History of Lego

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Від дерев’яних качечок до лего-

всесвіту: історія LEGO
2020 was a devastating year for the global economy. The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a devastating
blow to business. In March 2021, the financial reports of global companies for the past year shocked with
billions of dollars in losses. The world's largest manufacturer of construction sets, the Danish Lego Group,
also presents its financial report. And it turns out that 2020 was a dizzyingly successful year for the
company. Sales grew by 21%. In the year of the pandemic, the company managed to open 134 new stores,
91 of which were in China. In this episode of Eight, we'll look back at how the story of Lego, the world's
most popular construction set, began. You'll learn how the tenth child of a farming family was able to found
a Lego empire and make his great-grandchildren billionaires. How did he switch from making doors and
coffins to toys? Who actually had the idea to produce construction sets with bricks that attach to each

The history of the Lego empire began on April 7, 1891, when Ole Kirk Christiansen was born into a family of
a wealthy farming dynasty in a small village north of Bilund. He was the tenth child in the family. Ole never
complained about his childhood, although he had to work hard from an early age. He was already working
with his father in the stables and fields when he was a little boy. At the age of 14, he began to learn
carpentry, and at 20, he received an apprenticeship certificate.

In 1947, Ole Kirstensen's son, Godfred, became the company's CEO. He was inventive and dreamed of
creating a toy that could be built and rebuilt in different ways. In 1949, Godfred invented LEGO Brick, a
brick that could be attached to each other from any side. This was a real breakthrough in the world of toys,
and LEGO Brick became the basis for the creation of the most popular toy in the world - the LEGO set.

In 1958, LEGO released the first LEGO System set, which consisted of 28 different elements. Since then, the
company has been constantly developing and releasing new sets that have become very popular among
children and adults around the world. Today, LEGO is one of the largest toy companies in the world,
headquartered in Denmark and with branches in more than 140 countries.

Thus, the story of LEGO is a success story, the creation of a simple toy that was able to become popular all
over the world, thanks to the creativity and perseverance of Ole Kirstensen and his family. Today, LEGO
continues to delight children and adults with its toys and contributes to the development of creativity and
imagination in future generations.

Висновком з даної історії можна зробити, що успіх в бізнесі залежить від багатьох факторів, таких як
творчість, науковий підхід до виробництва, вміння пристосовуватися до змін на ринку та виробництві
продуктів, які задовольняють потреби споживачів. LEGO - це чудовий приклад успішної компанії, яка
завдяки винахідливості і наполегливості змогла створити просту іграшку, яка стала надзвичайно
популярною по всьому світу. Важливо також зазначити, що успіх компанії не відбувся за один день, а
був результатом років наполегливої роботи та розвитку. Лего продовжує радувати дітей і дорослих
своїми іграшками і допомагає розвивати творчість і уяву у майбутніх поколіннях.

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