What Is Digital Marketing Content

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1. What is content marketing?

Define and provide an example

It is a way to share content such as information, news, and entertainment on different sites.
Some people see it like a strategy, others like an approach, but the idea is the same to
distribute relevant information to make your product known. For example, if you post about 4
ways to make a pizza, you will have to create publicity on social media so that people reach
your articles.

2. Why is it important to develop a digital marketing strategy first, before

developing your content marketing approach? (hint: remember when we
learned about strategy and tactics)

Creating the strategy lets you see who the campaign is directed to, so you know which
channel they use frequently, which formats they engage the most, and which are their
interests. Therefore, it is essential to have the strategy before starting to create content in
order to know what you will say and how your content will reach your audience.

3. What are some content marketing best practices?

You have to work on your goals objectives to create content appropriately. For example, if
you want leads, work on your website, how it looks, how easy it is find the information, and
the keywords. Search content to familiarize more about what your audience wants really
read and boost your SEO and search engine ranking. Focus on evergreen content because
you will just have to keep it updated

4. Why is evergreen content important?

It is a type of content that is unchangeable through the time because it is something

very specific like how to make a pizza, the ingredients will always be the same, the
preparation could be a little different, but the result is the same.

5. What is a real example of evergreen content (include link), and what

makes it evergreen?


You see, there is not a new way to prepare pizza every day, so this information is
reserved over time.

6. What are some best practices for creating content mockups to present to
the client?
Using the right fonts, sometimes you could use your similar website fonts. Be sure
people can look at the mobile screen which is the first that they use seeing social
media content, and working on the smallest version first, then you scale down. Use
compatible wireframing and prototyping tools so as to digitize better.

7.Why is a content calendar key for a digital marketing campaign?

As you organize your strategy, and plan your customer journey, then it is time to
select dates to achieve your goals. Dating will help you know when you have to
publish, what you have to publish. Imagine if you did not have this calendar, you
would not know how your plan is going.

8.How does a content calendar increase marketing efficiency?

It will indicate when you have to publish, what hashtags use, which will be the
format, which is the channel you will use. You set your goals because you have
dates to fulfill your taks.

9.How does a content calendar provide insight into future content tactics?

You will see how your strategy worked, and you could improve and add new material
to your future content.

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