatiou to
Paesidot omdin 2.002 hels a rofera.du
in tn couiliy nat qsatzd hima
ueah lon&ion. Pakikani
dhuman-SAigiA OhgamiohisAA amd domochÁ.cu
ockisua Aasd Ha e hefend
Lea J s a u d m a l p h a c i c and
S uoust 2O02 uiLd_a'Legal
a m a a keden that _osmndad ho
Cnttbeion Pakeistam. Accoaddng ts
Hhi 0l he_Passoo diabmi
heAahenal oand pheincial _asmemlslu..
Jhe uwosk al bhe cisilibn caleinet
upesAidLd National Seauhiey
Coumcil LohiclA dominaled. Jog
militory oices
A-on pasing t e laus,,lection LeL
national omo pAertnciak

So Pakistas has had lhchiorh, dlstd

epAatives bawe Lomepeusehs But a

the iral ubouse esh uhu nailitary

icisond lyenesal Mushasnaf hilp
O.2 Pakistam snder en. Perse Husharsal
ahold nt oecallad aclemecAaci
Peoplemau hanse elected thein phusA
todses o he natievnal ame pssincial
asseimslt ou theAe electeolAepresindph
ase hot Seally the ruluaa
Jeucaunatake e inal decisiond.
hepouseh to takeinal decios us
h ahunN feal and with hentral
Mushasa mo none o henn asl asL

pedad sy he pooplo
Jhe hnayhans ana dpclud paskibmt
aang0nLthmmmLn Lat ZheAal peu9OAA

aisse reasens » ahoue at_PRI

adopttd umpain meams ocome~
TSince ndepencnceimJa30, Mutc
Lheldaulechionsolin LAveh Air 4easA
papiio pashies d i d n contt
lctiens uDA nama aee to u u .
Jhe pRI ARneus oAL many
olisty Eicks ta uin
she u00%0 mplayed im gsMUAmt
aatend AA pasly mastiug
ApakiAo AZi feH He PT
Meclkologely pigannsed o acdinftes
ppo4itionpotlco pasieA _excoa
icisQ Hhem

minud oichsads _icut forL

pLoplte cas then _L _
h e PRI Mpt a-XogR m 0 meyia the
uCambulgm fas i b comedatu

Mcton the escanmplas

Couniiues hA_dhnia
9uigha hansk seen olsessd.
Saudi kalio eeman da n ha

EAtoniahas made acikoerkaip Ssulh

jan uc a seau hatbapl Sela-ging
do Rusian hainoi d t siicut
do got the

Aueh bat the


hatUseR the Junfai_mwamA

aelobtid by Rebest Mugabe1

PuaicetMgalke A4 populoa bt
alse MAed f a i n

he censibtieu JeAal timeA te nc

bouses the Besdut amd nnakL
less occonralslo.
ppoitts past uwaskss wes hasanid
ano tuh main dis oasuptod
Publicpeesa mol olenbudbtio
againsthe opemmeit 0 dselasud
Jhi isa lau ad linita he sunht
Ciicis tha Pessdt.
eleiaion aand adis AAAClholod
Qummt dd oonseulu
hAn a indopendt peAApapths
ht o mmbnt horasAL hose jouhnalin

donoALd Aonus
gBdmmnnenl has
cou judalmta hat uset gai
ha pAessuissdJudgs

H 9afocod
inemoiacy Menlion So people
MAMI hane o- be consultied
feansrs w a olemecsacy that i loaca to
in. hicl he aulesaase eletl eluced lesders do nt knpis th
the peoplo. t'a eoos oes denwt o p12plo HMods
Rulera plecto ly thu people tako to lsad dociknA
all he majoh dilAions DemaDehacM loods ~o cAhiMpio
Elochions e a _choice amol a i ho j sanudl on eloctioal esmpdrhir
oPpotmity the peaple to charge2 0dnakay plojpl don kusus Jehat
Ahe cunsiart u l s . hen ep Alaulo not
Jhib chsic am oppasunity iA ainlat oleci thing
ka all ptopa on om Laual sauia
he LvcciM ohis ehorct lead to
a pvemmevl Aomilsd loysaani
Aulls he Contilckio Omd
cigou rigphda
04 whak aa damrids 0dmacAac 7
K0adins Rep hamginq inn O ol0mbcrc
Jhia leaelat juda.bleky.
emocnacy js all abaul palihcal
Competion. anmo pouso play. Jho o A
Acope n woaly

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