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describes how the voice rises and falls in speech. It conveys differences of expressive
meaning (e.g., surprise, anger, or delight), and it can also serve a grammatical function.
There are falling intonation, rising intonation and fall-rise intonation.
Falling intonation describes how the voice falls on the final stressed syllable of a phrase or a
group of words

I think we are completely l↘ost.

Rising intonation describes how the voice rises at the end of a sentence. Rising intonation is common in
yes-no questions:

Are you a new d↗octor?

Fall-rise intonation describes how the voice falls and then rises. We use fall-rise intonation at the end of
statements when we want to say that we are not sure, or we want smth to add, also use when we request
information or invite somebody to do or to have something.

function of intonation is distinguishing between types of sentences (i.e., statements, questions, commands,
requests, exclamations).(syntactical)

Prosody(проседі) is the study of how language sounds. and how these features contribute to meaning.

The main prosodic(пресодік) features are intonation, stress, rhythm(рисм), and pauses(позес). These are
an important part of speech as they can help structure the things we say and affect meaning.

Word stress - is the stress placed on a given syllable in a word.

Rhythm - is the speed of how you say a sentence.

Pause – delay in speech.


Pitch or speech melody is variations in the height(хайт) of the voice during speech- the high or low level of

Timbre(тембр) – a special coloring of the voice in pronouncing sentences which shows the speaker’s

The tempo of speech – it’s speed of how you say a sentence

Rhythm – it’s repetition of stressed syllables at more or less equal intervals of time

Tone – is a variation in the pitch of the voice while speaking

The Articulatory aspect focuses on the physical production of speech sounds by the articulatory organs.

Acoustic aspect : focuses on the physical properties of the sound waves produced during speech. Examples:
human voice, wind, door slamming.

Auditory aspect: focuses on how listeners perceive the sounds of language. Examples: communication
between humans, listening based test.

Functional aspect considers the purpose and role of speech sounds in language communication.


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