Software - Requirenments On HRMS

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<Human Resource Management System >

Software Requirements Specification


<Dagmawi Tewodros>
Lead Software Engineer

Prepared for
Instructor: Mr. Zerihun______________

Revision History

Date Description Author Comments

<02/04/23> <Version 1> <Dagmawi <First Revision>

Document Approval

The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the
Signature Printed Name Title Date
Tewodros> Lead Software Eng.
Instructor, CptS 322

Software Requirements Specification Page ii


1. Introduction
Human Resource Management (HRM) is an essential aspect of any organization, as it involves
the management of personnel and human resources. With the use of technology, organizations
are increasingly relying on Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) to streamline their
work processes and enhance their efficiency. When it comes to implementing HRMS
technology, Django, a popular Python-based web framework, can be an excellent choice for
developers. Django can help create a reliable HRMS to manage a variety of HR functions,
including recruitment, performance management, payroll, benefits administration, and employee

1.1 Purpose
This HRMS was developed to overcome some challenges of previous HRMS,
The purpose of an HRMS project is to provide a comprehensive solution that helps an
organization to manage its human resources more effectively and efficiently. The HRMS project
aims to provide a user-friendly, interactive, and customizable platform.

1.2 Scope
The scope of an HRMS project includes a variety of modules and functionalities that assist with
managing and organizing employee information, as well as aiding the HR processes. The
following are some of the key areas that could be included in an HRMS project:

Employee information management: This includes features such as employee profiles,

performance evaluations, attendance tracking, payroll management, benefits administration, and
employee self-service options.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

HRMS- Human Resource Management System
HRM- Human Resource Management

1.4 References

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1.5 Overview
A Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a software application that combines
several human resource functions, such as recruiting, hiring, training, payroll, benefits
administration, and performance management, into a single platform.
The primary purpose of HRMS is to make life easy for HR professionals and employees alike by
providing centralized access to essential HR services, information, and data. By automating
time-consuming tasks, HRMS helps organizations save time, reduce costs, and improve
employee engagement.
The HRMS project typically involves several stages such as requirements gathering, system
customization, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

2. General Description
HRMS projects aim to reduce the administrative workload for HR staff by automating routine
tasks like managing employee data, tracking attendance, and generating payroll. They also
enable managers to access critical employee information quickly, monitor performance, and
make data-driven decisions.

An HRMS project is essential for organizations looking to improve operational efficiency and
increase productivity. It can help HR teams to decrease manual interventions and increase
accuracy, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and improve employee engagement
by streamlining HR processes. Overall, an HRMS project is a critical tool to manage an
organization's most valuable asset - its employees.

2.1 Product Perspective

HRMS project is designed to provide comprehensive HR solutions in a single, integrated
platform. This system allows HR teams to manage employee data and automate HR processes,
reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing efficiency.

The HRMS project is built using modern technology and software programming languages,
usually utilizing a cloud-based architecture that provides scalability and flexibility, with a user-
friendly interface for the HR team to view and use data.

2.2 Product Functions

Employee profile management – The HRMS Django project allows HR administrators to create
and manage employee profiles, including personal information, employment history, and other
relevant data.

Software Requirements Specification Page 2


2.3 User Characteristics

User Types: The HRMS Django project may be used by different types of users such as
employees, managers, and HR staff. Each user type may have different access levels and
permissions within the platform.
User Interface: The HRMS Django project should have a user-friendly interface that allows
users to easily access their accounts, personal information, and job-related information.

2.4 General Constraints

Data Privacy: HRMS system contains sensitive employee data such as salary, benefits, social
security numbers, and performance evaluation. Hence, it is imperative to implement security
measures such as data encryption and access controls to protect this data.
Scalability: HRMS systems typically require a scalable architecture to accommodate
organizational growth over time. The system should be designed to handle additional employees,
user accounts, and data storage.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

Employee Data: The HRMS Django project assumes that there is already a system in place to
capture employee data. The HRMS system will only work with the data that has been provided
to it.

Availability of Relevant Data: The project assumes that all necessary data such as employee
designation, payroll data, etc. are available and up to date.

Data Security: The project assumes that appropriate security measures are in place to protect the
confidential employee data.

3. Specific Requirements
User authentication and authorization: Implementing user authentication and authorization
features so that users can log in, access their personalized profiles, and perform necessary actions
based on their roles.
Employee management: Creating employee profiles and maintaining details like personal and
contact information, job designation, salary.
A dashboard that can help HR staff get an overview of the organization's HR activities,
including employee status,

Software Requirements Specification Page 3


3.2 Functional Requirements

User Management: The system should allow HR managers to create and manage user profiles of

Employee Records: The application should allow HR managers to maintain all employee
records, including personal information, contact details, employment history.

Authentication: The HRMS should provide role-based access control mechanisms, ensuring that
only authorized personnel can access and edit the employee data.

3.3 Use Cases

This HRMS (Human Resource Management System) project in Django has several use cases,
such as:
3.3.1 Use Case #1
Employee Management: The system should be able to manage the employee data of the
company. This includes tracking personal information, contact information, job information and
performance data.
3.3.2 Use Case #2
Employee Access: HRMS can allow employees to access their data, view notifications &
guidelines, update personal information.

3.4 Classes / Objects

3.4.1 <Class / Object #1>
Employee - This class can have attributes like employee ID, name, address, contact info, job
title, department, and supervisor.
. Attributes

User-Friendly Interface: HRMS projects should have an easy-to-use interface for both HR
managers and employees to manage their tasks.

Authentication and Authorization: An HRMS project should have a robust authentication and
authorization system to ensure the security of sensitive HR data.

Employee Management: HRMS projects should enable HR managers to manage employee data,
such as personal information, job roles, salaries, benefits, and attendance records.

Software Requirements Specification Page 4

<HRMS> Functions
The system will include different functions, such as creating and maintaining employee records,
the system should allow HR managers to create and manage user profiles of employees, the
HRMS should provide role-based access control mechanisms, ensuring that only authorized
personnel can access and edit the employee data
3.4.2 <Class / Object #2>
Department - This class can be used for the organization's different departments, with attributes
such as department name, head, and number of employees.
Job Title - This class can keep track of various job titles, with attributes such as job title name
and minimum qualifications

3.5 Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements for a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) project in
Django include:
3.5.1 Performance
Once the application starts, the user application should complete all tasks without errors.
3.5.2 Accessibility: The system should be accessible to all users, and should meet standards for
accessibility compliance.
3.5.3 Availability The system should be available to users at all times, with effective disaster
recovery measures and backup power for uninterrupted use.
3.5.4 Security the system should have strong security measures in place to protect employee
data, such as password-protected access, encryption, and user authentication features.
3.5.5 Maintainability The system should be easy to maintain and upgrade, with minimal
downtime for updates and modifications.
3.5.6 Portability
The system should be capable to be moved across different platforms or environments without
loss of functionality so that it enables organizations to deploy them in multiple environments.

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4.1 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

4.2 Database Diagram

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